248. Memorandum From the Acting Chief of the Near East and Africa Division, Directorate of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency ([name not declassified]) to Mitchell1
1. At a July 21 meeting Zahedi stated following:
A. He, Zahedi, is meeting Majlis Speaker Moazami 22 July to discuss whether he return to his Majlis bast or remain in hiding outside. [Page 635] Station advised Zahedi to return to the Majlis and resume bast. Zahedi contended that such a move would:
(1) Limit his freedom of contact with [less than 1 line not declassified] his potential and actual followers.
(2) Possibly make it more difficult to reach the palace at D hour.
B. Decision on above deferred pending Zahedi–Moazami meeting.
C. Zahedi agreed to designate on 22 July a trustworthy [less than 1 line not declassified] follower to establish contact with Station for planning and staff work in military aspects of the plan.
2. On the basis of the above described meeting Station formed following opinion:
A. Zahedi appears to lack forceful leadership quality and plans may have to be perfected through his followers. Despite apparent “vagueness” of Zahedi’s thinking he apparently only effective “rallying point” for opposition and for that reason he must be supported and encouraged to maximum against Mossadeq.
B. Zahedi does have sufficient stature and “guts” to continue along path he entered.
C. Every effort should be made to stimulate Zahedi’s ambition and maintain his morale.
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DDO Files, Job 80–01701R, Box 3, Folder 12, Misc. Correspondence—TPAJAX. Secret. The recipient is referred to as “Mr. Mitchell” in the original and is not further identified.↩