References are to document numbers
- Bagley, Adm. Worth H., 67
- Barbian, Paul, 86, 87
- Barclay, Richard, 66
- Barkley, Richard C., 67, 111, 130, 137
- Barnum, James, 73
- Barringer, Philip E., 41
- Beall, Glen, 60
- Becker, John P., 134, 137, 142
- Bell, Brian, 43
- Bell, Morey:
- Bunker appointment, 16
- Canal Zone bombings (Oct. 1976), 142
- Congressional attitudes toward canal treaty negotiations, 22, 23, 34, 43, 58, 76, 83
- Defense Department complaints about, 96
- Defense Department role in canal treaty negotiations, 25, 67, 84
- Kissinger-Tack principles, 27, 30
- Panama Negotiations Staff Support Group, 43
- Panamanian negotiating strategy, 124, 146
- U.S. negotiating strategy, 55
- U.S.-Panamanian communications:
- Briefing by (May 1974), 43
- Bunker-Gonzalez Revilla meetings, 127
- Bunker status reports, 47, 57, 114
- Bunker visit (Nov.--Dec. 1973), 26
- Canal Zone employee letter, 31
- Dolvin status report (May 1976), 123
- Ford-Tack meetings, 37
- Gonzalez Revilla paper (Mar. 1974), 36
- Jorden-Torrijos meetings, 107
- Kissinger-Boyd meetings, 144
- Kissinger Panama visit (Feb. 1974), 32
- Kissinger-Tack meetings, 21, 40
- Lopez Guevara meetings, 143
- Status report (Nov. 1975), 103
- U.S. destabilization plan accusations, 132
- U.S. unilateral action proposals, 78, 102
- Bennet, Douglas J., Jr., 115
- Bennett, William Tapley, Jr., 6, 15
- Berger, Marilyn, 86
- Bergold, Harry E., Jr., 25
- Betancourt, Romulo Escobar, 3
- Binder, David, 110, 120
- Blacken, John D., 36, 104, 105, 107, 117, 118
- Bloomfield, Richard, 43
- Boeker, Paul H., 86
- Bowdler, William G., 30, 31, 43, 51, 52, 58, 63
- Boyd Guardia, Aquilino:
- Blacken meetings, 104
- Bunker appointment, 15
- Bunker-McAuliffe discussions of, 130
- CIA memoranda on, 124
- Dolvin status reports, 123
- Jorden meetings, 117
- Kissinger communications, 130
- Kissinger meetings, 126, 127, 134, 144
- Kissinger-Tack meetings, 21
- Linowitz meetings, 136
- Panamanian negotiating strategy, 129, 145
- U.N. Security Council discussions of Panama, 5
- U.S. destabilization plan accusations, 132
- Bray, Leslie, 143
- Brock, William E., III, 116
- Brown, Gen. George S.:
- Buffum, William B., 72, 80, 87, 93
- Bunker, Ellsworth:
- Arthur D. Little, Inc. study proposals, 66
- Canal Zone bombings (Oct. 1976), 142
- Congressional attitudes toward canal treaty negotiations,
- Bell memoranda, 76
- Clements-Byrd/Thurmond meetings, 98
- Congressional leadership meetings, 22, 23, 102
- Ford discussions, 35
- Jorden-Congressional leadership meetings, 60
- McAuliffe meetings, 130
- Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee testimony, 120
- Status reports on, 66
- Thurmond meetings, 45
- Wyrough memoranda, 141
- Cuban-Panamanian relations, 110
- Defense Department complaints about Bell, 96
- Defense Department role in canal treaty negotiations, 59, 84
- Documents not declassified, 111
- Kissinger-Tack principles, 27, 29, 31
- Negotiator appointment, 15, 16
- Nixon resignation, 51
- Panamanian negotiating strategy, 124, 146
- Panamanian public unrest, 81
- Status of Forces Agreement, 57
- U.S. negotiating strategy, 29,
- Briefing (July 1974), 49
- Ford discussions, 35
- Issues paper, 63
- JCS discussions, 115
- Kissinger correspondence, 59
- Kissinger memoranda, 28
- Koren memoranda, 62
- National Security Council discussions, 77, 90
- Presidential instructions, 18, 59, 65, 66, 71
- William D. Rogers memoranda, 102
- Sayre discussions, 20
- Senior Review Group discussions, 72, 73
- State-Defense discussions, 91
- U.S.-Panamanian communications:
- Bell-Lopez Guevara meetings, 143
- Canal Zone employee letter, 31
- Dolvin status report (May 1976), 123
- Ford-Tack meetings, 37
- Gonzalez Revilla meetings, 127
- Gonzalez Revilla paper (Mar. 1974), 36
- Jorden-Torrijos meetings, 54, 107
- Kissinger-Boyd meetings, 144
- Kissinger-Tack meetings, 21, 40
- Panama visit (Nov.-Dec. 1973), 26
- Status report (Jan. 1974), 29
- Status report (June 1974), 47
- Status report (Nov. 1974), 57
- Status report (Feb. 1975), 66
- Status report (Sept. 1975), 99
- Status report (Feb. 1976), 114
- Status report (Dec. 1976), 145
- Tack communications, 40, 107
- U.S. unilateral action proposals, 22, 28, 29, 75, 114
- Bush, George H.W., 5, 140
- Byrd, Harry, 85, 98
- Callaway, Howard H. (Bo):
- Canal expansion proposals:
- Canal Zone bombings (Oct. 1976), 139, 140, 142, 144
- Canal Zone customs/immigration closure (May 1974), 42
- Carter, Jimmy (see also Carter administration transition):
- Carter administration transition, 136, 141, 144
- Castro, Fidel, 110
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA):
- Cheney, Dick, 112
- Chester, Gerri, 137, 142
- Cleland, Maj. Gen. J.P., 49
- Clements, William P., Jr.:
- Congressional attitudes toward canal treaty negotiations, 41, 98
- Defense Department complaints about Bell, 96
- Defense Department neutrality/defense proposal (June 1976), 128
- Defense Department role in canal treaty negotiations, 66, 68, 82, 84
- Dolvin status reports, 108, 123, 138
- Panama trip (1975), 93, 97, 99, 102, 127
- U.S. negotiating strategy:
- Colby, William E., 26, 73, 77, 90
- Colladay, Martin G., 33
- Collins, Brig. Gen. R.B., 49
- Collums, Haley D., 134
- Colombia (see also Latin American support for canal treaty), 70, 74, 78, 100
- Congress, U.S. See Congressional attitudes toward canal treaty negotiations.
- Congressional attitudes toward canal treaty negotiations:
- Bell briefing (May 1974), 43
- Bell memoranda, 58, 76
- Bunker-Congressional leadership meetings, 22, 23, 102
- Bunker-McAuliffe meetings, 130
- Bunker Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee testimony, 120
- Bunker status reports, 66
- Bunker-Thurmond meetings, 45
- Callaway-Torrijos meetings, 24
- CIA information cables, 74
- Clements-Byrd/Thurmond meetings, 98
- Congressional aides meeting, 83
- Defense Department-Congressional leadership meetings, 41
- Defense Department role, 41, 58, 59
- Ford-Bunker discussions, 35
- Ford-Javits discussions, 119
- Ford-Jorden discussions, 34
- Ford-Tack discussions, 37
- Ford-Thurmond correspondence, 53
- House Resolution 75, 76
- Humphrey/McGee memoranda, 88
- Issues paper, 63
- Itoh-Goldwater discussions, 106
- Jorden-Congressional leadership meetings, 60
- Kissinger-Congressional leadership meetings, 116
- Kissinger-Goldwater correspondence, 106
- Kissinger memoranda, 28, 38, 65
- Kissinger Panama visit (Feb. 1974), 32
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 80, 86
- Low memoranda, 122
- National Security Council discussions, 77
- Nixon-Thurmond correspondence, 38, 39
- Sayre-Congressional leadership meetings, 11
- Scowcroft memoranda, 112
- Senate-House Conference vote (Oct. 1975), 102
- Senior Review Group discussions, 73
- Snyder amendment, 85, 86, 87, 88, 102, 122
- State-Defense discussions, 50
- Thurmond Resolution (Senate Resolution 301), 37, 38, 41, 43, 45, 49, 77, 112
- U.S.-Colombian discussions, 74
- Wyrough memoranda, 141
- Conley, J. Patrick, 64
- Corbett, Col. Charles D., 41, 43, 49
- Corrigan, Robert F., 41, 43, 47, 49, 50
- Costa Rica, 70
- Cowles, Lt. Gen. D.H., 49
- Cranston, Alan, 116
- Cuba. See Cuban-Panamanian relations; Latin American support for canal treaty.
- Cuban-Panamanian relations, 110
- Dawkins, Lt. Col. Peter M., 41
- Defense, U.S. Department of (DOD). See Defense Department role in canal treaty negotiations.
- Defense Department role in canal treaty negotiations:
- Bunker briefing (July 1974), 49
- Bunker memoranda, 59, 84
- Bunker status reports, 47, 66
- Clements-Brown Panama trip, 93, 97, 99, 102, 127
- Clements memoranda, 68, 79, 82
- Complaints about Bell, 96
- Congressional attitudes toward canal treaty negotiations and, 41, 58, 59
- Congressional leadership meetings, 41
- Humphrey/McGee memoranda, 88
- Ingersoll memoranda, 92
- Issues paper, 63
- Low memoranda, 122
- Neutrality/defense proposal (June 1976), 128, 130
- Panama Negotiations Staff Support Group, 43, 44, 61
- William D. Rogers memoranda, 102
- State-Defense discussions, 25, 50, 67, 91, 109
- Undersecretaries Committee discussions, 19
- U.S. unilateral action proposals, 78, 79
- Denney, George C., 14
- Diaz Herrera, Lt. Col. Roberto, 118
- Documents not declassified, 111, 133
- Dolvin, Lt. Gen. Welborn G.:
- Appointment of, 102
- Bell-Lopez Guevara meetings, 143
- Bunker status reports, 114
- Congressional attitudes toward canal treaty negotiations, 130
- Defense Department neutrality/defense proposal (June 1976), 128
- Defense Department role in canal treaty negotiations, 109
- Jorden-Torrijos meetings, 107
- Panamanian negotiating strategy, 124, 146
- Status report (Dec. 1975), 108
- Status report (Oct. 1976), 138
- Torrijos meetings, 122, 123
- Domenici, Pete, 116
- Donovan, Col. James, 121
- Downs, Hector L., 132
- Drummond, William, 139, 140
- Dubs, Adolph, 135
- Duemling, Robert, 91
- Fabrega, Edwin, 54, 64, 108, 123, 129
- Fannin, Paul J., 60
- Fascell, Dante B., 11, 22, 32
- Feldman, Harvey J., 58, 63, 84, 115
- Ferrufino, Maj. Guillermo, 118
- Flood, Dan, 22, 35, 37, 41
- Ford, Gerald R.:
- Congressional attitudes toward canal treaty negotiations, 34, 35, 37, 119
- Dallas speech (Apr. 10, 1976), 120
- Defense Department role in canal treaty negotiations, 82, 88
- Foreign Military Sales Act waiver (Oct. 1974), 56
- Fort Wayne speech (May 4, 1976), 126
- Latin American support for canal treaty, 70
- Nixon resignation, 51
- Panamanian negotiating strategy, 100
- Tack meetings, 37
- Thurmond correspondence, 53
- U.S. negotiating strategy:
- Foreign Military Sales Act waiver (Oct. 1974), 56
- Forsythe, Edwin, 32
- Friedersdorf, Max, 119
- Fulbright, J. William, 50
- Funseth, Robert L., 80, 120, 135
- Gammon, Samuel R., III, 63
- Garcia Garcia, Rogelio Antolin, 132
- Garcia Mora, Hernan, 125
- Gavin, James, 66
- Ginsburgh, Maj. Gen. R.N., 49
- Goldwater, Barry, 86, 106, 112, 116
- Gompert, David C., 72, 80
- Gonzalez, Gerardo, 99, 105
- Gonzalez, Ray, 49, 58, 89
- Gonzalez, Rodrigo, 127
- Gonzalez, Rory, 108
- Gonzalez Revilla, Nicolas:
- Bell status report (Nov. 1975), 103
- Bunker meetings, 127
- Cuban-Panamanian relations, 52
- Dolvin status reports, 108, 123
- Ford-Tack meetings, 37
- Kissinger-Boyd meetings, 134
- Kissinger-Tack meetings, 21
- Kissinger-Tack principles, 27
- Panamanian Treaty Policy Group meetings, 105
- Paper (Mar. 1974), 36
- U.S. destabilization plan accusations, 132
- Gourley, Maj. Gen. N.H., 49
- Graham, Lt. Gen., 74
- Granger, Col. Clinton E., 72
- Grojean, Rear Adm. C.D., 49
- Guthrie, Donald Keith, 141
- Habib, Philip C., 72, 86, 87, 93, 120, 134, 135
- Hartman, Arthur A., 72, 80, 86, 87, 120, 135
- Hartmann, Robert T., 77
- Hays, Wayne, 60
- Hill, Charles, 49
- Hinson, Sherman N., 129
- Hoffmann, Martin R., 102, 108, 122, 123, 138
- Holbrooke, Richard, 136
- Holt, Pat, 11
- Howard, Richard, 43, 49, 102
- Hruska, Roman, 60
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 23, 88
- Hurwitch, Robert A., 2, 13
- Hyland, William G., 72, 74, 80, 86, 87, 93
- Illueca, Jorge Enrique, 2, 134
- Ingersoll, Robert S.:
- Intelligence Notes, RAAN--20, “Panama: An Improved Atmosphere for Treaty Discussions?,” 14
- Itoh, William H., 106
- Jaen, Omar, 129
- Javits, Jacob K., 110, 119
- Jenkins, Kempton, 45, 58, 93, 135
- Johnston, J. Bennett, 116
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS):
- Jones, Gen. David C., 49, 53, 67
- Jones, John G., 49
- Jordan, Amos A., 41, 49, 66, 67, 108
- Jorden, William J.:
- Canal Zone bombings (Oct. 1976), 142
- Canal Zone customs/immigration closure (May 1974), 42
- Carter administration transition, 144
- Congressional attitudes toward canal treaty negotiations, 34, 60
- Cuban-Panamanian relations, 3, 4
- Defense Department role in canal treaty negotiations, 25
- Nixon resignation, 51
- U.N. Security Council discussions of Panama, 3, 4, 6, 7
- U.S. negotiating strategy, 3, 49, 55, 115
- U.S.-Panamanian communications:
- Katz, Julius L., 72, 120, 135
- Kissinger, Henry A.:
- Canal Zone bombings (Oct. 1976), 142
- Carter meetings, 136
- Clements-Brown Panama trip, Staff meeting discussions, 93, 97
- Congressional attitudes toward canal treaty negotiations, 28, 65
- Cuban-Panamanian relations, 52, 110
- Defense Department role in canal treaty negotiations, 68, 82, 84, 92, 102
- Foreign Military Sales Act waiver (Oct. 1974), 56
- Kissinger-Tack principles, 29, 30, 31, 106
- Nixon resignation, 51
- Panamanian negotiating strategy, 74, 100
- Phoenic Rotary Club speech (Apr. 16, 1976), 126
- Tack resignation, 117
- U.N. Security Council discussions of Panama, 3, 4, 7
- U.S. negotiating strategy, 28
- Bunker memoranda, 59
- Delay proposals, 77, 78, 79, 80, 87, 90
- Ford discussions, 76
- Issues paper, 63
- National Security Council discussions, 77, 90
- Presidential instructions, 59, 65, 68, 71, 72
- William D. Rogers memoranda, 102
- Senior Review Group discussions, 73
- Staff meeting discussions, 72, 80, 86, 87, 93, 120, 131, 135
- U.S.-Panamanian communications:
- U.S. unilateral action proposals, 28, 75, 77, 79, 102
- Kissinger-Tack principles, 27, 29, 30, 31, 38, 41, 43, 106
- Koren, Henry L.T.:
- Canal Zone customs/immigration closure (May 1974), 42
- Congressional attitudes toward canal treaty negotiations, 41
- Defense Department role in canal treaty negotiations, 67
- Panama Negotiations Staff Support Group, 43
- William P. Rogers-Tack correspondence, 13
- Status of Forces Agreement, 57
- U.N. Security Council discussions of Panama, 9
- U.S. negotiating strategy, 43, 48, 49, 55, 61, 62, 72, 73
- U.S. unilateral action proposals, 75
- Kozak, Michael G., 44, 49, 114, 137
- Kubisch, Jack B.:
- Lakas, Demetrio “Jimmy,” 32, 118, 129, 139
- Latin American support for canal treaty:
- Lazar, David, 129, 146
- Leggett, Robert L., 11, 22, 32, 66
- Leigh, Monroe, 72, 86, 87, 93, 120, 135
- Lievano, Indalecia, 74, 78
- Linowitz, Sol M., 136, 144
- Lippert, Ludwig E., 138
- Lopez, Felipe, 100
- Lopez Guevara, Carlos:
- López Michelsen, Alfonso, 70, 100
- Lord, Winston, 72, 80, 87, 93, 120, 135
- Low, Stephen:
- Clements-Brown Panama trip, 97
- Clements-Byrd/Thurmond meetings, 98
- Congressional attitudes toward canal treaty negotiations, 58, 122
- Defense Department complaints about Bell, 96
- Kissinger-Boyd meetings, 126
- Kissinger-Tack meetings, 113
- Panama Negotiations Staff Support Group, 43
- Panamanian negotiating strategy, 124
- U.S. negotiating strategy, 69, 122
- Lozano Aparicio, Alejandro, 125
- Lucier, James P., 41, 45
- Luers, William H., 115, 142
- McAuliffe, Eugene V., 123, 130, 138
- McCall, Richard, 141
- McClellan, John L., 85
- McClelland, James R., 49
- McClintock, Robert M., 1
- McCloskey, Robert, 72, 80, 86, 116, 120
- MacDonald, Lt. Col. Donald, 73
- McFarlane, Robert C., 142
- McGee, Gale W., 32, 88
- McGrath, Archbishop Michael J., 89
- Mahoney, Michael M., 116
- Mailliard, William S., 76, 115
- Mansfield, Michael J., 35, 50
- Marengo, Louis, 91
- Marsh, John O., Jr., 34, 35, 37
- Maw, Carlyle E., 80, 86, 87, 93, 120
- Maynes, Charles W., 101
- Metcalfe, Ralph H., 102
- Mexico (see also Latin American support for canal treaty), 7, 116
- Meyer, Charles A., 2
- Mondale, Walter F., 136
- Moorer, Adm. Thomas H., 33
- Morgan, Robert B., 116
- Morgan, Thomas E., 35, 50
- Morris, Patrick F., 19, 31, 36
- Mulcahy, Edward W., 86, 93
- Panama Canal Company, 54, 64
- Panama Canal strategic value study (JCS), 25, 33, 46
- Panama Negotiations Staff Support Group, 43, 44, 61
- Panamanian negotiating strategy:
- Panamanian political situation, 8, 14, 104
- Panamanian public unrest:
- Parfitt, Harold R., 81, 123
- Parker, Col. E.L., 49
- Parker, David S.:
- Bunker status reports, 29, 47, 57
- Bunker visit (Nov.-Dec. 1973), 26
- Canal Zone customs/immigration closure (May 1974), 42
- Canal Zone employee letter, 31
- Panama Canal Company negotiations participation, 64
- Panama Canal Company vice presidential appointment, 54
- Panamanian negotiating strategy, 9
- Status of Forces Agreement, 57
- Torrijos on, 6
- U.N. Security Council discussions of Panama, 7, 9
- U.S. negotiating strategy, 48, 55, 61
- Pauly, Lt. Gen. John W., 73
- Peet, Vice Adm. Raymond E., 18, 33
- Pérez, Carlos Andrés, 70
- Pitty, Nander, 21, 126, 134
- Rabasa, Emilio Óscar, 7
- Reagan, Ronald, 119, 122
- Richardson, William B., 58, 63
- Roa, Raul, 7
- Robinson, Charles W., 80, 87, 93, 120, 135, 144
- Rockefeller, Nelson, 77
- Rogers, William D.:
- Bunker status reports, 114
- Congressional attitudes toward canal treaty negotiations, 58, 76, 83, 86, 116
- Cuban-Panamanian relations, 110
- Defense Department role in canal treaty negotiations, 84, 102
- Kissinger-Boyd meetings, 126
- Kissinger-Tack meetings, 113
- Panamanian public unrest, 81
- Tack resignation, 117
- U.S. negotiating strategy, 102
- U.S. unilateral action proposals, 78, 102
- Rogers, William P., 2, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17
- Rumsfeld, Donald, 77, 90
- Runnestrand, Paul, 48
- Rush, Kenneth, 8, 19, 26
- Saunders, Harold H., 120, 124, 146
- Sayre, Robert M.:
- Scali, John A., 6
- Schaufele, William E., Jr., 120, 135
- Schlaudeman, 131
- Schlesinger, James R.:
- Scott, William L., 35, 50
- Scowcroft, Brig. Gen. Brent:
- Scranton, William, 134
- Seidenman, Neil, 37, 40, 113
- Senior Review Group, 69, 72, 73
- Shlaudeman, Harry W., 16, 134, 143, 145
- Sisco, Joseph J., 51, 80, 86, 87, 93, 110, 120
- Smith, Jeffrey, 43
- Snyder, Gene, 85, 86, 87, 88, 102, 119, 120, 122
- Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, 72, 86, 120
- SOUTHCOM, 2, 5, 8, 19, 24, 50, 67, 75
- Special National Intelligence Estimates, SNIE 85-73, “Torrijos, the United States, and the Panama Canal,” 77
- Springsteen, George S., Jr., 72, 80, 87, 120
- Stagg, Juan Antonio, 21
- Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), 57, 62, 66, 69
- Stone, Richard, 116
- Storey, Robert G.M., 20
- Sucre, Arturo, 32
- Sullivan, Leonor K., 22, 65, 66, 102, 140
- Swett, Col. Trevor W., Jr., 41, 43, 49, 50, 57, 66
- Tack, Juan Antonio:
- Anderson communications, 5
- Bunker appointment, 16
- Bunker communications, 40, 107
- Bunker status reports, 47, 99, 114
- Canal Zone customs/immigration closure (May 1974), 42
- CIA information cables on, 74
- Dolvin status report (Dec. 1975), 108
- Ford meetings, 37
- Gonzalez Revilla paper (Mar. 1974), 36
- Kissinger meetings, 21, 40, 113
- Kissinger Panama visit (Feb. 1974), 29, 32
- Kissinger-Tack principles, 27, 29, 30, 31, 38, 41, 43, 106
- Meyer memoranda on, 2
- Nixon resignation, 51
- Resignation of, 117, 118
- William P. Rogers correspondence, 10, 13, 16, 17
- William P. Rogers meetings, 10
- U.N. Security Council discussions of Panama, 7
- Taft, Robert, 60
- Talley, Vice Adm. G.C., Jr., 49
- Taylor, T. Elkin, 139
- Terminal Lake-Third Lock Plan, 38, 39, 41
- Thurmond, Strom:
- Timmons, William E., 28
- Torrijos, Gen. Omar (see also Panamanian
negotiating strategy):
- Blacken-Velasquez discussions on, 118
- Bunker visit (Nov.-Dec. 1973), 26
- Callaway meetings, 24
- Canal Zone bombings (Oct. 1976), 139, 140, 142, 144
- CIA information cables on, 74
- CIA memoranda on, 124
- Clements-Brown Panama trip, 102
- Congressional attitudes toward canal treaty negotiations, 24, 86
- Cuban-Panamanian relations, 3, 52, 110
- Dolvin meetings, 122, 123
- Drug trafficking allegations, 125
- Gonzalez Revilla paper (Mar. 1974), 36
- Javits meetings, 119
- Jorden meetings, 3, 4, 54, 87, 99, 107, 142
- Kissinger Panama visit (Feb. 1974), 32
- Liaison office reports on, 101
- Military threats, 1
- Political situation, 8, 104
- Scali meetings, 6
- U.N. Security Council discussions of Panama, 3, 4, 6, 7
- U.S. unilateral action proposals, 3, 54, 102
- Torrijos, Marden, 118
- Tower, John, 60
- Train, Vice Adm. Harry D., II, 46, 67
- Tack, Juan Antonio:
- U.N. General Assembly discussions of Panama, 17, 130
- U.N. Security Council discussions of Panama:
- United Brands dispute, 52, 53, 110
- U.S. military presence in Panama:
- U.S. negotiating strategy (see also
Congressional attitudes toward canal treaty negotiations; Defense
Department role in canal treaty negotiations):
- Bell briefing (May 1974), 43
- Bunker briefing (July 1974), 49
- Bunker-JCS discussions, 115
- Bunker memoranda, 29, 115, 128
- Bunker-Sayre discussions, 20
- Delay proposals, 77, 78, 79, 80, 87, 90
- Ford-Bunker discussions, 35
- Ford-Kissinger discussions, 76
- Issues paper, 63
- Jorden memoranda, 3
- Kissinger memoranda, 28
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 72, 80, 86, 87, 93, 120, 131, 135
- Koren memoranda, 62
- Low memoranda, 69, 122
- Meyer memoranda, 2
- National Security Council discussions, 77, 90
- Panama Negotiations Staff Support Group memoranda, 44
- Parker memoranda, 48
- Presidential instructions:
- William D. Rogers memoranda, 102
- Sayre memoranda, 8
- Scowcroft memoranda, 112, 129
- Senior Review Group discussions, 69, 72, 73
- State-Defense discussions, 67, 91, 109
- Undersecretaries Committee discussions, 18, 19
- U.S.-Panamanian communications:
- Anderson status report (Mar. 1973), 5
- Bell briefing (May 1974), 43
- Bell-Lopez Guevara meetings, 143
- Bell status report (Nov. 1975), 103
- Blacken-Boyd meetings, 104
- Blacken-Velasquez meetings, 118
- Bunker-Gonzalez Revilla meetings, 127
- Bunker status report (Jan. 1974), 29
- Bunker status report (June 1974), 47
- Bunker status report (Nov. 1974), 57
- Bunker status report (Feb. 1975), 66
- Bunker status report (Sept. 1975), 99
- Bunker status report (Feb. 1976), 114
- Bunker status report (Dec. 1976), 145
- Bunker-Tack communications, 40, 107
- Bunker visit (Nov.-Dec. 1973), 26
- Callaway-Torrijos meetings, 24
- Canal Zone employee letter, 31
- Clements-Brown Panama trip, 93, 97, 99, 102, 127
- Dolvin status report (Dec. 1975), 108
- Dolvin status report (May 1976), 123
- Dolvin status report (Oct. 1976), 138
- Dolvin-Torrijos meetings, 122, 123
- Ford-Tack meetings, 37
- Gonzalez Revilla paper (Mar. 1974), 36
- Javits-Torrijos meetings, 119
- Jorden-Boyd meetings, 117
- Jorden-Torrijos meetings, 3, 4, 54, 87, 99, 107, 142
- Kissinger-Boyd communications, 130
- Kissinger-Boyd meetings, 126, 127, 134, 144
- Kissinger Panama visit (Feb. 1974), 29, 32
- Kissinger-Tack meetings, 21, 40, 113
- Kozak-Escobar meetings, 137
- Linowitz-Boyd meetings, 136
- Nixon resignation, 51
- William P. Rogers-Tack correspondence, 10, 13, 16, 17
- Scali-Torrijos meetings, 6
- Torrijos military threats, 1
- U.S. destabilization plan accusations, 132
- U.S.-Panamanian OAS joint report, 126, 127
- U.S. presidential elections (1976):
- U.S. unilateral action proposals:
- Bell memoranda, 78
- Bell-Torrijos discussions, 102
- Bunker-Congressional leadership discussions, 22
- Bunker status reports on, 29, 114
- Clements memoranda, 79
- Jorden-Torrijos discussions, 3, 54
- Kissinger memoranda, 28
- Koren-Bunker memoranda, 75
- National Security Council discussions, 77
- William D. Rogers memoranda, 102
- Undersecretaries Committee discussions, 19