740.00119 (Potsdam)/7–3045

No. 1027
Proposal by the Soviet Delegation1


On Ruhr Industrial District

Soviet Proposal

Considering the Ruhr Industrial District as a part of Germany and having in view the necessity of all kind curtailment of Germany’s war potential the Conference has deemed expedient:

To determine that the Ruhr Industrial District shall be in respect of administration under the joint control of U. S. A., U. K., U. S. S. R. and France.
The administration of the Ruhr Industrial District shall be exercised by the Allied Council composed of representatives of U. K., U. S. A., U. S. S. R. and France.
The Industry of the Ruhr District will be utilized for reparation purposes in conformity with the common reparation plan.
To establish immediately, in view of prompt accomplishment of this decision, provisional Allied Council composed of representatives of U. S. A., U. K., U. S. S. R. and France, which in a months term will carry out necessary preparatory work and will assume the provisional Administration of the Ruhr District.

  1. Attachment 16 to the summary of the Tenth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers, July 30. See ante, pp. 496, 499. Molotov had given Byrnes a copy of this proposal at a private meeting immediately preceding the Tenth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers. See ante, p. 482. Another copy of this proposal bears the following manuscript notation: “Sov. to present to Council For. Min? but not included in protocol”. Cf. ante, p. 596.