J. C. S. Files

No. 1272
Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
top secret
C. C. S. 900/1 (Terminal)

Report to the President and Prime Minister

Reference: C. C. S. 9001

In order to more accurately describe the boundary between the British and U. S. areas of command in the Southwest Pacific, the United States Chiefs of Staff recommend that the attached Appendix “C” be substituted in lieu of Appendix “C” to C. C. S. 900.2

top secret

Appendix “C”

Boundary Between the British and U. S. Areas of Command in the Southwest Pacific3

(See paragraph 14 of the Report)

The following will be the boundary between the British and U. S. areas of command in the Southwest Pacific:

“Beginning on the coast of Indo-China at 16° north; thence to intersect at 7 degrees 40 minutes north latitude 116° east longitude, the boundary between the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands and British North Borneo; thence through Balabac Strait along the 1939 boundary line between of the Philippines and-Borneo to latitude 05 ° north longitude 127° east; thence east to 05° north 130° east; thence south to the equator; thence east to 140° east; thence generally southeast to 02°20′ south 146° east; thence east to 02°20′ south 159° east; thence south.”

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed as such. Text of appendix C to C. C. S. 900 is the same as the amended appendix C, infra, with the omission of all words in italics.
  3. Additions indicated by italics; deletions, by canceled type.