740.00119 Potsdam/7–3045

No. 1433
Text Submitted by the Soviet Delegation1


Draft Entry for the Protocol

Regarding the Black Sea Straits

The three Governments have recognized the necessity of revising the Straits Convention, concluded at Montreux,2 as not conforming to present conditions.
The three Governments will continue conversations with Turkey on this question.
  1. Submitted to the Protocol Subcommittee. It was discussed at the Eleventh Meeting of the Foreign Ministers, August 1. See ante, p. 551. Cf. document No. 1369.
  2. Signed July 20, 1936. The substantive provisions are printed in Howard, The Problem of the Turkish Straits, p. 25. For full text, see League of Nations Treaty Series, vol. clxxiii, p. 213.