Department of the Army Files
No. 958
The President to the Commanding General, United States
Forces, European Theater (Eisenhower)1
Berlin, July 30, 1945.
Memorandum to General Eisenhower
Re: Removal of Property from the Russian Occupied Zone by the American Armies.
I am enclosing you an informal translation from Russian of a report by Marshal Zhukov to Generalissimo Stalin.2 I would appreciate it very much if you would investigate these charges and report to me.3
Sincerely yours,
S. Truman
- Printed from a copy subsequently typed in the Department of the Army. This memorandum was referred to by Truman in the course of the Eleventh Plenary Meeting, July 31. See ante, p. 516.↩
- Attachment 2 to document No. 951.↩
- No reply was received from Eisenhower during the Conference. Cf. document No. 951.↩