840.70/7–1945: Telegram
No. 1159
The Ambassador in the United
Kingdom (Winant) to the Acting Secretary of
7259. 1. Ronald informs us that Cadogan has been instructed to arrange for Clark Kerr to discuss with Harriman and Clayton at Berlin the question of what steps should be taken, in view of agreement on Polish Provisional Govt, to try to extend membership of EECE, provisional ECITO, and ECO.
2. First question is whether single approach should be made to Soviet at Berlin with respect to all these temporary economic bodies or whether provisional ECITO should be taken up separately. (My telegram 7236, July 181). Second question is what subsequent procedure to follow if Soviet are not willing to join. FonOff thinks it would in effect be incompatible with insistence on independent character of Polish Provisional Govt if in such a case no opportunity to join were given to Poland.
3. As regards provisional ECITO Ronald suggested that if Soviet would not join reconvened conference to get up ECITO the provisional [Page 1159] character of ECITO might be retained to facilitate their adherence later but invitations be sent to Poland and Czechoslovakia and perhaps others to join the provisional organization.