309. Memorandum From Secretary of State Vance to President Carter1
[Omitted here is material unrelated to South Africa.]
4. South African Nuclear. Gerard Smith presented to South African Ambassador Sole our Aide Memoire2 which urges (1) South African accession to the Non-proliferation Treaty, (2) prompt international inspection of the Valindaba enrichment plant, and (3) expresses our concern over continuing activities at the Kalahari site. In Pretoria, Ambassador Bowdler presented our Aide Memoire to Foreign Minister Botha.3
The South African reply was extremely sharp. Botha said Prime Minister Vorster had proposed serious discussions between equals and, instead of accepting that invitation, the US responded with threats as to Kalahari and conditions on LEU supply. Botha told Bowdler our message was unacceptable, saying the Aide Memoire was another effort [Page 936] to beat South Africa into submission. “If you persist in this course, then I see grave consequences for our relations,” Botha said. Bowdler was told the drilling at Kalahari will continue; five holes have been dug and they will drill seven more in the months ahead. No nuclear material has been introduced into the holes or come near the site, Botha said. Botha brushed aside Bowdler’s arguments that our move was consistent with our worldwide non-proliferation policy and that there were advantages to working together on NPT accession and IAEA safeguards. Botha concluded by stating his words to Bowdler constituted South Africa’s reply to our demarche. Bowdler does not anticipate a more forthcoming attitude.
While we cannot underestimate the nature of the initial South African response, we have found such bombast typical of their negotiating tactics. We will prepare for you recommendations on next steps.
[Omitted here is material unrelated to South Africa.]
- Source: Carter Library, Plains File, Subject File, Box 38, State Department Evening Reports, 9/77. Secret. Carter initialed the memorandum and wrote “Cy” at the top of the first page.↩
- See Document 307.↩
- See Document 308.↩