740.00119 Control (Germany)/7–2945
No. 788
The Assistant Secretary of
State (Dunn) to
the Secretary of State1
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Subject: Proposed Joint Statements on Austria.
Attached are three telegrams from London containing texts of three proposed joint statements on Austria for publication in Washington, London, Moscow and Paris, upon approval.
The first statement summarizes the agreement on zones of occupation in Austria, and the second statement summarizes the agreement on control machinery in Austria. The third statement follows the precedent set in the case of the declaration on Germany and announces the intention of the four Governments to consult with Governments of the United Nations in connection with the exercise of Four Power authority in Austria.
These proposed statements are, of course, based upon agreements that have been approved by the United States Government. If you and the President are in agreement I should like to instruct our Embassy in London that the United States Government agrees to the issuance of these statements and to ask Ambassador Winant to have the European Advisory Commission determine the date of simultaneous release of the statements in the four capitals.
James F. Byrnes
, July 29, 1945.
Secretary of State
- This paper bears the following manuscript notation by Mosely: “Informed J. G. Ward (UK) and Gousev (U. S. S. R.) July 30, of U. S. approval and timing arrangement. Telegram to Mr. Winant, July 30. P. E. M[osely].” See document No. 789.↩
- Not attached; printed from the file copy (file No. 740.00119 Control (Germany)/7–2845). Sent by the United States Military Attaché, London, via Army channels.↩
- Document No. 786.↩
- See Department of State Bulletin, vol. xii, p. 1053.↩
- Treaties and Other International Acts Series No. 1520; 60 Stat. (2) 1649.↩
- Although this draft statement was approved by Byrnes (see document No. 789), it appears that it was never issued.↩