740.00119 Potsdam/8–645: Telegram
No. 1402
The Ambassador in France
(Caffery) to the Acting Secretary of State
4722. Bidault tells me confidentially that replies to the various notes I handed to him having to do with the Potsdam Conference1 will be handed to me within the next day or two. He remarked that his government is very much upset over the statements regarding reparations which they read in the Potsdam communiqué.2 He said that they are also much concerned about the article referring to the [Page 1549] possibility of setting up a central government for Germany3 for they take it to mean that it is the intention of the Soviet Government to Sovietize all Germany as rapidly as they can do so.
- Documents Nos. 1395–1400.↩
- See document No. 1384, sections iii and iv.↩
- The reference is probably to document No. 1384, section ii, paragraph (3)(i).↩