740.00119 Potsdam/7–3145
United States Delegation Memorandum1
Potsdam, July 31,
1945, 4:00 p.m.
Summary of Meeting of Heads of Government, July 31, 1945
- 1.
- German Reparations. The U. S. draft on
this subject2
was accepted with the following changes:
- a.
- The figure of 12½% for compensated deliveries to the Soviets was changed to 15% and the figure of 7½% for uncompensated deliveries was changed to 10%.
- b.
- France was added to the Reparations Commission for the purpose of determining equipment available for reparations.
- c.
- Six months was fixed as the final term for determination of the amount of equipment available for reparation.
- A subcommittee was named to prepare the final draft on this subject.
- 2.
- Polish Western Frontier. The U. S. draft on this subject was accepted. It was further agreed (a) that Stettin should be considered as included within the area of Polish administration; (6) that the French should be informed of the decision on the Polish frontier; and (c) that the President should notify the Poles of this decision.
- 3.
- Admission to the United Nations. The U. S. paper on this subject was approved with three minor verbal changes.
- 4.
- German Economic Principles. Several U. S. suggestions were approved including the deletion of the last sentence of paragraph 14 d. Paragraph 18 was dropped. Paragraph 19 was referred to the Economic Subcommittee for final consideration.
- 5.
- The Ruhr. On the motion of Mr. Bevin the Soviet proposal on this subject was referred to the Council of Foreign Ministers. The U. S. and Soviets were in agreement that the Ruhr is a part of Germany and all three governments were in agreement that the Ruhr is under the authority of the Control Commission.
- 6.
- German Political Principles. The British redraft of the Soviet proposal for an additional point on a central German administration was accepted.
- 7.
- Transfer of German Populations From Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary. The U. S. paper on this subject was accepted. It was agreed that this decision should be communicated to the French.
- 8.
- Disposition of the German Fleet and Merchant Marine. It was agreed that the subcommittee dealing with this subject should present its report tomorrow.
- 9.
- Revised Allied Control Commission Procedure in Rumania, Bulgaria and Hungary. It was agreed that the U. S. proposal on this subject should be discussed tomorrow.
- 10.
- Yugoslavia. It was agreed to drop both the British and Soviet proposals on this subject.
- 11.
- War Crimes. This question was put over until tomorrow. The Russians agreed to the British text on this subject except that they wish to insert some of the names of the principal war criminals.
- 12.
- Unrestricted Navigation of International Inland Waterways. It was agreed that this question should be referred to the Council of Foreign Ministers.