740.00119 Potsdam/7–3045

United States Delegation Memorandum1

Pending Problems Before the Conference, Close of Business, July 30, 1945

i. problems before the big three

{ 1. German Reparations
2. Western Frontier of Poland
3. Admission to the United Nations

The U. S. has presented proposals on all three of these questions and has insisted that they be considered as a unit.2 The British also presented yesterday a new proposal on German Reparations.3 There seemed to be general agreement on the U. S. proposal concerning reparations, made applicable to the entire British and American Zones rather than to the Ruhr alone, with a corresponding reduction in the percentages. The specific question referred to the Big Three was whether or not a definite figure, in dollars or tons, for the Soviet share of reparations from western Germany should be specified.

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4. Economic Principles for Germany

It was agreed that decision on this question will depend on the decision on German reparations.

5. Italian Reparations

Mr. Molotov’s motion on this question was referred back once more to the Big Three.

ii. problems before the foreign ministers

1. Additional Points for Inclusion in the German Political Principles

The British proposed two additional points4 the first of which was accepted and the second referred to the Control Commission for Germany. The Soviets also presented a new point5 which is still before the Foreign Ministers.

2. Southeast Europe and Trieste—Istria District

British and Soviet papers on these subjects6 are still before the foreign ministers.

3. War Crimes

The Soviet and British papers7 on this subject were presented. It was agreed in principle that a statement on the subject should be issued by the Conference. The question of the exact form of this statement is still before the Foreign Ministers.

4. Fascist Activities in the U. S., British and French Zones of Germany and Austria

The U. S. and British Secretaries of State have agreed to reply as soon as possible to a Soviet note8 on this subject.

5. German Troops in Norway

The U. S. and British Secretaries of State have agreed to reply as soon as possible to a Soviet note9 on this subject.

6. Disposition of Soviet Citizens from the Baltic, the Ukraine and White Russia now in Allied Territories

The U. S. and British Secretaries of State have agreed to reply as soon as possible to a Soviet note10 on this subject.

[Page 505]

7. Ruhr Industrial Area

The Soviet paper11 on this question is before the Foreign Ministers but the British have stated they could not discuss the subject without the French.

8. Allied Oil Equipment in Rumania

The Foreign Ministers have not yet acted on the latest British proposal12 for dealing with this subject.

iii. problems before subcommittees

1. German Fleet and Merchant Marine

British and Soviet papers13 on this subject are before the subcommittee.

2. German External Assets

A U. S. proposal14 on this subject was referred to the Economic Sub-committee.

3. Oil for Western Europe

The Economic Sub-committee has not yet reported on the U. S. proposal15 on this subject.

4. Implementation of the Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe and Satellite States

The Sub-committee on this subject has not yet reported.

5. Unrestricted Navigation of International Inland Waterways

The Sub-committee on this subject has not yet reported.

6. Transfer of German Populations from Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary

The Sub-committee on this subject has not yet reported.

7. Directive to the Military Commanders in Germany

The Sub-committee on this subject is awaiting completion of the work of the Conference in relation to Germany.

8. Protocol and Communiqué of the Conference

The Sub-committees are engaged in preparation of these documents.