J. C. S. Files

No. 1289
Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff1
top secret
C. C. S. 842/2

French and Dutch Participation in the War Against Japan

The United States Chiefs of Staff recommend that the Combined Chiefs of Staff forward the enclosed memorandum to the French and Netherlands Representatives to the Combined Chiefs of Staff in lieu of the memorandum in the Enclosure to C. C. S. 842/1.2

top secret


Memorandum to the French and Netherlands Representatives to the Combined Chiefs of Staff3

The Combined Chiefs of Staff have given consideration to the question of French/Netherlands participation in the war against Japan and wish to inform you of their views which are as follows:—

While it is at present impracticable due chiefly to logistical difficulties for French or Netherlands armed forces to take a major part in the immediate operations in the Far East, the provision of such assistance which may be synchronized with operations will be taken into account by the Combined Chiefs of Staff. The use of such forces will depend solely on military considerations. French or Netherlands forces so accepted must operate under the complete control of the commander in chief concerned.
In implementing this policy the Combined Chiefs of Staff undertake to give the French/Netherlands representatives timely [Page 1345] information of their intentions in respect of any operations that will directly affect French/Netherlands territories or armed forces in the Far East.

  1. Considered by the Combined Chiefs of Staff at their 195th Meeting, July 18. See ante, p. 83.
  2. Document No. 617, printed in vol. i.
  3. Separate memoranda based on this text were dispatched to the French and Netherland Representatives by the Combined Secretariat of the Combined Chiefs of Staff in Washington on July 19.