Third tripartite meeting of Heads of Government, 6 p.m. president’s villa1

1. The minutes give the time of the meeting as 5 p.m. The Log, ante, p. 660, indicates that the meeting took place at 6 p.m. and that King George of Greece called on Roosevelt at 5 p.m.

United States United Kingdom Turkey
President Roosevelt Prime Minister Churchill President Inönü
Mr. Hopkins Foreign Secretary Eden Foreign Minister Menemencioğlu2
Mr. Steinhardt Sir Alexander Cadogan Mr. Açikalin
Sir Hughe Knatchbull-Hugessen Mr. Anderiman3
General Wilson Mr. Kavur
Air Chief Marshal Douglas Mr. Torgut Menemencioğlu
Vice Admiral Willis
Air Vice Marshal George
Mr. Helm

[456] United States–United Kingdom Agreed Minutes

740.0011 EW 1939/12–2443

  1. Referred to as Mr. Numan in the minutes.
  2. Anderiman acted as interpreter.