Editor’s Note.—In indexing persons the intention has been to include references to persons of significance for an understanding of the record. References to persons in the following categories have in general been omitted: historic personages; persons appearing only as recipients or as transmitting agents of documents or information; Secret Service agents; authors, journalists, and composers, unless mentioned in some other capacity; civilian clerical personnel; enlisted personnel of the armed services; and other persons having only a slight substantive connection with the record to whom only passing reference is made in the documents.
For identification of persons mentioned in this volume, see the List of Persons Mentioned, ante, pages xlviii–lxxiii.
- Abderhalden, Emil, 907
- Abramovitz, Moses, 841, 841–842, 855, 862–863, 872
- Abyssinia. See Ethiopia.
- Acheson, Dean, 1564n, 1565
- Adams, Francis W. H., 840n
- Adjournment of Berlin Conference, 596–597, 601
- Agenda, question of, 31–32, 44, 46–47, 52, 54–55, 60–61, 1583
- Air communications: Anglo-American cooperation, 80; London–Warsaw, 518–520, 533–534, 575, 582; United States–Soviet Union, 140, 1166–1170
- Alba de Tormes, Duke of, 124n, 1410
- Albania, 116, 130–131, 169, 179, 434, 442, 1061, 1063, 1064–1065, 1091–1092, 1093, 1096
- Alexander, Field Marshal Sir Harold, 13, 18, 111–112, 115, 175–177, 181–182, 299, 302, 310–311, 316–317, 319, 357, 367–368, 374, 623n, 669–670, 675, 836n, 1045, 1064–1065, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103, 1109n, 1113–1114, 1213n, 1513, 1575
- Alexander I, former King of Yugoslavia, 1211
- Allen, Denis, 105
- Allen, George V., 226, 238–239, 299, 317–319, 635–636, 1042, 1047–1048, 1393–1394, 1398, 1400, 1416, 1425–1426, 1435–1436, 1441–1442
- Allied Commission in Italy. See under Italy.
- Allied Commission on Reparations. See Germany: Reparations Commission.
- Allied Control Commissions. See under Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania.
- Allied Control Councils. See under Austria and Germany.
- Allied declaration on Germany, June 5, cited, 682, 750, 1007, 1008, 1012
- American interests and property rights, protection of, 573n, 739, 741–742, 760, 763
- American Radiator Co., 903
- Anaconda Copper Co., 902
- Anami, Gen. Korehita, 1248n
- Anders, Lt. Gen. Wladyslaw, 92, 97, 1109–1110, 1113–1114, 1132
- Anderson, Sir John, 1180n, 1180–1181, 1370n
- Angell, James W., 938n
- Antonov, Army Gen. A. I., 18, 44, 302, 319, 344–345, 347, 350–353, 381, 408–417, 1513, 1529, 1575, 1584
- Arabs in Palestine, 1404–1406
- Arciszewski, Tomasz, 93, 1110, 1541, 1583
- Ardalan, Naser Qoli, 1390
- Ardenne, Baron Manfred of, 839
- Argentina, 360
- Argonaut (see also Yalta), 1193
- Armistice agreements. See under Bulgaria, Hungary, Finland, Italy, and Rumania.
- Armour, Norman, 1410–1411, 1413
- Arnold, Gen. of the Army Henry H., 12, 13, 18, 31, 35, 38, 39, 41, 48, 64, 82, 99, 112, 139–140, 161, 197–198, 201, 271, 292, 319, 339, 344, 349–350, 375, 408, 411, 413–414, 416, 1166, 1178, 1324n, 1361n, 1373n, 1512
- Arutyunyan (Arutiunian), A. A., 76, 285, 291, 301, 827
- Ascania Werke, 906
- Ashcan, 763
- Atlantic Charter, cited, 1065, 1066, 1066n, 1074, 1075, 1261, 1273, 1274, 1294, 1569, 1578, 1581
- Atomic bomb. See under Japan.
- Atomic energy, sharing of information with Soviet Union, 1157
- Attlee, Clement R.:
- Appointment as Prime Minister, 388n, 431n
- Exchange of messages with Truman, 1184–1187, 1205–1206, 1375, 1406
- Meetings with Byrnes, 507; with Truman, 458–459, 476–477
- Miscellaneous, 12, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 47, 311, 367, 390, 431, 432, 438, 440, 441, 452, 490n, 1097n, 1260, 1294, 1321, 1403–1404, 1407, 1440, 1442, 1445, 1446, 1447, 1513
- Plenary Meetings, participation in, 52, 55, 116, 164, 167–168, 178, 203, 214, 221, 244, 299, 357, 381, 459–470, 510–540, 565–585, 586–601
- Tripartite dinner meetings, participation in, 137, 224, 319
- Australia (see also British Commonwealth), 171, 1297, 1313, 1315, 1340, 1346
- Austria:
- Allied Control Council, establishment and functions of, 611, 614, 652, 653, 656–657, 661–662, 665–666, 676, 680, 681–682, 1455, 1480, 1544
- Anti-Soviet activities, alleged. See Fascist activities, infra.
- Austrian political and economic situation, letter to Truman from Archduke Otto of Austria, 659–661
- Carinthia, 663
- Communist Party activities, 660, 662
- Control machinery in Austria, European Advisory Commission Agreement on (July 4), approval by the four occupation powers, 156, 668–669, 670–671, 672, 677–679
- Economic and financial matters in connection with reparations (see also Food, infra), 434, 442, 663–665
- Enemy war matériel, disposal of, 162, 665–666, 835–837
- Fascist activities in British and U. S. occupation zones, question of, 483, 495–496, 499, 503, 504, 548–549, 563, 574, 582, 603, 683–685
- Food, 310–311, 316–317, 368, 671, 673–677, 680, 1596
- Four Power authority in Austria, proposed quadripartite statements relative to, 508n, 678–679, 681–683
- German assets in Austria, 567–569, 579–580, 1454, 1486–1487, 1506
- Moscow Declaration on Austria (Nov. 1, 1943), cited, 677, 678
- Occupation:
- Entry of British and U. S. troops into Western occupation zones and sectors in Vienna, discussions concerning, 175–177, 181–182, 222, 244, 260, 310–311, 393, 603; quadripartite meetings of military commanders, 669–671, 672–673, 674–675, 680
- European Advisory Commission Agreement on occupation zones and administration of Vienna (July 9), approval by the four occupation powers, 156, 176, 181, 222, 244, 668–669, 671, 672, 677–679
- Oil, 606, 1378–1388 passim
- Otto, Archduke of Austria, letter to Truman, 659–661
- Protocol and Communiqué sections concerning, 1455, 1490, 1507–1508
- Provisional government under Karl Renner, question of recognition, and extension of authority to all of Austria, 311, 317, 368, 374, 393, 553–554, 603, 659–663, 1455, 1490, 1507–1508, 1595, 1596
- Reestablishment as an independent democratic state according to Moscow Declaration of Nov. 1, 1943, 677, 678
- Relief, 434, 442
- Renner government. See Provisional government, supra.
- Reparations: Discussions concerning, 222, 323, 336–337, 432–434, 441–442, 444, 446–447, 448, 464, 466, 469, 482–483, 484–485, 499, 571, 591–592, 599, 603; proposals and reports, 663–667, 1093–1094, 1095–1096; Protocol and Communiqué, decision with respect to inclusion in, 591–592, 1455n, 1490
- Restitution, 665–666
- State of war between United States and Austria, question of, 341
- Styria, 175, 662–663, 670, 673, 675
- Vienna: Entry of British and U. S. forces into their occupation sectors, discussions concerning, 175–177, 181–182, 222, 244, 260, 310–311, 393, 603, 669–671, 672–677, 680; Protocol and Communiqué sections concerning, 1490, 1507–1508; provisioning of, 310–311, 316–317, 368, 603, 669–671, 673, 674, 675, 675–677, 680, 1596
- War booty, 664, 665, 666
- War matériel, disposal of, 162, 665–666, 835–837
- Withdrawal of Soviet troops to own occupation zone, 181, 244, 260, 675
- Autounion, 909
- Ayers, Eben A., 1290
- Azores, U. S. facilities at Santa Maria, 65, 1350, 1355, 1358
- Badoglio, Marshal Pietro, 362
- Bainbridge, Kenneth T., 1364
- Balance of power. See Spheres of influence.
- Balfour, John, 639–640
- Balfour Declaration of Nov. 2, 1917, cited, 1403, 1405
- Balkans. See individual countries; also under Press, freedom of.
- Balogh, Rev. István, 644
- Baltic Sea, 587, 597, 754, 988, 1150, 1151, 1454, 1489, 1491, 1597, 1598, 1599
- Baltic States, 265, 499, 503, 504, 549, 887, 1165–1166; question of repatriation of Baltic nationals to Soviet Union, 259–260, 367–368, 374, 497, 499, 503, 504, 549–550, 563, 574, 603, 604, 1162–1166, 1600
- Barbour, Walworth, 1074
- Barnard, Thurman L., 1290
- Barnes, Maynard B., 694–695, 708–709, 716–718, 722–725, 728–732, 733–734, 735
- Baruch, Herman B., 956n, 1350n, 1354–1355, 1356
- Bavaria, 758, 768, 769, 770, 1000
- Beatty, Morgan, 26
- Belgium: Coal shipments to Belgium, 386, 390, 404; German ships, Belgian share, 559; international protectorate in Rhineland and Ruhr, proposed, question of participation, 989, 990, 993, 994, 995, 996, 999; miscellaneous, 341, 342, 519, 532, 534; reparations from Germany, 297, 430, 440, 482, 487, 517, 532, 559, 560
- Belgrade Agreement of June 9 (U. S.-British-Yugoslav agreement respecting the provisional administration of Venezia Giulia). See Yugoslavia: Venezia Giulia.
- Bell, John O., 1191
- Bellinger, Vice Adm. Patrick N. L., 28
- Belot, Col. Monti L., 11
- Beneš, Edvard, 387, 391
- Berger, Edwin, 908
- Bergson, Abram, 455, 841–842, 855, 855n, 862–863, 872, 1532, 1535–1536, 1538
- Beriya (Beria), L. P., 17, 224, 1529
- Berlin Physical and Technical Institute, 908
- Bernadotte, Prince Carl, 1589, 1590
- Betts, Brig. Gen. Edward C., 421–422
- Bevin, Ernest:
- Byrnes–Attlee meeting, participation in, 507
- Foreign Ministers Meetings, participation in, 483–503, 543–564; report as Rapporteur, meeting of July 30, 500–503
- Letter to Byrnes, 1038; to Molotov, 1038–1040
- Meetings with Forrestal, 477; with Polish Delegation, 490n, 518
- Miscellaneous, 12, 22, 432n, 748, 749, 1087, 1097n, 1440, 1446, 1447, 1499, 1513
- Plenary Meetings, participation in, 459, 463–466, 469–470, 510–511, 515–528, 531–538, 565–572, 575–576, 579–584, 586–601
- Truman–Attlee meetings, participation in, 458–459, 476
- Bewilogua, Ludwig, 838, 839
- Bianchi, João Antonio de, 1355, 1357–1359
- Bidault, Georges, 1045, 1342, 1348, 1399, 1419, 1548–1549, 1550–1555, 1556, 1557n, 1557–1564
- Bierut, Bolesław, 19n, 374, 382, 388, 403, 406, 490n, 506–507, 1112, 1138–1139, 1140, 1150, 1151, 1491n, 1508, 1529–1531, 1539; conversations with Truman, 356–357, 543, 1540–1541; participation in Foreign Ministers Meeting of July 24, 322n, 332–333, 338, 1518–1519, 1523
- Big Five, proposed creation of a Council of Foreign Ministers of. See Council of Foreign Ministers.
- Birse, Maj. Arthur, 16, 17, 18, 52, 81n, 116, 137, 203, 224, 244, 299, 319, 357, 397, 425, 459, 510, 565, 586
- Biryuzov, Col. Gen. S. S., 708n, 730, 1062
- Bissell, Richard M., Jr., 163, 295, 1026, 1199, 1340–1341
- Black Sea Straits. See Turkey: Straits question.
- Blair, Lt. Col. James A., 16
- Blaisdell, Thomas C., Jr., 1024, 1025
- Bland, Sir Nevile, 1347
- Blue Division, 125, 134
- BMW (Bayrische Motoren Werke), 906, 911
- Bobrovi, Col., 684
- Bogomolov, A. E., 1550
- Bohlen, Charles E.:
- Bonbright, James C. H., 1564–1565
- Bonnet, Henri, 1348–1349, 1555–1556, 1563, 1564–1566
- Booth, Brig. Gen. Donald P., 1394–1395, 1396, 1397
- Boris III, former King of Bulgaria, 729
- Boucher, Maj. Gen, Charles Hamilton, 1056n, 1058
- Bowen, Col. John W., 9
- Bowker, Reginald James, 1410n, 1411
- Bradley, Gen. Omar N., 16
- Brand, T. H., 285, 291, 301
- Bratianu, Constantin (Dinu), 699, 700
- Bretton Woods Conference (1944) 844n, 1526n
- Bridges, Sir Edward, 13, 18, 319, 399, 401, 507n, 542n, 585n, 596, 1513, 1575
- British Broadcasting Corporation, 557
- British Commonwealth, participation in war against Japan, 48–51, 162, 340, 1334–1341, 1464–1465, 1469–1470
- Broad, Philip, 1163
- Brook, Norman, 399, 401, 419, 507n, 542n, 585n, 1438
- Brooke, Field Marshal Sir Alan, 13, 18, 33, 35–36, 38, 48–51, 82, 84–86, 112–114, 161, 201–202, 292–293, 319, 339, 342, 344, 352–353, 375–376, 1181–1182, 1309, 1513, 1575
- Brossin de Saint-Didier, Maj. Gen. Auguste, 32n, 1342–1343
- Brown, John Nicholas, 902
- Brown, Walter J., 25, 380, 399, 401, 403, 471n, 507, 542, 585, 586, 594n, 596n, 976, 1442–1444, 1443n
- Brunk, P. A., 1124
- Buhrman, Parker W., 764, 765–766
- Bulgaria:
- Allied Control Commission, revision of procedure with regard to status of British and U. S. representatives (see also Peace treaty, infra): Discussions concerning, 150–155, 228–230, 241, 245, 260, 324, 394, 418, 524–525, 537, 540, 554–556, 564, 566, 575, 582, 593, 604–605; Protocol and Communiqué sections concerning, 1458–1459, 1494–1495, 1511; Soviet proposal and policy, 733, 736–737; U. S. consideration and proposal, 647, 719–720, 732
- Armistice agreement (Oct. 28, 1944), cited, 67n, 173, 645, 698, 711
- Bulgarian external assets, 747–749
- Bulgarian ships available to Soviet Union, 978
- Communist influence and Party activities, discussions and U. S. reports concerning, 326–327, 694–695, 716–718, 723, 728–732, 736
- Danube commission, Bulgarian participation, 656
- Diplomatic relations, establishment of (see also Government and Peace treaty, infra; also United Nations Organization: Admission of Bulgaria, etc.): Bulgarian appeal for, 708–709, 711–713; discussions concerning, 169, 171, 173, 195, 216, 231, 326–328, 370–372, 529–530, 589–590, 598–599; Soviet proposal, 698–699
- Elections, supervision of:
- German assets in Bulgaria, 568, 579, 1454, 1486–1487, 1506
- Government:
- Fatherland Front, 694–695, 708–709, 716–717, 730–732, 733, 735
- National Agrarian Union, 722
- Position of democratic elements, U. S. reports regarding, 694–695, 708–709, 722–723, 728–732
- Reorganization of minority government prior to establishment of diplomatic relations and conclusion of peace treaty: Discussions concerning, 207, 216, 222, 231, 260, 326–327, 370–372, 394–395; U. S. and British policy, 644, 645–646
- Zveno, 728–729, 730–731
- Greek-Bulgarian frontier incident, 116–117
- Peace treaty (see also United Nations Organization: Admission of Bulgaria, etc.; and under Council of Foreign Ministers: Functions, etc.), Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1457–1458, 1492, 1509–1510
- Press. See Press: Balkans.
- Relations with Greece and Yugoslavia, 116–117, 130–131, 171, 173, 179, 180, 1048–1057, 1060–1061, 1062, 1065–1071, 1073–1078, 1573
- Restrictions on U. S. and British officials, 359, 362–363, 371
- Soviet troops in Bulgaria, 1061, 1062
- United Nations, admission to. See United Nations Organization: Admission of Bulgaria, etc.
- Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe. See Declaration under Yalta.
- Bullard, Sir Reader, 1389n, 1394
- Bundy, Harvey H., 111, 203, 225, 260n, 754n, 1155n, 1324n
- Burma. See Japan: Operations in Pacific and Southeast Asia.
- Bush, Vannevar, 1367
- Byrnes, James F.:
- Conversations with Attlee, 507; with Bidault, 1557–1564; with Churchill, 160, 276; with Eden, 82, 275; with Eden and Molotov, 354–356; with Gromyko, 143, 633; with members of Polish Delegation, 379–380, 382; with Molotov, 274–275, 449–452, 480–483, 510; with U. S. officials, 421–424
- Exchange of messages with Molotov, 747–748, 933–934, 936–937, 1042–1043, 1043–1044, 1284
- Foreign Ministers Meetings, participation in, 66–79, 101–109, 143–160, 163, 185–197, 226–243, 276–292, 295–298, 322–338, 397–401, 425–447, 483–503, 543–564, 1517–1524; reports as Rapporteur, 77–79, 195–197, 336–338, 562–564
- Letters from Bevin, 1038; from Eden, 1026–1027, 1107–1109; from Modzelewski, 1132–1133
- Memorandum to Truman, 1177–1179
- Miscellaneous, 4–25 passim, 79, 165, 166, 300, 321, 385, 388–389, 407, 466–467, 610n, 616–697 passim, 708, 716, 734–735, 753–757, 776n, 777n, 779–784, 802–804, 805, 817–846 passim, 870n, 888–897, 899–901, 917–993 passim, 1002–1083 passim, 1113–1114, 1151n, 1173–1174, 1191, 1220–1283 passim, 1349n, 1360n, 1361n, 1379n, 1389–1424 passim, 1442–1461, 1474n, 1551–1557, 1565–1566
- Participation in Truman meetings with Attlee, 458–459, 476–477; with Bierut, 543; with Churchill, 35; with Mikołajczyk, 1540–1541; with Molotov, 471–476; with Stalin, 43–46, 86–87, 1582–1583, 1586–1588
- Plenary Meetings, participation in, 52, 88–91, 95–97, 116, 164, 166, 177, 203–207, 215–216, 244, 299, 308n, 357–358, 360, 363, 368–372, 381, 459, 461–462, 468, 510–538, 565–585, 586–601
- Tripartite dinner meetings, participation in, 137, 224, 319
- Cabell, Brig. Gen. Charles P., 31, 39, 64, 99, 139, 197, 271
- Caccia, Harold, 1047n, 1076, 1077
- Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 10, 12, 15, 22, 23, 35, 52, 66, 88, 101, 116, 137, 143, 164, 185, 203, 226, 244, 276, 299, 311, 317, 322, 357, 381, 397–401, 425–447, 458–459, 462, 466, 468, 476, 483–485, 510, 543, 565, 586, 1191n, 1513, 1575
- Caffery, Jefferson, 20, 484n, 659n, 1045, 1048, 1399, 1413, 1543–1555
- Cairo Declaration (1943), cited, 1273, 1276, 1281, 1293
- Caldwell, CWO Horace K., 9, 25
- Campbell, Capt. Sir Harold, 26
- Campbell, Sir Ronald H., 1355n
- Campbell, Sir Ronald I., 668n, 679, 1002n, 1004, 1005n, 1011, 1023
- Canada (see also British Commonwealth): Miscellaneous, 404, 432, 441; repatriation of Canadians from Europe, 200, 1193–1194, 1200, 1201–1202
- Cannon, Cavendish W., 150, 159, 166, 232, 241, 268–270, 380n, 399, 400, 402, 417–418, 546, 556, 625, 645–646, 719–720, 725–726, 727–728, 930, 931, 932, 933n
- Capcraft, 299, 970, 975
- Cardenas, Juan Francisco de, 950n
- Carnwath, Joseph W., 1124, 1198
- Carra de Vaux de Saint-Cyr, Christian, 963n
- Carvalhaes, Col. Augusto de, 1356
- Cary, Col. John B., 31, 39, 64, 99, 139, 197, 271
- Castillo y Campos, Cristobal del, 1410, 1411
- Catroux, Gen. of the Army Georges, 1418n
- Cattegat, 42
- Chamberlain, Neville, 1403
- Chaney, Maj. Gen. James E., 1355
- Charles, Archduke of Austria, 659
- Charles, Sir Noel, 36n
- Chase, Lt. Joseph, 344, 408
- Cherrière, Brig. Gen. Paul-Raymond-Philippe, 669n, 670, 671, 672, 675, 680
- Cherwell, Lord, 16, 111, 137, 160, 203, 225, 1371n
- Cheshmedzhev (Cheshmedjieff), Grigor, 717, 723, 731, 734
- Chiang Kai-shek,
- Exchange of messages with Truman, 1225–1227, 1241, 1278, 1282, 1321
- Message to Stalin, 1225–1227
- Miscellaneous, 21, 32, 271, 339, 449–450, 616, 617, 618, 619, 1237, 1246, 1267n, 1272n, 1283, 1296, 1313, 1315, 1321n, 1465, 1474–1476
- Proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan. See Japan: Proclamation.
- Childs, J. Rives, 1409–1410, 1412, 1413, 1417
- China:
- Chiang Kai-shek. See Chiang Kaishek, Generalissimo.
- Chinese Eastern Railway, 1224n, 1226, 1231–1232, 1238
- Dairen and Port Arthur. See Manchuria, infra.
- Manchuria (see also Japan: Operations in and near China and Korea), ports and railways, 45–46, 1223–1224, 1226, 1228–1229, 1230–1234, 1238–1241, 1241–1244, 1247
- Negotiations with Soviet Union for pact of
friendship and alliance (in accordance with Yalta agreements):
- Berlin Conference discussion of Sino-Soviet negotiations, 45–46, 476, 1582, 1585–1587
- Chinese position: Opinion of T. V. Soong on status of negotiations, 1224–1225; views of Chiang and request for U. S. support, 1225–1227
- Stalin’s résumé of status of negotiations, 1585–1587
- U. S. position based on traditional China policy:
- General résumé, 1227–1230
- Statements and comments relative to Manchuria, Outer Mongolia, and Sinkiang, 1230–1237
- Yalta agreement affecting China: Dissussions and recommendations concerning, 1237–1241; message of Truman to Chiang, 1241; proposed U. S.-Soviet understanding relative to Sino-Soviet agreements under negotiation, 1241–1244, 1247; Soong’s resumption of negotiations in Moscow, U. S. position and recommendations concerning, 1245–1247
- Open-door policy, 43n, 46, 1223, 1224n, 1227, 1229, 1243, 1244, 1322, 1586
- Outer Mongolia, 45, 1225, 1227, 1234–1235, 1236, 1237, 1246, 1585, 1587
- Participation in Council of Foreign Ministers, 52, 56–58, 59, 61–63, 67, 68, 195, 215, 614, 616–620, 1478, 1479–1480, 1501
- Port Arthur. See Manchuria, supra.
- Sinkiang, 45, 1235–1237, 1585–1586
- Soong. See Soong, T. V.
- South Manchuria Railway, 1226, 1238
- Treaties and agreements:
- Sino-Japanese agreement (1915), 1232
- Sino-Russian agreements of 1896 and 1898, cited, 1231, 1232
- Sino-Soviet Agreement on General Principles (1924), cited, 1229, 1231, 1233
- Sino-Soviet agreement (1929), 1232
- Sino-Soviet treaty of Aug. 14:
- Cited, 1247n
- Negotiations. See Negotiations with Soviet Union, supra.
- Soviet-Manchurian agreemen (1924), 1231
- Treaties, etc., affecting Outer Mongolia (1913, 1915, 1921, 1924, 1936, and 1941), cited, 1225, 1234–1235, 1236
- Yalta agreements and decisions. See Negotiations, supra.
- Chinese Eastern Railway, 1224n, 1226, 1230–1234, 1238–1241, 1585–1587
- Churchill, Jr. Comdr. Mary, 10, 14, 35n
- Churchill, Winston
- Atomic bomb, 47, 81–82, 203, 225, 243, 1370–1371
- Combined Chiefs of Staff: Participation in meeting of, 339–344; report (July 24), approved by Truman and Churchill, 1462–1473
- Conversations with Byrnes, 160, 276; with Leahy, 339; with Roosevelt, aide-mémoire (1944), 1371; with Stimson, 47, 203, 225; with Truman, 10, 14, 35, 79–82, 182, 243
- Exchange of messages with Truman, 1179–1183, 1204, 1279–1281, 1402
- Miscellaneous, 20, 37, 153, 278, 354, 357, 420–427, 437, 449, 452, 462, 463, 467, 468, 474, 522, 536, 537, 552–553, 558, 560, 576, 583, 595, 596, 601, 606, 621n, 635, 636, 637, 638, 662, 667, 978, 997, 1039, 1045, 1080n, 1086–1087, 1155n, 1164, 1164n, 1175–1176, 1177, 1203, 1213, 1223n, 1260, 1270–1283 [Page 1609] passim, 1309, 1310n, 1323n, 1346, 1347, 1377, 1390–1391, 1407, 1421n, 1440, 1462n, 1559, 1567–1581
- Plenary Meetings, participation in, 52–63, 88–98, 116–137, 164–182, 203–221, 244–268, 299–319, 357–374, 381–391
- Proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan. See Japan: Proclamation.
- Tripartite dinner meetings, participation in, 137, 224, 319–321
- Citrine, Sir Walter, 1045
- Civil Aviation Radio Conference, 1188
- Clark, Gen. Mark W., 49, 774
- Clark Kerr, Sir Archibald, 12, 52, 88, 101, 105, 116, 143, 185, 203, 226, 244, 276, 322, 459, 483, 543, 586, 650n, 738n, 738–739, 1046, 1104–1105, 1108, 1158, 1513, 1571, 1575, 1579
- Clay, Lt. Gen. Lucius D., 8, 15, 23, 805, 806n, 824, 829, 898, 923, 924, 925, 926, 934–936, 938, 939–940, 947, 960–961, 964–968, 1001
- Clayton, William L., 8, 12, 15, 52, 66, 76, 110, 141–142, 164, 183–184, 185, 203, 226, 244, 276, 285, 291, 295, 301, 322, 383, 388, 397, 401, 402, 403–406, 425, 430, 451, 455, 478, 483, 518, 543, 750n, 788n, 801, 814, 827–830, 845, 846, 867n, 872, 882n, 884n, 888, 889, 894n, 898, 900–901, 917, 923, 924, 925, 934, 935, 937–940, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 947, 953, 958, 963–964, 1023, 1032, 1118, 1119, 1153, 1158, 1184, 1187, 1512, 1525–1527, 1528, 1532–1538
- Coal. See under Germany and Poland.
- Cochrane, Adm. Edward L., 23
- Cohen, Benjamin V., 5, 7, 10, 12, 25, 52, 66, 70, 76, 88, 101, 116, 143–144, 164, 185, 203, 226, 244, 276, 299, 322, 357, 381, 399, 401, 403, 419, 425, 459, 510, 565, 586, 1512; notes on Foreign Ministers Meeting of July 27, 436–443; notes on Plenary Meetings, 59–63, 94–98, 130–137, 177–182, 215–221, 260–268, 312–317, 368–374, 388–391, 466–470, 528–538, 578–585, 597–601
- Coleman, Maj. Lawrence A., 421, 424
- Collado, Emilio G., 403, 455, 573n, 741n, 749, 750n, 779–780, 801, 812, 826–827, 829–830, 848n, 849n, 861n, 928, 938–940, 941, 949, 975n, 1088–1089, 1153, 1177n, 1184n, 1525, 1532n
- Combined Chiefs of Staff (see also
Joint Chiefs of Staff; Tripartite military meeting; and
United Kingdom: British Chiefs
of Staff):
- Allied Commission in Italy, question of appointment of a civilian chief, 115
- Chairmanship of meetings, question of, 33
- Combined Intelligence Committee, 36n–37n
- Combined Military Transportation Committee, 163n, 293, 1194–1198
- Enemy war matériel in Germany and Austria, question of disposal, 162
- Final report approved by Truman and Churchill: Discussions, 294, 339–344; text, 1462–1473
- Japan, war against, discussions
and recommendations in connection with:
- British and British Commonwealth participation in war, 48–51
- Control and command, 85–86, 162, 201, 294
- French and Netherlands participation in war, 83, 113
- Military objectives, strategy, and policies, 202, 1310–1312
- Operations in Pacific and Southeast Asia, 38, 83, 162, 375–378
- Planning date for end of organized resistance by Japan, 115
- Portuguese participation in war, 83, 1353–1354
- Postwar staff machinery, 65, 80, 86, 113, 1202–1206
- Release of information to Soviet Union, 113–115, 161
- Shipping, 202, 293–294, 1194–1198, 1312
- Unconditional surrender, 36–37
- Meetings, July 16–21 and July 23–24, minutes, 35–38, 48–51, 82–86, 112–115, 161–162, 201–202, 292–294, 339–344, 375–378
- Military talks, sections in Protocol and Communiqué, 585, 594n, 1443–1444, 1460, 1498n, 1512
- Postwar staff machinery, 65, 80, 86, 113, 1202–1206
- Report, July 24. See Final report, supra.
- Combined Civil Affairs Committee (CCAC), 816, 1213
- Combined Intelligence Committee, 36n–37n
- Combined Military Transportation Committee, 163n, 293, 1194–1198
- Combined Resources Allocation Board (CRAB), 764, 765, 815, 816
- Combined Shipping Adjustment Board (CSAB), 119n, 293, 973, 974, 975, 983, 1192, 1195–1196, 1467, 1472–1473
- Combustion Engineering Co., 902
- Communiqué: Discussions concerning preparation and release of, 367, 373, 400–401, 403, 528, 542, 584–585, 590–595, 599–601, 1441–1444; draft text, 1444–1461; final text, 1499–1514; meetings of Communiqué Subcommittee, 507, 542, 585
- Communist activities in Austria, 660, 662; Bulgaria, 326–327, 694–695, 716–718, 723, 728–732, 736; Greece, 1061, 1069, 1070; Hungary, 693, 718, 736; Poland, 647, 1128, 1129, 1130–1132; Rumania, 326–327, 647–648, 696–697, 699–701, 714–715, 736; Yugoslavia, 1208, 1210, 1211–1212
- Conant, James B., 1366, 1367
- Connor, Cassie, 1275n
- Control Commissions (Allied). See Allied Control Commission under Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania.
- Control Councils (Allied). See Allied Control Council under Austria and Germany.
- Control machinery. See under Austria and Germany.
- Conway, Capt. Granville, 1116–1117
- Cooke, Vice Adm. Charles M., Jr., 22, 23, 31, 35, 39, 48, 64, 82, 99, 112, 139, 161, 197, 199–201, 271, 292, 344, 375, 408, 416, 492, 502, 509, 509n, 524n, 980–981
- Cooper, Alfred Duff, 1042n, 1418n, 1419, 1547n, 1550
- Cornwall-Jones, Brig. Arthur Thomas, 35, 48, 82, 112, 161, 201, 292, 339, 375, 1354
- Coronet, 41, 48, 298, 299, 1336, 1337
- Coulondre, Robert, 1553
- Coulson, J. E., 76, 285, 291, 295, 301, 546, 814, 827, 828, 930, 931, 932, 933n
- Council of Foreign Ministers:
- Establishment of, U.S. proposal concerning: Discussions and approval in principle, 52, 56–58, 59, 61–63, 66–70, 76, 77–78, 89, 95, 101–102, 108, 117, 131, 143–145, 148–149, 156, 158, 167–168, 195, 215, 221, 281, 288, 290, 300, 354–355, 392, 419–420, 590; draft of proposal, redrafts, and final text, 609–615; Protocol and Communiqué sections concerning, 1447–1449, 1478–1481, 1500–1501
- Functions of Council in connection with—
- International inland waterways, 538, 540, 1497, 1556
- Iran, withdrawal of Allied troops from Tehran, 393, 1496, 1556
- Peace conference to be held in the future, preparation of, 57–58, 62–63, 96, 354, 1447
- Peace treaties with Italy, Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, and Rumania, and peace settlement with Germany, preparation of, 67, 68, 69, 158, 170, 171, 174–175, 181, 254, 256, 266, 281–283, 288, 290–291, 300–301, 327, 337, 355, 363–364, 393, 551, 611, 613, 615, 626–627, 628, 629, 658, 699, 1080, 1084, 1086, 1096, 1448, 1457, 1479, 1492, 1500, 1509–1510, 1592–1593
- Poland, Western frontier question, 248–251, 283, 588, 598
- Ruhr area, question of, 522, 595–596, 601, 602–603
- Territorial settlements. See Poland and Ruhr, supra; Trusteeship, infra.
- Trusteeship for Italian colonial territories and Korea, 254–255, 281–283, 288, 290–291, 300–301, 312, 393, 550–551, 604, 631, 632, 633, 635–638, 1458, 1493, 1510, 1594–1595
- Participation of China and France: Discussions concerning, and invitation by the three powers, 52–53, 56–58, 59, 61–63, 67–70, 108, 168, 186–187, 195, 215, 221, 286–287, 289, 292, 301, 312, 392, 419–420, 484, 500, 614, 616–620, 1448, 1478, 1479–1481, 1501, 1543–1544, 1549; reaction of China and France to invitations, 558, 619–620, 1550, 1552, 1553–1554
- Time and place of Council meetings (permanent joint Secretariat at London), 167–168, 177, 178, 185, 186–187, 195, 221, 290, 354–355, 613, 615, 1447–1448, 1479, 1500
- Craig, Maj. Gen. Howard A., 1396
- Crane, Maj. Gen. John A., 708, 716n
- Crimea Conference. See Yalta.
- Cripps, Sir Stafford, 1404–1405
- Cromie, Leonard J., 1048–1057
- Crowley, Leo T., 1177, 1178
- Ćuckov, Mane, 1054n
- Culbertson, Paul T., 1350–1351
- Cunningham, Adm. of the Fleet Sir Andrew, 13, 18, 35, 48, 82–83, 86, 112, 161, 201, 292, 319, 339, 342, 344, 353, 375–376, 1099, 1181–1182, 1513, 1575
- Curzon Line, 208, 211, 212, 217, 248, 263, 305, 333, 356–357, 457, 1141, 1144, 1147, 1519, 1520, 1529, 1572, 1580
- Cutler, Brig. Gen. Stuart, 23
- Cutter, Col. R. Ammi, 421, 1007
- Cyrenaica, 254, 265
- Czechoslovakia (see also Germany: Transfers of German populations): Danube commission, Czechoslovak participation, 656; German assets in Czechoslovakia, 569, 580; possible invitation to attend Berlin Conference, 387, 391; reparations from Germany, 517; treaties with Soviet Union (1943 and 1944), 1237, 1585n
- Dairen. See China: Manchuria.
- Dalton, Hugh, 1404
- Dalton, Neil, 1290
- Damaskinos, Archbishop of Greece, 1044n, 1047
- Danube, question of internationalization and free use of, 199, 304, 314, 365, 372, 387n, 391, 538, 650, 651–654, 655–656, 657–658
- Danzig, 121, 404, 456, 457, 506, 988, 1150, 1151, 1454, 1489, 1491, 1522, 1533, 1534, 1535, 1562
- Dardanelles, fee Turkey: Straits question.
- Davies, Joseph E., 11, 12, 16, 17, 21, 52, 88, 116, 137, 164, 203, 224, 244, 299, 357, 381, 459, 510, 565, 586, 1428–1434, 1434n, 1512
- Davies, Ralph K., 1381, 1382
- Davis, Elmer, 1274
- Dean, Col. Fred M., 31, 39, 64, 99, 139, 197, 271
- Dean, Patrick, 70, 150, 159, 166, 398, 399, 401, 419, 507n, 542n, 585n
- Deane, Maj. Gen. John R., 39, 64, 99–100, 139, 197, 271, 344, 408, 416, 549n, 841, 854, 872, 1328n, 1328–1332
- Debye, Peter Joseph William, 838
- De Gasperi, Alcide, 1082
- de Gaulle, Gen. Charles, 69, 112, 129, 136, 306–307, 314–315, 317–318, 1399
- Dekanozov, V. G., 648, 1046
- Delegations, list of, 1512–1514
- Democracy, Stalin1’s views on, 173, 180, 360
- Dempster, Ernest J., 1412, 1413–1415
- Denmark, 404, 405, 650, 1159
- Denny, Brig., 1163
- Derzhanski. See Durzhansky, Angel.
- Despres, Emile, 403, 455, 478–479, 480n, 750n, 826, 867, 928, 941, 1023, 1525, 1532n
- Devlin, Capt. Jones F., Jr., 1117
- Dhimakis, Ilias. See Gotsi.
- Diamantopoulos, Cimon P., 1071n, 1071–1072
- Diplomatic relations, establishment of. See under Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Italy, and Rumania.
- Displaced persons. See Germany: Displaced persons in Germany and Transfers of German populations; Hungary: Transfers of populations; Poland: Repatriation and Transfers of German populations; Soviet Union: Repatriation.
- Dönitz (Doenitz), Grand Admiral Karl, 984, 985n
- Donnelly, Col. Charles H., 39, 64, 99, 139, 197, 271
- Dooman, Eugene H., 1228–1229
- Douglas, Elsie L., 421
- Douglas, Col. James H., Jr., 112, 115, 1100–1103
- Dragoicheva, Tsola, 733
- Drożniak, Edward, 1133
- DuBois, Josiah E., Jr., 665n, 919–920, 923n, 940n, 952, 953, 1094n, 1095n
- Duff Cooper, Alfred, 1042n, 1418n, 1419, 1547n, 1550
- Dumbarton Oaks, 282, 1568, 1577
- Dunn, James Clement, 8, 12, 15, 45, 52, 66, 70, 88, 101, 116, 143–144, 164, 185, 203, 226, 244, 276, 308n, 322, 356, 382n, 395, 397, 399, 401, 403, 419, 425, 483, 543, 596, 640, 641, 668n, 681, 685, 707–708, 775n, 776n, 777n, 1004–1005, 1038, 1047, 1080n, 1119, 1128n, 1140n, 1151, 1151n, 1164, 1349n, 1392–1393, 1423n, 1424, 1443, 1477n, 1512, 1525–1526, 1541, 1557
- Durbrow, Elbridge, 739
- Durzhansky, Angel, 734
- Dustbin, 763
- Eareckson, Col. William O., 1364, 1368
- East Prussia, 305, 394, 459, 855–856, 862–863, 872, 883, 895, 988, 1137, 1142, 1489, 1597, 1598, 1599
- Echols, Maj. Gen. Oliver P., 478, 480n
- Economic matters. See European questions: Cooperation, etc.; and under Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Rumania, and Soviet Union.
- Economic Subcommittee: Meetings, 110–111, 141–142, 183–184, 224; reports and recommendations, 394, 586, 787–792, 795–799, 818–820, 827–828, 845–846, 866, 931–933, 964, 1385, 1387
- Edelstein, Lt. Julius C., 7, 20, 25
- Eden, Anthony:
- Foreign Ministers Meetings: Participation in, 66–79, 101–109, 143–160, 185–197, 226–243, 276–292, 295–298, 322–338, 1517–1524; reports as Rapporteur, 108–109, 240–243, 244–246
- Letters to Byrnes, 1026–1027, 1107–1109
- Meetings with Byrnes, 82, 275; with Byrnes and Molotov, 354
- Miscellaneous, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 35, 79, 165–166, 204, 239n, 254, 258, 265, 300, 311, 317, 369, 382, 477, 576, 583, 596, 601, 695, 743–744, 1033, 1207, 1426
- Plenary Meetings, participation in, 52, 88, 91, 96, 116–118, 122, 127, 131, 137, 164, 167, 174, 178, 203, 206, 216, 244–246, 253, 260–261, 264, 299, 315, 357–358, 365, 373, 381, 387, 391
- Tripartite dinner meetings, participation in, 224, 319
- Edgcumbe, Maj. Gen. Oliver Pearce, 228n
- Egypt (see also Suez Canal), 306, 314, 318, 365, 373
- Eisenhower, Gen. of the Army Dwight D., 6, 7, 16, 23, 34, 182, 273, 284, 516, 532, 603, 652n, 653–654, 684, 805, 836n, 840, 933, 948, 1028n, 1028–1030, 1361n, 1545n
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 506n
- Elections. See under Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Rumania, United Kingdom, and Yugoslavia.
- Elsey, Lt. George M., 3, 5, 7, 9, 20, 25, 1333n, 1508n
- Emergency Economic Committee, Europe (EECE), 395, 402, 448, 478, 605, 764, 1158, 1160, 1161
- Empire Aviation Conference, 1188
- Erhardt, John G., 670–671, 674–675, 680
- Esposito, Brig. Gen. Vincent J., 31, 39, 64, 99, 139, 197, 271
- Ethiopia, 169, 1088–1089, 1090, 1094–1095
- European Advisory Commission:
- Agreements on—
- “Additional Requirements” to be imposed on Germany, July 25, 138, 321, 407, 1006–1023; text, 1011–1023
- Control machinery in Austria, July 4, 156, 668–669, 670–671, 672, 677–679
- Control machinery in Germany, Nov. 14, 1944, amended by a further agreement May 1, 1945, cited, 53, 72n, 102, 784, 998, 1007, 1126, 1137, 1481, 1502
- Zones of occupation in—
- Termination of, and transfer of functions to Allied Control Councils for Austria and Germany, 57–58, 62, 63, 68, 76, 78, 484, 500, 602, 611, 614, 1544; Protocol and Communiqué sections concerning, 1448–1449, 1480–1481, 1501
- War criminals, EAC paper on United Nations renegades and Quislings, 422n–423n
- Agreements on—
- European Central Inland Transport Organization (ECITO), 395, 402, 435, 444, 448, 478, 605, 649, 1158–1159, 1160
- European Coal Organization (ECO), 395, 402, 448, 478, 605, 764, 765, 1024, 1027, 1029, 1158, 1160, 1161
- European Inland Transport Conference, 1159–1160, 1161, 1162, 1497
- European questions, general:
- Cooperation in solving European economic problems, discussions of U. S. proposal, 237–238, 285, 291, 301, 395, 435, 443, 447, 448, 467, 605, 1158–1161, 1497
- European economic organizations, Soviet participation in, 395, 435, 443, 444, 447, 605, 1158–1162, 1497
- Freedom of the press in Eastern Europe. See Press.
- Inland waterways: Discussions concerning, 42, 199, 256–258, 303–305, 313–314, 330, 338, 365, 372, 387, 391, 397–398, 453–454, 511, 527, 538, 540, 577–578, 605, 1556; meeting of Subcommittee on Inland Waterways, 453–454; Protocol, section concerning, 1497; U. S. and British proposals, 649–658
- Territorial settlements. See United Nations Organization: Trusteeship, etc.
- Trade, 124, 134, 477, 755–756
- Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe, implementation of. See Yalta agreements: Declaration on Liberated Europe.
- Evatt, Herbert, 1297
- Evsekov, Maj. N. V., 344, 408
- Export–Import Bank, 405, 406, 809, 1526
- External assets, control of. See under Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Hungary, and Rumania.
- Fahy, Charles, 421–424
- Falaleyev (Fallalev), Marshal of Aviation F. Ya., 18, 319, 344, 408, 411–414
- Far East. See individual countries.
- Farrell, Brig. Gen. Thomas F., 1364, 1367
- Fascist activities. See under Austria and Germany.
- Fat Man, 1360n
- Felix, Archduke of Austria, 659
- Fetter, Frank W., 1153–1154
- Finland:
- Armistice agreement (Sept. 19, 1944), cited, 67n
- Coal shipments to Finland, 404
- Diplomatic relations, establishment of (see also Peace Treaty, infra; also United Nations Organization: Admission of Bulgaria, etc.): Discussions concerning, 172, 195, 216, 326–328, 370–372, 529–530, 589–590, 598–599; Soviet proposal, 698–699
- Elections, 230–231, 463, 468, 736
- Finnish external assets, 748
- Finnish ships, 120, 132, 378, 978
- German assets in Finland, 568, 579, 1454, 1486–1487, 1506
- Government, position of the three powers regarding recognition of, 207, 216, 222, 231, 260, 370, 394–395
- Peace treaty, discussions concerning conclusion of (see also under Council of Foreign Ministers: Functions, etc.), 69, 158, 169, 172, 178–181, 207; U. S. proposal, 699
- Press, admission of foreign correspondents and radio representatives, 370, 564, 605, 630, 737, 1458, 1492–1493, 1510
- Reparations from Finland, 148, 464, 469
- United Nations, admission to. See United Nations Organization: Admission of Bulgaria, etc.
- Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe. See Declaration under Yalta
- Fitch, Vice Adm. Aubrey W., 1178
- Fite, Katherine B., 421
- Five Freedoms (civil aviation), 1188–1190
- Flanigan, Rear Adm. Howard A., 20, 31, 39, 64, 99, 139, 161, 197, 200, 271, 292
- Fleener, Ens. Cecil M., 5, 7, 9
- Fletcher, Otto F., 959
- Fogelson, Col. Elijah E., 1381
- Food. See Poland: Coal and food; and under Austria and Germany.
- Foote, Wilder, 399, 401, 403, 507, 507n, 542n, 585n
- Ford Motor Co., 903
- Foreign Economic Administration (FEA), 1087, 1088, 1177, 1178, 1185
- Foreign Ministers, Council of. See Council of Foreign Ministers.
- Foreign Ministers meetings as provided at Yalta Conference (periodic meetings of U. S., British, and Soviet Foreign Ministers), 57–58, 62–63, 68, 69–70, 77, 602, 611, 614, 1448, 1480, 1573, 1580–1581
- Foreign Ministers Meetings at Berlin Conference, July 18–25, 27, 30, and Aug. 1: Records of proceedings, 66–79, 101–109, 143–160, 163, 185–197, 226–243, 276–292, 295–298, 322–338, 397–403, 425–447, 483–503, 543–564; rotating chairmanship for, 11, 72
- Forrestal, James, 22, 23, 477, 651n, 1350, 1427n
- Foskett, Capt. James H., 4, 26
- Four Freedoms, 1155n, 1155–1157, 1209, 1281, 1286
- Fraleigh, William N., 1210
- France (see also
Syria and Lebanon; Tangier: U. S.-British-French
- Berlin Conference: Attitude of French public and officials toward Conference, 1549–1551, 1552; reaction of French Provisional Government to decisions reached at Conference, 1543–1566
- Coal shipments to France, 386, 390, 404
- Council of Foreign Ministers, question of participation. See Council of Foreign Ministers: Participation of China and France.
- Danube and Rhine commissions, French participation, 654–657
- Franc, exchange value of, 182n
- Germany:
- French zone of occupation and French sector in Berlin, 407, 1001–1006
- German external assets, French attitude, 950, 953, 954, 955, 956, 958, 961, 962
- German Fleet and merchant ships, question of allotment of a share to France, 118–122, 559–560, 977–978, 981
- International protectorate in Rhineland and Ruhr, proposed, question of French participation, 989, 990, 993, 994, 995, 996, 999, 1000
- Miscellaneous, 211, 218, 284–285, 288, 291, 356
- Principles governing treatment of Germany in initial control period, French reaction to Conference decisions, 484, 1544–1545, 1554–1555
- Reparations. See under Germany: Reparations.
- Transfers of German populations, French reaction to Conference decisions, 1545–1546, 1551
- Tripartite Naval Commission in Berlin, French desire to be represented on, 1564–1566
- War criminals, French reaction to Conference decisions concerning, 1547, 1549
- Greek elections, question of French participation in supervision of, 151–155 passim, 1041–1045, 1047–1048
- Inability of Berlin Conference to discuss certain questions in the absence of France, 285–286, 496–497, 518, 521, 535
- Japan, war against: French consent to proclamation calling for surrender of Japan, 1555–1556; French participation, question of, 32, 48–51, 65, 83, 113, 1341–1349, 1465–1466
- Lend-Lease. See Lend-Lease: U. S. policy concerning.
- Peace settlements for Italy and other countries, question of French participation, 67, 69, 101–102, 158, 612, 613, 1448
- Poland, western frontier question, French reaction to Conference decisions, 1546, 1550, 1551–1552, 1561–1562
- Shipping losses in World War II, 560
- Vienna, French participation in occupation of, 176, 310
- Franco y Bahamonde, Generalissimo Francisco, 44, 46–47, 55, 59n, 61, 122–126, 129, 133–135, 136, 360, 371, 394, 448, 462, 468, 604, 950, 1172, 1173, 1175, 1411, 1583, 1584
- Frank, Hans, 985
- Freedom of the press. See Press.
- Freeman, Comdr. Charles L., 4
- Frick, Wilhelm, 984, 985
- Frith, Brig. E. H. C., 1113–1114
- Galounsky (Galunski). See Golunsky, S. A.
- Ganev, Venelin Yordanov, 723, 734
- Gardner, Rear Adm. Matthias B., 31, 39, 41, 64, 139, 197–198, 271, 408, 707, 1349n, 1423n
- Garran, Isham Peter, 1172, 1411
- Gates, Artemus L., 651, 1178, 1427
- Gdynia, 457, 1533, 1534
- General Electric Co., 903
- Gentle, Maj. James C., 889
- George, W. Perry, 1356n
- George, Walter F., 341
- George VI, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 26
- Georgiev, Kimon, 716, 723n, 728–730, 733, 734, 735
- Gerashchenko, V. S., 285, 291, 301, 398, 400
- Gerbrandy, Pieter Sjoerd, 1346, 1347
- Gerhardt, Col. Harrison A., 421, 424, 651, 707, 725, 808n, 1423, 1424n
- Gerig, O. Benjamin, 639, 640, 641
- Germany:
- Acts of military surrender, May 7 and May 8, cited, 67n
- “Additional Requirements” Agreement, July 25: Discussions, 138, 321, 407, 1006–1008; EAC report, 1008–1011; omission of par. 38 from text as issued by Control Council, 101n; text, 1011–1023
- Administration of Germany. See Government, infra; also under Treatment of Germany in the initial control period, infra.
- Allied Commanders in Chief, proposed directive for, 238, 283–285, 288, 291, 301, 312, 804–807
- Allied Commission on Reparations. See Reparations Commission, infra.
- Allied Control Council:
- Authority in economic and political matters, 70, 72, 78, 89, 107, 111, 117, 141–142, 221, 233, 392, 474, 488, 521, 529, 531, 750–753, 775, 777–778, 784, 793, 794, 799, 815, 830, 839, 922, 964, 968, 1480, 1481, 1484–1485, 1502, 1504–1505
- Establishment and policy of (see also Authority, supra), 53, 59–60, 117
- European Advisory Commission, transfer of functions to Control Council, 57–58, 62, 63, 68, 76, 78, 611
- Functions of, 74, 75, 111, 141, 142, 278–281, 398–399, 400, 422–424, 453, 474, 481–482, 492–493, 513, 514, 529, 580, 614, 651, 652, 653, 657, 658, 750–1040 passim
- Military Commanders in Chief of occupying powers, supreme authority in Germany as members of, 481, 529, 784, 1481, 1497, 1544–1545
- Polish representation in, question of, 519, 1125–1126, 1125n
- Relations with Allied and neutral states and former SHAEF and Soviet missions, 759, 762, 764
- Reparations, role in connection with, 849, 868, 896, 922, 926, 928, 936, 937, 938, 939, 947, 948
- Allied declaration on Germany (June 5), cited, 682, 750, 1007, 1008, 1012
- American property interests, protection of, 573n, 760, 763
- Anti-Soviet activities, Soviet allegations regarding, 548–549, 563, 582, 683–684, 1036
- Bavaria, 758, 768, 769, 770, 1000
- Berlin: Coal and food supply for, 263, 278, 297, 478, 570–571, 929, 1024–1025, 1033–1034; French sector of occupation, 407n, 1001–1006, 1576
- Coal and food (see also Coal production, infra), 183–184, 210–215, 217–221, 248–252, 262–263, 275, 278–281, 296–298, 383, 385–386, 389–390, 398, 450, 475, 478, 491, 570–571, 603, 683–684, 756–757, 760–761, 800–801, 850, 862, 882, 895, 918, 929, 1024–1025, 1033–1034, 1485–1486, 1506
- Coal production for interzonal and European
- British position and proposals, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1032–1034
- Political aspects of coal problem, 212–213, 275, 478, 765
- Relationship to reparations, 212–215, 217–221, 275, 279–281
- Soviet position, 1025, 1031
- Territory east of the Oder–Neisse Line, relation to, 212–215, 217–221, 248, 250–251, 263, 478, 1033–1034
- U. S. proposed coal directive to Military Zone Commanders, information concerning, 1023–1024; British position and amendments, 1026–1027, 1032–1034; Truman–Stalin exchange of messages concerning, 1028–1030, 1031
- Commodities, interzonal exchange of (see also Coal and food and Coal production, supra), statistical data, 1030–1031
- Control Council. See Allied Control Council, supra.
- Control machinery in Germany:
- Danube, see Danube.
- Denazification, 73–74, 751, 758, 761–762, 776, 777, 785, 786, 806, 1482, 1502–1503, 1576–1577
- Disarmament and demilitarization of Germany, 73, 91, 96, 102, 233, 752, 775–776, 780–781, 784–785, 789, 796–797, 806, 990, 1012, 1481, 1502
- Dismemberment of. See Territorial settlements, infra; and Poland: Frontiers, etc.
- Displaced persons in Germany (see also Transfers of German populations, infra), 760, 763, 830, 1020, 1035n
- East Prussia (see also Königsberg, infra), 305, 394, 459, 855–856, 862–863, 872, 883, 895, 988, 1137, 1142, 1489, 1597, 1598, 1599
- Economic and financial matters (see also Agreement and Import program under Treatment of Germany in the initial control period, infra): Discussions, 71, 76, 105, 110–111, 237–238; Economic Council for Europe, proposed, 809; summary memorandum on German economic and related matters, 823–824; treatment of Germany as an economic unit, 233, 274–275, 474, 757, 779, 791–792, 796, 797, 799, 807, 814, 870–871, 1452, 1484
- Economic principles for initial control period. See Treatment of Germany in the initial control period, infra.
- Education, 751, 776, 786, 1482, 1503; reeducation of the German people, 782–784
- Enemy war matériel, disposal of, 162, 835–837
- External assets, control of (see
Reparations: German
external assets, infra):
- Estimates of total German assets in neutral countries, 959
- German assets in Austria, 567–569, 579–580, 1454, 1486–1487, 1506; in Balkans and Finland, 567–568, 579, 710, 727, 949, 950, 951–952, 953, 955; in Spain, 568, 949, 950, 952–953, 959–960, 961; in Turkey, 949–960 passim; in United States and Latin America, 516, 531–532, 567–568, 579; in western and northern Europe, 567–568, 579, 747, 949, 950, 956–959, 961, 963
- Protocol and Communiqué sections concerning, 1454, 1485–1487, 1506
- U. S.-British démarche to neutral countries concerning, 949–950, 952–953, 956–957, 958–959; French concurrence in, 950, 956, 958; Soviet actions and U. S. note to Soviet Union, 949–953, 955, 956, 959–960, 961, 963
- U. S. proposed declaration and vesting decree: Discussions and Economic Subcommittee report, 483, 492, 498, 502, 515–516, 541, 562, 579, 581, 602, 963–964; French participation, question of, 953, 954, 955, 961, 962; position and proposals of United States, 950, 953–955, 957–958, 960–961, 961–962, 964–965, 968–969; texts of declaration and decree (drafts), 962, 965–968
- Fascist activities in (see also Anti-Soviet activities, supra), 495–496, 499, 503, 504, 563, 574, 582, 603
- Food, discussions concerning interzonal supply of (see also Coal and food, supra), 275, 296–297, 383, 389–390, 398, 450, 850, 862
- Freedom of speech, press, and religion, 75, 751, 786, 1483, 1504
- Frontier with Poland. See Poland: Frontiers.
- General Staff, 757, 775–776, 1012
- German Fleet, question of disposal of. See German Navy, etc., infra.
- German forces in Norway, 386, 387–388, 390, 391, 483, 499, 503, 504, 603, 1037–1040
- German frontiers of 1937 as basis for discussions and territorial settlements, 89–90, 96, 110, 208, 211, 212, 217, 274, 534, 795, 831, 1024–1025, 1027, 1033–1034, 1136–1137
- German minority groups, discussions concerning repatriation of. See Transfers of German populations, infra.
- German Navy and Merchant Marine, disposal and
distribution of:
- Discussions concerning, 44, 46, 55, 59, 70–71, 72, 78, 102, 105–106, 107, 118–122, 131–133, 221, 330, 380, 382–383, 388, 392–393, 474–475, 492, 498, 502, 509, 524, 537, 544–545, 558–562, 564, 576–577, 583, 599, 603, 1380, 1557; report of Technical Subcommittee, 980–983
- Position and proposals of the three powers: Soviet Union, 971, 976–977; United Kingdom, 977–979; United States, 200, 969–970, 971–975
- Protocol and Communiqué sections concerning, 1454, 1487–1488, 1507
- Subcommittee on, meeting and report, 509, 980–983
- Tripartite Naval Commission, formation of, 979, 982, 983; French démarche regarding participation in, 1564–1566
- Use of Merchant Fleet in connection with the war against Japan and the rehabilitation of Europe, 119–121, 132, 133, 221, 393, 474–475, 524, 537, 560, 561, 969–970, 973, 975
- Gestapo, 785, 1012, 1481, 1562
- Government:
- I. G. Farben Industrie, 765, 910
- Information services, 759–760, 763
- Judicial system, reorganization of, 786, 1482, 1503
- Kiel Canal, question of internationalization of, 42, 304, 313–314, 387n, 391, 453, 649–650, 651, 655–656, 658, 1420, 1423–1424
- Königsberg, question of Soviet annexation, 96, 211, 219, 237, 259, 268, 305–306, 314, 394, 551–552, 598, 599, 852, 988, 1142, 1454–1455, 1489, 1507, 1562, 1563, 1597–1599; Soviet proposal, 988
- Labor services, 214, 221, 764–766
- Nazis and Nazi Party, 73, 758, 761–762, 764, 767, 773, 776, 785, 785–786, 802–804, 1021, 1450, 1482, 1502–1503, 1576–1577; attitude of German people toward Nazis, 802–804
- Occupation:
- Directive to Allied Commanders in Chief, 238, 283–285, 301, 312, 804–807
- Document centers in zones of occupation, 762–763
- EAC Agreement regarding zones of occupation in Germany and the administration of Greater [Page 1617] Berlin, July 26, 1945, amending Protocol of Sept. 12, 1944, 1001–1006, 1137
- French zone of occupation and French sector in Berlin, 407, 1001–1006
- U. S. objective in occupation of Germany, 780–784
- Oder–Neisse Line. See under Poland.
- Political parties and activities in Germany (see also Anti-Soviet activities, etc., supra), 761, 774–775
- Political principles for initial control period. See Treatment of Germany in the initial control period: Agreement, etc., infra.
- Press, question of freedom of, 75, 751, 786, 1483, 1504
- Prisoners of war, 765–766
- Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1449–1455, 1481–1490, 1501–1507
- Prussia, 759, 769, 770
- Reeducation of German people, 782–784
- Rehabilitation, 753–757, 808–809
- Reparations (see also
Reparations Commission, Restitution, and
War booty, infra):
- Allied Control Council, role in connection with, 849, 868, 896, 922, 926, 928, 936, 937, 938, 939, 947, 948
- Allied- or neutral-owned property in Germany, 511, 573, 819, 867, 870, 901, 928, 935–936, 1497–1498
- Allocation, 834, 845–846, 868n, 871–872, 882–883, 884–885, 886–887, 892, 896, 900, 901, 914, 917, 920–923, 925–928, 930–931, 932–933, 943–944, 945–947, 1557–1558, 1593–1594
- Definitions, 832, 833–834, 846–849, 871, 894–895, 941, 942–943
- Discussions and minutes concerning, 44, 47, 118–119, 209, 212–215, 217–221, 275, 277–281, 289–290, 295–298, 323, 385, 428–432, 438–441, 446, 450–452, 466, 473–476, 481–482, 483, 484–492, 497, 498, 500–501, 503, 507, 510, 511, 514–518, 528, 530–533, 535–536, 539, 544, 560, 561, 562, 563, 566–570, 573, 578–581, 586–587, 597, 602, 605
- Distribution. See Allocation, supra.
- Estimates of German assets, 841–842, 854–856, 862–863, 872, 877–882, 883–884, 885–886, 892, 899
- External assets. See External assets, supra.
- France: Invitation to French Provisional Government to participate in Reparations Commission, and French acceptance, 488, 516, 532, 569–570, 580, 602, 1546–1547, 1549, 1552–1553; notification to French Provisional Government of decisions reached on reparations, and French reaction, 1548, 1557–1560
- German external assets, 566–569, 927, 928–929, 930, 932, 945, 947
- Gold, 515–516, 531–532, 566, 568, 579, 844, 905, 919–920, 923n, 931–932, 937–938, 945, 1015, 1487
- Imports as a first charge against proceeds of German exports, 279–281, 288, 490–491, 790, 795, 799, 810–812, 817, 825–828, 829, 840–841, 846, 850, 851, 896, 918, 942
- Labor services, 214, 221, 764–766
- Polish claims and question of settlement, 472–473, 489–490, 491–492, 498, 500, 501, 849–850, 851–852, 857, 861–862, 883, 895, 901, 914, 921, 926–927, 944, 1126
- Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1453–1454, 1485–1487, 1505–1506
- Relation to ceded German territory, 831, 842–843
- Removals of equipment and property from Germany:
- Reparation Plan, U. S. development of, and subsequent
negotiations and agreement:
- Economic Subcommittee reports, 845–846, 866
- Principles and formulae agreed upon by Reparations Commission, 331, 796, 832–835, 845–846
- Proposals of the three powers: Soviet Union, 863–865, 888, 913–914, 922–923; United Kingdom, 860–861, 920–921, 927; United States, 539, 832–835, 849–850, 856–860, 861–862, 867–870, 915–916, 921–922, 926–927
- Protocol and Communiqué, sections incorporating Plan: Drafting of, 929–933; implementation of, 936, 937; résumé relative to, 939–940; texts, 1485–1487, 1505–1506
- Recapitulation of negotiations, 850–852, 870–872, 893–897, 940–949
- Scientific and military research institutions, transfer from Germany to Soviet Union, 837–839
- Yalta discussions and decisions regarding, 428, 429, 430, 431, 438–440, 451, 473, 475–476, 856, 894, 937
- Reparations Commission (Allied):
- Restitution, definitions and proposals of the three powers, 818–819, 833–834, 840, 844, 847–849, 851, 860, 867, 894–895, 898, 923–925, 928, 929, 934–935; art objects, 848, 860, 898, 905, 923–925, 933–934, 1010, 1560
- Rhineland and Ruhr, question of separation from Germany (see also Ruhr, infra):
- Ruhr (see also Coal and
Rhineland and Ruhr, supra):
- Administration of industrial area, discussions and résumés, 522, 539, 595–596, 601, 602–603
- Food for, 212, 219, 385, 450
- Production of coal, 248, 250–251, 262, 263, 478, 1034
- Reparations, 297–298, 385, 450–452, 473, 475, 481–482, 485, 489, 490, 512–513, 514–515, 529, 867, 868, 871–872, 883, 884, 885, 886–887, 899, 900, 901, 912, 914, 920–921, 926–927, 944, 1001, 1558
- Shipping (see also German Navy and Merchant Marine, supra), disposition of captured German passenger ships, 66, 200, 293, 1191–1192, 1199–1202, 1467, 1472–1473
- Silesia. See under Poland.
- Territorial settlements (see also East Prussia, Kiel Canal, Königsberg, and Rhineland and Ruhr, supra):
- Transfers of German populations, 210–215, 217–221, 262, 383–391, 398–399, 400, 466, 511, 523–524, 536–537, 539, 603, 1012–1013, 1035–1036; notification to French Provisional Government regarding agreement concerning, and French reply, 524, 1545–1546, 1551; Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1459, 1495–1496, 1511
- Treatment of Germany in the initial control period,
principles to govern:
- Administration of Germany: Directive to Allied Commanders in Chief, 807; governmental structure, 766–775; political and economic problems involved, 758–766; provisions in draft agreement under consideration by the powers, 751, 776–777, 786, 787–788, 798
- Agreement on political and economic
principles to govern:
- Discussion and minutes, 52, 72–76, 78, 90–91, 108–109, 117, 157, 165, 187, 222, 232–234, 240, 241–242, 245, 278–281, 283–285, 288, 290, 300, 312, 394, 435, 444, 448, 486, 492–493, 498, 501, 502, 504, 511, 516, 520–522, 539, 544, 562, 571–572, 602
- Drafts, negotiations and revisions of, 750–753, 775–779, 787–800, 810–812, 813–815, 823
- Economic principles, 501, 751–753, 777–778, 787–794, 796–799, 799–800, 810, 811–812, 813–814, 818–820, 823, 825, 826, 827, 828
- Economic Subcommittee, consideration of drafts and submittal of texts, 394, 787–792, 795–799, 818–820, 827–828
- Political principles, 502, 750–751, 775–777, 784–785, 814–815, 824–825
- Protocol and Communiqué, text of agreement included in, 1481–1485, 1502–1505
- Subcommittee on German Political Questions, report, 784–786; Soviet and U. S. proposals concerning, 824–825
- U. S. proposals. See Drafts, supra.
- Discussions and minutes. See under Agreement, etc., supra.
- Import program:
- Formation of, 778, 779n, 793–794
- Priority of imports as a first charge against proceeds of German exports, U. S. and British desire for, and Soviet opposition to, 279–281, 790, 795, 799, 810–812, 817, 825–828, 829
- Procurement and interim financing of essential imports, 779–780, 793, 794, 800–801, 812, 813, 815–817, 818, 820–823, 826–827, 829–830
- Notification to French Provisional Government of decisions reached, and French reaction, 484, 1544–1545, 1554–1555
- Occupation: Directive to Allied Commanders in Chief relative to execution of responsibilities, 238, 283–285, 301, 312, 804–807; objective of U. S. Government in occupation of Germany, 780–784
- Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1449–1453, 1481–1485, 1501–1505
- Rehabilitation, 753–757, 808–809
- Summary memorandum on German economic and related matters, 823–824
- Tripartite Naval Commission in Berlin, 979, 982, 983, 1564–1566
- War booty (war trophies):
- Definitions and proposals of the three powers, 295–296, 385, 834, 844, 845, 846–847, 849, 850–851, 852, 853–854, 856–857, 871, 876, 888, 894–895, 919–920, 942–943
- Discussions, 118, 131, 295–296, 511, 560, 587, 605, 808–809
- Enemy war materiel in Germany, disposal of, 162, 835–837
- Gold. See under Reparations, supra.
- Protocol, section concerning, 1497–1498
- War criminals, treatment of:
- Discussions concerning, 421–424, 482, 494–495, 498–499, 504, 525–527, 537–538, 540, 541, 545, 562, 566, 572–573, 603
- Position and proposals of Soviet Union, 984–985; of Subcommittee on German Political Questions, 785; of United Kingdom, 986; of United States, 421–424, 750–751, 776, 806, 987–988
- Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1455, 1482, 1489–1490, 1503, 1507
- Transmittal to French Provisional Government of decisions regarding, and French reaction, 584, 1547, 1549
- War matériel, disposal of, 162, 835–837
- War trophies. See War booty, supra.
- Wehrmacht, 803
- Westphalia, 184, 768, 999
- Yalta discussions and decisions. See under Reparations, supra.
- Gestapo, 785, 1012, 1481, 1562
- Gill, Col. Robert J., 421, 424
- Gillette Safety Razor Co., 902
- Goberidge, 13
- Goebbels, Joseph, 220, 573
- Gold, 91, 97, 515–516, 531–532, 566, 568, 579, 844, 905, 919–920, 923n, 931–932, 937–938, 945, 1015, 1091, 1134, 1487
- “Gold Pot” doctrine, 938
- Golikov, Col. Gen. F. I., 260, 367, 374
- Golunsky (Golunski), S. A., 22, 105, 268, 295, 397, 399, 401, 417–418, 471, 507n, 510, 542, 565, 585, 586, 1110n, 1514
- Gomułka, Władysław, 19n, 322, 356, 403, 419, 1525–1531
- Gorduysus, Muzaffer Kamil, 1053n, 1053–1054
- Göring (Goering), Reich Marshal Hermann, 525, 537, 984, 985
- Gorlinsky, Maj. Gen. N. D., 22
- Goroshenko. See Gerashchenko, V. S.
- Gotsi (nom de guerre of Ilias Dhimakis), 1055
- Gousev. See Gusev, F. T.
- Grabski, Stanisław, 19n, 322, 356, 419, 543, 647, 1130, 1131, 1141–1144, 1523, 1528–1530, 1540
- Graham, Capt. Frank H., 5, 7, 9, 25, 27
- Graham, Lt. Col. Wallace H., 18
- “Grand Slam,” 1376
- Grassli, Max, 950n, 959
- Greater East Asia, 1255
- Greaves, Brig. D. G. B., 163
- Greece:
- British troops in Greece and relationship to Greek forces (see also Frontier incidents, etc., infra), 153, 155, 302, 311, 312, 317, 648, 1056–1060, 1062, 1064, 1069
- Communist Party (KKE) activities, 1061, 1069, 1070
- EAM (National Liberation Front), 648, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1055, 1058, 1061, 1064
- ELAS (National Popular Liberation Army), 1045, 1049, 1055, 1057–1059, 1064, 1068, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1077
- Elections, Allied supervision of, in accordance with Varkiza Agreement of Feb. 12 and Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe:
- “Free Macedonia” movement, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1053, 1070
- Frontier incidents. See Relations with Albania and Relations with Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, infra.
- German assets in Greece, 567, 579
- German ships, Greek share, 559–560
- Government, composition of (see also Elections, supra), Soviet position and reactions to, 648, 1044, 1045–1047, 1592
- KKE (Communist Party), 1061, 1069, 1070
- Minorities, 1053–1056
- National Guard, Gendarmerie, and National Army, 1059–1060, 1061
- National Liberation Front (EAM), 648, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1055, 1058, 1061, 1064
- National popular Liberation Army (ELAS), 1045, 1049, 1055, 1057–1059, 1064, 1068, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1077
- Political and economic conditions in northern Greece, survey by U. S. Ambassador, 1048–1061
- Press: Freedom of, 150–155 passim; Soviet press and radio campaign against Greek Government and British forces in Greece, 153, 648, 1046, 1068
- Relations with Albania, frontier problems, 130–131, 1016, 1063, 1064–1065
- Relations with Bulgaria and Yugoslavia: General situation and frontier incidents, 116–117, 130–131, 1048–1057, 1060–1061, 1062, 1065–1066, 1068–1071; U. S. and British recommendations and position, 1065–1067, 1073–1078
- Relations with Turkey, 1053–1054
- Reparations, question of payment by Germany, 517n, 532, 559–560, 567; by Italy, 175, 181, 433–434, 442, 1088, 1089, 1090, 1093, 1094–1095, 1096, 1097
- Varkiza Agreement (Feb. 12) between Greek Government and National Liberation Front (EAM), cited, 154, 1041, 1043, 1044, 1061, 1075, 1592
- Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe, implementation of. See Elections, supra.
- Greenwood, Arthur, 1404
- Greer, Maj. DeWitt, 7, 9, 19
- Gregoryev, Col. B., 644
- Grew, Joseph C., 622–623, 635n, 647–648, 659, 661–662, 671, 692, 697, 719, 726–727, 734–735, 737–738, 746, 747, 840–841, 887, 949, 951–952, 955, 956–957, 963, 1041–1042, 1065–1067, 1072, 1073–1074, 1075, 1076, 1081, 1099, 1100, 1103, 1104–1107, 1114–1116, 1119, 1171–1172, 1173–1174, 1220–1221, 1267, 1268, 1270–1271, 1273–1274, 1347, 1349, 1357–1358, 1359–1360, 1378–1380, 1389–1390, 1398–1399, 1402n, 1408–1409, 1411–1412
- Gribanov, M. G., 399, 401
- Grol, Milan, 1209–1212
- Gromyko, A. A., 8, 13, 15, 17, 52–63, 66, 88, 101, 116, 137, 143, 164, 185, 187, 203, 224, 226, 244, 268, 276, 299, 322, 324n, 380, 381, 397, 399, 401, 417–418, 419, 420n, 425, 483, 518, 543, 633, 641, 945, 946, 1514, 1575
- Gross, Maj. Gen. Charles P., 31, 39, 64, 66, 99, 139, 163, 197, 200, 271
- Groves, Maj. Gen. Leslie R., 225, 243, 378–379, 1360, 1373n, 1374; report on test of atomic bomb, 1361–1368
- Groza, Petru, 701, 714, 951n
- Gruenther, Maj. Gen. Alfred M., 669n, 670, 671, 674, 675, 680
- Gryzlov, Lt. Gen. A. A., 549n
- Gulick, Luther H., 856n, 873–876, 889n, 902–903, 940, 940n, 943
- Gusev, F. T., 8, 13, 17, 52, 66, 88, 101, 116, 143, 159, 164, 166, 185, 203, 224, 226, 244, 276, 285, 291, 301, 321, 322, 357, 397, 407, 425, 459, 483, 508, 543, 546, 681n, 683, 930, 930n, 932, 932n, 933n, 1008n, 1514, 1570, 1575
- Gustaf V, King of Sweden, 1589
- Haddon, Lt. Col. Thomas, 35, 48, 82, 112, 161, 201, 292
- Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, 169
- Halifax, Earl of, 26, 1107n, 1368
- Halsey, Adm. William F., 348
- Hankey, Robert M. A., 647n, 1112, 1130, 1132, 1162n
- Harriman, W. Averell: Foreign Ministers Meetings, participation in, 66, 101, 143, 185, 226, 276, 322, 397; letter from General Arnold, 1166; memoranda, 356–357, 1237–1241, 1243–1244, 1246–1247; miscellaneous, 8–24 passim, 105, 140, 260n, 710n, 743n, 959–960, 1024, 1104–1105, 1129n, 1140n, 1155n–1156nc, 1168, 1224n, 1227, 1228, 1380, 1447n; participation in conversations with Polish Delegation, 356–357, 395, 403–406, 419, 455, 541, 543, 565, 1128n, 1525–1529, 1532–1538, 1540–1541; Plenary Meetings, participation in, 52, 88, 116, 164, 203, 244, 299; tripartite dinner meetings, participation in, 137, 224
- Harrison, Geoffrey Wedgwood, 76, 285, 291, 295, 301, 399, 400
- Harrison, George L., 47, 1266n–1267n, 1360, 1360–1361, 1372, 1373n, 1374
- Harvey, Oliver, 1411
- Hayes, Maj. Jesse, 7, 25
- Hayter, William, 232, 241, 268n, 380n, 399, 401, 417–418, 507n, 542n, 585n, 1207
- Heath, Donald R., 758–761, 999–1000
- Hebrang, Andrija, 1210, 1211
- Heisenberg, Werner, 838
- Helmbold, Gerald H., 1116
- Henderson, Loy W., 1071–1072, 1403, 1425
- Hertz, Gustav, 839
- Hess, Rudolf, 537, 572, 581, 984, 985
- Hickerson, John D., 1074, 1103, 1348, 1360
- Hildred, Sir William, 1188
- Hilldring, Maj. Gen. John H., 677, 812, 815, 829, 830
- Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 36–37, 40, 81, 87, 257, 460, 467, 477, 1249, 1251, 1255, 1257, 1258, 1259, 1262, 1264, 1267, 1269, 1274, 1288, 1291, 1297, 1298, 1587, 1589
- Hiroshima, 27, 1374, 1376
- Hiss, Alger, 639, 639n, 640, 641, 1574
- Hitler, Adolf, 43n, 91, 124, 126, 170, 477, 495, 517, 526, 532, 538, 573, 785, 785n, 803, 804, 1149, 1175, 1482, 1503
- Hoag, Brig. Gen. Earl S., 7
- Hodgson, Brig. D. E. P., 1063
- Hollis, Maj. Gen. Leslie, 35, 48, 82, 112, 161, 201, 292, 339, 375
- Holman, Adrian, 1409–1410
- Holmes, Maj. Gen. Noel Galway, 163, 292
- Hong Kong, 260n, 347, 351
- Hood, Viscount, 407
- Hopkins, Harry L., 87, 482, 1132, 1574, 1587
- Horch, 909
- Horn, Edhard, 910
- Hornbeck, Stanley K., 1346–1347
- Horne, Vice Adm. Frederick J., 1178
- Horst von Hemming, 903
- Houstoun-Boswall, W. E., 695n, 735n
- Hoxha, Col. Gen. Enver, 1072
- Hoyer Millar, Frederick, 150, 159, 166, 325n, 556, 1408
- Hubbard, Charles J., 1364
- Hula, 1332
- Hull, Cordell, 1173–1174, 1267, 1268
- Hull, Lt. Gen. John E., 31, 35, 39, 48, 50, 64, 82, 99–100, 112, 139, 161, 197, 199, 201, 271, 292, 344, 375, 377–378, 408, 416, 684, 1392, 1396–1397
- Hume, Maj. Gen. Edgar E., 1098
- Hungary:
- Allied Control Commission, revision of procedure with regard to status of British and U. S. representatives (see also Armistice, infra): Discussions concerning, 150–155, 228–230, 241, 245, 260, 324, 394, 418, 524–525, 537, 540, 554–556, 564, 566, 575, 582, 593, 604–605; Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1458–1459, 1494–1495, 1511; Soviet proposals and policy, 689–690, 733, 736–737, 1494–1495; U. S. proposals and consideration of Soviet proposal, 645, 647, 687–688, 692, 696, 703–708, 719–720, 725–727, 732
- Armistice agreement (Jan. 20, 1945), discussions concerning revision of (see also Diplomatic relations and Peace treaty, infra), 67n, 178–181, [Page 1622] 186, 194, 196, 207, 216, 222, 394–395, 436, 437, 645, 699; cited, 67n, 698, 704
- Communist influence and Party activities, 693, 718, 736
- Danube commission, Hungarian participation, 656
- Diplomatic relations, establishment of (see also United Nations Organization: Admission of Bulgaria, etc.), 169, 173, 195, 231, 326–328, 370–372, 529–530, 589–590, 598–599, 630, 698, 1457–1458, 1492, 1510
- Economic and political matters, 721–722
- Elections, question of Allied supervision of, 150–155, 159, 165–166, 228–232, 245, 260, 394, 604–605, 646, 693–694, 718–719, 722, 736
- Cerman assets in Hungary, 567–568, 950, 1454, 1486–1487, 1506
- Hungarian external assets, 747–749
- Oil, 606, 1378–1388 passim
- Peace treaty, proposed conclusion of (see also United Nations Organization: Admission of Bulgaria, etc.; and under Council of Foreign Ministers: Functions, etc.), Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1492–1493, 1509–1510
- Press. See Press: Balkans.
- Restrictions on U. S. and British officials, 359, 727
- Transfers of populations (German minorities), 398–399, 402, 523–524, 536–537, 1459, 1495–1496, 1511, 1551
- United Nations, admission to. See United Nations Organization: Admission of Bulgaria, etc.
- Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe, implementation of. See Declaration under Yalta.
- Hunt, Col. Irvin L., 766
- Hurley, Maj. Gen. Patrick J., 617–620, 1224–1227, 1245–1246, 1278, 1282–1283
- Ickes, Harold L., 1385–1386
- I. G. Farben Industrie, 765, 910
- Immigration. See Palestine: Jewish immigration.
- Indo-China, 32, 83–84, 85, 260n, 271–272, 294, 353, 377, 1313, 1315–1316, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1465
- Inland waterways. See under European questions, general, 1444
- International Bank, 405
- International Business Machines, 902
- International Civil Aviation Conference at Chicago (1944), 1189–1190
- International Conference on Military Trials, 494n, 526–527
- International inland waterways. See European questions: Inland waterways.
- International Telephone and Telegraph Co., 430, 439, 889, 890, 891, 892, 902
- Intertype Corporation, 903
- Iran:
- Abadan, 1392
- Anglo-Soviet-Iranian treaty of alliance (Jan. 29, 1942), cited, 309, 1390, 1391
- Internal situation in Iran, and Iranian desire to eliminate Anglo-Soviet interference, 1389–1391
- Oil reserves, 593–594, 1392
- Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1460, 1496
- Soviet policy toward Iran, effect on internal affairs, 1389–1391
- Tehran: Agreement on immediate withdrawal of Allied forces from, 309, 316, 393, 1391, 1393–1394, 1441, 1442, 1460, 1496; air traffic between United States and Soviet Union via, 1166–1170
- Tehran declaration on Iran (Dec. 1, 1943), cited, 1390–1391
- Withdrawal of Allied forces: British position and proposal, 195, 237, 309, 606, 1391–1392; decision of Conference concerning, 1393–1394, 1496, 1556; Iranian desire for British and Soviet withdrawals, 1390–1391; Soviet position, 309–310; Tehran, agreement on immediate withdrawal, 309, 316, 393, 1391, 1393–1394, 1441, 1442, 1460, 1496; U.S. arrangements for withdrawal and for a liquidation commission to remain, 309–310, 1392–1393, 1394–1397
- Iraq, 306, 314, 318
- Ismay, Gen. Sir Hastings, 13, 35, 37n, 48, 82, 112, 161, 201, 292, 339, 344, 375, 1513, 1575
- Istria, 1221–1222
- Italy:
- Allied Commission: Appointment of a civilian chief commissioner, discussions concerning, 112, 115, 1100–1103; Soviet desire for improvement of Commission procedures, 229–230, 239, 241, 245, 1086
- Allied forces and combined command in Italy, question of retention of: Pope Pius XII, concern as to early [Page 1623] withdrawal, 1098; recommendations by Joint Chiefs of Staff, 40, 1097–1098
- Armistice agreement, Sept. 3, 1943, cited, 67n, 101n, 168, 194
- Armistice terms. See Peace treaty and Surrender terms, infra.
- Colonial territories. See United Nations Organization: Trusteeship, etc.
- Diplomatic relations, 328, 358–361, 370–371, 463, 468–469
- Economic and political matters: Assistance by United States and United Kingdom, relationship to reparations payments, British and U. S. views and proposals, 148–150, 155, 174, 181, 196, 430, 432–433, 440, 441, 444, 464, 469–470, 490, 1090, 1096; U. S. policy and proposals concerning, 222, 699, 1084, 1085, 1088, 1099
- Elections, 151, 159, 646, 1086
- Government, democratic and responsible character of, 326, 358–359, 370–371, 462–463
- Italian external assets, 1091
- Italian Fleet, disposition of, 54, 119, 170, 179; agreement on the employment and disposition of the Italian Fleet and Mercantile Marine (1943), cited, 1099n
- Japan, Italy’s declaration of war against, 53, 60, 169, 621, 622, 623, 626, 1082, 1492, 1509
- Peace treaty, conclusion of (see also Surrender terms and United Nations Organization, infra; also under Council of Foreign Ministers: Functions, etc.): British policy, 328, 1079–1080, 1086–1087; Italian views concerning treaty terms, 1081–1083; Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1492, 1509; Soviet policy, 736, 1086; U. S. policy and proposals, 699, 1080–1081, 1084–1085
- Prisoner of war camp in Italy (British), 247, 259–260, 367–368, 374, 604, 1162–1166, 1600
- Reparations: Discussions concerning, 55, 59n, 148–150, 157, 174–175, 181, 222, 323, 329, 336–337, 394, 432–434, 441–442, 444, 446–447, 448, 464–465, 466, 469–470, 482, 484–485, 499, 503, 604; proposals and reports, 663, 664–665, 667, 1087–1097; restitution and reparation claims by Albania, Ethiopia, Greece, and Yugoslavia, 1088–1090, 1091–1092, 1094–1095, 1097
- Restrictions on Soviet representatives, 359, 362, 367–368, 371, 374
- Soviet prisoners of war in British camp in Italy. See Soviet Union: Repatriation of alleged Soviet nationals; also Prisoner of war camp, supra.
- Surrender terms: U. S. proposal of an interim arrangement pending conclusion of peace treaty, discussions concerning, 168–175, 178–181, 186, 194, 196, 207, 216, 222, 394–395, 436, 437, 699, 1080–1081, 1084–1085, 1085, 1086; instrument of surrender, Sept. 29, 1943, cited, 67n, 101n, 148n, 168, 1080
- Tangier, Italian position as signatory of Statute of Tangier, 1414
- Territorial settlements. See United Nations Organization: Trusteeship, etc.
- United Maritime Authority, question of admission to, 163, 299, 1099
- United Nations, admission to. See United Nations Organization: Admission of Bulgaria, etc.
- U. S. policy and proposals concerning treatment of, 1080–1081, 1084–1085
- Venezia Giulia (see also under Yugoslavia), 1067, 1083, 1097
- Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe, discussions concerning implementation of in connection with policy toward Italy, 53, 150–155, 158–159, 196, 207, 216, 222, 228–232, 239, 244–245, 646–647
- Ivanov, 684
- Jackson, Justice Robert H., 421–424, 494, 499, 526, 538, 573, 581, 986n, 987
- Jacobs, Joseph E., 1063
- Jamison, Brig. Gen. Glen C., 31, 39, 64, 99, 139, 197, 271
- Japan, war against:
- Atomic bomb, use against Japan:
- Aide-mémoire of conversation between Roosevelt and Churchill, Sept. 18, 1944, 1370–1371
- Attlee message to Truman regarding, 1375
- Disclosure of information to Soviet Union, 47n, 81–82, 225, 320; Truman–Stalin conversation (July 24), 378–379
- Information concerning successful test of bomb: First telegraphic reports, 1360–1361; memorandum by Maj. Gen. L. R. Groves describing test, 1361–1368; [Page 1624] observations by E. O. Lawrence, 1369–1370; press release, 1368; relation of test to Allied warning to Japan to surrender, 1266n–1267n
- Preparations regarding targets and timetable for use of bomb, 1372–1374
- Report received by Truman on bombing of Hiroshima, 27
- Statement by Truman following use of bomb on Hiroshima: Arrangements for, 1374–1375; text, released Aug. 6, 1376–1378
- Test of bomb. See Information, etc., supra.
- U. S.-British discussions and opinions, 47, 81–82, 85n, 111, 203, 225, 243, 260n, 1370–1371, 1375
- British Commonwealth participation in, 48–51, 162, 340, 1334–1341, 1464–1465, 1469–1470
- British participation in, 41–42, 48–51
- Control and command: Boundaries of command and higher strategic control, exchange of views between U. S. and British Chiefs of Staff, and conclusions reached, 41–42, 83, 85–86, 162, 201–202, 1313–1318, 1320, 1464, 1465, 1469–1471; Indo-China, situation with respect to, 83, 85, 271–272, 294, 1313, 1315–1316, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1465
- Emperor of Japan (see also Peace feelers through Soviet Union, infra; also Hirohito), 36–37, 40, 87, 477, 1267, 1269
- French and Netherlands participation in, question of, 32, 48–51, 65, 83, 113, 377–378, 1341–1349, 1465–1466
- Greater East Asia concept, 1255
- Italy’s declaration of war against Japan, 53, 60, 169, 621, 622, 623, 626, 1082, 1492, 1509
- Konoye, proposed mission as special envoy to Soviet Union. See Peace feelers, infra.
- Military objectives, strategy, and policies: Consideration by U. S. and British Chiefs of Staff of proposals and amendments, 112–113, 139–140, 198, 202, 1299–1312; text of basic undertakings and policies as included in Combined Chiefs of Staff report, 1463–1464, 1467; tripartite military meeting, July 24, 344–353
- Netherlands and French participation in, question of, 32, 48–51, 65, 83, 113, 377–378, 1341–1349, 1465–1466
- Operations in and near China and Korea, 345–352, 410–412, 415
- Operations in Pacific and Southeast Asia, 38, 83, 162, 346–353, 375–378, 414–416, 1468–1469
- Peace feeler through Sweden, possibility of, 87, 1589–1590
- Peace feelers through Soviet Union, Japanese efforts to obtain Soviet mediation and to send special envoy to Soviet Union: Berlin Conference, relation to, 460, 467, 1259, 1260, 1296; Japanese position and representations, 460, 467, 1248–1249, 1257–1259, 1260–1264, 1297–1298; opinions of Japanese Ambassador in Soviet Union, 1250, 1252–1257, 1294–1295, 1297; Soviet position, 460–467, 1250–1251, 1263, 1264, 1291–1293, 1298, 1587–1588; Truman–Churchill discussion, 81; Truman–Stalin discussion, 87, 1587–1588
- Planning date for end of organized resistance by Japan, 115, 1467
- Portuguese participation in any operations for liberation of Timor, question of, 65–66, 83, 1349–1360, 1466, 1471–1472
- Proclamation (July 26) by
Heads of Government of United States, China, and United Kingdom
calling for surrender of Japan:
- Chiang’s concurrence, 1278–1279, 1281–1283
- Churchill’s approval, 1279
- Drafts of Proclamation: Discussions and amendments, 319–340, 64, 1267–1269, 1271–1272, 1279, 1282, 1283; texts, 1275–1277, 1280–1281
- French consent, 1555–1556
- Interpretation of terms, and comparison with policy of Department of State, 1284–1289
- “Mokusatsu” statement by Japanese Prime Minister Suzuki, 1293
- OWI broadcast of warning to Japan, 1273–1274; of text of Proclamation, 1290
- Peace feelers by Japan through Soviet Union, relation to Proclamation, 1291–1293, 1294–1298
- Press rumors concerning proposed Proclamation, and question of U. S. statement to quiet rumors, 1270–1271, 1272, 1274
- Recommendations of U.S. Secretary of War Stimson, 1265–1267
- Rejection by Japan, 476, 1293, 1377
- Release, 21
- Soviet reaction and adherence, 449–450, 460, 467, 476, 1284, 1474n
- Suzuki’s statement regarding, 1293
- Text of Proclamation, 1474–1476
- Release of tankers for war against Japan through altered distribution of European oil supplies, 1378–1388
- Shipping (see also under United Kingdom): Cargo shipping for prosecution of war against Japan, 1303–1304, 1306, 1308–1309, 1312, 1467; release of tankers for war against Japan through altered distribution of European oil supplies, 1378–1388; use of German merchant vessels in connection with war against Japan, 119–121, 132, 133, 221, 393, 474–475, 524, 537, 560, 561, 969–970, 973, 975
- Soviet Union, relationship to (see also
Peace feelers through Soviet Union, supra):
- Adherence to Proclamation of July 26 calling for surrender of Japan, 449–450, 460, 467, 476, 1284, 1474n
- Allied occupation of Japan, U. S. policy, 1322–1323
- Atomic bomb, disclosure to Soviet Union of information concerning, 47n, 81–82, 225, 320, 378–379
- Entry into war against Japan: Discussions and U.S. attitude, 276, 476, 1302–1303, 1308, 1311, 1322–1323, 1324n, 1325, 1463; Soviet intentions and plans with respect to Japan, 345; Truman–Stalin conversation, and Truman communication to Stalin, 43n, 45, 1333–1334, 1585
- Release of information to Soviet Union, opinions of U. S. and British Chiefs of Staff, 99–100, 113–115, 161, 1323, 1466
- Release of tankers for war against Japan through altered distribution of European oil supplies, Soviet role in connection with, 1378–1388
- Tripartite meeting of Chiefs of Staff, 344–353
- U. S.-Soviet coordination of military operations and related matters, discussions concerning, 183, 410–417, 1323–1324, 1327–1332
- Weather stations in Siberian area, arrangements for, 200–201, 409–410, 1325–1327, 1329, 1463, 1466
- Treaties: Anti-Comintern Pact (Germany–Japan), Nov. 25, 1936, cited, 1256; Russo-Japanese treaty of peace (Treaty of Portsmouth, 1905), cited, 1232; Sino-Japanese treaty of 1915, cited, 1232
- Unconditional surrender (see also Peace feelers and Proclamation, supra), 36–37, 39–40, 64, 477, 1462
- War criminals, 1281, 1287, 1323
- Yalta agreement (Feb. 11) regarding Soviet entry into war against Japan, 45–46, 1223–1247 passim, 1322, 1585
- Atomic bomb, use against Japan:
- Jebb, Gladwyn, 639, 640, 641
- Jerram, Cecil Bertram, 963n
- Jews (see also Palestine), 479
- Johnson, George H., 902
- Johnson, Herschel V., 1589–1590
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (see also
Combined Chiefs of Staff):
- Agenda for Conference meetings, question of, 31–32
- Air route between United States and Moscow, 140
- Chairmanship of Combined Chiefs of Staff meetings, discussion concerning, 33
- Danube River, question of internationalization of, 199, 651–654
- Dardanelles and Kiel Canal, U. S. policy regarding, 42, 649–650, 1420–1422
- Enemy war matériel in Germany and Austria, question of disposal, 835–837
- German Navy and Merchant Marine, question of disposition, 969–970
- Japan, war against, discussions
and recommendations in connection with:
- British and British Commonwealth participation in war, 41
- Combined Chiefs of Staff report to Truman and Churchill, recommendation concerning, 272–273
- Control and command, 34, 41–42, 271–272
- French and Netherlands participation in war, 32, 65, 1341–1345, 1345–1346
- Military objectives, strategy, and policies, 139–140, 198, 1299–1308
- Portuguese participation in war, 65–66, 1349–1352
- Release of information to Soviet Union, 99–100, 113–115, 161, 1323–1324, 1466
- Shipping, 66, 199–200, 272, 1191–1194, 1201–1202, 1306
- Unconditional surrender, 39–40, 64, 1268–1269
- Weather stations in Eastern Siberia, 200–201, 409–410, 1325–1326, 1327
- Joint Strategic Survey Committee, 39, 40, 42
- Lend-Lease, U. S. policy, 33–34, 273, 1181–1185
- Meeting with British and Soviet Chiefs of Staff, July 24, 344–353; with Soviet Chiefs of Staff, July 26, 408–417, 1327–1332
- Meetings, July 16–21 and July 23, minutes, 31–34, 39–42, 64–66, 99–100, 139–140, 197–201, 271–273
- Munitions assignments, 198–199, 1203–1204
- Postwar Combined Chiefs of Staff machinery, 1202–1204
- President’s directive to, 1184–1185
- U. S. forces in Italy, question of retention, 40, 1097–1098
- Joint Strategic Survey Committee, 39, 40, 42
- Jovanović, Lt. Gen. Arso R., 1216
- Jowitt, Sir William, 987n
- Juin, Gen. Alphonse-Pierre, 1342
- Junkers aircraft factories, 906, 907, 908, 909, 912
- Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft and Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes, 837–839
- Kaltenbrunner, Ernst, 984, 985
- Kardelj, Edvard, 1208, 1210, 1211
- Kattegat, 42
- Katyn Forest, 803
- Kausurev. See Kozyrev, S. P.
- Kavtaradze, S. I., 1513
- Keenlyside, F. H., 1118
- Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm, 984, 985
- Keith, Gerald, 506n
- Kennan, George F., 650, 738–739, 741, 952–953, 959–960, 1046, 1125–1126, 1139–1140, 1168–1169, 1169–1170
- Kerr, Sir Archibald Clark, 12, 52, 88, 101, 105, 116, 143, 185, 203, 226, 244, 276, 322, 459, 483, 543, 586, 650n, 738n, 738–739, 1046, 1104–1105, 1108, 1158, 1513, 1571, 1575, 1579
- Kessler, Brig. Gen. Alfred A., Jr., 956, 961n, 963
- Key, Maj. Gen. William S., 228n, 688, 692, 693, 696, 703n, 704, 708, 716n, 727
- Keyser, 909
- Khudyakov, Marshal of Aviation S. V., 1575
- Kiel Canal, question of internationalization of, 42, 304, 313–314, 387n, 391, 453, 649–650, 651, 655–656, 658, 1420, 1423–1424
- Kilgore, Harlev M., 755
- Kilpatrick, Brig. Gen. John R., 4, 28
- Kindleberger, Maj. Charles P., 1090–1092
- King, Alfred Hazell, 1077n
- King, Fleet Adm. Ernest J., 8, 12, 13, 18, 31, 33–34, 35, 39, 42, 48, 51, 64–65, 82–83, 86, 99–100, 112–114, 139–140, 161, 197, 199–201, 271–272, 292–294, 319, 339, 343–344, 348–349, 351–352, 375, 408–411, 415, 416, 974–975, 1329, 1332, 1361n, 1512, 1574
- Kirk, Alexander, 662, 662–663, 672–674, 675, 701–702, 1062, 1067, 1100, 1109–1110, 1163–1164
- Kiselev (Kissilev), E. D., 672, 673, 676
- Kistiakowsky, George B., 1364, 1365
- Kleffens, Eelco N. van, 1346n, 1347
- Koeltz, Lt. Gen. Louis, 1001
- Koenig, Brig. Gen. E. F., 7
- Koenig, Gen. Joseph-Pierre, 1028n, 1545n
- Kohler, Foy D., 1071–1072
- Kokura, 1374
- Kołodziejski, Henryk, 1133
- Kondoianopoulos (Kondoyannopoulos), Andreas, 1054
- Konev (Koniev), Marshal of the Soviet Union I. S., 310, 316, 368, 374, 553, 669, 670, 674, 675, 1529–1531, 1596
- Königsberg, question of Soviet annexation. See under Germany.
- Konoye, Prince Fumimaro, 87, 460, 467, 1251, 1257–1264, 1291, 1292, 1295, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1588
- Korea. See Japan: Operations in and near China and Korea, and United Nations Organization: Trusteeship for Italian colonial territories and Korea
- Koretsky, Col. M. M., 22
- Kosanović, Sava, 1210
- Kostov, Traicho, 730, 731
- Kostylev, M. A., 624n
- Kostyushchenko, 1036
- Kousnetsov. See Kuznetsov, Adm. of the Fleet N. G.
- Kozyrev, S. P., 399, 401, 419, 1514
- Kreiter, Gen., 684
- Kruglov, Col. Gen. S. N., 22
- Krupp, 907, 908
- Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Gustav, 572, 581, 907, 984, 985
- Kucherov, Adm. S. G., 408, 1514, 1529n
- Kurile Islands, 346, 351, 414, 415, 1237, 1287, 1323
- Kuter, Maj. Gen. Laurence S., 1574
- Kuznetsov, Adm. of the Fleet N. G., 13, 18, 116, 319, 344, 408, 492, 502, 509, 976, 980–981, 1513, 1575
- Kwapiński, Jan, 1526
- Kyle, Col. William H., 1368
- Kyoto, 1372n, 1373n
- Labrishchev. See Lavrishchev, A. A.
- Lacoste, Francis, 1348, 1548
- Land, Vice Adm. Emory S., 12, 16, 163, 298, 380, 383, 388, 973–974, 1099, 1118, 1119, 1126, 1340–1341, 1512, 1574
- Lane, Arthur Bliss, 403, 404, 478, 479, 506–507, 1106, 1131–1132, 1153–1154, 1526n
- Lange, Oskar, 506
- Larrabee, Lt. Col. Sterling L., 1060, 1071
- Lascelles, Sir Alan, 26
- Laski, Harold J., 477
- Laukhuff, Perry, 761–764, 761n
- Lavrentyev, A. I., 419
- Lavrishchev, A. A., 398, 400, 1514
- Lavrov, 684
- Lawrence, Ernest O., 1367, 1369–1370
- Laycock, Maj. Gen. Robert Edward, 35, 48, 82, 112, 161, 292, 339
- League of Nations, 253, 550, 1148, 1404, 1568, 1595
- Leahy, Fleet Adm. William D., 4–7, 9–12, 15, 17–26, 31–34, 35, 37, 39–42, 43, 52, 64–65, 88, 99, 116, 137, 139–140, 164, 182n, 183n, 197–199, 201, 203, 224, 243, 244, 271, 273, 292, 319, 339–340, 342, 344–346, 353, 357, 458, 459, 471, 510, 524n, 537, 826, 827, 970, 1098, 1166, 1167, 1167n, 1204, 1269, 1309n, 1323–1324, 1324n, 1325–1326, 1328, 1361n, 1371n, 1396–1397, 1434, 1443, 1512, 1574
- Leatham, Adm. Sir Ralph, 25, 26
- Leathers, Lord, 12, 17, 47, 139, 140, 163, 198, 224, 298, 339, 342–343, 1026, 1198, 1199, 1299, 1309, 1513, 1575
- Lebanon. See Syria and Lebanon.
- Lebensraum, 333
- LeBreton, Rear Adm. David M., 28
- Lee, Maj. Alfred K., 20
- Lee, Col. Ernest R., 21
- Lee, Lt. Gen. John C. H., 6, 7, 13, 25
- Lekarsky, Lt. Gen. Krum, 717
- Leluk, Gen., 673
- Lend-Lease: Soviet Union, 34, 1185; United Kingdom, 339, 341, 1177–1187; U. S. policy concerning, 33–34, 273, 341, 1184–1185
- Lend-Lease Act of Mar. 11, 1941, cited, 273n, 341, 1178, 1183, 1186; of Apr. 16, 1945, cited, 341n
- Leuna Werke, 907, 911
- Levant States. See Syria and Lebanon.
- Levels, Lt. Col., 1163
- Leverich, Henry P., 662
- Ley, Robert, 984, 985
- Libya, 254, 265
- Lincoln, Brig. Gen. George A., 31, 39, 64, 99, 139, 197, 271
- List, Sgt. Eugene, 13, 16, 21, 23, 137n
- Lithuania (see also Baltic States), 305, 988, 1597, 1598, 1599
- Little Boy, 1360
- “Little White House” in Babelsberg, 9–24 passim
- Lockup, 1332
- Loftus, John A., 738
- Łomnicky, Capt., 1113
- Loudon, Alexander, 1347n
- Lovell, Alfred H., Jr., 506
- Lovett, Robert A., 1178, 1214, 1219
- Lozovsky, S. A., 1248, 1249, 1250–1251, 1260, 1262, 1263–1264, 1291, 1296, 1297–1298
- Lubin, Isador, 8, 403, 487n, 883n, 889, 940–948, 1131
- Lunghi, Maj. Hugh, 344
- Lupu, Nicolae, 701
- Mac Arthur, Gen. of the Army Douglas, 41, 48n, 49, 50, 51, 84, 347, 377, 412, 1316, 1318, 1335n, 1336, 1339, 1340, 1341, 1464, 1470
- Maček, Vladimir, 1208, 1211
- Machold, Reinhold, 662
- Mack, William H. B., 671n
- MacLeish, Archibald, 780
- Macready, Lt. Gen. Sir Gordon, 35, 48, 82, 161, 201, 292, 375, 1184n
- MacVeagh, Lincoln, 648, 1046–1047, 1048–1050, 1060–1061, 1066n, 1068, 1076–1077
- Mahler, Ernst, 902
- Mailfist, 377
- Maiskv (Maiski), I. M., 13, 76, 110–111, 141–142, 150, 159, 164, 166, 183–184, 185, 224, 226–227, 274, 276, 295–296, 322, 324n, 325, 385, 389, 428, 429, 438, 439, 473, 476, 510, 565, 586, 827, 840, 845, 846n, 847n, 888n, 940n, 942, 943, 964, 997–998, 999, 1514, 1575
- Makins, Roger, 1190n
- Malaya. See Japan: Operations in Pacific and Southeast Asia.
- Mallaby, Lt. Col. G., 344, 375
- Mallet, Sir Victor, 1172
- Manchuria. See under China.
- Maniu, Iuliu, 647, 700, 714, 715
- Maples, Rear Adm. Houston L., 197, 408
- Marković, Lazar, 1211
- Marshall, Gen. of the Army George C., 12, 13, 18, 20, 31–34, 35, 38, 39–42, 44, 48, 50–51, 64–65, 82–86, 99–100, 112–114, 139–140, 161–162, 197–198, 201–202, 243, 271–273, 292, 319, 339, 341–344, 346–353, 375–377, 408–417, 458n, 1324n, 1342, 1361n, 1394, 1512, 1574, 1584
- Marshall, J. Howard, 873–876, 918–919, 922n, 928–929, 940, 942, 943
- Martin, John Miller, 1371n
- Massigli, René, 668n, 679n, 1003–1004, 1011, 1023
- Masterwork, 1087
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 25, 52, 76, 116, 150, 159, 164, 166, 185, 187, 203, 226, 244, 276, 322, 324n, 356, 395, 399, 401, 402, 403, 419, 1102–1103, 1128n, 1140n, 1219, 1512, 1528, 1541, 1574
- Matwin, Władysław, 1125n
- Maximov, Mikhail, 1394n
- Maxton, James, 1404
- McCann, Rear Adm. Allan R., 4, 5, 25, 28
- McCarthy, Lt. Charles E., 25, 26
- McCarthy, Rear Adm. E. D. B., 492, 502, 509, 980–981
- McCloy, John J., 8, 15, 16, 111, 115n, 260n, 421–423, 669, 707–708, 754n, 800–801, 812, 821, 925–926, 1001, 1007, 1100–1101, 1102, 1103, 1155n, 1184n, 1219, 1324n, 1349n, 1423–1424, 1424n
- McCreery, Lt. Gen. Sir Richard, 662, 669, 672, 673–674, 675
- McDill, Capt. Alexander S., 31, 35, 39, 48, 64, 82, 99, 112, 139, 161, 197, 201, 271, 292, 375, 408
- McDonald, 1st Lt. C. M., 24
- McFarland, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., 31–32, 35, 39–40, 48, 64, 82, 99, 112, 139, 161, 197, 201, 271, 292, 339, 344, 375, 408, 650, 703, 1350, 1354, 1422
- McIntire, Lt. Col. A. M., 7, 25
- McMahon, Capt. Alphonse, 7, 9, 17, 25
- McNeill, Capt. William H., 1048, 1050, 1057–1060, 1068–1071
- Mediterranean Shipping Board, 163
- Melbourne, Roy M., 647n, 690–691, 696–697, 699–701, 709, 711, 714–715, 721, 728
- Meller, Dr., 909
- Merenditis, Alexander, 1056
- Metals Coating Co., 903
- Metaxas, Gen. John, 1055
- Meyrier, Jacques, 1409–1410, 1417
- Michael I, King of Rumania, 326, 700
- Middleton, G. H., 624–625, 1419
- Mihailović, Gen. Draža, 1211
- Mikołajczyk, Stanisław, 19n, 92, 93, 322, 334–335, 356–357, 395, 403, 419, 455, 472, 490n, 506–507, 541, 543, 565, 647, 1112, 1128–1131, 1140–1141; notes on Foreign Ministers Meeting of July 24, and other memoranda, 1517–1542
- Milepost, 1332
- Miles, Richard T. G., 1032
- Military talks, sections in Protocol and Communiqué, 585, 594n, 1443–1444, 1460, 1498n, 1512
- Millar, Frederick Hoyer, 150, 159, 166, 325n, 556, 1408
- Minc, Hilary, 455, 478–479, 480n, 1532–1538
- Ministry of War Transport (MWT), 1196, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1340–1341
- Mironenko, 1036
- Mishshenko, 684
- Mitchell, Maj. Nicholas A., 25
- Modzelewski, Zygmunt, 19n, 322, 356, 403, 419, 455, 506, 543, 1108n, 1132–1133, 1525, 1528, 1529, 1532, 1540
- Mohammed V, Sultan of Morocco, 1418
- “Mokusatsu,” 1293n
- Molotov, V. M.:
- Exchange of communications with Byrnes, 747–748, 933–934, 936–937, 1042–1043, 1043–1044, 1284
- Foreign Ministers Meetings, participation in, 66–79, 101–109, 143–160, 185–197, 226–243, 276–292, 295–298, 322–338, 397–401, 425–447, 483–503, 543–564, 1517–1524; reports as Rapporteur, 157–160, 165–167, 289–292, 300–301, 400–401, 445–447
- Letter from Bevin, 1038–1040
- Meetings with Byrnes, 274–275, 449–452, 480–483, 510; with Byrnes and Eden, 354–355; with Polish Delegation, 1529–1531; with Truman, 471–476
- Miscellaneous, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 22, 23n, 43–46, 86–87, 140, 256, 266, 369, 507, 513, 648, 683, 695, 726, 736, 745–746, 797n, 810n, 811, 888n, 913n, 921n, 944, 984n, 1000n, 1035n, 1037, 1046, 1104–1105, 1163, 1164, 1245, 1248, 1298n, 1401n, 1415n, 1474n
- Plenary Meetings, participation in, 52, 55, 88, 95, 97, 116, 164–167, 177–178, 203, 244–247, 252–254, 257–261, 264, 267–268, 299–301, 306, 312, 314, 357, 359–361, 363, 365–366, 371–372, 381, 387, 391, 459–461, 466–467, 468n, 510, 512, 520–523, 525, 527–529, 535–538, 565, 571–573, 576, 577n, 581, 583–584, 586–601
- Tripartite dinner meetings, participation in, 137, 224, 319
- Truman-Stalin meetings, participation in, 43–46, 86–87, 1582–1583, 1587–1588
- Monckton, Sir Walter, 13, 141–142, 183–184, 224, 831n, 848n, 942, 943, 1513
- Mongolia. See Outer Mongolia.
- Monroe, Thomas, 1124, 1198, 1341
- Montgomery, Field Marshal Sir Bernard, 18, 319, 836n, 1027n, 1028n, 1449, 1545n
- Montreux Convention regarding regime of the Straits (1936). See Turkey: Straits question.
- Moore, Capt. Charles J., 31–32, 35, 39, 48, 64, 82, 99, 112, 139, 161, 197, 201, 271, 292, 344, 408
- Moran, Commodore Edmond J., 975
- Moran, Lord, 319
- Morawski. See Osóbka-Morawski, Edward Boleslaw.
- Morgan, Lt. Gen. W. D., 675n, 1113, 1164
- Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 1177
- Morrison, Herbert, 1404, 1405
- Morse, Huntington T., 163, 295, 298, 378, 380, 1117, 1118, 1126
- Moscow Declarations (1943), cited, 677, 678, 984, 985, 986, 1333, 1334, 1445, 1489
- Mosely, Philip E., 138, 321, 407, 407n, 508, 677n, 678n, 678–679, 681n, 683, 741n, 750n, 848n, 849n, 850–852, 861n, 992–998, 1003n, 1007, 1008n
- Mountbatten, Adm. Lord Louis, 20, 50, 84, 162n, 352–353, 375–378, 381, 1292, 1313n, 1314, 1315, 1319, 1321, 1338n, 1465
- Munitions Assignments Boards, London and Washington, question of abolishment of, 836–837, 1203–1206
- Murphy, Robert D., 8, 20, 110–111, 141–142, 164, 183, 185, 226, 276, 285, 291, 301, 322, 402, 403, 788n, 789n, 794n, 802–804, 810n, 837, 846n, 847n, 848n, 1007, 1224n, 1512n, 1525–1527
- Murray, Wallace, 1389, 1390–1391, 1394–1396, 1397
- Mussolini, Benito, 124, 126, 1175, 1217
- Myers, Lt. Col. Henry T., 7, 25
- National Cash Register Co., 903
- Neikov, Petur, 716, 717, 730
- Nelson, Lt. Col. Lawrence, 17
- Netherlands (see also under Japan, war against): Coal shipments to Netherlands, 386, 390, 404; German ships, Netherlands share, 559–560; international protectorate in Rhineland and Ruhr, proposed, question of participation, 989, 990, 993, 994, 995, 996, 999; miscellaneous, 342, 519, 532, 534; reparations from Germany, 297, 430, 440, 482, 487, 517, 532, 559, 560; Rhine commission, Netherlands participation, 656; shipping losses in World War II, 560
- New Zealand (see also British Commonwealth), 171
- Nicholson, Edward Max, 163, 295
- Niigata, 347, 1374
- Nimitz, Fleet Adm. Chester W., 48n, 51, 412, 1316, 1335n, 1339, 1464, 1470
- Nixon, Robert, 26
- Noel-Baker, Philip John, 1404
- Norstad, Maj. Gen. Lauris, 31, 35, 39, 48, 64, 82, 99, 112, 139, 161, 197, 201, 271, 292, 344, 375, 408, 416
- Northern, Capt. Ernest M., Jr., 17, 22
- Norway: German assets in Norway, 568, 579; German ships, Norwegian share, 559–560; German troops in Norway, 386, 387–388, 390, 391, 483, 499, 503, 504, 603, 1037–1040; loan from United States, 405; reparations from Germany, 559; shipping losses in World War II, 120, 132, 560
- Novikov, K. V., 52, 66, 101, 143, 185, 203, 226, 244, 276, 322, 556, 633, 683, 1036n, 1037, 1039, 1162–1163, 1165n, 1514
- Nuremberg, selection as place for trial of war criminals, 494–495
- Obbov, Alexander Christov, 716, 717, 730
- Occupation. See under Austria and Germany.
- Oder–Neisse Line. See under Poland. Office of War Information (OWI), 1261, 1273–1274, 1290
- Oil:
- Austria and Hungary, 606, 1378–1388 passim
- Iran, oil reserves in, 593–594, 1392
- Rumania. See under Rumania.
- War against Japan, release of tankers through altered distribution of European oil supplies, 1378–1388
- Western Europe, question of oil supplies for, 195, 222, 323–324, 396, 435, 606, 947, 1382–1383; attitude of Soviet Union, 435, 606, 1378–1388
- Okamoto, Suemasa, 1589n
- Oliver, Covey T., 747, 949, 950, 957, 958–959
- Olympic, 344
- Onodera, Maj. Gen. Makoto, 1589–1590
- Open-door policy in China, 43n, 46, 1223, 1224n, 1227, 1229, 1243, 1244, 1322, 1586
- Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 1364, 1365, 1366
- Osóbka-Morawski, Edward Bolesław, 19n, 322, 356, 1105, 1106, 1138–1139, 1140, 1529–1531
- Oster, Capt. Henry R., 31, 35, 39, 48, 64, 82, 99, 112, 139, 197, 271, 375
- Otto, Archduke of Austria, letter to Truman, 659–661
- Outer Mongolia, status of, 45, 1225, 1227, 1234–1235, 1236, 1237, 1246, 1585, 1587
- Oxley, Maj. Gen. W. H., 1062
- Pacific War. See Japan, war against.
- Paetz, 909
- Page, Edward, Jr., 101, 143, 354–355, 396, 483, 543
- Pahlevi, Mohammad Reza Shah, 1389
- Palestine:
- Jewish immigration:
- Anglo-American discussions suggested, 1402, 1406, 1407
- Balfour Declaration of Nov. 2, 1917, 1403, 1405
- British Labor Government, probable attitude toward Palestine question, 1403–1406
- British White Paper (1939): Attitude of British Labor Party, 1403–1406; cited, 1402
- Truman correspondence with Attlee and Churchill, 1402, 1406
- Maintenance of peace in Palestine, 314, 318
- Jewish immigration:
- Palmer, Col. Alan, 1063
- Panama Canal, 42, 303, 313
- Papandreou, George, 1047
- Papen, Franz von, 985
- Paramount Pictures, 903
- Parks, Maj. Gen. Floyd L., 8, 18, 21, 24
- Parri, Ferruccio, 624n
- Parten, J. R., 859n, 860n, 888n, 940, 942, 1383–1384
- Patterson, Gardner, 647
- Patterson, Richard C., Jr., 1214n, 1216
- Patterson, Robert P., 1178
- Patton, Gen. George S., Jr., 16
- Pauker, Ana, 701
- Pauley, Edwin W.:
- Allied Reparations Commission and other Committee activities, (see also Reports, etc., infra), 76, 141–142, 183–184, 224, 285, 291, 301, 331, 401, 402, 518, 778–779, 797n, 798n, 812n, 813, 817–818, 819n, 827–828, 831, 841–843, 845–846, 854–856, 867–869, 873–878, 888–897, 898–899, 917, 923–925, 928–929, 934n, 935–936, 938, 953, 957–958, 963–964, 1030–1031, 1087, 1378–1380, 1382, 1388
- Foreign Ministers Meetings, participation in, 185, 226, 276, 295–296, 322
- Miscellaneous, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 23, 111, 428–429, 430, 438–439, 446, 451, 466, 487n, 1461, 1512
- Plenary Meetings, participation in, 52, 88, 116, 164, 203, 244
- Reports and memoranda for Truman, 873–876, 893–897, 904–912, 940–949, 971–972, 1087–1088, 1380, 1381
- Tripartite dinner meeting, participation in, 137
- Pavlov, Assen, 734
- Pavlov, V. N., 12, 13, 16, 17, 43, 52, 116, 137, 203, 224, 244, 274, 299, 354, 357, 378, 381, 396, 425, 449, 471n, 480, 976, 1582, 1587
- Peace conference and peace settlements at future date, 57–58, 62–63, 77, 89, 96, 116, 130–131, 148, 149, 156, 208, 209, 210, 217, 247, 249, 253, 254, 255, 263, 305–306, 354, 356, 357, 384, 389, 472, 534, 551–552, 588, 598, 602, 988, 1138, 1151, 1215, 1220, 1421, 1422, 1425, 1447, 1523, 1529, 1540n, 1563, 1597
- Peace treaties. See under Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Italy, and Rumania.
- Pearl Harbor, 81, 1376
- Peck, Col. Clarence R., 31, 39, 64, 99, 139, 197, 271
- Perkins, Lt. Comdr. Kenneth D., 5
- Persia. See Iran.
- Persian Gulf Command (PGC), evacuation from Iran, 1394–1396
- Peterson, Sir Maurice Drummond, 1437n, 1437–1438
- Pethick-Lawrence, Frederick W., 1404
- Petkov, Nikola Dimitrov, 709, 717, 722, 723, 724, 729, 730, 731, 733, 734, 735
- Petroleum. See Oil.
- Petroleum Administration for War (PAW), 1379, 1385–1386, 1388
- Petrov, A. A., 616n, 618, 619, 1225n, 1246n
- Petrov, Army Gen. I. E., 670n, 670, 671, 673, 675, 680
- Phelps, Dudley Maynard, 739
- Philippines. See Japan: Operations in Pacific and Southeast Asia.
- Picknett, B. F., 163
- Piesch, Hans, 663
- Pius XII, Pope, 1098
- Plenary Meetings, July 17–Aug. 1:
- Records of proceedings, 52–63, 88–98, 116–137, 164–182, 203–221, 244–268, 299–319, 357–374, 381–392, 459–470, 510–540, 565–585, 586–601
- Résumés of problems before the Conference as of July 21, 221–223; July 27, 447–449; July 30, 503–505; July 31, 540–541
- Tripartite communiqué issued after first meeting, 63
- Truman, selection as chairman, 12, 33, 52, 54, 59, 63, 320–321, 1445
- Podobed, Col., 1163
- Pogue, L. Welch, 1188
- Poland:
- Air communications between London and Warsaw, discussions concerning, and British-Polish agreement on, 518–520, 533–534, 575, 582
- Assets and properties in United Kingdom and United States. See Polish assets in United Kingdom and United States, infra.
- Baltic Sea, 587, 597, 754, 988, 1150, 1151, 1454, 1489, 1491, 1597, 1598, 1599
- Bierut. See Bierut, Bolesław.
- Boundaries. See Frontiers, etc., infra.
- Breslau, 251, 264, 1562
- Coal and food supply for German occupation zones, discussions concerning (see also Economic matters and Frontiers, etc., infra), 210–215, 218–221, 248–251, 262–263, 390, 398–399, 1528, 1529, 1558; U. S. and Polish transaction regarding coal for Berlin, 478, 506, 1539
- Communist Party activities, 1128, 1129, 1130–1132
- Curzon Line, 208, 211, 212, 217, 248, 263, 305, 333, 356–357, 457, 1141, 1144, 1147, 1519, 1520, 1529, 1572, 1580
- Danzig, 121, 404, 456, 457, 506, 1150, 1151, 1454, 1491, 1509, 1522, 1533, 1534, 1535, 1562
- East Prussia (see also under Germany), 305, 1137, 1142, 1489
- Eastern territory ceded to Soviet Union, economic value of, 1145–1147
- Economic matters: Assistance from United States, 1153–1154; Mikołajczyk notes, 1522–1523, 1525–1529, 1532–1538, 1539; Soviet-Polish commercial treaty, July 7, cited, 406n, 947, 1538; Soviet-Polish discussions, 1538; U. S.-Polish discussions concerning, and transaction with regard to coal, 403–406, 455–458, 478–479, 480, 506, 1525–1529, 1532–1538, 1539
- Elections, Allied supervision of, in accordance with Yalta
- Discussions concerning, 56, 61, 71, 78–79, 94, 98, 188–189, 193–194, 196, 206–207, 216, 518, 1121
- Polish views and statement, 1112, 1128–1129, 1130, 1141, 1456, 1541
- Proposals and position of the three powers: British views and proposal, 1107–1109, 1111–1112; Soviet policy, 647, 1135; statement considered and approved by Heads of Government, 1122, 1123–1124; U. S. views, 1105, 1106–1107
- Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1456, 1491, 1508
- European Central Inland Transport Organization, question of Polish participation in, 1159, 1162
- Frontiers and areas of administration:
- Discussions, and acceptance of U. S. proposal, 90, 96, 208–215, 217–221, 247–252, 261–264, 283, 331–336, 338, 356–357, 367, 369–370, 382, 384–385, 388–389, 395, 472–473, 480, 485, 489–490, 491–492, 498, 512–513, 518–520, 527–528, 529–530, 533–534, 539, 587–589, 592, 597, 598, 600
- German frontiers of 1937 as basis for territorial settlements with Poland, 89–90, 96, 110, 208, 211, 212, 217, 274, 534, 795, 831, 1024–1025, 1027, 1033–1034, 1136–1137
- Poland as a “fifth occupying power”, comments on, 208, 252, 263–264, 384, 385, 389, 472, 861
- Polish claims (with historical background and statistics), 332–336, 356–357, 1138–1139, 1140–1149, 1456–1457, 1517–1524
- Polish Delegation, presentation of Polish position concerning western frontier. See Polish Delegation, infra.
- Proposals and policy of the three powers (see also Discussions, supra): Soviet Union, 1138, 1152, 1539; United Kingdom, 1136–1138, 1152–1153; United States, 1136, 1150–1151
- Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1456–1457, 1491–1492, 1509
- Relationship to German reparations, 209–211, 274, 472–473, 489–490, 491–492, 498, 500–501, 861, 895, 921, 926–927, 943, 944
- Transmittal to France of decisions reached on western frontier question, and French reaction, 520, 1546, 1550, 1551–1552, 1561–1562
- Gdynia, 457, 1533, 1534
- German ships, Polish share, 559–561, 576, 1488
- Gold, 91, 97, 1134
- Government:
- Government-in-Exile in London, liquidation of (see also
Polish assets
Polish troops, infra):
- British arrangements in connection with, 1127–1128, 1133–1134
- Diplomatic and consular establishments, British arrangements regarding liquidation of, 1127–1128, 1134
- Discussions concerning, 55–56, 59n, 61, 71, 78, 89, 91–94, 97–98, 103–105, 107, 109, 187–188, 393
- Soviet policy, 1135
- Statement approved by Heads of Government, 1123–1124
- United Maritime Authority, discontinuance of participation in functions of, 299, 1124, 1126
- Polish Provisional Government of National
- Communist representation and influence, 647, 1128, 1129, 1130–1132
- Delegation to Conference. See Polish Delegation, infra.
- Desire to participate in Allied Commissions. See Participation, etc., infra.
- Polish seamen’s strike in protest against recognition of Provisional Government, U. S. problems resulting from, 1114–1119
- Political situation in Poland, 506, 647, 1112–1113, 1128–1129, 1130–1132; British views concerning, 1107–1109
- Position of Government regarding maintenance of independence and sovereignty, 1128–1130
- Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1455–1456, 1490–1491, 1508
- Statement by the three powers with respect to: British suggestion, and subsequent drafts, 1107–1109, 1110–1112, 1120–1123; discussions, 103–104, 187–189, 204–207; Soviet policy, 1135; text approved by Heads of Government, 1123–1124, 1456, 1490–1491, 1508
- U. S. policy toward, 1104–1107
- Government-in-Exile in London, liquidation of (see also
Polish assets
Polish troops, infra):
- Mikołajczyk. See Mikołajczyk, Stanisław.
- Neisse River, 334, 335, 1491
- Oder River, 211, 219, 263, 333, 334, 335, 336, 1491
- Oder–Neisse Line (see also Frontiers, etc., supra):
- Participation in Allied Councils and Commissions, Polish desire for, 478, 519, 569–570, 580, 1125–1126, 1125n
- Polish assets in United Kingdom and United States: British agreement with former Polish government, 1119, 1127–1128; discussions concerning, 90–91, 97, 103–105, 187–188, 189–192, 196, 204–207, 215–216; proposals and reports, 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121–1122, 1123, 1591; Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1456, 1490, 1508; Soviet policy, 1135
- Polish assets removed by Germany, 1125
- Polish Delegation:
- Appearance at Foreign Ministers Meeting, and presentation of Polish views and claims on western frontier question, 322–323, 331–336, 338, 356–357, 369–370, 1140–1149, 1456–1457, 1517–1524
- Discussions with British Delegation, 490n; with Stalin and Soviet officials, 1529–1531, 1539; with Truman and U. S. officials, 356, 382, 395, 403, 419, 455, 478, 506, 1128–1130, 1525–1529, 1532–1538, 1539, 1540–1542
- Invitation to appear at Conference, and acceptance, 249–250, 252, 259, 263–264, 268, 1139–1140
- Memoranda on Polish prerequisites for maintenance of independence and sovereignty, 1128–1130
- Notification by Truman of decisions reached by the three powers concerning Poland, 527–528, 538–539, 541, 543, 575, 582, 1151, 1540–1541
- Polish seamen’s strike, 1114–1119
- Polish troops and Merchant Marine in United Kingdom and Western Europe (see also Repatriation of Polish nationals, infra): British views and proposal, discussions [Page 1633] concerning, 56, 61, 91–93, 97–98, 103, 1109, 1111; policy and attitude of General Anders (Commander, Polish troops in Italy), 92, 97, 1109–1110, 1113–1114; Polish request for U. S. intervention regarding repatriation of, 1132–1133; Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1491, 1508
- Press, freedom of: Discussions concerning free access of Allied correspondents, 189, 193–194, 196, 204, 206–207, 216, 223, 506, 518, 556–557, 564, 566, 575–578, 582–583, 605; Polish views, 506, 1128–1129; proposals and position of the three powers, 1106, 1109, 1112–1113, 1121, 1123, 1124, 1135; Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1456, 1491, 1508
- Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1455–1457, 1490–1492, 1508–1509
- Provisional Government of National Unity. See Government: Polish Provisional Government, etc., supra.
- Reconstruction. See Economic matters, supra.
- Red Army, 93, 209, 248, 673, 676, 745, 1128, 1152, 1237–1238
- Reparations and restitution from Germany: Polish claims, 849–850, 851–852, 857, 861–862, 883, 895, 901, 914, 921, 926–927, 944, 1126; relation to question of boundaries, 472–473, 482, 489–490, 491–492, 498, 500, 501, 857–858, 861–862, 883, 895, 921, 926–927, 943, 944
- Repatriation of Polish nationals abroad:
- Discussions concerning, 97–98, 188, 192–193, 333, 356–357, 518, 1163–1164
- Polish views, 333, 356–357, 369–370, 1125–1126, 1128, 1130, 1132–1133, 1148, 1529, 1541; policy of General Anders, 1109–1110, 1113–1114
- Proposals concerning, 1109, 1111, 1120–1121
- Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1491, 1508
- Soviet policy, 1135
- Seamen’s strike, 1114–1119
- Silesia (see also Upper Silesia, infra), 212, 219, 220, 248, 250, 262, 334, 336, 405, 1112, 1143, 1146, 1521, 1522, 1528, 1530, 1533, 1536, 1539, 1558
- Soviet-Polish commercial treaty, July 7, 406n, 947, 1538
- Stettin, 211, 213, 251, 332, 334, 335, 336, 369, 534, 1137, 1138, 1139, 1141, 1142, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1518, 1521, 1522, 1524, 1530, 1534, 1539, 1540n
- Swinemünde, 332, 335, 587–588, 592, 597, 1138, 1139, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1491, 1518
- Territorial settlements. See Frontiers, etc., supra; also geographic items, supra and infra.
- Transfers of German populations: Discussions concerning, 210–212, 217–221, 248, 262, 333, 382, 383–387, 388–390, 391, 394, 398–399, 426, 466, 523–524, 536–537; French attitude, 1551; Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1495–1496, 1511
- Troops. See Polish troops, etc., supra.
- UNRRA. See United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.
- Upper Silesia (see also Silesia, supra), 405, 1146, 1536
- U. S. consular offices in Poland, establishment of, 506
- U. S. Embassy at Warsaw, establishment of, 1105–1106; Soviet delay of transportation clearance for Embassy personnel, 1131–1132
- U. S. policy toward Provisional Government of National Unity, 1104–1107
- Vistula, 211, 219, 334, 1522
- Western frontier. See Frontiers, etc., supra.
- Yalta decisions concerning, 44, 56, 71, 72, 78–79, 89, 92, 94, 97, 188, 191, 192, 204, 208–209, 222, 249, 251, 262, 263, 264, 331, 393, 472, 473, 861, 1105, 1106–1107, 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121, 1123, 1131, 1135, 1137, 1142, 1143, 1144, 1150, 1490, 1491, 1518, 1523, 1524, 1541, 1571–1572, 1579–1580, 1583
- Pope Pius XII, 1098
- Popiel, Karol, 1108, 1112, 1130
- Port Arthur. See China: Manchuria.
- Portal, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Charles, 13, 18, 35, 48–50, 82, 84, 112, 114, 161, 201, 292, 319, 339, 344, 353, 375, 1181–1182, 1513, 1575
- Portugal: German assets in Portugal, 956, 958, 959; miscellaneous, 83, 125–126, 134–135, 148, 159, 166, 326; participation in war against Japan, 65–66, 83, 1349–1360, 1466, 1471–1472
- Post-Conference memoranda by Bohlen regarding Truman–Stalin conversations, 1582–1588
- Post-Conference memorandum on disposition of questions discussed at Conference, 602–606
- Potrubach, M. M., 295
- “Potsdam Declaration”. See Japan: Proclamation.
- Potter, Charles J., 1025, 1026
- Press, arrangements for at Berlin Conference, 8, 88, 94–95
- Press, freedom of:
- Balkans, question of admission of foreign correspondents and freedom of communications and information: Discussions and proposals, 150–155, 159, 165, 193–194, 196, 223, 228–232, 260, 269–270, 370, 380, 394, 417–418, 480, 518, 535, 556–557, 564, 566, 575–576, 582–583, 604–605, 630, 644–645, 646–647, 648–649, 711, 727, 737; Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1458, 1492–1493, 1510
- Finland, admission of foreign correspondents and radio representatives, 370, 480, 564, 605, 630, 737, 1458, 1492–1493, 1510
- Germany, 75, 751, 786, 1483, 1504
- Greece, 150–155 passim, 648, 1046, 1068
- Poland. See under Poland.
- Prisoners of war: Germany, 765–766; repatriation of alleged Soviet nationals (British prisoner of war camp in Italy), 247, 259–260, 367–368, 374, 604, 1162–1166, 1600
- Prodanović, Jaša, 1210
- Protocol of Proceedings: Discussions concerning preparation of, 400–401, 403, 419–420, 548–554, 564, 574, 584, 595–596, 597–599, 1477–1478; meeting of Protocol Subcommittee, 419–420; text, 1478–1498
- Prussia, 759, 769, 770
- Pushkin, G. M., 644
- Pyron, Brig. Gen. Walter B., 1381, 1382
- Quebec Conferences (1943 and 1944), 341, 1181
- Quislings, 422–423, 424
- Raczkiewicz, Władysław, 91, 92, 96
- Raczynski, Count Edward, 1133–1134
- Radio. See Poland: Press; and Press, freedom of.
- Rajchman, Ludwik, 455, 478–479, 1532
- Rákosi, Mátyas, 693
- Rankin, Lt. Col. J. T., 1113
- Reams, R. Borden, 684
- Reber, Samuel, 624–625, 687–688, 692, 727, 746, 1075, 1100, 1102
- Red Army, 93, 209, 248, 254, 265, 479, 673, 676, 745, 1128, 1142, 1152, 1237–1238
- Redecker, Sydney B., 763
- Reed, Capt. Arthur D., 902
- Reinstein, Jacques J., 1087, 1090, 1119
- Relief and rehabilitation:
- Coal. See under Germany and Poland.
- Economic matters. See under Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Rumania, and Soviet Union.
- Food. See under Austria and Germany.
- Rehabilitation of Germany, general, 753–757, 808–809
- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), 299, 404, 434, 442, 457, 663, 830, 1035n, 1050, 1056, 1064, 1089–1090, 1102, 1180, 1181, 1184, 1379, 1525, 1526
- Renner, Karl, 311, 317, 368, 374, 661, 662
- Renner government in Austria. See Austria: Provisional government.
- Reparations. See under Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Rumania, and Yugoslavia.
- Reparations Commission (Allied). See under Germany.
- Repatriation. See under Poland and Soviet Union.
- Restitution. See under Austria and Germany; also Poland: Reparations and restitution.
- Rhee, Syngman, 635
- Rhine River, free use of. See European questions: Inland waterways.
- Rhineland. See Germany: Rhineland and Ruhr.
- Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 537, 984, 985
- Riddleberger, James W., 285, 291, 301, 398, 400, 402, 453–454, 658, 671, 785n, 786n, 811
- Ridley, Maj. Gen. Clarence S., 1394, 1395, 1396
- Rigdon, Lt. William M., 3, 5, 7, 9, 20, 25
- Riggs, Col. Theodore S., 64, 99, 139, 197, 271
- Rogozhin, Col. A. I., 684
- Rokossovsky, Marshal of the Soviet Union K. K., 1529
- Rola-Żymierski, Marshal Michał, 19n, 322, 356, 1529
- Romagna, Jack, 25
- Ronald, Nigel, 1158, 1162
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 4, 45n, 54, 60, 80, 129n, 142, 152, 170, 179, 191, 251, 263, 264, 341, 384, 428, 429, 438, 439, 482, 595, 631n, 642, 659, 801, 1107, 1171n, 1174, 1203, 1204, 1223, 1223n, 1239, 1240, 1247, 1323n, 1371, 1377, 1390, 1421n, 1557–1558; Protocol of Yalta Conference, 1567–1581
- Rosato, CWO Frank J., 15
- Rosenberg, Alfred, 537
- Rosenman, Samuel I., 21, 25, 840, 841, 987–988
- Rosenson, Alexander M., 855
- Ross, Charles G., 4, 7, 9, 14, 25, 1442, 1499n
- Ross, Capt. John B., 20, 23, 24
- Rowan, Leslie, 23, 509
- Royen, Jan Herman van, 1346–1347
- Rubin, Seymour J., 749, 870–872, 901, 952, 953, 968–969
- Rueff, Jacques, 1553
- Ruhr. See under Germany.
- Rumania:
- Allied Control Commission, revision of procedure with regard to status of British and U. S. representatives (see also Armistice, infra): Discussions concerning, 150–155, 228–230, 241, 245, 260, 324, 394, 418, 524–525, 537, 540, 554–556, 564, 566, 575, 582, 593, 604–605; Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1458–1459, 1494–1495, 1511; Soviet proposals and policy, 691–692, 733, 736–737; U. S. position and consideration of Soviet proposal, 645–646, 647, 686–687, 690–692, 697, 701–702, 709–711, 715–716, 716, 719–720, 721, 726–727, 728, 732
- Allied property (American and British), use for satellite reparations and war booty. See Reparations, infra.
- American property rights and interests, relation to reparations and Soviet economic policy, 573n, 739, 741–742
- Armistice agreement (Sept. 12, 1944), revision of, 169, 645, 699, 710–711, 726–727, 742–743, 746; cited, 67n, 698, 710, 742, 743, 746, 952
- Communist influence and Party activities (see also Government, infra), 326–327, 647–648, 696–697, 699–701, 714–715, 736
- Danube commission, Rumanian participation, 656
- Diplomatic relations, discussions concerning establishment of (see also Government and Peace treaty, infra; also United Nations Organization: Admission of Bulgaria, etc.), 172–173, 195, 216, 231, 326–328, 370–372, 529–530, 589–590, 598–599; Soviet proposal, 698–699
- Economic agreement with Soviet Union, U. S. views, 737–738, 741
- Elections, question of Allied supervision of, 150–155, 159, 165–166, 177, 228–232, 245, 260, 394, 604–605, 644, 646, 647–648, 700, 714–715, 736
- German assets in Rumania: Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1454, 1486–1487, 1506; Soviet claims, 567–568, 579, 710, 727, 949, 951–952, 953, 955
- Government:
- Groza government, 701, 714
- National Peasant Party, 647, 699–700, 714–715
- NDF (National Democratic Front), 647, 696–697, 699–701, 714
- Reorganization of minority government prior to establishment of diplomatic relations and conclusion of peace treaty: Discussions concerning, 207, 216, 222, 231, 260, 326–327, 370–372, 394–395; U. S. position and reports, 644, 645–646, 687, 699–701, 714–715
- Oil (see also Soviet removal, infra), 645, 696, 710, 737–738, 740, 741, 1378–1388 passim
- Peace treaty, conclusion of (see also United Nations Organization: Admission of Bulgaria, etc.; and under Council of Foreign Ministers: Functions, etc.), Protocol and Communiqué, sections concerning, 1457–1458, 1492–1493, 1509–1510
- Press. See Press: Balkans.
- Reparations:
- Soviet demands, 710, 727, 949, 950, 951–952, 953, 955
- Use of Allied property for payment of: Discussions of U. S. proposal, and acceptance in principle, 541, 545–546, 563, 565, 573, 573n, 576–577, 583–584, 587, 597, 599, 605, 710, 744–745; Protocol, section concerning, 1497–1498; U. S. and British protests, and Soviet attitude, 737–746
- Restrictions on U. S. and British officials, 359, 362–363, 371, 728
- Rumanian external assets, 747–749
- Rumanian ships, Soviet acquisition, 120, 132, 978
- Soviet removal of British and American property (oil equipment):
- Soviet troops in Rumania, 710, 727
- United Nations, admission to. See United Nations Organization: Admission of Bulgaria, etc.
- War booty. See Reparations and Soviet removal, etc., supra.
- Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe. See Declaration under Yalta.
- Rusk, Col. Howard A., 15, 16, 20
- Russell, Donald, 15, 25, 185, 226, 232, 241, 268n, 276, 322, 380n, 398, 400, 402, 417n, 492, 502, 509, 546, 556, 573n, 930, 931, 932, 933n, 1227–1228
- Russia (see also
Soviet Union):
- Manchuria, Russian interest. See Manchuria and Treaties and agreements under China.
- Mongolia, Russian interest. See Outer Mongolia and Treaties and agreements under China.
- Turkish Straits, Russian interest. See Turkey: Straits question.
- Rzymowski, Wincenty, 19n, 322, 333–334, 356, 403, 1140, 1519, 1520, 1525, 1529
- S–1 bomb. See Atomic bomb.
- Saar, 211, 218
- Saburov, M. Z., 942, 964, 1514
- Sadr, Mohsen, 1389, 1390n, 1390–1391
- Safehaven, 959
- Sa’id-Maraghah’i, Mohammad, 1389
- Saito. See Sato, Naotake.
- Saka, Hasan, 1426
- Saksin, G. F., 138n, 321, 407, 679n, 1004, 1011, 1023
- Salazar, António de Oliveira, 1350–1351, 1354–1357, 1360
- San Francisco Conference. See United Nations Conference on International Organization.
- Saracoğlu, Şükrü, 1437n, 1437–1438
- Sargent, Sir Orme, 1112–1113, 1130
- Sarper, Selim, 256n, 257, 266–267
- Sato, Naotake, 44, 87, 460, 467, 1250–1257, 1259, 1260, 1262–1264, 1291–1292, 1294–1298, 1298n, 1587
- Satterthwaite, Livingston, 1188
- Saudi Arabia, 306
- Saugstad, Jesse E., 1116
- Saunders-Jacobs, Brig. J. C., 1070
- Sawyer, Charles, 7
- Schacht, Hjalmar, 985
- Schade, Commodore Henry A., 23
- Scheibe, Dr., 909
- Schermerhorn, Willem, 1346–1347
- Schoenfeld, H. F. Arthur, 644–645, 688, 693–694, 696, 718–719, 721–722
- Schuyler, Brig. Gen. Cortland T. Van R., 362n, 686–687, 690, 697, 701, 710, 709–711, 715–716, 721, 726–727, 728, 742–743, 746
- Schwarzkopf, Lt. Col. H. Norman, 1394, 1395, 1396
- Scobie, Lt. Gen. Sir Ronald, 1064
- Semenov, V. S., 76, 399, 400
- Sepahbodi, Anoshiravan, 1390n, 1390
- Sextant, 375
- Seymour, Sir Horace, 616n, 618, 619
- Sforza, Count Carlo, 170, 179
- SHAEF, 386, 762, 764, 802, 816, 1379
- Shantz, Harold, 1066n, 1067, 1209–1212, 1219–1220
- Shell Oil Co., 130
- Sherman, Lt. C. D., 8
- Shinwell, Emanuel, 1404
- Shipping. See under Germany, Japan, and United Kingdom; see also Italy: Italian Fleet.
- Shipping “Agreement on Principles”, Aug. 5, 1944, cited, 1196–1197, 1472–1473
- Shmega, 1036
- Siberia, 200–201, 351–352, 409–410, 414, 1242–1243, 1325–1327, 1329, 1463, 1466
- Siemens, 906, 909, 910
- Sikorski, Gen. of the Armies Władysław, 216
- Silesia. See under Poland.
- Sinclair, Sir Robert, 1184n
- Sinkiang, 45, 1235–1237, 1585–1586
- Skoropadskv (Skoropadski), Gen. Pavlo, 1036
- Slavin, Lt. Gen. N. V., 344, 408
- Slipchenko, 684
- Smith, Merriman, 26
- Snyder, John W., 4, 28
- Sobolev, A. A., 16, 52, 66, 70, 88, 116, 137, 141, 144, 164, 185, 203, 226, 232, 241, 244,