740.00119 Control (Italy)/7–2345

No. 1164
The Secretary of the Soviet Delegation (Novikov) to the Assistant Secretary of State (Dunn)

Dear Mr. Dunn: In connection with the question concerning the British camp for Soviet citizens in the region of Cesenatico (Italy), regarding which the statement was made by the Soviet Delegation at [Page 1163] the meeting of the Heads of the Three Governments on July 22,1 I am sending you herewith, under instructions of the People’s Commissar, an aide-mémoire. I would appreciate it if you would acknowledge the receipt of the attached aide-mémoire.

Sincerely yours,

K Novikov

The Soviet Reparation [Repatriation] Authorities have received the following information from their representatives in Italy.

On July 10, 1945 Lieutenant Colonel Levels informed the Soviet representative, Colonel Yakovlev, that there were 150 Soviet citizens in the British camp in the region of the city of Cesenatico. On July 16 the Soviet representative, Colonel Podobed, together with the English Brigadier Denny—the commanding officer of the zone of POW camps—had occasion to visit the camp in the Cesenatico area. It was thereupon revealed that 150 persons were not held in this camp but 10,000 who were in general Ukrainians. One division of approximately 10,000 men had been formed from these Ukrainians. The division consisted of twelve regiments, including a communications regiment and an engineer regiment. The Officer Corps of this division was chosen from persons who occupied command positions in corresponding units of the German army. It also appeared that the persons who expressed the desire to return to their homeland had been badly treated and were even beaten up.2

[Babelsberg,] July 23, 1945.

  1. See ante, p. 259.
  2. For the draft entry on this subject submitted by the Soviet Delegation for inclusion in the Protocol, see document No. 1432.