London Embassy Files—870 EITO

No. 1163
The British Acting Assistant Under-Secretary of State (Ronald) to the Minister in the United Kingdom (Hawkins)
W 10212/22/13

Dear Hawkins, After you left me yesterday I … addressed a telegram to our Chargé d’Affaires in Warsaw1 in the terms of the enclosed. …2

You will notice that I adopted your suggestion that we should mention an actual date in our communication. I was all the more inclined to do this when I heard from Weston that the Soviet Delegation at Terminal had definitely favoured quick progress in this field.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Yours sincerely,

Nigel Ronald

As a result of discussions between United Kingdom, United States and Soviet delegations at Terminal Soviet Government have agreed to resume participation in European Inland Transport Conference in London as soon as Polish Provisional Government have accepted invitation to send a delegation to the Conference and have indicated when that delegation could reach London.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  1. Hon. Robert M. A. Hankey.
  2. Instructing the Chargé to invite the Polish Provisional Government to send a delegation to the European Inland Transport Conference.