References are to document numbers
- ABM program, 35
- Abrams, Gen. Creighton W., Jr., 35, 97, 135
- Acheson, Dean, 5, 6
- Adams, Gen. Arthur H., 41, 44
- Agnew, Spiro T.:
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 103
- Armacost, Michael, 153
- Asian and Pacific Council (ASPAC), 3, 80
- Asia policy, U.S., 26, 35, 106, 115
- Asia, regional cooperation in, 3
- Ball, George, 21
- Bardach, Henry, 62
- Beam, Jacob, 35
- Behr, Robert M., 28, 29, 32, 38
- Bergsten, Fred, 40
- Berlin War Game, 28
Brown, Winthrop G.:
- Korea budget study, 37
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities, 4, 5, 29, 32, 33, 51
- Rogers-Chung Il Kwon meetings, 6
- South Korean political situation, 87, 123
- U.S. military aid to South Korea, 49
- U.S. reconnaissance flight shootdown, 13, 21
- U.S.-South Korea summit proposal, 120
- U.S. troop reductions, 60, 61, 62, 67, 68
- Vietnam, South Korean troops in, 90
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 155, 157
- Bureau of Intelligence and Research, 84, 113, 118
- Butterfield, Alexander P., 136
- Cambodia, 19, 42, 70
- Cargo, William I., 51
- Carver, George, 135, 143
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (see also Helms, Richard), 11, 14, 32, 33, 42, 80, 83
- Chang Kyung-sun, 31
- China, People’s Republic of. See People’s Republic of China.
- Chin Pil-shik, 31
- Choi Kwang Soo, 3
- Choi Kyu Hah, 31, 63, 73, 82, 89
- Choong Hoon Park, 21
- Chou En-lai, 106, 110
- Chung Il Kwon, 5, 6, 56, 84, 92, 166
- Chung Joo Yoon, 81
- Chyun Sangjin, 3
- Cohen, Edwin, 153
- Connally, John B., Jr., 91
- Crane, Kent, 82
- Cuban missile crisis, 9, 38
- Czechoslovakia, 15, 17, 19
- Davies, Rodger, 33
- Davis, Jeanne W., 21, 51
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 67
- Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) (see also North/South Korea confrontation possibilities; U.S. troop reductions), 1, 43, 48
- Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). See North Korea.
- DePalma, Samuel, 153
- Dobrynin, Anatoliy, 8
- Doolin, Dennis, 153
- Dorr, Robert F., 123
- Dubcek, Alexander, 19
- Dutch registry for Korean vessel, 8, 9
- Eagleburger, Lawrence, 21
- East Asian Interdepartmental Group, 4
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 5
- Elections. See South Korean political situation.
- Eliot, Theodore L., Jr., 77
- Flanigan, Peter, 91
- France, 15, 51, 134
- Froebe, John A., Jr., 138, 140, 146
- Gallagher, Cornelius, 66
- Grant, Lindsey, 66
- Great Britain, 15
- Grechko, Andrei, 19
- Green, Marshall:
Habib, Philip C.:
- Japanese-North Korean relations, 154
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities:
- People’s Republic of China, 127
- South Korean force modernization, 170
- South Korean political situation:
- United Nations, 121, 170
- U.S. economic aid to South Korea, 170
- U.S. troop reductions, 170
- Vietnam, South Korean troops in:
- Hackett, James T., 143
- Hahm Pyong Choon, 90, 106, 108, 134, 137
Haig, Col. Alexander, Jr.:
- Military contingency planning, 38
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities, 29, 33, 34, 55, 106, 108, 140
- South Korean force modernization, 136
- South Korean political situation, 77, 162
- U.S. reconnaissance flight shootdown, 7, 12, 13, 28
- U.S. troop reductions:
- Vietnam, South Korean troops in, 106, 124, 135, 143, 155, 156
- Haldeman, H.R., 102
- Halperin, Morton H., 34
- Hanket, Gen. Arthur, 153
- Hannah, John A., 37
- Han Sang-Kuk, 117, 163
- Harrison, Selig, 134, 149
- Helms, Richard:
Holdridge, John H.:
- Japan, 90, 134, 154
- Kissinger-Porter meetings, 39
- Military contingency planning, 38
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities, 1, 34
- People’s Republic of China, 125, 127, 134
- South Korean force modernization, 90
- South Korean political situation, 83, 90, 172
- U.N. Korean question, 110, 152, 153
- U.S. DMZ military procedures review, 43, 48
- U.S. economic aid to South Korea, 40, 112, 134
- U.S. helicopter crew incident, 44
- U.S. reconnaissance flight shootdown, 36
- U.S. troop reductions:
- Agreement finalized, 88
- Assessment of situation, 63
- Joint statement, U.S./South Korean, 79
- Kissinger-Kim Jong Pil meetings, 81
- Kissinger-Gallagher meetings, 66
- Korean trip, 90
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee communications, 64
- Porter assessments, 54
- Re-aligned configuration of U.S. troops, 65
- South Korean force modernization, 70
- Tydings assessments, 57
- Vietnam, South Korean troops in:
- Hong Song-chol, 6
- Hormats, Robert, 40, 111, 112
- Hughes, Thomas L., 1, 14
- Husak, Gustav, 19
- Hussein bin Talal, 8
- Hyland, William G., 38
- Ingersoll, Robert S., 143
- Irwin, John N., II, 98, 128, 143
- Israel, 28, 51, 82, 103
- Japan:
- Haig-Hahm Pyong Choon meetings, 106
- Holdridge assessments, 90
- Holdridge-Hahm Pyong Choon meetings, 134
- Kissinger-Kim Yong Shik meetings, 110
- Korean Task Force, 26
- Nixon-Laird meetings, 102
- North Korean relations with, 154
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities, 145
- NSSM 154, 133
- Okinawa, 5, 6, 21, 35, 55
- Textiles, 40
- U.S. troop reductions in South Korea, 72
- Johnson, Adm. Nels C., 28, 29, 33, 36, 38
- Johnson, Lyndon, 2, 21
Johnson, U. Alexis:
- Military contingency planning, 38
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities, 29, 32, 33
- South Korean force modernization, 91
- South Korean political situation, 85, 163
- U.N. Korean question, 153
- U.S. reconnaissance flight shootdown, 36
- U.S.-South Korea summit proposal, 120
- U.S. troop reductions, 62, 70, 71, 73, 74
- Vietnam, South Korean troops in, 135, 157
- Johnston, Ernest, 94, 100
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS):
- Karamessines, Thomas H., 32, 33, 36, 38
- Katzenbach, Nicholas, 2
- Kennedy, David M., 91, 100, 110
- Kennedy, Edward, 15
- Kennedy, John, 28
- Kennedy, Richard T., 70, 100, 135, 143, 153, 170
- Kim Chae-Song, 147
- Kim Chol-Su, 147
- Kim Chong-Yom, 145
Kim Dae Jung:
- South Korean political situation:
- Bureau of Intelligence and Research assessments, 84
- CIA assessments, 83
- Diplomatic assurances, 78
- Eliot assessments, 77
- Green-Kim Dae Jung meetings, 169
- Habib-Chung Il Kwon meetings, 166
- Holdridge Korea visit, 90
- Kissinger-Kim Jong Pil meetings, 81
- National Intelligence Estimates, 80
- Park Chung Hee reelection, 93
- Porter assessments, 75
- Reunification issue, 90
- Threats received, 92
- U.S. visit, 85, 87
- South Korean political situation:
Kim Dong Jo:
- Agnew-Choi Kyu Hah meetings, 82
- Nixon-Choong Hoon Park meetings, 21
- Nixon-Chung Il Kwon meetings, 5
- Nixon-Kim Yong Shik meetings, 136
- People’s Republic of China, 109, 125
- Political situation, 123, 161, 162, 163
- Rogers-Chung Il Kwon meetings, 6
- South Korean political situation, 85
- U.N. Korean question, 110
- U.S. military aid, 49
- U.S.-South Korea summit proposal, 120
- U.S. troop reductions, 49, 57, 61, 73
- Vietnam, South Korean troops in, 3
- Kim Han Su, 166
- Kim Hong Kil, 165
- Kim Il Sung:
- Kim In-kwon, 31
- Kim Jong Pil:
- Kim Kye-won, 84
- Kim Tok-Hyon, 147
- Kim Yong Chu, 130, 140, 147, 168
- Kim Yong Ju, 158
- Kim Yong Shik:
- Kim Yon Shik, 110
Kissinger, Henry A.:
- Cambodia, 19
- Japan, 110, 154
- Kim Yong Shik meetings, 110
- Korea budget study, 2, 37
- Military contingency planning, 38
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee meetings, 35
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities, 151
- Direct contacts, 130
- Joint statement concerning opening dialogue, 151
- Kim Il Sung peace proposal, 149
- Lee Hu Rak North Korea visit, 138, 140
- National Security Council meetings, 51
- National Security Study Memoranda, 4, 52
- Red Cross talks on divided families, 108
- Reunification issue, 151
- State Department analyses, 149
- Washington Special Actions Group meetings, 29, 33
- People’s Republic of China, 110, 125
- Porter meetings, 39
- Pueblo incident, 8, 9, 110
- South Korean force modernization, 91, 101, 107, 133
- South Korean political situation, 77, 81, 83, 93, 162, 172
- U.N. Korean question, 110, 148, 153
- U.S. aerial reconnaissance, 42
- U.S. DMZ military procedures review, 43, 48
- U.S. economic aid to South Korea, 40, 50, 94, 111, 112
- U.S. helicopter crew incident, 41, 44
- U.S. military aid to South Korea, 24, 70
- U.S. reconnaissance flight shootdown:
- Haig assessments, 12
- National Security Council meetings, 13
- Nixon-Choong Hoon Park meetings, 21
- Nixon communications, 8, 9, 15, 19, 22
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee meetings, 25
- Nixon request for military response plans, 10
- Pursley assessments, 7
- Resumption of scheduled reconnaissance operations, 20
- Sneider assessments, 16
- Washington Special Actions Group meetings, 28, 36
- U.S. troop reductions:
- Agnew-Park Chung Hee meetings, 71
- Agreement finalized, 88
- Diplomatic assurances, 78
- Force capabilities of South Korea, 53
- Gallagher meetings, 66
- Holdridge assessments, 63
- Holdridge Korea visit, 90
- Joint statement, U.S./South Korean, 79
- Kim Jong Pil meetings, 81
- National Security Decision Memoranda, 56
- Nixon communications, 45, 47
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee communications, 64
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee meetings, 58
- Porter assessments, 54
- Re-aligned configuration of U.S. troops, 65
- South Korean force modernization, 70
- Tydings assessments, 57
- Wheeler-Park Chung Hee meetings, 46
- Vietnam, South Korean troops in, 131
- Knapp, James, 18
- Korea budget study, 2, 37
- Korean Intelligence Agency, 84
Laird, Melvin R.:
- Japan, 102
- Korea budget study, 2, 37
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities, 4, 34
- South Korean force modernization, 101, 107
- U.S. DMZ military procedures review, 48
- U.S. military aid to South Korea, 24, 49
- U.S. reconnaissance flight shootdown, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 28
- U.S. troop reductions, 46, 67
- Vietnam, South Korean troops in, 17, 96, 97, 99, 129, 132, 159
- Lake, W. Anthony, 35
- Laos, 42
- Lee Hu Rak:
- Lee Kuan Yew, 55
- Lee Sang-ho, 169
- Lee, Victor, 35, 145
- Lehman Brothers, 21
- Leonard, James F., 3, 6
- Lincoln, George A., 13, 34, 55
- Lindjord, Haakon, 51
- Lopez, Fernando, 55
- Lynn, Laurence E., 34, 53, 65
- Mansfield, Michael, 34
- Marcos, Ferdinand, 55, 162
- McCain, Adm. John S., Jr., 67, 69
- McHenry, Donald, 51
- McKee, Capt. Kinnaird, 143
- Meir, Golda, 28
- Meyer, Cord, 28, 33
- Michaelis, Gen. John H.:
- Middle East, 33
- Military Armistice Commission (MAC), 18
- Mills, Wilbur, 112
- Mitchell, John, 34, 42
- Moorer, Adm. Thomas H., 55, 135, 143
- Morgan, Capt. William, 153
- Mosbacher, Emil, Jr., 21
- Mun Hyong-tao, 31
- Nak Sun Lee, 111
- Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 8
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Security Council (NSC):
- Korea budget study, 2, 37
- Meetings:
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities, 32, 51, 55, 152
- Nuclear power, 133
- Pueblo incident, 13, 34
- South Korean force modernization, 98, 107
- Under Secretaries Committee, 157
- U.N. Korean question, 133, 152, 153
- U.S. aerial reconnaissance, 42
- U.S. economic aid to South Korea, 2, 37, 51
- U.S. military aid to South Korea, 51
- U.S. reconnaissance flight shootdown, 13, 52
- U.S. troop reductions, 47, 51, 55
- Vietnam, South Korean troops in, 51, 89, 95, 96, 97, 126
- National Security Decision Memoranda:
- National Security Study Memoranda:
- Negroponte, John, 135
- Nelson, Bill, 29
- Nensel, Gerald, 153
- Newton, William, 135, 143
- New York Times, 134, 145
- Nguyen Van Thieu, 35
Nixon, Richard:
- ABM program, 35
- Agnew world trip, 103
- Cambodia, 19
- Choong Hoon Park meetings, 21
- Chung Il Kwon meetings, 5
- Japan, 5, 21, 35, 102
- Kim Yong Shik meetings, 136
- Korea budget study, 2, 37
- Korean trip (1953), 5
- Nixon Doctrine, 35, 106, 115
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities, 25, 55, 151, 154
- People’s Republic of China, 5, 35, 115, 127, 136, 142
- Pueblo incident, 8, 9, 35
- South Korean force modernization, 91, 101, 115, 136, 142, 156
- South Korean political situation, 119, 162, 163
- Soviet Union, 5, 35, 136, 142
- U.N. Korean question, 133
- U.S. aerial reconnaissance, 42
- U.S. DMZ military procedures review, 43, 48
- U.S. economic aid to South Korea, 50, 100, 112
- U.S. helicopter crew incident, 41
- U.S. military aid to South Korea, 24
- U.S. reconnaissance flight shootdown:
- Choong Hoon Park meetings, 21
- Kissinger communications, 8, 9, 15, 19, 22
- Laird assessments, 17
- Military response plans request, 10
- National Security Council meetings, 13
- Park Chung Hee meetings, 25, 35
- Resumption of scheduled reconnaissance operations, 20
- Washington Special Actions Group meetings, 28
- U.S.-South Korea summit proposal, 120
- U.S. troop reductions:
- Agnew-Park Chung Hee meetings, 71
- Agreement finalized, 88
- Diplomatic assurances, 78
- Kissinger communications, 45, 47
- National Security Council meetings, 55
- National Security Decision Memoranda, 56
- Park Chung Hee communications, 58, 61, 64, 115
- Park Chung Hee meetings, 58
- Rogers assessments, 72
- South Korean force modernization, 70
- Wheeler-Park Chung Hee meetings, 46
- Vietnam, South Korean troops in:
- Bunker assessments, 155
- Choong Hoon Park meetings, 21
- Chung Il Kwon meetings, 5
- Habib assessments, 155
- Habib-Park Chung Hee meetings, 145
- Irwin assessments, 127
- Kim Yong Shik meetings, 136
- Kissinger assessments, 131
- Laird assessments, 97
- National Security Decision Memoranda, 99, 132
- Paris peace talks, 17, 35
- Park Chung Hee communications, 144
- Park Chung Hee meetings, 35
- Under Secretaries Committee assessments, 157
- U.S. position, 99
- Washington Special Actions Group meetings, 135
- North Korea (see also Kim Il Sung; North/South Korea confrontation possibilities; U.S. reconnaissance flight shootdown (April 14, 1969):
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities:
- Agnew-Choi Kyu Hah meetings, 82
- Friendly gestures:
- Direct contacts, 130, 133
- Green-Park Chung Hee meetings, 150
- Habib-Lee Hu Rak meetings, 147, 168
- Habib-Park Chung Hee meetings, 145
- Joint statement concerning opening dialogue, 150, 151
- Kim Il Sung peace proposal, 123, 149
- Kim Jong Pil assessments, 168
- Kissinger assessments, 151
- Lee Hu Rak North Korea visit, 138, 140
- National Intelligence Estimates, 139
- NSC assessments, 152
- Red Cross talks on divided families, 104, 108, 123, 136, 145, 147, 158
- Reunification issue, 90, 150, 151
- State Department analyses, 146, 149
- Green assessments, 158
- Habib assessments, 116, 170
- Haig-Hahm Pyong Choon meetings, 106
- Holdridge-Hahm Pyong Choon meetings, 134
- Holdridge visit, 90
- Korea budget study, 2
- Korean Task Force, 26, 27
- National Intelligence Estimates, 80
- National Security Council meetings, 51, 55
- National Security Study Memoranda, 4, 52, 133
- Nixon Park-Chung Hee meetings, 25
- Nixon-Tanaka meetings, 154
- Rogers assessments, 116
- Rogers-Choi Kyu Hah meetings, 31
- Rogers-Chung Il Kwon meetings, 6
- Rogers-Park Chung Hee meetings, 31
- Special National Intelligence Estimates, 1
- Washington Special Actions Group meetings, 29, 32, 33
- Nuclear power, 133
- Nutter, G. Warren:
- Om Yong-dal, 123
- Ott, Gen. David, 143
- Packard, David, 3, 42, 55, 67
- Paik Too Jin, 84
- Pakistan, 103
- Pak Song-Chol, 147, 150
Park Chung Hee:
- Japan, 35
- Kissinger-Porter meetings, 39
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities:
- People’s Republic of China, 35, 109, 115, 142
- Pueblo incident, 18, 25, 35
- South Korean force modernization:
- South Korean political situation:
- Agnew-Kim Jong Pil meetings, 113
- Bureau of Intelligence and Research assessments, 84, 113, 118
- CIA assessments, 83
- Diplomatic assurances, 78
- Eliot assessments, 77
- Green-Kim Dae Jung meetings, 169
- Green-Kim Dong Jo meetings, 123
- Habib assessments, 122, 164, 165, 170
- Habib-Chung Il Kwon meetings, 166
- Habib-Kim Jong Pil meetings, 121, 160, 161, 162
- Habib-Lee Hu Rak meetings, 117
- Holdridge Korea visit, 90
- Johnson-Kim Dong Jo meetings, 163
- Kim Dae Jung threatened, 92
- Kim Dae Jung U.S. visit, 85, 87
- Kissinger-Kim Jong Pil meetings, 81
- National Intelligence Estimates, 30, 80
- Nixon communications, 119
- Porter assessments, 75
- Reelections, 93, 172
- Referendum, 167
- Reunification issue, 90
- Rogers-Habib communications, 161, 162
- Rogers-Kim Dong Jo meetings, 161, 162
- Soviet Union, 142
- U.S. economic aid, 100
- U.S. reconnaissance flight shootdown, 18, 25, 35
- U.S.-South Korea summit proposal, 120
- U.S. troop reductions:
- Vietnam, South Korean troops in:
- People’s Republic of China (PRC):
- Green-Kim Yong Shik meetings, 127
- Haig-Hahm Pyong Choon meetings, 106
- Holdridge-Hahm Pyong Choon meetings, 134
- Kim Dae Jung U.S. visit, 87
- Kissinger-Kim Dong Jo meetings, 125
- Kissinger-Kim Jong Pil meetings, 81
- Kissinger-Kim Yong Shik meetings, 110
- Korean Task Force, 26
- National Security Study Memoranda, 133
- Nixon China visit, 127
- Nixon-Chung Il Kwon meetings, 5
- Nixon-Kim Yong Shik meetings, 136
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee communications, 115, 142
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee meetings, 35
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities, 151
- Rogers-Kim Yong Shik meetings, 109
- South Korean political situation, 119
- U.N. Korean question:
- U.S. reconnaissance flight shootdown, 14
- Washington Special Actions Group meetings, 28
- Peterson, Peter G., 91, 94
- Peters, Richard B., 49, 133
- Philippines, 55, 162
- Picard, B. Donovan, 113
Porter, William J.:
- Holdridge Korea visit, 90
- Kissinger meetings, 39
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities, 31, 55, 104
- Salmon fishing issue, 82
- South Korean political situation, 75, 85, 92
- U.S. DMZ military procedures review, 48
- U.S. reconnaissance flight shootdown, 18
- U.S. troop reductions:
- Agnew-Park Chung Hee meetings, 71
- Agreement finalized, 88
- Assessment of situation, 54, 86
- Brown communications, 60
- Choi Kyu Hah meetings, 73
- Diplomatic assurances, 78
- Holdridge assessments, 63
- Holdridge Korea visit, 90
- Johnson assessments, 62
- Joint statement, U.S./South Korean, 79
- Kim Dong Jo meetings, 61
- National Security Council meetings, 55
- National Security Decision Memoranda, 56
- Park Chung Hee meetings, 58, 68, 76
- Re-aligned configuration of U.S. troops, 65
- Rogers-Kim Dong Jo meetings, 49
- South Korean force modernization, 70, 73, 76
- Tydings assessments, 57
- Withdrawal orders, 86
- Vietnam, South Korean troops in, 89
- Proctor, Edward, 51
Pueblo incident:
- Agnew-Choe Kyu Hah meetings, 82
- JCS assessments, 7
- Kissinger-Kim Yong Shik meetings, 110
- Lee Hu Rak North Korea visit, 140
- National Security Council meetings, 13, 34
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 8, 9
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee communications, 25
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee meetings, 35
- Park Chung Hee assessments, 18
- Pursley, Gen. Robert E., 7
- Ranard, Donald L., 62, 74, 87, 109, 120, 123, 153
- Red Cross talks on divided families, 104, 108, 123, 136, 145, 147, 158
- Reischauer, Edwin O., 87
- Republic of Korea (ROK). See South Korea.
- Reunification issue, 90, 150, 151
- Richardson, Elliot, 13, 34, 43, 77, 93, 109, 172
- Rockefeller, Nelson, 15
Rogers, William P.:
- Chung Il Kwon meetings, 6
- Kim Yong Shik meetings, 109, 136
- Korea budget study, 2, 37
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities, 6, 31, 34, 55, 116, 158
- South Korean force modernization, 107, 142
- South Korean political situation, 87, 161, 162, 163
- Soviet Union, 8, 142
- U.S. reconnaissance flight shootdown, 8, 13, 22, 28
- U.S. troop reductions, 72
- Agnew-Park Chung Hee meetings, 71
- “Agreed Minutes,” 74
- Choi Kyu Hah meetings, 63
- Diplomatic assurances, 78
- Holdridge assessments, 63
- Kim Dong Jo meetings, 49, 57, 73
- National Security Council meetings, 55
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee communications, 64
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee meetings, 58
- Withdrawal orders, 86
- Vietnam, South Korean troops in:
- Rondon, Fernando, 153
- Rush, Kenneth, 143
- Salisbury, Harrison, 134, 145
- Salmon fishing issue, 82
- Sang Ho Cho, 35
- Sang Ock Lee, 134
- Sato Eisaku, 100
- Saunders, Harold, 38
- Schlesinger, James R., 51
- Senior Interdepartmental Group (SIG), 2
- Senior Review Group, 89, 153
- Shakespeare, Frank, 37, 51
- Shultz, George P., 91
- Singapore, 35
- Smith, K. Wayne, 90, 105
- Sneider, Richard L., 3, 5, 13, 16, 21
- Sohmer, Arthur, 82
- Solomon, Richard, 153
- South Korea (see also
Choi Kyu Hah; Chung Il Kwon; Kim Dae Jung; Kim Dong
Jo; Kim Jong Pil;
North/South Korea confrontation possibilities; Park Chung Hee; South Korean force modernization):
- Constitution of 1948, 134
- Declaration of the 16, 36
- Hahm Pyong Choon assessment of U.S.-South Korean relationship, 134
- Korean Task Force, 26, 27
- Summit proposal, 120
- United Nations recognition, 138
- U.S. economic aid:
- Agnew-Choi Kyu Hah meetings, 82
- Habib assessments, 170
- Holdridge-Hahm Pyong Choon meetings, 134
- Kissinger assessments, 50
- Kissinger-Kim Jong Pil communications, 112
- Korea budget study, 2, 37
- National Security Council meetings, 51
- National Security Decision Memoranda, 56
- National Security Study Memoranda, 37, 133
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee communications, 100
- Rogers-Chung Il Kwon meetings, 6
- Stans-Nak Sun Lee meetings, 111
- Textiles, 40, 94, 100, 112
- U.S. military aid:
- U.S. policy reassessment, 2
- South Korean force modernization:
- Agnew-Choi Kyu Hah meetings, 82
- Agnew visits South Korea, 71
- Agreement finalized, 88
- Habib assessments, 170
- Holdridge Korea visit, 90
- Johnson assessments, 62
- Laird Korea visit, 101
- Michaelis-McCain communications, 69
- Michaelis-Park Chung Hee meetings, 68
- National Security Council meetings, 55
- National Security Decision Memoranda, 107, 133
- Nixon-Kim Yong Shik meetings, 136
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee communications, 115, 142
- Nixon updated, 91
- NSC assessments, 98, 107
- Porter-Choi Kyu Hah meetings, 73
- Porter-Park Chung Hee meetings, 58, 68, 76
- Presidential Determination 73–5, 156
- South Korea-U.S. Defense Ministerial meetings, 67
- U.S. military aid and, 70
- South Korean political situation:
- Agnew-Kim Jong Pil meetings, 113
- Bureau of Intelligence and Research assessments, 84, 113, 118
- CIA assessments, 83
- Diplomatic assurances, 78
- Eliot assessments, 77
- Green-Kim Dae Jung meetings, 169
- Green-Kim Dong Jo meetings, 123
- Habib assessments, 122, 164, 165, 170
- Habib-Chung Il Kwon meetings, 166
- Habib-Kim Jong Pil meetings, 121, 160, 161, 162
- Habib-Lee Hu Rak meetings, 117
- Holdridge Korea visit, 90
- Johnson-Kim Dong Jo meetings, 163
- Kim Dae Jung threatened, 92
- Kim Dae Jung U.S. visit, 85, 87
- Kissinger-Kim Jong Pil meetings, 81
- National Intelligence Estimates, 30, 80
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee communications, 119
- Park Chung Hee reelections, 93, 172
- Porter assessments, 75
- Referendum, 167
- Reunification issue, 90
- Soviet Union:
- Czechoslovakia ice hockey victory over, 19
- Czech Revolution, 15, 17
- Korean Task Force, 26
- National Security Council meetings, 34
- Nixon-Chung Il Kwon meetings, 5
- Nixon-Kim Yong Shik meetings, 136
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee communications, 142
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee meetings, 35
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities, 151
- U.N. Korean question, 152
- U.S. reconnaissance flight shootdown, 8, 13, 14
- Washington Special Actions Group meetings, 28
- Special National Intelligence Estimates, SNIE 14.2–69, “Confrontation in Korea,” 1
- Stans, Maurice H., 40, 91, 111
- Steakley, Gen. Ralph D., 13
- Sullivan, William, 135, 143
- Taiwan, 127
- Tanaka Kakuei, 154
- Taylor, Rufus, 1
- Thailand, 35, 143
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). See Soviet Union.
- United Nations:
- Command in Korea, 152
- Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea, 148, 152, 153
- Habib-Kim Jong Pil meetings, 121
- Korean question:
- Korean Task Force, 26
- North/South Korea confrontation possibilities, 139
- Rogers-Kim Yong Shik meetings, 109
- South Korea recognized as sole legal government in Korea, 138
- U.S. helicopter crew incident, 41, 44
- U.S. troop reductions, 74
- Washington Special Actions Group meetings, 36
- United States Intelligence Board (USIB), 1
- U.S. reconnaissance flight shootdown (April 14,
- CIA assessments, 11, 14
- Haig assessments, 12
- JCS assessments, 7, 10
- Korean Task Force, 27
- Laird assessments, 17
- Military response plan request, 10
- National Security Council meetings, 13
- National Security Study Memoranda, 52
- Nixon-Choong Hoon Park meetings, 21
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 8, 9, 15, 19, 22
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee meetings, 25, 35
- Porter-Park Chung Hee meetings, 18
- Resumption of scheduled reconnaissance operations, 20
- Rogers-Dobrynin meetings, 8
- Sneider assessments, 16
- Washington Special Actions Group meetings, 28, 36
- U.S. troop reductions (see also South Korean force
- Agnew-Park Chung Hee meetings, 71
- “Agreed Minutes,” 74, 78
- Agreement finalized, 88
- Brown-Porter communications, 60
- CIA assessments, 83
- Diplomatic assurances, 78
- Force capabilities of South Korea, 53
- Habib assessments, 170
- Haig-Hahm Pyong Choon meetings, 106
- Holdridge assessments, 63
- Holdridge Korea visit, 90
- Johnson assessments, 62
- Kim Il Sung peace proposal and, 123, 149
- Kissinger-Kim Jong Pil meetings, 81
- Kissinger-Gallagher meetings, 66
- Michaelis-Park Chung Hee meetings, 68
- Mutual Defense Treaty, 61, 64, 73, 74, 78
- National Security Council meetings, 51, 55
- National Security Decision Memoranda, 56
- National Security Study Memoranda, 52
- Nixon-Chung Il Kwon meetings, 5
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 45, 47
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee communications, 58, 61, 64, 115
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee meetings, 58
- Porter assessments, 54, 86
- Porter-Kim Dong Jo meetings, 61
- Porter-Park Chung Hee meetings, 58, 68, 76
- Re-aligned configuration of U.S. troops, 65
- Rogers assessments, 72
- Rogers-Choi Kyu Hah meetings, 63
- Rogers-Kim Dong Jo meetings, 49, 57, 73
- South Korea-U.S. Defense Ministerial meetings, 67
- Tydings assessments, 57
- U.S. economic aid to South Korea and, 56
- U.S.-South Korean joint statement, 79
- Wheeler-Park Chung Hee meetings, 46
- Withdrawal orders, 86
- Vietnam, South Korean troops in:
- Bunker assessments, 155
- Capital Division withdrawals (1973), 155
- Habib assessments, 141, 155
- Habib-Kim Yong Shik communications, 114
- Habib-Park Chung Hee meetings, 145
- Habib-Yu Chae Hung meetings, 171
- Habib-Yun Sok-Hon meetings, 114
- Haig-Habib meetings, 156
- Haig-Hahm Pyong Choon meetings, 106
- Holdridge assessments, 89, 105
- Holdridge-Hahm Pyong Choon meetings, 134
- Holdridge Korea visit, 90
- Irwin assessments, 128
- Kissinger assessments, 131
- Laird assessments, 17, 97, 129, 159
- National Security Council assessments, 126
- National Security Council meetings, 51
- National Security Decision Memoranda, 95, 96, 97, 99, 105, 131, 132, 157, 159
- Nixon-Choong Hoon Park meetings, 21
- Nixon-Chung Il Kwon meetings, 5
- Nixon-Kim Yong Shik meetings, 136
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee communications, 144
- Nixon-Park Chung Hee meetings, 35
- Paris peace talks, 3, 17, 35
- Porter-Choi Kyu Hah meetings, 89
- Rogers-Chung Il Kwon meetings, 6
- Rogers-Kim Dong Jo meetings, 3
- Sneider assessments, 16
- South Korean position, 124
- South Korea-U.S. Defense Ministerial meetings, 67
- State Department analyses, 95
- Underhill-Hahm Pyong Choon meetings, 137
- Under Secretaries Committee assessments, 157
- U.S. position, 96, 99
- Washington Special Actions Group meetings, 135, 143
- Withdrawal plans/orders, 86, 89
- Walsh, John P., 25
- Wandler, Mark, 135, 153
- Ware, Richard A., 51
- Washington Post, 134, 149
- Washington Special Actions Group (WSAG):
- Weiss, Seymour, 157
- Wheeler, Gen. Earle G., 9, 13, 34, 37, 46
- Wilhelm, John K., 157
- Yang Yoon Sae, 21
- Yi Chang-Sik, 147
- Yi Hu-rak. See Lee Hu Rak.
- Yomiuri, 123
- Yoon Ha-jong, 31, 90
- Yu Chae Hung, 116, 171
- Yu Chi San, 165
- Yu Ki Hong, 123, 169
- Yun Sok-Hon, 114