20. Memorandum by the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)1
- The Secretary of State
- The Secretary of Defense
- The Director of Central Intelligence
- Resumption of Regularly Scheduled Reconnaissance Operations in the Pacific Area
The President has directed the immediate resumption of regularly scheduled reconnaissance operations in the Pacific area. This order specifically includes the resumption of scheduled reconnaissance targeted on North Korea. Combat Air Patrol protection for reconnaissance flights within the threat area of North Korean fighter aircraft should be provided.2 The President desires that responsible departments and agencies take immediate steps to implement this order, including necessary clearances and coordination. No reconnaissance tracks should approach closer than 50 NM to the North Korean coast.
The President has also ordered that the review of worldwide reconnaissance operations being conducted by the 303 Committee following initial review by the Department of Defense adhere to the following priority:
- 1.
- U.S. reconnaissance operations targeted on North Korea.
- 2.
- U.S. reconnaissance operations conducted in the remainder of the Pacific area.
- 3.
- U.S. reconnaissance operations conducted elsewhere.
The President emphasizes that this review of reconnaissance operations should in no way delay the immediate resumption of reconnaissance operations.
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 435, Korea:EC–121 Shootdown, North Korean Reconnaissance Shootdown 4/18/69–4/28/69, Vol. III Haig. Top Secret; Sensitive. A copy was sent to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.↩
- In an April 30 follow-up memorandum to the same addressees, Kissinger stated that the President had authorized U.S. fighter aircraft, operating as Combat Air Patrol in support of the reconnaissance missions targeting on North Korea, to approach up to 50 nautical miles of the North Korean, Soviet, or Chinese coast. (Ibid.)↩