324. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to Secretary of State Vance and Secretary of Commerce Kreps1
- Prohibition of Exports to South Africa
Since 1962 the United States has unilaterally maintained an embargo for the export of arms and related material to South Africa, pursuant to export controls administered by the Departments of State and Commerce, and the United Nations Security Council has recently called for such an embargo by all nations.
The President has determined that, in view of the policies and acts of the South African government, the foreign policy interests of the United States require additional restrictions on exports from the United States destined for South Africa. Accordingly, the President hereby directs the Departments of State and Commerce to: a) continue the present embargo on export of arms and related material to South Africa, and b) take the necessary measures under their respective export controls to prohibit all exports from the United States of any commodities and technical data for delivery to or use by military or police forces under the jurisdiction of the Republic of South Africa.
- Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Country File, Box 70, South Africa: 11–12/77. Confidential.↩