References are to document numbers
- Aaron, David, 74, 217, 218
- Abzug, Bella, 53
- Academic freedom, 112
- Acheson, Dean G., 94, 139, 144
- Ad Hoc Bicentennial Planning Committee, 85
- Ad Hoc Net Assessment Group, 8
- Ad Hoc Senior Management Review Group, 116
- Advisory Board on National Defense, 147
- Advisory Commission on Information, 103
- Aeroflot, 218
- Affirmative action, 152
- Afghanistan, 218
- Africa (see also individual countries), 113, 210, 218
- African-Americans, 20, 21, 124, 129, 152
- Agee, Philip B. F., 15, 16, 26, 47
- Agency for International Development (USAID):
- Arms Export Control Board (proposal), 187
- Cultural exchange, 98
- Food policy organization, 177
- Ford-Carter transition process, 213, 217, 221
- Foreign economic relations, 166
- Human rights, 174
- Leaks, 139
- Narcotics control, 160, 168, 173
- Reorganization of, 166
- Role of, 135
- Single personnel system for, 156, 157
- Staff meetings, 120
- State Department relationships within geographic bureaus, 123
- Subcommittee on International Exchanges, 98
- Agnew, Spiro T., 19, 20, 87
- Agreement on Exchanges and Cooperation in Scientific, Technical, Educational, Cultural, and Other Fields in 1972–1973, 91, 92
- Agricultural coordination, 165
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of:
- Ahern, Paul L., 155
- Aherne, R. W., 214, 216
- “Ahora” (TV series), 86
- Aid policy, 164
- Ain Shams University, 98
- Air Force, U.S. Department of, 154
- Aircraft:
- Airlie House, 85
- Alaska, 159
- Albert, Carl B., 33, 87, 147
- Aldrich, George H., 57
- Algeria, 128
- Alias documents, 20
- Allen, Gen. Lew, Jr., 32, 40
- Allen, Robert S., 20
- Allende Gossens, Salvador, 22, 26, 56, 117, 137
- Allison, Graham, 217
- Ambassadorial appointments, 219
- American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 206
- American Field Service, 92
- American Foreign Service Association (AFSA), 126, 129, 144, 148, 154, 223
- American Friends of the Middle East, 92, 98
- American Illustrated, 86
- The American Purpose (film), 86
- American Revolution, 94
- American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, 85, 86, 97, 107
- American Specialists program, 112
- American Studies Associations, 85
- American Studies programs, 95
- American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T), 83, 148
- Analytic policy planning meetings, 120, 130
- Anderson, Burnett, 86
- Anderson, George W., Jr., 1, 116
- Anderson, Jack, 6, 20, 22, 47
- Angleton, James Jesus:
- Angola, 54, 65, 74, 218
- Anti-Americanism, 90
- Anti-discrimination regulations, 133
- Anti-war movement, 7, 17, 19, 20
- ANZUS, 105
- Apollo-Soyuz project, 94
- Arab-Israeli War (1973), 44, 50, 65, 139
- Areeda, Philip E., 18, 20, 34
- Argentina, 190
- Armenia, 113
- Armitage, John A., 107
- Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA):
- Arms Export Control Board (proposal), 187
- Congressional subpoena on documents of, 59
- Director as NSC member (proposal), 202
- Ford-Carter transition process, 217
- MAAG requirements, 189
- Non-military incidents, 163
- Organization in State Department of, 125, 135
- Security Assistance Program Review Committee, 181
- Staff meetings of, 120
- State Department relationship to, 109, 112
- Strengthening of, 147
- Arms Export Control Act (1976), 223
- Arms Export Control Board (proposal), 187
- Arms Transfer Board, 183
- Arms transfers, 181, 183, 223
- Article I (U.S. Constitution), 59
- Ash, Roy L.:
- Asia, 92, 103, 105, 166
- Asia Foundation, 92
- Asian-Americans, 152
- Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, 95
- Aspin, Les, 54
- Assad, Hafez al-, 219
- Assassination plots:
- Against Agnew, 19, 20
- Against Castro, 20, 22, 23, 52
- Against foreign leaders, 10, 20, 22, 23, 52, 55
- Against Helms, 19, 20
- Against Kennedy, 39, 42, 74
- Against Schneider, 22, 52
- Church Committee access to documents on, 44
- Church Committee’s report on, 52, 55
- Colby’s acknowledgement of, 43, 55
- Legislation proposals against, 66
- Presidential response to issue of, 42, 52, 55, 70
- Astronauts, 96
- Atherton, Alfred L., Jr., 128, 184
- Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 169
- Austin, Tim, 155
- Australia, 94, 105, 113
- Austria, 190
- Azorian, 30
- Back to Back relationships, 123
- Bailey, Steve, 95
- Baker, Howard H., Jr., 15, 74
- Baker, William O., 1, 15
- Balance of payments, 94
- Ball, George, 197
- Baltic states, 113
- Bangladesh, 128, 137
- Barnes, Harry G., Jr., 91
- Bartels, John, 168
- Bartholomew, Reginald, 142, 177, 217
- Base negotiations, 125
- Basic Officer Course, 141
- Basket III, 107
- Bay of Pigs, 24
- Behavior modification, 20
- Belgium, 190
- Belin, David W., 36, 39
- Belorussia, 113
- Bentsen, Lloyd, 105
- Berding, Andrew, 103
- Bergsten, C. Fred, 217, 218
- Bering Sea, 159
- Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 219
- Bicentennial of the American Revolution, 85, 86, 97, 107
- Bilateral joint commissions, 98
- Billington, James, 92
- Bird, Caroline, 148
- Birnbaum, Philip, 221
- Blaney, Harry C., 169
- Blood, Archer K., 137
- Blue Ribbon Defense Panel, 75
- Blue Ribbon Panel (see also Rockefeller Commission), 18, 19, 21, 23
- Blumenthal, W. Michael, 192
- Board for International Broadcasting (BIB), 102, 113
- Board for International Broadcasting Act (P.L. 93–129), 87, 113
- Board of Foreign Scholarships, 95, 97
- Board of Professional Development, 144, 146, 223
- Board of the Foreign Service, 223
- Boles, Kenneth, 86
- Bolivia, 190
- Bolling, Richard W., 16
- Borg, C. Arthur, 112, 215, 217, 221, 224
- Boswell, Eric J., 186, 217
- Bouchard, Donald J., 152
- Bourne, Peter, 221
- Boverie, Richard T., 182
- Boyatt, Thomas, 54, 65, 129, 137
- Boyer, Neil A., 92, 95
- Braden, Tom, 39, 40
- Brainwashing, 43
- Brandt, Willy, 92
- Bray, Charles W., III, 132
- Brazil, 150, 190, 219
- Breckenridge, S. D., 55
- Bremer, L. Paul “Jerry”, III, 54, 137, 139, 143, 144, 207
- Brennan, Peter J., 163
- Brezhnev, Leonid I., 65, 94, 117
- Bridges, Peter S., 141, 215, 217, 221
- Brimmer, Andrew, 21
- Brinegar, Claude S., 163
- British Broadcasting Company (BBC), 93
- Broderick, William D., 184
- Brookings Institution, 218
- Broomfield, William, 45, 110, 147
- Brown, Gen. George S.:
- Brown, Lewis Dean:
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 210, 216, 220
- Buchen, Philip W.:
- Approaches for implementation of recommendations of Rockefeller Commission, 46, 47
- Church Committee hearings on Chile, 56
- Church Committee report on assassinations of foreign leaders, 52, 55
- Church’s requests for documents, 38
- CIA domestic spying:
- Congressional leaders as NSC members, 201
- Defense intelligence reorganization, 75
- Executive Order 11905, 80
- Executive Order proposal for restructuring and revising of PFIAB, 60
- Intelligence community, 48, 51, 64, 67, 68
- Intelligence Coordinating Group, 49, 53
- NSC staff reductions, 200
- NSCID No. 9, 22
- Schlesinger Report (1971), 47
- Senior Review Group, 205
- Terrorism, 185
- Buffum, William B., 177
- Bulgaria, 113
- Bundy, McGeorge, 63
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 218
- Bureau of Administration, 156
- Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (CU) (see also Cultural exchange):
- Bureau of Humanitarian Affairs (proposed), 174
- Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), 166, 197
- Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, 168
- Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES), 167, 174
- Bureau of Oceans and Technology, 125
- Bureau of Personnel, 149, 223
- Bureau of Planning and Policy Coordination, 134
- Bureau of Public Affairs, 146
- Bureau of Science and Technology (BSI), 167
- Bureau reorganization, 128, 147
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh, 18
- Burma, 105, 168
- Burns, Arthur, 219, 220
- Bush, George H. W.:
- Appointment as DCI of, 58, 68, 203
- Arms Export Control Board (proposal), 187
- Church Committee’s final report, 74
- CIA intelligence briefing recommendations, 211
- CIA morale, 78
- CIA-NSC relations, 78
- Colby’s report on Hersh’s article on CIA domestic spying, 19
- Committee on Foreign Intelligence meetings, 71
- Congressional appearances, 78
- Criteria for approving covert U.S. actions, 80
- EPB meeting on intelligence, 79
- Executive Order 11905, 78, 80
- Functions and membership of NSC sub-groups, 208
- Intelligence community, 63, 68, 69, 79
- “Intelligence for the Future” (PFIAB report), 82
- International Exchange Council, 89
- MAAG requirements, 190
- National intelligence production, 73
- Semi-annual intelligence reviews, 77, 83
- Six-month progress report, 78
- State Department-CIA relations, 78
- Butz, Earl L., 163, 176
- Byrnes, John, 18
- Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control (CCINC), 160, 168, 188
- Cabinet Committee on Terrorism, 185
- Califano, Joseph, 63
- Callaghan, James, 34
- Cambodia, 105, 117, 171
- Cameroon, 112
- Campbell, Richard, 118, 197
- Canada, 113, 166
- Capital flows, 191
- Career Principals Committee (of AFSA), 154
- Carlin, James L., 186
- Carter, Darrell, 86
- Carter, James Earl:
- Carver, George A., Jr., 11
- Case, Clifford, 32, 186
- Casey, William J., 63, 79, 197
- Casey report, 164
- Castro, Fidel, 20, 22, 23, 52
- Caucasus Mountains, 113
- Ceausescu, Nicolae, 90
- Censorship, 100
- Center for Strategic and International Studies (Georgetown University), 103, 110
- Central Asia, 113
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (see also
Church Committee; Director of Central Intelligence; intelligence
community; Rockefeller Commission):
- Administration Directorate, 36
- Alias documents, 20
- Arms Export Control Board (proposal), 187
- As part of intelligence community, 70
- Assassinations of foreign leaders, 20
- Behavior modification experiments by, 20
- Church Committee final report recommendations, 74
- Church Committee security rules from, 35, 44
- Colby’s speech to employees of, 43
- Congressional oversight of, 16, 26, 63
- Congressional relations with, 78
- Covert U.S. actions:
- DCI:
- Arms Export Control Board (proposal), 187
- Bush appointment as, 58, 68, 203
- Church Committee final report recommendations, 74
- Colby as, 196, 203
- Defense Secretary’s relationship with, 51
- Directives of, 71
- Dual roles of, 40, 45, 51
- Intelligence Community Staff, 77
- National intelligence production, approach to, 73, 81
- New roles for, possible, 61, 62
- Responsibilities of, 70, 81
- Schlesinger as, 2, 196
- Defense attach, system, 116
- DIA difference in USIB with, 39
- DOJ meeting with, 20, 29
- Domestic spying by:
- Anderson and staff surveilled in, 20
- Assessment of extent of, 22
- Blue Ribbon Panel on, 18, 19, 21, 23
- Call for investigation into, 17
- Checking of files on, 17
- Colby’s minimization of extent of, 19
- Congressional investigations of:
- Executive Order proposed against, 47, 48
- Helms-Ford talks on, 24
- Investigation of retired employees, 25
- Legal actions over, possibility of, 19
- Memo clarifying scope of, 19
- On anti-war movement, 7, 17, 19, 20
- On black militants, 20
- Options for restrictions on, 47
- Presidential responses to conflict over, proposals for, 18
- Surveillance of agency employees, 43
- Wiretaps, 43
- Drug experiments, 7, 43
- Dual deputies proposal, 47
- Electronic phone equipment as tested by, 20
- Ellsberg burglary role of, 6, 7
- Executive Order 11905’s directions for, 70, 78
- “Family Jewels,” 7, 17, 21, 22, 25
- FBI, cooperation with, 19, 22
- Ford-Carter transition process, 211, 213, 217
- Foreign Broadcasting Information Service, 40
- Hunt’s connections with, 6, 20, 39
- INR, desire for abolishing of, 197
- Inspector-General, role of, 39, 43
- Intelligence Directorate, 36
- Jamming of U.S. radio broadcasts, 113
- Jurisdictional responsibilities, 42
- Kennedy assassination, question of role in, 39, 42
- Legislative Interdepartmental Group role of, 196
- MAAG requirements, 189
- Mail screening by, 20, 22, 36, 66
- MHCHAOS project, 39, 42
- Monitoring Overseas Direct Employment (MODE), 140
- Morale in, 78
- Narcotics control, 43, 70, 168
- National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC), 40
- National Security Act of 1947 as legislative charter of, 6, 70
- Nixon administration misuse of, 42
- NSC relations with, 78
- NSC sub-group membership for, 205
- Office of National Estimates, 10, 11
- Open vs. secret budget for, 43
- Operations Directorate, 2
- Organization of international energy policy, 169
- Over-bureaucratization of Clandestine Service, 1
- Pike Committee draft report’s highlights, 65
- Polygraph effectiveness, 20
- Presidential access by, 15
- Presidential concern over future of, 21, 23
- Presidential oversight of, 47, 48, 68
- Psychological profiling, 20, 21, 22
- Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty as funded by, 87, 102
- Renaming of, proposal for, 147
- Reports prepared for the Rockefeller Commission, 36
- Russian defector’s confinement by, 20, 22
- Schlesinger’s shake-up of, 2
- Science and Technology Directorate, 36
- Secrecy agreements, 34
- Seen as “rogue elephant,” 46
- Semi-annual intelligence reviews, 81
- State Department relations with, 78
- Study: International Connections of U.S. Peace Groups, 19
- Surveillance of journalists by, 7, 19
- Tarnishing of image of, 15
- Terrorism, 43, 185
- Toxic agent storage by, 74
- Watergate affair involvement of:
- Ceylon, 128
- Cheney, Richard B.:
- Cherne, Leo M., 15, 79, 82, 103
- Chiang Kai-shek, 105
- Chile:
- China, People’s Republic of:
- China, Republic of, 105, 190
- Church, Frank F.:
- Appointment as chair of Select Committee, 31
- Church Committee report on assassinations of foreign leaders, 52, 55
- CIA seen as “rogue elephant” by, 46
- Colby’s acknowledgement of assassination plots to, 43
- Colby’s meeting with Tower and, 35
- Executive privilege, 35
- Final Church Committee report, 74
- Ford’s meeting with Tower and, 34, 35
- McCone’s meeting with, 15
- Messages to Ford, 38, 56, 57
- Church Committee (see also Central
Intelligence Agency; Senate, U.S.):
- Access to documents by, 35, 38, 44, 50, 54
- Assassination of foreign leaders, report on, 52, 55, 74
- CFI recommendations, 74
- Chile report of, 56, 74
- CIA security rules for, 35, 44
- Establishment of, 31
- Executive orders, 38, 74
- FBI as investigated by, 31, 34
- FBI security arrangements for, 35
- Final report of, 74, 81
- Investigation of U.S. actions abroad, 42, 44
- Objectives of, 31
- Report of compared to Pike Committee report, 74
- Rockefeller Commission’s work as reviewed by, 31, 35
- Vietnam, U.S actions in, 42
- CIA Act (1949) (P.L. 81–110), 70
- CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (Marchetti), 17, 32, 47
- CIA Program, 62, 81
- Civil Rights Act (1964), 148
- Civil Service Commission, 154, 156
- Civil Service system, 154, 158, 223
- Civil War, 94
- Clandestine Service, 1, 2
- Clark, Kenneth B., 152
- Clark, Ramsey, Creation of unit for surveillance of anti-war movement by, 21
- Clarke, John M., 44
- Classified information:
- Claxton, Phil, 167
- Clements, William P., Jr.:
- Clientism, 136
- Clifford, Clark, 211
- Clift, Denis, 110, 200
- Cline, Ray, 139
- Coast Guard, U.S., 159
- Cohen, Jerry, 83
- Colby, William E.:
- (not declassified), 4
- Approaches for implementation of recommendations of Rockefeller Commission, 46
- Assassination plots against foreign leaders, 43, 55
- Azorian, 30
- Chilean involvement of CIA, 15, 26, 56
- CIA domestic spying:
- Congressional oversight of CIA, 26, 63
- Congressional requests for documents, attitude toward, 54
- DOJ-CIA meeting, 20, 29
- Emotional state of, 25
- Executive Order proposal for restructuring and revising of PFIAB, 60
- “Family Jewels,” 7, 25
- 40 Committee meetings, 32
- House Armed Services testimony of, 15, 26
- Intelligence community:
- Intelligence Community Staff, 40
- Intelligence Coordinating Group, 49
- International Energy Review Group, 170
- ITT, 25
- Joint Congressional Committee on Intelligence, 16, 26, 28, 29, 32
- Kissinger’s views on, 23
- LSD as tested by CIA, 7, 43
- Management by objectives (MBO), 39
- Meetings:
- Messages:
- National Intelligence Officers, 10, 11, 73
- NSC Intelligence Committee (NSCIC) membership, 13
- NSC role of, 39
- NSCID No. 9, 22, 39
- Phoenix program role of, 25
- Replacement as DCI of, 203
- Rockefeller Commission testimony of, 29, 39
- Speech to employees, 43
- Staff reductions in Clandestine Service, 2
- Swearing-in as DCI, 196
- Watergate affair, CIA involvement in, 7, 20
- Colby report, 19, 21, 22, 24, 38
- Cole, 160, 165, 176
- Coleman, William T., Jr., 21, 79
- Colombia, 190
- Commerce, U.S. Department of:
- Commission on CIA Activities within the United States. See Blue Ribbon Panel; Rockefeller Commission.
- Commission on Productivity, 175
- Commission on the Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government (Hoover Commission), 154
- Commission on the Organization of the Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy. See Murphy Commission.
- Committee on Fertilizer, 175
- Committee on Foreign Affairs Personnel, 154
- Committee on Foreign Intelligence (CFI):
- Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People’s Republic of China, 95
- Commodities, 166, 191, 218
- Communication technology, 94
- Communications, transnational, 97, 103
- Communications policy, 112
- Competitive analysis, 82
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 219
- Compton, Ann, 206
- Cone System, 126, 131, 146
- Conference Board of New York, 92
- Conference of Chiefs of Mission to East Asian Countries (Tokyo, Oct. 1973), 121
- Conference on International Economic Cooperation (CIEC), 191, 214, 218
- Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), 93, 107, 125, 218
- Confidence-building measures (CBMs), 107
- Congo, Democratic Republic of, 42, 52, 65, 107
- Congress, U.S.:
- Access to documents by, 35, 38, 44, 50, 54
- Arms transfers, 183
- Assassination plots, 66
- Bush’s appearances before, 78
- CIA briefings on “family jewels,” 21
- CIA files on members of, 19
- CIA relations with, 78
- Colby’s testimony before, 15, 22, 26, 28, 29
- Coordination on national security affairs with, 196
- DOD relations with, 218
- Domestic spying:
- FBI as investigated by, 31, 34
- Ford’s address to Joint Session (Aug. 1974), 199
- Foreign economic relations, 166
- Human rights, 174
- Intelligence community as attacked by members of, 48
- Intelligence community oversight by, 16, 26, 63
- Joint Committee on National Security (proposal), 45
- Kissinger’s appearances before, 117, 196, 197
- Nixon’s speech on narcotics (June 1971) to, 160
- NSC membership for leaders of, 201
- Personnel structure of State Department, 223
- Presidents report on international broadcast facilities to, 111
- Questions about Portugal by, 54
- Select Committee on Intelligence, 74
- State Department report on personnel systems, 158
- USIA reports on overseas operations to, 96
- Watergate, 6, 24
- Congress, U.S., Acts of:
- Arms Export Control Act (1976), 223
- Board for International Broadcasting Act (P.L. 93–129), 87, 113
- CIA Act (1949) (P.L. 81–110), 70
- Civil Rights Act (1964), 148
- Foreign Assistance Act (1961), 26, 80, 168
- Foreign Assistance Act (1974), 16, 27, 45, 80
- Foreign Assistance Act (1975), 26
- Foreign Military Sales Act (1976), 183
- Foreign Relations Authorization Act (1977), 111, 113, 158, 223
- Foreign Service Act (1946), 144, 153, 154, 156, 158, 223
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 78
- Fulbright Act (1946), 92
- Fulbright-Hays Act (1961) (P.L. 87–256), 91, 92, 103
- H.R. 12006, 63
- Hughes Amendment, 45
- International Security Assistance and Arms Control Export Act (1976), 186, 187, 189
- Mutual Education and Cultural Exchange Act (1961) (P.L. 87–256), 91, 92, 112
- National Defense Education Act, 95
- National Security Act (1947):
- Nunn Amendment, 182
- Pearson Amendment, 143
- P.L. 90–494, 126, 158
- P.L. 93–390, 22
- P.L. 93–559, 183
- P.L. 94–141, 202
- P.L. 94–329, 183
- P.L. 480, 164, 175, 177
- Secrecy protection legislation (proposals), 74
- S.R. 400, 74
- Surplus Property Act (1944), 92
- U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act (1948) (Smith-Mundt Act), 103
- VOA Charter (P.L. 94–850), 111
- War Powers Resolution, 66
- Congressional Research Service, 112, 223
- Connor, James, 205, 210, 224
- Connor, John T.:
- Approaches for implementation of recommendations of Rockefeller Commission, 46
- As Rockefeller Commission member, 23
- Blue Ribbon Panel on CIA domestic spying, 23
- Executive Order proposal for restructuring and revising of PFIAB, 60
- Intelligence community, 48
- Intelligence Coordinating Group, 49, 53
- “Intelligence for the Future” (PFIAB report), 82
- Consensus, 132, 136, 142
- Consolidated Cryptologic Program, 51, 62, 70, 81
- Constitution, U.S., 59, 74
- Constructive interactions, 97
- Consumer price index, 94
- Contempt of Congress, 59
- The Continuing Revolution (film), 86
- Conventional forces, 182
- Cooper, Charles A., 164, 169, 197
- Cooper, Richard N., 218
- Coordinator for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, 174, 186
- Coriden, Guy E., 107
- Cost of living, 94
- Costa Rica, 190
- Council of Economic Advisors, 45, 169, 175, 179, 191
- Council of Economic Policy (CEP), 165
- Council of International Planning (proposal), 147
- Council on International Economic Policy (CIEP):
- Council on Wage-Price Stability, 175
- Counter-deception, 41
- Counter-espionage, 41
- Counter-intelligence, 21, 41, 82
- Counterinsurgency, 80
- Country Plans, 94
- Country Team Narcotics Committee, 185
- Covert U.S. actions:
- Against narcotics, 80
- Church Committee access to documents on, 35, 38, 44, 50, 54
- Church Committee final report on, 74, 81
- Criteria for approval of, 80
- 40 Committee approval of, 35
- 40 Committee reconstitution for overseeing of, 64, 67, 68
- In Chile:
- In Mexico, 15
- In Portugal, 15, 32
- Kissinger’s over-ruling of objections to, 65
- Murphy Commission’s recommendations on, 45
- Oversight for, 16, 26, 47, 48, 63, 68
- Political activity, 15
- Reporting of, 16
- Separate agency for, possible, 62
- State Department role in, 61
- U.S. expenditures on, 15
- Covey, Jock, 212, 218
- Cox, Archibald, 34
- Coyne, J. Patrick, 15
- Crespi, Leo P., 90
- Crewdson, John M., 65
- Cross-cultural communication, 97
- Cruise missiles, 181, 218, 219
- Cuba, 41, 42, 218, 219
- Cultural conferences, 112
- Cultural exchange (see also Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs):
- Cultural presentations, 91, 92, 94
- Cultural relations, 103, 112
- Curtis, Thomas B., 103, 110
- Cushman, Robert E., Jr., 6
- Cutler, Lloyd N., 21
- Cyprus:
- Briefing papers on, 218
- Church Committee subpoena of documents relating to, 50
- Coup (1974), 65
- Exchange programs, 108
- Ford-Carter transition discussions of, 218, 219
- Kissinger appearance before Pike Committee, 54
- Open Forum Panel discussion of, 136
- Realignment to EUR of, 128
- State Department policy differences on, 137
- Turkish invasion of, 137
- Cyprus Principles, 219
- Czechoslovakia, 65, 90, 107, 113, 116
- Daly, John, 100
- Davies, Rodger, 65
- Davis, Elmer, 100
- Davis, Jeanne W.:
- Congressional leaders as NSC members, 201
- Disclosure of classified information, 63
- Major recommendations in Murphy Commission report, 147, 179
- NSC meeting participants, 193
- NSC staff reductions, 200
- NSC sub-group membership, 205
- NSC’s national security decision-making role, 195, 209
- Oil Import Control program, 162
- Panel on International Information, Education, and Cultural Relations report, 109
- Treasury Secretary as NSC member, 202
- Davis, Lynn, 217
- Davis, Nathaniel:
- Davison, W. Phillips, 103
- Day, John K., 54
- Dean, John, 19, 162
- DeBona, Charles, 161
- Debt rescheduling, 191, 218
- Deception, 41
- Decision-making, 115
- Declaration of Independence, 94
- Defectors, 20, 22
- Defense, Secretary of, 51
- Defense, U.S. Department of (DOD):
- ACDA Director as NSC member (proposal), 202
- Arms Export Control Board (proposal), 187
- Arms transfers, 183
- Church Committee final report recommendations, 74
- Congressional relations with, 218
- Defense attach, system, 1, 116, 140
- Defense intelligence reorganization, 75
- Director of Defense Intelligence (DDI), 75
- Executive Order 11905’s directions for, 70
- Ford-Carter transition process, 217
- Jamming of U.S. radio broadcasts, 113
- Kissinger’s dual role in NSC and State as seen in, 198
- Legislative Interdepartmental Group role of, 196
- MAAG requirements, 189
- Monitoring Overseas Direct Employment (MODE), 140
- NSC sub-group membership for, 205
- Organization of international energy policy, 169
- SALT II, 139, 198
- Secretary of State’s Executive Assistant’s liaison with, 118
- Security Assistance Program Review Committee, 181
- Space policy, 180
- State Department relations with, 223
- Subcommittee on International Exchanges, 98, 112
- Terrorism, 185
- Treasury Secretary as NSC member, 207
- Defense Attach, Offices, 189
- Defense Attach, system, 1, 116, 140
- Defense Field Offices, 189
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA):
- As part of intelligence community, 70
- Church Committee final report recommendations, 74
- CIA difference at USIB with, 39
- Effectiveness of, 15, 16, 45
- Integrated approach to surveillance of anti-war movement, 19
- Intelligence community reorganization, 40
- Reorganization of, 75
- Semi-annual intelligence reviews, 81
- Defense Intelligence Board (DIB), 76
- Defense Program Review Committee (DPRC), 182, 195, 198, 205, 208
- Defense Program Review Panel (DPRP), 182
- Defense Review Panel (DRP), 182, 208
- Defense Security Assistance Agency (DSAA), 181
- Defense strategy reviews, 182
- Dellums, Ron V., 54
- Democratic National Committee (DNC), 6
- Denmark, 190
- Dent, Frederick B., 79, 163
- Derge, David R., 103
- Détente, 100, 105, 107, 165, 218
- Deutsche Welle, 93
- Devaluation of the dollar, 90
- Development Assistance Committee (of OECD), 166
- Development Coordination Committee, 175
- Development Council (proposal), 166
- Diggs, Charles C., Jr., 128
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 21, 23, 39, 166
- Diplomacy, modern, 94, 97, 147
- Diplomacy for the ’70s, 154, 158, 223
- Director of Central Intelligence (DCI):
- Arms Export Control Board (proposal), 187
- Bush appointment as, 58, 68, 203
- Church Committee final report recommendations, 74
- Colby as, 196, 203
- Defense Secretary’s relationship with, 51
- Directives of, 71
- Dual roles of, 40, 45, 51
- Intelligence Community Staff, 77
- National intelligence production, approach to, 73, 81
- Responsibilities of, 70, 81
- Role of, possible, 61, 62
- Schlesinger as, 2, 196
- Director of Defense Intelligence (DDI), 75
- Disinformation, 41
- Dissensus, 136
- Diversity, 148
- Doar, John, 21
- Dobrynin, Anatoly F., 218, 220, 222
- Documents not declassified, 4, 5, 27, 72
- Domestic Council, 160, 161, 175, 179
- Domestic Service, 156, 158
- Dominican Republic, 42, 190
- Donaldson, William H., 167, 169, 171
- Douglas, William O., 94
- Drug abuse, 160
- Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 168, 173
- Drug experiments, 7, 42, 43, 70
- Dulles, Allen W., 15, 39, 83, 211
- Dulles, John Foster, 102, 154
- Dungan, Ralph A., 139
- Dunlap, Henry A., 86
- Duvall, Mike, 68, 74
- Eagleberger, Lawrence S.:
- (not declassified), 72
- Arms Export Control Board (proposal), 187
- Arms transfers, 183
- Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (CU), 92
- Cone System, 126, 131
- Cultural presentations program, 91
- Embassy staff reductions, 150, 151
- Equal employment opportunity study, 152
- Ethics of FSOs, 141
- Executive assistants, 117, 118
- Field reporting, 119, 141
- Ford-Carter transition process:
- Appointment of State Department liaison for, 212, 214, 215
- Carter team request for issue papers, 221
- Instructions for beginning of, 214
- Kissinger’s meetings with Carter, 218, 219
- Lake’s initial meeting with Ford team, 217
- Mechanics of, 212
- Organization and management of the State Department, 223
- Resignation of Presidential appointees, 224
- Writing of factual papers for Carter team, 216
- Human rights, 186
- Institutionalization of foreign policy, 135, 146
- Intelligence community reorganization, 61
- Interdepartmental system in State Department, 117
- Kissinger’s appearance before Pike Committee, 54
- Kissinger’s dual role in NSC and State, 197
- Leaks, 136, 137, 139
- Major recommendations in Murphy Commission report, 147
- Monitoring Overseas Direct Employment (MODE), 150
- Morale in the State Department, 122, 141
- Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Bureau, 167
- Panel on International Information, Education, and Cultural Relations report, 109, 110
- Personnel Bureau, 149
- Personnel structure of State Department, 154, 156
- Pike Committee, Highlights of draft report of, 65
- Political impact on State of 1976 Presidential campaign, 155
- Professional service reform, 143, 144
- Regional resource attach, program, 184
- Report to Congress on personnel systems, 158
- Seen as loquacious, 209
- Seventh floor organization, 125
- Staff meetings, 120
- State Department-CIA relations, 78
- Treasury Secretary as NSC member, 207
- Women employees, statistics on, 153
- Women FSOs, task force to study, 148
- Eames, Charles, 85
- East Asia, 105, 108, 121
- East-West Center (UH), 92
- East-West Foreign Trade Board, 172
- East-West relations, 139, 166
- East-West Trade Policy Committee, 172, 175
- Eastern Europe:
- CSCE provisions on humanitarian affairs, 107
- Cultural presentations, 92
- Dumping of goods by, 79
- Intelligence services of, 41
- Jamming of U.S. radio broadcasts by, 113
- Sharing of U.S. facilities broadcasting to, 111, 113
- Soviet Union, economic relations with, 69
- United States, relations with, 90, 94, 191
- Eastland, James, 147
- Easum, 128
- Eberle, William D., 176
- Echeverria Alvarez, Luis, 218
- Ecology, 97
- Economic intelligence, 9, 83
- Economic policy, 147, 166, 175, 179, 191
- Economic Policy Board (EPB):
- Ecuador, 150, 190
- Edgar, Robert W., 201
- Education, 103, 112
- Educational and Cultural Affairs Subcommittee, 98
- Educational Testing Service, 141
- Edwards, Jim, 160
- Egan, Wesley W., Jr., 54, 144
- Egypt, 98, 112, 139
- Ehrlichman, John D., 6, 117, 160, 161, 162
- Eilts, Hermann F., 139
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 15, 102, 139, 195, 211
- Eisenhower, Milton, 86
- El Salvador, 190
- Elder, John, 40
- Elections, 139, 155, 210, 213
- Electronic dialogue, 94, 96
- Electronic intelligence (ELINT), 9, 66, 70
- Electronic phone equipment, 20
- Eliot, Theodore L., Jr., 87, 114, 117
- Elliott, David D., 88, 91, 92
- Ellsberg, Daniel, 6, 7, 21
- Ellsworth, Robert F.:
- Embassy Narcotics Control Coordinators, 188
- Emergency Energy Group, 169
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 135
- Enders, Thomas O., 177
- Endowment for the Humanities, 86
- Energy Action Group, 169
- Energy crisis, 96, 103, 112
- Energy Emergency Action Group, 169
- Energy policy, 161, 169, 191
- Energy Policy Office, 161
- Energy Research and Development Administration, 70, 81
- Energy Resources Council, 175
- Enke, Stephen, 164
- Environmental issues, 103, 167
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 175
- Equal employment opportunities, 124, 129, 148, 152, 153, 223
- Ernst, David H., 188
- Ernst, Maurice, 79
- Ethics, 141
- Ethiopia, 190
- Eurocentrism, 97
- European Parliament, 112
- Evans, Rowland, 74
- Exchange programs, 88, 89, 97, 98, 108, 112
- Exchange Visitor programs, 112
- Excom, 64, 67
- Executive agreements, 147
- Executive assistants, 117, 118
- Executive Orders:
- Church Committee’s requests for, 38
- For restructuring and revising of PFIAB, 60
- No. 11460, 70
- No. 11491, 144
- No. 11636, 223
- No. 11652, 70
- No. 11703, 162
- No. 11748, 169
- No. 11789, 172
- No. 11808, 175
- No. 11838, 144
- No. 11846, 172
- No. 11905:
- Bush’s report on CIA implementation of, 78
- CFI responsibilities under, 70, 71, 208
- Church Committee final report recommendations, 74
- Criteria for approving covert U.S. actions, 80
- National intelligence production system, 73
- Operations Advisory Group as created by, 205, 208
- Proposals for, 60, 63, 66
- Semi-annual review of intelligence policies, 77, 81, 83
- Text of, 70
- No. 11958, 187
- On restriction of domestic spying, 47, 48
- Executive privilege:
- Export-Import Bank, 175
- Eagleberger, Lawrence S.:
- Fahd bin Abdulaziz bin Saud, 98
- “Family Jewels” (CIA catalog), 7, 17, 21, 22, 25
- Family reunification, 107
- Farr, William, 83
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):
- Church Committee final report on, 74
- CIA cooperation with, 19, 22
- Congressional investigation of activities of, 31, 34
- Counter-intelligence role of, 21
- DOJ’s preparation of guidelines for, 47, 66
- Integrated approach to surveillance of anti-war movement, 19
- Intelligence elements of, 70
- Investigation of activities of, 24
- Jurisdictional responsibilities, 42
- Security arrangements for Church Committee, 35
- Terrorism, 185
- Federal Energy Administration, 169, 175
- Federal Energy Office (FEO), 169
- Federal Power Commission (FPC), 169
- Federal Reserve, 166, 175
- Feldman, Roger, 86
- Field reporting, 114, 119, 121, 138, 139, 141
- Fiji, 94
- Financial crises, 191
- Flanagan, Peter:
- Flemming, Harry S., 103
- Fletcher, James C., 163, 180
- Flynn, Gerrish, 200
- Fonda, Jane, 22, 171
- Food aid, 137, 142
- Food distribution, 112
- Food exports, 165
- Food policy, 166, 177, 191
- Food security, 165
- Ford, Betty, 213
- Ford, Gerald R.:
- Address to Joint Session of Congress (Aug. 1974), 199
- Approaches for implementation of recommendations of Rockefeller Commission, 46, 47
- Arms Export Control Board (proposal), 187
- Assassination plots, 42, 52, 55, 70
- Bush’s six-months progress report, 78
- CIA domestic spying:
- Assessment of extent of, 22
- Blue Ribbon Panel on, 21, 23
- Call for investigation into, 17
- Colby’s report on Hersh’s article on, 19
- Colby’s testimony before joint session of intelligence subcommittees on, 29
- Congressional investigations into, 37
- Helms talks on, 24
- Presidential response to conflict over, proposals for, 18
- Congressional access to documents, 38, 50
- Congressional leaders as NSC members, 201
- Congressional oversight of CIA, 26
- Criteria for approving covert U.S. actions, 80
- Defense intelligence reorganization, 75
- Defense strategy reviews, 182
- East-West Trade Policy Committee, 172
- Economic policy organization, 175
- Electoral defeat of, 210, 213
- Executive Order 11905, 70, 78
- Executive Order proposal for restructuring and revising of PFIAB, 60
- Executive privilege, 35
- Ford-Carter transition process, 210, 211, 220
- Fulbright-Hays exchange program, 108
- Functions and membership of NSC sub-groups, 205, 208
- Human rights, 186
- Intelligence community:
- Intelligence Coordinating Group, 49
- “Intelligence for the Future” (PFIAB report), 82
- International broadcast facilities, effectiveness of, 113
- International Food Review Group, 176
- IOB status report, 70
- Joint Congressional Committee on Intelligence, proposal for, 26, 30
- Kissinger discussions with, 64, 67, 68, 197
- Kissinger’s contempt charges, 59
- Leaks, 137
- MAAG requirements, 189
- Major recommendations in Murphy Commission report, 147
- Meetings:
- Messages/memoranda:
- Monitoring Overseas Direct Employment (MODE), 140
- Murphy Commission recommendations, 45, 47, 147
- Naming of transition team by, 210
- Narcotics control, 188
- NSA secrecy as desired by, 32
- Operations Advisory Group as created by, 205
- Overseas Personnel Reduction Program (OPRED), 140
- Panel on International Information, Education, and Cultural Relations report, 106, 110
- Pike Committee subpoenas, 57
- Policy Planning Staff studies, 142
- Replacement of Nixon as President, 199
- Resignation of Presidential appointees, 224
- Rockefeller Commission report, 42
- SALT II negotiations, 218
- Schlesinger Report (1971), 47
- Scowcroft’s perspectives on, 206
- State of the Union speech (Jan., 1977), 83
- Terrorism, 185
- Treasury Secretary as NSC member, 202, 207
- USIA, study proposing elimination of, 102
- Visits:
- Ford-Carter transition process:
- Agency for International Development, 213, 217, 221
- Appointment of liaisons for, 212, 214, 215, 217, 222
- Briefing papers for, 218
- Carter-Ford phone conversation, 211
- Carter team request for issue papers, 221
- China discussed in, 218, 219
- CIA intelligence briefing recommendations, 211
- Cyprus dispute, 218, 219
- Eagleburger named as team leader, 212, 214, 215
- Ford’s meeting with Carter, 220
- Human rights discussions, 218
- Instructions for beginning of, 214
- Japan discussions, 218, 219
- Kissinger’s meetings with Carter, 217, 218, 219
- Lake as Carter’s State Department transition team head, 217
- Lake’s meetings with Ford team, 217, 221
- Latin America discussed by, 218
- Mechanics of, 212
- Middle East discussions, 218, 219
- Naming of transition teams, 210
- Narcotics briefings, 221
- Office space for Carter team, 216
- Organization and management of the State Department, 221, 223
- Personnel structure of State Department, 223
- Pre-election planning for, 213
- Resignation of Presidential appointees, 224
- SALT II discussion, 218, 219, 220
- Western Europe discussion of, 218
- Writing of factual papers for Carter team, 216
- Ford Foundation, 95
- Foreign Affairs Manual, 141
- Foreign Affairs Specialists, 156, 223
- Foreign assistance, 171
- Foreign Assistance Act (1961), 26, 80, 168
- Foreign Assistance Act (1974), 16, 27, 45, 80
- Foreign Assistance Act (1975), 26
- Foreign Assistance Inspectors, 156
- Foreign Broadcasting Information Service, 40
- Foreign economic policy, 147, 166, 175, 179, 191, 192
- Foreign Intelligence Advisory Group, 68
- Foreign Intelligence Committee, 67, 68, 70, 71
- Foreign military sales (FMS), 181, 183
- Foreign Military Sales Act (1976), 183
- Foreign policy institutionalization, 117, 135, 138, 142, 146
- Foreign Relations Authorization Act (1977), 111, 113, 158, 223
- Foreign Service Act (1946), 144, 153, 154, 156, 158, 223
- Foreign Service Information Officer Corps, 158
- Foreign Service Officer Corps, 158, 223
- Foreign service officers (FSOs):
- Assignment of, 126, 143
- Consensus among, 132, 136
- Ethics of, 141
- Examinations for entry as, 146
- Kissinger praise for, 225
- Minorities as, 152
- Morale of, 139, 141
- Post cease-fire assignment to Vietnam of, 114
- Promotions for, 126, 141
- Recruitment of, 126, 139, 141, 143
- Remarks to Chilean officials on human rights by, 137, 139
- Selection of, 141
- Swearing-in of 119th class, 144, 146
- Training of, 141, 143
- Women as, 148, 152
- Foreign Service Reporting System, 223
- Foreign Service Reserve program, 152
- Foreign Service Reserve Unlimited (FSRU), 156, 158
- Fort Detrick, 43
40 Committee:
- Abolition of, 208
- Approval of covert actions by, 35
- Church Committee requests for documents from, 38
- Kissinger’s role in, 197
- Meetings, 30, 32
- Membership of, 205
- NSC role of, 198
- OAG as successor to, 80, 208
- Pike Committee subpoenas on records of, 57, 59
- Reorganization of, 64, 67, 68
- Unanimity in, 139
- U.S. abandonment of Kurds at request of Iran, 54
- U.S. expenditures on covert U.S. actions, 15
- Fourth Amendment (U.S. Constitution), 74
- France:
- Franklin, Benjamin, 94
- Fraser, Donald, 174
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 78
- Frei Montalva, Eduardo, 56
- Friedersdorf, Max L., 106, 201, 209
- Friendly, Henry J., 21, 23
- Froehike, Bob, 18
- Fulbright, J. William, 87, 92, 108, 150, 197
- Fulbright Act (1946), 92
- Fulbright-Hays Act (1961) (P.L. 87–256), 91, 92, 103
- Fulbright-Hays exchange program, 92, 108
- Fulbright Program, 92, 95, 97
- Functional bureau heads meetings, 120
- Functional specialization, 146
- Fund for Drug Abuse Control, 168
- Funseth, Robert L., 216
- Gabon, 139
- Gallup, George, 103
- Gandhi, Indira, 92, 137, 218
- Garment, Leonard, 86
- Gates, Thomas S., Jr., 218
- Gathright, Wreath, 142
- Gelb, Leslie, 139
- General Accounting Office (GAO), 65
- General Defense Intelligence Program, 70, 81
- Geneva Conference on the Middle East, 219
- Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, 220
- Georgetown University, 102, 103, 110
- Georgia, 113
- Gergen, David, 87
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 94, 111, 112, 113, 190, 219
- Gesell, Gerald A., 83
- Getler, Mike, 20, 22
- Ghana, 112
- Giaimo, Robert N., 33, 54
- Glennan, T. Keith, 223
- Glennan Report, 223
- Glomar Explorer, 30, 83
- Goheen, Robert, 98
- Golan Heights, 97
- Goldberg, Lawrence Y., 103
- Goldman, Gerald J., 115
- Goldwater, Barry M., 74, 211
- Golytsin, Anatoly, 41
- Gompert, David C., 167
- Good, Barbara, 129
- Goodpaster, Gen. Andrew J., 18
- Gorog, William F., 79
- Graham, Lt. Gen. Daniel O., 40
- Grain, 166
- Granger, Clinton E., 110, 181, 203, 204
- Gray, Gordon, 1, 15
- Gray, L. Patrick, 1
- Gray, Monty, 39
- Greece:
- Greenspan, Alan, 176, 220
- Greenwald, Joseph A., 184
- Grieder, William, 28
- Griswold, Erwin N., 21, 23, 39
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 65
- Gronouski, John A., 87
- Gross, Harold R., 168, 171
- Guatemala, 150, 190
- Guay, Georges, 139
- Guhin, Michael A., 88, 91, 92
- Gullion, Edmund A., 87, 102, 103, 146
- Habeas corpus, 83
- Habib, Philip:
- Haig, Alexander M., Jr., 100, 117, 165, 172
- Haldeman, H. R., 2, 117
- Hall, William, 197
- “Halloween Massacre,” 203
- Handley, William J., 168, 173
- Hanson, 16
- Harrington, Michael J., 15, 34
- Hart, John, 5, 194
- Hart, Tom, 193
- Hartman, Arthur A., 49, 107, 128, 137, 139, 184
- Hauser, Rita E., 103
- Hawk missiles, 181
- Hays, Wayne, 54, 110, 156, 223
- Hays Bill (H.R. 6277), 156, 158, 223
- Hazen Foundation, 97
- Health, Education, and Welfare, U.S. Department of, 95, 98, 175
- Health policy, 167
- Heath, Edward, 92
- Hebert, F. Edward, 16
- Heck, L. Douglas, 185
- Helms, Richard M.:
- Anderson surveillance, 22
- As U.S. Ambassador to Iran, 2
- Assassination plot against, 19, 20
- CIA domestic spying, 17, 19, 20, 24
- CIA files on U.S. citizens, 17
- CIA surveillance of anti-war movement, 19, 20
- “Family jewels,” 25
- Grand jury investigation of, 83
- ITT, 25
- Management style of, 20
- Meetings:
- Nixon’s letters to, 14
- Photo studio break-in, 83
- Rockefeller Commission testimony of, 29
- U.S. abandonment of Kurds at request of Iran, 54
- Watergate testimony of, 24
- Helsinki Treaty (1975), 107
- Hersh, Seymour M.:
- Herter, Christian A., 154
- Herter Committee (1962), 154, 158
- Hey, Robert P., 17
- Heymann, 79
- Hijackings of aircraft, 159
- Hills, Roderick M., 44, 49
- Hispanic-Americans, 152
- Hitchcock, William K., 44, 91, 92, 98
- Hoagland, Jim, 137
- Hoffman, Art, 86
- Hoffman, Martin R., 34
- Holbrooke, Richard, 214, 216, 217
- Holdridge, John H., 114
- Holloway, Adm. James L., III, 83, 218
- Holt, Pat M., 32
- Honduras, 190
- Hong Kong, 105
- Honorable Men (Colby), 17
- Hoover, Herbert C., 154
- Hoover, J. Edgar, 34
- Hoover Commission, 154, 158
- Hormats, Robert, 162, 175, 178
- Horn of Africa, 197
- Hoskinson, Samuel M., 83
- House, Arthur H., 209
- House of Representatives, U.S.:
- Appropriations Committee, 35, 78
- Armed Services Committee, 15, 16, 22, 26, 207
- Congressional leaders as NSC members, 201
- Cooperation with Senate investigations, 35
- Ethics Committee, 15
- Foreign Affairs Committee, 16, 166
- Government Operations Committee, 16, 26
- Hays Bill (H.R. 6277), 156, 158
- Human rights, 174
- International Relations Committee, 223
- Nezdi’s resignation as rejected by, 43
- Select Committee on Intelligence, 33, 50, 54
- Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of, 175
- Houston, Laurence, 2
- Howe, Jan, 209
- H.R. 12006, 63
- Huang Chen, 222
- Huerta Díaz, Ismael, 137
- Hughes, Harold, 26
- Hughes, Roy, 155
- Hughes Amendment, 45
- Human intelligence (HUMINT), 1, 9
- Human rights:
- Humanitarian affairs, 174
- Hume, Britt, 20, 22
- Hungary, 90
- Hunt, Howard, 6, 15, 20, 21, 22, 39
- Hunter, Marjorie, 6
- Hussein bin Talal (king of Jordan), 98, 181, 219
- Huston, Tom Charles, 19, 21
- Huston Plan, 19, 20, 21, 31, 74
- Hyde, James, 63, 202
- Hyland, William G.:
- Appointment as Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs, 61, 203
- As head of Bureau of Intelligence and Research, 117
- As one of Kissinger’s NSC “team,” 197
- Church Committee report on assassinations of foreign leaders, 52, 55
- CIA domestic spying, 32, 44
- Committee on Foreign Intelligence meetings, 71
- Executive Order 11905, 80
- Field reporting, 138
- Final report of Church Committee, 74
- Ford-Carter transition process, Kissinger’s meetings with Carter, 218
- 40 Committee meetings, 32
- Intelligence community reorganization, 64
- Kissinger’s appearance before Pike Committee, 54
- NSC structure and procedures, 209
- Pike Committee subpoenas, 57
- Policy Planning Staff studies, 142
- Rockefeller Commission report, 42
- Semi-annual intelligence reviews, 83
- Terrorism, 185
- ICS, 85
- IDIS master subject index, 20
- Ikle, Fred C., 163, 190, 208, 220
- Inderfurth, Richard, 217
- Indexation, 218
- India:
- Indo-China, 164, 165, 171
- Indonesia:
- Inflation, 94
- Information, 94, 103, 180
- Information and Cultural Affairs Agency (ICA) proposal, 103, 106
- Ingersoll, Robert S.:
- As Deputy Secretary of State, 117
- Embassy staff reductions, 151
- Field reporting, 121
- Food policy organization, 177
- Human rights, 174
- Interdepartmental system in State Department, 117
- International Food Review Group, 176
- Joint Cooperation Commissions, 98
- Kissinger’s appearance before Pike Committee, 54
- Latin American cultural and exchange activities, 99
- Leaks, 137, 138, 139
- Monitoring Overseas Direct Employment (MODE), 140
- Panel on International Information, Education, and Cultural Relations report, 104, 106, 109, 110
- Policy Planning Staff studies, 142
- Professional service reform, 144
- Space policy, 180
- Staff meetings, 144
- INR (Bureau of Intelligence and Research), 117, 166, 197
- Inside the Company: CIA Diary (Agee), 15, 47
- Institute for Policy Studies, 65
- Institute of International Education, 92
- Institutionalization of foreign policy, 117, 135, 138, 142, 146
- Intelligence:
- Intelligence analysis, 45
- Intelligence Committee (NSCIC). See under National Security Council
- Intelligence community:
- Agency charters and restrictions, 68
- Congressional opponents’ attacks on, 48
- Congressional oversight of, 16, 26, 63
- Economics as a focus of, 69, 79
- EPB meeting on, 79
- Extension of Rockefeller Commission recommendations to all agencies of, 47
- Leadership and management of, 14, 15
- List of organizations comprising, 70
- Memo on Presidential options for dealing with issues relating to, 48
- Objectives for, 9
- Ombudsman proposal for, 41
- Oversight Board, 60, 68, 70, 74, 78
- Policy makers’ relations with, 79, 81
- Presidential oversight of, 47, 48, 68
- Relationships between agencies within, 43
- Reorganization of:
- Bush’s recommendations for, 63
- CIA study group report on, 51
- Colby’s letter to Ford on, 63
- DIA position, 40
- Directive for, 11
- Executive summary for, 62, 81
- Issues to be faced in, 61
- Meetings with Ford on, 64, 67, 68
- Murphy Commission’s recommendations for, 45, 147
- Nixon memo on (Nov., 1971), 14, 64, 70, 74
- Nixon’s directive, 11
- NSC meeting on, 51, 66
- Study on, 58
- Responsibilities and duties of, 70
- Semi-annual intelligence reviews, 77, 81, 83
- Senior officials’ roles in, 70
- State Department role in, 61
- Terrorism, 185
- Intelligence Community Staff, 40, 77, 81
- Intelligence Coordinating Group (ICG), 49, 53
- Intelligence Evaluation Committee, 20, 22
- Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB), 60, 68, 70, 74, 78
- Intelligence Policy Review Committee, 64
- Intelligence Resources Advisory Committee (IRAC), 9, 40, 67, 68
- Intelligence Resources Allocation Committee (IRAC), 64
- Intelligence sources, 47, 66, 68
- Inter-Agency Committee on P.L. 480, 175
- Inter-agency coordination, 92, 191, 192
- Interagency Regional Committees, 173
- Interagency relationships, 223
- Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), 182
- Interdepartmental Group for Political-Military Affairs, 190, 208
- Interdepartmental Information Unit (IDIU), 21
- Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee, 113
- Interdepartmental system in State Department, 117
- Interdependence, 97, 103
- Interior, U.S. Department of, 169, 175
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Abuses in, 74
- International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 166
- International Commission on Control and Supervision (ICCS), 171
- International Communications Agency, 147
- International Council on the University Emergency, 95
- International Development Association (IDA), 171
- International economic policy, 147, 166, 175, 179, 191, 192
- International Economic Policy Advisory Board (proposal), 179
- International Energy Review Group (IERG), 170
- International Exchange Council, 88, 89
- International Food Review Group, 176
- International Institute of Education, 97
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 166, 219
- International monetary system, 166
- International Narcotics Control Program (INCP), 168, 173
- International Resource Bank (proposal), 191
- International Security Assistance and Arms Control Export Act (1976), 186, 187, 189
- International Telephone and Telegraph Company (ITT), 22, 25, 83
- International Women’s Year, 112, 129
- Ioannides, Brig. Gen. Dimitrios, 65
- IOP (Office of Policy and Plans), 85
- Iran, 54, 98, 190, 219
- Iraq, 65
- Irwin, John N., II, 117, 159, 171
- Israel, 97, 98, 181, 218, 220
- Italy, 65, 108, 139, 190, 191
- “J” visas, 112
- Jackson, Henry “Scoop,” 197, 218
- Jackson, Robert, 50
- Jamaica, 150, 219
- Janka, Leslie, 106, 108, 110, 200, 202
- Janney, Stuart S., 155
- Japan:
- American Revolution Bicentennial, 86
- Defense Field Office in, 190
- Embassy staff reduction reviews, 150
- Nuclear non-proliferation, 139
- OECD role of, 166
- Press freedom in, 113
- Transition discussion on, 218, 219
- United States, relations with, 105
- U.S. economic policy toward, 166
- U.S. exchange programs in, 112
- Jefferson, Thomas, 86, 103
- Jews, American, 218
- Jiang Jieshi, 105
- Job analyses, 157
- Johnson, Lyndon B.:
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS):
- Church Committee final report recommendations, 74
- Defense attach, system, 116
- Defense intelligence reorganization, 75
- DIA effectiveness, 15, 16
- Jamming of U.S. radio broadcasts, 113
- Kissinger’s dual role in NSC and State as seen by, 198
- Moscow Summit (1974), 122
- NSC sub-group membership for, 205
- Security Assistance Program Review Committee, 181
- Subcommittee on International Exchanges, 98, 112
- White House spying operation of, 23
- Joint Committee on National Security (proposal), 147
- Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy, 16, 26
- Joint Congressional Committee on Intelligence, 16, 26, 30, 32
- Joint Cooperation Commissions, 98, 142
- Joint Reconnaissance Center, 205
- Joint Working Group on Education and Culture, 98
- Joint Working Group on Manpower and Education, 98
- Jones, Jerry H., 172, 176, 178, 200
- Jordan, 164, 171, 181, 190, 220
- Jordan, Amos A., 187
- Junior Threshold, 144
- Justice, U.S. Department of (DOJ):
- Karamessines, Thomas H., 2, 19, 22
- Kasten, Robert W., Jr., 54
- Katz, Julius L., 151
- Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 44, 214, 216
- Katzenbach Report (1967), 44
- Kendall, Bill, 155
- Kennan, George, 142
- Kennedy, David M., 197
- Kennedy, John F.:
- Kennedy, Col. Richard T., 9, 91, 159, 171, 195, 198
- Kennedy, Robert F., 23
- Kenya, 112, 187
- Keogh, James:
- American Revolution Bicentennial, 85, 86
- As NSC meeting participant, 193
- East Asia assessments, 105
- Equal opportunity programs, 129
- Halt to Soviet jamming of VOA, 93
- International broadcast facilities, effectiveness of, 111
- International Exchange Council, 89
- Nomination to head USIA, 96
- Non-military incidents, 163
- Panel on International Information, Education, and Cultural Relations report, 106, 110
- Speech on value of USIA, 94
- USIA, study proposing elimination of, 102
- USIA reports to Congress on overseas operations, 96
- USIA’s approach to presenting an image of the United States, 84
- Visit to Europe, 90
- VOA and U.S. policy, 100
- KGB (Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopastnosty), 41
- Kilpatrick, Carroll, 84
- Kirkland, Joseph Lane, 23, 39
- Kirkpatrick, Lyman B., Jr., 17
- Kissinger, Henry A.:
- (not declassified), 72
- Africa policy briefing for Brzezinski, 210
- Appointment as Secretary of State of, 92, 117, 197
- Arms Export Control Board (proposal), 187
- Arms transfers, 183
- As dominating foreign policy, 155
- As WSAG chair, 117
- Astronauts’ international tour, 96
- Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (CU), 92
- Bureau reorganization, 128
- Church Committee report on assassinations of foreign leaders, 52
- Church Committee’s final report, 74
- CIA domestic spying:
- CIEP role on aid policy, 164
- Colby as seen by, 23
- Cone System, 126, 131, 146
- Congressional appearances of, 117, 196, 197
- Congressional oversight of CIA, 26
- Consensus among State Department officials, 132, 136
- Contempt citations against, 59
- Covert U.S. actions, 16, 65
- Criteria for approving covert U.S. actions, 80
- CSCE provisions on humanitarian affairs, 107
- Cultural affairs monthly report, 95
- Cultural presentations program, 91
- Defense attach, system, 116
- Defense strategy reviews, 182
- Dobrynin meetings with, 222
- Dual role in NSC and State of, 197, 198
- East-West Trade Policy Committee, 172
- Economic policy organization, 175
- Embassy staff reductions, 140, 150
- Energy policy, 161, 169
- Ethics in the Foreign Service, 141
- Executive assistants, 117, 118
- Executive Order proposal for restructuring and revising of PFIAB, 60
- Executive privilege, 32
- Field reporting, 141
- Ford-Carter transition process:
- Carter team request for issue papers, 221
- Carter’s meetings with, 217, 218, 219
- Ford-Carter meeting, 220
- Instructions for beginning of, 214
- Mechanics of, 212
- Naming of Eagleburger as transition team leader, 215
- Office space for Carter team, 216
- Praise for Foreign Service, 225
- Pre-election planning for, 213
- Ford meetings with, 64, 67, 68, 197
- 40 Committee meetings, 32
- 40 Committee role of, 197
- Fulbright-Hays exchange program, 108
- Fulbright’s discussions with, 197
- Halt to Soviet jamming of VOA, 93
- Holbrooke as seen by, 216
- Human intelligence report, 1
- Human rights, 186
- Institutionalization of foreign policy, 117, 135, 146
- Intelligence community:
- Intelligence Coordinating Group, 49
- Interdepartmental system in State Department, 117
- International broadcast facilities, effectiveness of, 111
- International Energy Review Group, 170
- International Exchange Council, 88, 89
- International Food Review Group, 176
- Joint Congressional Committee on Intelligence, proposal for, 30
- Joint Cooperation Commissions, 98
- Keogh’s trip to Europe, 90
- Kurdish revolt, 65
- Lake as seen by, 216
- Latin American cultural and exchange activities, 99
- Leaks, 136, 137, 138, 139
- Legislative coordination on national security affairs, 196
- MAAG requirements, 190
- Major recommendations in Murphy Commission report, 147
- MBFR role for, 197
- Memoranda to Ford, 48
- Message from Colby to Ford, 16
- Monitoring Overseas Direct Employment (MODE), 140, 150
- Morale in the State Department, 122, 138, 141
- Narcotics control, 168, 173, 188
- National Energy Office organization, 161
- National Intelligence Officers, 10
- National net assessment, 3, 12
- National Security Council (NSC):
- As chair of subcommittees of, 117
- As head of, 117, 118, 197, 198
- EPB conflicts with, 178
- Functions and membership of sub-groups of, 205, 208
- Intelligence Committee (NSCIC) membership, 13
- Meeting participants in, 193
- National security decision-making role of, 195
- NSCID No. 9, 22
- Semi-annual intelligence reviews, 77, 83
- Staff philosophy in, 204
- “Team” of, 197
- Treasury Secretary as member of, 207
- Non-military incidents, 159, 163
- Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Bureau, 167
- Organization of foreign economic policy, 166
- Panama Canal Treaty negotiations, 218
- Panel on International Information, Education, and Cultural Relations, 106, 110
- Personnel structure of State Department, 156
- Pike Committee:
- Policy planning process, 130
- Policy Planning Staff’s role, 142
- Post cease-fire assignment of FSOs to Vietnam, 114
- Presentations to State Department staff, 120, 139
- Professional service reform, 143, 144
- Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 87
- Replacement as Assistant for National Security Affairs, 203
- Rhodesia and Namibia talks, 187
- Rockefeller Commission report, 42, 46, 47
- SALT II negotiations, 197, 218
- Schlesinger Report (1971), 47
- Schlesinger’s shake-up of CIA, 2
- Scowcroft’s perspectives on, 206
- Seventh floor organization, 125
- Space policy, 180
- Special Energy Committee, 161
- Speeches:
- Conference of Tlatelolco (Feb. 1974), 99
- Drafting during election years of, 155
- Foreign Policy Association (Jan. 1977), 225
- Latin American UN delegates (Oct. 1974), 142
- Pilgrims of Great Britain (Dec. 1973), 142
- Swearing-in of 119th FSO class, 144, 146
- Third Pacem in Terris Conference, 94
- UNGA (1973), 93, 117, 165
- UNGA (1974), 139
- Staff meetings, 120, 138, 145
- State Department black caucus, 124, 129
- State Department-CIA relations, 78
- Transnational communications, 97
- Treasury representation in WSAG, 194
- United States economic aid, 171
- USIA, study proposing elimination of, 102
- Visits:
- Africa (Sept. 1976), 187
- China (Feb. 1973), 91
- Damascus (May 1974), 98
- Mexico City (Feb. 1974), 122
- Moscow (Mar. 1974), 122
- Moscow (Jan. 1975), 65
- Moscow (Jan. 1976), 218
- New Delhi (Oct. 1974), 98
- New York (Sept. 1974), 137
- New York (June 1975), 145
- Panama (Feb. 1974), 122
- Tehran (Nov. 1974), 98
- Tokyo (Oct. 1973), 121
- Zavidovo (May 1973), 117
- VOA and U.S. policy, 100
- VOA coverage of U.S. evacuation of Saigon, 105
- Watergate’s effect on career of, 117
- Wiretaps, 65
- Withholding of classified documents from House Select Committee, 50
- Women’s Action Organization meeting, 129
- Kleindienst, Richard, 163
- Knebel, John Albert, 79
- Knight, Ridgway B., 139
- Knoche, E. Henry, 19, 39, 44, 71, 78
- Kohl, Helmut, 220
- Komer, Robert, 197
- Kopp, Eugene P., 85, 86, 105
- Korea, People’s Democratic Republic of, 43
- Korea, Republic of, 105, 138, 190, 218, 219
- Korean War, 218
- Kornblum, John, 141
- Korry, Edward M., 56, 139
- Kraft, Joseph, 220
- Krogh, Egil, 168
- Krogh, Peter, 103, 146
- Kubisch, Jack B., 137
- Kurds, 54, 57, 65
- Kuwait, 190
- Labor, U.S. Department of, 98, 131, 163, 164, 175
- Labor-management relations for federal employees, 144
- Laird, Melvin, 117, 197
- Laise, Carol:
- Consensus among FSOs, 132
- Embassy staff reductions, 151
- Foreign service deficiencies, 141
- Human rights, 186
- Institutionalization of foreign policy, 146
- Job analyses, 157
- Personnel Bureau, 149
- Personnel structure of State Department, 154, 156
- Professional service reform, 143, 144
- Regional resource attach, program, 184
- Women employees, statistics on, 153
- Lake, Anthony:
- Land, Edwin H., 15
- Laos, 42, 44, 105, 150
- Lardner, George W., Jr., 33, 43, 65
- Lateral Entry Oral Examination, 152
- Latimer, Thomas, 44, 55
- Latin America:
- Laux, 79
- Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, 70
- Law of the Sea, 167, 169, 214, 218, 223
- Law of the Sea Conference, 223
- Law of the Sea Office, 167
- Law of the Sea Task Force, 169
- Leaks:
- Lebanon, 219
- Lee, Rex E., 50, 80
- Legislative Interdepartmental Group (LIG), 196
- Lehman, John F., Jr., 22, 197
- Lehman, Richard, 71
- Leigh, Monroe, 54, 154, 187
- Lemnitzer, Lyman L., 21, 23, 39
- Less-developed countries (LDCs), 165, 166, 218
- Levenson, Seymour, 174
- Lever mission, 219
- Levi, Edward H.:
- Approaches for implementation of recommendations of Rockefeller Commission, 46
- Church Committee hearings on Chile, 56
- Colby’s investigation of retired employees, 25
- Criteria for approving covert U.S. actions, 80
- DOJ preparation of guidelines for surveillance, 66
- Executive Order proposal for restructuring and revising of PFIAB, 60
- Functions and membership of NSC sub-groups, 208
- Helms prosecution for break-in as declined by, 83
- Intelligence community reorganization, 62, 64, 68
- Intelligence Coordinating Group, 49
- NSCID No. 9, 22
- Study for organization and management of intelligence community, 58
- Terrorism, 185
- Withholding of classified documents from House Select Committee, 50
- Levine, Robert, 86
- Levitsky, Melvyn, 107
- Lewis, Hobart, 102, 103
- Lewis, Samuel W., 130, 134, 136, 138, 142
- Lewis, William H., 186
- Liberia, 190
- Libya, 128
- Liddy, G. Gordon, 6
- Lincoln, Abraham, 83, 94
- Linowitz Commission, 112
- Lippmann, Walter, 94
- Lockheed Corporation, 218
- Loomis, Henry, 100
- López Michelsen, Alfonso, 219
- Lopez Portillo, José, 218, 219
- Lord, Winston:
- Arms Export Control Board (proposal), 187
- Consensus among FSOs, 132
- Embassy staff reductions, 151
- Field reporting, 119
- Food policy organization, 177
- Ford-Carter transition process, 214, 218
- Institutionalization of foreign policy, 135, 138
- Leaks, 136, 138
- Major recommendations in Murphy Commission report, 147
- Named as Policy Planning Staff director, 117
- Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Bureau, 167
- Organization of foreign economic policy, 166
- Organization of international energy policy, 169
- Panama Canal Treaty negotiations, 218
- Planning and Coordination Staff, 197
- Policy planning process, 130
- Policy Planning Staff’s role, 142
- Staff meetings, 145
- State-AID relationship in geographic bureaus, 123
- Love, John A., 161, 169, 191
- Lowenstein, James G., 139, 197
- Lumumba, Patrice, 20, 52
- Lynn, James T.:
- Criteria for approving covert U.S. actions, 80
- EPB meeting on intelligence, 79
- Executive Order proposal for restructuring and revising of PFIAB, 60
- Functions and membership of NSC sub-groups, 208
- Intelligence community reorganization, 51, 62, 64, 81
- Intelligence Coordinating Group, 49, 53
- International broadcast facilities, effectiveness of, 111
- Rockefeller Commission report, 46, 47, 48
- Space policy, 180
- Study for organization and management of intelligence community, 58
- Treasury Secretary as NSC member, 207
- Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 7, 42, 43
- McCarthy, Joseph R., 23, 34, 102
- McCarthyism, 139
- McClory, Robert, 33
- McCloskey, Robert J., 54, 100, 125, 139
- McCloy, John J., 21
- McCone, John A., 15, 17, 20, 63
- McCord, James, 6, 20, 22
- McElhiney, Thomas, 117
- McFadden, 217
- McFarlane, Robert C.:
- McGovern, George S., 211
- McHenry, Donald, 217
- McManaway, Clayton E., 156, 217
- Macomber, William B., Jr., 115, 197
- Maghreb, 128
- Mahon, George H., 35
- Mahoney, David J., 85, 86
- Mail screening, 20, 22, 36, 66, 70, 74
- Maines, William, 217
- Makarios III, Archbishop, 137, 219
- Malaysia, 105
- Management by Objective (MSO) system, 39, 132
- Management by objectives (MBO), 39, 132
- Management excellence, 115
- Management Reform Bulletin No. 8, 154, 156
- Management Reform Bulletin No. 24, 115
- Management Reform Program, 152
- Management Reform Task Force, 115
- Manley, Michael N., 219
- Mansfield, Mike, 16, 45, 147, 197, 207
- Marchetti, Victor L., Jr., 17, 20, 22, 32, 47
- Marcos, Ferdinand E., 105
- Marcy, Mildred, 85, 86, 129
- Mardian, Robert, 19
- Marks, John, 32
- Marks, Leonard H., 85, 103
- Marsh, John O., Jr.:
- Church Committee, 38, 55, 56
- CIA domestic spying:
- Defense intelligence reorganization, 75
- Executive Order 11905, 80
- Executive Order proposal for restructuring and revising of PFIAB, 60
- Ford-Carter transition process, Marsh as team leader, 210
- Intelligence community reorganization, 51, 63, 64, 67, 68
- Intelligence Coordinating Group, 49, 53
- Panel on International Information, Education, and Cultural Relations, 106
- Pike Committee subpoenas, 57
- Senior Review Group, 205
- Terrorism, 185
- Marshall, 44
- Marshall, Andrew W., 8, 9, 10
- Marshall, George C., Jr., 144, 218
- Martin, Ed, 177
- Martin, Graham, 197
- Matheny, John K., 74
- Mathias, Charles M., Jr., 74
- Mauritius, 112
- Maw, Carlisle E., 142, 150, 181, 183, 187
- Maynes, Charles William, 221
- Mays, Glynn R., 150
- Media:
- Merit Promotion and Placement Program, 156
- Mexico, 15, 112, 167, 168, 218, 219
- Meyer, Gen. John C., 15
- Meyer, Lawrence, 83
- MHCHAOS project, 39, 42
- MI–6, 37
- Michel, James H., 186
- Michener, James A., 103
- Mid-East War (1973), 44, 50, 65, 139
- Middle East:
- Military aid, U.S., 117
- Military Assistance Advisory Groups (MAAG), 189, 190
- Military Assistance Program (MAP), 164, 171, 181
- Military Assistance Service Fund, 171
- Military Audit Project, 83
- Military intelligence, 9
- Military research and development, 9
- Miller, William G., 34, 35, 74
- Mindszenty, Cardinal József, 43
- Minnick, Walter, 168
- Minority recruitment, 144, 152, 223
- Minority rights, 112
- Minuteman missiles, 82
- Missiles, 82, 181, 182, 218, 219
- Missing in action (MIA), 186, 219
- Mitchell, James H., 183
- Mitchell, John N., 20, 65
- Mobutu Sese Seko, 65
- Moceri, James, 90, 113
- Mondale, Walter, 53, 74, 211, 218, 219
- Monetary policy, 191
- Monitoring Overseas Direct Employment (MODE) program, 127, 140, 150, 151, 223
- Moon, Richard B., 157
- Moore, Edwin Gibbon, 83
- Moorer, Adm. Thomas H., 8, 12, 13, 23, 63, 116
- Moose, Richard M., 197, 217, 221
- Morale in State Department, 122, 138, 139, 141
- Morell, William N., Jr., 69, 80
- Morgan, Ed, 168
- Morgan, Thomas E., 16, 32
- Morocco, 128, 190
- Morris, Robert J., 177
- Morton, Rogers C. B., 155, 163, 170
- Moscow Summit (1974), 122
- Mosher, Charles A., 66
- Moss, John E., 83
- Moxhay, Diana J., 107
- Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 137
- Munitions Control, 181
- Murphy, Adm. Daniel, 78
- Murphy, Frank, 21
- Murphy, Robert D., 70, 106, 147
- Murphy Commission:
- Murrow, Edward R., 94
- Muskie, Edmund S., 16, 22, 220
- Mutual and Balance Force Reductions (MBFR), 125, 197, 198, 218
- Mutual Education and Cultural Exchange Act (1961) (P.L. 87–256), 91, 92, 112
- Namibia, 187, 218
- Narcotics:
- CIA aid in fight against, 43, 70, 168
- Covert actions against, 80
- Ford-Carter transition process briefings on, 221
- Institutionalization of international control of, 160
- Intelligence needs around, 9
- Management of international program on, 173
- Nixon’s speech to Congress on (June 1971), 160
- Programs for education on, 112
- State Department’s performance in control of, 168, 188
- Narcotics Control Action Plans, 160, 168
- Narcotics diplomacy, 168
- National Advisory Council on Monetary and Fiscal Policies, 175
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 180
- National Association for Foreign Student Affairs, 92
- National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects for Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 70
- National Commission on Regulatory Reform (proposed), 175
- National Commission on Supplies and Shortages, 175
- National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, 95
- National Defense Education Act, 95
- National Endowment for the Arts, 98
- National Endowment for the Humanities, 95, 98
- National Energy Office, 161
- National Foreign Intelligence Program, 70, 82, 83
- National Intelligence Board, 64
- National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs), 44, 56, 82, 83
- National Intelligence Officers (NIOs), 10, 11, 45, 73, 81
- National intelligence production, 73, 81
- National Intelligence Program Budget, 9
- National Liberation Front (NLF), 25
- National means of intelligence gathering, 40
- National Military Command Center, 159
- National net assessment, 3, 8, 12
- National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC), 40
- National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), 180, 205
- National Reconnaissance Program, 51, 62, 68
- National Science Foundation (NSF), 98, 169
- National Security Act (1947):
- National Security Agency (NSA):
- As part of intelligence community, 70
- Church Committee final report recommendations, 74
- Congressional investigations of, 34
- Criticism of Justice Department’s role in, 83
- Executive privilege invoked over actions of, 32
- Ford-Carter transition process, 213
- Ford’s desire for secrecy around, 32
- Fourth Amendment rights and, 74
- Guidelines for electronic surveillance by, 66
- Integrated approach to surveillance of anti-war movement, 19
- National Security Council (NSC):
- ACDA Director as member of (proposal), 202
- Actions recommended for, 81
- Agricultural coordination, 165
- Arms transfers, 181
- Changing role under different administrations of, 195
- Church Committee final report recommendations, 74
- Church Committee requests for documents from, 38
- CIA relations with, 78
- Classified information as used by, 204
- Congressional leaders as members of, 201
- Curtailing of U.S. broadcasting, study by, 113
- Economic policy organization, 175
- EPB conflict with, 178
- Establishment of, 70
- Ford-Carter transition process, 210, 213, 219, 220
- Foreign Intelligence Advisory Group, 68
- 40 Committee role in, 198
- Functions and membership of sub-groups of, 205, 208
- Importance of, 218
- Intelligence Committee (NSCIC):
- Abolition of, 67, 208
- Establishment of, 13
- Expansion of, 47
- Inactivity of, 39
- Membership of, 13, 195, 205
- Objectives for intelligence community, 9
- Performance of, 65, 209
- Replacement of, 68
- Responsibilities of, 48
- Strengthening of, 64, 67
- Subpoena of working group minutes, 57
- Under NSC restructuring, 198
- Intelligence community reorganization, 51, 66
- Intelligence Directives (NSCIDs):
- Interdepartmental Groups, 205, 208
- International Exchange Council, 88
- Kissinger as head of, 117, 197
- Legislative coordination on national security affairs, 196
- Legislative Interdepartmental Group role of, 196
- Media relations with, 209
- Meetings of, 66, 81, 83, 193
- Murphy Commission’s recommendations for, 45, 147
- Narcotics control, 160
- National Energy Office organization, 161
- National security decision-making role of, 195, 209
- Organization of foreign economic policy, 166
- Organization of international energy policy, 169
- Oversight role of, 47
- Panel on International Information, Education, and Cultural Relations report, 106
- Responsibilities of, 70
- Restructuring of, 198
- Scowcroft’s role in, 197
- Security Assistance Program Review Committee, 181
- Semi-annual intelligence reviews, 77, 83
- Staff organization, 203
- Staff philosophy, 204
- Staff reductions at, 200
- Structure and procedures of, 195, 209
- Subcommittee on International Exchanges, 98, 99
- Terrorism, 185
- Treasury Secretary as member of, 202, 207
- Under Secretaries Committee (USC), 88, 92, 195, 198
- USIA as seen by, 106
- Wiretapping of staff member of, 65, 117
- WSAG role in, 195, 198
- National Security Decision Memoranda:
- Church Committee requests for, 35, 38
- NSC role in preparation of, 195
- NSDM 2, 197
- NSDM 8, 208
- NSDM 26, 208
- NSDM 40, 205
- NSDM 85, 208
- NSDM 143, 88, 112
- NSDM 207, 159, 163
- NSDM 215, 91
- NSDM 223, 88, 89
- NSDM 224, 8, 12
- NSDM 239, 12
- NSDM 244, 170
- NSDM 248, 98
- NSDM 253, 13
- NSDM 265, 199
- NSDM 278, 98
- NSDM 326, 205, 208
- NSDM 342, 189, 190
- On arms export control, 187
- On food policy organization, 177
- On terrorism (proposed), 185
- National Security Review Committee, 147
- National Security Study Memoranda:
- National War College, 139, 141
- Native Americans, 152
- Navy, U.S., 83
- NEA division proposal, 128
- Nedzi, Lucien N., 17, 21, 22, 33, 35, 43
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 218
- Nelson, Gaylord A., 217
- Nelson, Lyle, 95
- Nessen, Ron, 210
- Net Assessment Standing Committee, 8
- Netherlands, 190
- Neustadt, Richard E., 21
- New Statesman, 137
- New York Times, 6, 137
- New Zealand, 105, 113
- Ngo Dinh Diem, 52
- Nicaragua, 190
- Nigeria, 112
- Nitze, Paul H., 41, 63
- Nixon, Richard M.:
- American Revolution Bicentennial, 85
- Astronauts’ international tour, 96
- CIA as misused by administration of, 42
- Cyprus, 219
- East-West Trade Policy Committee, 172
- Energy policy, 161
- Human intelligence report, 1
- Integrated approach to surveillance of anti-war movement, 19
- Intelligence community reorganization directive of, 11
- Intelligence organization memo (Nov., 1971), 14, 64, 70, 74
- International Exchange Council, 88, 89
- Joint Cooperation Commissions, 98
- Keogh’s nomination to head USIA, 96
- Keogh’s trip to Europe, 90
- Kissinger’s appointment as Secretary of State, 92, 117, 197
- Management excellence, 115
- Message to Helms, 14
- Middle East War (1973), 65
- Narcotics control, 160
- National net assessment, 3, 8, 12
- Non-military incidents, 159, 163
- NSC meeting participants, 193
- NSC’s national security decision-making role, 195
- Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Bureau, 167
- Oil Import Control program, 162
- Organization of foreign economic policy, 166
- Overseas Personnel Reduction Program (OPRED), 127, 140
- Post cease-fire assignment of FSOs to Vietnam, 114
- Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 87
- Resignation of, 199
- Schlesinger’s shake-up of CIA, 2
- Scowcroft’s perspectives on, 206
- Second inauguration of, 117
- Soviet-U.S. Agreement on Exchanges and Cooperation, 91
- Special Energy Committee, 161
- Speech on narcotics to Congress (June 1971), 160
- Speech to President’s Conference on Export Expansion, 94
- Subpoena of records of, 59
- Terrorism, 185
- Transition process with Lyndon Johnson, 211, 214
- USIA’s approach to presenting an image of the United States, 84
- Watergate, 117, 177, 199
- Nixon Doctrine, 171
- Non-military incidents, 159, 163
- Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 139, 142, 218, 219
- Norland, Donald R., 207
- Norlem, Shirley, 133
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 142, 197
- North-South dialogue, 191
- Norway, 190
- Novak, Robert, 74
- Nuclear acquisition policy, 182
- Nuclear forces, 182
- Nuclear proliferation, 82, 139, 218, 219
- Nuclear testing, 65, 219
- Nuclear weapons, 65, 139
- Nunn Amendment, 182
- Nye, Joseph, 217
- OAG, 80, 208
- Oakley, Robert B., 181
- Ober, Richard, 17, 20, 22, 39
- Oceans, 167
- O’Connor, 44
- October War (1973), 44, 50, 65, 139
- Odeen, Philip A., 116, 161, 162, 197
- Odine, 217
- OER, 79
- Off, Robert B., 155
- Office administration, 133
- Office of Defense Cooperation, 190
- Office of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement, 168
- Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP), 38, 162
- Office of Federal Drug Management, 173
- Office of Humanitarian Affairs (proposed), 174
- Office of International Scientific and Technical Affairs, 167
- Office of Management and Budget (OMB):
- Agricultural coordination, 165
- American Revolution Bicentennial, 86
- Arms Export Control Board (proposal), 187
- Cone System, 131
- Defense attach, system, 116
- Defense policy issues, 147
- Economic policy organization, 175
- Federal Drug Management Division, 168
- Foreign assistance, 171
- Fulbright-Hays exchange program budget cuts, 108
- Intelligence oversight role of, 47
- Interagency relationships, 223
- Jamming of U.S. radio broadcasts, 113
- Kissinger’s dual role in NSC and State, 198
- MAAG requirements, 189
- Management by Objectives system, 132
- Management of State Department resources, 134
- Monitoring Overseas Direct Employment (MODE), 140
- Narcotics control, 160
- Oil Policy Committee, 162
- Organization of foreign economic policy, 166
- Panel on International Information, Education, and Cultural Relations report, 110
- Security Assistance Program Review Committee, 181
- Space policy, 180
- Subcommittee on International Exchange, 98
- Treasury Secretary as NSC member, 207
- Office of National Estimates, 10, 11
- Office of Personnel, 149
- Office of Policy and Plans (IOP), 85
- Office of Private Cooperation, 88
- Office of Refugee and Migration Affairs (ORM), 174
- Office of the Reports Coordinator, 223
- Office of the Special Assistant to the Secretary for Environmental Affairs, 167
- Office of the Special Assistant to the Secretary for Fisheries and Wildlife, 167
- Office of the Special Assistant to the Secretary for Narcotics Matters (S/NM), 160
- Office of the Special Assistant to the Secretary for Population Matters, 167
- Office of the Special Assistant to the Secretary for Refugee and Migration Affairs, 174
- Office of the Special Trade Representative, 166, 175
- Offices of Defense Cooperation, 189
- Official Development Assistance (ODA), 221
- Ogilvie, Donald G., 62, 64, 67, 80
- Oglesby, Donna, 129
- Oil Import Control program, 162
- Oil Policy Committee, 162
- Oil production, 218, 219, 220
- Olmsted, Mary S., 129
- Ombudsman, 41
- O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip”, Jr., 158
- Open Forum Panel, 135, 136, 137
- Operations Advisory Group, 70, 74, 80, 205, 208
- Operations Center (Department of State), 159, 163
- Operations Group, 166
- Opium, 168
- Opper, Clifford, 22
- Order of battle, 65
- Organization and management of State Department:
- ACDA, 125, 135
- Appointment of personnel, 117, 122, 219
- Bureau reorganization, 128, 147
- Cone System, 126, 131, 146
- Consensus among FSOs, 132, 136
- Defense attach, system, 1, 116, 140
- Department resources, 223
- Dichotomy in Foreign Service experience, 143
- Embassy staff reductions, 127, 140, 150, 151
- Equal employment opportunities, 124, 148, 152, 153, 223
- Executive assistants, 118
- Field reporting, 114, 119, 121, 138, 139, 141
- Ford-Carter transition process, 221, 223
- Foreign service deficiencies, 141
- Human rights, 174, 186
- Institutionalization of foreign policy, 117, 135, 138, 142, 146
- Interagency relationships, 223
- Interdepartmental system, 117
- Job analyses, 157
- Leaks, 136, 137, 138, 139
- Monitoring Overseas Direct Employment (MODE), 127, 140, 150, 151, 223
- Morale, 122, 138, 139, 141
- Murphy Commission’s recommendations for, 147
- Office administration, 133
- Overseas Personnel Reduction Program (OPRED), 127, 140, 151
- PARA system, 115, 134
- Personnel Bureau, 149
- Personnel structure, 154, 156, 158, 223
- Policy planning process, 130
- Policy Planning Staff’s role, 142
- Political impact of 1976 Presidential campaign, 155
- Post cease-fire assignment of FSOs to Vietnam, 114
- Professional service reform, 143, 144
- Report to Congress on personnel systems, 158
- Resource management as linked to decision-making, 115
- Seventh floor organization, 125
- Staff meetings, 120, 130, 138, 144, 145
- State-AID relationship in geographic bureaus, 123
- State Department black caucus, 124, 129
- Study for, 58
- Women’s Action Organization meeting, 129
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 166
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 191, 218, 219
- Ormandy, Eugene, 91
- Ortiz, 145, 158, 221, 223
- Osburn, Howard, 20
- Osgood, Robert, 146
- Oswald, Lee Harvey, 39
- Overseas Personnel Reduction Program (OPRED), 127, 140, 151
- Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), 22, 217
- Oversight of intelligence:
- Package review, 209
- Packard, David, 21, 23, 63, 116
- Pahlavi, Shah Reza, 54, 98, 220
- Pakistan:
- Palazzolo, Mary Dell, 129
- Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 219
- Palmer, Allison, 139
- Palmer, Ronald D., 107, 186
- Panama, 190
- Panama Canal treaty negotiations, 122, 218, 219
- Panel on International Information, Education, and Cultural Relations (Stanton Panel) report:
- Paraguay, 190
- Park Chung Hee, 219
- Parker, 193
- Parker, Daniel, 98, 177
- Parrott, Thomas, 2
- Particularism, 143
- Passport Office, 156
- Pastore, John O., 31
- Pauly, Lt. Gen. John W., 32
- Payeff, William K., 105
- Peace Corps, 98, 217
- Pearson Amendment, 143
- Pedrick, Perkins C., 168
- Pell, Claiborne, 112, 156, 223
- Pentagon Papers, 6, 7, 47
- People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), 65
- Percy, Charles, 105, 110
- Perkins, Edward J., 186
- Perry, Commodore Matthew C., 219
- Perry, William J., 21
- Persilee, Robert, 217
- Personnel Bureau, 149, 223
- Personnel structure of State Department, 154, 156, 158, 223
- Peru, 112, 190, 218
- Petroleum, 166
- Philadelphia Orchestra, 91, 92
- Philippines, 105, 112, 150, 190, 218
- Phillips, David, 56
- Phoenix program, 25
- Pickering, Thomas:
- Pike, Otis G., 43, 50, 59
- Pike Committee:
- Pinckney, Samuel M., 124, 148, 152, 153
- P.L. 90–494, 126, 158
- P.L. 93–390, 22
- P.L. 93–559, 183
- P.L. 94–141, 202
- P.L. 94–329, 183
- P.L. 480, 164, 175, 177
- Planning and Coordination Staff, 197
- Plausible deniability, 43
- Plowden, Robert B., Jr., 185
- Poland, 90, 113
- Policy Analysis and Resource Allocation (PARA) system, 115, 134
- Policy Analysis and Resource Management (PARM) Cycle, 223
- Policy planning, 120, 130
- Policy Planning Staff, 117, 134, 138, 142
- Political asylum, 159
- Political communication, 112
- Political officers, 131
- Political parties:
- Political reporting, 114, 119, 141
- Pollack, Herm, 167
- Pollard, Frederick D., Jr., 124
- Polygraph effectiveness, 20
- Poor, James, 80
- Popper, David H., 137
- Population control, 164
- Population growth, 112
- Population policy, 167
- Porter, Roger B., 79
- Porter, William J., 117, 119, 121, 122, 197
- Portugal:
- POW/MIAs, 186, 219
- Powell, Jody, 221
- Powers, Francis Gary, 35
- Preeg, Ernest H., 166
- President’s Advisory Committee on Government Organization, 102
- President’s Committee on East-West Trade, 172
- President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB):
- Church Committee final report recommendations, 74
- Economics as an intelligence community focus, 79
- Executive Order proposal for restructuring and revision of, 60
- Expanding oversight role of, 47, 48
- Human intelligence report, 1
- Intelligence community reorganization, 51
- Murphy Commission recommendations on, 45, 147
- Performance of, 65
- Report: “Intelligence for the Future,” 81
- Revitalization of, need for, 15, 21, 39
- Rockefeller Commission recommendations for, 43, 45!
- Strengthening of, 64, 67
- President’s Labor-Management Committee, 175
- President’s Panel on Employee Compensation, 154
- President’s requirements, 147
- Presidential campaign (1976), 155
- Presidential Findings, 80
- Presidential Memoranda, 14, 64, 70, 74
- Presidential Study Commission on International Radio Broadcasting, 87
- Press freedom, 112, 113
- Press leaks. See Leaks
- Price, C. Melvin, 201, 207
- Price, Ray, 162
- Prince, Georgiana, 148
- Principals and regional Assistant Secretaries meetings, 120
- Priorities Policy Group (PPG), 143, 144, 146, 223
- Private international exchange council, 88, 89
- Private sector exchange programs, 88, 89, 108
- Professional development, 143, 144, 146, 223
- Professional service reform, 143, 144
- Promotion of FSOs, 126, 141
- Protectionism, 90, 143
- Proxmire, William, 17
- Psychological profiling, 20, 21, 22
- Psychological strategy, 112
- Psychological warfare, 39
- Public Committee on Personnel, 154
- Public confidence, 47
- Public diplomacy, 94, 110
- Public opinion, 147
- Rabasa Mishkin, Emilio O., 168
- Rabin, Yitzhak, 98
- Radford, Charles, 23
- Radio Free Europe, 87, 102, 111, 113
- Radio Liberty, 87, 102, 111, 113
- Raoul-Duval, Michael, 53, 64, 67, 80, 185, 210
- Rather, Dan, 117
- Ratliff, Rob Roy, 27, 32, 80
- Ray, Dixie Lee, 163, 167, 170
- Reactor sales, 142
- Read, Benjamin H., 214
- Reagan, Ronald W., 21, 23, 39
- “Reconstituting the Human Community” (Hazen Foundation report), 97
- Recruitment of FSOs, 126, 139, 141, 143
- Refugees, 65, 174, 186
- Regional resource attach, program, 184
- Reinsch, J. Leonard, 102, 103
- Remote earth sensing, 180
- Reorganization Plan No. 1 (1973), 162
- Reorganization Plan No. 2 (1977), 110, 147
- Research and development (R&D), 9
- Resource management, 115
- Reston, James “Scotty,” 78, 137
- Rhodesia, 139, 187, 218, 219
- Rich, Spencer, 28
- Richardson, Elliot L.:
- Richardson, John, Jr.:
- Bilateral joint commissions, 98
- CSCE provisions on humanitarian affairs, 107
- Cultural and exchange initiatives in Latin America, 99
- Human rights, 112
- Monthly reports from CU, 95
- Panel on International Information, Education, and Cultural Relations, 104, 109
- Stanton panel recommendations, 104
- Transnational communication, 97
- Ridgeway, Gen. Matthew B., 18
- Robert Mullen and Company, 15, 22
- Roberts, Walter, 86, 102, 103
- Robeson, Howard, 21
- Robinson, Charles W.:
- Arms Export Control Board (proposal), 187
- Embassy staff reductions, 150
- EPB meeting on intelligence, 79
- Exchange programs, 112
- Food policy organization, 177
- Ford-Carter transition process, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 218
- Foreign economic policy, 191
- International broadcast facilities, effectiveness of, 111, 113
- Narcotics control, 188
- Policy Planning Staff studies, 142
- State-Treasury relations, 191, 192
- Robinson, Joyce, 148
- Robinson, Timothy S., 83
- Roche, John P., 87
- Rockefeller, David, 197
- Rockefeller, Nelson A.:
- Appointment as chair of Commission on CIA Activities within the United States, 23
- As Vice-President, 203
- Azorian, 30
- Functions and membership of NSC sub-groups, 208
- Human intelligence report, 1
- Intelligence community reorganization, 64
- Loss of CIA effectiveness due to Congressional investigations, 36
- Management by objectives (MBO), 39
- Meetings of Colby with Rockefeller Commission, 29, 39
- Memo on Presidential options for intelligence community issues of, 48
- Memoranda to Ford, 41, 48
- Messages from Colby, 36
- Murphy Commission report, 147
- President’s Advisory Committee on Government Organization, 102
- Report to Congress on personnel systems, 158
- Semi-annual intelligence reviews, 83
- Rockefeller Commission (see also Blue
Ribbon Panel; Central Intelligence Agency):
- Angleton’s meeting and memo, 41
- Appointment of members of, 23
- Church Committee’s review of work of, 31, 35
- CIA reports prepared for, 36, 43, 45
- Colby meeting with, 29, 39
- Disposition of records of, 42
- Extension of recommendations to all intelligence community agencies, 47
- Focus of, 51
- Helms’ meeting with, 29
- IDIU tasks, 21
- PFIAB, 43, 45
- Proposals for, 18, 19, 21, 23
- Report of, 42, 43, 46, 47, 81
- Selection of single African-American for, 21
- Testimony before first session of, 29
- Rodino, Peter W., Jr., 66
- Rodman, Peter, 117, 197
- Rogers, Gladys, 129, 133
- Rogers, William D., 99, 184, 187, 216, 218
- Rogers, William P.:
- CIA domestic spying, 18
- Defense attach, system, 116
- Diplomacy for the ’70s, 154
- Intelligence community reorganization, 63
- Legislative coordination on national security affairs, 196
- Narcotics control, 160, 168
- Post cease-fire assignment of FSOs to Vietnam, 114
- Replacement of, 92, 117, 197
- U.S.-Soviet Agreement on Exchanges and Cooperation, 91
- USIA, study proposing elimination of, 102
- Romania, 90
- Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 83
- Rosenthal, Abe, 29
- Rosenthal, Benjamin, 94
- Rostow, Walt W., 19, 21, 214
- Roth, Richard L., 92, 98, 112
- Rumsfeld, Donald H.:
- Appointment as Defense Secretary of, 203
- Approaches for implementation of recommendations of Rockefeller Commission, 46
- CIA domestic spying, 17, 18, 35, 37, 44
- Criteria for approving covert U.S. actions, 80
- Defense strategy reviews, 182
- Executive Order proposal for restructuring and revising of PFIAB, 60
- Functions and membership of NSC sub-groups, 205, 208
- Intelligence community, 62, 64, 68
- Intelligence Coordinating Group, 49, 53
- International broadcast facilities, effectiveness of, 111
- NSC structure and procedures, 209
- Panel on International Information, Education, and Cultural Relations report, 110
- Semi-annual intelligence reviews, 83
- USIA, 106
- Runyon, Charles, 112
- Rush, Kenneth:
- As Deputy Secretary of State, 10
- As potential Secretary of State, 117
- Cone System, 126
- Executive assistants, 118
- International Energy Review Group, 170
- International Exchange Council, 88
- Non-military incidents, 163
- NSC Intelligence Committee membership, 13
- Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Bureau, 167
- Organization of international energy policy, 169
- Overseas Personnel Reduction Program (OPRED), 127
- Seventh floor organization, 125
- State-AID relationship in geographic bureaus, 123
- Rusk, Dean:
- Russell, Richard B., Jr., 15
- Ryan, Leo, 26
- Sadat, Anwar, 92, 98, 139, 219
- Sakharov, Andrei D., 93
- Sampas, Dorothy, 129
- Satellites, 40, 83, 180
- Saudi Arabia, 98, 190, 219
- Saunders, Harold H., 61, 65, 80
- Saxbe, William B., 13
- Sayre, 151
- Scalia, Antonin, 80
- Schaufele, William E., Jr., 184
- Schlesinger, James R.:
- (not declassified), 5
- Appointment as DCI, 2
- Church Committee report on assassinations of foreign leaders, 55
- CIA domestic spying, 17, 21, 34, 37
- CIA involvement in Watergate, 6, 7
- Ellsberg burglary, 6, 7
- Ford-Carter transition process, 220
- Foreign assistance, 171
- Human intelligence report, 1
- Intelligence community, 9, 48, 58
- Intelligence Community Staff, 40
- Intelligence Coordinating Group, 49
- International Energy Review Group, 170
- Legislative coordination on national security affairs, 196
- MAAG requirements, 190
- Memorandum to Ford, 48
- Moscow Summit (1974), 122
- National net assessment, 3, 8, 12
- Non-military incidents, 163
- NSC Intelligence Committee membership, 13
- Replacement as Defense Secretary, 203
- Resignation as DCI, 196
- Rockefeller Commission testimony of, 29
- Semi-annual intelligence reviews, 77
- Shake-up of CIA by, 2
- Space policy, 180
- United States economic aid, 171
- Withholding of classified documents from House Select Committee, 50
- Schlesinger Report (1971), 47
- Schneider, Rene, 22, 52
- Schneidman, Harold F., 85, 86
- Scholarships, 92
- Schonberg, Harold, 91
- Schorr, Daniel, 29, 65, 139
- Schultze, Charles L., 192
- Schwarz, Frederick A. O., Jr., 52
- Science, 223
- Scotes, Thomas J., 139
- Scott, Hugh, 16, 197
- Scott, Paul, 20
- Scott, Stuart Nash, 139
- Scowcroft, Brent:
- ABC interview of, 206
- Agricultural coordination, 165
- Arms transfers, 181
- As Assistant for National Security Affairs, 203
- Church Committee hearings on Chile, 56
- Church Committee’s final report, 74
- Church’s requests for documents, 38
- CIA domestic spying:
- CIEP role on aid policy, 164
- Criteria for approving covert U.S. actions, 80
- Cultural presentations program, 91
- Defense intelligence reorganization, 75
- Defense program reviews, 182
- Energy policy, 161, 169
- Executive Order proposal for restructuring and revising of PFIAB, 60
- Ford-Carter transition process:
- 40 Committee meetings, 32
- Fulbright-Hays exchange programs in, 108
- Halt to Soviet jamming of VOA, 93
- Intelligence community, 15, 58, 64, 67, 68
- Intelligence Coordinating Group, 49, 53
- “Intelligence for the Future” (PFIAB report), 82
- Kissinger, Ford, and Nixon as seen by, 206
- Kissinger nomination as Secretary of State, 117
- MAAG requirements, 189
- Monitoring Overseas Direct Employment (MODE), 140
- National Energy Office organization, 161
- National Intelligence Officers, 10
- National Security Council (NSC):
- CIA relations with, 78
- Congressional leaders as members of, 201
- Functions and membership of sub-groups of, 205, 208
- Intelligence Committee (NSCIC), 13, 209
- Kissinger as head of, 118
- Meeting participants, 193
- National security decision-making role of, 195
- NSCIDs, 22, 70
- Scowcroft’s role in, 197
- Staff organization of, 203
- Staff philosophy in, 204
- Staff reductions in, 200
- Structure and procedures of, 209
- Treasury Secretary as member of, 202
- Non-military incidents, 159
- Objectives for intelligence community, 9
- Oil Import Control program, 162
- Panel on International Information, Education, and Cultural Relations report, 109, 110
- Post cease-fire assignment of FSOs to Vietnam, 114
- Rockefeller Commission report, 42
- SALT II negotiations, 218
- Semi-annual intelligence reviews, 77, 81, 83
- Senior Review Group, 205
- Space policy, 180
- State Department’s performance in narcotics control, 168
- Terrorism, 185
- USIA, 102, 106
- Scranton, William W., 15, 18
- Sears, 148
- Secrecy agreements, 32, 34, 68
- Secrecy protection, 70, 74
- Secretarial Privilege, 65
- Secretarial Task Force, 133
- Security, 41
- Security assistance, 171, 218, 223
- Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Board (SAAECB) (proposed), 187
- Security Assistance Program Review Committee (SAPRC), 181, 183
- Security Officers, 156
- Seidman, L. William, 79, 175, 176, 178
- Selection Out process, 144, 154
- Senate, U.S. (see also Church Committee):
- Appropriations Committee, 6, 22, 86
- Armed Services Committee, 22, 202, 207
- Commerce Committee, 223
- Cooperation with House investigations, 35
- Foreign Relations Committee:
- American Revolution Bicentennial, 86
- Colby’s briefing of Sparkman and Case, 32
- Hays Bill (H.R. 6277), 156
- House Armed Services Committee dispute with, 15
- Interagency relationships, 223
- Kissinger’s confirmation hearings, 117, 197
- Multinational Corporations Subcommittee, 22
- Redistribution of USIA/CU functions, 103
- VOA coverage of U.S. evacuation of Saigon, 105
- Government Operations Committee, 16, 26
- Human rights, 174
- Senior Management Review Group, 151
- Senior Review Group (SRG), 117, 169, 195, 198, 205
- Senior Seminar, 137, 139, 141
- Seventh Floor organization, 125
- Shaheen, John M., 44, 102, 103
- Shakespeare, Frank, 84, 85, 86
- Shannon, Edgar F., Jr., 23, 39
- Shea, Don, 86
- Shirley, John W., 100
- Shortwave broadcasting, 113
- Shultz, George P.:
- Agricultural coordination, 165
- As PFIAB member, 15
- East-West Trade Policy Committee, 172
- International Energy Review Group, 170
- Non-military incidents, 163
- NSC Intelligence Committee membership, 13
- NSC meeting participants, 193
- Oil Policy Committee, 162
- Organization of foreign economic policy, 166
- Organization of international energy policy, 169
- Special Energy Committee, 161
- Treasury representation in WSAG, 194
- Silberman, Laurence H., 19, 20, 29, 34
- Silverman, Stan, 86
- Simon, William E.:
- East-West Trade Policy Committee, 172
- EPB meeting on intelligence, 79
- Intelligence community, 58, 62, 64, 69, 79
- International Energy Review Group, 170
- International Food Review Group, 176
- Joint Cooperation Commissions, 98
- NSC/EPB conflicts, 178
- Oil Policy Committee, 162
- Organization of international energy policy, 169
- Treasury representation in WSAG, 194
- Sinai Accords, 56
- Singapore, 105
- Sisco, Joseph J.:
- (not declassified), 27
- Arms transfers, 181, 183
- As Under Secretary for Political Affairs, 117, 122
- As Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs (discussion of), 197
- Bureau reorganization, 128
- CIA domestic spying, 32
- Embassy staff reductions, 150
- 40 Committee meetings, 32
- Intelligence community reorganization, 61
- Leaks, 137, 139
- Pike Committee draft report, 65
- Policy planning process, 130
- Policy Planning Staff studies, 142
- Seventh floor organization, 125
- Slack, John M., 102, 110
- Slocombe, Walter B., 217, 218
- Sloss, Leon, 180
- Smith, Ian, 218
- Smith, N. Shaw, 157
- Smith, Raymond F., 136
- Smith, William French, 103
- Smithsonian Institution, 98
- Snow, Edgar P., 22
- Sohm, Earl D., 147, 150, 151
- Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I., 93
- Sonnenfeldt, Helmut:
- As Counselor of State Department, 117
- As one of Kissinger’s NSC “team,” 197
- CSCE provisions on humanitarian affairs, 107
- East-West relations, 139
- Ford-Carter transition process, 214
- Halt to Soviet jamming of VOA, 93
- International Energy Review Group, 170
- Job analyses, 157
- Kissinger-Dobrynin meeting, 222
- Non-military incidents, 159
- Policy Planning Staff studies, 142
- SALT, 139
- USIA, 90
- Sorenson, Theodore, 63
- South Africa, Republic of, 139, 187, 218
- Southeast Asia, 218
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 137
- Soviet Bloc, 41
- Soviet Union:
- As U.S. intelligence target, 82
- CIA screening of mail to, 20, 22, 36
- CSCE provisions on humanitarian affairs, 107
- Cultural and information programs of, 94
- Czechoslovakia invasion (1968), 65
- Eastern Europe, economic relations with, 69
- Ideological struggle with the West, 94
- Middle East War (1973), 65
- Military research and development, 9
- SALT II talks, 65
- Sharing of U.S. facilities broadcasting to, 111, 113
- Trawlers off Alaska from, 159
- U-2 incident, 35
- United States, relations with:
- U.S. dissidents as mistrusted by, 20
- U.S. project to raise sunken submarine of, 30, 83
- VOA broadcasts to, 100
- Space policy, 180
- Spain, 113, 190
- Sparkman, John J., 17, 32
- Spear, Joseph, 20, 22
- Special Energy Committee, 161
- Special Trade Representative, 166, 175
- Specialized functional competence, 223
- Spotts, Frederic N., 109, 147
- Springsteen, George S., 109, 122, 138
- S.R. 400, 74
- Stabler, Wells, 139
- Staff meetings, 120, 130, 138, 144, 145
- Stansbury, Dorothy, 129
- Stanton, Frank:
- Stanton, James V., 43
- Stedman, Richard, 217
- Stein, Herbert, 170
- Stennis, John D., 16, 17, 22
- Sterling, J. E. Wallace, 85
- Stern, Laurence, 6, 15, 26, 65
- Stern, Paula, 217
- Stern, Thomas, 183
- Sternfeld, 164
- Stevenson, Adlai E., II, 211
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 107, 113
- Strachan, Gordon, 86
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II):
- Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I), 59, 182, 218
- Strategic nuclear forces, 182
- Strategic weapons, 82
- Strauss, Franz-Josef, 220
- Streamlined management, 82
- Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 19
- Stukel, Don, 200
- Subcommittee on International Exchanges, 98, 99, 112
- Subcouncil on International Economic Policy (proposal), 179
- Submarines, 218
- Sullivan, William, 117
- Sulzberger, Arthur, 29
- Supergrades, 154, 156
- Supreme Court, U.S., 34, 66
- Surplus Property Act (1944), 92
- Sutterlin, James S., 168
- Sweden, 90
- Swift, Ann, 186
- Symington, W. Stuart, Jr., 21, 22, 202, 207
- Syria, 97, 98, 219, 220
- Tait, Susan T., 174
- Taiwan, 105, 190, 219
- Tanzania, 187
- Tarr, Curtis W., 18, 167, 197
- Tasca, Henry J., 137
- Task Force on Institutionalization, 135
- Task Force on International Energy Policy (proposal), 169
- Task Force XIII, 115
- Tax returns, 70
- Taylor, James, 51
- Team B, 83
- Technical Assistance Bureau, 123
- Technology, 167, 180
- Technology transfer, 112
- Teller, Edward, 15
- Terrorism, 9, 43, 64, 82, 185
- Terrorism Special Action Group (TSAG), 185
- Tet offensive, 65
- Thailand, 105, 166, 190
- Theater nuclear forces, 182
- Thomas, Maj. Gen. Jack E., 22
- Thomas, John M., 151, 184
- Thompson, Kenneth W., 103
- Thornton, Thomas P., 132
- Threshold Promotion Boards, 152
- Tighe, Gene, 40
- Time (magazine), 94, 100
- Timmons, William E., 87, 162, 196
- Tlatelolco Conference (1974), 122
- Todman, Terry, 124
- Toftey, 20
- Toon, Malcolm, 218, 221
- Tourism, 94
- Tower, John, 34, 35, 74
- Towery, R. Kenneth, 85, 86
- Toxic agents, 74
- Trade, 94
- Trade Expansion Act Advisory Committee, 175
- Transnational communications, 97, 103
- Transportation, U.S. Department of, 175
- Trawlers, 159
- Treasury, U.S. Department of:
- Arms Export Control Board (proposal), 187
- Economic policy organization, 175, 179
- Executive Order 11905’s directions for, 70
- Intelligence analysis by, 45
- Intelligence elements of, 70
- Joint Cooperation Commissions, 98
- Narcotics control, 168
- NSC membership for Secretary of, 202, 207
- Oil Import Control program, 162
- Organization of foreign economic policy, 166
- Organization of international energy policy, 169
- Security Assistance Program Review Committee, 181
- Semi-annual intelligence reviews, 81
- Soviet economic relations with Eastern Europe, 69
- State Department, relations with, 191, 192, 223
- U.S. aid policy, 164
- WSAG representation for, 194
- Trinidad and Tobago, 219
- Troia, Kathleen, 45
- Trujillo Molina, Rafael L., 20, 22, 52
- Truman, Harry S., 211
- Tunisia, 128, 190
- Turkey:
- Turner, William C., 103
- Tweedy, Bronson, 2
- U-2 incident, 35
- Udall, Morris, 211
- Ukraine, 113
- Under Secretaries Committee (USC):
- As NSC operational group, 92, 99, 195, 198
- CU evaluation of exchange programs, 92
- Defense attach, system, 116
- Functions and membership of, 208
- Inter-agency coordination under, 92
- International broadcast facilities, effectiveness of, 111, 113
- Non-military incidents, 159, 163
- OPRED, 127, 140
- Organization of international energy policy, 169
- Private sector exchange programs, 88, 89
- Space policy, 180
- United Kingdom (UK):
- United Nations (UN), 103, 168
- United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 174
- United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 160, 168
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 191
- United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ECAFE), 166
- United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), 165
- United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), 174
- United States economic aid, 123, 137, 142, 164, 165, 171
- United States Evaluation Board, 70
- United States Information Agency (USIA):
- Abolition of, 110, 147
- American Revolution Bicentennial, 85, 86
- Approach to presenting an image of the United States, 84
- Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs cooperation with, 92
- Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs merger proposal, 103, 109, 110
- East Asia assessments, 105
- Elimination of, studies proposing, 102, 103, 106, 112, 223
- Equal opportunity programs, 129
- European role of, 90
- Facility-sharing by, 113
- Ford-Carter transition process, 213, 217
- Keogh speech on value of, 94
- Middle East issues as portrayed by, 96
- NSC views on, 106
- Office of Policy and Plans (IOP), 85
- Panel on International Information, Education, and Cultural Relations, 106, 110
- Rearrangement of functions of, 103, 106
- Reports to Congress on overseas operations, 96
- Role of, 135
- Single personnel system for, 156, 157
- Soviet Union exhibits and programs of, 94, 96
- Staff meetings, 120
- Subcommittee on International Exchanges, 98, 112
- U.S. economic programs as supported by, 94
- VOA as broadcasting arm of, 96, 109
- VOA as independent of (proposal), 102, 103, 104, 106, 109, 110
- United States Information Service (USIS), 105, 223
- United States Intelligence Board (USIB):
- United States International Communication Agency, 110
- United States v. Nixon, 34
- Upper Volta, 112
- Uruguay, 190
- U.S.-Canada Boundary Commission, 167
- U.S.-Canada Joint Commission, 167
- U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act (1948) (Smith-Mundt Act), 103
- U.S.-Mexico Boundary Commission, 167
- U.S.-Mexico Water Commission, 167
- U.S. News and World Report, 148
- Usery, Willie J., Jr., 79
- Vaky, Viron Peter, 141
- Vance, Cyrus R., 21, 222, 225
- Vance, Sheldon, 173
- Venezuela, 150, 190
- Verification Panel, 169, 182, 195, 198, 208, 218
- Vest, George G., 183, 186, 187, 197
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 194, 218, 219
- Vietnam, Republic of, 114, 164, 182
- Vietnam Special Studies Group, 169
- Vietnam War:
- Village Voice, 65
- Vladivostok Agreement (1974), 59
- VOA Charter (P.L. 94–850), 111
- Vogelgesang, Sandra, 135, 136
- Voice of America (VOA):
- Approach to presenting an image of the United States of, 84
- As independent of USIA (proposal), 102, 103, 104, 106, 109, 110
- As psychological warfare agents, 39
- As USIA broadcasting arm, 96, 109
- Broadcasts to the Soviet Union, 100
- Facility-sharing by, 111, 113
- Halt to Soviet jamming of, 93, 94, 113
- Spanish-language broadcasts, 113
- U.S. evacuation of Vietnam, coverage of, 90, 105
- U.S. policy and, 100
- Watergate coverage of, 94
- Volcker, Paul A., 13
- Voluntary retirement, 148
- Wade, 44
- Waldmann, Raymond J., 64
- Wallach, John, 137
- Wallinson, Peter J., 49, 64, 68
- Walsh, 4
- Walters, Vernon A., 196
- War Powers Resolution, 66
- Warner, John S., 20
- Warren, Earl, 59
- Washington Energy Conference (Feb., 1974), 142
- Washington Special Action Group (WSAG):
- As NSC operational group, 195, 198
- Church Committee requests for documents from, 38
- Kissinger as chair of, 117
- Meeting for Nixon-Ford transition, 199
- Membership of, 205, 208
- Organization of international energy policy, 169
- Pike Committee subpoenas of meeting minutes of, 57
- Treasury representation in, 194
- Watergate affair:
- Waters, Gen., 39
- Watson, Jack, 217
- Weather, 167
- Weinberger, Casper, 95
- Weintraub, Richard M., 105
- Weiss, Seymour “Cy,” 197
- Wells, William, 32
- Western Europe:
- White, Barbara M., 94
- Whitlam, E. Gough, 105
- Whitten, Les, 20, 22
- Wilderotter, James A., 20, 29, 44
- Wilhelm, John K., 123
- Willems, Leonard, 107
- Williams, Ed, 83, 217
- Wilson, James, 186
- Wilson, Lt. Gen. Samuel V., 71
- Wilson, Woodrow, 103
- Winks, Robin, 85, 95
- Wiretaps, 43, 65, 83, 117
- Women:
- Women’s Action Organization, 129
- Women’s Week, 129
- Wood, Dennis H., 187
- Woodward, Hugh, 86
- Woolsey, Robert J., Jr., 217
- World Administrative Radio Conference (1979), 113
- World Bank, 166
- World Food Conference (Rome, 1974), 165, 176
- World War II, 94
- Wortzel, Arthur, 146, 156
- Wright, Marshall, 197
- Wriston, Henry M., 154
- Wriston Committee, 154, 158, 223
- Xerox machines, 139