There are attached (Enclosure “A”) a memorandum in which the
French propose to place a French corps of two infantry divisions
under American command in the Pacific war and (Enclosure “B”) a reply proposed by the
United States Chiefs of Staff. Since the British Chiefs of Staff
may have views as to the areas in which these French troops
should be employed, though perhaps not under United States
command, their comment or concurrence is requested. General MacArthur proposes, if
the French corps is assigned to him, to use it in the main
effort against Japan in late spring of 1946.
[Enclosure A]
The Chief of the French Military Mission
in the United States (Brossin de Saint Didier) to the Chief of Staff, United States
Army (Marshall)
top secret
No. 432/EM
Washington, May 29,
Memorandum for General George C.
Subject: French participation in Far Eastern
During conversations between President Truman and Mr. Bidault, Minister of Foreign
Affairs of the French Provisional Government,2 on the one
hand, and President Truman, General Marshall and General Juin on the other,
the principle of a French participation in the war against Japan was viewed
Following these conversations, the French Government puts at
the entire disposal of the American command, for operations
in the Far East, an army corps comprising two divisions,
besides corps-supporting and service units.
This army corps should include:—
1) The 9th Colonial Infantry Division, already well trained,
having taken a brilliant part in the French and German
In order to be able to operate in the Pacific war zone, this division would
only require certain transfers of personnel (replacement by
volunteers of men unfit for overseas duty).
The above will be ready to be shipped by the end of June.
It seems advisable that the 9th Division receive its
equipment in the theater of operations.
2) The 1st Colonial Infantry Division of the Far East,
planned several months ago. This division, whose colored
troops will be replaced by trained European volunteers, from
the French 1st Army, will be ready by the end of July,
provided it receives its equipment on time.
It is to be expected that the latter unit, in view of the
previous training of its personnel, will be ready for combat
duty a month after receipt of its equipment.
To save time, immediate delivery of its equipment is
therefore suggested.
In case the above is delivered only in the theater of
operations, a corresponding delay would be needed by the 1st
Division, from the time of receipt of its equipment, to
participate in actual combat.
3) Supporting units and services of the army corps would also
be ready by the end of July. Details of its equipping will
have to be worked out in accord with the American
This army corps being put at the entire disposal of the
American command, it seems logical to the French General
Staff to give its units
[Page 1343]
an organization similar to that of
corresponding American units in the Far East.
It is therefore requested, in regard to divisions as well as
to supporting army corps units and services, that the types
of units to be organized, be exactly defined.
It is finally suggested, in order to facilitate further
negotiations, that Supreme Headquarters, Allied
Expeditionary Force, be authorized to deal directly with the
French command in what concerns details of the matters
herewith referred to.
A. M. Brossin de Saint