The “additional requirements” agreement
[1035] No. 1035
The Ambassador in the United
Kingdom (Winant) to
the Political Adviser to the Representative on the European
Advisory Commission (Mosely)
London, 18 July 1945.
740.00119 Potsdam/7–1845: Telegram
[1036] No. 1036
The Political Adviser to the
Representative on the European Advisory Commission
(Mosely) to the Ambassador
in the United Kingdom (Winant)
Babelsberg, July 20, 1945.
740.00119 Control (Germany)/7–2045: Telegram
[1037] No. 1037
The Ambassador in the United
Kingdom (Winant) to
the Secretary of State
London, 24 July 1945.
740.00119 EAC/7–2445: Telegram
[1038] No. 1038
Report by the European Advisory
Lancaster House,
London, S. W. 1.
25th July, 1945.
25th July, 1945.
L/T Files