740.00119 Potsdam/8–745: Telegram

No. 721
The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State1

top secret

ComNavGrp China sends. (The following message is secret and urgent for Byrnes Secretary of State, Potsdam, Germany from Hurley.)

Reference my immediately preceding telegram. I am now in receipt of the official reply for the Chinese Government from the [Page 620] Minister of Foreign Relations received at 16302 Chungking time, August 1. It states

“The Chinese Government concurs in the proposal and takes great pleasure in accepting the invitation to become a member of the Council of Foreign Ministers and to take part in its work, and it fully shares your conviction that China’s association with her American, British, Soviet and French Allies in this new body will offer an essential and fruitful introduction to our future association as permanent members of the Security Council”.

  1. Sent by the Commander, Naval Group, China, via Navy channels. An identical message, numbered Cfb 2386, was sent by the Commanding General, United States Forces, China.
  2. i. e., 4:30 p.m.