A. Correspondence, drafts, and proposals1
1. In addition to the documents printed here, it appears that a memorandum was prepared by Douglas for Roosevelt and Hopkins near the end of the Second Cairo Conference, which showed that landing craft were in inadequate supply for the carrying out of Buccaneer. (Douglas to the Historical Office, June 22, 1956; 023.1/6–2256.) No copy of the memorandum has been found. See, however, Sherwood, p. 800.
[464] The Assistant Secretary of War (McCloy) to the Ambassador to the United Kingdom (Winant)
Defense Files
[465] The Presidents Special Assistant (Hopkins) to the Soviet Foreign Commissar (Molotov)
Roosevelt Papers: Telegram
[467] The Secretary of State to the President
Roosevelt Papers: Telegram
[468] The British Ambassador to the Greek Govemment-in-Exile in Egypt (Leeper) to the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Eden)
Roosevelt Papers
[476] The Combined Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief, Allied Force Headquarters (Eisenhower)
J. C.S. Files
[479] The Assistant Secretary of War (Mccloy) to the Presidents Special Assistant (Hopkins)
Hopkins Papers
[480] The Secretary of State to the President
Roosevelt Papers: Telegram
[481] The Assistant Secretary of War (McCloy) to the President’s Special Assistant (Hopkins)
Hopkins Papers
[482] The Combined Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief, Allied Forces, North Africa (Eisenhotoer)
J. C. S. Files
[487] Prime Minister Churchill to the Presidents Special Assistant (Hopkins)
Hopkins Papers
[488] The Presidents Special Assistant (Hopkins) to the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Eden), and Reply
Hopkins Papers
[489] The President’s Special Assistant (Hopkins) to the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Eden), and Reply
Hopkins Papers
[492] The Soviet Ambassador (Gromyko) to the Secretary of State
740.0011 EW 1939/32218
- The letter was not delivered to Stalin until December 18, 1943; see Stalin’s reply, post, p. 849. The last paragraph of this letter reads as if it were being sent on December 7, the date on which Roosevelt left Cairo.↩
- Delivered to Roosevelt at the White House on December 22, 1943.↩
- Delivered to Roosevelt at the White House on December 22, 1943.↩