161. Memorandum From the President’s Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs (Scowcroft) to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)1
- National Energy Office Organization
This proposal causes me great concern.2 It seems clear that its implementation would result in a new NSC-like structure cutting across and competing with NSC, CIEP and Domestic Council business. It is difficult for me to imagine that we need another empire to further complicate the bureaucratic pulling and hauling already extant.
Without knowing what discussions have already taken place, I would think that Charles DiBona could perhaps better serve as a sort of Executive Secretary to the Special Energy Committee. His job would be that of coordination among NSC, CIEP and the Domestic Council. Tasks would be given to whichever of those organizations had the predominant interest in the issue, with representation, if necessary, from the others. In this manner, we might be able to avoid the development of a new bureaucracy which, I fear, would be constantly trodding on our—and everybody else’s—toes.3
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 250, Agency Files, National Energy Office, March 1972–Feb. 1973—Vol. I [1 of 2]. No classification marking. Kissinger wrote at the bottom of the page: “I agree completely. Make clear Ehrlichman understands.”↩
- In a January 29 memorandum to Kissinger, Odeen outlined a proposal made by Charles DiBona for a “White House-based organization, structured like the NSC and CIEP, which would be the focal point for coordination and direction of national energy policies and programs.” Odeen disagreed with DiBona’s proposal that this group “manage the analyses of both the domestic and international aspects of the energy problem,” arguing instead that the foreign policy and national security aspects of energy be handled “within the National Security Council framework.” (Ibid., March 1972–Feb. 1973—Volume I [2 of 2])↩
- DiBona’s appointment as Special Consultant for Energy heading an energy staff in the Office of the President was announced by the White House on February 23. The appointment was confirmed by Nixon on April 18 in his special message to Congress on energy policy. On the same day, the President signed Executive Order 11712, establishing the Special Energy Committee consisting of Kissinger, Secretary of the Treasury Shultz, and the President’s Assistant for Domestic Affairs, John D. Ehrlichman. (Public Papers: Nixon, 1973, pp. 317–318) The Committee’s functions were taken over by an expanded Energy Policy Office, announced by Nixon on June 29. Former Colorado Governor John A. Love was appointed to head the Office as an Assistant to the President; DiBona was appointed the President’s Deputy Assistant for Energy Matters. (Ibid., p. 625)↩