740.00119 Potsdam/7–1745

The Assistant to the Secretary of State (Bohlen) to the Assistant Secretary of State (Dunn)1

top secret

Memorandum for Mr. Dunn

Molotov this morning outlined to the President and the Secretary the following additional points which the Soviet Government intends to place on the Agenda:

Question of Tangier[.]
The Levant[.]
The Disposition of the Captured German Naval and Merchant Vessels.
Franco Regime.
On this point Stalin says that in the view of the Soviet Government the Franco Government was not native to Spain but had been imposed [Page 47] by the Axis Government[s] and as such was harmful to the United Nations. Some measure should be devised whereby the Franco Regime would be eliminated.
Polish Question.
The continued existence of the London Government.
The western frontiers of Poland.
Trusteeship for the U. S. S. R.
Stalin said that this is not a question of changing the regime of trusteeship which was set up at San Francisco but the question of the division under trusteeship of Italian colonies and perhaps certain mandated areas.
Relationship with the Former Axis Satellite States.

The Secretary would like to have you study these questions in preparation for the Soviet presentation.

Charles E. Bohlen
  1. Printed from a carbon copy on which there is an uncertified typed signature.