References are to document numbers
- Aaron, David L.:
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 115, 150
- COCOM, 263
- Fishing boat violations, 27
- Iran hostage crisis, 243
- Memo to Carter, 153
- Mengistu meeting with, 83
- Olympic Games and human rights, 147
- Olympic Games boycott, SCC meetings on, 262, 263
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 245, 251, 256
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 210, 219, 264
- Sverdlovsk biological warfare incident, 267
- U.S. waiver proposal for Jackson-Vanik amendment, 193
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 196, 197, 203, 204
- Visit to Europe (June 1979), 196
- Advance notification of weapons testing, 3, 21
- Aeroflot office bombing, 47
- Aeroflot servicing, 306
- Afghanistan (see also Soviet invasion of
- As non-aligned state, 278
- Cuban advisory personnel in, 194
- Dubs’ kidnapping and killing, 171, 246
- Pakistan, relations with, 278
- Poison gas use, reports of, 272
- Refugees from, 256, 271
- Soviet military aid to, 203
- Soviet Union, relations with, 204
- Superpower involvement in, 230
- U.S. call for transitional government in, 282
- U.S. demand for removal of Karmal government, 291, 296
- U.S. interference in (Pravda article), 185
- U.S. relations with, 204, 252
- U.S. role in, 185
- Africa:
- African-American unemployment levels, 17
- African Football Confederation, 265
- Agreement On the Prevention of Nuclear War, 200, 271
- Agreements, international (see also
Comprehensive Test Ban; Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty):
- Austrian State Treaty (May 1955), 199, 266, 278
- Biological Weapons Convention (Apr. 1972), 267, 269, 270, 290, 294, 297, 304
- Convention on Environmental Modification, 90, 92
- Egyptian-Israeli Treaty (Mar. 1979), 204
- Law of the Sea, 104
- Panama Canal Treaty, 53
- Quadripartite Agreement on Berlin (1971), 3, 7, 12, 21, 204
- Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighborliness and Cooperation (Soviet Union-Afghanistan) (1978), 246, 261, 302
- Treaty of Tlatelolco (1969), 32
- Agreements, Soviet-U.S. (see also Basic
Principles of Relations (Soviet Union-United States) (1972); Strategic Arms Limitation Talks):
- Accident measures, 21
- Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, 18, 47, 48
- Embassy construction, 21, 39
- General Exchange Agreement, 252
- Maritime, 21
- On the Prevention of Nuclear War, 200, 271
- Science and Technology Agreement (1977), 17, 36, 39
- Soviet proposals for, 12
- Space, 17, 39
- Underground Nuclear Testing, 4, 278
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 275
- Agriculture Joint Committee, 252
- Air disaster (Canary Islands, Mar. 1977), 17
- Air Force Reserve, U.S., 186
- Air National Guard, 186
- Air travel, 207
- Aircraft (see also Bombers; Strategic Arms
Limitation Talks):
- Air-launched pilotless aircraft, 167
- Antonov AN–12, 244, 245
- Antonov AN–22, 244, 245
- Antonov AN–26, 220
- AS–12, 244
- Concorde, 31
- Flogger, 194
- Hijacking of, 55, 57
- IL–76, 244, 245
- MIG–21, 66
- MIG–23, 194, 196, 220
- MIG–25 pilot defection, 21
- Phantoms, 121
- SR–71, 264
- U–2, 197
- Unarmed pilotless (RPVs), 165, 166, 167
- Alaska, 53
- Albright, Madeleine, 216, 276
- ALCOA, 263
- Aleksandrov-Agentov, Anatoly M.:
- Algeria, 54
- All-European Conference, 229
- All-Union Council of Evangelical Christian Baptists, 170
- Allen, Richard, 311, 313
- Allende, Salvador, 307
- Allon, Yigal, 20
- Amin, Hafizullah, 171, 247, 266, 278
- Amin, Idi, 19, 230, 266
- Amstutz, Bruce, 171, 244
- Andean Pact Foreign Ministers Meeting (Quito, Mar. 1980), 265
- Anderson, David:
- Anderson, Jack, 241, 264
- Andreani, Jacques, 33
- Andropov, Yuri, 191
- Angola:
- Anthrax, 267, 270, 272, 290, 306
- Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, 18, 47, 48
- Anti-satellite systems (ASAT) (see also Strategic Arms Limitation Talks):
- Anti-Semitism, 25, 140
- Antigua, 265
- Arab Deterrent Force, 151
- Arab League, 52
- Arabian Peninsula, 204
- Arafat, Yassir:
- Arbatov, Georgiy A., 26, 39, 68, 266, 277
- Arc of crisis theory, 204, 278
- Arensburger, Dmitri, 201, 204
- Argentina, 32, 275
- ARMCO, 263
- Armenia, 38, 170, 273
- Arms control (see also Strategic Arms Limitation Talks):
- Arms Control Act, 47
- Arms transfers:
- By Western European countries, 20, 168
- Carter-Brezhnev talks on, 203
- Reductions in, 3, 53
- Third-nation involvement in, 3
- To Iran, 20, 53, 75, 85
- To Israel, 20, 90
- To Middle East, 90
- To People’s Republic of China, 150, 168
- To Saudi Arabia, 85, 90
- To Southern Africa, 20
- To third-world countries, 20
- U.S. and Soviet Union as main exporters, 20
- U.S. position, 17
- Vance-Brezhnev talks on, 23
- Assad, Hafiz al-:
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), 175, 256
- Aswan Dam, 71
- Atherton, Alfred L., 62, 79, 81
- Australia, 175, 262, 265, 275
- Austria, 199, 266, 278
- Austrian State Treaty (May 1955), 199, 266, 278
- Automotive production equipment, 250
- AWACS systems, 53, 256, 303
- Azhari, Gen. Gholam Reza, 158
- Aaron, David L.:
- Bader, William B., 264
- Bahamas, 265
- Bahrain, 265
- Baker, Howard H., 163
- Bakhturin, Sergey, 171
- Baldwin, James, 17
- Bangladesh, 265
- Barbados, 265
- Barre, Mohamed Siad:
- Barry, Robert L.:
- Afghanistan, Vance’s démarche to Soviets on, 185
- Baltimore port stop of Soviet ship, 281
- Iran hostage crisis, 237, 241
- Muskie-Dobrynin talks, 306
- PDRY invasion of YAR, 179
- Shcharanskiy’s health, 212
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, U.S. démarche on, 239
- Soviet military intervention in Poland, 307
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 216
- Sverdlovsk biological warfare incident, 267
- Vietnamese incursions into Thailand, 238
- Bartholomew, Reginald H.:
- Carter-Dobrynin talks, 61
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 115, 150
- Muskie-Gromyko talks, 302
- Olympic Games and human rights, 147
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 264
- Sverdlovsk biological warfare incident, 290
- Theater nuclear forces, 299
- Upgrading of U.S. Embassy Moscow, 124
- U.S. strategic exercises in simulation of nuclear war, 186, 187
- Vance-Gromyko talks, 102, 121
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), Plenary meetings, 200, 207
- Basic Principles of Relations (Soviet Union-United States) (1972):
- Becker, Jane, 239
- Begin, Menachem:
- Begun, Joseph, Arrest of, 69
- Belgian Formula, 252
- Belgium, 265
- Belgrade Conference. See Meetings, Belgrade (Oct. 1977-Mar. 1978) under Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.
- Bell, Griffin, 304
- Berbera, 20, 32
- Bergold, Harry, 46
- Berlin:
- Bermuda, 265
- Bessmertnykh, Alexander A.:
- Arms transfers, 53
- Baltimore port stop of Soviet ship, 281
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 115, 150
- Cuban-Soviet relations, 230
- Horn of Africa dispute, 75, 93
- INFCE, 54
- Israeli-Egyptian peace talks, 93
- Muskie-Gromyko talks, 281
- Nuclear attack false alarm, 235
- Shulman’s meetings with, 75, 93, 217, 230
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 217, 230
- Technical penetration of U.S. Embassy Moscow, 118, 122
- Theater nuclear forces, 230, 254
- U.S.-Soviet relations, 230, 271
- Vlasova case, 213, 230
- Watson-Gromyko meetings, 281
- Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 175
- Biden, Joseph, Vlasova case, 213
- Binder, David, 109
- Biological Warfare Review Conference, 267, 269, 270
- Biological Weapons Convention (Apr. 1972), 267, 269, 270, 290, 294, 297, 304
- Blackwill, Robert D., 313
- Bloomfield, Lincoln, 273
- Blumenthal, W. Michael:
- Bodine, Barbara, 179
- Bolivia, 265
- Bombers (see also Aircraft; Strategic Arms
Limitation Talks):
- Averaging of ALCMs on, 153, 154
- B–1, 18, 32, 36, 39
- B–52, 18, 166
- Backfire:
- Congressional discussion of, 53, 55, 109
- Dobrynin-Carter talks on, 3
- Flight profile for, 104
- Helsinki Summit discussions of, 18
- Importance to U.S. of, 95
- Intercontinental capacity for, 3
- Lack of agreement on, 13
- Production rate of, 166
- Refuelings of, 121
- SALT II arrangement on, 203
- Soviet draft statement on, 154
- Soviet provision of data on, 14
- Soviet rejection of U.S. concern over, 12, 27, 109
- TNF role of, 230
- Vance-Brezhnev talks on, 23, 26
- Vance-Dobrynin discussions of, 92
- Vance-Gromyko talks on, 18, 99, 101, 109, 154
- Bear, 166
- Bison, 166
- Heavy, 153, 154
- TU–22–M, 121
- Botswana, 265
- Boutros, Fouad, 45
- Bowdler, William, 259
- Bowie, Robert, 46
- Braibanti, Ralph, 220
- Bratteli, Trygve, 122
- Brazil, 20, 32
- Breckon, Lyall, 76
- Breeder reactors, 17
- Brement, Marshall:
- Cuban-Soviet relations, 230
- Dissidents in the Soviet Bloc, 273
- Grain export embargo, 275
- Olympic Games boycott, 262, 265
- SCC meetings, 216, 251, 262, 264
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 251
- Soviet military intervention in Poland, 307, 313
- Soviet military presence in Cuba:
- Sverdlovsk biological warfare incident, 267, 290
- Theater nuclear forces, 230, 298
- U.S.-Soviet relations:
- Vlasova case, 218, 230
- Bremer, Paul L., III (Jerry):
- Brewster, Kingman, 263
- Brezhnev, Leonid I. (see also
Brezhnev-Carter message exchanges):
- Anti-satellite systems, 58, 59
- Arc of crisis theory, 204
- Arms control, 3, 7
- Arms transfers, 203
- As Chairman of the Presidium, 32
- Backfire bomber, 23, 26, 166, 203
- Berlin, 204
- Carter visit, invitation for, 206
- Chemical and radiological weapons, 203
- Comprehensive test-ban, 59, 203
- Confidence-building measures, 206
- Cruise missiles, 14, 29, 77
- Détente, 1
- Dissidents, 206
- Ford, correspondence with, 21
- Forward-based systems, 23
- French CCD participation, 47
- Geneva Conference on the Middle East, 59, 60, 61, 67, 84
- Health of, 33, 34, 37, 59, 73, 156, 191
- Horn of Africa dispute, 67, 70
- Human rights, 206
- Iran, 158, 160
- Iran hostage crisis, 236, 243
- Israeli-Egyptian peace talks, 144, 182, 204
- Joint Agreement on Consultations, 205
- Le Monde interview (June 1977), 39
- Lebanese civil war, 151, 152
- MBFR, 23, 203, 229
- Meetings with Carter:
- MFN status, 17
- Middle East, 4, 7, 12, 70, 144
- MIG–25 pilot defection to Japan, 21
- MIRVs, 3, 14, 77, 103
- Neutron bombs, 70, 76, 77, 84, 103, 203
- Nixon summit with (1972), 197
- Non-use of force, 59, 60, 204
- NPT, 41
- Nuclear attack false alarm, 233, 234, 235
- Nuclear forward-based systems, 23
- Nuclear-free Mediterranean Sea proposal, 203
- Nuclear non-first use, 59, 60, 203
- PD 59, 304
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 59
- People’s Republic of China invasion of Vietnam, 172, 173, 175
- Phone call to Vance, 16
- Radiation at U.S. Embassy Moscow, 58, 59, 60
- Remarks to Justice Burger, 47
- South African nuclear weapons development, 41, 87
- Southern Africa, 4, 204
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 246, 248
- Soviet military intervention in Poland, 311
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 226, 228
- Speeches:
- Strategic arms transfers, Vance’s talks on, 23
- Telemetry encryption, 180, 181, 184, 206
- Theater nuclear forces, 266, 298, 299, 301
- Toon’s meetings with, 30, 31, 34, 35, 59, 61
- U.S.-People’s Republic of China relations:
- U.S.-Soviet relations:
- U.S. strategic exercises in simulation of nuclear war, 186, 187
- Vance-Gromyko talks, 34, 35
- Vance’s talks with:
- Vance’s visit to Moscow (Apr. 1978), 94
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 197, 200, 203, 204, 207
- Vietnamese incursions into Thailand, 238, 242
- Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia, 173
- Visits:
- Vladivostok Summit, 1, 17, 18
- Vlasova case, 214, 230
- Warnke’s meeting with, 142
- Watson’s meeting with, 289
- Brezhnev-Carter message exchanges:
- Bridges, Peter S., 151
- British Honduras, 265
- British Olympic Association, 265
- Brody, Clifford, 80
- Brown, Harold:
- Appointment of new U.S. Ambassador, 201
- Brzezinski’s and Muskie’s meeting with, 314
- Carter-Gromyko talks, Sept. 1978, 150
- Cruise missiles, 36
- MBFR, 203
- Nuclear attack false alarm, 233
- Olympic Games boycott, 262
- SALT, 134, 302
- SCC meetings, 251, 262
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 251, 252, 253
- Soviet military buildup in the Caribbean, 192
- Soviet military intervention in Poland, 311, 312
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 230, 264
- U.S. aim for nuclear superiority, 230
- Vance-Gromyko talks:
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 197, 200, 203, 204, 207
- Visit to People’s Republic of China, 256
- Western European arms transfers to People’s Republic of China, 168
- Brown, Kent, 76
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew:
- Brezhnev-Carter meeting (proposed), 31
- Brezhnev’s health, 33, 37, 191
- Brezhnev’s messages to Carter, 76
- Brown’s and Muskie’s meeting with, 314
- Carter-Brezhnev meeting (possible), 74
- Carter-Dobrynin talks, 3, 27, 61, 176
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 115, 149, 150
- Carter’s letter to Sakharov, 8, 9
- Carter’s messages to Brezhnev, 13, 15, 67, 232
- Dissidents in the Soviet Bloc, 273
- Distribution of U.S. literature in Soviet Bloc countries, 162, 209, 280, 284, 287
- Dobrynin’s talks with:
- Dresser case, 141
- Economic denial measures’ impact on Soviet Union, 257
- Elections (U.S. 1980), 291
- Filatov case, 159
- Fishing boat violations, 27
- Geneva Conference on the Middle East, 61
- Gromyko visit (Washington, Sept. 1977), 48
- Horn of Africa dispute, 65, 74, 78, 86
- Human rights, 10
- Lebanese civil war, 151
- Messages:
- Middle East, 31
- Nuclear attack false alarm, 235
- Nuclear non-first use, 74
- Olympic Games and human rights, 147
- Olympic Games boycott, 262
- PDRY attack on YAR, 176, 179
- People’s Republic of China invasion of Vietnam, 172, 173
- Press conference (Apr. 1, 1977), 49
- Prisoner exchange, 188, 195
- Sakharov letters to Carter, 2
- SALT, 27, 31, 291
- SCC meetings, 216, 245, 251, 262, 264
- Shcharanskiy’s health, 211
- Soviet criticisms of U.S. foreign policy, 98
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan:
- Soviet military buildup in the Caribbean, 192
- Soviet military intervention in Iran, possible, 258
- Soviet military intervention in Poland, 300, 311, 312, 313, 314
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 216, 219, 264
- Soviet response to dissent, 38
- Soviet views of, 98, 103, 120, 271
- Strikes in Poland, 288
- Sverdlovsk biological warfare incident, 290
- Technical penetration of U.S. Embassy Moscow, 122, 123
- Theater nuclear forces, 298
- U.S.-People’s Republic of China relations, 163, 169
- U.S. presidential election (1980), 291
- U.S.-Soviet relations:
- U.S. waiver proposal for Jackson-Vanik amendment, 193
- Vance-Dobrynin talks, 43, 47
- Vance-Gromyko talks:
- Vance’s welcome to Moscow, 16
- Vienna Summit (June 1979):
- Vlasova case, 218
- Western European arms transfers to People’s Republic of China, 168
- Woodbridge Two, 109, 130, 157
- Bucy, J. Fred, 141
- Buczacki, Jeffrey, 220
- Bukovskiy, Vladimir, 6, 17, 38, 39, 273
- Burger, Warren, 47
- Burma, 265
- Bush, George H. W., 276
- Butcher, W. Scott, 306
- Byelorussia, 170
- Byrd, Robert, 278
- Cairo Conference (see also Camp David talks; Egypt; Israel; Israeli-Egyptian peace talks; Middle East):
- Cambodia:
- Camp David talks (see also Cairo Conference; Egypt; Israel; Israeli-Egyptian peace talks; Middle East):
- Canada:
- Canary Islands air disaster (Mar. 1977), 17
- Cape Verde, 265
- Caramanlis, Constantine, 121
- Caribbean:
- Carlucci, Frank, 216, 245, 251, 256
- Carswell, Robert, 263, 275
- Carter, Amy, 208
- Carter, Hodding, 264
- Carter, James Earl (see also
Brezhnev-Carter message exchanges):
- Advance notice of missile firings, 21
- Angola, 115
- Anti-satellite systems, 58, 203
- Arms control, 3, 7, 304
- Arms transfers, 3, 20, 53, 85, 90, 203
- As Governor of Georgia, 17
- B–1 bomber cancellation, 36, 39
- Backfire bomber, 3, 95, 203
- Brezhnev visit, invitation for, 205
- Brzezinski-Dobrynin talks, 74, 146
- Camp David talks, 138, 150
- Chemical and radiological weapons, 203
- COCOM, 263
- Comprehensive test ban, 115, 150
- Confidence-building measures, 206
- Cruise missiles, 3, 27, 29, 77
- Détente, 1, 204, 271
- Dissidents in the Soviet Union, 131, 206
- Distribution of U.S. literature in Soviet Bloc countries, 209
- Dobrynin’s perspectives on, 3
- Dobrynin’s talks with, 3, 7, 27, 61, 176
- Economic denial measures’ impact on Soviet Union, 257
- Economic Summit Meeting (Bonn, July 1978), 136, 140, 150
- Fishing boat violations, 27
- Geneva Conference on the Middle East, 19, 60, 61, 67
- Horn of Africa dispute, 67, 70, 93, 115
- Human rights, 2, 115
- Indian Ocean demilitarization, 3, 203
- Iran hostage crisis, 236, 243
- Iran-Iraq War, 303
- Israel, 44
- Israeli-Egyptian peace talks, 144, 182, 204
- Joint Agreement on Consultations, 205
- Katangan invasion of Zaire, 115
- Lebanese civil war, 151, 152
- MBFR, 3, 50, 150, 203, 229
- Meetings:
- Messages:
- Middle East:
- MIRVs, 3, 14, 77
- Missile reductions, 3
- MLBMs, 29
- Muskie-Gromyko meetings, 302
- Namibia, 176
- Neutron bombs, 70, 76, 84, 103, 104
- Non-use of force, 60
- Nuclear attack false alarm, 233, 234
- Nuclear-free Mediterranean Sea proposal, 203
- Nuclear fuel sales to countries not signatory to NPT, 202, 203
- Nuclear non-first use, 60, 203
- Olympic Games boycott, 259, 262, 263, 265
- Palestinian state, 71
- Panama Canal, 44
- PD 59, 302, 304
- PDRY attack on YAR, 176
- People’s Republic of China invasion of Vietnam, 44, 172, 173, 175, 176, 204
- Press conferences:
- Prisoner exchange, 195
- Radiation at U.S. Embassy Moscow, 58, 59, 60
- Ratification of agreements by U.S. Congress, 7
- Rhodesia, 44, 150, 176, 204
- Ambiguities in Gromyko’s “core” statement, 134
- Determination for ratification of, 81, 85, 260, 302
- Gromyko’s talks on, 48, 50, 51, 59
- Messages from Brezhnev on, 4, 12, 14, 70, 181, 189
- Messages to Brezhnev on, 7, 11, 13, 15, 58, 77, 142, 143
- Shulman-Arbatov talks on, 26
- Signing of treaty, 207, 208
- U.S. desire for, 1
- U.S. domestic opposition to, 77, 84
- U.S. view of Soviet strategy in, 96
- SALT III, 6, 202, 203
- Sanctuaries for submarines, 202, 203
- Shcharanskiy’s health, 211
- South African nuclear weapons development, 41, 42
- Southern Africa, 204
- Soviet attacks on, 279
- Soviet compliance with CSCE, 34, 36
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 253, 255, 256, 261, 285, 289
- Soviet military intervention in Poland, 309, 312, 314
- Soviet military presence in Cuba:
- Soviet nuclear testing, 304
- Soviet prediction of re-election for, 271
- Soviet-U.S. trade, 22, 150
- Soviet views of, 32, 98
- Speeches:
- Telemetry encryption, 180, 181, 184, 206
- Theater nuclear forces, 298, 299, 301
- U.S.-People’s Republic of China relations:
- U.S.-Soviet relations:
- Appointment of new U.S. Ambassador, 201
- Basic principles of, 4
- Dresser case, 141
- Obstacles to cooperation, 207
- Organizing Department of State to deal with, 275
- Shulman-Gromyko talks on, 32, 44
- Soviet perspectives on, 84
- Soviets arrested on espionage charges, 109
- U.S. domestic political aspects of, 255
- U.S. perspectives on, 32
- U.S. strategic exercises in simulation of nuclear war, 186, 187
- U.S. strategic nuclear capabilities, 93
- U.S. waiver proposal for Jackson-Vanik amendment, 193
- Vance-Brezhnev talks (Mar. 1977), 16, 17
- Vance-Gromyko talks:
- Vance’s discussions with Chinese Liaison Office, 27
- Vienna Summit (June 1979):
- Vietnamese incursions into Thailand, 238, 242
- Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia, 172, 176, 204
- Visits:
- Vladivostok Summit, 17
- Vlasova case, 214, 230
- Western European arms transfers to People’s Republic of China, 168
- Carter, Rosalynn, 208
- Carter Doctrine, 256
- Cassidy, Robert, 263
- Castro, Fidel, 115, 227
- Castro, Raul, 81, 92
- Castrodale, Richard, 117
- Central America, 194, 220, 225
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA):
- Anticipated Soviet moves in Shcharanskiy Case (memo), 68
- Distribution of U.S literature in Soviet Bloc countries, 280, 284, 287
- ER 80–1037, 250
- ER M 77–10525, 40, 46
- Information Cable on Soviet/Cuban military support for Ethiopia, 66
- Intelligence Memoranda, RPM 77–10184, 38
- Intelligence Memorandum (undeclassified), 286
- PA M–80–10389, 300
- Possible responses to Soviet/Cuban intervention in the Horn of Africa, 86
- “Soviet Dissident Scene since Mid-1978” (memorandum), 170
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, SCC meetings on, 245, 251, 275
- Soviet military intervention in Poland, prospects for, 300
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 216
- Soviet views on actions of, 17
- “Suppression of Dissidents,” 274
- Upgrading of U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 124
- Chad, 115, 265
- Chai Zemin, 175, 196
- Chemical weapons:
- Chernenko, Konstantin U., 191, 200, 203, 207
- Chernyayev, Rudolf (see also Enger, Valdik; Woodbridge Two):
- Chess, 146
- Chile, 103, 265
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Afghan rebels as supported by, 266
- Arms purchases by, 150
- As military threat, 206, 230
- Carter statements on, 44
- Civil defense program, 21
- COCOM’s favoring of, over Soviet Union, 252
- Comprehensive test-ban, 3, 203
- Deng Xiaoping U.S. visit (1979), 173, 175
- India, relations with, 256
- Invasion of Vietnam by:
- MFN status for, 198
- Nuclear non-proliferation, 20, 45
- Olympic Games boycott, 262, 265
- Party Congress (1977), 45
- Signing of treaty with Japan, 90, 150
- Soviet Union, relations with, 32, 278
- Threat to neighboring countries of, 206
- U.S. export of dual-use technology to, 225
- U.S. military aid to, 47, 169
- U.S. relations with:
- Carter-Brezhnev message exchange on, 161, 163, 169
- Carter-Brezhnev talks on, 203, 204, 206
- Carter-Gromyko talks on, 150
- Horn of Africa dispute’s effect on, 78
- Muskie-Gromyko talks on, 278
- Normalization of, 161, 163, 169, 204, 278
- SALT talk discussions, 121
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, as affecting, 249
- U.S. position, 206
- Vance-Brezhnev talks on, 103
- U.S. talks with, 45
- Vance’s visit to Moscow (Mar 1977), 27
- Western European arms transfers to, 168
- Chirac, Jacques, 32, 33
- Chojecki, Miroslaw, 280
- Christians:
- Christopher, Warren M.:
- Afghanistan, 185
- Belgrade Conference, 25
- Dobrynin’s discussions with, 171, 175, 178
- Dubs’ kidnapping and killing, 171
- Grain export embargo, 275
- Horn of Africa dispute, 65
- Iran hostage crisis, Soviet responses to U.S. démarches on, 241
- Meeting with Chai Zemin, 175
- Muskie-Dobrynin talks, 306
- NAC meeting, 251
- Olympic Games boycott, SCC meetings on, 262
- People’s Republic of China invasion of Vietnam, 172, 178
- SALT II, Ambiguities in Gromyko’s “core” statement, 134
- SCC meetings, 245, 251, 262
- South African nuclear weapons development, 41, 42
- Soviet exhibition (Los Angeles), 57
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, SCC meetings on, 245, 251
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 264
- Sverdlovsk biological warfare incident, 267, 290, 294
- Theater nuclear forces, 290, 291, 299
- U.S.-Soviet relations, Technical penetration of U.S. Embassy Moscow, 111, 117
- Vance-Brezhnev talks (Mar. 1977), 17
- Vance-Gromyko talks:
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 196, 197
- Vietnamese incursions into Thailand, 238
- Visit to South Asia, 175
- Chronica-Press, 2
- Church, Frank F., 264
- Civil aviation, 21, 252
- Civil Defense, 3, 21
- Clarke, Bruce, 264
- Claytor, W. Graham, 216, 245, 251, 262, 263
- Clifford, Clark, 21, 256
- Clift, Denis, 46
- COCOM, 40, 252, 263
- Cold War, 200
- Coleman, Fred, 191
- Collins, James, 185
- Colombia, 265
- Colonialism, 204
- Combs, Richard, 8, 9
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 25, 141, 263
- Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), 105
- Communicable Disease Center (Atlanta), 269
- Communications, 2
- Communications equipment, 250
- Comoros, 265
- Comprehensive Test Ban (CTB) (see also
Agreements, international):
- Brezhnev-Toon talks on, 59
- Carter-Gromyko talks on, 115, 150
- French participation in, 3, 203
- Great Britain as party to negotiations on, 59, 60, 202, 203
- Length of, 135
- People’s Republic of China participation in, 3, 203
- Soviet interest in, 31
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan’s effect on, 252
- Soviet perspective on, 64
- Submission to Congress of, 150
- Third-party compliance, 3
- U.S. position, 103
- Vance-Dobrynin discussions of, 146
- Vance-Gromyko talks on, 20, 50
- Verification in, 115, 203
- Computers, 31, 140, 250, 283
- Conference of the Committee on Disarmament (CCD), 47, 203
- Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE):
- Basket I, 21, 140
- Basket II, 21, 140
- Basket III:
- Carter’s report to Congress on Soviet compliance with, 34, 36
- Final Act of, 4, 21
- Meetings:
- Belgrade (Oct. 1977–Mar. 1978):
- Madrid (Nov., 1980–Sept., 1983):
- Monitoring Group, 38, 170
- Nuclear non-first use, 21
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, effect on, 252
- Confidence-building measures, 204, 206
- Congress, Acts of (see also Jackson-Vanik
- Arms Control Act, 47
- Church Reservation, 264
- Dole Amendment (proposed), 46
- Foreign Assistance Bill (1980), 252
- Glenn Non-proliferation Amendment, 252
- Humphrey bill, 46
- Humphrey-Findley Bill, 105
- Stevenson Amendment, 22, 46
- Symington Non-proliferation Amendment, 252
- Trade Act (1972), 190
- Trade Act (1974), 40, 46
- Congress, U.S. (see also Congress, Acts of):
- Conservatives, U.S., 6, 278
- Constitution, U.S., 17
- Convention on Environmental Modification, 90, 92
- Cook, Paul, 64
- Coon, Jane, 239
- Cooper, Richard, 46, 263, 275
- Coordinating Committee (COCOM), 40, 252, 263
- Corn, 253
- Cosmos-954, 70, 73
- Costa Rica, 265
- Council on Emigrés in the Professions, 25
- Counterintelligence, 124
- Cranston, Alan, 85
- Crawford, F. Jay, 133, 140
- Crawford, William, 179
- CRICON (Crisis Confrontation), 258
- Crimean Tartars, 170
- Cuba:
- African involvement of, 115
- Angolan intervention by, 3, 44, 78, 86, 115, 230
- As factor in U.S.-Soviet relations, 194, 196
- As potential NPT signatory, 32
- Forces in Eritrea of, 109
- Katangan invasion of Zaire as aided by, 115
- Leadership role in Non-Aligned Movement, 194
- Military aid/advisors for Ethiopia from:
- Military threat of, 194
- Missile crisis (1962), 210, 219, 278
- Overseas troops and advisors from, 194, 204
- Panama Canal threat from, 194
- Refugees from, 279
- Revolutionary activities in the Caribbean, 220
- Rhodesian role of, possible, 78
- Soviet military aid to, 220
- Soviet military presence in:
- Brezhnev message to Carter on, 228
- Brigade exercise, 264
- Brigade-type unit, 217, 220, 230
- Influence on Carter of, 255
- SALT ratification as affected by, 224, 227
- SCC meetings on, 216, 264
- Setting up of command structure for, 210
- Soviet oral messages on, 219, 222, 223
- Soviet position, 261
- Soviet prospect for MFN status as affected by, 227
- Soviet view of U.S. handling of issue of, 277
- SR–71 flights, 264
- Talking points for Vance, 220
- U.S. démarches on, 216
- U.S. oral messages on, 223, 224
- Vance-Dobrynin discussions of, 221, 222, 223, 224
- Vance-Gromyko discussion of, 216, 217, 226, 227, 228
- Soviet subsidies to, 194, 220
- Soviet Union, relations with, 194, 204, 230
- Training of terrorists by, 194
- U.S. actions in Latin America to counter, 225
- U.S. courses of action toward, 194
- U.S. economic and military competition in the Caribbean with, 220
- U.S. opposition to UNSC membership for, 225
- U.S. relations with, 45, 256
- U.S. strategy and objectives in Cuba, 225
- Yemeni intervention by, 91, 146, 194, 260
- Zimbabwe role of, possible, 78
- Cutaneous Anthrax, 290
- Cutler, Lloyd:
- Cyprus, 4, 21, 121
- Czechoslovakia:
- Daoud Khan, Mohammed, 266, 271
- Darnton, John, 280
- Dayan, Moshe, 81, 102, 104, 136
- Deal, Timothy, 46, 275
- Deep-well drilling, 141
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 124, 154, 186, 263, 303
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 68, 194
- Defense Planning Committee, 234
- Defense Science Board, 141
- Deng Xiaoping, 45, 90, 173, 175, 176, 196
- Denktash, Rauf, 21, 121
- Depressed SLBM trajectory, 143, 154, 203
- Derazhnya, 48, 121
- Derian, Patricia, 80, 105
- Desai, Morarji, 30, 203
- Détente:
- Detinov, N., 102, 115, 150
- Diamond, Douglas, 275
- Diego Garcia, 20, 203
- Dikeos, Victor, 117
- Disarmament:
- Dissent:
- Dissidents in the Soviet Bloc (see also
Jews, Soviet):
- Amnesty for, 59
- Basket III as rallying point for, 38
- Carter-Brezhnev discussion of, 206
- Carter letter to Sakharov, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17, 39
- Carter message to Brezhnev on, 131
- Christians, 170, 273
- CIA reports on, 68, 170, 274
- Prisoner exchange of, 146, 157, 188, 195, 273
- Sakharov letter to Carter, 2, 9
- Slepak letter, 69
- Soviet desire for control during Belgrade CSCE meeting of, 38
- Students, 170
- Suppression in advance of Olympics of, 274
- Trade unionists, 170
- Trials of, 140
- U.S. actions in support of, 273, 304
- Djibouti, 265
- Dobrynin, Anatoliy (see also Vance-Dobrynin
- ABM Treaty, 47, 48
- Aeroflot office bombing, 47
- Africa, 54
- Anti-satellite systems, 53
- Arms control, 87, 304
- Arms transfers, 53
- Backfire bomber, 3, 92
- Brezhnev messages to Carter, 41, 70, 84
- Brezhnev remarks to Justice Burger, 47
- Brzezinski’s talks with:
- Carter as seen by, 3
- Carter-Brezhnev meeting (proposed), 31, 74
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 115, 150
- Carter’s messages to Brezhnev, 11, 59
- Carter’s talks with, 3, 7, 27, 61, 176
- Christopher’s discussions with, 171, 175, 178
- Comprehensive test ban, 146
- Cruise missiles, 3, 27
- Cuba missile crisis (1962), 219
- Cuban military aid/advisors in Ethiopia, 72, 85, 109
- Détente resolution in UNGA, 55, 57
- Dubs’ kidnapping and killing, 171
- Elections (U.S. 1980), 291
- Emigration lists, 25
- Environmental modification treaty, 90, 92
- Father’s death, 219
- Filatov case, 159
- Fishing boat violations, 27, 272
- French CCD participation, 47
- Geneva Conference on the Middle East, 52, 55, 61
- Glagolev letter, 57
- Gromyko’s visit (Sept. 1977), arrangements for, 47, 48, 49
- Hijacking of aircraft, 55, 57
- Horn of Africa dispute, 74
- Vance’s discussions of:
- Cuban military aid/advisors in Ethiopia, 72, 85, 109
- Foreign observers in Ogaden, 88, 89, 93
- OAU role in, 54, 65, 81, 83
- Oral statement from U.S. leadership to Soviet leadership, 72, 75, 82
- Political solution sought in, 65
- Somali request for Soviet mediation assistance in, 87
- Somalia’s withdrawal from Ethiopia, 88, 92
- Soviet position, 85
- Vance’s discussions of:
- Human rights, 10
- Indian Ocean negotiations, 3, 83
- INFCE, 54
- Iran hostage crisis, 236
- Iran-Iraq War, 303
- Israel military intervention in Lebanon, 45, 92
- Israeli nuclear weapons, 83, 90, 92
- Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 190, 198
- Japan-PRC treaty signing, 90
- Madrid Conference, 304
- MBFR, 3, 73
- MFN, 55, 198
- Middle East:
- MIRVs, 3, 166
- Missile reductions, 3
- Muskie-Gromyko talks, 302
- Muskie’s meetings with, 291, 303, 304, 306, 307
- Namibia, 104, 176
- Non-use of force, 48
- Nuclear attack false alarm, 233, 234
- Nuclear non-first use, 48, 56, 74
- PD 59, 304
- PDRY attack on YAR, 176, 177, 179
- People’s Republic of China invasion of Vietnam, 172, 178
- Prisoner exchange, 188
- Radiation at U.S. Embassy Moscow, 55
- Reliability as conveyor of messages, 276
- Rhodesia, 48, 89, 176
- Sadat visit to Washington (Feb. 1978), 79, 81
- As left on Senate calendar, 272
- Brzezinski’s talks with, 31
- Carter’s determination for ratification of, 81, 85
- Implementation procedures for, 272
- Prospects for ratification of, 291
- Soviet compliance with, 83
- Soviet views on treaty modification, 231
- Timetable for, 3, 26
- U.S. domestic opposition to, 77
- Vance’s discussions of, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 53, 55
- Shcharansky trial, 57
- Shulman’s talks with, 36, 44, 48, 157
- South African nuclear weapons development, 54, 87, 90, 92, 104
- Soviet dissidents, 304
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 185, 291
- Soviet military intervention in Poland, 304, 310
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 221, 222, 223, 224, 264
- Soviet nuclear testing, 304
- Soviet public opinion on, 271
- Soviet UNGA détente resolution, 57
- Sverdlovsk biological warfare incident, 272, 290, 294, 304
- Technical penetration of U.S. Embassy Moscow, 118
- Theater nuclear forces, 290, 291
- U.N. Charter revision, 83
- U.S.-People’s Republic of China relations, 163
- U.S. presidential election (1980), 291
- U.S.-Soviet relations:
- Brement-Bessmertnykh talks on, 230
- Deterioration in, 272
- Diplomatic expulsions, 73, 79
- Embassy construction, 304
- Embassy fire, 45, 48
- Patolichev visit, 55, 57
- Piper and Whitney case, 129
- Rigidity in, 91
- Shulman’s talks on, 36, 44
- Sixtieth anniversary greetings, 57
- Soviet ban on shipment of matzohs, 85
- Soviets arrested on espionage charges, 109, 125
- Technical penetration at U.S. Embassy Moscow, 127
- U.S. visas for Soviet trade unionists, 47
- U.S. strategic exercises in simulation of nuclear war, 187
- Vance-Brezhnev talks, 17, 23, 103, 156
- Vance-Gromyko talks:
- Vance-Solomentsev talks, 63
- Vance’s discussions with Chinese Liaison Office, 27
- Vance’s trip to Moscow (Apr. 1978), 94, 95
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 176, 197, 200, 203, 207
- Vladivostok Summit, 49
- Warnke’s talks with, 97
- Woodbridge Two, 109, 130, 157
- Yugoslavia, 260
- Dodson, Christine, 230
- Dominican Republic, 265
- Donovan, Hadley, 262, 263
- Draper, Morris, 259
- Dresser Industries, Inc., 140, 141, 150
- Drop-outs, 25
- Dual-use technology, 225
- Dubcek, Alexander, 300
- Dubs, Adolph, 171, 246
- Duncan, Charles, 46
- Dymshits, Mark, 159, 188
- Earle, Ralph, II:
- Eastern Europe (see also Dissidents in the Soviet Bloc):
- Ecevit, Bülent, 121
- Economic Summit Meeting (Bonn, July 1978), 136, 140, 150
- Economic Summit Meeting (Tokyo, June 1979), 196
- Ecuador, 225
- Egypt (see also Cairo Conference; Camp David Talks; Israeli-Egyptian peace talks):
- Egyptian-Israeli Treaty (Mar. 1979), 204
- Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D., 200
- Eizenstat, Stuart, 46, 211
- El Salvador, 265
- Elections:
- Emergency War Orders (EWO), 186
- Emigration from the Soviet Union (see also Jews, Soviet):
- Encryption, telemetry:
- Enger, Valdik (see also Chernyayev, Rudolf; Woodbridge Two):
- Enhanced radiation weapons. See Neutron bomb.
- Environmental modification, 90, 92
- Epidemiological Service, 294
- Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 3
- Equatorial Guinea, 265
- Eritrea (see also Ethiopia; Horn of Africa; Horn of Africa dispute):
- Ethiopia (see also Eritrea; Horn of Africa;
Horn of Africa dispute):
- Attack on Somalia, denial of intent for, 65
- Ceasefire conditions, 89
- Cuban military aid/advisors for, 66, 72, 77, 85, 86, 103, 109, 115, 203
- MIG–21 planes in, 66
- Ogaden reprisals by, 92
- Provisional Military Advisory Council (PMAC), 66
- Refugees from, 183
- Somali withdrawal from territory of, 79, 81, 88, 92, 93
- Soviet military advisors in, 68, 72
- Soviet military aid to, 54, 65, 66, 77, 115, 120, 203
- Superpower involvement in, 230
- U.S. relations with, 78, 256
- U.S. strategy for, 183
- Withdrawal of foreign troops from, 81, 96, 109
- Eurocommunism, 38
- Europe:
- Evans, Rowland, 141
- Executive Order 12036, 209
- Exercise BRIGHT STAR, 314
- Export controls, 31, 40, 252
- Export-Import Bank, 55
- “Face the Nation,” 302
- Fahmi, Ismael, 136
- Far East, 256
- Farrand, Robert W., 140, 212
- Fascell, Dante B., 25
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 17
- Fiji, 265
- Filatov, Anatoli, 159, 188
- Findley, Paul, 105
- Firyubin, Nicolay P., 118
- Fishing boat violations, 27, 272
- Fishing rights, 250
- Flowerree, Charles, 267, 269, 294
- Ford, Gerald R.:
- Foreign Assistance Bill (1980), 252
- Forward-based systems, 23
- Fractionalism, 143
- Fractionation limits, 135
- France:
- Arms sales reduction proposals, 3
- Arms transfers, 20
- As member of Security Assistance Consortium, 256
- Austrian State Treaty signed by, 199
- CCD participation, 47
- Communist Party, 38
- Comprehensive test-ban, 3, 203
- Nuclear non-proliferation, 20
- Olympic Games boycott, 262, 263
- Quadripartite Agreement on Berlin (1971), 3
- Sales of nuclear materials, 20
- Sanctions on the Soviet Union, 295
- Soviet Union, relations with, 40, 207
- Venice Summit (June 1980), 292
- Frechette, Miles, 220
- Free Inter-Professional Union of Workers, 170
- Frost, Ellen, 275
- Fuel cycle evaluation, 32
- Funk, Jerry, 183
- Gabon, 81, 265
- Galkin, P. I., 87
- Gambia, 265
- Gamsakhurdia, Zviad, 129
- Gandhi, Indira, 256
- Garba, Joseph, 83
- Garrison, Mark J.:
- Gates, Robert, 194
- Gaza, 67, 71, 136, 144
- Gelb, Leslie H., 18, 20, 53, 102
- Gelman, Harry, 216
- Geneva Conference on the Middle East:
- Brezhnev letter to Carter, 60, 61
- Carter-Dobrynin talks on, 61
- Egyptian position, 52, 56
- Israeli position, 56, 102
- Jordanian position, 52, 56, 136
- Lebanese representation at, 50, 52
- Organization of, 20, 56, 67
- Palestinian representation at, 48, 52, 56, 61, 67
- PLO position, 52, 55, 59, 77
- Prospects for, 43, 67, 102, 136, 145
- Reconvening of, 34
- Soviet preference over bilateral talks for, 84
- Soviet proposals for, 17, 19
- Syrian position, 19, 52, 56, 61, 77, 92
- Toon-Brezhnev talks on, 59
- Vance-Gromyko talks on, 102, 136
- Geneva Peace Conference (Dec. 1973), 3
- Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, 32, 304
- Georgia, 38, 170, 273
- German, Robert K., 306, 307
- German Democratic Republic (GDR):
- Germany, Federal Republic of (FRG):
- Arms sales reduction proposals, 3
- Arms transfers, 20
- Emigration of Germans from the Soviet Union, 140
- Olympic Games boycott, 262, 263, 265
- Quadripartite Agreement on Berlin (1971), 12, 21
- Sales of nuclear materials, 20
- Soviet concern about cruise missiles in, 266
- Soviet Union, relations with, 19, 207
- Venice Summit (June 1980), 292
- Ghana, 265
- Gierek, Edward, 288, 300
- Ginsberg, Robert, 46
- Ginzburg, Aleksandr:
- Ginzburg, Irina, 194
- Ginzburg, Sergei, 195
- Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 32, 47, 151, 191
- Glagolev, Igor S., 57
- Glassboro Summit (June 1967), 197, 200
- Glenn Non-proliferation Amendment, 252
- Global Shield 79 (military exercise), 186
- Godunov, Aleksandr, 213
- Gogol, Nikolai, 121
- Goheen, Robert, 256
- Golan Heights, 102, 136
- Gold, Eugene, 25, 105, 140
- Goldberg, Arthur, 48, 55, 273
- Goldsmith, Sydney, 88
- Goldstein, Sol, 140
- Goodby, James, 213, 216
- Goodman, Jerry, 25, 105, 140
- Great Britain:
- Arms transfers, 3, 20
- As member of Security Assistance Consortium, 256
- Austrian State Treaty signed by, 199
- Comprehensive test-ban, 59, 60, 202, 203
- Cyprus, relations with, 21
- Olympic Games boycott, 259, 262, 263, 265
- Quadripartite Agreement on Berlin (1971), 3
- Rhodesia initiative with the United States, 54
- Soviet Union, relations with, 40
- Venice Summit (June 1980), 292
- Great Patriotic War (World War II), 17
- Greece, 259, 261
- Green, Sedgwick William, 252
- Grenada, 194
- Griffith, William E., 78, 273
- Grishin, Victor V., 170
- Gromyko, Andrei A.:
- Advance notice of missile firings, 21
- Angola, 115
- Anti-satellite warfare, 21, 203
- Arms control, 306, 315
- Arms transfers, 20
- Backfire bomber:
- Belgrade Conference, 21
- Berlin, 21
- Brezhnev’s health, 33
- Camp David Accords, 148
- Carter-Brezhnev message exchange, 67, 142, 243, 299
- Chemical weapons, 21
- Civil aviation, 21
- Civil defense, 21
- Comprehensive test ban, 20, 50, 115, 150
- Cruise missiles, 18, 143
- Cuban refugees, 279
- Cyprus, 21, 121
- Emigration lists, 22, 25
- Geneva Conference on the Middle East, 34, 59, 102, 136
- Health of, 83
- Horn of Africa dispute, 65, 89, 115
- Human rights, Carter’s talks on, 115
- Indian Ocean demilitarization, 20, 203, 302
- Iran hostage crisis:
- Iran-Iraq War, 302, 305
- Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 22
- Katangan invasion of Zaire, 115
- Madrid Conference, 306
- Maritime Agreement, 21
- MBFR, 19, 21, 23, 50, 73, 150, 203
- Meetings:
- Messages:
- Middle East:
- Military spending, 278
- MIRV, 18
- Mutual and balanced force reductions, 19, 50, 73, 150
- Neutron bombs, 103
- New weapons systems ban, 20
- NORAD computer malfunctions, 283
- Nuclear non-first use, 21
- Nuclear non-proliferation, 20
- PD 59, 302
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 20
- Press conference (Mar. 31, 1977), 39
- Rhodesia, 50, 150
- Sadat/Begin peace initiatives, 67
- Ambiguities in Gromyko’s “core” statement, 134, 135
- Averaging ALCMs on heavy bombers, 153, 154
- Carter’s talks on, 47, 50, 51, 59
- Inability to agree on, 103
- Joint report on, 39
- Minuteman distinguishability and shelters, 164
- Need for progress in, 120
- New types of weapons, 166
- Numbers of new missiles, 121
- Ratification of, 278
- RPVs, 165, 166, 167
- Signing of interim agreement, 18
- Telemetry encryption, 154, 164, 165, 166, 167, 180, 181
- U.S. Congressional interest in Backfire bomber, 55
- Vance’s talks on, 28, 50, 51
- Shulman’s talks with, 32, 44
- Soviet food shortages, 38
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan:
- Soviet-Israeli relations, 20
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 216, 217, 223, 226, 227, 228
- Soviet-U.S. trade, 22, 150
- Stevenson Amendment, 22
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks:
- Sverdlovsk biological warfare incident, 306
- Telemetry encryption, 154, 164, 165, 166, 167, 180, 181
- Theater nuclear forces, 299, 302
- Toon appointment with Brezhnev, 30
- Troop levels, 19
- UN Special Session on Disarmament (SSOD), 102
- UNGA as attended by, 51
- U.S.-People’s Republic of China relations, 150, 169, 278
- U.S.-Soviet relations:
- Appointment of new U.S. Ambassador, 201
- Crawford currency violation case, 133
- Desire for improvement in, 271
- Embassy construction, 21, 304, 306
- Piper and Whitney case, 129
- Principles of, 278
- Radiation at U.S. Embassy Moscow, 22
- Senior military exchanges, 120
- Soviet claims of hostile U.S. propaganda, 137
- Technical penetration of U.S. Embassy Moscow, 113, 117, 118, 122
- Woodbridge Two, 109, 118, 120
- U.S. troop levels in countries adjacent to the Soviet Union, 226
- Vance-Brezhnev talks, 17, 23, 103, 156
- Vance’s talks with:
- Mar. 1977, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
- May 1977, 20, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 39
- Sept. 1977, 35, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 59
- Dec. 1977, 65
- Apr. 1978, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103
- May 1978, 109, 120, 121
- July 1978, 120, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137
- Sept. 1978, 142, 145, 148
- Oct. 1978, 150, 153, 154, 155
- Dec. 1978, 164, 165, 166, 167, 189
- June 1979, 203, 207
- Sept. 1979, 216, 217, 226, 227, 228
- Possibilities in 1980 of, 266, 272, 277
- Vance’s visits to Moscow, 16, 27, 94
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 197, 200, 203, 204, 207
- Vienna talks, 19
- Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia, 295
- Visits:
- Vladivostok Summit, 18
- Warnke’s talks with, 143
- World Disarmament Conference, 21
- Gromyko, Lydia D., 48
- Group of the Assistance to the Fulfillment of the Helsinki Agreement, 2
- Guatemala, 265
- Guinea, 265
- Guinea-Bissau, 265
- Guiringaud, Louis de, 33
- Gulf of Aden, 78
- Gusev, Sergei I., 39
- Guyana, 194
- Gwertzman, Bernard, 10, 45, 48, 160
- Habib, Philip, 17, 23, 57, 64
- Haig, Gen. Alexander, 68
- Haiti, 265
- Halloran, Richard, 264
- Hammadi, Sa’dun, 303
- Hammer, Armand, 289
- Hard Choices (Vance), 154
- Harriman, Averill, 32
- Harrison, Gail, 275
- Harrop, William C., 88, 259
- Hartman, Arthur A., 10, 21, 25
- Hathaway, Dale, 275
- Hawadis, Al-, 179
- Hawes, John, 76
- Hayward, Adm. Thomas, 251
- Health Joint Committee, 252
- Hellman, Yehuda, 25, 105, 140
- Helsinki Agreement, 2, 7, 38, 81
- Helsinki Monitoring Group. See Monitoring group under Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.
- Helsinki Summit, 18
- Henderson, Nicholas, 259
- Henze, Paul, 86, 162, 183, 273, 280
- Herzstein, Robert, 275
- Hijacking of aircraft, 55, 57
- Hinton, Deane R., 263
- Hitler, Adolph, 17
- Holmes, H. Allen, 299
- Honduras, 265
- Honecker, Erich, 313
- Hong Kong, 265
- Horelick, Arnold, 245
- Hormats, Robert, 46, 275
- Horn of Africa (see also Eritrea; Ethiopia; Horn of Africa dispute; Somalia):
- Horn of Africa dispute (see also Eritrea;
Ethiopia; Somalia):
- Carter-Brezhnev message exchange on, 67, 70
- Foreign observers in Ogaden, 74, 88, 89, 93
- Gabonese role in, 81
- Iranian position, 72, 78
- Iranian role in, 72, 75
- Islamic states’ intervention in, consequences of, 86
- Nigerian role in, 54, 81, 83
- OAU role in, 54, 65, 78, 81, 83
- Oral statement from U.S. leadership to Soviet leadership on, 72, 75, 82
- Political solution sought for, 65, 79
- Possible U.S. responses to Soviet/Cuban intervention in, 86
- SALT as affected by, 78
- Saudi role in, 75, 78
- Somali post-withdrawal support for Ogaden rebels, 92
- Somali request for Soviet mediation assistance, 87, 115
- Somali withdrawal from Ethiopian territory, 79, 88, 92, 93
- Soviet non-notes to U.S. leadership on, 75
- Soviet position, 48, 70, 84, 85, 103
- UNSC action on, 81
- U.S.-People’s Republic of China relations as affected by, 78
- U.S. message to Barre urging withdrawal in, 88
- U.S. policy toward, 78
- U.S. position, 67, 77
- U.S. public opinion on, 78, 85
- U.S. strategy toward, 183
- Horowitz, Herbert, 275
- Hoskinson, Samuel, 123, 124
- Hot line, 21, 311
- House of Representatives Armed Services Committee, 83
- Hua Guofeng (Hua Kuo-feng), 32, 45
- Huang Hua, 256
- Human rights:
- Hungary, 248
- Hunter, Robert, 27, 33
- Huntington, Samuel, 46, 78, 258, 276
- Hurwitz, Edward, 213, 215
- Hussein, King of Jordan, 56
- Hyland, William G.:
- Iceland, 265
- Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 213
- Imnadze, Avandil, 170
- Inderfurth, Karl F. “Rick,” 264
- India, 32, 203, 206, 256
- Indian Ocean (see also Indian Ocean demilitarization), 79, 252
- Indian Ocean demilitarization:
- Indochina (see also Vietnam, Democratic Republic of), 175, 178
- Indonesia, 265
- Inman, Bobby Ray, 277
- Intelligence Oversight Board, 209
- Intelligence sharing, 225
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 30, 42, 203
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), 151
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA), 252
- International Court of Justice, 241
- International financial institutions (IFIs), 252
- International Fuel Cycle Evaluation Conference (INFCE), 54
- International Harvester Corporation, 140
- International Olympic Committee, 259, 262
- International Sports Federation, 263
- Intestinal anthrax, 290
- Iran:
- Azhari government’s appointment in, 158
- Brezhnev’s statement in Pravda on, 160
- Horn of Africa dispute, 72, 75
- Hostage crisis:
- As strengthening U.S. conservatives, 278
- Hostage rescue mission, 278, 311
- Muskie-Gromyko talks on, 278
- Soviet efforts, 278, 279
- Soviet statement on, 236, 237
- U.N. sanctions on oil from, 243
- UNSC actions on, 237, 241
- U.S. elections as affected by, 278
- U.S. invasion, possible, 241
- U.S. naval forces in the Persian Gulf, 248, 302, 305
- U.S. public opinion on, 241
- Iran-Iraq War, 260, 302, 303, 305
- Olympic Games boycott, 265
- Soviet military intervention in, possible, 258, 260
- Soviet response to U.S. démarches on, 241
- Support of Afghan rebels from, 283, 302
- U.S. arms transfers to, 20, 53, 75, 85
- U.S. military role in, 74, 158, 160
- U.S. relations with, 103, 204, 247
- U.S.-Soviet discussions on, 65
- Iran-Iraq War, 260, 302, 303, 305
- Iraq (see also Iran-Iraq War), 103, 256, 302
- Ireland, 265
- Irreversible inoperability, 154
- Isakov, V. F., 102, 302
- Islam, 273
- Islamabad Conference of Islamic States, 260
- Islamic states, 86, 260
- Israel (see also Cairo Conference; Camp
David talks; Israeli-Egyptian peace talks):
- Carter statements on, 44
- Elections (1977), 3
- Establishment of (1948), 19
- Geneva Conference on the Middle East, 56, 102
- Knesset, 144
- Middle East working paper with the United States, 52
- Military intervention in Lebanon, 45, 92, 152, 204
- Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, 32, 92
- Nuclear weapons, 83, 90, 92
- Olympic Games boycott, 265
- Peace treaty with Egypt as signed by, 204
- PLO’s refusal to recognize the right to exist of, 19
- Possible Moscow Olympic banning of teams from, 147
- Sadat visit (1977), 61, 64, 92, 102, 204
- Settlements in Sinai of, 102, 144
- Sinai peace proposal of, 67
- Soviet Jews refused exit visas for, 22, 25
- Soviet Union, relations with, 20
- UN Resolution 242 as interpreted by, 102
- U.S. arms transfers to, 20, 90
- U.S. differences over Palestine with, 102
- U.S.-Soviet discussions on, 65
- West Bank/Gaza peace proposals by, 67
- Withdrawal from Sinai by, 204, 206
- Israeli-Egyptian peace talks (see also
Cairo Conference; Camp David talks):
- As consistent with U.S.-Soviet Joint Statement, 204
- Brezhnev’s messages to Carter on, 182
- Camp David talks, Invitation for, 138
- Carter’s messages to Brezhnev on, 144
- Framework documents signing, 144
- Lack of progress in, 102
- Palestinian role in, 81, 93
- PLO position, 93
- Prospects for, 67
- Soviet position, 84, 182, 204
- Syrian nonparticipation in, 71
- UN role, 182
- U.S. position, 77, 102, 204
- U.S.-Soviet Joint Statement’s consistency with, 204
- Vance-Dobrynin discussions of, 71, 74, 77, 81
- Issraelyan, Victor, 267
- Italy, 38, 40, 262, 265, 292
- Ivory Coast, 265
- Izvestiya, 39, 68, 137
- Jackson, Henry M. “Scoop,” 39, 46, 55, 61, 90, 103, 141
- Jackson-Vanik Amendment:
- Exemption of CCC credits from, 105
- Failure in increasing emigration with, 46
- Romanian waiver prospects, 46
- Sakharov’s praise for, 64
- Soviet Jewish emigration as affected by, 170
- Soviet-U.S. trade as affected by, 25
- U.S. waiver proposal, 190, 193, 198
- Vance-Dobrynin talks on, 190, 198
- Vance-Gromyko talks on, 22
- Jacobson, Charlotte, 140
- Jamaica, 194
- Japan:
- Fishing rights, 250
- Indochina conflicts (1979), 175
- MIG–25 pilot defection to, 21
- Olympic Games boycott, 262, 265
- People’s Republic of China threat to, 206
- Signing of treaty with China, 90, 150
- Soviet technology purchases from, 40
- Soviet Union, relations with, 40
- U.S.-People’s Republic of China talks on, 45
- U.S. military aid to, 203
- U.S. military bases in, 204
- U.S. troop levels in, 226
- Venice Summit (June 1980), 292
- Japanese Olympic Committee, 265
- Jaruzelski, Wojciech, 312
- Jews, American:
- Jews, Soviet (see also Dissidents in the Soviet Bloc; Emigration from the Soviet Union):
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 19, 271
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 154, 192, 194
- Joint Commercial Commission, 17
- Joint Commercial Committee, 252
- Joint Trade and Economic Council, 55
- Joint U.S.-Soviet Declaration on Consultations, 205
- Jones, Gen. David:
- Jordan:
- Jordan, Hamilton:
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 263
- Kahan, Jerome, 248, 267
- Kama River, 263
- Kamel, Muhammad Ibrahim, 102
- Kamman, Curtis, 80, 175, 185
- Kampelman, Max, 304
- Kampuchea. See Cambodia.
- Kane, Robert, 259
- Kania, Stanislaw, 288, 300, 312, 313
- Karamanlis, Constantine, 121
- Karmal, Babrak, 247, 268, 277, 278, 291, 302
- Karpov, Anatoly, 146
- Karpov, Victor P., 165
- Karr, Albert R., 31
- Katanga, 115
- Kavaler, Florence, 215
- Kavalerov, Vadim, 213, 215
- Keeny, Spurgeon M., Jr., 302
- Keeping Faith (Carter), 265
- Keller, Thomas, 263
- Kennan, George, 124
- Kennedy, Edward M., 150, 255, 276
- Kennedy, John F., 197, 219
- Kenya:
- Khaddam, Abdul Halim, 63
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 197, 219
- Kifner, John, 302
- King, Robert, 80
- Kirchschlager, Rudolf, 197, 199
- Kirgiz SSR, 170
- Kirilenko, Andrei P., 98, 191
- Kirk, Roger, 64
- Kirov, Sergey M., 2
- Kissinger, Henry A.:
- Klain, Ed, 2
- Klose, Kevin, 140
- Klutznick, Philip, 263, 275
- Knesset, 144
- Kochetkov, Ye N., 204
- Komer, Robert W., 245
- Komitet Obrony Robotníkow (KOR), 288
- Komplektov, Viktor G.:
- Korchnoi, Viktor L., 146
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 32, 265
- Korea, Republic of, 32, 203, 204, 226, 265
- Korea talks between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, 45
- Korn, David, 212
- Kornilov, Yuriy, 39
- Korniyenko, Georgy M.:
- As specialist in U.S. affairs, 276
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 115, 150
- Gromyko visit (Washington, Sept. 1977), 48
- Health of, 308
- Muskie-Gromyko talks, 302
- PDRY invasion of YAR, 179
- Piper and Whitney case, 129
- SALT, 289
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 289
- Sverdlovsk biological warfare incident, 267, 269, 270, 297
- Technical penetration of U.S. Embassy Moscow, 128
- Theater nuclear forces, 289, 299
- U.S.-Soviet relations, 271
- Vance-Brezhnev talks, 17, 23, 156
- Vance-Gromyko talks:
- Vance message to Gromyko, 138
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 200, 203, 204, 207
- Warnke meeting with (Apr. 1978), 101
- Watson’s talks with, 289
- Kosygin, Aleksey, 191, 300
- Kovalev, Sergey, 9, 308
- Kozlov, Col.-Gen. M. M., 102
- Kramer, Frank, 263
- Kreisberg, Paul, 88, 248
- Kreisky, Bruno, 199
- Kreps, Juanita, 46, 57, 141, 161
- Krimer, William D.:
- Kulski, Isabel, 39
- Kursch, Donald, 73
- Kuznetsov, Eduard, 159, 188
- Kuznetsov, Vasili, 8, 122, 128
- Kyprianou, Spyros, 121
- Kyrgyz SSR, 170
- Labor, U.S. Department of, 17
- Labor unions, 207, 300, 309
- Laboulaye, François de, 33
- Lake, Anthony, 88, 307
- Landa, Malva, 274
- Laos, 78
- Larrabee, Stephen, 191, 273, 288, 311
- Latin America, 32, 225
- Law of the Sea, 104
- Law of the Sea Conference, 104
- Le Monde, 39
- Lebanon:
- Ledogar, Stephen, 76
- Ledsky, Nelson, 259, 263
- “Left Opposition,” 170
- Legionnaires’ disease, 269, 297
- Lenin, Vladimir I., 200
- Leningrad, 38, 170
- Leningrad University, 170
- Leonard, James, 57, 102
- Leprette, Jacques, 151
- Levi Strauss, 263
- Levin, B., 238
- Levine, Jacqueline, 140
- Levitsky, Melvyn, 68, 80, 105
- Lewis, Flora, 21
- Liberia, 265
- Libya, 115
- Liechtenstein, 265
- Lipavskiy, Sanya, 68
- Literaturnaya Gazeta, 68
- Lithuania, 38, 55, 56, 271, 273
- London Suppliers’ Group, 17
- London Understandings, 41
- Lorton, Ronald, 185
- Loughran, John Lewis, 88
- Luers, William H.:
- Luxembourg, 265
- McCall, Sherrod:
- McConnell, Donald, 76
- McCrory, R., 267
- McFadden, Robert D., 17
- McHenry, Donald F., 215, 218, 252
- McIntyre, James T., 280, 284
- McIntyre, Thomas J., 55, 90
- McLean, Martin, 267
- Makarios, Archbishop, 21
- Makarov, V. G., 102, 115, 121, 150, 226
- Makayev, Evgeniy, 213, 215
- Malawi, 265
- Malaysia, 265
- Mal’tsev, V. M., 246
- Marchais, Georges René Louis, 33
- Marines, U.S., 256
- Maritime shipping, 207
- Martin, Robert, 267
- Martin, Thomas G., 80, 127
- Martínez de Hoy, José Alfredo, 275
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 26
- Mathews, Jessica Tuchman, 80, 147
- Mathias, Charles, 175
- Matlock, Jack F., Jr.:
- As Chargé in Moscow, 315
- Technical penetration of U.S. Embassy Moscow:
- Matthews, Gary L., 185, 306, 307
- Matzohs, 85
- Mauritania, 265
- Mautner, Martha, 39
- Meany, George, 64
- Mediterranean Sea, 203
- Medvedev, Roy, 38, 191
- “Meet the Press,” 259
- Mendelevich, Lev, 83, 87
- Mengistu Haile Miriam:
- Metropol, 170
- Mexico, 194, 262
- Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn, 39
- Microbiology, Epidemiology, and Immunology (magazine), 294
- Middle East (see also Cairo Conference;
Camp David talks; Israeli-Egyptian peace talks; individual Middle Eastern countries):
- Brzezinski-Dobrynin talks on, 31
- Carter-Brezhnev message exchange on, 7, 12, 70, 144
- Carter-Gromyko talks on, 150
- Declaration of Principles for settlement in, 136
- Framework documents signing, 144
- Habib-Gromyko talks on, 64
- Sadat/Begin peace initiatives, 67, 70
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, effect on peace prospects in, 256
- Soviet position, 4
- UN resolutions on, 1, 102, 204
- UN role in, 204
- U.S. arms transfers to, 90
- U.S.-People’s Republic of China talks on, 45
- U.S.-Israeli working paper on, 52
- U.S.-Soviet Joint Statement on:
- Vance-Dobrynin discussions of:
- Vance-Gromyko talks on, 19, 20, 50, 102, 136, 145
- Vance-Solomentsev talks on, 63
- Miklos, Jack, 185
- Military exercises:
- Military spending, 39, 278
- Miller, Lt. Col. Don, 275
- Miroshkin, Ivan, 215
- Missiles (see also Multiple independently
targetable re-entry vehicles; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks):
- ABMs, 21
- Advance notice of firings of, 21
- Air-to-surface, 18
- Anti-ship ballistic missiles, 167
- Cruise:
- Air-launched, 27, 77, 153, 154, 167
- Brezhnev-Carter message exchange on, 14, 29, 77
- Carter-Dobrynin talks on, 3, 27
- Definitions of, 148, 154, 164, 165, 166
- Ground-launched, 44
- In Federal Republic of Germany, 266
- Lack of agreement on, 18
- Negotiations on, 12
- Soviet views on, 18, 39
- Unarmed (RPVs), 165, 166, 167
- U.S. development of, 32, 36
- U.S. technical assistance to allies in deployment of, 78
- Vladivostok discussion of, 27
- Warnke-Gromyko talks on, 143
- ICBMs, 121, 132, 148, 166
- In Federal Republic of Germany, 266
- In Western Europe, 261
- Minuteman distinguishability, 164
- Minuteman II, 121
- Minuteman III, 121
- MK–12A re-entry vehicle, 32
- MLBMs, Soviet, 29
- MX, 189, 261, 278
- Pershing II, 261, 266, 278
- Reductions in numbers of, 3, 27
- SLBM, 101, 121, 132, 143, 154, 203
- SS–16, 3, 18, 27
- SS–17, 121
- SS–18, 27, 121
- SS–19, 27, 121
- SS–20, 3, 18, 203, 230
- SS–N–18, 132
- Surface-to-air, 220
- Test firings, 3, 53, 55
- Throw-weight vs. accuracy, 3
- Titan, 121
- Tomahawk, 165, 261
- Trident I, 32, 132
- Trident II, 32
- Missing-in-action (MIA) issue, 3
- Mobuto Sese Seko, 115
- Monaco, 265
- Mondale, Walter F.:
- Carter-Brezhnev message exchanges, 3
- Carter-Dobrynin meetings, 27
- Governors Conference, 56
- Gromyko visit (Washington, Sept. 1977), 48
- Olympic Games boycott, 262
- Poland, 312
- SALT treaty ratification, 302
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 252, 253
- Soviet response to dissent, 38
- UNGA speech (May 1978), 109
- U.S.-Soviet trade relations, 46
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 196
- Mongolia, 271
- Moore, Frank, 141, 207
- Moose, Richard, 92
- Morocco, 265
- Morokhov, Igor, 32
- Moroz, Valentin, 159, 188
- Moscow State University, 25
- Moscow subway incident, 2
- Moscow Summit (1972), 271
- Moscow World Service, 307
- Most-favored Nation (MFN) status:
- Moyer, Homer, 263
- Mozambique, 150, 194
- Mugabe, Robert, 89, 150
- Multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRVs) (see also Missiles):
- Mundheim, Robert, 263
- Muskie, Edmund S.:
- Appointment as Secretary of State of, 276
- Arms control, 304, 306
- Brzezinski’s and Brown’s meeting with, 314
- Indian Ocean demilitarization, 302
- Iran hostage crisis, 278
- Iran-Iraq War, 302, 303, 305
- Madrid Conference, 304, 306
- Meetings:
- Messages:
- Military spending, 278
- PD 59, 302, 304
- SALT ratification, 278
- Soviet dissidents, 304
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 278, 282, 283, 292, 302, 385
- Soviet military intervention in Poland, 304, 306, 311
- Soviet nuclear testing, 304
- Sverdlovsk biological warfare incident, 304, 306
- Theater nuclear forces, 302
- U.S.-People’s Republic of China relations, 278
- U.S.-Soviet relations:
- Muslims, 273
- Musser, Maclyn, 111
- Mussolini, Benito, 17
- Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction (MBFR) talks:
- Carter-Brezhnev talks on, 203
- Carter-Dobrynin discussions of, 3
- Carter-Gromyko talks on, 50, 150
- Carter letter to Brezhnev on, 7
- Definitions and data as issue in, 203
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan’s effect on, 252
- Soviet position, 4, 36, 229
- Soviet willingness to agree on, 197
- U.S. position, 96
- U.S. review of, 17
- Vance-Brezhnev talks on, 23
- Vance-Dobrynin talks on, 73
- Vance-Gromyko talks on, 19, 50, 73, 150
- Vienna Conference on, 12, 19, 21, 23, 45
- Western proposal on, 102, 103
- Muzorewa, Abel, 89, 103
- Namibia:
- Narozniak, Jan, 313
- Nathanson, Allyn, 68
- National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 147, 263
- National Conference on Soviet Jewry (NCSJ), 105
- National Foreign Assessment Center, 300
- National Security Council (NSC):
- CIA paper on value to Soviets of economic relations with the United States, 40
- Meeting (Jan. 2, 1980), 249, 252
- Organization of, 6
- Presidential Directive/NSC-52, 225
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, decisions on, 252
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 216
- Soviet policy difference with Department of State, 276
- Upgrading of U.S. Embassy Moscow, 124
- Vance-Gromyko talks, (Oct. 1978), 154
- Weekly Reports:
- National Security Decision Memorandum (NSDM) 242, 302
- National technical means of verification, 20, 206, 227, 302
- Nazaryan, Robert, 170
- Neocolonialism, 204
- Nepal, 265
- Netherlands, 234, 265
- Neutron bombs:
- New weapons systems ban, 20
- New York Times, 17, 39
- New York Times Magazine, 284
- New Zealand, 175, 262, 265
- Newsom, David D.:
- Nickel, 194
- Niger, 265
- Nigeria, 54, 81, 83, 194, 265
- Nimetz, Matthew, 276
- Nimieri, Gaafar, 183
- Nixon, Richard M.:
- Nkomo, Joshua, 89, 103, 150
- Nobel Prize, 32
- Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), 81, 194, 225
- Non-circumvention, 99, 100, 103, 120
- Non-transfer of strategic arms, 23, 120
- Non-use of force, 21, 48, 59, 60, 204
- NORAD computer malfunctions, 283
- North Atlantic Council (NAC) meeting (Brussels, Dec. 1979), 234, 238, 251
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 14, 21, 92, 168, 196, 278
- North Yemen. See Yemen Arab Republic (YAR).
- Norway, 122, 265
- Novak, Robert, 141
- Nowak, Jan, 280
- Nuclear attack false alarm, 233, 234, 235
- Nuclear forward-based systems, 23
- Nuclear-free Mediterranean Sea proposal, 203
- Nuclear fuels, 20, 202, 203
- Nuclear non-first use, 21, 48, 56, 59, 60, 74, 203
- Nuclear non-proliferation (see also Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty):
- Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT):
- Nuclear Suppliers Group, 41
- Nuclear war, 17, 186, 200, 271
- Nuclear weapons:
- Nujoma, Sam, 103
- Nuremberg Trial, 17
- Nyerere, Julius, 183
- Oberdorfer, Don, 49
- Obst, Harry, 199
- Obukhov, A. A., 102
- October War (1973), 48, 258
- Odom, William E.:
- Fishing boat violations, 27
- Olympic Games boycott, 263
- SCC meetings, 245, 251, 263
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 245, 251
- Soviet military intervention in Iran, possible, 258
- Soviet military intervention in Poland, 313
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 216
- Technical penetration of U.S. Embassy Moscow, 122, 124
- Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 252, 280, 284, 287
- Ogaden. See Horn of Africa dispute.
- Ogarkov, Nikolai V.:
- Ogorodnik, Aleksandr, 118
- Oil:
- “Old World Landowners” (Gogol), 121
- Oliver, Spencer, 25
- Olszowski, Stefan, 312
- Olympic Games (Moscow 1980):
- Oman, 265, 303
- Onek, Joe, 262
- Oranges, 20
- Organization of African Unity (OAU), 54, 65, 78, 81, 83
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 256
- Organization of the Islamic Conference, 260
- Orlov, Yuriy:
- Owen, David, 103
- Owen, Henry, 262, 263, 275
- Pahlavi, Shah Reza, 78, 160
- Pakistan:
- Afghan refugees in, 256, 271
- Execution of Bhutto, 175
- NPT and, 203
- Nuclear materials purchases, 20
- Olympic Games boycott, 265
- Soviet military intervention in, possible, 260
- Support of Afghan rebels from, 261, 266, 278, 283, 302
- U.S. exemptions for economic and military aid to, 251, 252, 256
- U.S. relations with, 247, 303
- Palestine (see also Palestinians):
- Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO):
- Palestinians (see also Palestine Liberation Organization):
- Palmer, Brig. Gen. David, 275
- Palmer, Mark, 267
- Pan-Am, 272
- Panama, 44
- Panama Canal, 20, 44, 53, 194
- Papua New Guinea, 265
- Paraguay, 265
- Paris Peace Talks, 20
- Parris, Mark R., 220, 307
- Pascoe, Lynn, 10
- Pastor, Robert, 86, 220
- Patolichev, Nikolai, 36, 46, 55, 57, 59, 61
- Patriotic Front (Zimbabwe), 103, 150
- Peaceful nuclear explosions (PNE), 20, 50, 59
- Pentecostals, 170
- Percy, Charles, 264
- Perito, Robert, 10, 185, 241
- Perry, Jack, 185
- Persian Gulf, 204, 248, 256, 302, 303, 305
- Persona non grata (PNG) exchange, 73, 79
- Pervomaisk, 48, 53, 121
- Petrosyants, Andronik, 135
- Petrov, A., 185, 237
- Petrov, Gen. V. I., 66
- Philippines, 175, 204, 206, 265
- Phosphates, 263
- Piper, Harold, 129, 140
- Plechko, Ivan, 215
- Plutonium, 17
- Podgorny, Nikolai W., 1, 32, 39
- Podrabinek, Aleksandr, 170
- Poison gas, 272
- Pol Pot, 242
- Poland (see also Soviet military intervention in Poland):
- Policy Review Committee, 46
- Political parties:
- Ponomarev, Boris, 74, 79
- Portugal, 265
- Powell, Joseph L. (Jody), 115, 141, 200, 203, 204, 207
- Power and Principle (Brzezinski), 159
- Prague Spring, 300
- Brezhnev’s statement on Iran, 160
- Human rights editorial in, 8
- Iran hostage crisis article (Petrov), 237
- NATO nuclear aid to South Africa (story), 92
- SALT (editorial), 81, 82
- Soviet non-interference in Iran (Brezhnev), 160
- U.S. aim for nuclear superiority article (Ustinov), 230
- U.S. interference in Afghanistan, 185
- U.S. military spending editorial, 39
- U.S.-Soviet relations (Arbatov article), 266
- U.S.-Soviet relations (editorial), 137
- Precht, Henry, 237
- Presel, Joseph, 68
- Presidential Directive 59, 302, 304
- Presidential Directive/NSC–52, 225
- Presidential Review Memorandum PRM 10, 258
- Press, Frank, 150
- Prettyman, E. Barrett, 140
- Prisoner exchange, 146, 157, 159, 188, 195, 273
- Public opinion, Soviet, 271
- Public opinion, U.S.:
- Puerto Rico, 194
- Pulmonary anthrax, 267, 270, 290
- Pustay, Lt. Gen. John, 216, 245, 251, 262, 263, 267
- Rabin, Yitzhak, 19, 20
- Racial discrimination, 17
- Radiation at U.S. Embassy Moscow, 22, 55, 58, 59, 60
- Radio Free Europe, 39, 147, 252, 310
- Radio Liberty, 26, 39, 147, 252, 273
- Radiological weapons, 20, 203, 252
- Raphel, Arnold, 212, 233
- Rapid Deployment Force, 256, 258, 261
- Read, Benjamin, 55, 114
- Reagan, Ronald W., 6, 276, 291, 311
- Red Sea, 78, 79, 85
- Refugees:
- Refuseniks, 170
- Reichstag Fire (1933), 2
- Reinhardt, John, 57
- Replists, 140
- Rhodesia:
- Anglo-U.S. initiative on, 54
- Carter-Dobrynin talks on, 176
- Carter statements on, 44, 176, 204
- Cuban role in, possible, 78
- Independence of, 103
- Soviet aid to Patriotic Front, 150
- Soviet claim of non-involvement in, 109, 115, 120, 146
- U.S.-People’s Republic of China talks on, 45
- U.S. policy toward, 103
- U.S.-Soviet consultation proposals on, 89
- Vance-Dobrynin talks on, 48, 89
- Vance-Gromyko talks on, 50
- Riccardi, Jack, 215
- Roldós Aguilera, Jaime, 225
- Romania, 46
- Romanov, Grigory V., 39
- Rowny, Edward L., 19, 99, 102
- Rudé právo, 310
- Rudenko, Mikola, 9
- Rueckert, George, 306
- Rwanda, 265
- Ryabov, Yakov P., 191
- Sadat, Anwar:
- Carter’s Camp David invitation, 138
- Declaration of Principles, 136
- Geneva Conference on the Middle East, 56, 102
- Israeli-Egyptian peace talks, 84
- Message from Carter, 64
- Peace initiatives of, 67, 70
- Signing of Framework documents by, 144
- Soviet views of, 19, 145
- Visits:
- Weakening of U.S. influence, 78
- St. Vincent, 265
- Sakharov, Andrei:
- As Nobel Prize recipient, 32
- Basket III observance by Soviets, 64
- Cancellation of Jackson visit to, 61
- Exile of, 273, 274
- Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 64
- Messages from Carter, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17, 39
- Messages to Carter, 2, 9
- Open letter to New York Times Magazine from, 284
- Speech at AFL–CIO Convention (Dec. 1977), 64
- U.S. support for, 273, 304
- Voice of America (VOA), 64
- Salanskiy, Naum, 25
- Salyut, 203
- Samizdat, 273
- San Marino, 265
- Sanctions:
- Sanders, Edward, 140
- Sao Tome and Principe, 265
- Sapiello, Piotr, 313
- Sargin, Dr., 215
- Sarkis, Ilyas, 136
- Satellites, Cosmos-954, 70, 73
- Saud bin Faisal bin Abdulaziz al Saud, 56
- Saudi Arabia:
- AWACS deployed in, 256, 303
- Camp David Accords, position on, 148
- Cuban military intervention in Yemen, possible, 91
- Horn of Africa dispute, 75, 78
- INFCE, 54
- Iraqi planes in, 303
- Olympic Games boycott, 265
- PDRY invasion of YAR, 177, 179
- U.S. arms transfers to, 85, 90
- U.S. security consultations with, 256
- U.S.-Soviet discussions on, 65
- Saunders, Harold, 245
- Schecter, Jerry, 123, 147, 207
- Schell, Orville, 213, 215
- Schindler, Alexander, 25, 105, 140
- Schirmer, Kitty, 275
- Schlesinger, James R., 21, 141
- Schmidt, Helmut, 256, 263, 289, 298
- Science and Technology Agreement (1977), 17, 36, 39
- Scientific cooperation, 207
- Searing, Marjorie, 46
- Security Assistance Consortium, 256
- Seignious, Gen. George M., 203, 207
- Seismic installations, 115, 135
- Seitz, Raymond, 237, 259, 299
- Semenov, Vladimir S., 53, 55, 100, 102, 120, 154
- Senate, U.S.:
- Seventh Day Adventists, 170
- Shahi, Agha, 303
- Shanghai Communiqué, 150, 163
- Shatt al-Arab, 302
- Shcharanskiy, Anatoliy:
- Anticipated Soviet moves in case of, 68
- Arrest of, 69
- Conviction for espionage of, 206
- Elimination from prisoner exchange of, 159
- Health of, 211, 212
- Investigation for treason of, 38, 68
- Sentencing of, 170
- Soviet determination for trial of, 57, 146
- U.S. opposition to trial for, 96, 105, 115, 131
- U.S. options for negotiations over, 25
- U.S. support for, 273, 304
- Vance’s meeting with U.S. Jewish leaders on, 105, 140
- Shcharanskiy, Avital, 140, 210, 212
- Shenefield, John, 263
- Shevchenko, Arkady, 95
- Shinn, William, 76, 132, 140, 213
- Shipler, David K., 57, 69, 133
- Shtaura Agreement, 45
- Shtern, Mikhail, 25
- Shulman, Marshall:
- Africa, 54
- Arbatov talks with, 26
- Backfire bomber, 92
- Baltimore port stop of Soviet ship, 281
- Bessmertnykh meetings with, 75, 93, 217, 230
- Christopher-Dobrynin discussions, 175
- Dissident trials, 140
- Dobrynin’s talks with, 36, 44, 48, 157
- Glagolev letter, 57
- Gromyko’s talks with, 32, 44
- Gromyko’s visit (Washington, Sept. 1977), 47
- Horn of Africa dispute, 72, 75, 83, 88, 89, 93
- INFCE, 54
- Iran hostage crisis, 237, 241
- Israeli-Egyptian peace talks, 71, 74, 77, 81, 93
- Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 198
- MBFR, 73
- Middle East:
- Muskie-Gromyko talks, 281, 302
- Namibia, 104
- Nuclear non-first use, 48, 56
- PDRY invasion of YAR, 179
- People’s Republic of China invasion of Vietnam, 172, 178
- Radiation at U.S. Embassy Moscow, 55
- Resignation of, 276
- Shcharanskiy case, 57, 68
- Shcharanskiy’s health, 212
- South African nuclear weapons development, 54, 87, 90, 92, 104
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 239, 240, 254
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 216, 217, 219, 223, 224, 230
- Soviet oral statement on human rights, 10
- Sverdlovsk biological warfare incident, 267, 290
- Theater nuclear forces, 254
- United Nations resolutions, 57
- U.S.-Soviet relations:
- Vance-Dobrynin discussions:
- Aug. 29, 1977, 45
- Sept. 10, 1977, 47
- Sept. 13, 1977, 48
- Sept. 15, 1977, 49
- Oct. 17, 1977, 52, 53, 54
- Oct. 22, 1977, 55
- Oct. 31, 1977, 56, 57
- Nov. 28, 1977, 62
- Dec. 28, 1977, 72
- Jan. 14, 1978, 71, 72, 73, 75
- Jan. 31, 1978, 79
- Feb. 14, 1978, 81
- Feb. 18, 1978, 82
- Feb. 21, 1978, 83
- Feb. 28, 1978, 84, 85
- Mar. 6, 1978, 87
- Mar. 11, 1978, 89, 90, 93
- Mar. 16, 1978, 92
- Apr. 9, 1978, 94
- Apr. 12, 1978, 95
- Apr. 28, 1978, 104
- Sept. 19, 1978, 145
- June 6, 1979, 198
- Sept. 14, 1979, 223
- Sept. 17, 1979, 224
- Vance-Gromyko talks, 102, 226
- Vance’s meetings with U.S. Jewish leaders, 25, 105, 140
- Vance’s visit to Moscow (Apr. 1978), 94
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 197
- Vietnamese incursions into Thailand, 238
- Watson-Gromyko meetings, 281
- Woodbridge Two, 157
- Sick, Gary, 78, 262, 263
- Sierra Leone, 265
- Sigal, Leon, 306
- Siilasvuo, Gen. Ensio, 63
- Simon, William, 32
- Sinai, 67, 84, 102, 144, 150, 204, 206
- Singapore, 265
- Slack, John M., 124
- Slepak, Alexander, 69, 80
- Slepak, Elaine Marie, 80
- Slepak, Leonid, 69, 80
- Slepak, Maria, 69
- Slepak, Vladimir, 69, 80
- Slocombe, Walter B., 21, 102, 216, 267
- Smirnov, L. V., 18, 19, 20, 21
- Smith, Carl, 194
- Smith, David, 220
- Smith, Gen., 46
- Smith, Gerard, 92, 104
- Smith, Ian, 3
- Smith, Jeffrey, 213
- Smukler, Joseph, 140
- Snider, Raymond, 299
- Sokolov, O. M., 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 308
- Solidarity movement, 309, 312, 313
- Solomentsev, Mikhail S., 39, 56, 63, 64
- Solomon, Anthony, 46
- Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I., 2, 6, 32
- Somali (people), 78
- Somalia (see also Horn of Africa; Horn of
Africa dispute):
- Ethiopian denial of intent for attack on, 65
- Kenya, relations with, 72
- Olympic Games boycott, 265
- Post-withdrawal support for Ogaden rebels, 92
- Request for Soviet assistance in mediation, 87, 115
- U.S. military aid to, 65, 75
- U.S. military bases in, 256
- Withdrawal from Ethiopian territory, 79, 81, 88, 92, 93
- Sonic booms, 31
- South Africa, Republic of:
- South Asia, 175
- South Yemen. See Yemen, People’s Democratic Republic of.
- Southern Africa, 1, 4, 20, 204
- Southwest Africa People’s Organization (SWAPO), 103, 104
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan:
- As endangering U.S. transport of oil, 278
- As obstacle to Soviet intervention in Poland, 288
- As obstacle to U.S. ratification of SALT, 247, 291, 302
- As violation of Basic Principles on Relations, 248
- Carter’s speech on, 252
- Chemical/radiological weapons talks as affected by, 252
- CSCE as affected by, 252
- CTB as affected by, 252
- Economic denial measures, 250, 257
- Grain export embargo on Soviet Union, 250, 253, 275, 293, 295
- Gromyko’s message to Vance on, 261
- Gromyko’s rejection of U.S. proposal, 283, 285
- Influence on Carter of, 255
- Iranian support of rebels, 283, 302
- MBFR talks as affected by, 252
- Middle East peace prospects as affected by, 256
- Muskie-Gromyko talks on, 278, 302
- Muskie letter to Gromyko on, 282, 283
- NSC decisions on, 252
- Pakistani support of rebels, 261, 266, 278, 283, 302
- People’s Republic of China support of rebels, 266
- Possible U.S. actions, 249
- Ramifications of, 247
- Recall of Ambassador Watson, 252
- Reduction of troop numbers, 285, 292
- Regional issues arising from, 251
- Resistance to, 251
- Restrictions on Soviet diplomatic staff, 252
- SCC meetings on, 245, 251, 275
- Soviet airlift into Kabul, 244
- Soviet perceptions of, 277
- Soviet proposal, 279
- Soviet rejection of U.S. proposal on, 283, 285, 289
- Soviet view of U.S. as over-reacting, 254
- UN actions on, 252, 259, 260
- U.S.-People’s Republic of China relations as affected by, 249
- U.S. covert aid to rebel forces, 256, 266
- U.S. démarches on, 185, 239, 240, 246
- U.S. failure to ratify SALT as factor in, 277
- U.S. long-term strategy for, 256, 295
- U.S.-Pakistani talks on, 303
- U.S. radio broadcasts as counter to, 252
- U.S.-Soviet relations as impacted by, 248, 278, 291
- Vance-Gromyko letter exchange on, 260, 261
- Watson-Arbatov discussion of, 266
- Watson-Korniyenko talks on, 289
- Withdrawal prospects for Soviet forces, 277
- Soviet military intervention in Poland:
- Soviet Union (see also Emigration from the
Soviet Union; Olympic Games (Moscow 1980);
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; Soviet military intervention in
Poland; U.S.-Soviet relations):
- Aeroflot office bombing, 47
- Afghanistan, relations with, 204
- Anti-Semitism in, 25, 140
- Arms buildup by, 120
- Austrian State Treaty signed by, 199
- British relations with, 40
- Canada, relations with, 207
- Caribbean military buildup by, 192, 210, 216
- Christians in, 170, 273
- Civil Defense capabilities of, 3
- COCOM’s favoring of People’s Republic of China over, 252
- Communications with the West, 2
- Communist Party Congress (XXV), 120, 302
- Crawford currency violation case, 133, 140
- Credit, 40
- Cuba, relations with, 194, 204, 230
- Defection of MIG pilot, 21
- Dissent, 32, 38
- Distribution of U.S. literature in, 162, 273
- Dresser case, 140, 141, 150
- Economic denial measures’ impact on, 250, 257
- Economic situation, 32
- Federal Republic of Germany, relations with, 19, 207
- Food shortages in, 38
- France, relations with, 40, 207
- Grain imports, 40
- Israel, relations with, 20
- Italy, relations with, 40
- Japan, relations with, 40
- Kenya, relations with, 86
- Milk and meat production in, 293
- Moscow subway incident, 2
- Muslims in, 273
- Nonparticipation in Cairo Conference, 63
- People’s Republic of China, relations with, 32, 278
- Personal trust, lack of, 197
- Revolutionary movements as supported by, 271
- Succession crisis, 197
- Trade deficit, 40
- UPDK (Soviet diplomatic service agency), 126
- U.S. bombing of Soviet ships in Haiphong Harbor, 17
- U.S. contingency planning for war with, 47
- U.S. grain export embargo on, 250, 253, 275, 293, 295
- U.S. sanctions on, 249, 250, 251, 252, 257, 295
- U.S. strategic military exercises in simulation of nuclear war, 186, 187
- U.S. troop levels in countries adjacent to, 226
- Sovrenennyi (Soviet fishing boat), 27
- Soyuz, 203
- Spain, 32, 38, 256, 265
- Sparkman, John J., 20, 85
- Special Coordinating Committee (SCC):
- COCOM, 263
- Distribution of literature to Soviet Bloc countries, 209
- Grain export embargo, 275
- Olympic Games boycott, 262, 263
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 245, 251, 275
- Soviet military buildup in the Caribbean, 192, 216
- Soviet military intervention in Poland, 311
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 216, 264
- Upgrading of U.S. Embassy Moscow, 124
- Special National Intelligence Estimate SNIE–85–79, 194
- Spitzbergen, 122
- Sri Lanka, 265
- Standing Consultative Commission (SCC):
- Stapleton, Seton, 259
- Steel, 250
- Steven, Robert, 238
- Stevens, Ted, 53
- Stevenson Amendment, 22, 46
- Stoessel, Walter, 59
- Stone, Richard, 210, 216
- Straits of Hormuz, 303, 305
- Strategic Air Command (SAC), 186
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I), 83, 85, 200
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II) (see
also Aircraft; Anti-satellite systems; Arms control;
Bombers; Missiles; Verification):
- Ambiguities in Gromyko’s “core” statement, 132, 135
- As central issue to U.S.-Soviet relations, 64
- As left on Senate calendar, 252, 272, 278
- Brzezinski-Dobrynin talks on, 31
- Carter-Brezhnev message exchange on:
- Carter-Dobrynin talks on, 27
- Carter-Gromyko talks on (Washington 1977), 47, 50, 51, 59
- Carter’s speeches on, 228
- Depressed SLBM trajectory, 143, 154, 203
- Formal presentation on, 132
- Fractionalism, 143
- Fractionation limits, 135
- Horn of Africa dispute, possible effect on success of, 78
- Implementation procedures for, 272
- Inability to agree on, 103
- Interim Agreement, 17, 18, 47, 154
- Irreversible inoperability, 154
- Joint report following Vance-Gromyko meeting (May 1977), 39
- Limits on air defenses, 135
- Minuteman distinguishability and shelters, 164
- Need for progress in, 120
- New types of weapons, 99, 101, 109, 121, 132, 148, 166
- Non-circumvention, 99, 100, 103, 120
- Nuclear fuel sales to countries not signatory to NPT, 202, 203
- Objectives for, 109
- Pravda editorial on, 81, 82
- Protocol to, 109, 166
- Shulman-Arbatov talks on, 26
- Shulman-Dobrynin talks on, 36, 44
- Signing of treaty, 207, 208
- Soviet prioritization of, 39
- Soviet view on U.S. commitment for, 121
- Soviet views on treaty modification, 231
- Telemetry encryption:
- Timetable for, 3, 26, 53, 55, 70
- Toon-Brezhnev talks on, 34, 35, 59
- Transfer of strategic arms to third countries, 23, 120
- Treaty ratification:
- Carter’s determination for, 81, 85, 260, 302
- Failure of, 3, 247, 277
- Military buildups as obstacle to, 278
- Prospects in Senate for, 78, 79, 90, 227
- Public opinion’s effect on, 103
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, effect on prospects for, 247, 291, 302
- Soviet Jewish emigration as affected by, 106
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, as affecting, 224, 227
- Soviet position, 279
- Timelines for, 53
- Unarmed pilotless aircraft (RPVs), 165, 166, 167
- U.S. desire for successful conclusion to, 1, 142
- U.S. domestic opposition to, 77, 84
- U.S. instructions for, 59, 87
- U.S.-People’s Republic of China discussions of, 121
- U.S. position, 1, 77
- U.S. proposals for, 142
- U.S. view of Soviet strategy in, 96
- U.S. vs. Soviet strategic nuclear capabilities, 93
- Vance-Brezhnev talks on, 23
- Vance-Dobrynin talks on, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 53, 55
- Vance-Gromyko talks on:
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), Linkage with, 176, 189
- Warnke-Gromyko talks on, 143
- Warnke’s Senate testimony on, 121
- Watson-Korniyenko talks on, 289
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT III):
- Advocacy at Vienna Summit for, 200
- Deferral of SLBM trajectory issue to, 154
- Items for negotiation in, 26
- Nuclear-free Mediterranean Sea proposal, 203
- Sanctuaries for submarines, 202, 203
- Soviet call for beginning of talks, 229
- Soviet position, 279
- Theater nuclear forces as part of talks projected for, 299
- U.S. position, 6, 109
- U.S. proposals for, 202, 203
- Strategic nuclear delivery vehicles (SNDVs), 103
- Submarines:
- Sudan, 183, 265
- Sugar, 194
- Sukhodrev, Viktor M.:
- Sullivan, Roger, 259
- Superphosphoric acid, 250
- Surinam, 194
- Suslov, Mikhail, 191, 300
- Sverdlovsk biological weapons disaster:
- Swaziland, 265
- Sweden, 20
- Switzerland, 265
- Symington Non-proliferation Amendment, 252
- Syria:
- Assad Moscow visits, 15, 83, 85
- Battle against Christians in Beirut, 136, 151
- Camp David Accords, position on, 148
- Geneva Conference on the Middle East:
- Jordan, relations with, 310
- Lebanese civil war, role of, 92, 151
- Nonparticipation in Cairo Conference, 63
- Nonparticipation in Israeli-Egyptian peace talks, 71
- Palestinian refugees in, 102
- U.S. relations with, 256
- Sytenko, Mrs., 272
- Sadat, Anwar:
- Taiwan, 44, 103, 265, 278
- Tamizdat, 273
- Tanzania, 230, 265
- Taraki, Nur Mohammed, 278
- Tarnoff, Peter, 42, 93, 210, 233, 241, 249
- TASS, 36, 39, 47, 57, 59, 123, 140
- Taylor, Jane E., 265, 267, 294
- Telemetry encryption:
- Telemetry flights, 206
- Television Research Institute, 69
- Teng Hsiao-Ping. See Deng Xiaoping.
- Terrorism, 194
- Thailand, 238, 242, 265
- Theater Nuclear Forces (TNF):
- Third world “rules of the game,” 130
- Thomson, James, 298, 313
- Thornton, Thomas, 245
- Thyden, James, 76, 94
- Tikhiy, Oleksa, 9
- Tito, Josip Broz, 90, 266, 268, 272
- Togo, 265
- Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 196
- Toon, Malcolm:
- Access to Soviet leadership by, 124
- Anti-satellite systems, 59
- Brezhnev, meetings with, 30, 31, 34, 35, 59, 61
- Brezhnev’s health, 34, 37, 191
- Brezhnev’s letters to Carter, 35
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 115, 150
- Carter letter to Sakharov, 8, 9
- Carter letters to Brezhnev, 29, 30, 67
- Comprehensive test-ban, 59
- Embassy contacts with Soviet Jews, 140
- Emigration of Soviet Jews, 25
- Filatov case, 159
- Geneva Conference on the Middle East, 59
- Non-use of force, 59
- Nuclear non-first use, 59
- PDRY invasion of YAR, 179
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 59
- Piper and Whitney case, 129
- Radiation at U.S. Embassy Moscow, 59
- Replacement as Ambassador of, 201
- SALT, 34, 35, 59
- Soviet ban on shipment of matzohs, 85
- Soviet military aid to Ethiopia, 65
- Technical penetration of U.S. Embassy Moscow, 110, 113, 117, 119, 126
- U.S.-People’s Republic of China relations, 169
- U.S.-Soviet relations, 39
- Vance-Brezhnev talks, 17, 23, 103
- Vance-Gromyko talks:
- Vance message to Gromyko, 138
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 200, 203, 204, 207
- Toth, Robert, 31, 38, 68
- Trade Act (1972), 190
- Trade Act (1974), 40, 46
- Trade unions, 17, 39, 47, 170
- “Trader of Souls” (film), 25
- Train, Adm. Harry D., II, 192, 194
- Treasury, U.S. Department of, 40, 263
- Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighborliness and Cooperation (Soviet Union-Afghanistan) (1978), 246, 261, 302
- Treaty of Tlatelolco (1969), 32
- Treverton, Gregory, 76
- Troyanovsky, Oleg, 57
- Truman, Harry S., 255
- Trust, 197
- Tshombe, Moise, 115
- Tungsten carbide, 141
- Tunik, Galina, 215
- Tunisia, 265
- Turchin, Valentin, 68
- Turkey, 206, 226, 256, 261, 265
- Turner, Stansfield M.:
- Distribution of literature to Soviet Bloc countries, 162, 209
- Filatov case, 159
- Olympic Games boycott, 262, 263
- SCC meetings, 245, 262, 263
- Shcharansky trial, 57
- Soviet criticism of U.S. foreign policy and leadership, 98
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 245, 252
- Soviet military intervention in Poland, 300, 311, 312
- U.S.-Soviet relations, 46, 230, 271
- Twaddell, William H.:
- Ueberroth, Peter, 262
- Uganda, 183, 230, 265
- Ukraine, 38, 170, 273, 274
- Underground Nuclear Testing Agreement, 4, 278
- Unemployment, 17
- United Arab Emirates, 265
- United Nations (UN):
- United Nations General Assembly (UNGA):
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 256
- United Nations Security Council (UNSC):
- Horn of Africa dispute, 81
- Iran hostage crisis, 237, 241, 243
- Iran-Iraq war, 302
- Israeli-Egyptian peace talks, 182
- Israeli military intervention in Lebanon, 92
- Lebanese civil war, 92, 151
- Resolutions:
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 260
- U.S. opposition to Cuban membership on, 225
- Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia, 175
- United States Olympic Committee, 259
- Upper Volta, 265
- Uruguay, 265
- U.S.-Soviet relations (see also Agreements,
Soviet-U.S.; Soviet Union; Woodbridge Two):
- Agreement on consultations, 205
- Appointment of new U.S. Ambassador, 201
- Baltimore port stop of Soviet ship, 281
- Ban on shipment of matzohs, 85
- Basic principles of:
- Brement-Bessmertnykh talks on, 230
- Brzezinski-Dobrynin discussions of, 97
- Cancellation of negotiations, 252
- Cuba as factor in, 194, 196
- Desire for improvement in, 1, 271
- Deterioration of, 272
- Diplomatic expulsions, 73, 79
- Dubs’ kidnapping and killing, 171
- Eavesdropping equipment found at Soviet Consulate San Francisco, 174
- Embassy construction, 21, 39, 124, 304, 306
- Embassy fire, 45, 48, 95
- Embassy Moscow housing, 95
- Fishing boat violations, 27, 272
- Glagolev letter, 57
- Hot line, 21, 311
- Human rights as issue in, 38, 39
- Hyland-Vorontsov talks on, 6
- Intelligence reports on, 39
- Lithuanian hijackers, 55
- Non-note from Soviet leadership to U.S. leadership, 75
- Obstacles to cooperation, 207
- Oral statements from U.S. leadership to Soviet leadership on, 72, 175
- Organizing Department of State to deal with, 275, 276
- Piper and Whitney case, 129, 133, 140
- Pravda article on, 137
- Radiation at U.S. Embassy Moscow, 22, 55, 58, 59, 60
- Restrictions on Soviet diplomatic staff, 252
- Rigidity in, 91
- Salad attack on Ponomarev group, 79
- SALT as central issue in, 64
- Senior military exchanges, 120
- Shulman-Dobrynin talks on, 36, 44
- Sixtieth Anniversary message, 57, 58
- Soviet claim of hostile U.S. propaganda, 137
- Soviet criticism of U.S. foreign policy and leadership, 98
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, as impacting, 248, 278, 291
- Soviet officials view of, 271
- Soviet perceptions of, 27
- Soviet perspectives on, 84
- Soviet politics as affecting, 31, 32, 44
- Soviet public opinion on, 271
- Strains in, 64
- Technical penetration of U.S. Embassy Moscow:
- Analysis of equipment found, 116
- Briefing of journalists on, 123
- Cutting of cables, 112
- Discovery of, 106, 107, 108
- Instructions for protest, 113, 119
- Protest to Soviet Government over, 113, 117, 127, 128
- Removal of cables, 110, 111
- Soviet activities in chimney, 126
- Soviet countercharges, 118, 120, 122
- Soviet harassment in tunnels, 116
- Soviet linkage to Woodbridge Two, 118
- TASS article on “chimney affairs,” 123
- U.S. failures in handling of, 122, 124
- Trade:
- U.S. conservatives’ views of, 6
- U.S. domestic political aspects of, 255
- U.S. elections as affecting, 230
- U.S. perspectives on, 32
- U.S. withdrawal of computer sale to TASS, 140
- Vance-Brezhnev talks (Mar. 1977), 17
- Vance-Dobrynin talks on deterioration of, 272
- Visas for Soviet trade unionists, 47
- Warvariv case, 57
- Watson-Arbatov discussions of, 266
- U.S.–U.S.S.R. Trade and Economic Council, 161
- U.S.–U.S.S.R. Working Group on Proliferation, 32
- Ustinov, Dmitri F.:
- Vaky, Viron, 204
- Valindaba, 104
- Vance, Cyrus R. (see also Vance-Dobrynin
- ABM Treaty, 47, 48
- Advance notice of missile firings, 21
- Aeroflot office bombing, 47
- Africa, 54
- Anti-satellite warfare, 21, 53, 203
- Arms control, 7, 87
- Arms transfers, 20, 23, 53, 168
- Backfire bomber:
- Belgrade Conference, 21
- Berlin, 21
- Brezhnev messages to Carter, 84
- Brezhnev phone call to, 16
- Brezhnev remarks to Justice Burger, 47
- Brezhnev’s health, 34
- Brezhnev’s talks with:
- Brzezinski messages to, 99
- Camp David talks, 138, 145, 148
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 115, 149, 150
- Carter’s letter to Sakharov, 8, 9
- Carter’s messages to Brezhnev, 59, 131, 232
- Chemical weapons, 21
- Civil aviation, 21
- Comprehensive test ban, 20, 50, 146
- Confidence-building measures, 206
- Cuban military aid/advisors in Ethiopia, 72, 85, 109
- Cyprus, 21, 121
- Dobrynin-Carter talks, 3, 27, 61, 176
- Dresser case, 140
- Economic Summit Meeting (Bonn, July 1978), 136, 140
- Embassy construction, 21
- Emigration from the Soviet Union, 22, 25, 190, 198
- Environmental modification treaty, 90, 92
- Fishing boat violations, 27, 272
- Foreign Relations Committee testimony of, 210
- Forward-based systems, 23
- Geneva Conference on the Middle East, 34, 52, 55, 102, 136
- Glagolev letter, 57
- Gromyko U.S. visit (Sept. 1977), 47, 48, 49
- Gromyko’s talks with:
- Mar. 1977, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
- May 1977, 20, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 39
- Sept. 1977, 35, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 59
- Dec. 1977, 65
- Apr. 1978, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103
- May 1978, 109, 120, 121
- July 1978, 120, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137
- Sept. 1978, 142, 145, 148
- Oct. 1978, 150, 153, 154, 155
- Dec. 1978, 164, 165, 166, 167, 189
- June 1979, 203, 207
- Sept. 1979, 216, 217, 226, 227, 228
- Possibilities in 1980 of, 266, 272, 277
- Hijacking of aircraft, 55, 57
- Horn of Africa dispute:
- Dobrynin’s discussions of, 72
- Cuban military aid/advisors in Ethiopia, 72, 85, 109
- Foreign observers in Ogaden, 88, 89, 93
- OAU role in, 54, 65, 81, 83
- Oral statement from U.S. leadership to Soviet leadership, 75, 82
- Political solution sought in, 65
- Somali request for Soviet mediation assistance in, 87
- Somalia’s withdrawal from Ethiopia, 88, 92
- Soviet position, 85
- Gromyko’s talks on, 65
- Dobrynin’s discussions of, 72
- Human rights, 10
- Indian Ocean demilitarization, 20, 83
- INFCE, 54
- Iran hostage crisis, 236
- Israel military intervention in Lebanon, 45, 92, 152
- Israeli-Egyptian peace talks, 71, 74, 77, 81, 102
- Israeli nuclear weapons, 83, 90, 92
- Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 22, 190, 198
- Japan-PRC treaty signing, 90
- Maritime Agreement, 21
- Meetings:
- Memorandum on Sakharov’s letter, 2
- Messages:
- MFN, 17, 55, 198
- Middle East:
- MIRVs, 103, 166
- Namibia, 104
- Neutron bombs, 103
- New weapons systems ban, 20
- Non-use of force, 48
- Nuclear attack false alarm, 233, 234, 235
- Nuclear forward-based systems, 23
- Nuclear non-first use, 21, 48, 56
- Nuclear non-proliferation, 20
- Olympic Games boycott, 259, 262
- PDRY attack on YAR, 177, 179
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 20
- People’s Republic of China invasion of Vietnam, 172
- Radiation at U.S. Embassy Moscow, 22, 55
- Resignation of, 276
- Rhodesia, 48, 50, 89
- Sadat visit to Washington (Feb. 1978), 79, 81
- SCC meetings, 216, 245, 251, 262, 264
- Shcharanskiy’s health, 211, 212
- Shcharansky trial, 57, 105
- Solomentsev meeting with, 63
- South African nuclear weapons development, 54, 87, 90, 92, 104
- Soviet attitude toward, 98
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 185, 239, 245, 251, 252, 261, 279
- Soviet military buildup in the Caribbean, 192
- Soviet military presence in Cuba:
- Soviet UNGA détente resolution, 55, 57
- Soviet-U.S. trade, 22
- Speech in Los Angeles (Jan. 13, 1978), 73
- Stevenson Amendment, 22
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks:
- Ambiguities in Gromyko’s “core” statement, 134, 135
- As left on Senate calendar, 272
- Averaging ALCMs on heavy bombers, 153, 154
- Brezhnev’s talks on, 23
- Carter’s determination for ratification of, 81, 85
- Dobrynin’s talks on, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 53, 55
- Formal presentation on, 132
- Implementation procedures for, 272
- Minuteman distinguishability and shelters, 164
- Need for progress in, 120
- New types of weapons, 132, 166
- Numbers of new missiles, 121
- RPVs, 165, 166, 167
- Soviet compliance with, 83
- Soviet prioritization of, 39
- Soviet views on treaty modification, 231
- Telemetry encryption, 154, 164, 165, 166, 167, 180, 181
- Vance-Gromyko talks on:
- Sverdlovsk biological warfare incident, 272
- Technical penetration of U.S. Embassy Moscow, 117, 122
- Telemetry encryption, 154, 164, 165, 166, 167, 180, 181
- Theater nuclear forces, 254
- U.N. Charter revision, 83
- UN Special Session on Disarmament (SSOD), 102
- U.S.-People’s Republic of China relations, 103, 169
- U.S.-Soviet relations:
- Appointment of new U.S. Ambassador, 201
- Brement-Bessmertnykh talks on, 230
- Brezhnev’s talks on, 17
- Crawford currency violation case, 133, 140
- Desire for improvement in, 1
- Deterioration of, 272
- Diplomatic expulsions, 73, 79
- Embassy fire, 45, 48, 95
- Patolichev visit, 55, 57
- Piper and Whitney case, 129, 133, 140
- Rigidity in, 91
- Senior military exchanges, 120
- Sixtieth anniversary greetings, 57
- Soviet ban on shipment of matzohs, 85
- Soviet claims of hostile U.S. propaganda, 137
- Soviet public opinion on, 271
- Soviets arrested on espionage charges, 109, 125
- Strains in, 64
- Technical penetration at U.S. Embassy Moscow, 127
- U.S. troop levels in countries adjacent to the Soviet Union, 226
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 176, 197, 200, 203, 204, 207
- Visits:
- Woodbridge Two, 120
- World Disarmament Conference, 21
- Yugoslavia, 260
- Vance, Grace E. “Gay,” 48
- Vance-Dobrynin discussions:
- Aug. 18, 1977, 43
- Sept. 10, 1977, 47
- Sept. 13, 1977, 48
- Sept. 15, 1977, 49
- Oct. 17, 1977, 52, 53, 54
- Oct. 22, 1977, 55
- Oct. 31, 1977, 56, 57
- Nov. 28, 1977, 62
- Dec. 28, 1977, 72
- Jan. 14, 1978, 71, 72, 73, 75
- Jan. 31, 1978, 79
- Feb. 14, 1978, 81
- Feb. 18, 1978, 82
- Feb. 21, 1978, 83
- Feb. 28, 1978, 84, 85
- Mar. 6, 1978, 87
- Mar. 11, 1978, 89, 90, 93
- Mar. 16, 1978, 92
- Apr. 9, 1978, 94
- Apr. 12, 1978, 95
- Apr. 28, 1978, 104
- June 21, 1978, 127
- Sept. 19, 1978, 145
- Feb. 28, 1979, 177
- Apr. 19, 1979, 189
- Apr. 28, 1979, 190
- June 6, 1979, 198
- Sept. 10, 1979, 221
- Sept. 12, 1979, 222
- Sept. 14, 1979, 223
- Sept. 17, 1979, 224
- Sept. 20, 1979, 224
- Mar. 21, 1980, 272
- Criticisms of, 276
- Lack of note-taking in, 276
- Vasev, Vladillen:
- Baltimore port stop of Soviet ship, 281
- Diplomatic expulsions, 73
- Iran hostage crisis, 241
- Shcharanskiy’s health, 212
- South African nuclear program, 42
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 240, 254
- Soviet military presence in Cuba, 219
- Sverdlovsk biological warfare incident, 290, 294
- Theater nuclear forces, 254
- Vlasova case, 213
- Vavilov, A. M., 200, 203, 207
- Venezuela, 194, 265
- Venice Summit (June 1980), 292
- Verification (see also Strategic Arms Limitation Talks):
- Vest, George:
- Vienna Conference on MBFR, 12, 19, 21, 23, 45
- Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 241
- Vienna Opera, 199
- Vienna Summit (June 1961), 197
- Vienna Summit (June 1979):
- Advocacy for SALT III at, 200
- Carter-Brezhnev meeting with Kirchschlager and Kreisky, 199
- Carter-Brezhnev private meeting, 206
- Carter’s desire for, 176
- Dinner conversation on replacement of U.S. Ambassador, 201
- Influence on Carter of, 255
- Joint Agreement on Consultations signed at, 205
- Linkage with conclusion of SALT, 176, 189
- Plenary Meetings, 200, 203, 204, 207
- Pre-signing statements, 207
- Proposals for Carter-Brezhnev meeting, 31, 74, 103
- Scheduling for, 197
- Soviet objectives for, 197’
- U.S. objectives for, 196, 197
- U.S. strategy for, 197
- Vienna Talks on Cyprus (1977), 21
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of:
- As potential NPT signatory, 32
- Incursions into Thailand by, Carter-Brezhnev message exchange on, 238, 242
- Invasion of Cambodia by:
- Invasion of Republic of Vietnam by, 271
- People’s Republic of China invasion of:
- Soviet military aid to, 203
- Soviet military role in, 172, 175, 204
- UN membership for, 3
- U.S. relations with, 3, 7, 45, 78, 256
- Vietnam, Republic of, 271
- Vietnam Syndrome, 78
- Vietnam War, 17, 271
- Vine, Richard, 46, 64
- Vins, Georgy P., 146, 159, 188, 206
- Vins, Nadezhda, 195
- Vladivostok Summit, 1, 17, 18, 23, 27, 49
- Vlasova, Lyudmila, 213, 214, 215, 218, 230
- Voice of America, 26, 64, 252, 273, 304, 310
- Vorontsov, Yuli, 6
- “Vremya,” 191
- Vzaimodeystviye, 23
- Waldheim, Kurt, 21, 63, 151, 175
- Walesa, Lech, 300
- Wallach, Marina, 105, 140
- Warnke, Paul:
- Brezhnev’s meeting with, 142
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 115, 150
- Comprehensive test ban, 20, 64, 115, 135
- Dobrynin’s talks with, 97
- French CCD participation, 47
- Gromyko’s talks with, 143
- Indian Ocean negotiations, 83
- Meeting with Korniyenko and Ogarkov (Apr. 1978), 101
- Messages, To Gromyko, 138
- Soviet Union visits, 6, 139
- Vance-Brezhnev talks (Mar. 1977), 17, 23
- Vance-Dobrynin talks, 45, 47, 48
- Vance-Gromyko talks:
- Vance’s visit to Moscow (Apr. 1978), 95, 101
- Warsaw Pact:
- Warvariv, Constantine, 57
- Washington, George, 204
- Washington Post, 25
- Watson, Thomas J., Jr.:
- Appointment as U.S. Ambassador to Soviet Union, 201
- Arms control, 315
- Brezhnev’s meeting with, 289
- Dubs’ kidnapping and killing, 246
- Iran hostage crisis, 243
- Iran-Iraq War, 305
- Korniyenko’s talks with, 289
- Meetings:
- Poland, 308
- SALT, 289
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 240, 245, 246, 252, 266, 283, 289
- Sverdlovsk biological warfare incident, 267, 270
- Theater nuclear forces, 289
- Weil, Frank, 46
- Weizmann, Ezer, 102
- Welding, electron beam, 141
- West, John C., 177
- West Bank, 67, 71, 102, 136, 144
- Western Europe:
- Wexler, Anne, 262
- Wheat, 253
- White, John P., 275, 284, 287
- Whitney, Craig R., 129, 140, 159
- Willems, Leonard F., 25
- Williams, Jim, 275
- Wilmington Ten, 17
- Wilson, Peter, 267
- Winter Olympics (Lake Placid 1980), 259
- Wisner, Frank, 140, 179
- Wolf, Milton A., 199
- Wollemberg, Leo, 178
- Wolper, David, 262
- Woodbridge Two (see also Chernyayev, Rudolf; Enger, Valdik):
- Workers’ Defense Committee (KOR), 288
- World Disarmament Conference, 21
- World Hockey Championships, 191
- World War II, 17, 204
- Wren, Christopher S., 8, 38
- Wyszynski, Stefan, 288, 300
- Zablocki, Clement, 124
- Zagladin, Vadim, 39
- Zahir Shah, Mohammed, 266, 271
- Zaire, 109, 115, 120, 265
- Zambia, 150
- Zamyatin, Leonid M., 39, 200, 203, 204, 207
- Zarechniak, Dmitri, 302
- “Zelenograd,” 272
- Zhukov, Georgy, 200
- Zhurkin, Vitaly, 266
- Zia ul-Haq, Muhammad, 278, 283, 303
- Zimbabwe. See Rhodesia.
- Zinyakin, Vladimir, 125
- Zorin, Valentin, 39