J. C. S. Files
Combined Chiefs of Staff Minutes
1. Approval of the Minutes of the C. C. S. 196th Meeting, 19 July 1945
The Combined Chiefs of Staff:—
- a.
- Approved the conclusions of the C.
C. S. 196th Meeting subject to the amendment of
the conclusions2 under item 4 to read as follows:—
- “a. Operational Information and Intelligence
- That the United States and British Chiefs of Staff will pass to the Russians such operational information and intelligence regarding the theatres in which they are respectively responsible as either may wish and without bargaining.
- “b. Information and Intelligence Other than Operational
- The United States and British Chiefs of Staff will consult together before passing to the Russians any information and intelligence other than operational. Neither party will pass to the Russians information or intelligence derived wholly or in part from the other party’s sources without their consent.”
- b.
- Approved the detailed report of the meeting, subject to any later minor amendments.
2. Directive to the Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia
(C. C. S. 892/13)
The Combined Chiefs of Staff had before them a draft directive to the Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia,4 proposed by the British Chiefs of Staff.
The United States Chiefs of Staff proposed a few amendments to the text of the directive.
General Marshall said that the United States Chiefs of Staff were prepared to accept the directive on the understanding that the British Chiefs of Staff would be responsible for obtaining the approval of the Australian, New Zealand and Dutch Governments to the proposed reallocation of areas and command set-up in Southwest Pacific and Southeast Asia, since these governments had been party to the original arrangements.
The Combined Chiefs of Staff:—
- a.
- Approved the directive to the Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia, in C. C. S. 892/1 as amended during the discussion. (Subsequently circulated as C. C. S. 892/2.5)
- b.
- Took note that the British Chiefs of Staff would take steps to obtain the agreement of the Australian, New Zealand, and Dutch Governments to the proposed reallocation of areas and command set-up in Southwest Pacific and Southeast Asia.
3. Disposal of Enemy War Matériel in Germany and Austria
(C. C. S. 706/11 and 706/146)
The Combined Chiefs of Staff:—
Approved Appendices “A” and “B” to C. C. S. 706/11, as amended in C. C. S. 706/14. (Subsequently dispatched to SACMed as [message number] Fan 603.)
- These amendments have been made in the minutes of the 196th Meeting as printed ante, pp. 112–115.↩
- Documents Nos. 1269 and 1285, post.↩
- Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten.↩
- Not printed as such. For the amendments referred to, which were incorporated into C. C. S. 892/2, see the enclosure to document No. 1285, post, footnotes 5–9.↩
- Document No. 361, printed in vol. i, and document No. 895, post, respectively.↩