740.00119 (Potsdam)/8–845

No. 1087
Memorandum by the Executive Secretary of the Central Secretariat (Yost)1
top secret

Berlin Conference


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Differences between Yugoslavia and Greece were discussed at various times during the Conference, the Soviets accusing the Greeks of aggressive designs against Yugoslavia and the British maintaining that the Belgrade and Moscow radios were circulating fantastic and unfounded stories to this effect. The British presented a proposal for a joint injunction to the Yugoslav and Greek Governments to [Page 1078] avoid hostile action pending an impartial investigation3 but, when the Soviets responded by introducing two proposals directed against Greece,4 all three were withdrawn and no action was taken.

  1. Printed from an unsigned carbon copy. For the minutes of the discussions summarized in this memorandum, see ante, pp. 116, 152154, 525.
  2. For the other paragraph of this memorandum, see document No. 1205.
  3. The British proposal referred to is apparently document No. 1083, although that paper did not refer to an impartial investigation of Yugoslav-Greek differences. During the course of the Conference, however, the United States proposed through normal diplomatic channels the appointment of an investigating commission (see document No. 1084).
  4. The two Soviet proposals referred to are apparently documents Nos. 1211 and 1423. See ante, pp. 525 (footnote 46), 537.