45. Memorandum From President Nixon to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)1
I think the time has come to reduce our Korean presence. We could not do so because of the EC 121 at any earlier date but I do not want us to continue to temporize with this problem. What I have in mind is to maintain the air and sea presence at whatever level is necessary for the kind of retaliatory strike which we have planned. On the other hand, I think it is time to cut the number of Americans there in half and I want to see a plan which will implement this laid before me before the end of the year. It, of course, should be well worked out and sold to the Koreans on a proper basis.
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 341, Subject Files, HAK/Presidential Memoranda, 1969–1970. No classification marking. Haig initialed the memorandum and added: “Lynn has action.”↩