221. Memorandum for the Record1


  • Meeting with Carter Transition Officials

Messrs. Anthony Lake and Richard Moose called at 1700 today on Mr. Borg, who was accompanied by Messrs. Ortiz and Bridges. Mr. Lake gave Mr. Borg the following four papers, copies attached:

  • 1. List of “Coordination Officers for Transition”2
  • 2. Lake/Borg Memorandum dated November 24, subject “Request for Information Memoranda/Organization”
  • 3. Lake/Borg Memorandum dated November 24, subject “Request for Information Memoranda/Issues”
  • 4. Lake/Borg Memorandum dated November 24, subject “List of Interview Requests”3

Reviewing the list of issue papers requested, Mr. Borg said that some Assistant Secretaries had told him that they hoped to be able to have a look at the list of papers required before the list was put into concrete. Messrs. Lake and Moose agreed that it might be profitable to have a preliminary exchange with bureaus on just what the scope and context of the papers should be. In response to a question, Mr. Moose confirmed that they had decided it would not be advisable to ask for the different bureaus to suggest possible different policy options.

Mr. Moose asked if the papers could be ready for them by close of business Friday, December 3. They would like to receive the papers as they are done rather than have S/S hold them for presentation all at the same time. Mr. Borg said that he thought December 3 was a reasonable deadline, but that he was not sure if we could produce all the papers by then, given the Secretary’s particular interest in some subjects.4 We [Page 744] would, in any case, give S/CL the papers as they were completed, and we could put them all together into a book later.

Mr. Moose raised the question of AID, noting that he hoped to see Birnbaum5 in AID on Friday, November 26, especially to discuss the definition of ODA (Official Developmental Assistance). Mr. Borg noted that the AID papers could raise some sensitive issues on which AID might disagree with geographic bureaus. Mr. Borg said that he would want to talk to Mr. Habib about this. We thought that the AID papers6 might best be folded in with the others, but he hoped that Mr. Moose would let him know if he got any contrary signals from AID.

Mr. Borg raised the question of Mr. Peter Bourne’s7 contacts with S/NM on narcotics. Bourne had asked for a briefing. Mr. Eagleburger had indicated that this presented no problem. However, we understood that Mr. Bourne might want to take part in the ARA Regional Narcotics Conference. This was fine by us, but if Bourne was to take part, it would be important to ensure that he had a full security clearance before hand.

Mr. Moose said that he would suggest to Tony Lake (who had left the room to take a call from Jody Powell)8 that Lake should have a talk with Bourne.

Mr. Lake, returning to the room, asked if Mr. Borg knew of any contact between “you and us” on the question of Soviet agrément for Ambassador Toon. There had been press inquiries. Mr. Borg said he knew of none.

Mr. Lake said that he assumed the future Secretary of State would have a general knowledge of foreign policy, so that we would not need to explain why a policy was what it was, but would rather just have to present the facts of what it was. Mr. Borg said that we would quickly convey to the bureaus what S/CL wanted. Mr. Moose suggested, and Mr. Lake agreed, that it might then be useful to have a session at which Mr. Lake could meet with all the bureau coordinators. It was agreed to do this. In response to a question from Mr. Lake, Mr. Borg said that he would of course make sure that Mr. Habib had a look at the list of desired papers.

[Page 745]

The meeting ended after a discussion of the cable to be sent to USUN about appointments for S/CL members in New York.9

Peter S. Bridges10
Deputy Executive Secretary

Attachment 2

Memorandum From the Head of the Department of State Liaison Office for President-Elect Carter (Lake) to the Executive Secretary of the Department of State (Borg)11


  • Request for Information Memoranda/Organization

We would appreciate receiving, from each bureau or office listed below, a succinct description of that unit. These memoranda will be for the use of the Secretary-designate and his senior appointees. These memoranda should include:

1. A narrative description of the functions and responsibilities of the unit and each of its senior positions. Please attach current job descriptions.

2. A description of its internal organization and paper flow system; an organization chart; and a list of key personnel, at least through Office Director level, with notations as to their status (career/noncareer, end-of-tour date). How are personnel assignments made within the unit?

3. A description of its relationships to other units. To whom does it report? How does it receive assignments? How does it relate to other bureaus and offices in the Department, including the Policy Planning Staff, INR and the Legal Advisor’s office? In what intra-departmental and inter-agency groups does it participate? Which does it chair? Who are the liaison officers who handle day-to-day coordination with offices in other agencies? Who are their primary points of contact in those agencies?

[Page 746]

4. A description of how relations with the Congress and press are handled. Who are the congressional members, committees and subcommittees, and staff members most interested in the work of the unit?

5. A list of the key public individuals and groups most interested in the work of the unit. How are relations with them maintained?

6. A summary description of any recent proposals for organizational changes specific to that unit, and the Department’s reaction.

7. A list and brief description of any legislation of which the bureau has cognizance which will or may have to be submitted prior to June 1977, including major budgetary items.12

Bureaus and Offices:
[Page 747]

Attachment 3

Memorandum From the Head of the Department of State Liaison Office for President-Elect Carter (Lake) to the Executive Secretary of the Department of State (Borg)13


  • Request for Information Memoranda/Issues

The November 18 briefing book provides a useful overview of the major issues facing the new Administration.14 To provide necessary details for the Secretary designate and his senior appointees, we would appreciate receiving individual information memoranda of no more than ten single spaced pages, and preferably less, on the issues listed below.15 It is important that these memoranda be as factual and specific as possible, including all relevant and sensitive material, which will be handled appropriately. Recommendations for revisions and additions to this list would be appreciated. Each memorandum would usefully include:

—A very brief description of the current state of the issue—e.g., the situation on the ground, status of any negotiations, principal actors involved—together with some analysis of underlying causes and factors. Some of these issues may raise organizational questions that should be addressed. Particular attention should be paid to action forcing events and opportunities during January 20–July 31, 1977, with specific dates where possible—e.g., a scheduled negotiation, a congressional deadline.

—A statement of current U.S. policy on that issue, including any current contingency plans.

—A succinct history of that policy, including any commitments that may have been made.

—A statement of the relationship between this issue and human rights concerns.

—A summary of congressional action and opinion on the issue.

[Page 748]

—A very brief summary of any recent and relevant studies and recommendations made to the Department by consultants or others, and the reaction of the Department.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Transition Records of the Executive Secretariat, 1959–1977, Entry 5338, Box 1, Transition/Admin. No classification marking. Drafted by Bridges.
  2. The list is attached but not printed.
  3. This memorandum is attached but not printed.
  4. On November 30, Lake sent to the Department a revised list of requested transition papers, broken down into first, second, and third priorities. (National Archives, RG 59, Transition Records of the Executive Secretariat, 1959–1977, Entry 5338, Box 1, Transition/Admin) In a Cherokee channel telegram to Kissinger in Mexico City, November 30, Eagleburger recommended authorizing him to “go ahead with tasking the bureaus to respond to the category one priority list without committing ourselves to the transition team on a delivery date.” (Department of State, Files of Lawrence S. Eagleburger: Lot 84 D 204, Chron—November 1976) On December 3, Executive Secretary C. Arthur Borg forwarded the second and third priority lists to all regional and functional bureaus with instructions to complete second priority papers by December 20 and third priority papers by January 3. (National Archives, RG 59, Records of the Policy Planning Staff, Director’s Files (Winston Lord), 1969–77, Entry 5027, Box 364, Dec. 1–15, 1976)
  5. Philip Birnbaum was the Assistant Administrator of the Bureau for Program and Policy Coordination, AID.
  6. Not further identified.
  7. Special Assistant to President-elect Carter.
  8. Press Secretary for President-elect Carter.
  9. In telegram 288644 to USUN, November 25, the Department informed the Mission that Charles William Maynes, a member of the Carter Liaison Office, wished to meet with officials of the Mission in New York on November 26. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy Files, 1976)
  10. Bridges initialed “PSB” above this typed signature.
  11. No classification marking.
  12. The transition papers produced by the bureaus for the Carter transition team are in the Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Kissinger Papers, Boxes CL 327–329, Department of State, Carter, Jimmy Transition Papers, Briefing Books, Series I–III, 6 volumes.
  13. No classification marking.
  14. Not found. Possibly a reference to the briefing papers prepared for Kissinger before his November 20 meeting with Carter. See footnote 2, Document 218.
  15. The list is attached but not printed. The issues were: Foreign Policy and Defense Posture; Arms Control; the Middle East; Asia; Europe; Africa; Latin America; International Economic Policy; Development Assistance; United Nations; the Oceans, Environment and Science; Global Issues (e.g., terrorism); and Organizational Issues. See footnote 4 above.