740.00119 EW/7–2545

No. 1056
The Secretary of the Soviet Delegation (Novikov) to the Assistant Secretary of State (Dunn)


Dear Mr. Dunn: Under instructions of Peoples’ Commissar of Foreign Affairs, V. M. Molotov, I enclose herewith an aide-mémoire on the question of the non-application of the unconditional surrender regime toward German troops in Norway.

I would appreciate it if you would acknowledge receipt of this letter.

Sincerely yours,

K Novikov


The Soviet Government has received information that with relation to German troops on Norwegian territory, the unconditional surrender regime provided for in the military capitulation of Germany, signed in Berlin on May 8, 19451 is not being applied in full. It is stated that the German troops located in the region between the cities of Mo and Trondheim, amounting to 260,000 men, and in the region of Tromsö, 140,000 men, are holding on to their arms and military “technique” (this probably means light military equipment).2 The personnel of these troops have not been interned and they have full freedom of movement. The Soviet Government considers it necessary to draw to the attention of the Government of the United States of America and the British Government this information, since the Supreme Allied Control with respect to the surrendered troops on Norwegian territory is effected by the Allied Command.

  1. Executive Agreement Series No. 502; 59 Stat. (2) 1857.
  2. The words in parentheses are apparently a note by the translator.