References are to document numbers
- Acheson, Dean:
- Mossadeq administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952), 60
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period, 99, 101, 106, 109, 121, 146
- Mossadeq removal proposals, 70, 77, 103
- Oil nationalization dispute, 27, 49, 76, 99, 101, 121
- Qavam appointment crisis (July 1952), 85, 90, 96, 97
- Tudeh Party takeover contingency plans, 141
- Adhavi, Col. Mohammad, 182
- Afshar, Maj. Houshang, 330
- Afshartus, Gen. Mahmud, 155, 182, 188, 196, 197, 205, 335
- Ahmadi, 73
- Akhavi, Ali Akbar, 207, 258
- Akhavi, Brig. Gen. Hassan, 317, 322, 323, 332, 335, 340, 370
- Akhavi, Morteza, 336
- Akhavj, Col. H., 240
- Ala, Hossein (see also
Ala administration period):
- As Mossadeq replacement candidate, 42, 54
- Mossadeq administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952), 49, 56
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period, 113, 157, 159, 164, 165, 187, 188, 205
- Mossadeq removal proposals, 75, 77, 78, 79
- Oil nationalization dispute, 49, 370
- Qavam appointment crisis (July 1952), 83, 91, 92
- Resignation of, 20, 22, 65
- U.S. covert activities and, 5, 8
- Zahedi government period, 354, 370, 375
- Ala administration period (Mar.-Apr. 1951):
- Berry memoranda, 12
- CIA Directorate of Plans memoranda, 4, 5
- CIA Office of National Estimates memoranda, 3
- Langer memoranda, 16
- NIE–6, 13
- NSC 107, 6, 14
- NSC 107 progress reports, 21
- Kermit Roosevelt memoranda, 7, 10, 17
- Soviet policy in Iran during, 3, 4, 6, 19
- Special Estimate, 7, 9, 28
- Stutesman report, 65
- U.S. covert activities, 5, 6, 8, 11, 14, 15, 18
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 218, 300, 331
- Alemi, 325
- Allen, George, 26, 192
- Allen, Raymond, 116
- Amayoun Party, 192
- Amidi-Nuri, 335
- Amini, Abol Ghassem:
- Amini, Ali, 373
- Amini, Brig. Gen. Mahmoud, 205, 212, 216, 226
- Amiralai, Chamseddine, 42
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) (see also Oil nationalization dispute), 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20
- Ansari, Engineer, 341
- Arab, Hassan, 330
- Aramesh, Ahmad, 332, 361
- Arfa, Gen. Hasan, 73, 322, 323, 332, 335, 370, 375
- Armory, Robert, Jr., 145, 304
- Armstrong, W. Park, Jr., 357
- Ashrafi, Mir, 217
- Azad, Ibol Qader, 5, 65
- Azerbaijani people, 1, 11, 13, 188, 295
- Azimi, Reza, 336
- Acheson, Dean:
- Babadori, Gen. Ahmad, 182
- Baghai, Mosafar:
- Baharmast, Gen., 165, 175
- Bahbudi, 361
- Bahmanbegui, 315, 316
- Bailey, Ronald, 134
- Bakhtiar, 336
- Bakhtiar, Col. Timur, 240, 288, 323, 370
- Bakhtiar tribe (see also Iranian tribes), 178, 192, 197, 219
- Bakhtiari, Abul Ghasem, 178, 197, 219
- Balmer, Brig. Gen. Jesmond D., 109, 110, 117, 170
- Baqai, Mosafar. See Baghai, Mosafar
- Baqi, Abdul, 114, 155, 203, 205
- Barnes, 304
- Barnes, Tracy:
- Operation Ajax, 307
- Barzani, Gen. Mulla Mustafa, 4
- Batmangelitch, Gen. Nadr:
- Battle, Lucius D., 38
- Bayne, Ned, 116
- Beale, 134
- Bealey, 205
- Becker, 104
- Becker, Loftus E., 129, 131, 138
- Beeley, Harold, 181
- Behbehani, 192, 193, 330
- Berry, Burton Y.:
- Berry, J. Lampton:
- Berry:
- Berry (Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs):
- Black, 299
- Black, Eugene R., Jr., 313
- Black, Lt. Col., 170
- Black, Robert, 215
- Boghai, Mozafar, 5
- Bohlen, Charles E., 109, 146
- Bonbright, James C.H., 133
- Bonesteel, Col., 299
- Borel, Paul, 365
- Boroujerdi, Ayatollah, 192, 193
- Bowie, Robert, 218, 220, 225, 304
- Bowker, James, 90, 226
- Bowker, R.J., 281
- Bradley, Gen. Omar N., 145
- British role in Iran (see also Oil
nationalization dispute; Operation Ajax; U.S.-British discussions
under other headings):
- Ala administration period, 6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 21
- CIA internal discussions, 53
- Diplomatic relations break, 136
- Iranian tribes and, 30, 32, 168, 175
- Mossadeq administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952), 47, 50, 51
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period:
- Mossadeq removal proposals and, 42, 46, 54, 56, 73, 77, 78
- NIE–6, 13
- NSC 107, 6, 14, 21, 35
- Razmara assassination and, 2
- Stutesman report, 65
- Wagner memoranda, 1
- Zahedi government period, 300, 318, 325, 330, 341, 347, 353, 354, 355, 375
- Brownell, Herbert, Jr., 304
- Bruce, David K., 109, 118
- Bryant, Elmer C., 315, 316, 321
- Bundy, William P., 150
- Burrows, 134
- Bushehri, Javad, 375
- Busheri, 73, 80, 127
- Byroade, Henry:
- Cabell, Gen. Charles P., 216, 295, 304, 305, 307, 338
- Carney, Adm. Robert B., 304
- Carr, Robert, 72
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (see also
headings beginning with CIA; U.S. covert
- CIA Memoranda of Information, No. 67, “Iranian Developments,” 20
- Directorate of Plans memoranda, 4, 5
- Documents not declassified, 130
- Information Cables, CS PD 916, “Qashqai-Zahedi Relations,” 314
- Information Reports:
- CS–5029a, “Attitude of Shah Concerning His Present Position,” 178
- CS–6360, “Planned Coup D’État against Mossadeq Government,” 182
- CS–6708, “Tudeh Instructions Concerning Activities in Case of Anti-Mossadeq Coup,” 185
- CS–6963, “Further Details Concerning General Zahedi’s Plans for Supplanting Mossadeq/Counter Measures by Mossadeq Government,” 188
- CS–7704, “Opposition Test of Strength with Mossadeq,” 191
- CS–8550, “Activities of Anti-Mossadeq Groups,” 195
- CS–8642, “Zahedi Campaign to Replace Prime Minister Mossadeq,” 196
- CS–8818, “Current Iranian Situation,” 197
- CS–22194, 330
- CS–22878, 336
- CS–28662, 356
- CS–28871, “Situation in the Tudeh Party,” 359
- CS–40139, “Iran,” 367
- CS–40518, “Government Offer to Khosrow Khan Qashqai,” 369
- CS–40723, “Details of Opposition to Zahedi Government,” 370
- CS DB–3966, “Attitude of Shah Toward General Zahedi’s Plans for Ousting Mossadeq/Attitude of Shah and Opposition Leaders Toward Present Crisis,” 193
- Intelligence Memoranda, SIC No. 9750, “Effects of Closing Down the Iranian Oil Industry,” 39
- Office of Intelligence Research memoranda, No. 1378, “Iran:: Potential Character of a Kashani-Dominated Government,” 181
- Office of National Estimates memoranda:
- No. 32, “The Situation in Iran,” 3
- No. 171, “The Tudeh Problem in US Intelligence,” 58
- No. 211, “Effect of Recent Developments in Iran on Mossadeq’s Regime,” 67
- No. 247, “An Evaluation of the Significance of the National Front Movement in Iran,” 82, 86
- No. 256, “OIR Comments on Staff Memorandum No. 247,” 86
- Churchill, Winston, 121, 205, 210, 212, 318, 352
- Collins, Gen., 176
- Communism. See Soviet policy in Iran; Tudeh Party
- Corrigan, Claud H., 225
- Crowl, R. Bernard, 215
- Cunningham, Joseph H., 205, 341
- Cuomo, Anthony, 23, 43, 64, 155, 233, 333
- Cutler, Robert, 171, 176, 304
- Dadsetan, Maj. Gen. Farhat, 332, 335, 336, 344
- Daftari, Gen., 240, 270, 288
- Davalou, Col., 196
- Davis, A.C.:
- NSC 107, 6
- Deihimi, Gen., 322, 323, 332, 335, 336, 340
- Derakshan, Gen., 240
- Documents not declassified, 130, 148, 149, 214, 221, 222, 234, 310, 311
- Dodge, Joseph M., 146, 171, 176
- Dolatabadi, 335
- Donovan, William, 366
- Dooher, Gerald F.P., 34, 36, 61, 115
- Dubois, Arthur, 139
- Dulles, Allen:
- Ala administration period, 7, 8, 11, 18
- Mossadeq administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952), 53
- Majlis elections, 66
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period:
- Briefing notes, 153, 194, 254
- Long memoranda, 108
- Mossadeq resignation threat (Feb. 1953), 160
- National Intelligence Estimates, 259
- Oil nationalization dispute, 153, 171, 176
- Shah foreign travel plans, 162
- Thornburg memoranda, 154
- Tudeh Party legalization, 209
- U.S. capabilities analyses, 168
- U.S. covert activities, 183
- U.S. economic aid, 252
- Mossadeq removal proposals, 25, 26, 104, 118
- Oil cartel suit, 304
- Oil nationalization dispute, 304, 305, 319, 365
- Operation Ajax, 184, 225, 243, 251, 292, 363
- Tudeh Party takeover contingency plans, 171, 176
- U.S. covert activities:
- U.S. security interests in Iran, 10
- Zahedi government:
- Dulles, John Foster:
- Dunn, James C., 68
- Faramarzi, Abdul Rahman, 51
- Farman-Farmayan, 114
- Faroud, Farokh, 330
- Farzanegan, Brig. Gen., 270, 289, 326, 340
- Fateh, Mostafa, 332
- Fatemi, Hossein, 157, 201, 205, 209, 283, 306, 325, 344
- Fechteler, Adm. W.M., 141
- Fedayan Islam, 192
- Fedi-i-a-Islam, 3, 67
- Ferguson, C. Vaughan, Jr., 34, 70, 73, 85
- Firth, 179
- Flemming, Arthur, 304
- Foster, William C., 74
- Franks, Oliver, 12
- Frazer, William, 65
- Friends of Islam, 9
- Ganjei, Jayad, 193, 205
- Gannet, 316, 321
- Garner, Robert L., 57
- Garzan, Gen. Abbas, 73, 182, 323
- Gerhart, Gen. John K., 304
- Ghanatabodi, Shams, 91, 115
- Gharagazlu, Ali Reza, 197
- Ghasghgai tribe. See Qashqai tribe.
- Gifford, Walter S., 12, 49, 90, 95
- Gleason, S. Everett, 35, 171, 176, 194, 254, 304
- Golpyra, Maj. Gen., 332
- Grady, Henry F., 2, 4, 16, 30, 32, 65
- Guilanshah, Gen. Hedayat, 114, 285, 289, 323, 330, 332, 336
- Gurney, F. Taylor, 335
- Haerizadeh, Sayyid Sbol Hazan, 5, 65, 182, 193, 197, 329
- Hakimi, Ibrahim, 42, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80
- Harriman, Averell, 146
- Harriman Mission, 43, 44, 49, 65
- Hasibi, 155, 325
- Hayat, Ali, 315, 316, 336
- Hedayat, Maj. Gen. Abdullah, 323, 332, 335, 336, 337
- Hedden, 104
- Hedjazi, Gen. Abdalhussein, 107
- Hekmat, 335
- Hekmat, Ali Asghar, 337, 341
- Hekmat, Sardar Fakher, 36, 42, 56
- Helms, Richard M., 59, 117, 307
- Hemat, Gen. Seyfollah, 336
- Henderson, Loy W.:
- Mossadeq administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952):
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period, 112, 155,
173, 203, 211, 224
- Amini appointment, 200, 203
- Abol Ghassem Amini discussions, 235
- British role in Iran, 210, 212
- CIA monthly reports, 202
- Dubois visit, 139
- John Foster Dulles discussions, 206
- Allen Dulles memoranda, 168
- Kashani discussions, 115, 140, 142
- Kashani-Tudeh coup plot, 124
- Oil nationalization dispute, 150, 174, 177, 199, 204, 205, 206, 212, 220, 224
- Recall proposals, 171
- Shah foreign travel plans, 159, 161, 164, 165, 212, 235
- U.S. economic aid, 198, 220
- U.S. military aid, 218, 220
- Warne-Akhavi discussions, 207
- Zahedi coup plots, 156, 187
- Mossadeq removal proposals, 52, 69, 78, 80, 107
- Oil nationalization dispute, 49
- Operation Ajax:
- Qavam appointment crisis (July 1952), 83, 84, 85, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 112
- Zahedi government:
- Baghai on, 335, 341, 352
- British relations with, 354
- Domestic programs, 208
- Intra-government conflicts, 332, 335, 340, 348
- Majlis dissolution/elections, 354, 357
- Mossadeq treatment, 353, 354, 357
- Nixon visit, 354
- Oil nationalization dispute, 335, 341, 348, 353, 354, 357
- Qashqai tribe relations with, 315, 324, 358, 366
- Shah discussions, 303
- U.S. anti-communism policy recommendations, 333
- U.S. economic aid, 286, 360
- U.S. military aid, 332, 349, 354, 355, 360
- Hewitt, R.L., 58, 177
- Holmes, Julius C., 95
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 331, 343, 352
- Hormoz, 341
- Hormuz, Mahmud, 335, 337
- Horsey, Outerbridge, II, 170
- Houman, Ahmed, 330
- Howe, Fisher, 372
- Howison, John, 155, 325
- Howison, John M., 332
- Human, 91
- Humphrey, George M., 171, 176, 304
- Imami, Hasan, 330, 332
- Imami, Sharif, 330, 335, 337
- India, 303
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) (World Bank), 57, 67
- International Court of Justice (ICJ), 47, 76
- Iran Party, 192, 205, 235
- Iranian-Soviet Treaty (1921), 1, 6, 19, 145, 355
- Iranian tribes (see also Kurds; Qashqai tribe):
- Kaiser, Maj. William, 289
- Kashani, Ayatollah Abol-Ghasem:
- Ala administration period, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 17
- Mossadeq administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952), 43, 51, 61, 65
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period:
- Byroade memoranda, 121
- CIA Information Reports, 193
- CIA monthly reports, 167
- CIA Office of National Estimates memoranda, 177
- Coup plot, 120, 124, 127
- Allen Dulles memoranda, 168
- Henderson discussions, 140, 142
- Henderson memoranda, 112, 114, 124, 155
- Henderson recall rumors, 113
- Mossadeq resignation threat (Feb. 1953), 157
- NIE–75, 143, 152
- Shah foreign travel plans, 165
- Special Estimates, 132
- U.S. covert activities, 170
- U.S. economic aid, 115
- Zahedi coup plots, 187, 191
- Mossadeq removal proposals, 73, 181, 192
- National Front and, 5, 43, 65
- Qavam appointment crisis (July 1952), 91, 94
- Razmara assassination and, 9
- U.S. covert activities and, 5, 8, 11, 59
- Zahedi government period, 329, 330, 339
- Kashani, Mostafa, 115, 196, 217
- Kazemi, 127, 155
- Kent, Sherman, 62, 81, 162, 259, 365
- Khalili, Parvis Khan, 68, 70
- Khashanizshad-Kashani, 115
- Khazrai, 68, 70
- King, G.D., 344
- Kitchen, J.C., 49
- Klein, Harry T., 361
- Krentz, 109
- Kurds (see also Iranian tribes), 1, 4, 13, 175, 192
- Landry, Gen. Robert, 43
- Langer, William L., 16, 33, 37
- Lankarani, Ahmad, 335, 337
- Lay, James S., Jr.:
- Leavitt, John H., 67, 82, 122, 167
- Levy, Walter, 43, 218, 220
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 146
- Long, Robert E., 104, 108
- Lotfi, Abdol Ali, 114
- Love, Kenneth, 266
- Love, Richard, 254
- Lovett, Robert A., 141, 145, 146
- Luce, Clare Booth, 279
- Magruder, Gen., 109, 110, 117
- Majzadeh, Braham, 193
- Maki, Seyid Hosein:
- Makins, Roger, 90, 95, 226, 250, 278, 352
- Malek, Col., 332
- Maleki, Khalil, 192
- Mansur, Hassan Ali:
- Martin-Daftari, 73
- Masud, Askar, 219
- Matthews, H. Freeman:
- Mattison, Gordon H.:
- McClelland, 168
- McClure, Gen. Robert A., 218, 267, 307, 312, 360
- McGhee, George C., 12, 26, 30, 49, 65
- Meftah, 303
- Mehdiwazar, 114
- Melbourne, Roy M.:
- Merchant, Livingston, 218
- Meshed, 114
- Middle East Defense Organization (MEDO), 171
- Middleton, George H.:
- Millspaugh, Arthur, 65
- Mirfanderski, Brig. Gen., 332
- Mirjahangiri, Gen., 315, 336
- Moazami, Abdullah, 193, 203, 205, 238
- Modabar, 249
- Mohammadi, Hadi Nazar, 344
- Mohanna, 267
- Moini, Col., 323
- Monnazeh, Gen. Ali, 196
- Morgan, George A., 183
- Morrison, Herbert, 16
- Moshar, Yusef, 329, 330
- Mossadeq, Gholam, 219
- Mossadeq, Mohammad (see also Mossadeq
administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952); Mossadeq administration post-crisis
period; Mossadeq removal proposals):
- Ala administration period, 5, 8
- Eisenhower correspondence, 230, 238, 249, 258, 259
- Operation Ajax, 280, 281
- Prime Ministership appointment, 20
- Razmara assassination and, 28
- Resignation and reinstatement (July 1952). See Qavam appointment crisis (July 1952).
- Stutesman report, 65
- Zahedi government period treatment, 303, 307, 322, 325, 327, 343, 344, 347, 353, 354, 357
- Mossadeq administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952) (see
also Mossadeq removal proposals; Oil nationalization
dispute; Qavam appointment
crisis (July 1952)):
- British policy, 47, 50, 51
- CIA internal discussions, 53
- CIA Memoranda of Information, 20
- CIA Office of Intelligence Research memoranda, 44
- CIA Office of National Estimates memoranda, 67, 82
- CIA Tehran Station memoranda, 22, 24, 51
- Economic situation, 79, 81
- Kashani role, 43
- Langer memoranda, 37
- Majlis elections, 56, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
- NIE–46, 58, 62, 63, 67
- NSC 107 progress reports, 31
- NSC background summary, 49
- NSC discussions, 50
- Qashqai brothers U.S. visit (1951), 34, 36
- Richards memoranda, 23, 42, 43
- Kermit Roosevelt memoranda, 71
- Special Estimates, 28
- Stutesman report, 65
- U.S.-British discussions, 42, 46, 54, 56, 57
- U.S.-British joint estimates, 55, 72
- U.S. covert activities, 29, 40, 41, 48, 59, 61, 66
- U.S. military aid to Iran refusal, 60, 63, 65, 67
- U.S. Qashqai tribe consultations, 34, 36, 74
- Villard memoranda, 29
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period (July 1952–Aug. 1953) (see also Mossadeq administration post-crisis political
situation; Mossadeq removal proposals; Oil nationalization dispute):
- Dubois visit, 139
- Shah foreign travel plans:
- U.S.-British emergency planning, 110
- U.S. covert activities (see also Mossadeq removal proposals):
- U.S. economic aid:
- British paper, 133, 134
- Byroade memoranda, 121
- John Foster Dulles-Henderson discussions, 206
- Henderson-Abol Ghassem Amini discussions, 235
- Henderson memoranda, 198
- Henderson-Mossadeq discussions, 137
- Henderson-Shah emissary discussions, 205
- Jernegan memoranda, 218
- Mutual Security-State Department discussions, 215
- Press conference, 252
- Truman-Acheson discussions, 106
- U.S.-Kashani discussions, 115
- U.S.-Iranian relations:
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis political situation:
- Acheson memoranda, 99
- Amini appointment, 197, 200, 201, 203, 204
- British paper, 133, 134
- Byroade memoranda, 121
- CIA Directorate of Plans memoranda, 249
- CIA Information Reports, 178, 185
- CIA memoranda, 175
- CIA monthly reports, 125, 167, 202, 213, 231, 257
- CIA Office of National Estimates memoranda, 177
- Committee of Eight, 187, 191, 193, 233
- Allen Dulles briefing notes, 153, 194, 254
- John Foster Dulles-Henderson discussions, 206
- Allen Dulles memoranda, 168
- Eisenhower-Mossadeq correspondence and, 238, 249
- Henderson-Abol Ghassem Amini discussions, 235
- Henderson debriefing, 150
- Henderson memoranda, 112, 155, 173, 203, 211, 224
- Henderson-Mossadeq discussions, 100
- Kashani-Tudeh coup plot (Sept. 1952), 120, 124, 127
- Long memoranda, 108
- Mattison memoranda, 151, 244, 246
- Melbourne memoranda, 233
- Mossadeq resignation threat (Feb. 1953), 157, 160
- National Intelligence Estimates, 259
- NIE–75, 143, 150, 151
- NSC 136, 144, 145, 147, 180, 183
- Kermit Roosevelt memoranda, 238, 239, 242
- Special Estimates, 132
- Thornburg memoranda, 116, 118, 119, 154
- Truman-Eisenhower discussions, 146
- Tudeh Party legalization, 209
- U.S.-Baghai discussions, 135
- U.S.-British discussions, 99, 134, 172
- U.S.-Kashani discussions, 115, 140, 142
- Warne-Akhavi discussions, 207
- Zahedi coup plots, 156, 182, 187, 188, 191, 193, 195, 196
- Mossadeq removal proposals (see also
Operation Ajax; Zahedi coup plots under
Mossadeq administration post-crisis period):
- Acheson memoranda, 70, 103
- British role in Iran and, 42, 46, 54, 56, 73, 77, 78
- Byroade memoranda, 101
- CIA Director’s meeting discussions, 104
- CIA director’s staff meeting discussions, 25
- CIA Information Reports, 193
- CIA Iran Branch estimates, 192
- CIA Office of Intelligence Research memoranda, 181
- CIA-State Department discussions, 26, 126
- CIA Tehran Station memoranda, 189, 190
- John Foster Dulles-Henderson discussions, 206
- Henderson memoranda, 80, 107
- Henderson-Shah discussions, 212
- Henderson-Shah emissary discussions, 204, 205
- Kashani-Tudeh coup plot (Sept. 1952), 120, 124, 127
- Leavitt memoranda, 122
- Mossadeq administration responses, 219
- Pollard memoranda, 217
- Stutesman report, 65
- Thornburg memoranda, 116, 118, 122
- U.S.-Ala consultations, 75, 77, 78
- U.S.-British discussions:
- U.S.-Qavam communications, 52, 68, 69, 78
- U.S.-Shah discussions, 79
- Wilber memoranda, 123
- Movvagar, 5
- Mozayeni, Gen. Hoseyn, 182, 196
- Mumtaz, 289, 307
- Murphy, Robert D., 225, 366
- Mutual Security, Department of (DMS), 215, 218, 220
- Naderi, 307
- Najm, Abol Qasem, 375
- Nariman, Seyid Mahud, 65
- Nash, Frank C., 128, 299, 304
- Nasiri, Col., 240
- Nasr, 313
- National Front (see also Mossadeq
administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952)):
- Ala administration period, 9, 17
- Kashani role, 43
- Mossadeq administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952), 23, 24, 65, 82, 86
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period, 112, 121, 136, 238, 239, 242
- Mossadeq removal proposals and, 79, 80, 192
- Qavam appointment crisis (July 1952), 98
- Zahedi government period, 329, 330
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- Draft (Aug. 1953), 259
- NIE–6, “Iran’s Position in the East-West Conflict,” 10, 13
- NIE–34–54, “Probable Developments in Iran Through 1955,” 375
- NIE–46, “Probable Developments in Iran in 1952 in the Absence of an Oil Settlement,” 58, 62, 63, 67
- NIE–75, “Probable Developments in Iran Through 1953,” 143, 150, 151, 152
- NIE–102, “Probable Developments in Iran Through 1954,” 347, 357, 362
- National Resistance Movement, 344
- National Security Council (NSC):
- Navabi, 270
- Near East oil situation study, 304
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 303
- Nitze, Paul, 29, 47, 103, 133, 146, 305
- Nixon, Richard M.:
- Noruzi, Davoud, 335, 337, 341
- Oil. See Near East oil situation study; Oil cartel suit; Oil nationalization dispute.
- Oil cartel suit, 304
- Oil nationalization dispute:
- British boycott, 37, 99, 121
- Mossadeq administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952):
- British armed intervention possibility, 12, 16, 33, 35
- CIA Directorate of Plans memoranda, 4, 5
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 39
- CIA Memoranda of Information, 20
- CIA Office of National Estimates memoranda, 3
- CIA Tehran Station memoranda, 22, 23, 24
- Harriman Mission, 43, 44, 49
- IBRD negotiations, 57, 67
- International Court of Justice hearings, 47, 76
- Kashani and, 43
- Langer memoranda, 37
- NIE–46, 63
- NSC 107, 35, 128
- NSC 107 progress reports, 21, 31
- NSC background summary, 49
- NSC discussions, 27, 50
- Soviet imports and, 45
- Special Estimates, 7, 9, 28
- Stokes Mission, 42, 43
- Stutesman report, 65
- UN Security Council discussions, 49, 51, 55
- U.S.-British discussions, 46
- U.S.-British joint estimates, 55, 72
- U.S.-Qavam discussions, 78
- Villard memoranda, 29, 47
- Wagner memoranda, 2
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period, 99, 101,
106, 121
- British paper, 133, 134
- Byroade memoranda, 174
- CIA Iran Branch estimates, 192
- CIA Office of National Estimates memoranda, 177
- Allen Dulles briefing notes, 153
- John Foster Dulles-Henderson discussions, 206
- Eisenhower-Mossadeq correspondence, 230, 238, 249, 258, 259
- Henderson debriefing, 150
- Henderson memoranda, 199, 224
- Henderson-Shah discussions, 212
- Henderson-Shah emissary discussions, 204, 205
- Jernegan memoranda, 218
- Leavitt memoranda, 122
- Makins paper, 250
- Mossadeq resignation threat (Feb. 1953) and, 157
- National Intelligence Estimates, 259
- NIE–75, 143, 152
- NSC discussions, 171, 176
- Special Estimates, 132
- Thornburg memoranda, 118, 154
- Truman-Churchill joint statement, 121
- U.S.-British discussions, 171, 172, 176
- Operation Ajax and, 216
- Qavam appointment crisis (July 1952) and, 90, 95, 97
- Razmara assassination and, 2, 3, 9
- Zahedi government period:
- Baghai on, 337, 341, 353
- CIA Information Reports, 370
- CIA monthly reports, 326
- CIA Office of National Estimates memoranda, 365
- Allen Dulles briefing notes, 319
- Henderson-Baqai discussions, 335
- Henderson memoranda, 348
- Henderson-Shah discussions, 354
- Hoover mission, 331, 343
- Melbourne memoranda, 325
- National Intelligence Estimates, 347, 357, 362
- NSC discussions, 304
- NSC statement of policy, 355
- Kermit Roosevelt memoranda, 352
- Settlement (1954), 373, 374, 375
- Waller memoranda, 364
- Wisner memoranda, 305
- Operation Ajax (see also Mossadeq removal
proposals; Zahedi government):
- Authorization of, 225
- CIA Directorate of Plans memoranda, 363
- Dulles-Dulles discussions, 251
- Eisenhower message to Shah, 293
- Execution of:
- First attempt:
- CIA Directorate of Plans memoranda, 274
- CIA Office of National Estimates memoranda, 275
- CIA Tehran Station memoranda, 264, 270, 273
- CIA telegrams, 265, 269, 272, 277, 278
- Henderson-Mossadeq discussions, 280, 281
- Henderson-Shah discussions, 271
- Mattison memoranda, 261, 262, 263, 266, 267, 268
- Shah press interview, 279
- Tudeh Party responses, 276
- Henderson briefing, 216
- Qashqai tribe and, 236, 255, 291, 307
- Richards memoranda, 223
- Kermit Roosevelt memoranda, 184, 228, 241
- Schwartzkopf role, 216, 227, 228, 229
- Shah return, 284, 287, 290, 293
- Tudeh Party and, 262, 276, 283, 295, 307
- U.S.-British discussions, 232
- Waller memoranda, 218
- Warne situation, 243, 253
- Zahedi correspondence, 240, 245, 248, 260
- Zahedi government period, 334
- Zahedi proposed government, 240, 260
- Pace, Frank, 117
- Page, Howard, 373
- Pahlavi, Abdor Reza (prince of Iran), 69, 375
- Pahlavi, Ali Reza (Prince of Iran), 196, 216
- Pahlavi, Ashraf (Princess of Iran), 51, 65, 69, 370
- Pahlavi, Gholam Reza (prince of Iran), 375
- Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza (Shah of Iran):
- Ala administration period, 5, 8, 12, 16, 21
- Health of, 21
- Mossadeq administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952), 49, 51,
- U.S.-British joint estimates, 72
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period, 112
- British paper, 133
- British role in Iran, 210, 212
- Byroade memoranda, 121
- CIA Information Reports, 178
- CIA memoranda, 157
- CIA Office of National Estimates memoranda, 177
- Foreign travel plans:
- Henderson memoranda, 136
- Melbourne memoranda, 233
- Mossadeq resignation threat (Feb. 1953), 160
- Zahedi coup plots, 187, 193, 195, 196
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis political situation, Allen Dulles briefing notes, 194, 254
- Mossadeq removal proposals, 79
- CIA Information Reports, 193
- CIA Iran Branch estimates, 192
- CIA-State Department discussions, 126
- CIA Tehran Station memoranda, 189
- Henderson discussions, 212
- Henderson memoranda, 107
- Henderson-Shah emissary discussions, 204, 205
- Thornburg memoranda, 118, 122
- U.S.-Ala consultations, 75, 77
- U.S.-British discussions, 42, 54
- U.S.-Qavam communications, 68, 78
- Wilber memoranda, 123
- NIE–46, 67
- NSC 107, 35
- Oil nationalization dispute, 212, 354
- Operation Ajax:
- Qavam appointment crisis (July 1952), 83, 87, 91, 92, 93, 94, 97
- Razmara assassination, 2
- Stutesman report, 65
- U.S.-British joint estimates, 55
- Zahedi government:
- Baghai interview, 356
- British relations with, 354
- Corruption problems, 367
- Domestic programs, Henderson discussions, 303
- Intra-government conflicts:
- Majlis dissolution/elections, 351, 354
- Mossadeq treatment, 327, 354
- National Intelligence Estimates, 375
- Nixon visit, 354, 360
- U.S. military aid, 312, 349, 354, 355, 360
- Pakravan, Col., 332
- Palmer, Joseph, 181, 281
- Pan-Iranist group, 192
- Panahi, Abol Qasem, 52
- Paul, Norman, 215
- Perron, Ernest, 204, 205, 360, 361
- Pirnia, Hoseyn, 330
- Point IV (see also U.S. economic aid to Iran), 8, 63, 65, 86, 135, 137, 243, 253
- Pollard, Cmdr. Eric, 156, 204, 205, 217, 307
- Polowetzky, 113
- Post-coup government. See Zahedi government.
- Pyman, Launcelot, 73, 80
- Qashqai, Abdullah, 74
- Qashqai, Khosro:
- Qashqai, Malek Mansur, 315, 321, 369
- Qashqai, Mohamad, 34, 36
- Qashqai, Mohammed Hosein, 366, 369
- Qashqai, Nasser, 74, 121, 314, 315, 316, 324, 336, 351, 358, 369
- Qashqai tribe (see also Iranian tribes):
- Qavam, Ahmad (see also Qavam appointment crisis (July 1952)):
- Qavam appointment crisis (July 1952):
- Qavam prime minstership (1952). See Qavam appointment crisis (July 1952).
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 304, 338
- Rafi, Haji Agha Reza, 193
- Rashidian, Seyfollah, 330
- Raynor, 220
- Razavi, 238, 249
- Razmara, Haj Ali (see also Razmara assassination), 65, 115, 118
- Razmara assassination, 2
- Riahi, Gen. Esmail, 188
- Riahi, Gen. Taghi, 188, 205, 217, 235, 267, 270, 307, 354
- Richards, 134
- Richards, Arthur L.:
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 304, 312
- Roach. See Schwartzkopf, Brig. Gen. Norman H.
- Roosevelt, Kermit:
- Ala administration period, 7, 8, 10, 14, 17, 18
- Documents not declassified, 222, 234, 310, 311
- Eisenhower-Mossadeq correspondence, 238
- Mossadeq administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952), 48, 53, 71
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period, 105, 119, 133, 134, 238, 239, 242
- Mossadeq removal proposals, 26, 122, 126, 179, 192, 238
- Operation Ajax, 184, 228, 241
- Tudeh Party takeover contingency plans, 71, 129, 131
- U.S. security interests in Iran, 10
- Zahedi government, 352
- Ross, A.D.M., 181
- Rothnie, A.K., 181, 187
- Rountree, William M., 26, 43, 49, 73
- Sadchikov, Ivan, 19, 231
- Sadeqi, 325
- Saed, Mohammed, 65
- Sajjadi, Mohammed, 375
- Salah, Jehanshah, 337
- Saleh, Illahyer:
- Saleh, Jehan Shah, 335
- Sanjabi, Kavim, 193, 325, 344
- Sayah, Kazem, 330
- Schaetzel, 220
- Schwartzkopf, Brig. Gen. Norman H., 216, 227, 228, 229
- Schwind, Donald, 266
- Shah of Iran. See Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza.
- Shayegan, Seyid Ali, 65, 73, 155, 325
- Shepherd, Gen. Lemuel C., 46, 304
- Smith, Gen. Walter B.:
- Ala administration period, 11, 16
- Mossadeq administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952), 37, 62, 81
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period, 108, 117, 145, 154, 180, 211
- Mossadeq removal proposals, 25, 104, 118, 181
- Oil nationalization dispute, 33, 37, 250, 305, 352, 364
- Operation Ajax, 225, 243, 271, 278
- U.S. covert activities, 11
- Zahedi government, 298
- Snyder, John W., 146
- Soheily, Ali, 73, 80, 330, 375
- Soviet-Iranian relations:
- Soviet policy in Iran (see also Tudeh
- British paper, 133
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 19
- CIA monthly reports, 231
- CIA Office of Research and Reports study, 45
- CIA Tehran Station memoranda, 51
- Henderson-Abol Ghassem Amini discussions, 235
- Iranian tribes and, 175
- Kashani ties, 3
- National Intelligence Estimates, 259, 347, 375
- NIE–46, 63
- NIE–75, 143, 152
- NSC 107, 6
- NSC 136, 145
- NSC statement of policy, 355
- Oil industry shutdown and, 39, 63
- Razmara assassination and, 3, 4
- Special Estimates, 28
- Stutesman report, 65
- Wagner memoranda, 1
- Soviet Union. See Soviet-Iranian relations; Soviet policy in Iran
- Special Estimates:
- Special political operations. See U.S. covert activities.
- Stassen, Harold E., 171, 176, 215, 282, 304, 305
- Stewart, Gen., 299
- Stokes Mission, 42, 43
- Strauss, Lewis, 304
- Strong, 170
- Stutesman, John H.:
- Sumka party, 192
- Tabriz, 114
- Tadj ol-Molouk (queen mother of Iran), 65, 69, 80
- Third Force, 192
- Thornburg, Max, 116, 118, 119, 122, 126, 154
- Toilers Party, 192, 337, 341
- TP-AJAX. See Operation Ajax.
- Tribes. See Iranian tribes; Qashqai tribe.
- Truman, Harry S.:
- Tudeh Party (see also Soviet policy in
Iran; Tudeh Party suppression under Zahedi government; Tudeh Party
takeover contingency plans):
- Ala administration period:
- Mossadeq administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952):
- CIA Memoranda of Information, 20
- CIA Office of Intelligence Research memoranda, 44
- CIA Office of National Estimates memoranda, 58
- CIA Tehran Station memoranda, 51
- Henderson memoranda, 64
- Langer memoranda, 33
- Majlis elections, 64, 66, 67
- NIE–46, 58, 62, 63
- U.S.-British joint estimates, 55
- U.S. covert activities, 41, 48, 59, 66
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period, 124, 132
- British paper, 133
- CIA Information Reports, 185
- CIA Iran Branch estimates, 192
- CIA memoranda, 175
- CIA monthly reports, 231
- CIA Office of National Estimates memoranda, 177
- CIA papers, 247
- Coup plot, 120, 124, 127
- Allen Dulles briefing notes, 194
- John Foster Dulles-Henderson discussions, 206
- Allen Dulles memoranda, 168
- Henderson memoranda, 112, 114, 136
- Henderson-Shah emissary discussions, 205
- Legalization, 209
- Mattison memoranda, 246
- National Intelligence Estimates, 259
- NIE–75, 143, 150, 152
- NSC discussions, 171
- U.S.-Baghai discussions, 135
- U.S. covert activities, 213
- Warne memoranda, 258
- Zahedi coup plots, 188
- Operation Ajax and, 262, 276, 283, 295, 296, 297, 307
- Qavam appointment crisis (July 1952), 91, 98, 111
- Wagner memoranda, 1
- Zahedi government period (see also Tudeh Party suppression under Zahedi government), 327, 336, 339, 342, 359, 375
- Tudeh Party suppression under Zahedi government:
- Tudeh Party takeover contingency plans:
- British paper, 133, 134
- CIA internal discussions, 53
- CIA monthly reports, 167, 186
- CIA/State/Defense/JCS discussions, 170
- JCS memoranda, 141
- Nash memoranda, 128
- NSC 107, 6, 131
- NSC 136, 145, 147, 180, 183
- NSC discussions, 171, 176
- Kermit Roosevelt memoranda, 71, 129
- U.S.-British discussions, 158
- U.S. capabilities analyses, 138, 168, 169
- Wisner memoranda, 117
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 304
- UN Security Council, 49, 51
- United Kingdom. See British role in Iran; U.S.-British collaborative action
- U.S. covert activities (see also Operation
- Ala administration period, 5, 6, 8, 11, 14, 15, 18
- Arms stockpiling, 105, 108, 109, 117, 170
- Iranian tribes and, 109
- Mossadeq administration period (Apr. 1951–July 1952), 29, 40, 41, 48, 59, 61, 66
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period (see also Mossadeq removal proposals):
- Qashqai tribe and, 40, 48, 102, 109, 117, 168
- Tudeh Party takeover contingency plans, 117, 158, 170
- Zahedi government period, 342, 345, 346, 350, 368, 371
- U.S. economic aid to Iran:
- Allen Dulles memoranda, 11
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period:
- British paper, 133, 134
- Byroade memoranda, 121
- John Foster Dulles-Henderson discussions, 206
- Henderson-Abol Ghassem Amini discussions, 235
- Henderson memoranda, 198
- Henderson-Mossadeq discussions, 137
- Henderson-Shah emissary discussions, 205
- Jernegan memoranda, 218
- Mutual Security-State Department discussions, 215
- Press conference, 252
- Truman-Acheson discussions, 106
- U.S.-Kashani discussions, 115
- NSC 107, 6
- NSC 107 progress reports, 31
- Operation Ajax and, 216
- Qavam appointment crisis (July 1952) and, 83, 84, 85, 89, 90, 96
- U.S.-Shah discussions, 79
- Zahedi government:
- CIA monthly reports, 326
- CIA Tehran Station memoranda, 286
- Allen Dulles briefing notes, 319
- Eisenhower-Zahedi correspondence, 301, 302
- Henderson-Shah discussions, 360
- National Intelligence Estimates, 375
- NSC discussions, 304, 320
- NSC statement of policy, 355
- Stutesman memoranda, 256
- Wilson memoranda, 299
- Wisner memoranda, 282, 313
- U.S.-Iranian relations:
- U.S. military aid to Iran (see also U.S. military missions in Iran):
- U.S. military missions in Iran, 1, 6, 60, 135
- U.S. security interests in Iran (see also Soviet policy in Iran):
- Wagner, Joseph J., 1
- Waller, John H.:
- Wangh, 220
- Warne, William E.:
- Watson, Adam, 134
- Waugh, Samuel C., 218
- Webb, James E., 21, 31, 57
- White, Col., 104, 282
- Wilber, Donald, 123, 225, 307
- Wiley, John, 38
- Wilson, Charles E., 171, 176, 299
- Wisner, Frank G.:
- Ala administration period, 8, 17, 18
- Mossadeq administration period (Apr. 1951-`-July 1952), 48
- Mossadeq administration post-crisis period, 108, 110, 117, 119
- Mossadeq removal proposals, 104
- Operation Ajax, 184, 216, 253, 255, 297, 307, 334
- Tudeh Party takeover contingency plans, 117, 129, 169
- Zahedi government, 282, 294, 298, 305, 313, 338, 349
- Woodhouse, 179
- World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development), 313
- Wright, Col., 170
- Wright (British ChargÉ d’Affaires), 360
- Young, Brig. Gen. Millard C., 169
- Zahedi, Ardeshir:
- Zahedi, Gen. Fazlullah (see also Zahedi government):
- Zahedi government (see also Tudeh Party
suppression under Zahedi government):
- Baghai on, 335, 337, 341, 353, 356
- British relations with, 300, 318, 325, 330, 341, 347, 353, 354, 360, 375
- Churchill-Zahedi correspondence, 318
- CIA Information Reports, 330
- CIA monthly reports, 326, 351
- CIA Office of National Estimates memoranda, 362
- Corruption problems, 354, 360, 367, 370
- Domestic programs, 208, 294, 303
- Allen Dulles briefing notes, 319
- Henderson-Shah discussions, 303
- Howe memoranda, 372
- Intra-government conflicts:
- CIA Directorate of Plans memoranda, 374
- CIA Information Reports, 317
- CIA monthly reports, 308, 343, 351
- Allen Dulles briefing notes, 319
- Gannett-Perron discussions, 361
- Henderson memoranda, 332, 335, 340, 348
- Henderson-Shah discussions, 335, 340, 360
- Melbourne memoranda, 325
- National Intelligence Estimates, 347, 362
- NSC discussions, 320
- Kermit Roosevelt memoranda, 322, 323
- Majlis dissolution/elections, 325, 332, 346, 347, 350, 351, 354, 357
- Mossadeq treatment, 303, 307, 322, 325, 327, 343, 344, 347, 353, 354, 357
- National Intelligence Estimates, 347, 357, 362, 375
- Nixon visit, 354, 360
- NSC statement of policy, 355
- Opposition activities, 329, 330, 332, 336, 339, 343, 344, 350
- Qashqai tribe relations with:
- Bryant memoranda, 315
- CIA Information Cables, 314
- CIA Information Reports, 336, 369
- CIA monthly reports, 308, 326, 351
- CIA Tehran Station memoranda, 324
- Henderson-Zahedi discussions, 358
- Melbourne memoranda, 316, 321
- Murphy-Mohammed Hosein Qashqai discussions, 366
- Saleh ambassadorship, 309
- Soviet relations with, 298
- U.S. anti-communism policy recommendations, 333
- U.S. covert activities, 342, 345, 346, 350, 368, 371
- U.S. economic aid:
- CIA monthly reports, 326
- CIA Tehran Station memoranda, 286
- Allen Dulles briefing notes, 319
- Eisenhower-Zahedi correspondence, 301, 302
- Henderson-Shah discussions, 360
- National Intelligence Estimates, 375
- NSC discussions, 304, 320
- NSC statement of policy, 355
- Stutesman memoranda, 256
- Wilson memoranda, 299
- Wisner memoranda, 282, 313
- U.S. military aid:
- U.S. relations with, 301, 302, 325, 347, 354, 360, 375
- Zanganeh, Ahmad, 258
- Zia Tabatabai, Seyyid:
- Zimmerman, Maj. Gen. Wayne, 168
- Zirakzadeh, 325, 344