162. Memorandum From the White House Counsel (Dean) to President Nixon1


  • Executive Order entitled “Assigning Policy Development and Direction Functions with Respect to the Oil Import Control Program”

Forwarded for your approval and signature is a proposed Executive Order entitled “Assigning Policy Development and Direction Functions with Respect to the Oil Import Control Program”.2

In the message transmitting Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1973 to Congress,3 the President announced his intention to designate the Deputy Secretary of Treasury as Chairman of the Oil Policy Committee in place of the Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness. This proposed order would reconstitute and, for the first time, institutionalize the Oil Policy Committee, with the Deputy Secretary as its Chairman. The Committee and its Chairman would perform their functions in accordance with guidance from the Assistant to the President with responsibility in the area of economic affairs.

This order was drafted by OMB and my office in response to your earlier decision in regard to the Oil Policy Committee. OMB, OEP, Treasury, and Justice have approved its issuance. Also Secretary Shultz, Ray Price, Bill Timmons, and the offices of Peter Flanigan and John Ehrlichman concur with the order.


That you sign the Order attached at Tab A.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 250, Agency Files, National Energy Office, March 1972–Feb 1973—Vol. I [1 of 2]. No classification marking. Sent for action. An attached note from White House secretary Lora D. Simkus to Scowcroft, dated February 7, reads: “Jeanne Davis advises that the attached has been reviewed by Bob Hormats and by Phil Odeen’s people. Neither has any objections.”
  2. Attached at Tab A but not printed. Nixon signed the attached as Executive Order 11703 on February 7, creating the Oil Policy Committee with Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Simon as its Chairman.
  3. For the text of the message, January 26, see Public Papers: Nixon, 1973, pp. 21–24.