References are to document numbers
- Aaron, David:
- Angola:
- Namibia, 372
- Rhodesia:
- South Africa:
- Abubakar, Yaya, 200
- Adamu, Gen. Martin, 171
- Afghanistan, Soviet invasion of, 42
- AFL–CIO, 40
- Ahtisaari, Martti, 90, 99, 107, 111, 128
- Akadiri, J.A. Oladel, 171, 200
- Alexander, Michael, 252
- Anderson, David, 86, 90
- Angola (see also Frontline States)
- Cuban military presence:
- Humanitarian relief for, 1
- Namibia and, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 76
- South African aggression against, 15, 31, 32, 34, 115, 118
- Soviet military support, 2, 12, 15
- UNITA insurgency:
- U.S. relations with:
- Zairean relations with, 30, 40, 41, 200
- Apartheid, U.S. opposition to. See South Africa, U.S. actions against; South Africa, U.S. policy toward
- Armstrong, Robert, 252
- Arzika, M., 171
- Atherton, Alfred L. “Roy,” 292
- Aaron, David:
- Bailey, Larry, 318
- Barlow, Peter, 238
- Barry, Charles, 292
- Bartholomew, Reginald, 188
- Becker, John, 178
- Begin, Menachem, 300
- Bennet, Douglas J., Jr., 210, 227, 230
- Bergold, Harry E., Jr., 360, 361
- Bergsten, C. Fred, 169
- Biko, Steve, 318, 321, 327
- Billington, Glen, 212
- Bin Musa, Haruna, 171, 200
- Blacken, John D., 99
- Blackwill, Robert D., 42, 252
- Bloomfield, Lincoln P., 127
- Blumenthal, W. Michael, 230, 231, 267, 268, 349
- Bomani, Paul, 68, 164
- Bongo, El Hadj Omar, 74
- Bongo, Martin, 74
- Borg, C. Arthur, 268
- Boright, John P., 287
- Botha, P.W., 215, 355, 365
- Botha, R.F. (Pik):
- Carter correspondence, 94, 102, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124
- Lowenstein meetings, 222
- Namibia, 121
- Carter correspondence, 94, 102, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124
- Remarks on McHenry, 123
- Seven Point Proposal, 45, 46
- Turnhalle Constitutional Conference, 43, 44, 47, 48, 52
- UN Security Council Resolution 435, 98
- Western Contact Group diplomacy:
- Carter talks, 101
- Démarche, 49, 50
- Proximity talks (1978), 79
- Proximity talks (1979), 109, 110, 114, 118
- Secretary General’s report (Aug. 1978), 91, 93
- Settlement Proposal, 85, 88, 90
- South Africa talks first session, 52, 53, 54, 55
- South Africa talks second session, 58, 59, 60
- South Africa talks third session, 73
- Vance correspondence, 118, 311
- Vance talks, 95, 96, 100, 281
- Political situation, 220
- Rhodesia:
- South African aggression against Angola, 118
- South African human rights overviews, 373
- South African nuclear capabilities:
- U.S. actions against South Africa, 356
- U.S. policy toward South Africa, 262, 273, 276, 278,
281, 355
- Carter discussions, 269
- Young visit proposals, 275
- Botswana (see also Frontline States; Khama, Seretse), 48
- Bowdler, William G.:
- Boyd, Lord (Andrew Lennox-Boyd), 235
- Brement, Marshall, 42
- Brewster, Kingman, Jr., 163, 211, 235, 238, 252
- Bridges, Peter S., 46, 107
- Brown, Emerson, 11, 12
- Brown, Frederick, 131
- Brown, Gen. George S., 259, 267, 313
- Brown, Harold:
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew K.:
- Angola:
- Namibia:
- Rhodesia:
- April 1979 elections, 220, 231, 372
- Cease-fire airlift, 247, 251, 255
- Chimoio raid (1977), 177
- Descriptive terms, 240
- Interagency Group report, 149
- Internal Settlement, 188, 193, 194, 201
- Internal settlement proposals/negotiations, 137
- Lancaster House Conference, 252
- Muzorewa government status, 236
- Owen-Vance peace plan:
- Sanctions, 157, 217, 230, 237, 249, 250, 372
- U.S.-British all-parties meeting proposals, 193, 200, 217
- U.S.-South African communications, 261
- Zambia strike threat (1977), 154, 155
- South Africa:
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 42
- U.S. relations with Mozambique, 310
- U.S.-Zimbabwean relations, 254, 256, 258
- Buffum, William B., 127
- Buthelezi, Mangosuthu (Zulu prince), 278
- Butiku, Joseph, 68, 164
- Byrd, Robert C., 210, 249
- Byrd Amendment:
- Cable, Bill, 318
- Cahill, Jacklyn A., 160
- Callaghan, James, 164, 214, 215, 218, 219, 232, 233
- Canada (see also Namibia, Western Contact Group diplomacy), 335
- Carlucci, Frank C., III, 24, 230, 372
- Carrington, Lord (Peter Carington), 235, 246, 252
- Carswell, Robert, 313
- Carter, Hodding, III, 151, 235, 246
- Carter, Jimmy (see also Carter-Vorster
- Angola:
- Kaunda correspondence, 133, 155, 180, 199
- Namibia:
- Botha correspondence, 94, 102, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124
- National Assembly formation (May 1979), 126
- National Security Council discussions, 267, 349
- Pre-Implementation Conference, 129
- Secretary General’s report (Feb. 1979), 125
- Speech (Feb. 2, 1977), 44
- UN Security Council Resolution 435, 101, 107
- U.S.–OAU discussions, 74
- Waldheim discussions, 127
- Western Contact Group diplomacy:
- Botha talks, 101
- Christopher memoranda, 67, 72, 73, 88
- Kaunda correspondence, 87
- Secretary General’s report (Aug. 1978), 93, 94
- Settlement Proposal, 89, 336
- SWAPO New York talks, 67
- U.S.-Tanzanian discussions, 68
- Vance memoranda, 61, 65, 75, 128
- Vorster correspondence, 56, 66, 89, 311, 336
- Waldheim consultations, 63, 65
- Waldheim correspondence, 72
- Nyerere correspondence, 182, 198
- Rhodesia:
- April 1979 elections, 227
- Byrd Amendment, 131, 140, 243
- Chimoio raid (1977), 177
- Descriptive terms, 240
- Interagency Group report, 149
- Internal Settlement, 189, 192, 194
- Internal settlement proposals/negotiations, 131, 141, 143
- Kaunda correspondence, 180, 199
- Lancaster House Conference, 248, 252
- Muzorewa government status, 236, 239, 242
- National Security Council discussions, 267
- Owen-Vance peace plan:
- Christopher memoranda, 146
- Kaunda correspondence, 180, 199
- Nyerere correspondence, 182
- Nyerere discussions, 164
- Owen Africa trip, 148
- Owen discussions, 163
- U.S. military aid for Commonwealth force, 161
- U.S.-Nigerian discussions, 171, 200
- U.S.-Zambian communications, 209
- Vance/Owen-Botha talks, 165
- Vance-Owen discussions, 150
- Vance status reports, 162, 167, 174
- Vorster correspondence, 56, 311
- Sanctions:
- U.S.-British all-parties meeting proposals, 198, 199, 200, 215, 218
- U.S.-British communications, 132, 134, 142
- U.S.–OAU discussions, 74
- U.S.-Zambian communications, 133
- Vance memoranda, 139
- Vorster correspondence, 56, 311, 336
- Zambia strike threat (1977), 155, 156
- South Africa:
- Thatcher correspondence, 256, 257
- U.S. relations with Mozambique, 310
- U.S.-Zimbabwean relations, 253, 256, 257, 258
- Zaire crisis, 1
- Carter-Vorster correspondence:
- Carver, Michael (Baron), 172, 173, 203, 204, 206, 214
- Case-Javits Amendment, 217, 219, 223, 229, 230, 233, 235, 237
- Castro, Fidel (see also Angola, Cuban military presence), 12
- Castrodale, Richard, 197, 346
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (see also Turner, Adm. Stansfield)
- Chand, Prem, 128, 172, 206
- Chidzero, Bernard, 258
- Chikwanda, A.B., 209, 241
- Chissano, Joachim, 204, 310
- Chitunda, Jeremias, 13
- Chona, Mark C., 155, 209, 213, 222
- Christopher, Warren M.:
- Church, Frank, 249
- Clark, Bruce, 246
- Clark, Dick, 24, 188
- Clark amendment (1976), 24, 31, 37
- Clarke, Bruce C., 360, 361
- Clift, A. Denis, 158, 159, 265, 276, 278, 313
- Clingerman, John R., 154
- Cohen, David, 169
- Collins, Cardiss, 225, 249
- Collins Resolution, 318
- Commonwealth of Nations, 136, 236, 238, 241
- Congress, Acts of (see also Byrd Amendment)
- Congress, U.S. (see also Congress, Acts of)
- Congressional Black Caucus, 318
- Conyers, John, 318
- Cooks, Stoney, 175
- Cooper, Frank, 252
- Cooper, Richard N., 209
- Creekmore, Marion V., 366
- Crosland, Anthony, 135, 142
- Cuba (see also Cuban military presence in Angola; Rhodesia, Soviet/Cuban role)
- Cundiff, Carl C., 335
- Cutler, Walter L., 30, 31, 32
- Cutter, W. Bowman, 11
- Davidow, Jeffrey, 45, 138, 184, 195, 196, 212
- Day, Derek, 235, 238
- Deal, Timothy E., 305
- De Borchgrave, Arnaud, 163
- De Laboulaye, François, 307, 341
- Dellums, Ronald, 225
- Dent, John H., 140
- DePree, Willard, 310
- Despres, John, 346, 361
- DeVilliers, D.P., 281
- De Villiers, Fleur, 123
- De Villiers, J.W., 345
- DeVos, Peter J., 375
- Diggs, Charles, 249, 318
- Dobrynin, Anatoly F., 302, 333
- Documents not declassified, 263, 286, 326, 358
- Dodson, Christine, 10, 27, 284, 315, 339
- Donahue, Arnold, 11
- Dos Santos, José Eduardo, 38, 40, 41
- Doubleday, Thomas, 13
- Downey, Thomas J., 222, 225, 227
- Duff, Antony:
- Duncan, Charles W., Jr.:
- Dyke, Jim, 318
- Easum, Donald, 171, 200, 202
- Eaton, William F., 335
- Edmondson, William B., 98
- Eizenstadt, Stuart L., 267, 318
- Eksteen, Adriaan, 91, 97, 107, 158, 276, 278
- Energy, U.S. Department of, 325
- Eteki, William, 74, 138
- Evron, Ephraim, 300, 304
- Falalu, S.O., 200
- Farah, Abdulrahim Abby, 62
- Farley, Philip J., 292, 341
- Fauntroy, Walter, 318
- Federal Republic of Germany (see also Namibia, Western Contact Group diplomacy), 92, 335
- Fenwick, Millicent, 249
- Fergusson, Ewen, 145, 150, 159, 160, 163, 194, 197
- Ferreira, Armenio, 36
- Figuerido, Reinaldo, 81
- Fourie, Brand:
- Namibia:
- Rhodesia:
- South African nuclear capabilities, 371
- Bowdler-Botha discussions, 294, 308
- Bowdler discussions, 298, 299, 328
- Brzezinski discussions, 321
- Edmondson discussions, 347, 352, 370
- Fourie paper, 348
- Jacomet discussions, 341
- Moose-Sole discussions, 320
- U.S.-South African talks (June 1978), 343
- U.S. technical team visit, 331, 332
- Vance-Botha communications, 296, 311, 338
- U.S. policy toward South Africa, 273, 276, 278, 321
- France (see also Namibia, Western Contact Group diplomacy)
- François-Poncet, Jean, 371
- Frontline States (see also Kaunda, Kenneth;
Khama, Seretse; Machel, Samora; Nyerere, Julius)
- Luanda summit (1978), 87
- Namibia:
- Rhodesia:
- CIA information cables, 137
- Hughes Mission, 219
- Internal Settlement, 190, 191
- Internal settlement proposals/negotiations, 143
- Muzorewa government status, 235, 241
- Owen-Vance peace plan:
- U.S.-British all-parties meeting proposals, 197
- U.S.-British communications, 135, 159, 160, 163
- U.S.-Zambian communications, 133
- Vance status reports, 162, 167
- U.S.-Angolan relations and, 34, 41
- U.S. relations with, 34
- Funk, Jerry:
- Funk, William, 11
- Gallini, Linda, 366
- Gallucci, Robert L., 351
- Garba, Joseph, 86, 171, 200, 204
- Garrison, Mark J., 289, 302, 333
- Garwin, Dick, 363
- Gause, George, 32
- Gaylard, Jack, 171, 172, 211, 216
- Gelbard, Robert S., 335
- Geldenhuys, Gen. Jannie, 121
- Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, 92
- Gilmour, Ian, Rhodesia, 235, 241
- Goldsmith, Sydney, 44, 187
- Graham, John:
- Gray, Bill, 249
- Gregg, Donald, 37
- Grennan, Denis, 150
- Griffin, James, 372
- Griffith, William, 42
- Guhin, Michael, 343, 346, 353
- Guiringaud, Louis de, 290
- Gurirab, Tsudao, 86, 117
- Habib, Philip C., 44, 138, 145, 147, 297
- Hansell, Herbert J., 212
- Hare, Paul J., 108, 246, 258, 373
- Harlech, David, 236, 238
- Harmon, John, 11
- Harrop, William C., 201, 212, 222
- Hart, Roger L., 184
- Hartman, Arthur A., 45, 295
- Haslam, C.L., 313
- Hatfield, Mark O., 222
- Hawkins, Augustus, 318
- Hawkins, Harold, 138, 153, 154, 156, 178
- Hayakawa, Samuel I., 223, 225, 229
- Helman, Gerald B., 44, 86, 107, 195, 197, 351
- Helms, Jesse A., 222, 248, 249, 250
- Helms Amendment, 210, 212, 243
- Henderson, Nicholas “Nicko,” 252
- Henze, Paul B., 10, 11, 18, 23, 201
- Holloway, Anne, 86, 169, 179, 188, 222, 313
- Hornblow, Michael, 265, 267
- Hoskinson, Samuel M., 11
- Houghton, Arthur A., 197, 213, 292
- Houphouët-Boigny, Félix, 5, 15
- Hufbauer, Gary, 372
- Hughes, Cledwyn, 218, 219, 232
- Hughes-Ryan Amendment (1974), 21
- Hull, Richard, 235
- Hyland, William G., 288
- Jackson, Richard, 107, 222, 234
- Jacomet, Andre, 341
- Jamieson, Donald, 80, 86, 92, 112, 114, 115, 116
- Janka, Leslie A., 265
- Javits, Jacob K., 249
- Jay, Peter, 163, 194, 216, 235
- Jayne, Edward Randy, 11, 24
- Johnson, James, 158, 276, 278
- Jolaoso, Olujimi, 171
- Jonathan, Leabua, 138
- Jones, Gen. David C., 201, 231, 349
- Jordan, Hamilton, 349
- Jorge, Paulo, 26, 30, 31, 32, 86
- Kahan, Jerome H., 307, 351, 353
- Kamanga, R.C., 209
- Katjavivi, Peter, 44, 47
- Katz, Julius L., 140
- Katzen, Jay, 50, 158, 159, 276, 278
- Kaunda, Kenneth:
- Angola, 5
- Carter correspondence, 133, 155, 180, 199
- Hughes Mission, 219
- Namibia, 76, 87
- Rhodesia:
- Callaghan discussions, 214
- Carter correspondence, 133, 180, 199
- Lowenstein meetings, 222
- Owen-Vance peace plan, 168, 171, 175, 209
- Raids on Zambia (Nov. 1979), 246
- Richard discussions, 135
- Strike threat (1977), 154, 155
- U.S.-British all-parties meeting proposals, 199, 215
- U.S. role, 139
- Vance-Botha discussions, 141
- Kauzlarich, Richard D., 335
- Keeley, Robert V., 106, 107, 118, 218, 222, 258, 353
- Kelley, Robert, 307, 340, 343
- Keogh, Dennis W., 135, 176, 187, 191, 197, 287
- Kerina, Mburumba, 58
- Khama, Seretse, 76, 141, 168, 219
- Kissinger, Henry A., 52, 159, 160, 260
- Knoche, Enno Henry, 137, 265
- Kombila, Rene, 74
- Komer, Robert W., 246
- Konie, Gwendoline, 81
- Koornhof, Piet, 123
- Kreisberg, Paul H., 292
- Kreps, Juanita M., 324, 329
- Laingen, Lowell B., 184, 185, 186
- Lake, W. Anthony:
- Angola, 372
- Namibia, 109, 372
- Rhodesia:
- April 1979 elections, 372
- Internal Settlement, 188, 195
- Lowenstein proposal, 222
- Muzorewa government status, 235, 238
- Owen-Vance peace plan, 158, 159, 169, 175, 200, 202, 216
- Raids on Zambia (Nov. 1979), 246
- Sanctions, 230, 234, 248, 372
- U.S.-British all-parties meeting proposals, 197, 200, 216
- Zambia strike threat (1977), 154, 155, 156
- South Africa, 276, 278, 313
- Lamb, Denis, 8
- Lancaster House Conference, 243, 244, 246, 248, 252
- Lanpher, Edward, 318
- Laver, Patrick, 145, 150, 159
- Leonard, James:
- LeSotho, 138
- Lewis, Richard, 332
- Lima, Olga, 81, 204
- Lobo, Jose Carlos, 81, 310
- Locke, Allen W.:
- Low, Stephen:
- Lowenstein, Allard, 222, 224
- Lucas, William E., 375
- Luce, Richard, 235, 236
- Luers, William H., 288
- MacFarlane, Lewis R., 328, 346, 353, 366, 368, 369
- Machel, Samora (see also Frontline States)
- Madzimbamuto, Daniel, 151
- Mafara, Stephen, 216
- Maguire, Andrew, 225
- Malan, Gen. Magnus, 93, 322
- Malecela, John, 68, 164
- Malson, Bob, 318
- Mandela, Winnie, 278
- Mansfield, Philip, 145, 150, 159
- Marcuss, Stanley J., 169
- Markey, Ed, 318
- Martin, Louis, 258
- Martin, Thomas G., 183, 195, 288
- Mashingaidze, Elleck K., 258
- Matthews, Gary L., 287, 288
- Maynes, Charles W.:
- Mazibuko, Fanyana, 374, 375
- McAfee, William, 11
- McCloskey, Paul N., Jr., 222
- McCormick, Keith, 307
- McGiffert, David E., 24, 201, 313
- McGovern, George, 33, 223, 225, 229
- McHenry, Donald F.:
- Angola, 25, 38, 41, 372
- Botha remarks on, 123
- Namibia:
- UN Security Council Resolution 435, 98
- U.S.-Angolan discussions, 32
- Western Contact Group diplomacy:
- Draft assessment, 76
- Frontline States meetings, 111, 117
- Proximity talks (1979), 113, 114, 117, 372
- Secretary General’s report (Aug. 1978), 91, 92
- Settlement Proposal, 86
- South Africa talks, 52, 58
- SWAPO New York talks, 69, 71, 84
- U.S.-Nigerian discussions, 171
- U.S.-Tanzanian discussions, 68
- Waldheim consultations, 57
- Rhodesia:
- South Africa, 265, 276, 278
- U.S.-Zimbabwean relations, 258
- Mdee, Samy, 68, 164, 205
- Menzel, Joerg, 332
- Miller, George, 225
- Mitchell, Bunny, 318
- Mitchell, George H., 107
- Mitchell, Parren, 318
- Mkapa, Benjamin:
- Mobutu Sese Seko, 26, 27, 33
- Moffett, Anthony Toby, 225
- Mogwe, Archibald, 81, 111, 116, 117, 204
- Mondale, Walter:
- Montiero, Jaime, 86
- Moore, Frank, 249, 318
- Moose, George, 197, 215, 216, 218, 220, 221, 234
- Moose, Richard M., Jr.:
- Angola:
- Namibia:
- Rhodesia:
- April 1979 elections, 220, 221, 223, 226, 372
- Chimoio raid (1977), 176, 177
- Internal Settlement, 188, 190, 191, 194, 195
- Muzorewa government status, 235, 238, 239
- Owen-Vance peace plan:
- Raids on Zambia (Nov. 1979), 246
- Sanctions, 230, 249, 372
- U.S.-British all-parties meeting proposals, 197, 200, 214, 216
- South Africa:
- U.S. relations with Mozambique, 310
- U.S.-Zimbabwean relations, 258
- Moreton, John, 138, 163
- Morse, David, 33
- Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 240
- Mozambique (see also Frontline States; Machel, Samora)
- Mugabe, Robert (see also Patriotic Front)
- Mulaisho, D.C., 209
- Mulder, Cornelius (Connie), 34
- Murray, Robert, 361
- Muskie, Edmund S., 129, 358, 374, 375
- Mutasa, Joyce, 195
- Mutukwa, Kasuka, 213
- Mutuswa, Solomon (Rex Nhongo), 200
- Muzorewa, Abel (see also Rhodesia,
Salisbury Group), 135
- April 1979 elections, 220, 228, 229
- Government status, 234, 235, 236, 238, 239, 241, 242
- Hughes Mission, 219
- Internal Settlement, 195
- Internal settlement proposals/negotiations, 137, 174
- Lowenstein meetings, 222
- Owen-Vance peace plan, 145, 146, 162, 166, 168, 172
- Sanctions, 212, 234
- U.S.-British all-parties meeting proposals, 207, 212
- Vance-Botha discussions, 141
- Young-Ramphal discussions, 136
- Mwale, Siteke, 81, 154, 162, 204, 209
- Mwanakatwe, J. M., 209
- Nach, James, 97, 177
- Namibia:
- Carter-Botha correspondence, 94, 102, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124
- Carter-Waldheim discussions, 127
- CIA information cables, 121
- Department of State paper, 284
- Elections (1978), 101
- National Assembly formation (May 1979), 126
- National Security Council discussions, 267
- National Security Council study, 264
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 230, 265, 285, 372
- Pre-Implementation Conference, 129, 130
- Presidential Review Memoranda, 259
- Secretary General’s report (Aug. 1978), 91, 92, 93, 94, 95
- Secretary General’s report (Feb. 1979), 103, 112, 124, 125
- Settlement Proposal:
- Seven Point Proposal, 45, 46, 52, 260
- Turnhalle Constitutional Conference:
- UN negotiations, 34
- UN Security Council Resolution 338, 349
- UN Security Council Resolution 439, 97
- U.S.-Angolan discussions, 30, 31, 32, 36
- U.S.-British discussions, 160
- U.S.-Mozambique discussions, 310
- U.S.-Nigerian discussions, 200
- U.S.–OAU discussions, 74
- U.S.-South African communications, 260
- U.S.–UNITA communications, 40
- U.S.-Zambian communications, 209
- Western Contact Group diplomacy (see
also Settlement Proposal above)
- Administrator General appointment and, 64
- Carter-Kaunda correspondence, 87
- Carter-Waldheim correspondence, 72
- Christopher memoranda, 67, 68, 72, 73, 76, 88
- Démarche, 49, 50, 272, 273
- Draft assessment, 76
- Frontline States meetings, 81, 111, 116, 117
- National Security Council discussions, 349
- Proximity talks (1978), 77, 79, 80
- Proximity talks (1979), 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 372
- South Africa New York talks, 82
- South Africa talks first session, 52, 53, 54, 55, 59
- South Africa talks second session, 58, 59, 60
- South Africa talks third session, 73
- SWAPO New York talks, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 75, 84
- UN Security Council Resolution 435, 98, 99, 101, 103, 104, 107
- U.S.-Nigerian discussions, 171
- U.S.-South African communications:
- U.S.-Tanzanian discussions, 68
- Vance memoranda, 61, 65, 75, 128
- Vance-Nujoma meeting, 83
- Waldheim consultations, 55, 57, 62, 63, 65
- Working paper, 51
- Namibia National Front (NNF), 110, 112
- National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). See Angola, UNITA insurgency.
- N’dong, Laon, 81
- Nelson, Harvey, 153, 155, 156
- Neto, Agostinho:
- Newsom, David D.:
- Newton, Alan, 361
- Ngonda, Putteho M., 209
- Nigeria:
- Niles, Thomas M., 86, 97, 106, 107, 108, 118, 335
- Nkomo, Joshua (see also Patriotic Front)
- Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), 301
- Nujoma, Sam, 47
- Nyakyi, Anthony, 68, 164
- Nye, Joseph S., 307, 320, 328, 332
- Nyerere, Julius (see also Frontline
States), 68
- Carter correspondence, 182, 198
- Namibia, 76
- Rhodesia:
- Obasanjo, Lt. Gen. Olusegun:
- Odom, Brig. Gen. William, 360, 361
- O’Leary, John, 169
- O’Linn, Brian, 113
- Oplinger, Gerard G., 287, 292, 362
- Organization of African Unity (OAU):
- Owen, David A.L.:
- Namibia:
- Rhodesia:
- Internal Settlement, 189, 190, 194, 197, 207
- Owen-Vance peace plan:
- Africa trip, 148, 269, 272, 273
- Carter discussions, 163
- Dar es Salaam talks (1978), 203, 204, 205
- Malta talks, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187
- Moose talks, 173
- Pretoria Patriotic Front talks, 206
- U.S. military aid for Commonwealth force, 161
- Vance correspondence, 147, 187, 190, 191
- Vance discussions, 145, 150, 160, 179, 181, 214
- Vance/Owen-Botha talks, 165
- U.S.-British all-parties meeting proposals, 194, 197, 203, 207, 208, 214
- Owen, Henry D., 252, 258, 360, 361, 367
- Palliser, Michael, 145, 150, 159, 235, 252
- Parmenter, William:
- Pastor, Robert A., 27
- Patriotic Front (see also Mugabe, Robert;
Nkomo, Joshua)
- April 1979 elections, 229
- Hughes Mission, 219
- Internal Settlement and, 188, 190, 196
- Internal settlement proposals/negotiations, 137, 141, 143
- Lancaster House Conference, 243, 244, 246, 248, 252
- Muzorewa government and, 235, 241
- OAU recognition, 74, 138, 164
- OAU resolution (1979), 242
- Owen-Vance peace plan and:
- Carter-Nyerere correspondence, 182
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 168
- Dar es Salaam talks (1978), 203, 204, 209
- Malta talks, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 196
- Pretoria talks, 206
- U.S.-British communications, 150, 159, 160, 163
- U.S.-Nigerian discussions, 200
- U.S.-South African communications, 153
- Vance discussions, 196, 202
- Vance status reports, 162, 167, 174
- Soviet/Cuban support for, 160, 163, 194
- U.S.-British all-parties meeting proposals, 196, 197, 198
- U.S.-British communications, 135
- Vance-Muzorewa discussions, 195
- Young-Ramphal discussions, 136
- Pell, Claiborne, 249
- Perito, Robert M., 275, 308
- Perry, Rhodesia, 235
- Petterson, Donald K.:
- Pickering, Thomas R., 351, 353, 364
- Pinson, Valerie, 318
- Policy Review Committee (PRC):
- Pompa, Leonard, 177
- Porrino, Frank, 11
- Portugal, 13
- Potts, James, 201
- Presidential Determinations, No. 80–6, “Maintenance of Sanctions Against Zimbabwe-Rhodesia,” 245
- Presidential Directives, NSC–5, “Southern Africa,” 144, 268
- Presidential Review Memoranda, NSC–4, “South Africa and Rhodesian Negotiations,” 259
- Press, Frank, 258, 363, 368
- Price, Melvin, 243
- Punabantu, M.J., 209
- Qoboza, Percy, 327
- Ramphal, Sridath “Sonny,” 136
- Ramphul, Radha Krishna, 81
- Ramsbotham, Peter, 132, 138
- Rangel, Charles, 318
- Reddy, Leo, 90
- Reid, Martin, 150, 159, 221
- Reinhardt, John E., 4, 6, 11, 17, 240
- Rentschler, James M.T., 42
- Renwick, Robin, 238
- Reynders, Thomas R., 97, 108
- Rhodesia (see also U.S.-Zimbabwean
- Anglo-American Plan. See Owen-Vance peace plan below.
- April 1979 elections:
- Cease-fire airlift, 247, 251, 255
- Chimoio raid (1977), 175, 176, 177
- Chimoio raid on Mozambique (1977), 175, 176, 177
- Constitution (Jan. 1979), 220, 225
- Descriptive terms, 240
- Interagency Group report, 149
- Internal Settlement:
- Brzezinski memoranda, 193
- Helms Amendment, 210, 212
- Nkomo-Smith discussions, 216
- Owen-Sithole discussions, 189
- Owen-Vance peace plan comparison, 192
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 188
- Salisbury Group talks, 207, 216
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 201
- U.S.-British communications, 190, 191, 194, 197
- U.S. public opinion, 209
- U.S.-South African communications, 208, 336
- Vance-Muzorewa discussions, 195
- Vance-Patriotic Front discussions, 196
- Internal settlement proposals/negotiations:
- CIA information cables, 137
- Department of State paper, 284
- Malta talks, 186
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 175, 285
- Smith statement (Jan. 1977), 131, 133, 260
- Smith-Vorster meeting (Feb. 1977), 137, 138, 140
- U.S.-British discussions, 163
- U.S.-Nigerian discussions, 171
- U.S.-South African communications, 141, 143, 260
- Vance-Sithole discussions, 175
- Vance status reports, 174
- Lancaster House Conference, 243, 244, 246, 248, 252
- Lowenstein proposal, 222, 224
- Missionary massacre (June 23, 1978), 212
- Muzorewa government status:
- National Security Council study, 264
- Owen-Vance peace plan:
- British white paper, 182
- Carter-Kaunda correspondence, 180, 199
- Carter-Nyerere correspondence, 182
- Carter-Nyerere discussions, 164
- Carver-Chand talks, 172, 214
- Christopher memoranda, 146, 214
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 168
- Dar es Salaam talks (1978), 202, 203, 204, 205, 209
- Department of State paper, 284
- Internal Settlement comparison, 192
- Malta talks, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 196
- Owen Africa trip, 148, 269, 272, 273
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 169, 175
- Pretoria Patriotic Front talks, 206
- Salisbury Group talks, 216
- Smith-Kaunda discussions, 171
- Smith press conference (Nov. 24, 1977), 182
- Smith press conference (Sept. 2, 1977), 171
- U.S.-British communications:
- U.S. military aid for Commonwealth force, 161
- U.S.-Nigerian discussions, 171, 200
- U.S.–OAU discussions, 74
- U.S.-South African communications, 153
- U.S.-Zambian communications, 209
- Vance-Muzorewa discussions, 166
- Vance-Nkomo discussions, 151
- Vance-Nyerere discussions, 166, 202
- Vance/Owen-Botha talks, 165
- Vance-Patriotic Front discussions, 196
- Vance status reports, 162, 167, 174
- Political situation, 158
- Presidential Review Memoranda, 259
- Raids on Zambia (Nov. 1979), 246
- Salisbury Group (see also April 1979 elections above), 203, 206, 207, 214, 219, 222
- Salisbury talks. See Internal settlement proposals/negotiations above.
- Sanctions (see also Byrd Amendment)
- Aaron memoranda, 170, 231
- British violation of, 214
- Brzezinski memoranda, 217, 237, 249, 250
- CIA analysis, 144
- Defense Authorization Bill, 243
- Helms Amendment, 210, 212, 243
- Interagency Group report, 149
- Low memoranda, 219
- OAU resolution (1979), 242
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 169, 175, 230, 372
- Presidential Determination, 245
- Schaufele memoranda, 157
- U.S.-British discussions, 235, 248, 252
- U.S.-South African communications, 208
- Vance memoranda, 139, 223, 226, 229, 244
- Vance-Muzorewa communications, 212, 234
- Soviet/Cuban role:
- UN Security Council Resolution 409, 157
- UN Security Council Resolution 423, 193, 194, 197, 199
- U.S.-British all-parties meeting proposals (see also Lancaster House Conference
- Brzezinski memoranda, 193, 217
- Carter/Callaghan-Kaunda correspondence, 215
- Carter/Callaghan-Nyerere correspondence, 215
- Carter-Kaunda correspondence, 199
- Carter-Owen discussions, 194
- Hughes Mission, 218, 219
- Low-Smith discussions, 211
- Salisbury Group talks, 207, 216
- U.S.-Nigerian discussions, 200
- U.S.-South African communications, 208
- U.S.-Zambian communications, 213
- Vance-Carrington discussions, 235
- Vance-Muzorewa discussions, 195, 212
- Vance-Owen discussions, 197, 203, 214
- Vance-Patriotic Front discussions, 196
- U.S.-British communications:
- U.S.-Mozambique discussions, 310
- U.S.-South African communications, 46, 140, 141, 261
- U.S. strategy, 139, 264, 267
- U.S.-Tanzanian discussions, 68
- U.S.-Zambian communications, 133, 209
- Zambia strike threat (1977), 154, 155, 156
- Ribicoff, Abraham A., 160
- Richard, Ivor, 135, 138, 159, 214, 260
- Richardson, Henry J.:
- Roberto, Holden, 40
- Roberts, Gwen, 230
- Roberts, Owen, 372
- Robinson, John, 197
- Rodrigues, M.A.D., 81
- Rohan, Albert, 127
- Rosenberg, Robert, 361
- Rowlands, Ted, 145, 150, 214
- Rustin, Bayard, 235
- Rweyemamu, Justinian, 68, 164
- Salim, Salim Ahmed, 81, 204
- Salmon, William, 351
- Sanu, E.O., Rhodesia, 200
- Saunders, Harold H., 11, 137
- Savimbi, Jonas (see also Angola, UNITA insurgency), 5, 35, 40
- Schaufele, William E., Jr.:
- Schecter, Jerrold, 127, 310, 360, 361
- Scheinman, Lawrence, 287
- Schmidt, Michael, 107
- Schmiel, Eugene D., 234
- Schrage, Barbara J., 366
- Scott, David, 260
- Seelye, Talcott, 141, 152, 275, 287
- Seitz, Raymond G.H., 135, 141, 145, 150, 151, 159, 235
- Senghor, Léopold Sédar, 5
- Shankle, Arthur, 48
- Shearer, Jeremy, 260, 269
- Shenstone, Michael, 53
- Shipanga, Andreas, 113
- Shulman, Marshall D., 288, 333
- Sick, Capt. Gary, 24
- Siegel, Jeffrey R., 292
- Siena, James, 360
- Sithole, Ndabaningi (see also Rhodesia, Salisbury Group)
- Slocombe, Walter, 11, 188
- Smith, Bill, 318
- Smith, David, 203
- Smith, Gerard C.:
- South African nuclear capabilities:
- Botha discussions, 371
- Bowdler-Botha discussions, 308, 309
- Bowdler-Fourie discussions, 328
- Brzezinski memoranda, 342
- Christopher memoranda, 346
- Possible detonation, 361
- Sole discussions, 340, 368
- U.S.-French discussions, 341
- U.S.-South African talks (June 1978), 343, 344, 345, 348
- Vance memoranda, 307, 351, 353, 364
- South African nuclear capabilities:
- Smith, Ian (see also Rhodesia; Rhodesia,
Salisbury Group)
- April 1979 elections, 220, 221
- Congressional outreach to, 34
- Internal Settlement, 216
- Internal settlement proposals/negotiations:
- Lowenstein meetings, 222, 224
- Muzorewa government role, 235, 238, 241
- Owen-Vance peace plan, 145, 150
- Political situation, 158, 168
- U.S.-British all-parties meeting proposals, 197, 207, 211, 216
- Zambia strike threat (1977), 154, 155, 156
- Smith, Lt. Gen. William Y.:
- Snell, John, 216
- Solarz, Stephen J., 188, 235, 249
- Sole, Donald B.:
- Solomon, Anthony M., 265
- South Africa (see also Namibia)
- Aggression against Angola, 15, 31, 32, 34, 115, 118
- Crossroads statement, 123
- Documents not declassified, 263, 286, 326, 358
- Five Power sanctions talks, 335
- Human rights overviews, 327, 373
- Increased political repression:
- Nuclear capabilities:
- Botha/Francois-Poncet discussions, 371
- Bowdler-Botha discussions, 294, 308, 309
- Bowdler-Fourie discussions, 298, 299, 328
- Brzezinski-Fourie discussions, 321
- Brzezinski memoranda, 301, 306, 342
- Carter-Vorster correspondence, 311
- Christopher memoranda, 297, 328, 346
- Edmondson-Botha discussions, 365
- Edmondson-Fourie discussions, 347, 352, 370
- Fourie discussions, 371
- Fourie paper, 348
- Gerard C. Smith-Botha discussions, 371
- Gerard C. Smith-Sole discussions, 340, 368
- Interagency Assessment, 293
- International Atomic Energy Agency membership, 366
- Moose-Sole discussions, 320
- Newsom memoranda, 350
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 313
- Possible detonation, 360, 361, 362, 363, 367, 369
- Soviet démarche, 287, 288, 289, 292
- U.S.-French discussions, 341
- U.S.-Israeli communications, 300, 303, 304
- U.S.-Mozambique discussions, 310
- U.S.-South African talks (June 1978), 340, 342, 343, 344, 345, 348
- U.S.-Soviet communications, 302, 333
- U.S. technical team visit, 330, 331, 332
- Vance-Botha communications, 295, 296, 311, 338
- Vance memoranda, 290, 291, 307, 351, 353, 354, 364
- Political situation, 34, 215
- Rhodesia (see also U.S.-South African communications under Rhodesia)
- Sanctions proposals (see also U.S. actions against below), 138
- Soweto uprising (June 16–24, 1976), 74
- UN Security Council Resolution 417, 321
- UN Security Council Resolution 418, 321
- U.S. actions against:
- Agency contacts review, 277, 282, 283, 312, 334
- Brzezinski memoranda, 314, 324, 329
- Carter-Congressional Black Caucus meeting, 318
- Christopher memoranda, 356
- Collins Resolution, 318
- Department of State papers, 284, 339
- International boycott list proposal, 305
- Kreps memoranda, 329
- National Security Council study, 264
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 285, 313
- Tarnoff memoranda, 279, 316, 319, 325
- Thornton memoranda, 337
- Vance memoranda, 280
- Vance-Young paper, 271
- U.S. corporate policies, 266, 267, 318, 335
- U.S. investments, 264, 284, 337
- U.S. policy toward (see also U.S.
actions against below)
- Air reconnaissance, 230, 355, 357, 359
- Brzezinski-Fourie discussions, 321
- Carter-Botha discussions, 269
- Carter UN speech (Mar. 17, 1977), 271
- Department of State paper, 284
- Intelligence Assessments, 327
- National Security Council discussions, 267, 349
- National Security Council study, 264
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 265, 313
- Presidential Directives, 268
- Presidential Review Memoranda, 259
- U.S.-British discussions, 142, 150
- U.S.-Mozambique discussions, 310
- U.S. public explanations, 284
- U.S.-South African communications:
- U.S.-Zambian communications, 209
- Vance NAACP speech (July 1, 1977), 294
- Vance-Young paper, 271
- Young National Council of Churches remarks (1977), 321
- Young visit proposals, 275
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 42
- Soviet Union (see also Rhodesia, Soviet/Cuban role)
- Soweto uprising (June 16–24, 1976), 74
- Spain, James, 68, 164, 202, 205
- Special Action Group on South Africa, 301
- Special Activities Working Group (SAWG), 11
- Special Coordination Committee (SCC) (see also Special Activities Working Group)
- Spiegel, Marianne, 13, 177, 222
- Spiers, Ronald I., 135, 136, 145, 159
- Spiliotes, Nick, 246
- Squire, Bill, 216
- Squire, Clifford W., 138
- Stark, Pete, 225
- Stennis, John C., 243
- Stevens, Theodore F. (Ted), 249
- Steyn, Marthinius, 64
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 89
- Streator, Edward J., Jr., 173, 295
- Sullivan, Leon, 266, 267
- Sullivan Principles, 266, 267
- SWAPO. See Namibia; Nujoma, Sam
- Swing, William, 13
- Tanzania (see also Frontline States; Nyerere, Julius), 68
- Tarnoff, Peter R.:
- Taylor, J. Clagett, 287
- Tefft, John F., 76
- Thatcher, Margaret H., 236, 241, 250, 252, 256, 257
- Thomas, Francis H., 335
- Thomas, Rear Adm. Gerald E., 169
- Thornton, Thomas P.:
- Thyden, James E., 177, 196, 215, 218, 307
- Tighe, Eugene F., 358
- Tlou, Thomas, 81
- Tongagara, Josiah Magama, 200
- Towsey, Kenneth, 212, 216
- Trattner, John H., 108
- Trevithick, John P., 366
- Tsongas, Paul, 33, 222, 225, 318
- Tuchman, Jessica, 265, 267, 313
- Tunney-Javits amendment (1976), 7, 21
- Turner, Adm. Stansfield:
- Angola:
- Namibia, 372
- Rhodesia:
- South Africa:
- Twaddell, William, 138, 145, 260
- United Kingdom. See Namibia, Western Contact Group diplomacy; Rhodesia; U.S.-British headings under other subject
- United Nations Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG), 34
- UN Security Council Resolution 338, 349
- UN Security Council Resolution 385, 49, 50, 55, 274
- UN Security Council Resolution 409, 157
- UN Security Council Resolution 417, 321
- UN Security Council Resolution 423, 193, 194, 197
- UN Security Council Resolution 447, 115
- Urquhart, Brian, 128
- U.S. Information Agency (USIA), 10
- U.S.-Zimbabwean relations, 253, 254, 256, 257, 258
- Valadez, Juan, 36
- Valerga, Stanislaus R. P., 107
- Vance, Cyrus:
- Angola:
- Namibia:
- Carter-Botha correspondence, 119
- National Assembly formation (May 1979), 126
- National Security Council discussions, 267, 349
- Secretary General’s report (Feb. 1979), 125
- Settlement Proposal, 75, 86, 90
- Seven Point Proposal, 46
- Turnhalle Constitutional Conference, 43, 44, 46, 145
- UN Security Council Resolution 435:
- U.S.–OAU discussions, 74
- Western Contact Group diplomacy, 61, 65, 75, 128
- Botha correspondence, 97, 106, 107, 108, 109, 118, 311
- Botha talks, 95, 96, 100, 281
- Frontline States meetings, 111, 116, 117
- Nujoma meeting, 83
- Proximity talks (1978), 79, 80
- Proximity talks (1979), 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 372
- Secretary General’s report (Aug. 1978), 93, 95
- Settlement Proposal, 85, 86, 89
- SWAPO New York talks, 71
- Waldheim consultations, 63
- Rhodesia:
- April 1979 elections, 223, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, 372
- Botha meetings, 140, 141
- Byrd Amendment, 131, 140, 260
- Cease-fire airlift, 247, 251, 255
- Chimoio raid (1977), 176, 177
- Descriptive terms, 240
- Internal Settlement:
- Muzorewa discussions, 195
- Owen correspondence, 190, 191
- Owen discussions, 197
- Owen-Sithole discussions, 189
- Owen-Vance peace plan comparison, 192
- Patriotic Front discussions, 196
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 188
- Salisbury Group talks, 207
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 201
- U.S.-British discussions, Carter-Owen discussions, 194
- U.S. policy, 193
- Internal settlement proposals/negotiations, 131, 133, 141, 143, 174, 175, 260
- Lancaster House Conference, 248, 252
- Muzorewa government status, 234, 235, 236, 239, 241, 242
- Owen-Vance peace plan:
- Botha communications, 281, 311
- Carter-Owen discussions, 163
- Dar es Salaam talks (1978), 202, 203, 204, 205
- Malta talks, 183, 184, 187, 196
- Muzorewa discussions, 166
- Nkomo discussions, 151
- Nyerere discussions, 166, 202
- Owen Africa trip, 148
- Owen correspondence, 147, 187, 190, 191
- Owen discussions, 145, 150, 160, 179
- Patriotic Front discussions, 196
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 169, 175
- Pretoria Patriotic Front talks, 206
- Salisbury Group talks, 216
- Status reports, 162, 167, 174
- U.S. military aid for Commonwealth force, 161
- U.S.-Nigerian discussions, 171, 200
- U.S.-Zambian communications, 209
- Vance/Owen-Botha talks, 165
- Sanctions, 139, 223, 229, 244
- U.S.-British all-parties meeting proposals:
- U.S.-British communications, 132, 134, 138, 142
- U.S. strategy, 139, 267
- U.S.-Zambian communications, 133
- South Africa:
- Human rights overviews, 373
- Nuclear capabilities, 290, 291, 292, 307, 351, 353, 354, 364
- Botha communications, 295, 296, 311, 338
- Bowdler-Botha discussions, 294, 308, 309
- Brzezinski memoranda, 306, 342
- Gerard C. Smith-Sole discussions, 368
- International Atomic Energy Agency membership, 366
- Moose-Sole discussions, 320
- Possible detonation, 369
- Soviet démarche, 289
- U.S.-Israeli communications, 300, 304
- U.S.-South African talks (June 1978), 344
- U.S.-Soviet communications, 333
- U.S. actions against, 271, 316, 324
- U.S. corporate policies, Sullivan Principles, 266
- U.S. policy toward:
- U.S.-British communications, 145
- U.S. relations with Mozambique, 310
- U.S.-Zimbabwean relations, 253, 254, 256
- Zaire crisis, 1
- Van Doren, Charles, 287, 292, 343, 346, 351, 353
- Van Heerden, Neil, 85, 91, 110
- Van Well, Günther, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117
- Vasev, Vladillen, 287, 288, 289
- Vest, George S., 235, 252
- Viall, John, 91
- Vieira, Sergio, 81, 204, 310
- Voice of America (VOA), 6, 8, 10, 17
- Vorster, B.J. (see also Carter-Vorster
- Namibia:
- Turnhalle Constitutional Conference, 47, 52
- Western Contact Group diplomacy:
- Carter correspondence, 56, 66, 89, 311, 336
- Christopher memoranda, 67
- Démarche, 49, 50, 273
- Mondale talks, 274, 276
- Secretary General’s report (Aug. 1978), 92, 93
- Settlement Proposal, 89, 336
- South Africa talks first session, 52, 53, 54, 55, 59
- South Africa talks second session, 58, 60
- South Africa talks third session, 73
- Resignation of, 34, 215
- Rhodesia:
- South African nuclear capabilities, 311
- U.S. policy toward South Africa:
- Namibia:
- Walden, George, 252
- Waldheim, Kurt:
- Walker, Howard K., 370
- Wall, Stephen, 194, 197, 235
- Walls, Peter, 246
- Wells, William W., 11, 286
- Whyte, Hamilton, 150, 159, 197, 235
- Widman, Lyle, 313
- Williamson, Richard L., 287, 307
- Wilson, Harold, 214
- Wisner, Frank G.:
- Woessner, William M., 150
- Woods, James, 246
- Wyman, Parker, 200
- Yar’Adua, S.M., 200
- Yarnold, Michael, 235
- Young, Andrew J.:
- Angola, 13, 15, 16, 24, 26, 34
- Maputo conference, 150
- Namibia:
- Carter-Waldheim discussions, 127
- National Security Council discussions, 267
- Nigerian role, 46
- Turnhalle Constitutional Conference, 44, 48
- UN Security Council Resolution 435, 99, 103, 104
- Western Contact Group diplomacy:
- Frontline States meetings, 81, 117
- Proximity talks (1978), 79, 80
- Proximity talks (1979), 112, 117
- Secretary General’s report (Aug. 1978), 91, 92
- Settlement Proposal, 75, 78, 85, 90
- South Africa New York talks, 82
- SWAPO New York talks, 67, 69, 70, 71
- Waldheim consultations, 57, 62, 65
- Working paper, 51
- Rhodesia:
- April 1979 elections, 226
- Byrd Amendment, 135, 136
- Internal Settlement, 188
- London visit (Feb. 1977), 134, 135, 136
- Lowenstein proposal, 222
- Missionary massacre (June 23, 1978), 212
- Owen-Vance peace plan:
- Carter-Nyerere discussions, 164
- Carter-Owen discussions, 163
- Dar es Salaam talks (1978), 203
- Malta talks, 183, 184, 185, 186
- Moose talks, 173
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 169, 175
- Pretoria Patriotic Front talks, 206
- Salisbury Group talks, 216
- U.S.-Nigerian discussions, 171, 200
- Vance-Nyerere discussions, 202
- Sanctions, 226
- U.S.-British all-parties meeting proposals, 200, 207, 208, 214, 216, 218
- South Africa:
- U.S. relations with Mozambique, 310
- Zablocki, Clement J., 249
- Zaire:
- Zambia (see also Frontline States; Kaunda, Kenneth)
- ZANU. See Mugabe, Robert; Patriotic Front.
- ZAPU. See Nkomo, Joshua; Patriotic Front.
- Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)