Pauley Files

No. 911
United States Delegation Working Paper1


The U. S. S. R. has after considerable negotiations on a program of “reparations”, presented the following definition of war booty or, as designated by the U. S. S. R. “war trophies”:2

“Under the ‘war trophies’ is understood:

All military supplies and equipment of Germany, including all supplies and military equipment, which belong, being used or have [Page 854] to be used by the military and para military units of the enemy or by the members of these units;
All supplies and equipment used by the enemy to satisfy his military needs and captured by the Allies before the end of the war on territories where military operations were conducted.”

Since it is clear that under this conception of war booty by the U. S. S. R., any occupying Power can remove at its will practically everything in its own Zone as war booty, any attempt to deal with “reparations” on an overall basis for Germany becomes meaningless.

Under the circumstances, the United States accepts this position and will proceed, for the time being at least, to remove from its own Zone, for its own account or for the account of such other countries as it may determine upon, such plants, equipment and material as it desires to remove. It is assumed that the other occupying powers will do likewise.

  1. This paper is apparently an alternative to document No. 910. Authorship not indicated.
  2. See document No. 904.