References are to document numbers
- Aaron, David L.:
- AID study on foreign economic assistance, 197
- As human rights PRM review chair, 45
- Assessment of accomplishments in human rights, 102
- Human rights vs. other policy interests, 100
- Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance, 41
- NSC and human rights policy, 203
- OPIC, 153
- PRM drafts, 69
- PRM on UN human rights intstruments, 165
- Soviet bloc role in rights-violating countries, 191
- Special Coordinating Committee Working Group on human rights, 32
- Targeting aid to respectors of human rights, 95
- World Food Council meetings, 214
- World Hunger Working Group, 227
- Abortion, 62, 118, 287, 349
- Abourezk, James, 62
- Abu Dhabi, 336
- ACTION, 306, 314
- Action memoranda (see also Human rights):
- Carter’s UNGA address, 291
- Disaster relief, 290
- Human rights:
- Assessment of policy on, 105
- CCC and, 78
- Congressional amendments on, 33
- Human Rights Coordinating Group, 14, 15
- In the IFIs, 40, 55, 71, 179
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom (Mar. 1978), 126, 130, 133, 134
- Iranian UNGA Resolution on, 94
- Presidential talks on, 77
- Reports on, 84, 108, 147
- Vance meeting with Congressional human rights leaders (proposal), 13
- P.L. 480, 86, 88, 169
- Ad Hoc Committee on Torture, 73, 87
- Ad Hoc Executive Office Working Group on World Hunger (see also World Hunger Working Group), 219, 227, 242
- Ad Hoc Interagency Group on Human Rights, 73
- Ad Hoc Working Group on the Status of Women, 325
- Adams, Alvin, 260
- Affirmative reaction, 29
- Affluence, 209
- Afghanistan:
- Action plans for, 183
- AID-supported conferences in, 58
- Alma Ata Conference of Primary Health Care, 317
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- As scheduled for P.L. 480 aid in FY 1978, 90
- Human rights reports for, 167, 203
- Human rights situation in, 172
- Refugees from, 264
- Soviet invasion of, 203, 264, 265
- U.S. démarches on loans to, 71
- U.S. food aid to, 274
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 196
- U.S. opposition to IFI loans to, 202
- Africa:
- Chinese People’s Republic role in rights-violating countries in, 192
- Development assistance to, 328
- Famine in, 274, 275, 276
- Food aid to, 259, 276
- Grain consumption in, 218
- Health as issue in, 295
- Human rights commission for, 125
- Human rights vs. other policy interests in, 105
- Legal services in, 58, 140, 205
- P.L. 480 aid to, 259, 276
- Soviet bloc role in rights-violating countries in, 191, 192
- Tsetse fly as obstacle to cultivation in, 245
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 25, 42, 196
- USIS programming in, 60
- African Development Bank (AFDB), 345
- African Development Fund (ADF), 1, 20, 29, 73, 179
- African Human Rights Commission, 54
- African Regional Health Strategy Group, 315
- Age discrimination, 28
- Agency for International Development (AID):
- African famine aid, 276
- Agricultural development, 236, 277
- Assessment of human rights conditions abroad, 147
- Badillo Amendment, 33
- Budget for, 87, 124, 140, 145, 263, 266, 338
- Bureau of Technical Assistance, 288
- Chile’s cancellation of U.S. aid programs, 105
- Clean water supply assistance, 296, 330
- Conferences supported by, 58
- Creation of, 81, 263
- Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation, 316, 319, 332
- Deferral of projects by, 132
- Diplomacy as defined by, 303
- Disaster relief, 75
- Family planning, 307, 308
- Film and Television Service (IMV), 60
- Funding pressures on, 314
- Global 2000 Study and Report, 337, 348
- Human Rights Coordinating Group, 60
- IAHRC cooperation with, 58
- Increasing efficiency in, 328
- Interagency coordination on human rights, 29
- Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance, 29, 31, 41, 58, 183
- International health initiatives, 311
- International health policy review, 304, 305, 306
- Judicial cadre training program in Rwanda, 141
- Lack of human rights-focused projects in, 141
- Membership in DCC of, 315
- New Initiatives in Human Rights program, 29, 53, 58
- Office for Private Humanitarian Assistance, 306
- OMB budget cuts for, 171
- P.L. 480, 86, 90, 169
- Population policy, U.S., 284, 287, 297, 307
- Press and Publications Service (IPS), 60
- Primary health care as a focus of, 349
- Programs administered by, 207
- Reorganization of, 240
- Role in PRMs of, 58
- Science and technology transfer, 253
- Scientific research in, 245
- Status of women and children, 323, 325, 336
- Study on foreign economic assistance by, 197, 219, 223
- Study Group for International Food Corps, 247
- Task Force on International Health (proposal), 283, 285
- UN Water Conference, 278
- “Use of Economic and Food Assistance to Improve Human Rights Conditions,”; 58
- U.S.-Soviet health cooperation in LDCs, 286
- Women’s rights program of, 53, 58
- World hunger as focus of, 273
- World hunger initiatives, 219
- World Hunger Working Group, 230
- Worldwide Population Officers Conference, 307
- Agriculture (see also Food; International
Fund for Agriculture Development)
- AID funding of development in, 236, 277
- Cultivation of fertile new land, 245
- Directions for policy on, 298
- Executive branch organization for, 305
- Expanding food production, 328
- Grain production, 207, 218
- In LDCs, 245, 262
- In semi-arid areas, 253
- Land conservation for, 347
- Multilateral aid for development in, 250
- P.L. 480 as help to, 23, 58
- Population growth and, 280
- Reduction of energy components in, 236
- Research in, 245
- Science and technology transfer, 223, 234, 236, 253
- Soil degradation from, 337
- Wheat set-asides, 225, 245
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of:
- African famine aid, 276
- Domestic food assistance, 263
- Food Policy Group, 315
- Food policy role of, 223, 229
- Foreign food assistance study by, 216
- Global 2000 Study, 337
- Interagency Working Group on Food and Agriculture Policy, Establishment of, 224
- Intermediate credit program of, 223
- International Food and Agriculture Assessment, 223, 227
- International health policy review, 305
- Membership in DCC of, 315
- PCWH as seen by, 254
- P.L. 480:
- Presidential Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, 343, 346
- Promotion of U.S. food exports, 223
- Scientific research in, 245
- Study Group for International Food Corps, 247
- World Food Program, 235
- World Hunger Working Group, 230
- AIDSAT Satellite Program, 278
- Air pollution, 337
- Airplane hijackers, 73
- Albert, Eddy, 249
- Albright, Madeleine, 161, 167, 170, 177, 203, 204
- Aldrich, George H., 28
- Algeria, 59, 60, 63, 184, 317
- Allara, Gualter O., 158
- Allen, James B., 92
- Allende, Salvador, 105, 158
- Alliance for Progress, 253
- Allis-Chalmers, 158
- Alma Ata Conference of Primary Health Care, 317, 328, 333, 349
- Alma Ata Declaration, 317
- American Association for the Advancement of Science, 187
- American Association of Publishers, 187
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 60
- American Convention on Human Rights, 122
- American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, 113
- American Foreign Service Association (AFSA), 101
- American Indians, 125, 184
- American Jewish Committee, 187
- American Society for International Law, 58
- Amin, Idi, 42, 155, 188, 191
- Amnesty International:
- Andean Pact, 205
- Anderson, David, 157, 248
- Anderson, Edwin M., 7
- Andes Mountains, 234, 236
- Andrew, Robert, 299, 313
- Andrews, Wallace, 289
- Andrus, Cecil D., 343
- Angarola, Robert, 335
- Angola, 104, 145
- Antarctica, 290
- Anti-Apartheid conference (Lagos, 1977), 63
- Antonson, Kika Mogaard, 334
- Apartheid, 63, 155, 310, 342
- Appropriate technology, 290
- Aquino, Benigno, 100, 104
- Arab states:
- Aragon, Joe, 170
- Area Handbooks, 307
- Arellano, Richard G., 108
- Argentina:
- Action plans for, 183
- As considered for development or security assistance, 95
- Delay in votes on loans to, 53, 54, 139
- Disappeared persons, 184
- Export-Import Bank credits, 105
- Food assistance from, 245
- Food production trends in, 312
- Human rights improvements in, 66, 87
- Human rights reports for, 17, 75, 203
- Human rights violations in, 104
- IBRD railway loans to, 179
- IDB loans, 105
- Political prisoners in, 66
- Refugees from, 6
- Torture in, 104
- UN resolutions on, 162
- UNCHR investigations of, 181
- United States, relations with, 200
- U.S. human rights actions in, 87
- U.S. human rights policy, 206
- U.S. military aid to:
- U.S. policy for UN discussions on, 155
- U.S. votes on IFI loans to:
- USIS speakers requested in, 60
- Argentine Physics Society, 96
- Armacost, Michael H.:
- Armed conflict, 310
- Armenia, 104
- Armenian genocide, 182, 184
- Armenian National Committee, 182
- Armenian Rights Council, 182
- Arms control, 20, 54
- Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA), 81, 114
- Arms expenditures, 248
- Arms Export Control Board (see also Security assistance), 49, 53, 65, 73, 87, 105, 144, 194, 195
- Arms transfers, 26, 53, 54, 87, 206
- Armstrong, Scott, 105
- Arsenic, 290
- Arthur, Lawrence L., 194
- Asad, Hafez al-, 24, 284
- Asia:
- Asia Foundation, 58
- Asian Development Bank, 139, 145, 345
- Asian Development Fund, 20
- Assistant to the President for Public Liaison, Office of, 219
- Asylum, 6, 29, 54, 187, 200, 206
- Atherton, Alfred, 1, 84, 259, 301, 306
- Atkinson, Richard C., 282
- Atlas, Liane, 282, 289
- Atwood, J. Brian, 196
- Australia:
- Austria, 91, 182, 340
- Averch, Harvey A., 289
- Aaron, David L.:
- Badillo, Herman, 33
- Baer, Bernice, 325, 327, 336
- Bahrain, 91
- Baker, John A., 8, 22, 26, 28, 57
- Balance of payments, 275
- Baldwin, Roger, 170
- Bali, 308
- Bandaranaike, Sirimavo R. D., 104
- Bangladesh:
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- As country of concern for rights violations, 88
- Balance-of-payments problems, 275
- Family planning in, 307, 308, 345
- Human rights country report on, 129
- Human rights improvement in, 172
- Malnutrition in, 213, 245
- P.L. 480, 90, 93, 103, 105, 169
- Political prisoners released in, 100, 104, 105
- Population issues in, 331
- Poverty in, 328
- U.S. population assistance to, 287
- Banzer, Hugo, 87
- Barbados, 87, 104
- Barbash, Fred, 315
- Barney, Gerald, 337
- Barry, Robert L., 116, 215
- Bartholomew, Reginald H., 102, 119, 142, 150, 166, 167
- Base closures, 42, 105
- Basic Human Needs (BHN), 214, 215, 236, 297
- Bastian, Walter M., Jr., 7
- Baum, Samuel, 289
- Beckel, Robert G., 265
- Becker, Mary L., 325, 336
- Begin, Aliza, 203
- Beilenson, Anthony, 242
- Belgium, 91, 139, 310, 336, 340
- Belgrade Conference (1977), 22, 24, 42, 60, 87, 95, 105, 188, 217
- Bell, David, 246
- Bell, Griffin, 13, 46, 73, 113, 119, 170, 203
- Bell, Peter, 315
- Bellmon, Henry, 92, 242
- Bellow, Saul, 60
- Benedick, Richard, 318, 321, 329, 331, 336, 338, 339, 348, 349
- Benin:
- Bennet, Douglas J., Jr., 20, 35, 56, 197
- Badillo Amendment, 33
- Carter’s meetings with Congressional leaders on foreign assistance, 23
- Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation, 332, 335
- Derian’s confirmation hearings, 29
- Fraser Amendments, 136
- Human rights action memoranda, 126
- Human rights evaluation reports, 84
- Human rights policy, U.S., 62, 101, 147
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom (Mar. 1978), 126, 134
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (proposal), 227
- World hunger initiatives, 238
- Bennett, Frank, 108, 130
- Benson, Lucy Wilson, 34, 84, 105, 234, 315
- As Arms Export Control Board chair, 87
- Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation, 316, 319, 332
- Fraser talks on security assistance with, 11, 13
- Human rights strategy papers, 124
- International health policy, 288, 302, 304, 306, 314
- Population/food problems, 320
- Population policy, U.S., 287, 321
- World hunger initiatives, 302
- Bente, Paul F., Jr., 282, 289
- Bereuter, Doug, 255
- Bergland, Robert S., 93, 343
- African famine aid, 275
- Carter’s meetings with Congressional leaders on foreign assistance, 23
- Food and Agriculture Policy Working Group, 230
- Food Aid Convention, 243
- Interagency Working Group on Food and Agriculture Policy, 224
- Manila meeting of WFC, 214, 216, 221
- National nutrition-based food policy, need for, 254
- P.L. 480 budget, 259
- Population growth, 282
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger, 244, 272, 273
- Price support loans, 225
- Speech at FAO conference, 252
- USDA role in U.S. food policy, 223, 229
- Washington Conference on Food and Agricultural Assistance (proposal), 220
- Wheat reserves, 260
- World Hunger Working Group, 231
- Bergsten, C. Fred, 7, 33, 35
- Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 104
- Bilateral loans, 105
- Bill of Rights Day, 99, 176, 178
- Binder, David, 42, 157, 173
- Bingham, Jonathan B., 108
- Birnbaum, Philip, 7, 22
- Birth control, 307, 309, 345
- Birth rates, 287, 307
- Blackwill, Robert D., 203
- Blaney, Harry C.:
- Bleakley, Kenneth W., 325, 327, 336
- Blindness, 306, 309, 311, 313, 314
- Bloomfield, Lincoln P., 166, 198, 201
- Blumenthal, W. Michael, 139, 230, 281, 283
- Carter’s meetings with Congressional leaders on foreign assistance, 23
- IBRD consideration of human rights, 59
- Interagency group on human rights and foreign assistance, 31
- International financial institutions, 40, 53, 124
- International health policy, U.S., 293, 306
- Message from Christopher, 40
- Population growth, 282
- PRM on U.S. human rights policy, 46, 73
- U.S.–UK cooperation on human rights, 156
- World Hunger Working Group, 231
- B’nai B’rith, 29, 113, 187
- Board of the Foreign Service, 5
- Boat people, 162
- Boeing Aircraft, 158
- Boeker, Paul H., 210, 215
- Boerner, Michael P., 108, 252
- Boettcher, Robert, 11
- Bokassa, Emperor, 205
- Bolivia:
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- Elections in, 105
- Family planning in, 307
- Human rights in, 87, 102, 129
- Increases in AID funding levels for, 140
- Political prisoners in, 87
- Refugees from, 6
- UNCHR scrutiny of, 125
- U.S. human rights policy in, 206
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 42
- Bond, Stephen, 94
- Bonker, Don, 185
- Borg, C. Arthur, 5, 12, 15, 24
- Borlaug, Norman, 251, 253
- Bosworth, Stephen W., 221
- Botswana, 60, 91, 95, 140, 141
- Bourne, Peter G., 235, 243, 316
- Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation, 332
- Education, 302
- Executive branch organization for international health and agriculture, 305
- FAO, 245
- Food, 212
- Human Rights proposal, 16, 21
- Interagency Working Group on Food and Agriculture Policy, 224
- International Health Initiative, 279, 309, 311, 313
- International health policy, U.S.:
- Letter from Freeman, 231, 237
- Meetings with Carter, 292
- P.L. 480 Title III purchase guarantees, 222
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (PCWH):
- Resignation of, 251, 315
- Task Force on International Health (proposal), 281, 283, 285
- USDA role in U.S. food policy, 223, 229
- U.S.-Soviet health cooperation in LDCs, 286, 288
- Washington Conference on Food and Agricultural Assistance (proposal), 213, 220
- World Health Strategy Group, 314
- World Hunger Campaign, 234
- World hunger initiatives, 219, 220, 222, 226, 242, 298, 302
- World hunger meeting, 212, 217, 220, 223
- World Hunger Working Group:
- Bova, Michele, 86, 140, 156, 169, 171, 183, 323
- Bowdler, William G., 147, 194, 195, 203
- Bowie, Barbara, 183
- Boycotts, 210
- Boyle, John A., 247
- Brandt, Willy, 274
- Brandt Commission, 274, 277, 346
- Bray, Charles, 8, 60, 89
- Brazil:
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- Export credits to, 40
- Family planning in, 308, 345
- Global 2000 Report, 348
- Human rights improvements in, 105, 172
- Human rights reports, 17, 61, 167
- Increased influence of, 209
- Malnutrition in, 234, 236
- Nuclear weapons development by, 42, 105
- OPIC activities in, 108
- UNCHR complaints on, 181
- United States, relations with, 43
- U.S. démarches on loans to, 71
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 25, 42, 196
- U.S. military aid to, 38, 62, 145
- U.S. population assistance to, 287
- USIS speakers requested in, 60
- Breastfeeding, 308, 349
- Brement, Marshall, 166, 203
- Bremer, Paul L., 339
- Brewin, Roger C., 253, 262
- Brewster, Robert C., 301
- Brezhnev, Leonid I., 42, 186
- Brizill, Dorothy A., 288, 299
- Bronheim, David, 269
- Brookings Institution, 216, 219, 226, 227
- Brooks, D. W., 246, 251
- Brown, Frederick, 26
- Brown, Garry E., 132
- Brown, Gen. George S., 62, 113, 119, 139
- Brown, Harold, 31, 70, 139, 301, 343
- Brown, Leslie, 70, 156
- Brown, Sam, 247, 301, 306
- Brown, Warren, 272
- Bryant, Cornelia, 331
- Bryant, John, 313, 317, 335
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew K.:
- American Convention on Human Rights, 38, 47, 161
- Argentina, 66
- Badillo Amendment, 33, 37
- Carter human rights speech proposal, 77
- Carter letter to Sakharov, 18
- Carter meeting with the Pope, 274
- Carter meeting with Vance and Derian, 174, 175
- East Africa food shortages, 275
- Food Aid Convention, 243, 271
- Foreign economic assistance, 297
- G–7 Summit, 24
- Gambia, The, 42
- Genocide Treaty, 57, 178, 204
- Global 2000 Study, 337
- Guidelines on U.S. human rights policy, 3, 4
- Human rights:
- Actions on, 38, 76
- Argentine improvements in, 66
- Carter speech on, 173
- CIA memoranda on, 42
- Congressional-executive relations over, 160
- Interdepartmental meetings on, 7, 22
- NSC meetings on, 110
- Other policy interests vs., 100
- Possible initiatives for, 80
- Presidential Directives on, 95, 96, 105, 113, 119, 175, 177
- Ratification of UN covenants on, 16, 38, 118, 178
- Human Rights Agency proposal, 82, 85
- Human Rights Foundation proposal, 80, 96, 97, 107, 112, 113, 114, 117, 121
- Human rights policy, U.S.:
- Human rights reports, 88, 93, 143, 167, 180, 185, 203
- Human Rights Week speech proposal, 89
- IDCA Development policy statement, 328
- IFI Authorization Bill, 33, 36, 37
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom, 126, 142
- Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance, 31
- International Health Initiative, 279, 301
- International program uses of excess grain, 265
- Memo on human rights issues in Global Issues Cluster, 188
- Olympic Games in Moscow, 166
- OPIC, 150, 151, 152, 160
- P.L. 480, 88, 93, 100, 259
- Political prisoners, 105
- Population growth, 282, 307
- Population policy, U.S., 307, 308, 326
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (PCWH), 239, 242, 244, 246, 248, 263, 272
- Presidential Decision Memoranda, 98, 105
- Resolution on creating UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 120
- Soviet role in African rights-violating countries, 191, 192
- Special Coordinating Committee Working Group on Human Rights, 32
- Targeting aid to countries respecting human rights, 95, 96
- Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, 343
- Ten goals for foreign policy, 43
- Thirtieth Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 176
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 47
- UN charges of U.S. civil rights violations, 163, 165
- UN Water Conference, 278
- UNCHR establishment, proposal for, 16
- U.S.-Soviet health cooperation in LDCs, 286
- War on Hunger, 268
- World Conference for the Decade on Women, 342
- World Food Council meetings, 214
- World Food Program, 235, 266
- World hunger initiatives, 212, 213, 217, 219, 226, 227, 239
- World hunger meetings, 212, 217, 220, 223, 242
- World Hunger Working Group, 227, 230, 231, 241
- Buchanan, John Hall, Jr., 4, 125
- Buergenthal, Tom, 87
- Bukovsky, Vladimir, 19, 38
- Bulgaria, 184, 310
- Bulletin (Department of State), 320
- Bunche, Ralph, 60
- Buncher, Judith F., 169
- Burkina Faso. See Upper Volta
- Burma, 91, 295
- Burundi, 91, 181
- Bushnell, John A., 129, 147, 179, 190
- Butcher, Goler, 4, 247
- Butler, Malcolm, 58, 86
- Butler, William, 178
- Byelorussia, 310
- Byrnes, Paul J., 211, 221, 247, 248
- Cabinet Level Committee on Food and Agriculture Policy, 230
- Cable, Bill, 242
- Cadmium, 290
- Cahill, Jacklyn, 9, 12, 13
- Califano, Joseph, 230, 281, 283
- Calingaert, Michael, 258, 260
- Callable capital, 23
- Callaghan, James, 42
- Cambodia:
- Human rights violations in, 80, 104, 160, 172, 184
- OPIC, 150
- P.L. 480 aid to, 261
- Refugees from, 6, 170, 261, 328
- Starvation in, 261, 263, 265, 266
- UNCHR resolution on, 125, 162, 184
- U.S. human rights policy in, 206
- U.S. policy for UN discussions on, 155
- U.S. vote in IFIs against aid to, 62
- World Conference for the Decade on Women, 342
- Cameroon, 42, 91, 95, 192
- Camp David Accords, 342
- Canada:
- African famine aid, 276
- Alma Ata Conference of Primary Health Care, 317
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- Food assistance from, 222, 245
- Food pricing policies in, 218
- Food production trends in, 312
- Haitian asylum seekers, 6
- Human rights approach of, 24
- Human rights and IFIs, 73, 179
- Population assistance from, 345
- Public education on problems of LDCs, 263
- Signing of CEDAW by, 340
- UN Water Conference, 278
- UNCHR resolutions by, 125, 184
- UNGA disappeared persons resolution, 181
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 42, 139
- U.S. human rights policy in, 73
- World Conference for the Decade on Women, 342
- Canal Cities Water and Sanitation Project (Egypt), 296
- Canal Zone, 29
- Cancer, 286, 305
- Canner, Stephen J., 179
- Cape Verde, 91
- Capital punishment, 118
- Carbon dioxide, 337
- CARE, 273, 308
- Caribbean Basin, 47, 59, 87, 277, 328
- Carmody, John, 60
- Carpenter, David, 104, 147
- Carter, Amy, 47, 328
- Carter, Chip, 212, 213, 217, 219, 242
- Carter, Hodding, 59, 203
- Carter, James Earl:
- African famine aid, 274, 275
- American Convention on Human Rights, 38, 47, 73
- Argentina, 66
- Badillo Amendment, 33, 35, 36
- Briefing Paper for Vatican visit, 274
- Cambodia, 160, 261, 266
- CIA human rights memorandum, 25
- Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 16, 26, 28, 178
- Criticism of gross violators of human rights by, 80
- East African food shortages, 275
- Food Aid Convention, 243, 267, 271
- Food for Peace Program, 265
- Food initiative proposal for Venice economic summit, 264, 269
- Food policy role of USDA, 223, 229
- Food reserves, 265, 271
- Foreign economic assistance, 207
- Genocide Treaty, 9, 16, 26, 28, 53, 57, 76, 80, 96, 97, 178, 199, 204
- Global 2000 Study, 337, 344, 347
- Human rights:
- Human Rights Agency proposal, 85
- Human Rights Foundation proposal, 96, 113, 114, 121
- Human rights policy, U.S.:
- Human Rights Week, 99
- IDCA Development policy statement, 328
- IFI Authorization Bill, 35, 36, 37
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom, 142
- Interagency Working Group on Food and Agriculture Policy, 224
- International Development and Food Assistance Act (1977), 58, 91
- International health, 21, 292, 293
- International Health Initiative, 309, 311, 313, 314
- International health policy review, 293, 294, 306
- International program uses of excess grain, 265
- Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 7
- Leadership in War on Hunger, 271
- Loans to countries violating human rights, 23
- Marine Pollution Package, 290
- Meetings:
- With Bourne, 292
- With Brezhnev (Vienna, 1979), 186
- With Bukovsky, 19, 38
- With Congressional delegations, 23, 242
- With Cossiga and Colombo, 273
- With Dobrynin, 7, 18
- With Linowitz, 249
- With Mahler, 292, 306
- With Pope John Paul II, 273, 274
- With Presidential Commission on World Hunger, 263
- With religious leaders, 267, 268, 271, 272
- With Vance and Derian, 174, 175, 176, 177
- Messages:
- National Cambodian Crisis Committee, 266
- Nuclear testing, 26
- P.L. 480 budget, 259
- Population growth, 339
- Population policy, U.S., 284, 290, 297, 308
- POW/MIAs, 6
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (PCWH):
- Presidential Decision Memoranda, 98
- Presidential Directive on human rights, 96, 113
- Presidential Study on Population, Resources, and Environment, 289
- Presidential Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, 343, 346
- Press conferences, 10
- Proclamation 4542 (designating Human Rights Day), 99, 178
- Resolution on creating UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 116
- SALT II treaty signing, 186
- Soviet economic development role in LDCs, 215
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 186
- Special Coordinating Committee Working Group on Human Rights, 32
- Speeches:
- B’nai B’rith (Sept. 1976), 4
- Environment Message to Congress (May 1977), 308, 337
- Human Rights Week (proposal), 89, 96, 97
- Inaugural address (Jan. 1977), 8, 16, 18, 60, 208
- National Arts Theatre (Lagos, 1978), 311
- Notre Dame (May 1977), 51, 60, 214
- OAS Permanent Council (Apr. 1977), 29, 38, 60
- On human rights (proposed), 77
- On world hunger (proposed), 236
- San Jose City Hall (Sept. 1980), 347
- Southern Legislative Conference (July 1977), 286
- State of the Union (1978), 309
- State of the Union (1980), 205, 348
- “State of the World”; proposal, 89
- Thirtieth Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 173, 176, 200
- UNGA (Mar. 1977), 26, 28, 38, 79, 89, 181, 217
- UNGA (Oct. 1977), 79, 226, 290, 291
- World Health Assembly (May 1977), 284, 318
- Targeting aid to countries respecting human rights, 95, 96, 97
- Task Force on International Health (proposal), 283, 285
- Ten goals for foreign policy, 43
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 47
- Tokyo Summit, 257
- Uganda human rights violations, 42
- UN charges of U.S. civil rights violations, 164
- Unclassified version of PD–30, 175, 177
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights as endorsed by, 9, 70, 99
- UN’s importance to United States, 26
- Vance resignation, 199
- Visits:
- World Conference for the Decade on Women, 342
- World Food Program, 235
- World hunger initiatives, 212, 213, 226, 242, 292
- World Hunger Working Group:
- Carter, Lillian, 242, 245
- Carter, Rosalynn, 26, 47, 203, 266, 328
- Carter, W. Beverly, Jr., 125, 162, 163
- Case, Clifford, 23, 114, 245
- Catholic Relief Services, 274
- Cavanaugh, Carmel R., 312
- Cederberg, Elford A., 23
- Celeste, Richard F., 336
- Censorship, 135, 190
- Census, U.S. Bureau of, 307, 323, 337, 338
- Center for Disease Control (CDC), 306
- Central African Empire:
- Action plans for, 183
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- Political prisoners in, 105
- Suspension of aid program for, 105, 132, 145
- U.S. abstentions in votes on IFI loans to, 105, 132, 139, 202
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 42
- U.S. seen as “punishing”; due to weakness of, 105
- Central America, 5, 29, 59, 60, 200
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA):
- Geographic and Cartographic Research Office (OGCR), 338
- Global 2000 Study, 337
- Human rights performance, 172
- Human rights violations, 44
- Impact of the U.S. stand on human rights, 42
- Interagency coordination on human rights, 29
- International health policy review, 306
- Memoranda:
- Political perspectives on key global issues (paper), 209
- Presidential Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, 343
- Reporting on human rights by, 22, 72, 223
- U.S.-Soviet health cooperation in LDCs, 286
- World hunger initiatives, 219
- Chad, 91, 245
- Chai, Daniel, 211
- Chapin, Harry, 242, 251, 253, 255
- Chapman, William, 200
- Chase Manhattan Bank, 223
- Chavez, Cesar, 80
- Cherne, Leo, 107, 112
- Cheshes, Martin L., 159, 325, 327, 336
- Cheshire, Maxine, 105
- Chicago Tribune, 42
- Child health, 296, 301, 311
- Child malnutrition, 305
- Child mortality, 305
- Child spacing, 308
- Children’s rights, 323, 324, 325
- Chile:
- Action plans for, 183
- AID projects deferred in, 132
- As considered for development or security assistance, 95
- As major P.L. 480 recipient, 88
- Cancellation of U.S. aid program by, 105
- CCC loans to, 87, 92, 105
- Delay in votes on loans to, 132, 139
- Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional (DINA), 104
- ECOSOC hearings on, 155
- FSO loans to, 105
- Human rights:
- IAHRC report on, 125, 155
- IDB support of junta in, 4
- Letelier assassination, 157, 202
- Loans opposed to Allende government, 105
- OPIC, 108, 150
- Political prisoners in, 104
- Refugees from, 6
- State of siege in, 73
- Torture in, 102
- UNCHR resolution on, 125, 162, 181
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 25
- U.S. human rights policy in, 206
- U.S. military aid to, 4, 11, 56, 62
- U.S. policy for UN discussions on, 155
- U.S. role in coup in, 38
- U.S. votes against IFI loans to, 105, 132, 139, 145, 202
- Venezuelan loans to, 105
- Women’s status in, 336
- China, People’s Republic of:
- As development success, 253
- Cambodian human rights violations, 80, 184
- Constraints on foreign policy of, 209
- Equatorial Guinea, relations with, 192
- Family planning in, 287, 308
- Food pricing policies in, 218
- Human rights evaluation reports, 73
- Human rights improvements in, 172
- Human rights reports for, 203
- International Food Corps proposal, 247
- Malnutrition in, 213, 234
- Population issues, 331, 339
- Role in African rights-violating countries of, 192
- Shanghai Communiqué, 26
- UNCHR’s establishment, 16
- United States, relations with, 63, 73
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 25, 42
- U.S. human rights policy in, 54, 206
- U.S. medical diplomacy with, 292
- U.S. sales of police equipment to, 206
- U.S. seen as ignoring human rights record of, 105
- China, Republic of. See Taiwan
- Choi Kyu-hah, 187
- Cholera, 330
- Choucri, Nazli, 338
- Christenson, Richard A., 24
- Christian Science Monitor, 42, 275, 308, 343, 348
- Christians, 125
- Christopher, Warren M.:
- Agriculture, 298
- AID study on foreign economic assistance, 197
- American Convention on Human Rights, 47
- Armenian genocide, 182
- As Acting Secretary, 103, 240
- As Deputy Secretary of State, 5
- Carter-Brezhnev talks, 186
- Carter’s UNGA speech (Oct. 1977), 291
- Derian appointment as Human Rights Coordinator, 4
- D/HA, 6, 194, 196
- Draft outline for human rights policy, 10
- East Africa food shortages, 276
- Energy, 298
- Foreign economic assistance, 38, 144, 297
- Fraser foreign assistance bill amendments, 136, 137, 138
- Human rights, 38
- Human Rights Coordinating Group, 14, 48, 50, 53
- Human Rights Foundation proposal, 117, 123
- Human rights policy, U.S.:
- Assessment of, 105
- Communication abroad of, 87
- Congressional-State Department cooperation on, 49
- Country-specific action plans for, 49, 60
- Credibility of, 200
- Implementation of, 40, 48, 52, 53, 55, 156
- Improvement in planning and reporting, 147
- NGO recommendations for strengthening of, 187
- PRM on, 54, 58, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68
- Sanctions as used in, 157, 158
- State Department strategy for dealing with Congress over, 62
- Threats to, 101
- Human rights reports, 59, 84, 109, 111, 129, 167, 190, 201
- Humphrey subcommittee testimony of, 9, 17, 28
- Implementing of human rights legislation, 83
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom, 126, 128, 130, 131, 133, 134, 142
- Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance, 29, 31, 41, 150, 156, 183
- International financial institutions, 33, 35, 37, 71, 145, 179
- International health policy, 288, 302
- Iranian UN resolution on human rights, 94
- Messages:
- North-south relations, 298
- OPIC, 108, 150, 151, 152, 153
- P.L. 480, 86, 88, 90, 92, 169
- Population policy, U.S., 287, 298, 307, 318, 321, 329, 339
- Priorities lunch with Derian, 195
- Proposed meeting with Congressional human rights leaders, 13, 20
- Resolution on creating UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 94
- Reuss Amendment, 20
- Security assistance, 144
- Speeches:
- Talmadge meeting with, 92
- Task Force on International Health (proposal), 283
- Technology transfer, 298
- UN Water Conference, 278
- U.S. ratification of UN Covenants and Conventions, 193
- U.S.-Soviet health cooperation in LDCs, 286
- World Food Program, 232
- World Hunger Campaign, 234
- World hunger initiatives, 302
- Christopher Committee. See Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance
- Chrome, 4, 26
- Chun Doo Hwan, 200
- Church, Frank F., 161, 198, 202
- Church of Human Development, 163
- Church World Service, 113, 308
- Civic action programs, 299
- Civil Defense Preparedness Agency, 337
- Civil Rights Commission, U.S., 28, 135, 170
- Tennessee Advisory Committee, 163
- Civil Rights Movement, 58
- Civiletti, Benjamin, 343
- Clapp, Priscilla, 91, 197
- Clark, Dick, 242
- Claude, Inis L., Jr., 100
- Cleveland, Paul, 147, 169, 190
- Clift, A. Denis, 38, 112
- Climate change, 209, 337
- Climate control, 209
- Climate limit, 234, 236
- Clinics, 215
- Club of Rome, 212, 213
- Coal, 337, 347
- Coalition for a New Foreign and Military Policy, 29, 129, 167
- Coar, Nelson, 75
- Cocoa, 215
- Coelho, Anthony Lee, 277
- Coffee, 80, 215
- Cohen, Roberta, 129, 135, 178, 187, 198, 205
- Cohen, Steve, 198
- Collins, Steven, 91, 105
- Colombia:
- American Convention on Human Rights, 87, 104
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- Charges of U.S. racial discrimination in UN, 163
- Family planning in, 308, 345
- Human rights evaluation reports, 61
- Population issues in, 331, 339
- UNCHR role of, 184
- U.S. population assistance to, 287
- Colombo, Emilio, 273
- Colombo Declaration (Sept. 1979), 331
- Colonialism, 342
- Columbia Human Rights Law Review, 324
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 219
- Commission on the Status of Women, 310
- Committee on Human Rights, Memphis, Tennessee, 163
- Commodity agreements, 215
- Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), 195,
205, 223
- Chilean borrowing from, 87, 92, 105
- Financing of exports to Korean Republic by, 265
- Increase in commercial term export sales under, 265
- Legislative constraints against financing commodity sales by, 210
- Price support loans, 225
- Restricting limits on, 157, 158
- Review of loans by, 78, 92
- Short-term export loans, 259
- Ugandan borrowing from, 92
- Common Fund, 277
- Communications satellites, 290
- Communist bloc, 4, 73, 210
- Community organizations, 308
- Community water supplies, 296
- Conference on Desertification (Nairobi, 1977), 236, 278, 306
- Conference on New and Renewable Forms of Energy (1981), 346
- Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) (see also Helsinki Agreement), 4
- Congden, Michael B., 26
- Congress, Acts of (see also P.L. 480)
- African Development Fund Act (1976), 1, 73
- Agricultural Act (1949), 245
- Agricultural Act (1980), 277
- Agricultural Trade and Developmental Assistance Act (1954), 4, 90, 169, 210, 312
- Agriculture and Consumer Protection Act (1973), 263
- Arms Export Control Act (1976), 136
- Bretton Woods Agreement Act, 139
- Byrd Amendment, 4, 7, 26, 38
- Departments of State, Justice, and Commerce, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriation Act (1979), 253
- Export Administration Act, 264
- Export-Import Bank Act (1945), 87, 157
- Food and Agriculture Act (1977), 225, 229, 245, 254
- Food for Freedom Act (1966), 312
- Food Security Act (1979), 260, 277
- Food Security Wheat Reserve Act (1980), 277
- Foreign Assistance Act (1961), 1, 17, 73, 91,
136, 190, 196, 200, 287,
301, 320
- Title XII amendments to, 263
- Foreign Assistance Act (1969), 81, 108
- Foreign Assistance Act (1973), 58, 73, 84, 167, 245, 305, 308
- Foreign Assistance Appropriation Act (1979), 108
- Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Act (1978), 87, 141
- Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1977, 73
- Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1978, 62
- Harkin Amendment, 1, 4, 10, 20, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 73, 87, 96, 114, 139
- Hart-Cellar Act (1977), 62, 73
- Helms Amendment, 253, 255
- Humphrey Amendment, 29, 33, 35, 38
- Immigration Act (1924), 62
- Inter-American Development Bank Act, 73
- International Development Cooperation Act (1979), 190, 328
- International Development and Food Assistance Act (1975), 1, 4, 108, 207
- International Development and Food Assistance Act (1977) (P. L. 95–88):
- Channeling aid to non-human rights violators, 83, 171
- Chile’s cancelling of U.S. loans under provisions of, 105
- Emphasis on food for development, 245
- Guidelines for, 91
- Human rights language in P.L. 480 Agreements as required by, 103, 169
- Implementation of, 58, 92
- Internationalization of human rights policies, 83
- Mandatory minimum tonnage levels, 232
- P.L. 480 reporting requirement under, 86, 90
- Redirection of P.L. 480 under, 210
- International Development and Food Assistance Act (1978), 268, 308
- International Financial Institutions Act (1977), 199
- International Security Assistance Act (1977), 38
- International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act (1976), 1, 4, 38, 91
- International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act (1977), 143
- Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 4, 7, 73, 80, 96
- McCarran-Walter Act (1952), 62
- Omnibus Food and Agriculture Act (1977), 210
- Overseas Private Investment Corporation Amendments Act (1977), 108, 139, 143, 150
- Overseas Private Investment Corporation Amendments Act (1978), 200
- Percy Amendment, 58, 324, 341
- P. L. 95–12 (1977), 26
- P. L. 95–88 (1977). See International Development and Food Assistance Act (1977 above)
- P. L. 95–118 (1977) (IFI Authorization), 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 83, 124, 202
- Proposal for legislation on human rights reports, 139, 143
- Reuss Amendment, 20, 33
- Right to Food Resolution, 251
- Safe Drinking Water Act (1974), 330
- Smith-Mundt Act (1948), 263
- Supplemental Appropriation and Rescission Act (1980), 275
- Trade Act (1974), 73, 234, 277
- Trading with the Enemy Act (1917), 210
- Tsongas Amendment, 139
- U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act (1948), 263
- Congress, U.S. (see also Congress, Acts of;
Human rights reports)
- Actions influenced by considerations of human rights, 50
- Administration strategy for ratification of UN Covenants by, 4, 7, 13, 38, 62, 162, 165, 199, 205
- Administration strategy for ratification of UN Genocide Convention by, 4, 7, 13, 38, 53, 57, 62, 87, 96, 97, 162, 165, 168, 198, 199
- Armenian genocide, 182
- Carter’s meetings with leaders in, 23, 242
- Christopher’s proposed meeting with human rights leaders in, 13, 20
- Christopher’s testimony before, 9, 17, 28
- Cooperation with White House objectives for world hunger, 236, 239
- Cuts to funding of IFIs and AID, 124, 263
- Derian testimony before, 42
- Desire for toughness toward Korean Republic in, 105
- D/HA cooperation with, 87
- Executive branch relations over population policy with, 318, 321, 324
- Food reserves, 225, 236, 258, 260
- Foreign aid’s unpopularity in, 23
- Foreign assistance approval delays, 266
- Genocide Treaty, 4, 7, 13, 38, 53, 57, 62, 87, 96, 97, 162, 165, 168, 198, 199
- Global 2000 Study and Report, 227, 348
- Human rights policy, U.S.:
- Human rights reports, 6, 17, 59, 106, 108, 109, 147, 167, 169, 185
- IDB projects in Latin America, investigation of, 132
- Indochinese refugees, 80
- International health policy review, 304
- Joint Economic Committee’s Subcommittee on International Economics, 348
- Koreagate scandal, 105
- Latin America visit by delegation from, 132
- Legislation affecting loans through international financial institutions, 29, 33, 83, 105, 124, 132, 199
- Namibia, 62
- “New Directions”; mandate of, 245, 248, 254, 263, 305
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (PCWH):
- Presidential Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, 346
- Southern Africa, 62
- UN Water Conference, 278
- U.S. military aid actions in, 62, 105
- Vance’s testimony before, 17, 23, 38
- Wheat reserves bills, 225, 260
- World hunger initiatives study, 227, 233, 238, 239, 244
- Congressional Fellowships, 29
- Congressional Presentation Documents, 6, 108
- Congressional Record, 139
- Conservation:
- Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR), 245, 257, 258, 270, 345
- Contraception, 307, 309, 345
- Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 27, 38, 118, 149, 155, 199
- Convention on the Crime of Apartheid, 155
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), 340, 342
- Cooper, Richard N., 20, 34
- Commission on the Status of Women, 310
- Food initiative proposal for Venice economic summit, 269
- Food policy, U.S., 258
- Food reserves for P.L. 480 stabilization, 228
- Human rights policy, U.S., 16, 105
- IBRD consideration of human rights, 59
- International health policy review, 314
- North-South Task Force, 335
- OPIC, 108
- P.L. 480, 210
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (PCWH), 248, 255
- UN human rights resolution, 94
- World Hunger Campaign, 234
- World hunger initiatives, 240
- Copenhagen 80: The Washington Conference for Women (June 1980), 342
- Corn, 225, 265
- Corps D’Alimentation du Sahel (CAS), 247
- Cossiga, Francesco, 273
- Costa Rica, 16
- Alma Ata Conference of Primary Health Care, 317
- American Convention on Human Rights, 87, 104
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- Family planning in, 308
- Increases in AID funding levels for, 140, 145
- Resolution on creating UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 87, 94, 99
- UNCHR resolution of, 87, 99
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 42, 139
- Costello, Daniel S., 282, 289
- Costle, Douglas M., 343
- Cote d’Ivoire. See Ivory Coast
- Council of Economic Advisors (CEA), 230, 280
- Council of Europe, 2
- Council of Hemispheric Affairs, 187
- Council on Development Policies and Programs, 315
- Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), 230, 277, 280, 290, 299, 337, 348
- Council on Soviet Jewry, 203
- Council on World Food and Nutrition Policy, 213
- Cranston, Alan, 4, 13, 29, 87
- Creekmore, Marion, 86, 340
- Crown of St. Stephen, 103
- Cruit, Anthony, 221
- Cuba, 38
- Drug licenses for, 303
- Forces in Angola of, 145
- Health as foreign policy tool of, 295
- International Food Corps proposal, 247
- Political prisoners, 104, 170
- Refugees from, 200
- Role in African rights-violating countries of, 191, 192
- Signing of CEDAW by, 340
- Sugar agreement with Soviet Union, 215
- Transfer of medical and scientific literature to, 292
- UNCHR, 120, 125, 184
- United States, relations with, 63, 73
- U.S. human rights policy in, 206
- U.S. prohibition of financing commodity sales to, 210
- Zionism as racism equivalence in, 342
- Cultural and educational exchanges, 73
- Currency Use Payments (CUPs), 243
- Curtis, Carl T., 92
- Cutter, Curtis C., 129
- Cutter, W. Bowman, 223, 283, 285
- Cyprus, 5, 77
- Czechoslovakia, 7, 54, 104, 172, 206
- Daft, Lynn, 215, 219, 222, 223, 230
- Dalley, George, 146, 149, 155, 159, 325, 327
- Daly, John, 219
- Data flows, 290
- Davies, Richard, 28
- DDT, 290
- De Onis, Juan, 87
- Debt, 328
- Debt service, 207
- Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, 63, 73, 87, 159, 162
- Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation (see also Sanitation; Water), 306, 313, 315, 328, 330
- Decade on Women (see also Women)
- Declaration of Alma Ata, 317
- Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice, 63
- Defense, U.S. Department of:
- Activities in countries with human rights violations, 200
- Interagency coordination on human rights, 29
- Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance, 29, 31, 41
- International health policy review, 306
- International health programs of, 299, 315
- Population growth, 280, 338
- Presidential Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, 343
- Task Force on International Health (proposal), 283
- U.S. Human rights policy, message in support of, 70
- U.S.-Soviet health cooperation in LDCs, 286
- Deforestation, 252, 346
- Democratic Kampuchea. See Cambodia
- Demographic transition, 209, 308, 320
- Denend, Leslie G.:
- Denlinger, Nelson, 92
- Denmark:
- Denton, Hazel, 345, 349
- Denver, John, 249, 251, 253, 255
- Derian, Patricia M.:
- AID budget, 140, 171
- AID study on foreign economic assistance, 197
- Appointment and confirmation as Human Rights Coordinator, 4, 10, 29
- Armenian genocide, 182
- Briefing memoranda from, 53
- Carter speech on human rights (proposed), 77
- Carter-Brezhnev talks, 186
- Congressional testimony of, 42
- CSCE, 87
- D/HA role in policy decision-making, 194
- G–7 Summit, 24
- Genocide Convention, 28, 57
- Human rights:
- Action memoranda on, 29, 71, 126
- Brzezinski’s interdepartmental meeting on, 7
- Carter administration’s emphasis on, 51
- Conference for NGOs on, 201, 203
- Fraser memorandum on, 56
- Iranian UN resolution on, 94
- Prioritization among varieties of, 188
- Ratification of UN covenants on, 16, 28, 178, 193
- Review for CCC loans, 78
- U.S. strategy for United Nations, 146, 148
- Vance’s Law Day speech on, 39
- Human Rights Coordinating Group, 50
- Human Rights Foundation proposal, 117, 121
- Human rights policy, U.S.:
- Assessment of, 105
- Communist vs. non-Communist countries, 22
- Country-specific action plans for, 50, 53
- Credibility of, 200
- Goals and objectives for, 194, 199
- Implementation of, 53
- Improvement in planning and reporting, 147
- Issues for transition briefing papers, 206
- NGO recommendations for strengthening of, 187
- PRM on, 22, 49, 63
- Sanctions as used in, 158
- Strategy papers, 34
- Human rights reports, 17, 59, 84, 87, 109, 111, 129, 190, 203
- Increased hiring of personnel by, 74
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom, 126, 134
- International financial institutions, 38, 71, 145
- Interview with, 60
- Issues for transition briefing papers, 206
- Kissinger-Vance lunch meeting, 189
- Meetings:
- OPIC, 108
- P.L. 480, 86, 169
- Priorities lunch with Christopher, 195
- Proposed meeting with Congressional human rights leaders, 13, 20
- Reuss Amendment, 20
- Securing international support for U.S. decisions on loans, 179
- State Department views of, 203
- Status of women, 322
- Thirtieth Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 176
- Unclassified version of PD–30, 175, 177
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 70
- Vance meeting with, 198
- Washington Conference for Women, 342
- Women and children’s rights, 324
- Women in LDCs, 323
- Derryck, Vivian Lowery, 334, 341, 342
- Dershowitz, Alan M., 60
- Desai, Morarji, 104, 188
- Desertification, 236, 290, 306
- Détente, 24, 42, 46, 54
- DeVecchi, Bob, 107
- Development assistance, 73
- Countries considered for, 91, 95
- Effectiveness of, 305
- For the Caribbean Basin, 328
- Guidelines for human rights reporting, 91
- Levels of, 263
- “New Directions”; mandate for, 245, 248, 254, 263, 305
- Organization of, 263, 306
- Studies in, 219, 223
- Sweden as major donor of, 333
- Targeting of, 277
- To Africa, 328
- To alleviate hunger, 254
- Varieties of, 207
- Women recognized in programs of, 328
- Development Assistance Program (DAP), 307
- Development Coordination Committee (DCC), 216, 326
- Development Forum, 237
- Dewar, Helen, 275
- DeYoung, Karen, 80
- Dialogue, 60
- Diarrhea, 296, 313
- Diet, 305
- Dinges, John, 87
- Diplomacy:
- Disappeared persons, 181, 184, 190
- Disarmament, 26
- Disaster relief, 73, 75, 290
- Disasters, natural, 290
- Discrimination. See Age discrimination; Gender discrimination; Racial discrimination; Religious discrimination
- Diseases:
- Dissidents:
- Djakarta Declaration, 262
- Djibouti, 91, 172, 275
- Dobrynin, Anatoly, 7, 18
- Dodson, Christine, 139, 150, 167, 203, 223, 266
- Doe, Samuel K., 205
- Dole, Robert, 62, 92, 242, 251, 253, 260
- Domestic Council (DC), 230, 277, 285
- Domestic hunger, 263
- Domestic Policy Council (DPC), 219
- Dominican Republic, 87
- Donovan, Hedley, 205, 337
- “Doonesbury”; (Trudeau), 117
- Downey, Arthur, 7
- Drinan, Robert, 4
- Drought, 218, 234, 236, 245, 275
- Drug Abuse Policy, Office of, 219, 292, 315
- Drug policy, U.S., 292
- Dubs, Adolph, 63
- Duffey, Joe, 59
- Duncan, Charles W., Jr., 343
- Dunn, Tim, 197
- Durham, Jimmy, 125
- Dworkin, Douglas A., 186
- Dyess, William J., 203
- Dysentery, 330
- Earth Day, 102
- Earthquakes, 290
- East Africa, 275, 276
- East Asia, 172, 196
- Eastern Europe:
- Commission on the Status of Women, 310
- Food pricing policies in, 218
- Human rights situation in, 104, 105, 172
- Restraint in U.S. human rights policy toward, 43
- Role in African rights-violating countries of, 191, 192
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 25, 105, 196
- USIA human rights action plan for, 60
- East Timor, 29, 59, 87
- Eastland, James, 62, 92
- Easum, Donald B., 321
- Eckholm, Erik, 335, 344, 348
- Economic and Business Affairs, Bureau of, 1
- Economic development, 215
- Economic Impact, 60
- Economic Portfolio, 60
- Ecuador, 75
- Edgar, William, 331
- Education, 28, 29, 73, 145, 190, 236, 263, 277, 302
- Education, U.S. Department of, 342
- Egypt, 63, 89
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- Balance-of-payments problems, 275
- Canal Cities Water and Sanitation Project, 296
- Debt owed by, 207
- Family planning in, 287, 308, 331, 345
- FAO agreement with, 262
- Human rights as factor in IFI loans, 73
- Human rights commission for Africa, 125
- Human rights country reports to Congress on, 167
- P.L. 480 aid to, 90, 210, 259
- Population growth study for, 338
- Ratification of UN Covenants and Conventions, 193
- U.S. prohibition of financing commodity sales to, 210
- Vance visits to, 74
- Zionism as racism equivalence in, 63
- Ehrlich, Tom:
- African famine aid, 276
- Carter meeting with religious leaders, 268, 272
- Carter meetings in Rome, 273
- G–7 talks on population issues, 333
- Human rights policy, U.S., NSC and, 203
- International program uses of excess grain, 265
- P.L. 480, 259
- Population policy, U.S., 328, 329
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (PCWH), 277
- Presidential Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, 343
- Eilberg, Joshua, 62
- Eisele, Albert A., 38
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 4, 210
- Eizenstat, Stewart:
- African famine aid, 275
- Food Aid Convention (FAC), 243
- Food for Peace Program, 265
- Food policy, U.S., USDA role in, 223, 229
- Genocide Convention, 57
- Global 2000 Study, 337
- Human Rights Foundation proposal, 121
- Interagency Working Group on Food and Agriculture Policy, 224
- International Health Initiative, 301
- P.L. 480 Title III purchase guarantees, 222
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (PCWH), 244
- Presidential Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, 343
- Task Force on International Health (proposal), 285
- Wheat set-asides, 225
- World Food Program, 235
- World hunger initiatives, 212, 213, 216, 219, 227
- World hunger meetings, 212, 220, 223, 242
- World Hunger Working Group, 227, 231
- El Salvador:
- Action plans for, 183
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- Human rights improvements in, 104, 105
- IAHRC visits to, 53, 87
- IFI loans to, 53, 71, 132, 139, 202
- Interagency group discussion of loans to, 41
- Security assistance to, 200
- U.S. human rights policy in, 87, 187, 206
- U.S. military aid to, 38, 62, 87
- Elderly Feeding Program, 263
- Elections:
- Ellacuria, Ignacio, 87
- Eller, Don, 255
- Ely, Michael, 218
- Employment discrimination, 28
- Energy, 236, 284, 290, 298, 328, 337, 346, 347
- Energy, U.S. Department of, 236, 290, 298, 337, 343
- Energy dependence, 209
- Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA), 67, 219, 337
- Environmental issues (see also individual issues), 284, 290
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 306, 315, 330, 337, 342
- Presidential Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, 343
- Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Office of, 28
- Equatorial Guinea, 172, 179, 188
- Erb, Guy, 93, 110, 150, 242
- Erb, Richard, 7, 22
- Ericson, Richard, 7, 70
- Eritrea, 42
- Erlich, S. Paul, 289
- Erlich, Thomas, P.L. 480 budget, 259
- Erosion, 245, 252
- Ethiopia:
- Action plans for, 183
- AID projects deferred in, 132
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- Bilateral aid agreements with the United States, 145
- Closure of U.S. bases in, 42, 105
- Commission on the Status of Women, 310
- Executions in, 104
- Food shortages in, 250, 275
- Interagency group discussion of loans to, 41
- Political prisoners released in, 104
- UNCHR scrutiny of, 125, 181, 184
- United States, relations with, 42, 105
- U.S. abstentions in votes on IFI loans to, 53, 71, 105, 132, 139, 202
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 25, 42
- U.S. human rights policy in, 206
- U.S. military aid cuts to, 7, 11, 23, 38
- U.S. population assistance to, 287
- U.S. sales of police equipment to, 206
- Ethnic lobbying, 69
- European Commission, 139
- European Community (EC), 24, 105
- European Human Rights Commission, 190
- Evans, Rowland, 164
- Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs), 262
- Executions, 104
- Executive Order 10973, 263
- Executive Order 12078, 248, 251, 263
- Executive Order 12163, 245, 328
- Executive Order 12266, 277
- Executive Policy Group, 304
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Educations Program, 263
- Export restraints, 259
- Export-Import Bank, 23, 33, 73, 87, 105, 139, 143, 157, 158, 167, 205, 315
- Extinction, 346, 347
- Fair trials, 190
- Falcon, Walter, 251, 253
- Falkner, William, 289
- Fallows, James, 16, 96
- Family planning, 236, 277, 287, 290, 307, 308, 311, 328, 331, 345, 349
- Family Planning Council, 308
- Famine, 209, 236, 238, 274, 275, 276
- Farnsworth, Clyde H., 225
- Farrar, Curtis, 247
- Fascell, Dante, 60
- Fascism, 186
- Fazio, Vic, 255
- Feary, Robert A., 230
- Federal Aviation Agency (FAA), 286
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 77
- Feed grains, 225
- Feinberg, Richard, 72
- Ferch, John, 210, 221, 232
- Fertility, 307, 308
- Fertilizer, 257, 262
- Fill, Gerald:
- Disagreement on world food policy PRM drafts, 219
- Hunger Staff Task Force, 231
- International health policy, U.S., 292, 294, 295, 303
- North-South strategy, 279
- PD on World Hunger, 241
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger, 242
- Task Force on International Health (proposal), 285
- World hunger initiatives, 213, 226
- World Hunger Working Group, 229
- Findley, Paul, 242
- Finland, 91, 94, 340
- Fireside, Harvey, 60
- Fisher, Nancy Helen Hunter, 334
- Fisheries, 262
- Fithian, Floyd, 275
- Fleisher, Eric, 325, 336
- Fleming, Louis B., 243
- Flood, Patrick, 198
- Flood control, 278
- Floods, 290
- Fluorocarbons, 337
- Fogarty, John Edward, 306
- Fogarty Institute, 304, 306, 309
- Foley, Thomas S., 23, 225, 242
- Food (see also Agriculture)
- As weapon, 263
- CIA papers on, 209, 250
- Data on, 211
- Distribution systems, 236, 252
- Emphasis for development on, 245
- Grain consumption and production, 218
- National Academy of Science report on nutrition and, 212, 216, 227, 234, 236, 245, 254
- Population increases and demand for, 209, 230, 234, 280, 284, 308, 312, 320
- Pricing policies, 218
- Production of, 270, 328
- Promotion of commercial exports of, 223
- Right to as basic human right, 245, 251
- Science and technology transfer, 223
- Shortages of, 275
- Trends, 209
- Under-consumption of, 252
- U.S. leverage on export of, 209
- World’s need for, 212, 347
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO):
- African famine aid, 276
- Budget of, 262
- Committee on Food Security, 264, 269
- Conference (Rome, Nov. 1977), 221, 223, 243
- Conference (Rome, Nov. 1979), 262
- Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (WCARRD) (Rome, 1979), 245, 253, 262
- Council (Nov. 1978), 247
- Data from, 308
- Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation, 335
- Egypt, agreement with, 262
- Five-point Plan, 258
- Global Information and Early Warning System (EWS), 211, 250
- Goals and objectives for U.S. mission to, 256
- International Fertilizer Supply Scheme, 250
- Malnutrition, 258
- Nutrition programs of, 313
- Sahelian Relief Operations (OSRO), 245
- U.S. budget requests for, 232, 236
- Weaknesses of, 245
- World Food Program, 232, 235, 245, 250, 255, 258, 266, 273, 277, 308
- World hunger, 227
- Food and Agriculture Policy Working Group, 224, 227, 230, 245
- Food Aid Convention (FAC), 215, 236, 243, 255, 257, 258, 267, 270, 271, 273, 277
- Food assistance (see also P.L. 480):
- Annual commitment for purchase of grains for, 228
- By NGOs, 245, 247
- Changes in levels of, 73, 236
- Congressional restrictions on, 210
- Dependence on, 250
- Domestic, 263
- Food Aid Convention proposal, 215, 236, 243, 255, 257, 258, 267, 270, 271, 273, 277
- Food reserves for, 225, 245
- For improvement in human rights, 58
- From Argentina, 245
- From Australia, 222, 245
- From Canada, 222, 245
- From Italy, 274
- From New Zealand, 245
- Global food stamps, 253
- Guidelines for human rights reporting, 91
- Poor nations as emphasized with, 223
- To Afghanistan, 274
- To Africa, 259, 274
- To Egypt, 90, 210, 259
- To Nicaragua, 259
- To Uganda, 236
- USDA study on, 216
- Washington Conference on (proposal), 213, 219, 220
- Food for Peace Program, 265
- Food policy, U.S. (see also World hunger
- Burden-sharing during food crises, 218
- Increasing the effectiveness of, 234, 236, 252
- International Volunteer Corps, 162
- Lack of coordination in, 245
- Manila WFC meeting and, 213, 214, 216, 220, 221, 223, 225, 227, 250
- Need for nutrition-based, 254
- Objectives and activities, 258
- Promotion of commercial exports, 223
- Public support for, 263
- Science and technology transfer, 223, 234, 236
- Status of, 245
- USDA role in, 223, 229
- Food reserves:
- Creation of, 16, 265, 269, 271
- For grain, 218, 225, 234, 243, 250, 260, 277
- For international food assistance, 225, 245
- For P.L. 480 stabilization, 228
- In India, 250
- Internationally coordinated system of, 236
- Legislation for, 225, 236, 258, 260
- Maintenance of, 243
- Transitory nature of, 209
- Wheat, 225, 248, 255, 260, 277
- Food scarcity, 209
- Food security, 245, 254, 257, 258, 263
- Food Stamp Program, U.S., 263
- Food stamps, global, 253
- Food uncertainty, 209
- Food-shortage countries, 250, 275
- Ford, Gerald R., 1, 4, 91, 137, 212
- Foreign economic assistance (see also
Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance; P.L. 480; Security assistance)
- AID study on, 197, 219, 223
- Carter’s meetings with Congressional leaders on, 23
- Changes in levels of, 73
- Congressional delay in approval of, 266
- Criteria applied to economic vs. military aid, 105
- Human rights as issue in, 38, 54
- Improving coordination on decisions on, 144
- Multilateral vs. bilateral, 207, 208
- Policy directions for, 298
- Pre-election memorandum on, 207
- Programs for, 29
- Request for increase in, 26
- State Department strategy for dealing with Congress over human rights and, 62
- Targeting to countries respecting human rights, 80, 83, 95, 96, 97
- Unpopularity with Congress of, 23
- Foreign military sales (FMS), 87, 105, 144
- Foreign Policy (magazine), 38
- Foreign policy, U.S. (see also Human rights policy, U.S.)
- Foreign Service Institute, 53
- Forestry, 262
- Forests, 337
- Fortuine, Robert, 317
- Foundation for International Technical Cooperation, 315
- Four Freedoms, 186
- Fourth Geneva Convention to the Occupied Territories, 155
- Fradenburg, William, 211
- France:
- Alma Ata Conference of Primary Health Care, 317
- Armenian genocide, 182
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- Commission on the Status of Women, 310
- Human rights approach of, 24
- Population assistance from, 345
- Ratification of UN Covenants and Conventions, 193
- United States, relations with, Human rights, 105
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 42, 139, 196
- Frank, Charles, 215, 232, 291
- Frank, Jane, 220
- Fraser, Arvonne S., 58, 310, 323, 325, 336, 342
- Fraser, Donald M.:
- As Congressional human rights leader, 4, 13, 20
- Benson talks on security assistance with, 11, 13
- Congressional Fellowships, 29
- Declassification of human rights reports on Philippines, 6
- Foreign assistance bill as amended by, 137
- Human Rights Foundation proposal, 112, 113, 117
- Human rights reports by country, 17, 59
- IFI Authorization Bill, 38
- Inspection of prisons by ICRC, 87
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom, 126, 128, 130, 139
- Korean Republic’s human rights issues, 59, 62
- Legal defense, 87
- Loan to Philippines, 41
- Memorandum on human rights, 56
- Message from Christopher, 74
- State Department consultation with, 29
- World hunger initiatives, 242
- Freedom From Hunger (FFH), 249
- Freedom House:
- Freedom of Information, 155
- Freedom of thought, 190
- Freeman, Orville L., 231, 237, 251, 253
- Frejka, Tomas, 308
- Friendly, Al, 203
- Froebe, Louise, 280, 289
- Frosch, Robert A., 343
- Fuerth, Leon S., 70, 91, 106, 109, 147, 292
- G–7 Summit (London, May 1977), 24
- G–7 Summit (Tokyo, June 1979), 187, 257, 270
- G–7 Summit (Venice, June 1980), 264, 269, 270, 272, 274, 277, 333, 335, 337, 348
- G–77, 94, 250, 331, 342
- G–2000. See Global 2000 Study and Report
- Gabon, 91
- Galey, Margaret E., 310
- Gambia, The, 42, 60, 91, 105, 140, 336
- Gandhi, Indira, 23, 308
- Gardner, 262, 264, 269
- Garment, Leonard, 7
- Garrison, Mark, 19, 317
- Garten, Jeffrey, 290, 296, 299, 302, 315
- Gas, 337
- Gates, Robert, 7, 227
- Gathright, Wreatham, 290
- Gelb, Leslie, 65, 84, 147
- Gender discrimination, 28
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 73, 207, 236, 277
- Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), 73, 234, 236, 277, 328
- Geneva Convention (1949), 263
- Genocide Convention (1949) (see also United Nations human rights instruments)
- Georgia, 104
- Germany, Democratic Republic of:
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 89
- Alma Ata Conference of Primary Health Care, 317
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- Commission on the Status of Women, 310
- Human rights approach of, 24
- Human rights as factor in IFI loans, 179
- Nuclear reprocessing, 105
- Population assistance from, 287, 345
- Preventative detention in, 135
- United States, relations with, 8, 105
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 42, 139, 196
- Water and sanitation assistance, 332
- Women’s status in, 336
- Ghana, 42, 91, 172, 308, 336
- Giffler, Lydia K., 320
- Gilligan, John J.:
- AID budget, 87
- Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation, 316
- Derian-Moose meeting with, 141
- Executive branch organization for international health and agriculture, 305
- Food, 212
- Foreign economic assistance, 23, 31
- Human rights reports, 84
- International financial institutions, 139
- International Food Corps, 247
- International health policy, U.S., 293, 306
- PD on human rights policy, 113, 119
- Population/food problems, 312
- Population policy, U.S., 282, 287, 307
- PRM on human rights policy, 46, 58, 73
- Task Force on International Health (proposal), 281, 283, 285
- UN Water Conference, 278
- World hunger initiatives, 212
- World Hunger Working Group, 230, 231
- Gilman, Benjamin, 242, 251, 255
- Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 124, 331
- Gleysteen, William H., Jr., 7, 210
- Global 2000 Study and Report, 277, 337, 344, 346, 347, 348
- Global Atmospheric Research Program, 290
- Global challenges checklist, 290
- Global Future–-A Time to Act, 348
- Global health cadres, 304, 309
- Godsell, Geoffrey, 42
- Gold, Ruth, 26
- Goldberg, Arthur, 188
- Goldberg, Ruth, 331
- Goldklang, Jack, 22
- Goldschmidt, Neil, 343
- Gonzalez, Henry B., 20, 29, 202
- Good, Barbara, 310, 322, 325, 327, 336, 340, 341
- Goott, Daniel, 17, 26, 159, 325, 336
- Goshko, John M., 80, 115, 129
- Graham, Russell, 169, 325, 327, 331
- Grain:
- Annual commitment for purchases of, 228
- Consumption of, 218
- Feed, 225
- Fumigation of, 223
- Growth in stocks of, 234, 236
- IBRD development of storage facilities for, 255, 258, 269, 270
- Indian stocks of, 234, 236
- International uses of excess, 265
- Production levels of, 207, 218
- Reserves of:
- Shortfalls in, 234, 250
- Suspension of Soviet purchases of, 264
- Grant, James, 246, 253, 292
- Grant, Lindsey, 282, 289, 299
- Granum, Rex, 229
- Grazing, 245, 252
- Greece, 5, 54, 73, 91, 167, 182, 196
- Green, Marshall:
- Green Revolution, 245
- Grenada, 87, 104, 161
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 105, 286
- Grose, Peter, 39, 64, 289, 291
- Gross National Product (GNP), 337
- Group of 77, 94, 250, 331, 342
- Guatemala:
- Alma Ata Conference of Primary Health Care, 317
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- Human rights improvement in, 172
- IFI loans to, 53, 71, 202
- UNCHR actions on, 184
- United States, relations with, 200
- U.S. human rights policy in, 25, 42, 187, 206
- U.S. military aid, 38, 62, 145
- USIS exhibits on human rights, 60
- Violence as growing in, 200
- Guinea, 60
- Action plans for, 183
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- As country of concern for rights violations, 88, 104, 105
- IFI loans, 105, 132, 139, 202
- P.L. 480, 90, 93, 103, 105, 145, 169
- Political prisoners in, 104, 105
- Signing of CEDAW by, 340
- U.S. human rights actions in, 87
- U.S. seen as “punishing”; due to weakness of, 105
- Guinea-Bissau, 91
- Gupte, Pranay, 94
- Gussow, Jean, 246
- Guyana, 91
- Gwertzman, Bernard, 17, 23, 33, 38, 39, 62, 87, 115
- Habib, Philip, 1, 8, 12, 29, 34, 41, 62, 84, 105
- Haiti:
- Action plans for, 183
- American Convention of Human Rights, 87
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- As country of concern for rights violations, 88
- Human right country reports, 17, 129
- IAHRC visits to, 87
- P.L. 480, 90, 169
- Political prisoners released in, 87, 104, 105
- Prison inspections in, 87
- Refugees from, 6, 200
- U.S. human rights actions in, 87
- U.S. military aid, 62, 206
- Hallquist, Jo Ann, 221
- Hamilton, Ed, 216
- Hamilton, Lee, 4
- Handler, Philip, 212
- Handwerger, Gretchen, 247
- Hanley, Mary, 322, 325, 336
- Hannah, John, 246
- Hansell, Herbert J., 28, 34, 47, 57, 94
- Hansen, Roger, 16, 69, 214, 219
- Hanson, Heidi, 137, 171
- Harden, Richard, 242, 245
- Hardware, 290
- Harkin, Thomas:
- Harkin Amendment:
- Ad Hoc Interagency Group on Human Rights memoranda, 73
- Brzezinski memoranda, 33, 96, 114
- Christopher memoranda, 37
- Derian/Katz/Bennett memoranda, 20
- Derian memoranda, 87
- Guidelines on U.S. human rights policy on, 1
- Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance memoranda, 139
- Lake memoranda, 9, 29
- Lipshutz memoranda, 36
- Tuchman memoranda, 4
- Vance memoranda, 35
- Wilson memoranda, 10
- Harley, Richard M., 275
- Harrington, Michael J., 23
- Harrington, Richard J., 28
- Harris, Donald, 17, 159
- Harris, Patricia R., 343
- Hart, Donald, 255, 258, 260, 270
- Hartman, Arthur, 1, 19, 24, 39
- Haslam, Charles L., 7
- Hatfield, Mark O., 62
- Hathaway, Dale E., 216, 221, 262, 269, 312
- Haverkamp, Roy, 247
- Hawkins, Gerry, 289
- Hayakawa, S. I., 92
- Hays, John, 59
- Healey, Denis, 156
- Health. See International health policy, U.S.
- Health, Education, and Welfare, U.S. Department of (HEW), 28, 128, 131, 219, 245
- Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of, 342
- Presidential Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, 343
- Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 263
- Heart disease, 286, 305
- Heilsnis, Harold, 2
- Helman, Gerald, 291
- Helms, Jesse, 92, 253
- Helsinki Agreement (see also Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)), 122, 186
- Hemp production, 145
- Henegar, Warren, 246
- Heng Samrin, 342
- Henze, Paul B., 16, 107
- Herman, Alexis, 342
- Heroin, 23
- Hertzberg, Hendrik, 173
- Herz, Barbara, 331, 349
- Hesburgh, Theodore, 60, 246, 292, 298
- Hewitt, Warren, 8, 146, 147, 149, 155, 159, 181, 190
- Hidalgo, Edward, 203
- High protein blended foods, 234, 236
- Hill, Kenneth, 26, 106, 115
- Hill, Raymond, 269
- Hinkley, David, 178
- Hjort, Howard W., 230, 288
- Hoinkes, Mary Elizabeth, 348
- Holbrooke, Richard C. A.:
- Hollick, Ann L., 348
- Holloway, Ann, 7, 247
- Holly, Sean M., 8, 39, 63, 70, 106
- Holmes, Henry Allen, 28
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 60
- Homan, Richard, 310
- Honduras:
- Hong Kong, 6, 308
- Hookworm, 296
- Horbal, Koryne K., 310, 342
- Horizons, 60
- Hormats, Robert D.:
- AID budget, 171
- Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation, 335
- Food policy, U.S., 223
- Foreign economic assistance, 298
- Global 2000 Report, 348
- Human rights policy, U.S., 156
- Human rights PRM, 45, 69, 76
- Human rights reports, 129
- International Health Initiative, 279, 301
- Population issues, 331
- Securing international support for U.S. decisions on loans, 179
- World Hunger Campaign, 234
- World hunger initiatives, 217, 219, 226
- Horn of Africa, 274
- Hornblow, Michael, 280
- Horrock, Nicholas M., 105
- Houdek, Robert, 201, 339
- House of Representatives, U.S.:
- Agriculture Committee, 233, 260
- Appropriations Committee, 124
- Badillo Amendment, 33, 35, 36, 37
- Banking, Finance & Urban Affairs Committee, 33, 139
- Fascell-Fraser Bill, 126, 128, 130, 131, 134, 135
- Fraser Amendments, 136, 137, 138
- IFI Authorization Bill, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38
- International Relations Committee:
- Foreign Assistance Subcommittee, 42
- Human rights, Congressional-executive relations over, 4
- Inter-American Affairs Subcommittee, 42
- International Operations Subcommittee, 17, 135, 185
- International Organizations Subcommittee, 6
- State Department briefings on human rights, 6
- Wheat reserves bill, 225, 260
- Select Committee on Population, 318, 320, 324
- Ways and Means Committee, 4
- Young Bill, 139
- Housing, 28
- Houston, Charles, 60
- Hovey, Graham, 35, 139, 194, 245
- Howard, Lee, 313
- Huberman, Benjamin, 219
- Huerta, Dolores, 80
- Hughes, Pat, 299
- Human needs:
- Human rights (see also Action memoranda;
Genocide Convention (1949); Human rights
reports; Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance;
International Financial Institutions (IFIs); Presidential
Directives; United Nations Charter; United Nations human rights
instruments; Individual countries)
- Activists for, 73
- As factor in operations of IBRD, 59
- As legal obligation under UN Charter, 16, 28
- As moral issue, 8, 9, 68, 73, 81, 82
- As security assistance consideration, 29, 199
- Assessment of accomplishments in, 102, 105, 122
- Assessment of conditions abroad, 147
- Awards for contributions to, 135
- Carter administration emphasis on, 8, 9, 12, 14, 18, 28, 29, 51, 81
- CIA reporting on, 22, 25, 42, 72, 223
- Collective vs. individual, 60, 94, 111
- Commitment for, 199
- Conference for NGOs on, 201, 203
- Congressional-Executive relations over, 4, 29, 80, 96, 97, 105, 139, 160
- Consideration in all relevant foreign policy decisions of, 172
- Creation of institutions for protection of, 135
- Cultural and educational exchange as promotion of, 73
- Curriculum development for, 141
- De-emphasis on, 81, 82
- Definitions of, 16, 29, 39, 69, 73
- Foreign assistance as affected by, 38, 54
- Global awareness in, 172
- Human needs vs., 16, 22, 24
- Human Rights Coordinating Group review of IFIs and, 53
- Improved training in, 194
- Improvements in, 43, 55, 66, 102, 104, 105, 172, 182, 188
- In Communist bloc, 4
- In United States, 21, 77, 125, 135, 174, 184
- Interagency coordination on, 29
- International cooperation on, 53
- Internationally recognized, 29, 73
- Lobby for, 29
- Major actions on, 38, 76, 87, 157, 175
- National security vs., 22
- Of U.S. citizens abroad, 29
- Olympic Games and, 166, 188
- Other policy interests vs., 69, 73, 100, 105
- Priorities of, 168, 205
- Progress and retrogression in 1977 in, 104, 122
- Promotion of international awareness of, 73
- Proposed initiatives for, 80, 96, 97
- Prospects for 1981–1985, 205
- Public opinion on, 205
- Right to food as basic, 245, 251
- Strengthening of machinery for, 95
- Targeting aid to respecters of, 80, 83, 95, 96, 97
- Town Hall meetings on, 53
- U.S. promotion in ECOSOC of, 8, 29, 38, 146
- U.S. promotion in UNGA of, 8, 52, 146, 148, 153
- U.S. strategy paper for UNGA on, 148, 155, 162
- U.S. strategy for United Nations, 146, 148, 149, 154, 155, 162
- U.S.-Soviet relations and, 186
- World hunger and, 212
- Worsening climate for, 205
- Human Rights Agency proposal, 81, 82, 85
- Human Rights Alert Service, 60
- Human Rights Commission, U.S., 59, 170
- Human rights commission for Africa, 125
- Human Rights Coordinating Group (see also Presidential Review Memoranda)
- Human Rights Day, 60, 99, 178, 200
- Human rights evaluation reports. See Human rights reports
- Human Rights Foundation:
- Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs (D/HA) Office:
- Access to information by, 195
- Arms transfers, 53
- As Arms Export Control Board member, 53
- Congress, cooperation with, 87
- Contacts with NGOs, 62
- Country reports to Congress, 167, 185
- Enlargement of, 29
- Foreign Service Institute cooperation with, 53
- Full participation in foreign policy decision-making process by, 194
- Future problems facing, 200
- Human rights evaluation reports, 61
- Inadequate staffing in, 194, 195
- International cooperation on human rights, 53
- Lack of policy-making role for, 194, 195
- Monthly Reports, 6
- P.L. 480 reporting requirements, 86
- Priorities of, 195
- Seen as Human Rights Mafia, 203
- Human Rights Mafia, 203
- Human rights policy, U.S. (see also Foreign
policy, U.S.; International Financial Institutions; Presidential
Review Memoranda; Individual countries)
[Page 1200]
- Action memoranda on, 9, 12, 13, 29, 40, 55, 71, 105
- Arrogance as perception of, 105
- As seen abroad, 25, 42, 105, 124, 196
- Assessment of, 105
- Bureaucratic complexities in, 105
- Carter meeting with Vance and Derian on, 174, 175, 176, 177
- Communicating abroad of, 87
- Communist vs. non-communist countries, 7, 22
- Conflicting actions in, 203
- Congressional-Executive Branch relations over, 4, 29, 80, 96, 97, 105, 139, 160
- Congressional-State Department cooperation on, 49
- Consolidation of, 101
- Country-specific action plans for, 49, 50, 51, 53, 60, 183
- Country strategy papers, 105, 195
- Credibility of, 200
- Diplomatic actions as tool in, 73
- DOD message in support of, 70
- Domestic foundations of, 205
- Draft outline for, 9, 10
- Effectiveness of, 105, 174
- Exhibits on, 60
- For London G–7 Summit (May 1977), 24
- Foreign countries positions on, 25, 42, 124, 139, 196
- Formulation of, 9
- Goals for, 194
- Guidelines for, 1, 2, 3, 4, 15, 174
- Human rights evaluation reports, 61, 73, 75, 84
- Implementing of, 69, 188
- Improvement in planning and reporting, 147
- Improving coordination on, 144
- In LDCs, 73
- In the United Nations, 29, 53, 73, 199
- Inconsistency by country in application of, 69, 73, 105, 145
- Institutionalization of, 199
- Internationalization of, 83
- Issues for transition briefing papers, 206
- Leadership on, 38
- Lectures on, 60
- Legal basis of, 205
- Media reports on, 60
- Motives for, 43, 73
- Multilateral diplomacy in, 29
- NGO recommendations on strengthening of, 187
- NSC and, 203
- Objectives of, 69, 119, 194, 199, 205
- In the Organization of American States, 53
- Performance, Jan. 1977–Dec. 1978, 172
- Popularity of, 174
- Principles for, 174
- Priorities in goals for, 199, 205
- Prioritization among varieties of rights, 188
- Public diplomacy for, 29
- Public statements as tool in, 73
- Regional distinctions in application of, 105
- Regional strategies, 15
- Restraint in, 43
- Rhetoric vs. action in, 105
- Sanctions, 132, 139, 157, 158
- Security assistance as affected by, 29, 199
- State Department strategy for dealing with Congress over, 62
- Status reports on, 87
- Sticks vs. carrots in, 105
- Strategies for, 69, 73
- Strategy papers, 15, 34, 40, 48, 105, 124, 195
- Symbolic acts as tool in, 73
- Threats to, 101
- Timeframes for actions under, 69, 73
- Tools for, 174
- Transition to Reagan administration, 206
- Human rights reports (see also Congress, U.
S.; Human rights; Individual countries)
- By country for Congress:
- Advance notice of, 106, 109
- Benefits of, 185, 196
- Coalition for a New Foreign and Military Policy’s critiques of, 129
- Congressional release of, 115
- Criticized as whitewash, 17
- Disadvantages of, 185, 196
- Distribution of, 201
- Guidelines for, 61, 91, 111, 190
- Impact on U.S. foreign relations of, 196
- Improvement of, 147, 190
- Labor rights in, 190
- NSC review of, 167, 180
- On OPIC countries, 108, 167
- Overseas outrage over, 59
- Repeal of requirement for, 168
- Required for all aid recipients and UN member countries, 190, 203
- Submission of, 6, 185, 196, 197
- Timetable for, 84, 147
- Unauthorized release of drafts, 197
- Women’s rights in, 190
- D/HA monthly reports, 6
- Evaluation reports, 61, 73, 75, 84
- On Philippines, declassification of, 6
- Proposed legislation on, 139, 143
- Requirements for P.L. 480, 86, 88, 90, 92, 93, 100
- Status reports, 87
- By country for Congress:
- Human rights trust fund, 162
- Human rights violations (see also
Individual countries)
- Banning of U.S. aid to countries engaging in, 1
- By NGOs, 72
- Channeling aid to countries not guilty of, 83, 171
- CIA memoranda on, 44
- Countries of concern for, 88, 104, 105
- DOD activities in countries with, 200
- ECOSOC reports and hearings on, 155
- Gross, 73, 80, 88
- Identification of nations guilty of, 49
- Loans to countries with:
- Negative responses to U.S. criticisms of, 73
- P.L. 480 shipments to perpetrators of, 93
- Political trials, 59, 74
- Regional strategy plan for dealing with, 15
- Rewarding “success”; in, 158
- Soviet bloc role in countries with, 191, 192
- Suspension of aid to countries with, 105, 108, 132, 136, 145, 264
- In United States, charges of, 163, 164, 165
- U.S. démarches on loans to nations accused of, 53, 71, 105
- U.S. relations with oppressive governments, 200
- Human Rights Week, 89, 96, 97, 99
- Human Rights Yearbook, 184
- Hummel, Arthur W., 1
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 4
- Carter’s meetings with Congressional leaders on foreign assistance, 23
- Death of, 245
- IDA loans to India, 23
- IDCA, 328
- IFI Authorization Bill, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38
- Messages:
- P.L. 480, 92, 93, 210
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (PCWH), 238
- Security assistance hearing, 9
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 47
- Hungary:
- Hunger. See World hunger
- The Hunger Project (THP), 249
- Hunger Staff Task Force, 231
- Hunt, Gordon E., 108
- Hunter, Robert, 69, 76, 80
- Huntington, Samuel P., 76, 80, 107, 121
- Hutcheson, Rick, 107, 223, 243, 283, 285, 306
- Hyde, Henry J., 132
- Hydropower development, 145
- Hygiene, 330
- Hyland, William, 19
- IBM, 223
- Iceland, 91
- Ideology, 290
- Illustrative Country Action Programs, 29
- Immigration, 6, 104, 209
- Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 6, 289
- Immunizations, 215, 313, 314
- Impact of the U.S. Stand on Human Rights (ORPA), 30
- Imus, Richard H., 210
- Independent Commission on International Development Issues (Brandt Commission), 274, 277, 346
- Inderfurth, Karl F. “Rick”;:
- Development assistance, 95
- Genocide Convention, 167
- Human Rights Foundation proposal, 107
- Human rights performance, Jan. 1977–Dec. 1978, 172
- Human Rights Week, 89
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom, 142
- Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance, 41
- International Health Initiative, 279
- OPIC, 150
- P.L. 480, 93
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger, 239, 242, 246
- Presidential Directives on human rights, 177
- PRM on human rights, 45
- Task Force on International Health (proposal), 285
- World Hunger Working Group, 241
- India:
- AID funding levels for, 140, 145, 171
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- Commission on the Status of Women, 310
- Debt owed by, 207
- Drinking water access in, 296
- Family planning in, 308, 345
- Food reserves in, 250
- Grain stocks in, 234, 236
- Human rights as factor in IFI loans, 73
- Human rights improvements in, 43, 104, 105, 172
- IDA loans to, 23
- Malnutrition in, 213, 245
- P.L. 480 aid to, 90, 265
- Population issues in, 287, 331
- UN High Commissioner for Human Rights proposal, 120
- UNCHR, 120, 125
- U.S. human rights alliance with, 149
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 139
- U.S. population assistance to, 287
- USIA human rights action plan for, 60
- World Conference for the Decade on Women, 342
- Indian Ocean, 26
- Indians, American, 125
- Indochina, 6, 80, 170, 266, 274
- Indonesia:
- Absorption of East Timor by, 29, 59, 87
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- As country of concern for rights violations, 88
- Family planning in, 287, 308, 345
- Human rights:
- Malnutrition in, 213, 245
- P.L. 480 aid to, 90, 93, 100, 103, 105, 169, 259
- Political prisoners in, 11, 87, 100, 102, 104, 105
- Population issues in, 331, 339
- UNCHR cooperation with, 125
- U.S. démarches on loans to, 53, 71
- U.S. human rights policy:
- U.S. military aid to, 4, 11, 29, 38, 62, 87, 105
- USIA human rights action plan for, 60
- Inouye, Daniel, 23, 38, 93, 175
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom (see also Human Rights Foundation), 126, 128, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 139, 142, 152, 160
- Institute for Namibia, 342
- Institute for Scientific and Technical Cooperation (ISTC), 263, 328
- Intelligence Community, 72, 166
- Intelligence and Research, Bureau of (INR), 218
- Inter-Agency Committee to Coordinate International Health Activities (proposed), 299
- Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance (see also Foreign economic assistance; Human
- AID’s role in, 29, 31, 41, 58, 183
- Arms Export Control Board referral of issues to, 65, 105
- Christopher seen as making decisions for, 150
- Country action plans developed by, 183
- Decisions on P.L. 480 shipments, 87, 93, 100
- Effectiveness of U.S. human rights actions in IFIs, 139
- Establishment of, 31, 50, 73, 202
- Implementing of human rights legislation by, 83, 113, 132, 202, 206
- Inconsistency in votes in IFIs, 145
- Lack of focus of, 69, 100
- Legal mandate for, 205
- Meetings of, 55, 71, 75, 188
- Procedures of, 41, 100, 139, 156, 183
- Security assistance, 144
- Structure of, 139
- Tasking memos sent by, 53
- Timeframe for decision-making in, 194
- Treasury’s role in, 29, 31, 41, 139, 156, 183, 202
- Inter-Agency Group on the Status of Women and Children Internationally (proposal), 323
- Interagency High Level Group on the Water Decade, 332, 335
- Interagency Strategic Coordinating Committee, 304
- Interagency Task Force on International Population Policy, 280, 308
- Interagency Task Force on Tropical Forests, 346
- Interagency Working Group for PRM–28 (Human Rights). See Human Rights Coordinating Group
- Interagency Working Group on Food and Agriculture Policy, 224, 227, 230, 245
- Interagency World Hunger Working Group. See World Hunger Working Group
- Inter-American Court, 194, 195
- Inter-American Development Bank (IDB):
- Annual meeting in Guatemala, 55
- Argentine loans from, 105
- British position, 105
- Caribbean Basin development, 328
- Chilean junta as supported by, 4
- Congressional investigation of projects of, 132
- Delay in loans by, 53, 54, 139
- Energy development, 328
- Fund for Special Operations (FSO), 105, 139, 202
- Harkin Amendment’s effect on, 1, 20, 29, 33, 73
- Human Rights Coordinating Group role for, 9
- Mexican rural development as financed by, 250
- Nicaraguan loans, 80
- Paraguayan loans, 145
- Population assistance from, 345
- Swedish position, 105
- Inter-American Foundation, 80, 96, 114
- Inter-American Human Rights Commission (IAHRC) (see also Organization of American States), 104
- Interdependence, 328
- Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO), 290
- Interior, U.S. Department of, 337, 343, 346
- Internal security forces, 158
- International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD):
- Annual meeting (Belgrade, Sept. 1979), 331
- Argentine railway loans by, 179
- Caribbean Basin development, 328
- Charter of, 139
- Concessional window, 277
- Consideration of loan proposals by, 40
- Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation, 335
- Failure of loans to advance in, 179
- Family planning programs, 287, 307, 345, 349
- Food/grain storage facility development by, 255, 258, 269, 270
- Human rights concerns factored into operation of, 59
- International health role of, 306, 311, 313
- Mexican rural development financing by, 250
- Orchocerciasts Control Program (West Africa), 296
- Population growth as obstacle to development, 331
- Reuss Amendment for U.S. restrictions on loans by, 20, 33
- U.S. abstention from votes in, 53
- U.S. funding for, 26, 207
- U.S. opposition to loans in, 145, 179
- Water projects of, 296, 332
- World Development Report (1980), 347
- World hunger, 227, 245
- International Center for Tropical Agriculture, 245
- International Coffee Agreement, 277
- International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), 17, 56, 58, 59, 87, 111, 126, 135, 178, 187, 190, 205
- International Commission on Civil Status (CIEC), 214, 215
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), 17, 84, 87, 91, 105, 190, 261, 266
- International Communications Agency (ICA), 89, 128, 131, 147, 173, 325, 327, 336, 348
- International Conference of Parliamentarians on Population and Development, 331, 349
- International Conference on Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflict, 263
- International Court for Human Rights proposal, 149
- International Court of Justice (ICJ), 16
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. See United Nations human rights instruments
- International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. See United Nations human rights instruments
- International Development Association (IDA), 23, 26, 145, 277
- International Development Cooperation Agency (IDCA), 139
- International Development Strategy (IDS), 331, 349
- International Emergency Food Reserve, 253, 258
- International Emergency Wheat Reserve, 243, 250
- International Energy Agency (IEA), 290
- International financial institutions (IFIs) (see
also Human rights; Human rights policy, U.S.; Individual countries)
- Bilateral loans vs. loans from, 105
- Concerns over “politicizing”; work of, 105
- Congressional legislation regarding loans through, 29, 33, 83, 105, 124, 199
- DCC subcommittee on loans by, 315
- Delay in approval of loans by, 53, 54, 132, 139
- Human rights as factor in, 73, 105, 179
- Human Rights Coordinating Group review of action on human rights and, 53
- Implementation of U.S. human rights policy in, 40, 48, 52, 53, 54, 55, 71, 100, 113, 119, 156, 158
- Loans to countries with human rights violations, 23, 179
- Reports on human rights conditions to, 58
- Rural development projects funded by, 258
- Securing international support for U.S. decisions on loans from, 179, 202
- State Department strategy for dealing with Congress over human rights and, 62
- U.S. contributions to, 23, 26
- U.S. démarches to human rights violating countries on loans by, 53, 71, 105
- U.S. goals for, 172, 199, 277
- U.S. human rights policy and charters of, 63, 69
- U.S. voting in, 62, 63, 202
- Withdrawal of applications for loans from, 71, 132
- World hunger, 245
- International Food and Agriculture Assessment, 223, 227
- International Food Corps (proposal), 2,
240, 245
- NGOs, cooperation with, 247
- International Food and Nutrition Policy Review, 219
- International Food Policy Research Institute, 312
- International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) (see also Agriculture), 215, 227, 236, 245, 250, 255, 273, 277, 315, 328
- International Grain Agreement, 215, 255
- International Grains Arrangement (IGA), 236
- International health:
- Annual report on, 299
- As Cuban foreign policy tool, 295
- As issue in Africa, 295
- Children and mothers, 311
- DOD programs for, 299, 315
- Drinking water and, 330
- Executive branch organization for, 305
- Funding for efforts in, 328
- Goals for, 294
- HEW policy review of, 304, 305, 306
- HEW role in, 311, 315
- IBRD role in, 296, 306, 311
- NGO role in, 314
- Population and, 349
- Private sector involvement in, 306
- Problems in, 293
- Research and training centers for, 304, 306, 309, 314
- UNICEF’s role in, 299, 306, 313
- U.S. proposals for, 21, 290, 291, 292
- WHO’s role in, 294, 301, 306, 313
- International Health, Bureau of, 299
- International Health Assessment, 227
- International Health Attaché Program, 299
- International Health Initiative, 301, 302
- International Health Office, 289
- International health policy, U.S.:
- International Health Service Corp. (proposal), 306, 309, 314
- International Indian Treaty Council, 125
- International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 245
- International Institute on Human Rights, proposal for, 135
- International Labor Organization (ILO), 146, 190
- International law, 134
- International League for Human Rights, 126, 178, 187, 190
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, 245
- International Military Education and Training (IMET), 73, 87
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 101, 263
- International Olympic Committee, 166
- International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), 307, 308, 345, 349
- International Rescue Committee, 113
- International Rice Research Institute, 245
- International Rubber Agreement (1979), 277
- International Tin Agreement, 277
- International Undertaking on World Food Security, 245
- International Visitors Program, 60
- International Volunteer Corps, 162
- International Wheat Agreement (see also Wheat)
- International Wheat Council, 216, 223, 225, 236, 243, 250, 258, 277
- International Women’s Year:
- International Year of the Child, 302, 323, 325
- Internet (organization), 187
- Interreligious Task Force on World Food Policy, 292
- Inter-uterine devices (IUDs), 308
- Investment, 73, 231, 237, 245
- Iran:
- Administration strategy for dealing with Congress over, 62
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- Food as weapon in, 263
- Hostage crisis, 5, 199, 266
- Human rights improvement, 102, 104
- Human rights reports, 17, 129, 167
- Increased influence of, 209
- Political prisoners in, 104, 105
- Prison inspections in, 87
- Refugees from, 200
- Revolution (1979), 342
- SAVAK, 82
- UN resolution on human rights by, 94
- UNCHR complaints on, 181
- U.S. human rights actions in, 87
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 25, 196
- U.S. military aid reduction to, 4, 38
- U.S. public concerns about, 263
- U.S. seen as ignoring human rights record of, 105
- USIA human rights action plan for, 60
- Iraq, 184, 206, 292, 303
- Ireland, 91, 94
- Irish Institute for Public Administration, 58
- Irons, Alden, 190, 197
- Irrigation, 145, 278
- Israel:
- Administration strategy for dealing with Congress over, 62
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- Human rights country reports to Congress on, 167
- IFI charters and loans to, 63
- Lebanon attacks by, 310
- Occupied Territories human rights practices of, 155, 342
- P.L. 480 aid to, 90, 259, 265
- South Africa, relations with, 63
- Soviet immigration to, 6, 104
- UNCHR resolutions on, 125, 184
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 42, 196
- U.S. military aid to, 23, 73
- U.S. policy for UN discussions on, 155
- U.S. policy on human rights in, 54
- U.S. sales of police equipment to, 206
- U.S. seen as ignoring human rights record of, 105
- Vance visits to, 74
- World Conference for the Decade on Women, 342
- Italy:
- Ivory Coast, 91, 125, 172, 336
- Izvestia, 80, 96
- Jackson, Henry M. “Scoop,”; 4
- Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 4, 7, 73, 80, 96
- Jacobs, Robert, 194
- Jamaica, 90, 91, 95, 104, 140, 196
- Janeway, Michael C., 39
- Japan:
- African famine aid, 276
- Commission on the Status of Women, 310
- Global 2000 Report, 348
- Human rights approach of, 24
- Human rights as factor in IFI loans, 179
- Iranian UN resolution on human rights, 94
- Military budget for, 23
- Population assistance from, 287, 345
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 25, 42, 139
- U.S. human rights policy in, 73
- Java, 308
- Javits, Jacob K., 4
- Jayawardene, Julius, 104
- Jayne, Randy, 315, 316
- Jefferson, Thomas, 79
- Jenkins, Kempton, 1, 7, 10, 13, 17
- Jennette, William, 169
- Jet, Dennis, 210
- Jews, 125, 166, 188
- John Paul II, Pope, 252, 273, 274, 328
- Johnson, Joel, 269
- Johnson, Steven, 78, 210
- Johnson, Thomas, 340
- Johnson, Vernon, 247
- Johnston, Ernest B., 236
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 280
- Jones, Ellis “Ollie,”; 70, 129, 194
- Jones, Jim, 173
- Jonestown, 173
- Jordan, Amos A., 1, 74, 90, 91, 125, 259
- Jorgenson, Raymond C., 331
- Joseph, James A., 316
- Journalists, 186
- Joyce, John M., 336
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 28, 163, 343
- Kagnew, 42
- Kahn, Louis E., 278
- Kaiser, Robert G., 60
- Kamm, Henry, 175
- Kampelman, Max, 203
- Kampuchea. See Cambodia
- Katcher, David A., 319, 335
- Katz, Julius:
- Action memoranda on human rights, 40, 55
- Annual commitment for grain purchases for food assistance, 228
- CCC loan review, 78
- D/HA, 195
- Food policy, U.S., 258
- Grain reserves, 236
- Human rights policy, U.S., 1, 147
- Human rights reports, 84
- International financial institutions, 20, 35, 40, 55
- International Health Initiative, 301
- International health policy, U.S., 306
- Iranian UN resolution on human rights, 94
- P.L. 480, 86, 210
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (PCWH), 248, 255
- Rhodesian embargo, 26
- World Food Council meeting, 221
- World hunger initiatives, 240
- Kaufman, Judy, 299
- Kaunda, Kenneth, 252
- Keatley, Anne G., 289
- Kennedy, Edward M.:
- Kennedy, Patrick, 299
- Kennedy Round, 236
- Kenney, David, 135, 190
- Kenya:
- Kerala, 213
- Khama, Seretse, 141
- Khronika Press, 187
- Kim Tae Chung (Kim Dae-jung), 73, 104
- Kimmitt, Robert M., 7, 30
- King, Donald, 319
- King, Mary, 325
- King, Seth S., 93, 110, 243
- Kirilin, Vladimir A., 286
- Kissinger, Henry, 296
- Klutznick, Philip, 343
- Knoche, Enno Henry, 7, 22
- Knowles, John, 246
- Koch, Edward I., 4, 29
- Kohn, Martin, 215
- Koirala, B. J., 104
- Kolar, Peter, 255, 258, 269, 270
- Kolsky, Richard, 289
- Konner, Calvin, 197
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 104, 105, 196
- Korea, Republic of:
- Action plans for, 60, 183
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- As country of concern for rights violations, 88
- As development success, 253
- CCC financing of exports to, 265
- Congressional desire for toughness toward, 105
- Delay in votes on loans to, 132, 139
- Emergency Measure 9, 104
- Family planning in, 308
- Human rights improvements, 104, 172
- Human rights policy, U.S., 59, 195, 200, 206
- Human rights reports, 73, 129, 167, 180
- Human rights vs. other policy interests, 105
- P.L. 480, 90, 93, 103, 105, 169, 259
- Political prisoners in, 73, 100
- Population issues in, 331
- UNCHR scrutiny of, 125
- U.S. démarches on loans to, 71
- U.S. human rights actions in, 87
- U.S. military aid to, 29, 62, 105, 145
- U.S. troop withdrawals in, 54, 62, 105
- U.S. votes on IFI loans to, 105, 132, 139, 202
- USDA intermediate credit program for, 223
- Voluntary textile export restraints, 259
- Koreagate, 105
- Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA), 200
- Korey, William, 16, 107, 112
- Kovalev, Sergei, 19
- Kratzer, Myron B., 278
- Kreisberg, Paul H.:
- Action memorandum on human rights, 34
- Checklist of global challenges, 290
- Christopher-Derian priorities lunch, 195
- Human Rights Foundation, 117
- Human rights policy, U.S., 64
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom proposal, 126, 134
- International Health Initiative, 301, 302
- International health policy, U.S., 299, 315
- World hunger initiatives, 240
- Kreps, Juanita M.:
- Kriangsak Chamanon, 104
- Kriebel, P. Wesley, 26
- Kriesberg, Martin, 247, 253, 262
- Krim, Arthur, 249
- Krimer, William D., 38
- Krystynak, Krys, 314
- Kumbula, Tendayi, 87
- Kuropas, Myron, 7
- Kuwait, 91
- Laase, Paul L., 339
- Labor, U.S. Department of, 315, 323, 342
- Labor rights, 190
- LaFalce, John J., 132
- Lake, Anthony:
- African famine aid, 276
- Agriculture, 298
- Carter meeting with religious leaders, 267
- Carter speech on human rights, proposed, 77
- Christopher-Derian priorities lunch, 195
- Community water initiative, 296
- Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation, 315, 316, 319, 335
- Disaster relief, 290
- Energy, 298
- Foreign economic assistance, 298
- Fraser foreign assistance bill amendments, 136, 138
- Human rights:
- Human Rights Foundation proposal, 117, 121, 123
- Human rights policy, U.S.:
- Human rights reports, 84, 109
- IDCA Development policy statement, 328
- Inconsistency in votes in IFIs, 145
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom proposal, 126, 130, 134
- International financial institutions, 20, 156
- International Health Initiative, 301, 302
- International health policy, U.S., 288, 299, 304, 306, 315
- Iranian UN resolution on human rights, 94
- North-south relations, 298
- Population policy, U.S., 287, 298
- Role of, 5
- Soviet economic development role in LDCs, 215
- Technology transfer, 298
- UN Water Conference, 278
- U.S.-Soviet health cooperation in LDCs, 286
- Women and children’s rights, 324
- World Hunger Campaign, 234
- World hunger initiatives, 240, 302
- Lamb, Denis:
- Carter administration’s emphasis on human rights, 51
- Human rights reports, 61, 109, 115
- IFI Authorization Bill, 33, 35
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom, 131
- Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance, 31
- Interdepartmental meeting on human rights, 7
- OPIC, 108
- PRM drafts, 69
- UN human rights resolution, 94
- U.S. human rights strategy for United Nations, 148
- Lamberty, Gerald P., 339
- Lambrakis, George, 190
- Lancaster, Carol, 234, 236, 240, 302
- Lance, Bert, 46, 73, 282, 285
- Land conservation, 347
- Land reform, 253
- Land tenure, 234, 236, 245
- Landau, George W., 145
- LANDSAT, 290
- Langenberg, Donald N., 343
- Laos, 6, 62, 95, 104, 183, 202
- Lapham, Lewis, 7
- Latin America:
- Congressional delegation visit to, 132
- Global 2000 Report, 348
- Human rights situation in, 172
- Human rights vs. other policy interests in, 105
- Malnutrition in, 213
- Nuclear weapons as prohibited in, 47
- UNCHR actions, 184
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 25, 196
- U.S. security assistance to, 29, 62
- U.S. seen as harsher on human rights in, 105
- USIA human rights action plan for, 60
- Law and Population Projects, 308
- Law of the Sea, 5, 207, 290
- Lawyers Committee for Human Rights under Law, 56, 59
- Lawyers Committee for International Human Rights, 187
- Lead, 290
- Leadership Manpower Development, 314
- Leahy, Patrick, 227, 242, 251
- Leake, Woodrow, 211
- Lebanon, 74, 90, 91, 310
- Lee, Luke, 312, 323, 324, 325
- Leet, Mildred Robbins, 310
- “Left Communism: An Infantile Disorder”; (Lenin), 82
- Legal aid, 59
- Legal defense, 59, 87
- Leigh, Monroe, 1
- Lenin, Vladimir I., 82
- Lesotho, 91, 95, 125
- Less-developed countries (LDCs):
- Agriculture in, 245, 262
- Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation, 332, 335
- Energy development in, 298, 328
- Family planning, 290, 349
- Food pricing policies in, 218
- Food production in, 214, 237, 250, 252, 257
- Food storage facilities funded by IBRD in, 255, 258, 269, 270
- Global 2000 Report, 348
- Human rights vs. human needs, 16, 22, 24
- Institutional capabilities of, 257
- Population growth in, 287
- Private investment in, 231, 237
- Public education on problems of, 263
- Science and technology transfer to, 223, 234, 236, 245, 253, 290
- Shortfalls in grain production, 234
- Soviet role in economic development in, 215
- Susceptibility to U.S. influence, 209
- UN Water Conference, 278
- United States, relations with, 207, 277
- U.S. economic relations with, 276
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 105, 139
- U.S. human rights policy in, 73, 105
- U.S.-Soviet health cooperation in, 286, 288, 292, 295
- Women in, 308, 323, 336
- Letelier, Orlando, 157, 202
- Levin, Sander M., 282, 284, 289
- Levine, Daniel, 289
- Levitsky, Melvyn, 38
- Lewis, Samuel W., 1, 2, 111
- Lewis, William, Jr., 111, 133
- Liberia, 91, 95, 105, 206, 311
- Library of Congress, 87, 128, 131
- Libya, 63, 175, 310
- Linowitz, Sol:
- Lions Clubs, 306
- Lipshutz, Robert J.:
- Lissy, David, 7
- Lister, George, 17, 28, 61, 91, 106, 109, 147, 159, 169
- Lithuania, 104
- Livestock, 245
- Lollis, Edward, 325, 336
- Long, Bill, 236, 278, 337, 344, 348
- Long, Clarence D., 23, 143
- Long, Russell B., 23
- Lopez Portillo, José, 331
- Lord, Winston, 1
- Los Angeles Times, 42, 87, 243
- Lowenstein, Allard, 7, 8, 38, 60, 80
- Lowenstein, Jaines, 87
- Lowrance, William W., 299, 314, 315
- Luers, William H., 7, 61, 123, 128, 129, 131
- Lugar, Richard, 92
- Luxembourg, 91
- Luzzato, Francis, 247
- Lynton, Stephen J., 157
- Macias Nguema, Francisco, 191
- MacLaine, Shirley, 242, 245
- Maclean, John, 42
- Madagascar, 310
- Maguire, Andrew, 275
- Mahler, Halfdan, 292, 306
- Mahler, Thomas, 279
- Mahon, George, 23
- Majority rule:
- Malaria, 301
- Malawi:
- Malaysia, 91, 95
- Mali, 91, 95, 245, 336
- Malnutrition:
- And national security, 263
- Focus on, 234, 236
- In Bangladesh, 213, 245
- In Brazil, 234, 236
- In Cambodia, 261, 263, 265, 266
- In children, 305
- In Chinese People’s Republic, 213, 234
- In India, 213, 245
- In Indonesia, 213, 245
- In Latin America, 213
- In Pakistan, 213, 245
- In Sri Lanka, 213
- In Uganda, 273, 274
- In the United States, 263
- Numbers of people with, 213, 252, 258
- Persistence of, 209
- Public interest in, 238
- Malthus, Thomas Robert, 234
- Manila Communiqué, 250
- Marcos, Ferdinand, 42, 102, 104, 105
- Marine creatures, 290, 346, 347
- Marine pollution, 289, 290
- Marks, Leonard, 107, 112, 134
- Marriage, 308
- Marshall Plan, 263
- Martens, Robert J., 70, 91, 106, 109, 115, 130
- Martin, David, 198
- Martin, Edwin, 255
- Mass transit, 290
- Maternal health, 311
- Mathews, Jay, 100
- Mathews, Jessica Tuchman. See Tuchman, Jessica
- Matteson, Lois, 149, 310
- Mauritania, 59, 91, 95, 245
- Mauritius, 60
- Maxim, Robert, 141, 194
- Mayer, Jean, 238, 251, 253, 263, 266
- Maynes, Charles W.:
- Armenian genocide, 182
- Food initiative proposal for Venice economic summit, 269
- Fraser memorandum on human rights, 56
- Human rights policy, U.S., 52, 87, 147
- International Food Corps proposal, 247
- International Health Initiative, 301
- International health policy review, 306
- Iranian UN resolution on human rights, 94
- Meeting on U.S. strategy for human rights in United Nations, 146, 148, 149, 154
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (PCWH), 248
- Ratification of human rights covenants and conventions, 165, 193
- Resolution on creating UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 94
- UN Water Conference, 278
- UNCHR proposal, 116
- U.S. strategy paper on human rights in United Nations, 155, 162
- Women’s rights and status, 325, 327, 336
- World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, 159
- M’baye, Keba, 125
- McCall, Richard Lee, Jr., 341, 342
- McClelland, Donald, 221
- McDonald, Al, 276
- McDonald, John W., Jr., 335
- McDougall, Frank L., 245
- McDougall Memorial Lecture (1977), 245
- McEldowney, Frederick, 221, 248
- McGhee, George C., 146
- McGovern, George, 4, 62, 92, 242, 277
- McHenry, Donald F., 4, 342
- McHugh, Matthew F., 255
- McIntyre, James T., 139, 142, 230, 243, 275, 301
- Human Rights Foundation, 114
- Human Rights Foundation proposal, 107, 112
- Human rights policy, U.S., 139
- International health initiative, 309, 311
- International program uses of excess grain, 265
- PD on human rights policy, 113, 119
- P.L. 480 budget, 259
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger, 244, 272
- Presidential Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, 343
- World Food Program, 232, 235
- World Hunger Working Group, 231
- McLean, J. Phillip, 211
- McMahon, Pat, 253
- McNamara, Robert, 5, 59, 263, 308, 328, 331, 332
- McNutt, Louise, 26, 28, 211, 299, 331, 339
- Meals for Millions, 249
- Medical diplomacy, 292, 303
- Medical literature, 292
- Meeker, Leonard, 4, 135
- Melcher, John, 92
- Mendlevitz, Lev, 203
- Mengistu Haile Mariam, Lt. Col., 42
- Mexico:
- American Convention on Human Rights, 104
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- Commission on the Status of Women, 310
- Desertification in, 236
- Family planning in, 287, 308, 345
- Global 2000 Report, 348
- Population growth study for, 338
- Population issues in, 287, 331, 339
- Rural development, financing of, 250
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 42
- U.S. immigration from, 209
- USIS speakers requested in, 60
- Mexico City, 287
- Mexico Declaration, 250
- Meyer, Cord, Jr., 7, 22, 30, 50
- Meyer, Lawrence, 157
- Mezvinsky, Edward, 125, 146, 149, 155, 163, 182, 184
- Michel, James H., 17, 90, 108
- Micronesia, 5
- Middle East:
- Migrant labor, 135
- Military aid. See Security assistance
- Military Assistance Program (MAP), 7, 62, 87, 136, 144
- Miller, Arthur, 60
- Miller, J. Erwin, 246
- Minerals, 337
- Minish, Joseph J., 132
- Mink, Patsy, 282, 284, 287, 289, 301, 312, 323
- Minnies, Todd, 299
- Minority cultures, 28
- Missing in action soldiers (MIAs), 6, 73
- Missing persons, 162, 181, 184
- Moffitt, Ronni, 157
- Mohr, Charles, 26
- Molander, Roger, 203, 204
- Molineaux, Paul, 190
- Momjian, Set, 182
- Mondale, Walter F., 237
- East Africa food shortages, 275
- Food Aid Convention, 243
- Genocide Convention, 97
- Human rights:
- Human Rights Foundation proposal, 107, 112, 113, 114, 121
- Human rights policy, U.S, 139
- Human Rights Week speech proposal, 97
- Panama Canal Treaty, 97
- P.L. 480 aid to Indonesia, 259
- Presidential Directive on human rights, 97, 113, 119
- PRM on human rights, 46, 73
- Targeting aid to countries respecting human rights, 96, 97
- Ten goals for foreign policy, 43
- World hunger, 212
- Mongolia, 184, 292
- Montgomery, Gillespie V., 6
- Montgomery, Robert, 325
- Montville, Joseph, 299
- Moore, Frank B., 35, 36, 96, 107, 113, 243, 275
- Moorhead, William S., 132
- Moose, Richard, 84, 109, 306
- Mora, Alberto, 247
- Morality:
- Moran, David, 91, 115, 147, 211
- Moran, Theodore, 215, 289
- Morgan, Dan, 88, 93, 212
- Morganthau, Ruth, 247
- Morin, Laurent, 135
- Morocco, 59, 104
- Moscow Summit (May 1972), 286
- Most Favored Nation (MFN) status, 73
- Mount Saint Helens, 334
- Moyers, Bill, 246
- Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 112, 113, 207
- Mozambique:
- Muller, Steven, 251, 253, 254, 263
- Multilateral Development Banks. See International Financial Institutions; Individual banks
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations (MTN), 223, 236, 245, 248, 250, 277, 328
- Multinational corporations, 209
- Muskie, Edmund S., 273
- Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction (MBFR), 73
- Myerson, Bess, 246, 251, 253, 255
- Nachmanoff, Arnold, 127, 289
- Namibia, 29, 105, 318
- Narcotics, 302
- Nash, Frank, 75
- National Academy of Science (NAS), 60, 216, 245
- National Advisory Council (NAC), 40, 78
- National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies, 315
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 286, 306, 337
- Presidential Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, 343
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP), 60
- Bridgewater Shelby County Branch, 163
- National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 166
- National Cambodian Crisis Committee, 266
- National Catholic Conference, 29
- National Council of Churches, 187
- National Endowment for the Arts, 128, 131
- National Endowment for the Humanities, 128, 131
- National Endowment for International Health Assistance (proposal), 304
- National Health Service Corps, 306
- National Institutes of Health, 219
- National League of MIA Families, 6
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 337
- National Population Council (Nigeria), 308
- National Research Council, 223
- National Science Foundation, 219, 236, 304, 337
- Presidential Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, 343
- National security:
- National Security Council (NSC):
- Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy, 315
- Establishment of, 282
- Format for evaluation of population programs, 307
- Increased responsibility for, 299
- Meetings of, 289
- National security and overpopulation, 338
- Pickering as chair of, 318
- Population growth and national security, 338
- Recommendations on problem areas by, 346
- Reports of, 308, 326, 339
- Retention of, 300, 329
- African famine aid, 276
- Assessment of quality of intelligence community reporting on human rights issues, 72
- Carter’s UNGA speech (Mar. 1977), 38
- DCC membership of, 315
- Documents:
- Global Issues Cluster:
- Human rights country reports reviewed by, 167, 180
- Human Rights Foundation proposal, 117
- Human rights meetings, 19
- Human rights policy and, 203
- Human rights PRM draft, 22, 45, 50
- IFI Authorization Bill, 33
- Interagency group on human rights and foreign assistance, 29, 31, 41
- Meetings, 19, 110
- Memoranda, 31, 48, 49, 168
- Paper on human rights, 188
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (PCWH), Message to Congress on, 248
- Ten goals for foreign policy, 43
- U.S.-Soviet health cooperation in LDCs, 286
- World hunger initiatives, 219
- World Hunger Working Group, 227, 230, 241
- Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy, 315
- National Security Decision Memorandum NSDM 314, 280, 282, 287, 289, 307, 308
- National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM–200), 287
- Nationality Act (1952), 62
- Nation-building, 299
- Natural disasters, 290
- Navy, U.S., 290
- Neal, Stephen, 139
- Needy people, human rights policy serving:
- Ad Hoc Interagency Group on Human Rights memoranda, 73
- AID paper, 58
- Brzezinski memoranda, 33
- Christopher memoranda, 90, 103
- Derian/Katz/Bennett memoranda, 20
- Derian/Lake memoranda, 145
- Guidelines on U.S. human rights policy on, 1
- Hartman memoranda, 17
- Katz/Derian/Nooter memoranda, 86
- Tuchman memoranda, 88, 150, 152
- Vance memoranda, 91
- Neidle, Alan F., 39
- Neitzke, Ron, 138
- Nelson, Clifford R., 289
- Nelson, Theodore, 331
- Nepal, 71, 91, 104, 105, 196, 331
- Netherlands:
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- As leader in human rights activities, 4
- Human rights as factor in IFI loans, 179
- Iranian UN resolution on human rights, 94
- Population assistance from, 345
- Public education on problems of LDCs, 263
- Resolution on creating UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 94
- Signing of CEDAW by, 340
- UNCHR, 94
- Neumeyer-Wallach, Marina, 203
- Neutron bombs, 125
- New Directions in International Health (proposed program), 306, 309
- “New Directions”; mandate, 245, 248, 254, 263, 305
- New International Economic Order (NIEO), 94, 187, 207, 209, 262, 278, 291
- New Zealand, 73, 94, 245, 312
- Newman, Edwin, 60
- Newman, Frank, 135
- Newsom, David D., 102, 158, 170, 327, 342
- Nicaragua:
- AID projects deferred in, 132
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- Balance-of-payments problems, 275
- Bowdler-Pezzullo mission to, 194, 195
- Delay in votes on loans to, 132, 139
- Food assistance to, 259
- FSO loans to, 105
- Human rights country reports to Congress on, 129, 167
- Human rights policy, U.S., 187, 206
- Human rights situation in, 75, 102, 104, 105, 172
- Human rights vs. other policy interests in, 105
- IDB loans to, 80
- OAS/Andean Pact’s roles in, 205
- P.L. 480 aid to, 259
- UNCHR actions on, 184
- U.S. human rights actions in, 87, 183
- U.S. military aid, 62, 80, 87
- Niger, 91, 95, 245, 310
- Nigeria, 89
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- Charges of U.S. racial discrimination in UN, 163
- Equatorial Guinea, relations with, 192
- Family planning in, 287, 308, 345
- Human rights improvements in, 105
- UNCHR investigation of Equatorial Guinea, 125
- U.S. human rights alliance with, 149
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 42, 139
- Nimetz, Matthew, 29, 34, 56, 84, 337, 348
- Nixon, Richard M., 58, 81, 158, 238, 263
- Nolan, Richard, 227, 242, 251, 255
- Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) (see
Individual agencies and organizations)
- As human rights violators, 72
- Criteria for grants to, 135
- D/HA contacts with, 62
- Family planning efforts by, 349
- Food assistance by, 245, 247
- Foundation for funding of, 96
- Genocide convention ratification, 96, 187
- Human rights conference for, 201, 203
- International Food Corps cooperation with, 247
- International health role of, 314
- Recommendations for strengthening U.S. human rights policy, 187
- Removal of UN consultative status of, 80, 87
- Reports of, 190
- Nooter, Robert H., 86
- Nordhaus, William D., 282, 289
- North Atlantic Council (NAC) meeting (May 1977), 24, 30
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 73
- Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS), 290
- North-South relations, 64, 280, 298
- North-South strategy, 279
- North-South Task Force, 335
- Norway, 91, 94, 263, 345
- Novak, Robert, 164
- Nowak, Jan, 107, 112, 135
- Nuclear arms control, 54
- Nuclear blackmail, 209
- Nuclear fuel cycles, 67
- Nuclear power, 290, 337
- Nuclear proliferation, 5, 73, 105, 209, 284
- Nuclear reprocessing, 105
- Nuclear testing, 26
- Nuclear weapons:
- Nudel, Ida, 203
- Nureyev, Rudolf, 166
- Nutrition:
- Nye, Joseph, 301
- Nyerere, Julius, 188
- Oakley, Phyllis, 26, 299, 327, 336
- Oakley, Robert B., 29, 129
- Oberdorfer, Don, 17, 23, 253
- Obesity, 305
- Occupied Territories. See Palestine
- Oceans, 290
- Odom, William, 82
- O’Donohue, Daniel, 24
- Office of Management and Budget (OMB):
- African famine aid, 276
- AID budget cuts by, 171
- Annual commitment for grain purchases for food assistance, 228
- DCC membership of, 315
- Decade on Drinking Water and Sanitation, 319, 335
- Food and Nutrition Reorganization Study, 227
- Human Rights Foundation, 112, 121, 142
- International health initiatives, 315
- P.L. 480, 210, 259, 265
- Refugees, 170
- Reorganization Project Staff, 223
- Scientific research, 245
- Security assistance, 38
- Spring Planning Review, 309
- Study Group for International Food Corps, 247
- Task Force on International Health (proposal), 285
- World food policy PRM, 217, 219
- World Food Program, 235
- World Hunger Working Group, 230
- Official Development Assistance (ODA), 236, 263, 333
- Ogden, Richard M., Jr., 86, 210, 236
- OHCHR. See United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNCHR)
- Ohira, Masayoshi, 331
- Oil, 105, 290, 337, 347
- Oil shale, 337
- O’Keeffe, Charles, 242
- Oksenberg, Michael C., 69, 72, 100, 110, 172
- Olson, Russell, 211
- Olympic Games, 166, 188
- Oman, 91
- Omang, Joanne, 343
- Omenn, Gilbert, 219, 289
- O’Neill, Thomas “Tip,”; 23, 196
- Onek, Joseph, 213
- Oplinger, Jerry, 203, 339
- Optional Protocol to the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 178
- Orchocerciasts Control Program (West Africa), 296
- Orfila, Alejandro, 161
- Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD):
- Organization of American States (OAS) (see also Inter-American Human Rights Commission) [Page 1218]
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 23, 209, 250, 270, 328
- Ortiz, Frank, 13, 20, 28, 210
- Osnos, Peter, 42
- Ostpolitik, 24
- O’Toole, Thomas, 263
- Ottawa Summit (1981), 348
- Overfishing, 245
- Overgrazing, 252
- Overly, James E., 336
- Overseas broadcast facilities, 46, 49, 73
- Overseas Development Council, 253, 292
- Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), 139, 237, 263
- Brazilian activities of, 108
- DCC membership of, 315
- Enhancement of capacity of, 328
- Human rights reports for Congress for, 108, 167
- IDCA authority over, 263
- In Cambodia, 150
- In Chile, 108, 150
- In Uganda, 150
- Sanctions through, 73, 151, 152, 153, 157, 158, 160
- Suspension of negotiations for Uruguay, 108
- Owen, David, 42, 306
- Owen, Henry D., 203, 226, 239
- African famine aid, 274, 276
- AID reorganization, 240
- Carter meeting with religious leaders, 267, 268
- Development assistance paper, 306
- Food for Peace Program, 265
- G–7 talks on population issues, 333
- Global 2000 Report, 348
- Human Rights Foundation, 80
- IDCA Development policy statement, 328
- International program uses of excess grain, 265
- Lack of coordination in food policy, 245
- Leadership in War on Hunger, 271
- OPIC, 150, 152
- P.L. 480, 93, 259
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger, 251, 263, 272, 274
- Summit follow-up on population, 345
- World Hunger Working Group draft report, 241
- Owen, Robert, 195
- Oxman, Steve:
- Fraser foreign assistance bill amendments, 136, 137
- Human rights:
- Human Rights Foundation as clearinghouse, 123
- Human Rights Foundation proposal, 117, 121
- Human rights policy, U.S., 87,
132, 139
- Implementation of, 55
- Human rights reports, 61, 84, 86, 106, 109
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom, 130, 131, 135
- International financial institutions, 156
- OPIC, 108, 153
- P.L. 480, 88, 90, 92
- Ozone depletion, 337
- Packer, Samuel H., 7
- Pahlavi, Shah Reza, 82, 172, 196
- Pak Chung Hee, 42, 82, 187, 200
- Pakistan:
- Afghani refugees in, 264
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- Balance-of-payments problems, 275
- Charges of U.S. racial discrimination in UN, 163
- Debt owed by, 207
- Elections postponed in, 104
- Family planning in, 287, 308, 331
- Human rights reports for, 203
- Malnutrition in, 213, 245
- P.L. 480 aid to, 90, 265
- Political prisoners released in, 100, 104, 105
- United States, relations with, 200
- U.S. aid suspension to, 264
- Palestine:
- Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 317, 342
- Palmer, Steve, 109, 147, 197, 200, 201, 203, 299
- Palmeri, Robert, 282
- Palmieri, Victor, 266
- Pan American Airlines, 223
- Panama, 91, 184, 308, 348
- Panama Canal treaties, 5, 29, 80, 87, 96, 97, 249, 278
- Panov, Valery, 166
- Paraguay:
- Action plans for, 183
- AID projects deferred in, 132
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- Delay in votes on loans to, 132, 139
- FSO loans to, 105
- Human rights reports, 17
- Human rights violations in, 104
- Human rights vs. other policy interests in, 105
- IAHRC visits to, 53, 87
- IDB loans to, 145
- Interagency group discussion of loans to, 41
- Prisoner releases in, 42, 104
- UNCHR actions on, 125, 184
- U.S. military aid to, 62, 206
- U.S. seen as “punishing”; due to weakness of, 105
- U.S. votes against IFI loans to, 132, 139, 145, 202
- USIS exhibits on human rights, 60
- Withdrawal of loan applications by, 71, 132
- Paralegal services, 58, 140, 205
- Parasites, 296, 305
- Park, Tongsun, 105
- Park Chung Hee, 42, 82, 187, 200
- Parker, Daniel, 1
- Parsons, Edmond, 253, 258
- Pascoe, B. Lynn, 8, 28
- Pastor, Robert A., 38, 47, 69, 72, 76, 88, 161, 164
- Patterson, Eugene, 246
- Patton, James, 7
- Peace Corps, 81, 114, 207, 247, 263, 306, 325, 330, 336
- Pearce, William R., 243
- PEN, 111
- People’s Temple, 173
- Percy, Charles H., 4
- Percy Amendment, 58, 324, 341
- Perman, Florence, 310
- Perry, Jack R., 26, 179, 192
- Pertini, Sandro, 328
- Peru:
- American Convention on Human Rights, 104
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- As scheduled for P.L. 480 aid in FY 1978, 90
- Elections in, 105
- Family planning in, 308
- Human rights improvement in, 43, 105, 172
- Human rights reports, 17, 61
- Prisoner releases in, 42, 104
- Ratification of UN Covenants and Conventions, 193
- UNCHR role of, 184
- Pesticides, 290
- Peters, Lauralee, 78, 211
- Peterson, Esther, 231
- Petrovsky, Boris V., 317
- Petterson, Donald, 111
- Pezzullo, Lawrence, 13, 145, 194, 195
- Pfeiffer, Jane Cahill, 246
- Pfeiffer, Robert, 201
- Phelps, Homer R., 26
- Philippine Development Bank, 145
- Philippine Investment Services Organization, 145
- Philippines:
- Action plans for, 60, 183
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- Family planning in, 287, 308, 331, 345
- Human rights policy, U.S., 206 [Page 1220]
- Human rights reports, 6, 17, 129, 180
- Human rights situation in, 88, 104, 172
- Human rights vs. other policy interests in, 105
- IFI loans to, 100, 105, 132, 139, 145, 202
- Interagency group discussion of loans to, 41
- P.L. 480, 90, 169
- Torture in, 102, 104
- United States, relations with, 200
- U.S. base rights in, 105
- U.S. démarches on loans to, 53, 71
- U.S. human rights actions in, 87, 175
- U.S. military aid to, 4, 29, 62, 105
- U.S. sales of police equipment to, 206
- Physicists, 181, 212
- Pickering, Thomas, 316, 339
- Pinochet, Augusto, 105, 157, 158
- Pisano, Jane, 41
- Pitts, John, 260
- P.L. 480 (see also
Congress, Acts of; Food assistance; Foreign economic assistance),
- Afghani aid under, 90
- African aid under, 259, 276
- As help to U.S. agriculture, 23, 58
- Bangladeshi aid under, 90, 93, 103, 105, 169
- Budgeting for, 208, 259, 265, 275
- Cambodian aid under, 261
- Changes in political provisions of, 210
- Chile as major recipient under, 88
- Countries scheduled for aid in FY 1978 under, 90, 93
- Dominican aid under, 90
- Egyptian aid under, 90, 210, 259
- Extension legislation for, 210, 225
- Food reserves for stabilization of, 228
- Foreign food assistance under, 223
- Guinean aid under, 90, 93, 103, 105, 145, 169
- Haitian aid under, 90, 169
- Honduran aid under, 90
- Human rights language in agreements under, 103, 169
- Increase in aid under, 265
- Indian aid under, 90, 265
- Indonesian aid under, 90, 103, 105, 169, 259
- Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance, 87, 93, 100
- Interagency Staff Committee, 223
- International Development and Food Assistance Act (1977), effect on, 210
- Israeli aid under, 90, 259, 265
- Jamaica aid under, 90
- Jordan aid under, 90, 259
- Korean Republic aid under, 90, 93, 103, 105, 169, 259
- Lack of clarity in procedures for decisions on aid through, 100
- Lebanese aid under, 90
- Limitations of, 210, 245
- Moroccan aid under, 90
- Nicaraguan aid under, 259
- Pakistani aid under, 90, 265
- Peruvian aid under, 90
- Philippines aid under, 90, 169
- Portuguese aid under, 90, 259
- Prohibition of aid to Communist countries under, 210
- Redirection under P. L. 95–88 of, 210
- Reporting requirements, 86, 88, 90, 92, 93, 100
- Senegal aid under, 90
- Shipment to human rights violators under, 93
- Sierra Leone aid under, 90, 169
- Somalia aid under, 90, 103, 105, 169
- Special Task Force on the Operation of, 254
- Sri Lankan aid under, 90
- Stabilization of program levels in, 228
- Sudanese aid under, 90
- Syrian aid under, 90, 169
- Tanzanian aid for, 90
- Title One programs, 73, 75, 88, 90, 92, 93, 243, 275
- Title Two programs, 73, 75, 88, 232, 235, 245, 259
- Title Three programs, 169, 222, 236, 258, 308
- Tunisian aid under, 90, 169
- Zaire aid under, 90, 93, 103, 105, 169
- Zambian aid under, 90
- Poats, Rutherford, 153, 269, 273, 274
- Pol Pot, 188, 194, 195, 266, 342
- Poland:
- Police equipment, 87, 206
- Policy Review Committee, 282
- Political asylum, 54, 187, 206
- Political prisoners:
- In Argentina, 66
- In Bangladesh, 100, 104, 105
- In Bolivia, 87
- In Central African Empire, 105
- In Chile, 104
- In Cuba, 104, 170
- In Dominican Republic, 87, 104, 105
- In Ethiopia, 104
- In Guinea, 104, 105
- In Haiti, 87, 104, 105
- In Indonesia, 11, 87, 100, 102, 104, 105
- In Iran, 104, 105
- In Korean Republic, 73, 100
- In Malawi, 104
- In Morocco, 105
- In Mozambique, 104
- In Nepal, 104, 105
- In Pakistan, 100, 104, 105
- In Palestine, 196
- In Paraguay, 42, 104
- In Peru, 42, 104
- In Poland, 104, 105
- In Portugal, 167
- In Romania, 104
- In Soviet Union, 82
- In Sri Lanka, 104
- In Tanzania, 105
- In Thailand, 105
- In Togo, 42, 67, 104, 105
- In Yugoslavia, 104
- Numbers of, 190
- Treatment of, 162
- Political trials, 59, 74
- “Politics as Vocation”; (Weber), 100
- Pollution, 347
- Population:
- Population assistance, 287, 345, 349
- Population Council, 297, 307
- Population Dynamics and International Violence (Choucri), 338
- Population policy, U.S., 308, 329
- Annual Reports of NSC Ad Hoc Group on, 326, 339
- Congressional-Executive branch relations over, 318, 321, 324
- Implementation of, 298
- Initiatives in, 297
- Management within the State Department of, 287
- NSDM 314, 280, 282, 287, 289, 307, 308
- Performance evaluation of, 307
- Reaffirmation of, 284
- Study on, 290
- Portugal:
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- Human rights country reports to Congress on, 167
- Human rights progress in, 43, 105
- P.L. 480 aid for, 90, 259
- Political prisoners in, 167
- Signing of CEDAW by, 340
- U.S. aid to, 296
- U.S. human rights policy in, 73
- USDA intermediate credit program for, 223
- Post, Richard St. F., 111
- Poverty, 234, 255, 308, 328, 347
- Powell, Jody, 112, 113, 243, 273
- Power, Sarah Goddard, 341, 342
- Power diffusion, 209
- Pravda, 161
- Preeg, Ernest, 7, 20
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (Nixon-era), 238
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (PCWH):
- AID hunger focus, 273
- Draft charter for, 248
- Establishment of, 244, 257
- Executive order on, 248
- Final report of, 267, 268, 271, 272, 277, 347
- Guiding principles for, 251
- Linowitz appointment as chair, 246, 249, 251, 255
- Meetings:
- Membership of, 251
- Message to Congress on, 245, 248
- Preliminary report of, 263
- Proposal for, 227, 233, 238, 239, 242, 244
- Recommendations of, 263
- Starvation in Cambodia, 261, 263
- State Department views on issues before, 252
- Update on, 255
- USDA views on issues before, 254
- Presidential Decision Memoranda, 98, 105, 241, 242, 301, 348
- Presidential Directives (see also Human rights), 133
- Presidential Medal of Freedom, 170
- Presidential Policy Options Memoranda, 231
- Presidential Review Memoranda (PRMs) (see
also Human Rights Coordinating Group), 5
- Human Rights PRMs, 41, 52
- AID role in, 58
- Analytical introduction to, 68
- Final draft, 279
- Frustrations raised in discussion of, 114
- Meetings on, 49
- Outline for, 54
- PRM 4, 38
- PRM 28, 46, 50, 73, 76, 81
- Prospects for, 7, 9
- Questions raised in, 38, 76
- Special Coordinating Committee’s work on:
- State Department draft vs. NSC draft, 22, 45, 50
- Status of, 29, 30
- United Nations human rights instruments, 165
- Women’s rights issues in, 58
- World food policy PRM, 217, 219
- Human Rights PRMs, 41, 52
- Presidential Scholars in Global Health, 304, 306, 309
- Presidential Study on Population, Resources, and Environment, 289
- Presidential Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, 343, 344, 346, 348
- Press, Frank, 212, 282
- Press censorship, 104
- Preventative detention, 135, 190
- Price support loans, 225
- Primary health care, 317, 333, 348, 349
- Prison inspections, 87
- Prisoners, political. See Political prisoners
- Prisoners of conscience, 190
- Prisoners of war (POWs), 6, 125
- Privacy, 290
- Private sector, 227, 231, 237, 306
- Private volunteer organizations (PVOs), 306, 314
- Problems of Communism, 60
- Project Evaluation Summaries, 307
- Protein deficiency, 215
- Public diplomacy, 29, 48, 53, 87, 170
- Public education, 263, 277
- Public health, 145
- Public Health Service Scholarships, 306
- Public technology, 290
- Puerto Rico, 29
- Putnam, 112
- Racial discrimination:
- Racial justice, 77
- Radio Free Europe (RFE), 73, 187
- Radio Liberty, 73, 187
- Rafshoon, Gerald, 173
- Ragozina, Galina, 166
- Rand Corporation, 67
- Randolph, A. Philip, 170
- Read, Benjamin H., 133, 324
- Reagan, Ronald, 206
- Red Cross, 17, 84, 87, 91, 105, 190, 261, 266
- Refugees:
- Afghani, 264
- Aid under Food for Peace for, 261
- Argentinean, 6
- Boat people, 162
- Bolivian, 6
- Cambodian, 6, 170, 261, 328
- Camps for, 6
- Canadian UNCHR resolution on, 184
- Chilean, 6
- Cuban, 200
- East African, 275, 276
- Haitian, 6, 200
- Indochinese, 6, 80, 170, 266
- INS assistance to, 6
- Iranian, 200
- Laotian, 6
- Liberalizing entry to, 73
- Processing in Hong Kong of, 6
- Resettlement of, 96, 121
- Soviet, 6
- Syrian, 184
- Uruguayan, 6
- U.S. policy on asylum for, 29, 54
- Vietnamese, 6
- Women as, 342
- Regional influentials, 43
- Regional and Political Analysis (ORPA), Office of, 30, 42
- Reimer, Reynold, 331
- Reinhardt, John E., 139, 325, 336
- Religious discrimination, 125
- Religious intolerance, 125, 181, 190
- Research and Development (R&D), 290, 304
- Research and training centers, 304, 306, 309, 314
- Resource conservation, 209, 290
- Respiratory diseases, 313
- Reuss, Henry S.:
- Reuther, David E., 321
- Rewards, 132, 139
- Rhodesia:
- As U.S. human rights target, 105
- Chrome imports from, 4, 26
- Closing of information office, 162
- Congressional interest in, 62
- Human rights improvement in, 172
- Human rights reports on, 196
- Majority rule as objective in, 73
- Review of U.S. policy toward, 29
- Trade embargo against, 26
- U.S. human rights policy, As seen by NGOs, 187
- U.S. sanctions against, 26
- Rice, 221, 225
- Richardson, Henry, 69, 76, 88
- Richardson, John, 107, 142
- Richmond, Julius, 313, 317
- Riggs, Fletcher, 211
- Rizik, Philip, 197, 201, 336
- Rockefeller, John D., III, 297
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 246
- Rockefeller Foundation, 245
- Rodino, Peter, 62
- Rogers, Kenneth, 194, 197
- Rogers, William D., 1
- Roh, Charles, 210
- Romania, 53, 71, 95, 104, 183, 206
- Romero, Gen. Carlos H., 87, 104
- Ronard, John, 4
- Roosevelt, Eleanor, 60, 80, 167
- Rose, Robert, 344
- Rousselot, John H., 33
- Rovine, Arthur W., 24
- Rowe, John H., 282, 289
- Rubber, 215, 277
- Rubenstein, David, 244
- Ruchti, James, 147
- Runyon, Charles, 8, 17, 20, 91, 126, 147, 190
- Rupprecht, Erhardt, 211
- Rural development, 245, 250, 258, 262, 263, 319
- Rural-to-urban migration, 339
- Rwanda, 58
- Ryan, Deirdre, 334
- Ryan, Leo, 173
- Sadat, Anwar, 259
- Sahel Development Program, 236
- Sahel drought, 218, 234, 236, 245
- Sakharov, Andrei, 7, 18, 19, 38
- Salination, 252
- Salmon, Charles, 187, 194, 198, 200, 201
- Salzberg, John, 4, 11
- Sanctions, 73, 132, 139, 205
- Sanders, Edward G., 7, 282, 289
- Sandinistas, 194
- Sanitation (see also Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation), 311, 313, 314, 330, 332
- Saouma, Edouard, 253, 276
- Sartorius, James, 335
- Satellites, 290
- Saudi Arabia:
- Saunders, Harold H., 14, 104, 301
- SAVAK, 82
- Schaufele, William, 1
- Schechter, Jerrold L., 19, 166, 170, 172, 175, 177, 226
- Scheuer, James H., 318, 321, 324
- Schistosomiasis, 21, 301
- Schlossberg, Stephen I., 135, 246
- Schmidt, Helmut, 42, 331
- Schneider, Howard, 251
- Schneider, Mark:
- Access to information for D/HA, 195
- As Human Rights Coordinating Group representative, 50
- Carter administration’s emphasis on human rights, 51
- Development assistance, 91
- Fraser foreign assistance bill amendments, 137
- Human Rights Foundation as clearinghouse proposal, 123
- Human rights policy, U.S.:
- Human rights reports, 61, 84, 86, 87, 109, 129, 146, 185, 190
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom, 126, 135
- Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance, 183
- International financial institutions, 156, 179
- OPIC, 108
- P.L. 480, 86, 90, 169
- Replacement of, 203
- Review for CCC loans, 78
- Security assistance, 91
- School Breakfast Program, 263
- School Lunch Program, 263
- Schuker, Jill A., 325
- Schultze, Charles, 223, 230, 243
- Schuweiler, Melvin, 211
- Schwartz, Alan U., 135
- Schwartz, Elliot, 289
- Schwebel, Stephen M., 28, 94, 325, 327, 336
- Science and Technology Policy, Office of (OSTP), 217, 219, 230, 245, 286, 299, 304, 337
- Science transfer, 223, 234, 236, 245, 253, 290
- Scientific literature, 292
- Scientific research, 245
- Scientific and technical cooperation, 286, 328
- Scott, Austin, 26
- Sebastian, Peter, 8, 26, 28
- Sector Reviews, 307
- Security assistance (see also Arms Export
Control Board; Foreign economic assistance; Individual countries)
- Benson-Fraser discussions of, 11, 13
- Changes in levels of, 4, 7, 38, 54, 62, 73
- Congressional prohibitions against, 105
- Countries considered for, 91, 95
- Criteria applied to economic aid vs., 105
- Human rights considerations in, 29, 199
- Humphrey Committee hearings on, 9
- Improving coordination on decisions on, 144, 200
- State Department strategy for dealing with Congress over human rights and, 62
- To Asia, 62
- To Latin America, 29, 62
- Security and Assistance Planning and Review Commission (SAPRC), 49
- Security Assistance Review Committee, 1
- Seelye, Talcott, 39
- Seitz, Ray, 269, 276, 336
- Self-determination, 155
- Senate, U.S.:
- Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee, 90, 92, 233, 254
- American Convention on Human Rights, 161
- Appropriations Committee’s Foreign Operations Subcommittee, 17, 23, 208
- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, 139
- CEDAW, 342
- Derian’s confirmation hearing, 29
- Finance Committee’s International Trade Subcommittee, 236
- Foreign Relations Committee, 91, 139, 187, 197, 312, 342
- Humphrey Bill, 139
- IFI Authorization Bill’s Humphrey Amendment, 29, 33, 35, 38
- International Rubber Agreement as ratified by, 277
- Ratification of UN covenants, 4, 62, 96, 118, 178, 187, 195
- World hunger initiatives, 238
- Senegal:
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- As country of concern for rights violations, 88
- Commission on the Status of Women, 310
- Human rights record of, 105
- Increases in AID funding levels for, 140
- P.L. 480 aid for, 90
- Population issues in, 331
- Resolution on creating UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 94, 120
- Sahelian drought in, 245
- UNCHR, 120, 125
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 42, 139
- Women’s status in, 336
- Sergeant, William, 331
- Shabecoff, Philip, 348
- Shaib, Bukar, 262
- Shakow, Alex, 86, 315, 319
- Shanghai Communiqué (1972), 26
- Sharansky, Natan, 104
- Shaughnessy, Daniel, 253
- Shea, Laurel, 116
- Shear, David, 247
- Shem, Story, 337
- Shestack, Jerome, 178, 203
- Shlaudeman, Harry, 1
- Shriver, Sargent, 246
- Shulman, Marshall, 19, 166, 186
- Shultz, Carl, 282, 289
- Shurtleff, Leonard G.:
- Sierra Leone, 88, 90, 91, 169
- Sieverts, Frank A., 6, 190, 194, 197
- Silberman, Laurence, 63
- Silverstone, Jonathan, 17, 86, 90
- Simmons, Adele Smith, 251
- Simmons, Steve, 204
- SINAI II, 207
- Singapore, 308, 331
- Singletary, Raymond, 251
- Sirkin, Abraham, 9, 34
- Smallpox eradication, 292
- Smith, Dane F., Jr., 258, 270
- Smith, Hedrick, 23
- Smith, J. P., 265
- Smith, Kathy, 299
- Smith, Roberts, 108
- Smith, Thomas, 111
- Sneider, Richard L., 93
- Sober, Sidney, 109, 129
- Software, 290
- Soils, 337
- Solar energy, 290, 347
- Solomon, Tony, 145, 156, 183
- Somalia, 60
- Sommer, John, 335
- Somoza, Anastasio, 80, 194
- Sorenson, Roger, 262
- South Africa, Republic of:
- As U.S. human rights target, 105
- Congressional interest in, 62
- Dissidents in, 105
- Export-Import Bank credit ban to, 139
- Human rights situation in, 172
- Intensification of repression in, 104
- Israel, relations with, 63
- UNCHR resolutions on, 125
- U.S. aid for legal defense fund in, 141
- U.S. human rights policy toward, 206
- U.S. investment policy toward, 4
- U.S. policy for UN discussions on, 155
- South Asia, 172
- South West Africa People’s Organization (SWAPO), 317
- South Yemen, 132, 139, 145
- Southern Africa, 77, 275, 291
- Southern Cone, 42, 87
- Soviet Perceptions of Dissidence and the Helsinki Accord (ORPA), 30
- Soviet Policy and Tactics for Belgrade (ORPA), 30
- Soviet Union:
- Afghanistan invasion by, 203, 264, 265
- African rights-violating countries role of, 191, 192
- Alma Ata Conference on Primary Health Care, 317, 328, 333, 349
- Armenian genocide, 182
- Belgrade Conference (1977), 24, 42
- Cambodian human rights violations, 184
- Charges of U.S. racial discrimination in UN, 163
- Constraints on foreign policy of, 209
- Dissidents in, 104, 105
- Economic development role in LDCs for, 215
- Emigration from, 6, 104, 105, 166, 188
- Equatorial Guinea role of, 191, 192
- Food pricing policies in, 218
- Health cooperation with the United States, 286, 288, 292, 295
- Helsinki Agreement, 25, 42, 80, 96
- Human rights deterioration in, 172
- Human rights evaluation reports, 73
- Indian Ocean militarization, 26
- Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 73
- Neutron bombs, 125
- Olympic Games (Moscow, 1980), 166, 188
- Political prisoners in, 82
- Refugees in Italy from, 6
- Religious discrimination in, 125
- Sakharov case, 7
- SALT II, 42, 186
- Seen as irrelevant and unworkable, 89
- Staffing of Human Rights Conventions by, 165
- Sugar agreement with Cuba, 215
- Uganda role of, 191, 192
- UN human rights machinery, 149
- UNCHR’s establishment, 16
- United States, relations with, 186, 203, 264, 265
- U.S. concern for human rights in, 18, 82
- U.S. human rights policy, 43, 73, 206
- U.S. seen as ignoring human rights record of, 43, 105
- USIA human rights action plan for, 60
- Space shuttle, 290
- Spain:
- Spanish Sahara, 59
- Sparkman, John J., 23, 108, 114, 139, 242, 245
- Spear, Moncrieff, 17, 20, 24
- Special Assistant for Consumer Affairs, Office of, 230
- Special Assistant for Health, Office of, 219
- Special Coordinating Committee Working Group on Human Rights, 32, 45, 52, 53, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 73
- Special Representative for Trade Negotiations, Office of (STR), 219, 223, 230, 245, 315
- Special Task Force on the Operation of Public Law 480, 254
- Speth, Gus, 337, 343, 346, 347, 348
- Spiegel, Daniel, 70, 87
- Spiegel, John, 156, 179, 183
- Sri Lanka:
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- As development success, 253
- Criminal Justice Commission Act (1972), 104
- Elections (1977), 104
- Family planning in, 308
- Human rights improvements in, 102, 188
- Increases in AID funding levels for, 140
- Malnutrition in, 213
- P.L. 480 aid for, 90
- Political prisoners, 104
- Population issues in, 331
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 196
- Stahnke, Paul, 20, 108
- Stanton, Frank, 246
- Stanton, J. William, 23, 132
- Starvation, 209, 213, 261, 263, 266, 273, 274
- Status of Women, Commission on:
- Sterilization, 308
- Stevens, Sayre, 7
- Stockwell, Eugene, 246, 251, 255
- Stone, Richard, 92, 242
- Strategic arms limitation, 73
- Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II), 10, 42, 73, 97, 105, 167, 186
- Strategy Development Working Group, 283
- Strauss, Robert S., 223, 230, 231, 259
- Strausz-Hupe, Robert, 28
- Stroessner, Alfredo, 104
- Strokes, 305
- Strout, Richard L., 343, 348
- Study Group for International Food Corps, 247
- Sudan:
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- As country of concern for rights violations, 88
- Balance-of-payments problems, 275
- Cultivation of fertile new land in, 245
- Human rights improvements in, 105, 172
- P.L. 480 aid for, 90
- Transshipment of GDR military equipment to Uganda through, 192
- Suffrage, 58
- Sugar, 215
- Suharto, 11, 331
- Sullivan code, 162
- Suslow, Leo A., 135
- Swaziland, 91
- Sweden:
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- As leader in human rights activities, 4
- As major donor of development assistance, 333
- Commission on the Status of Women, 310
- Convention against torture proposal of, 125
- Human rights as factor in IFI loans, 73, 105, 179
- IDB loans, 105
- Iranian UN resolution on human rights, 94
- Population assistance from, 345
- Public education on problems of LDCs, 263
- Signing of CEDAW by, 340
- UN Water Conference, 278
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 139
- Water and sanitation assistance, 332
- Swift, Ann, 11, 13, 17, 29, 62, 91
- Swing, William, 111
- Switzerland, 91
- Sylvester, John, 190
- Syria, 38
- Taiwan:
- Talmadge, Herman, 92, 93, 255
- Tanco, Arturo, Jr., 221
- Tanzania:
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- As country of concern for rights violations, 88
- As leader in human rights activities, 4
- Family planning in, 308
- Food shortages in, 275
- International Food Corps proposal, 247
- Invasion of Uganda by, 184
- P.L. 480 aid for, 90
- Political prisoners in, 105
- Tapa, Sione, 284
- Tariffs, 234
- Tarnoff, Peter:
- American Convention on Human Rights, 47
- Cambodia, 266
- Carter meeting with Vance and Derian, 174
- Carter talk on human rights (proposed), 77
- Fraser memorandum on human rights, 56
- G–7 Summit, 24
- Human rights, 38
- Human rights policy, U.S.:
- Human rights reports by country for Congress, 84, 167, 185
- Interagency Task Force on International Population Policy, 280
- International health policy, 288, 306
- Issues for transition briefing papers, 206
- Population/food problems, 312
- Population policy, U.S., 284, 307, 308
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (PCWH), Message to Congress on, 248
- Review of CCC loans, 78
- Soviet bloc role in African rights-violating countries, 192
- Washington Conference on Food and Agricultural Assistance (proposal), 220
- Women’s rights and status, 325
- World Conference for the Decade on Women, 342
- World hunger initiatives, 230
- Task Force on International Health, 281,
283, 285,
- “Coordination, Organization, Staffing”; (issue paper), 315
- Tate, Dan, 242
- Taubenfeld, Rita, 116
- Technology transfer, 223, 234, 236, 245, 250, 253, 290, 298
- Tefft, John, 116
- Teitelbaum, Mike, 321
- Terrorism, 29, 134, 209, 278
- Textiles, 259
- Thailand:
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- Commission on the Status of Women, 310
- Family planning in, 307, 308, 345
- Food production trends in, 312
- Human rights reports, 129
- Improvements in human rights, 102, 104, 172
- Indochinese refugees in, 6, 266
- Political prisoners in, 105
- Population issues in, 331
- U.S. aid for Cambodian refugees in, 261
- U.S. démarches on loans to, 71
- U.S. military aid to, 11, 29, 62
- U.S. population assistance to, 287
- Thammasat University, 104
- Third World. See Less-developed countries (LDCs)
- Thomas, Dylan, 43
- Thomas, Frank, 20
- Thompson, Barbara, 325, 336
- Thompson, James, 7
- Thompson, Warren E., 282, 289
- Thornton, Thomas:
- Thurber, James, 39
- Tice, Donald, 17, 106
- Tidal waves, 290
- TIME Newstour Group, 249
- Tin, 215, 277
- Tinbergen, Jan, 213
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 47
- Todman, Terence A., 38, 39, 42, 56, 61, 84, 87, 109, 301, 306
- Togo:
- Tokyo Declaration (June 1979), 257
- Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 187, 257
- Tokyo Round, 207, 245
- Torres, Esteban E., 146
- Torture, 1, 4, 15, 16, 190
- Toth, Csanad, 341
- Toure, Sekou, 105
- Toussaint, Donald R., 278
- Toxic substances, 290, 346
- Trade barriers, 254
- Trade embargos, 26, 160
- Trade and investment programs, 73, 231, 237, 245
- Trade liberalization, 245, 277
- Transportation, U.S. Department of, 219, 343
- Transportation infrastructure, 145, 245
- Treasury, U.S. Department of:
- DCC membership of, 315
- Economic development, 328
- IFI Authorization Bill, 33, 36, 83
- Interagency group on human rights and foreign assistance, 29, 31, 41, 139, 156, 183, 202
- International health policy review, 306
- National security vs. human rights, 22
- NSC Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy meetings, 289
- Population growth, 280
- Securing international support for U.S. decisions on loans, 179
- Status of women and children, 323
- Task Force on International Health (proposal), 283
- World hunger initiatives, 219
- World Hunger Working Group, 230
- Tree farming, 145
- Treverton, Gregory F., 45
- Trinidad and Tobago, 104
- Tropical diseases, 215, 304, 306, 313
- Trudeau, Garry, 117
- Truman, Harry S., 53
- Trust Fund for South Africa, 342
- Tsetse flies, 245
- Tuchman, Jessica:
- American Convention on Human Rights, 161
- Badillo Amendment, 33
- Carter letter to Sakharov, 18
- Carter’s UNGA speeches, 26
- Departure from NSC staff of, 188
- Human rights:
- Human Rights Agency proposal, 81, 85
- Human Rights Coordinating Group, 50
- Human Rights Foundation proposal, 107, 112, 113, 117, 121
- Human rights policy, U.S.:
- Human Rights Proposal, 16, 21
- Human rights reports, 167, 180, 185
- Human Rights Week speech proposal, 89
- Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance, 41, 67
- NSC Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy meetings, 289
- Olympic Games in Moscow, 166
- OPIC, 150, 152, 153, 160
- ORPA studies in human rights, 30
- P.L. 480 and reporting on gross human rights violators, 88
- Population/food problems, 312
- Population policy, U.S., 282, 284
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger, 239
- Presidential Directive on human rights, 76, 95, 119
- Resolution on creating UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 120
- Targeting aid to countries respecting human rights, 95
- UN charges of U.S. civil rights violations, 163, 164
- UN Human Rights Commission session (1979), 181
- UNCHR establishment, proposal for, 16
- Washington Conference on Food and Agricultural Assistance (proposal), 220
- World hunger, 212
- World hunger initiative, 217, 219
- World hunger meeting, 217
- Tunisia:
- Turkey:
- Turner, Adm. Stansfield, 343
- Twaddell, William, 297
- Typhoid fever, 330
- Tyson, Brady, 7, 38, 146, 149
- Uganda:
- CCC loans to, 92
- Coffee boycott, 80
- Food assistance to, 236
- Food shortages in, 275
- German Democratic Republic military aid to, 192
- GSP denied for, 73
- Human rights violations in, 42, 80, 104, 172
- Invasion by Tanzania of, 184
- Malnutrition in, 273, 274
- OPIC, 150
- Soviet bloc role in, 191, 192
- Trade embargo on, 160
- UNCHR human rights investigation of, 125, 162, 181
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 42
- U.S. policy for UN discussions on, 155
- U.S. votes in IFIs on loans to, 63
- Ukraine, 104
- UN Human Rights Commission, 155
- Under-consumption, 252
- Underdevelopment, 347
- Undernutrition, 263
- Unemployment, 77, 284, 339
- United Arab Emirates (UAE), 91, 336
- United Arab Republic. See Egypt
- United Auto Worker (UAW), 135
- United Farm Workers (UFW), 80
- United Kingdom (UK):
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- As leader in human rights activities, 4
- Commission on the Status of Women, 310
- Human rights approach of, 24
- Human rights as factor in IFI loans, 179
- IDB loans, 105
- Iranian UN resolution on human rights, 94
- Policy in UN for Cambodia, 155
- Population assistance from, 345
- Public education on problems of LDCs, 263
- Racial discrimination in, 135
- UNGA disappeared persons resolution, 181
- United States, relations with, 105
- U.S. cooperation on human rights with, 156
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 42, 139
- Water and sanitation assistance, 332
- United Nations (UN) (see also Genocide
Convention (1949))
- 6th Special Session, 207
- 7th Special Session, 207, 245
- 10th Special Session on Disarmament, 26
- Argentina, resolutions on, 162
- Cambodia as discussed in, 155
- Center for Science and Technology for Development (UNCSTD), 253
- Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States (CERDS), 94
- Conference on New and Renewable Forms of Energy (1981), 346
- Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 38, 149, 155, 199
- Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation, 306, 313, 315, 316, 319, 328, 330, 332, 335
- Decade on Women:
- Declaration against Torture (1975), 87
- Desertification Conference (Nairobi, 1977), 236, 278, 306
- Draft convention against torture, 125, 162, 181
- Drug Agency, 23
- Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP), 348
- Educational and Training Program for South Africa, 342
- Environment Conference (Stockholm, 1972), 278, 296
- Examination of U.S. ratification record on international human rights treaties, 193
- Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), 287, 307, 308, 326, 328, 345, 349
- Habitat Conference, 278, 296
- Human rights activity of, 2, 105
- Human Rights Commission, 190
- Genocide Report, 182, 184
- Improving human rights machinery in, 125, 149
- Meetings:
- National human rights commissions proposal, 125
- Progress reports from, 155, 162
- Resolutions and investigations of, 125
- Return to New York of, 26, 149, 155, 181
- Strengthening of, 16, 29, 52, 146, 148, 149
- Subcommission on Discrimination against
Minorities, 162, 181, 182, 193
- Working Group on Communications, 163
- UN High Commissioner for Human Rights discussion in, 120
- U.S. representation in, 187
- U.S. scope paper on, 181
- U.S. view of achievements of, 125
- Western European and Others (WEOG) Group, 8
- Human Rights Division, 146, 148, 149, 181
- Importance to United States of, 26
- Interim Fund for Science and Technology, 328
- Iranian human rights resolution, 94
- Overview Mechanism, 248
- Population Commission, 331
- Population Conference (Bucharest, 1974), 236, 278, 280, 284, 296, 331, 333, 349
- Religious intolerance declaration, 125
- Removal of NGOs’ consultative status, 80, 87
- Science and Technology Conference (Vienna, 1979), 234, 245, 253, 291, 298
- Second Development Decade, 236, 252, 328
- Strengthening of human rights machinery at, 95, 172
- Third Development Decade, 253, 263, 287, 324, 328, 331
- Torture as concern in, 149, 154, 155
- U.S. human rights policy in, 29, 53, 73, 199
- U.S. meeting on strategy for human rights in, 146, 148, 149, 154
- U.S. policy for discussions on rights-violating countries in, 155
- U.S. violations of civil rights as charged by, 163, 164, 165
- Water Conference (Mar de Plata, Mar. 1977), 236, 278, 296, 306, 319
- World Food Program, 232, 235, 245, 250, 255, 258, 266, 273, 277, 308
- World Population Conference (Mexico City, 1984), 331
- Year of the Child, 302, 323, 325
- Zionism seen as racism in, 29, 63, 73, 87, 159, 317, 342
- United Nations Association-USA (UNA–USA), 127, 187
- United Nations Charter (see also Human rights), 134
- United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF):
- United Nations Conference on Food (Rome, 1974), 236
- United Nations Conference on Population (Bucharest, 1974), 236, 278, 280, 284, 296, 331, 333, 349
- United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development (UNCSTD) (Vienna, 1979), 234, 245, 253, 291, 298, 328
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 207, 243, 248, 253, 255, 258, 278, 328
- United Nations Conference on Water (Mar del Plata, 1977), 236, 278, 296, 306, 330, 332
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 26, 232, 245, 250, 262, 299, 328, 335, 342
- United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 63, 146, 190, 206
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 290
- United Nations General Assembly (UNGA):
- Carter’s speeches to:
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), 340, 342
- Cyprus as agenda item in, 291
- Disappeared persons resolution, 181
- Fifth Committee, 149
- Iranian human rights resolution, 94
- Kissinger’s speech (Sept. 1974), 21, 207
- Middle East as agenda item in, 291
- Palestine resolutions in, 162
- Resolution 30/3520, 342
- Sessions:
- Southern Africa as agenda item in, 291
- U.S. promotion of human rights in, 8, 52, 146, 148, 153
- U.S. strategy paper on human rights in, 148, 155, 162
- United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNCHR):
- Algerian actions in, 184
- Argentina investigated by, 181
- Bolivia as scrutinized by, 125
- Brazil complaints by, 125
- Burundi complaints by, 181
- Cambodian resolutions in, 125, 162, 184
- Canadian resolutions in, 125, 184
- Chilean resolutions by, 125, 162, 181
- Colombian role in, 184
- Costa Rican resolution on, 87, 99
- Cuban position, 120
- Cuban role in, 125, 184
- Danish position, 94
- Equatorial Guinea as investigated by, 125, 181
- Ethiopia as scrutinized by, 125, 181, 184
- Guatemala actions by, 184
- Human Rights Commission discussion of, 120
- Indian position, 120, 125
- Indonesian cooperation with, 125
- Iran complaints of, 181
- Iraqi actions in, 184
- Irish position, 94
- Israel resolutions of, 125, 184
- Italian position, 94
- Jordanian resolution, 125
- Korean Republic scrutiny by, 125
- Latin American actions by, 184
- Malawi as scrutinized by, 125
- Netherlands position, 94
- Nicaragua actions by, 184
- Norwegian position, 94
- Palestine resolutions, 125
- Panama role of, 184
- Paraguay actions by, 125, 184
- Peru’s role in, 184
- Polish resolution in, 125
- Refugee resolution in, 184
- Senegalese position, 120, 125
- South Africa resolutions of, 125
- Spanish position, 94
- Syrian actions in, 184
- Uganda human rights investigation by, 125, 162, 181
- UN vote on, 94
- Uruguay actions by, 125, 181, 184
- U.S. proposal for establishment of, 16, 26, 29, 52, 53, 73, 87, 94, 114, 116, 120, 146, 155, 181
- Venezuelan position, 94
- Yugoslavian actions in, 125, 184
- United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR), 6, 121
- United Nations human rights instruments (see
also Genocide Convention (1949))
- Convention on the Crime of Apartheid, 155
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), 340, 342
- Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 27, 38, 118, 149, 155, 199
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 7
- International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, 7
- United Nations Trust Fund, 56
- United Presbyterian Church, 200
- United States Catholic Conference, 187
- United States Information Agency (USIA), 14
- United States Information Service (USIS), 60, 73
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1,
122, 155
- Article 21, 158
- Carter’s endorsement of, 9, 70, 99
- Categories of rights in, 16, 57
- Collective vs. individual rights in, 94
- Guarantees provided by, 44, 91
- Internationally-recognized rights in, 29, 73
- Signatories to, 63
- Thirtieth Anniversary of, 155, 162, 167, 170, 173, 176, 178, 200
- U.S. acknowledgement of, 28
- Upper atmosphere pollution, 290, 337
- Upper Volta, 91, 95, 105, 245
- Urban problems, 290, 296
- Uruguay:
- Action plans for, 183
- AID projects deferred in, 132
- Armenian genocide, 182
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- Delay in votes on loans to, 132, 139
- Export-Import Bank credits, 105
- FSO loans to, 105
- Human rights reports, 17
- Human rights violations in, 104
- Human rights vs. other policy interests, 105
- Improvements in human rights, 172
- OPIC negotiations suspended for, 108
- Refugees from, 6
- Torture of physicists in, 60
- UNCHR actions in, 125, 181, 184
- U.S. human rights actions in, 87
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 25, 42, 196
- U.S. military aid to, 4, 7, 11, 23, 38, 62, 87, 105
- U.S. seen as “punishing”; due to weakness of, 105
- U.S. votes against IFI loans to, 132, 139, 145, 202
- U.S. Rural Community Water and Sanitation Initiative, 319
- U.S.-Brazil Investment Guarantee Agreement, 108
- U.S.–USSR Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation, 286
- Uganda:
- Vaky, Viron P., 195
- Van Boven, Theodore, 149, 163, 184
- Van Dusen, Ann, 331, 349
- Van Dyk, Frederick T., 289
- Van Scotter, Theron, 107
- Vance, Cyrus N.:
- Argentina, 66
- Assistant Secretaries’ roles, 5
- Badillo Amendment, 35
- Cambodian starvation, 266
- Carter speech on human rights (proposed), 77
- Carter-Brezhnev talks, 186
- Congressional cuts to funding of IFIs and AID, 124
- Congressional testimony of, 17, 23, 38
- Derian appointment as Human Rights Coordinator, 4
- D/HA role in policy decision-making, 194
- Ethiopian-U.S. relations, 42
- Food, 212
- Food initiative proposal for Venice economic summit, 264, 269
- Food for Peace program, 275
- Food policy, U.S., 223
- Foreign assistance, 23, 144, 207, 298
- Foreign Operations Subcommittee testimony of, 208
- GATT, 207
- Grain reserves, 260
- Human rights:
- Human Rights Coordinating Group, 14, 31, 48
- Human Rights Foundation proposal, 112, 117, 121
- Human rights policy, U.S.:
- Human rights reports, 59, 87, 143, 185
- IFI Authorization Bill, 35, 37
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom, 126, 131
- Interagency group on human rights and foreign assistance, 31
- International Food Corps, 245, 247
- International health initiative, 309
- International health policy, U.S., 306
- Jenkins briefing of, 10
- Meetings:
- Messages:
- P.L. 480, 90, 93, 259, 265
- Population/food problems, 312, 320
- Population policy, U.S., 282, 284, 287, 318, 321, 324, 326
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger (PCWH), 252, 272
- Presidential directive on human rights, 113, 119
- Press conference (Jan. 31, 1977), 28
- Refugees, 170
- Resignation of, 199
- Rhodesian embargo, 26
- Security assistance, 144
- Soviet economic development role in LDCs, 215
- Soviet role in African rights-violating countries, 191
- Speeches:
- Asia Society (June 1977), 297
- Northwest Regional Conference on the Emerging International Order (Seattle, 1979), 255
- OAS General Assembly (June 1977), 29
- University of Georgia Law School (Law Day):
- Ad Hoc Interagency Group on Human Rights memoranda, 73
- Bergsten memoranda, 55
- Bloomfield memoranda, 203
- Christopher memoranda, 39, 52, 61
- CIA memoranda, 42
- Derian memoranda, 53, 77, 171
- Human Rights Coordinating Group discussions, 50
- Lake memoranda, 157
- Pisano memoranda, 41
- Tuchman memoranda, 69
- USIA action plans on, 60
- Vance memoranda, 48, 111
- Task Force on International Health (proposal), 281, 283, 285
- Thirtieth Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 176
- Tokyo Summit, 257
- UN Water Conference, 278
- U.S. military aid cutoff/reduction to HR offenders, 7, 38
- Visits:
- Washington Conference on Food and Agricultural Assistance (proposal), 220
- Women’s rights and status, 325, 327, 336, 341
- World Food Council meeting, 221
- World hunger initiatives, 212
- World Hunger Working Group, 230, 231
- Vance-Blumenthal Study on Foreign Aid, 227
- VandenHeuvel, William J., 125, 146, 148, 149, 154, 155, 163, 182, 313
- Vanik, Charles, 4, 277
- Vatican City, 274
- Veliotes, Nicholas A., 159
- Venezuela:
- American Convention on Human Rights, 87, 104
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91
- Increased influence of, 209
- Loans to Chile by, 105
- Resolution on creating UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 94
- TV report on U.S. human rights policy, 60
- UNCHR, 94
- U.S. human rights policy as seen in, 42, 139
- Venice economic summit, 264, 269, 270, 272, 274, 277, 333, 335, 337, 348
- Vest, George S., 186, 301, 306
- Veterans Administration (VA), 306, 315
- Viet Cong, 82
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of:
- Action plans for, 183
- Cambodian human rights violations, 184
- Family planning in, 308
- Human rights deterioration in, 172
- NVA, 82
- POW/MIAs in, 6
- Refugees from, 6
- United States, relations with, 63, 73, 266
- U.S. criticism of rights violations in, 80, 104
- U.S. human rights policy in, 206
- U.S. prohibition of financing commodity sales to, 210
- U.S. vote in IFIs against aid to, 62, 202
- Vietnam War, 82
- Visa policy, U.S., 29, 53, 62, 73, 79, 187
- Vogelgesang, Sandra L.:
- AID study on foreign economic assistance, 197
- Christopher’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee testimony, 28
- Country-specific action plans for human rights, 49
- Disaster relief, 290
- G–7 Summit, 24
- Human rights:
- Human Rights Coordinating Group, 50
- Human rights policy, U.S., 34
- Human rights reports, 17, 190, 201
- International financial institutions, 20
- NSC Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy meetings, 289
- PRM drafts, 22, 54
- Women’s rights and status, 325
- Voice of America (VOA), 60, 187
- Volcanic eruptions, 334
- Votaw, Carmen Delgado, 310
- Wade, Rogers, 92
- Waldheim, Elisabeth, 26
- Waldheim, Kurt, 26, 79
- Wales, Jane MacGregor, 336
- Walker, Jennone:
- AID study on foreign economic assistance, 197
- Carter human rights speech proposal, 77
- Fraser foreign assistance bill amendments, 138
- Human Rights Foundation proposal, 121
- Human rights policy, U.S., 147,
- Assessment of, 105
- Human rights reports, 109, 185, 190
- Institute for Human Rights and Freedom, 131
- International financial institutions, 145, 179
- Issues for transition briefing papers, 206
- OPIC, 108
- Soviet economic development in LDCs, 215
- Status and rights of women, 336
- Women’s rights and status, 325, 327
- Walker, Lannon, 111, 129, 133, 301
- Walsh, Edward, 315
- War on Hunger, 268, 271, 273
- War on Hunger (magazine), 58
- Warren, Charles, 231, 282, 316
- Warvariv, Constantine, 147
- Washburn, John, 211
- Washington Conference on Food and Agricultural Assistance (proposal), 213, 219, 220
- Washington Conference for Women, 342
- Washington International Human Rights Law Group, 187
- Washington Office for Latin America (WOLA), 29
- Waste disposal, 215, 296
- Water (see also Decade for Drinking Water
and Sanitation)
- Community initiative for, 296
- Conference on (Mar del Plata, Mar. 1977), 236, 278, 296, 306, 330, 332
- For drinking, 278, 296, 309, 311, 313, 314, 330, 346
- For irrigation, 145, 245
- IBRD projects, 296, 332
- International assistance for, 332
- Resource development and management, 257
- Rural supplies of, 306, 335
- Shortages of, 337
- UNICEF’s projects, 296
- Women’s status and availability of, 336
- Water Resources Council (WRC), 278, 346
- Water supply development, 145, 309
- Water treatment, 215
- Watershed protection, 278
- Watkins, Charles, 255
- Watson, Alexander, 210
- Watson, Jack H., Jr., 179
- African famine aid, 276
- Food Aid Convention, 243
- Food production, 207
- Human Rights Coordinating Group, 14
- International Health Initiative, 301
- Task Force on International Health (proposal), 281, 283, 285
- Washington Conference on Food and Agricultural Assistance (proposal), 220
- World Hunger Working Group, 231
- Wattenberg, Ben J., 60
- Weaver, James, 242
- Weber, Max, 100
- Weddington, Sara, 323, 342
- Weil, Frank A., 7
- Welfare reform, 77
- Wells, Melissa F., 146, 148, 149
- Wells, William W., 7
- West Africa, 276
- Western Europe:
- Western Sahara, 59
- Weston, Tom, 321
- Wexler, Anne, 170, 337
- Whalen, Charles W., Jr., 4
- Wharton, Clifton, 246, 251
- Wheat (see also International Wheat Agreement)
- Wheat Trade Agreement, 248
- Wheat Trade Convention (WTC), 236, 243, 255
- White, John C.:
- White, Robert E., 145
- White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health (1969), 238
- White House Intergovernmental Relations Office (WHIGA), 230
- Whiting, John, 8, 17
- Whitman, Marina, 246
- Whitney, Craig R., 42
- WHO/UNICEF Conference of Primary Health Care (Alma Ata, Sept. 1978), 317, 328, 333, 349
- Wildlife management, 292
- Wilhelm, Harry, 289
- Wilkowski, Jean, 298
- Williams, Jim, 265
- Wilmington Ten, 170
- Wilson, Charles, 124, 132, 202
- Wilson, James M., Jr., 8, 13
- Winder, Joseph, 24, 40, 179
- Wise, Phil, 268, 271, 276
- Wisner, Frank G.:
- Witt, Lawrence, 218, 236
- Witteveen, H. Johannes, 105
- Witteveen Facility, 105, 139
- Wittwer, Sylvan, 246
- Wolf, John, 211, 236
- Women (see also Decade on Women)
- Ad Hoc Working Group on Status of, 325
- Apartheid and, 342
- In armed conflict, 310
- As refugees, 342
- CEDAW, 340, 342
- Commission on the Status of, 310
- Development assistance and role of, 328
- Discrimination against, 28
- In LDCs, 308, 323, 336
- Neo-colonialism claimed as cause of inequality of, 342
- New position on rights of children and, 324
- Palestinian, under the occupation, 334, 342
- Status of, 287, 322, 323, 325, 327, 336, 341
- Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, 263
- Women’s rights:
- Women’s Rights Movement, 58
- Working Group on Food and Agriculture Policy, 230, 242, 243
- Working Group on Multilateral Health Organizations, 314
- World Bank Group, 328
- World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (WCARRD), 245, 253, 262
- World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination (Aug. 1978), 63, 73, 155, 159
- World Conference of the International Women’s Year (Copenhagen, 1980), 310, 325, 334, 336, 340, 341, 342, 349
- World Conference of the International Women’s Year (Mexico City, 1975), 58, 310, 328, 333, 342, 349
- World Council of Churches, 187
- World Development Report (1980) (IBRD), 347
- World Food Council (WFC), 245
- World food crisis, 236, 252
- World Food and Nutrition Study, 212, 227, 234, 236, 245, 254
- World Food Program (WFP), 232, 235, 245, 250, 255, 258, 266, 273, 277, 308
- World food security, 245, 254, 257, 258, 263
- World Forestry Congress (Djakarta, Oct. 1978), 262
- World Health Assembly, 284, 311, 313, 318, 319
- World Health Initiative. See International Health Initiative
- World Health Organization (WHO), 146
- World Health Strategy Group, 314
- World hunger (see also Presidential
Commission on World Hunger; World hunger initiatives)
- As moral issue, 248, 263
- As political problem, 257
- Challenges of and solutions for, 245
- Congressional cooperation with White House objectives on, 236, 239
- Congressional resolution on, 232
- Development assistance for alleviation of, 254
- Disagreements in implementation of actions against, 213, 219
- Food crisis, 236, 252
- Human rights and, 212
- International organizations’ roles in combating, 227, 245
- Meetings on, 212, 217, 220, 223, 242, 251, 253, 255, 263, 292
- PD on, 241, 242
- Private sector role in, 227
- Public input for policy making on, 219
- Public interest in, 238
- U.S. national interest and, 263
- World Hunger Campaign, 234, 236
- World Hunger Commission. See Presidential Commission on World Hunger (PCWH)
- World hunger initiatives (see also Food
policy, U.S.), 222, 226, 230, 236, 242, 298, 302
- Bourne’s meeting with Carter on, 292
- Bourne’s proposal, 240, 241
- Congressional proposal for commission to study, 227, 233, 238, 239, 244
- Disagreements in discussion of, 219
- Importance of, 213, 216, 217
- UNICEF’s role in, 245, 261, 266
- Washington Conference on Food and Agricultural Assistance, 213, 219, 220
- World Hunger Institute (proposal), 213
- World Hunger Working Group (see also Ad Hoc Executive Office Working Group on World Hunger)
- World Peace Through Law, 58
- World Plan of Action for the Decade of Women, 58, 342
- “World Population: The Silent Explosion”; (Green, Feary, and Giffler), 320, 331
- World Population Conference (Bucharest, 1974), 236, 278, 280, 284, 296, 331, 333, 349
- World Population Conference (Mexico City, 1984), 331
- World Population Plan of Action (WPPA), 308, 320, 326, 331
- Wyman, Thomas, 251
- Year of the Child, 302, 323, 325
- Yemen, 58, 91
- Yemen, People’s Democratic Republic of, 132, 139, 145, 183, 202
- Yost, Nicholas, 343
- Young, Andrew J.:
- Appointment as UN Ambassador of, 16
- Byrd Amendment repeal, 38
- Criticism of gross violators of human rights by, 80
- Human rights policy, U.S., 139
- Human rights violations in Uganda, 42
- International Food Corps, 245, 247
- McDougall Memorial Lecture (1977) by, 245, 247
- Meeting on U.S. human rights strategy in United Nations, 146, 148, 149, 154
- PRM on human rights, 73
- Resolution on creating UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 94
- Visit to the Caribbean, 87
- World hunger initiatives, 219
- Zionism as racism equivalence, 87
- Young, C. W. “Bill,”; 23, 139, 202
- Young, Milton, 23, 92
- Yugoslavia, 104
- Zablocki, Clement, 58, 112, 113, 114, 126
- Zaire, 43
- Action plans for, 183
- As considered for development or security assistance, 91, 95
- As country of concern for rights violations, 88
- Commission on the Status of Women, 310
- Family planning in, 308
- Human rights country reports to Congress on, 167
- P.L. 480, 90, 93, 103, 105, 169
- United States, relations with, 200
- U.S. military aid to, 7, 105, 145
- U.S. seen as ignoring human rights record of, 105
- Zak, Marilyn, 169, 190
- Zambia:
- Zia-ul-Haq, Muhammad, 104, 331
- Zimbabwe, 141, 196
- Zionism, 29, 63, 73, 87, 159, 317, 342
- Zitter, Meyer, 289
- Zorinsky, Edward, 92