740.00119 Potsdam/7–1745
The Assistant to the Secretary of State (Bohlen) to the Assistant Secretary of State (Dunn)1
top secret
[Babelsberg,] July 17,
Memorandum for Mr. Dunn
Molotov this morning outlined to the President and the Secretary the following additional points which the Soviet Government intends to place on the Agenda:
- (1)
- Question of Tangier[.]
- (2)
- The Levant[.]
- (3)
- The Disposition of the Captured German Naval and Merchant Vessels.
- (4)
- Franco Regime.
- On this point Stalin says that in the view of the Soviet Government the Franco Government was not native to Spain but had been imposed [Page 47] by the Axis Government[s] and as such was harmful to the United Nations. Some measure should be devised whereby the Franco Regime would be eliminated.
- (5)
- Polish Question.
- (a)
- The continued existence of the London Government.
- (b)
- The western frontiers of Poland.
- (6)
- Reparations.
- (7)
- Trusteeship for the U. S. S. R.
- Stalin said that this is not a question of changing the regime of trusteeship which was set up at San Francisco but the question of the division under trusteeship of Italian colonies and perhaps certain mandated areas.
- (8)
- Relationship with the Former Axis Satellite States.
The Secretary would like to have you study these questions in preparation for the Soviet presentation.
Charles E. Bohlen
- Printed from a carbon copy on which there is an uncertified typed signature.↩