303. Telegram From the Department of State to Multiple Diplomatic Posts1
200985. Lagos for Amb Young, USUN for Amb Leonard, White House only for Dr Brzezinski. Following repeat State 200985 Action Tel Aviv Info Secretary Aug 23.
[Page 924]Quote Secret State Tosec 90097/200985. Subject: Israeli-South African Nuclear Cooperation. Ref: A—State 195546;2 B—Tel Aviv 6228.3
1. Please seek meeting with Evron at earliest opportunity to thank him for Begin’s message in ref B. Unfortunately, the use of the term “weapons” in Begin’s statement introduces an important ambiguity. Therefore, we would like clarification that GOI assurances include cooperation regarding any nuclear explosives, including peaceful nuclear explosives, and the technology and/or materials that could contribute to such explosives. Furthermore, in addition to any possible direct Israeli Government cooperation, we would like these broader assurances to cover any private Israeli firms.
2. In addition, we would still appreciate full and complete information from GOI on the nature of Israeli/South African cooperation in the nuclear field (para 7, State reftel).
3. FYI. We have approached South Africans and they have given us assurances that they do not intend to develop nuclear explosives, and that Kalahari is not a test facility for nuclear explosions. We are still in process of considering possible next steps and this exchange does not rpt not obviate need for info requested from Israelis. We can expect this issue to be with us for some time, in addition, we are sending you septel certain relevant paragraphs of recent domestic legislation.
4. We have not raised subject with Israeli Embassy and do not plan to.
- Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Cables File, State Department Out, Box 108, 8/21–31/77. Secret; Cherokee; Immediate; Nodis. Sent to London, Paris, Lagos, Pretoria, USUN, and the White House. Printed from a copy that was received in the White House Situation Room. Drafted by Nicholas Veliotes (NEA); cleared by Atherton, Nye, and Kreisberg; approved by Christopher. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P840072–2645)↩
- See Document 292.↩
- See Document 300.↩