
No. 730
Proposal by the United States Delegation [?]1
top secret

Admission to the United Nations

The Three Governments consider it desirable that the present anomalous position of Italy, Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary and Rumania [Page 628] should be terminated by the conclusion of Peace Treaties, so that as soon as possible thereafter relations between them and the ex-enemy States can, where necessary, be reestablished on a normal footing. They trust that the other interested Allied Governments will share these views.

For their part the Three Governments have included the preparation of a Peace Treaty with Italy as the first among the immediate important tasks to be undertaken by the new Council of Foreign Ministers.2 Italy was the first of the Axis Powers to break with Germany, to whose defeat she has made a material contribution, and has now joined with the Allies in the struggle against Japan. Italy has freed herself from the Fascist regime and is making good progress towards the reestablishment of a democratic government and institutions. The conclusion of such a Peace Treaty with a recognized3 democratic Italian Government will make it possible for the Three Governments to fulfil their desire to support an application from Italy for membership of the United Nations.

The Three Governments have also charged the Council of Foreign Ministers with the task of preparing Peace Treaties for Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary and Rumania.2 The conclusion of Peace Treaties with recognized democratic Governments in these States will also enable the Three Governments to support applications from them for membership of the United Nations.4

As regards the admission of other States, Article IV of the Charter of the United Nations declared that:

membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving States who accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and, in the judgment of the organisation, are able and willing to carry out these obligations;
the admission of any such State to membership in the United Nations will be effected by a decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.

The Three Governments, so far as they are concerned, will support applications for membership from those States which have remained neutral during the war and which fulfil the qualifications set out above.

The Three Governments feel bound however to make it clear that they for their part would not favor any application for membership [Page 629] put forward by the present Spanish Government, which, having been founded with the support of the Axis Powers, does not, in view of its origins, its nature, its record and its close association with the aggressor States, possess the qualifications necessary to justify such membership.

  1. This is probably the draft which was before the Ninth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers, July 27. See ante, p. 426.
  2. See the attachment to document No. 714.
  3. An earlier version of this paper, dated July 25 (file No. 501. AA/7–2545), reads “responsible and” instead of “recognized”.
  4. See the attachment to document No. 714.
  5. The version referred to in footnote 3, supra, has the following additional sentence in this paragraph: “The Three Governments agree to consider each separately in the immediate future the establishment of diplomatic relations with Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary and Rumania.” Cf. ante, p. 363.