Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943

Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943
- William M. Franklin
- William Gerber
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of illustrations
- Introduction
- List of abbreviations, symbols, and code names
- List of persons mentioned
- List of papers
- I. Pre-Conference Papers (Documents 1–245)
- 1. Papers on Arrangements for the Conferences (Documents 1–157)
- 2. Substantive Preparatory Papers (Documents 158–243)
- 3. The President’s Log en Route to Cairo, November 11–21, 1943 (Documents 244–245)
- 1. Papers on Arrangements for the Conferences (Documents 1–157)
- II. The First Cairo Conference (Documents 246–352)
- 4. The President’s Log at Cairo, November 22–26, 1943 (Document 246)
- 5. Proceedings of the Conference: (Documents 247–279)
- Monday, November 22, 1943 (Documents 247–251)
- Meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 11 a.m. (Document 247)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 3 p.m. (Document 248)
- Meetings of Roosevelt,
Churchill, Chiang, and Madame Chiang, Afternoon (Document 249)
- Roosevelt–Churchill Dinner Meeting, 8
p.m. (Document 250)
- American–British preliminary meeting, 9 p.m. (Document 251)
- Meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 11 a.m. (Document 247)
- Tuesday, November 23, 1943 (Documents 252–261)
- Harriman–Vyshinsky conversation,
forenoon (Document 252)
- Roosevelt conversations
with various callers, forenoon (Document 253)
- Chiang–Hurley conversation,
forenoon (Document 254)
- Plenary meeting, 11 a.m. (Document 255)
- Roosevelt–Churchill luncheon meeting, 1:30
p.m. (Document 256)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 2:30 p.m. (Document 257)
- Roosevelt–Chiang dinner meeting, 8
p.m. (Documents 258–259)
- Dinner party of the British Chiefs of Staff, evening (Document 260)
- Churchill–Marshall dinner meeting,
evening (Document 261)
- Harriman–Vyshinsky conversation,
forenoon (Document 252)
- Wednesday, November 24, 1943 (Documents 262–266)
- Meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 9:30 a.m. (Document 262)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff with Roosevelt and Churchill, 11 a.m. (Document 263)
- Chiang–Marshall luncheon meeting,
afternoon (Document 264)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 2:30 p.m. (Document 265)
- Roosevelt conversations
with various callers, afternoon (Document 266)
- Meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 9:30 a.m. (Document 262)
- Thursday, November 25, 1943 (Documents 267–272)
- Roosevelt–Cadogan conversation,
forenoon (Document 267)
- Roosevelt–Leathers luncheon meeting, 1:30
p.m. (Document 268)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 2:30 p.m. (Document 269)
- Roosevelt–Chiang meeting, 5 p.m. (Document 270)
- Roosevelt Thanksgiving
dinner party, 8 p.m. (Document 271)
- Combined Chiefs of Staff Thanksgiving dinner party, evening (Document 272)
- Roosevelt–Cadogan conversation,
forenoon (Document 267)
- Friday, November 26, 1943 (Documents 273–279)
- Roosevelt conversations
with Mountbatten and Madame Chiang, forenoon (Document 273)
- American–British conversations on civil affairs, afternoon and
evening (Document 274)
- Chiang meeting with certain
American generals, 11:30 a.m. (Document 275)
- Meeting of American and British Information Officials, 11:30
a.m. (Document 276)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 2:30 p.m. (Document 277)
- Roosevelt–Churchill–Chiang meeting, 4:30 p.m. (Document 278)
- Hopkins–Chiang conversation, evening (Document 279)
- Roosevelt conversations
with Mountbatten and Madame Chiang, forenoon (Document 273)
- Monday, November 22, 1943 (Documents 247–251)
- 6. Conference Documents and Supplementary Papers: (Documents 280–352)
- A. Correspondence, drafts, and proposals (Documents 280–342)
- B. The Communiqué and its release (Documents 343–352)
- A. Correspondence, drafts, and proposals (Documents 280–342)
- 4. The President’s Log at Cairo, November 22–26, 1943 (Document 246)
- III. The Tehran Conference (Documents 353–424)
- 7. The President’s Log at Tehran, November 27–December 2, 1943 (Document 353)
- 8. Proceedings of the Conference: (Documents 354–380)
- Saturday, November 27, 1943 (Documents 354–356)
- Brown–Maximov meeting, about 3:30
p.m. (Document 354)
- Roosevelt–Maximov meeting, 4:30 p.m. (Document 355)
- Harriman–Clark Kerr–Molotov meeting, midnight (Document 356)
- Brown–Maximov meeting, about 3:30
p.m. (Document 354)
- Sunday, November 28, 1943 (Documents 357–363)
- Meeting of the President with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 11:30
a.m. (Document 357)
- Roosevelt–Stalin meeting, 3 p.m.,
Roosevelt’s Quarters, Soviet
Embassy (Document 358)
- Roosevelt–Molotov meeting, about 4
p.m. (Document 359)
- First plenary meeting, 4 p.m. (Documents 360–361)
- Tripartite dinner meeting, 8:30 p.m. (Documents 362–363)
- Meeting of the President with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 11:30
a.m. (Document 357)
- Monday, November 29, 1943 (Documents 364–368)
- Tripartite military meeting, 10:30 a.m. (Document 364)
- Roosevelt–Stalin meeting, 2:45 p.m. (Document 365)
- Second plenary meeting, 4 p.m. (Documents 366–367)
- Tripartite dinner meeting, 8:30 p.m. (Document 368)
- Tripartite military meeting, 10:30 a.m. (Document 364)
- Tuesday, November 30, 1943 (Documents 369–375)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 9:30 a.m. (Document 369)
- Meeting of President Roosevelt with the Shah of Iran, noon (Document 370)
- Roosevelt–Churchill–Stalin luncheon meeting, 1:30
p.m. (Document 371)
- Hopkins–Eden–Molotov luncheon meeting, 1:30 p.m. (Document 372)
- Third plenary meeting, 4 p.m. (Documents 373–374)
- Tripartite dinner meeting, 8:30 p.m. (Document 375)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 9:30 a.m. (Document 369)
- Wednesday, December 1, 1943 (Documents 376–380)
- Tripartite luncheon meeting, 1 p.m. (Documents 376–377)
- Roosevelt–Stalin meeting, 3:20 p.m. (Document 378)
- Tripartite political meeting, 6 p.m. (Document 379)
- Tripartite dinner meeting, 8:30 p.m. (Document 380)
- Tripartite luncheon meeting, 1 p.m. (Documents 376–377)
- Saturday, November 27, 1943 (Documents 354–356)
- 9. Conference Documents and Supplementary Papers: (Documents 381–424)
- A. Correspondence, drafts, and proposals (Documents 381–410)
- B. The Communiqué and its release (Documents 411–418)
- C. The Declaration on Iran and its release (Documents 419–423)
- D. The Military Agreement (Document 424)
- A. Correspondence, drafts, and proposals (Documents 381–410)
- 7. The President’s Log at Tehran, November 27–December 2, 1943 (Document 353)
- IV. The Second Cairo Conference (Documents 425–509)
- 10. The President’s Log at Cairo, December 2–7, 1943 (Document 425)
- 11. Papers on Arrangements for the Conference With Turkish Officials (Documents 426–434)
- 12. Proceedings of the Conference: (Documents 435–462)
- Thursday, December 2, 1943 (Document 435)
- Roosevelt–Churchill dinner meeting, 8:30
p.m. (Document 435)
- Roosevelt–Churchill dinner meeting, 8:30
p.m. (Document 435)
- Friday, December 3, 1943 (Documents 436–437)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 2:30 p.m. (Document 436)
- Roosevelt–Churchill dinner meeting, 8:30
p.m. (Document 437)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 2:30 p.m. (Document 436)
- Saturday, December 4, 1943 (Documents 438–442)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff with Roosevelt and Churchill, 11 a.m. (Document 438)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 2:30 p.m. (Document 439)
- First tripartite meeting of Heads of Government, 5 p.m. (Document 440)
- Quadripartite dinner meeting, 8:30 p.m. (Document 441)
- McCloy–Jebb meeting, evening (Document 442)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff with Roosevelt and Churchill, 11 a.m. (Document 438)
- Sunday, December 5, 1943 (Documents 443–450)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 10:30 a.m. (Document 443)
- Meetings of the Combined Chiefs of Staff with Roosevelt and Churchill, 11 a.m. (Document 444)
- Roosevelt–Inönü meeting, 2 p.m. (Document 445)
- Second tripartite meeting of Heads of Government, 3 p.m. (Document 446)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 3 p.m. (Document 447)
- Roosevelt meeting with the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 5 p.m. (Document 448)
- Hopkins–Eden–Menemencioğlu meeting, 6
p.m. (Document 449)
- Quadripartite dinner meeting, 8:30 p.m. (Document 450)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 10:30 a.m. (Document 443)
- Monday, December 6, 1943 (Documents 451–458)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 11 a.m. (Document 451)
- Roosevelt–Churchill luncheon meeting, 1:15
p.m. (Document 452)
- Quadripartite meeting, 2:30 p.m. (Document 453)
- Roosevelt–Hughes meeting, 4:45 p.m. (Document 454)
- Roosevelt meeting with the
King of Greece, 5 p.m. (Document 455)
- Third tripartite meeting of Heads of Government, 6 p.m.
president’s villa (Document 456)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff with Roosevelt and Churchill, December 6, 1943, 7:30 p.m. (Documents 457–458)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 11 a.m. (Document 451)
- Tuesday, December 7, 1943 (Documents 459–462)
- Roosevelt–Churchill conversation, about 8:05
a.m. (Document 459)
- Churchill–Inönü meeting, morning (Document 460)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 11 a.m. (Document 461)
- Churchill–Combined Chiefs of
Staff dinner meeting, evening (Document 462)
- Roosevelt–Churchill conversation, about 8:05
a.m. (Document 459)
- Thursday, December 2, 1943 (Document 435)
- 13. Conference Documents and Supplementary Papers: (Documents 463–509)
- A. Correspondence, drafts, and proposals (Documents 463–508)
- B. The Communiqué (Document 509)
- A. Correspondence, drafts, and proposals (Documents 463–508)
- 10. The President’s Log at Cairo, December 2–7, 1943 (Document 425)
- V. Post-Conference Papers (Documents 510–576)
- 14. Post-Conference Papers (Documents 510–576)
- 14. Post-Conference Papers (Documents 510–576)
- Index