740.00119 Potsdam/7–1745

No. 1028
The Assistant Secretary of War ( McCloy ) to the Assistant Secretary of State ( Dunn )


Memorandum for Mr. James C. Dunn, Assistant Secretary of State

General Clay advises me today that he has tentatively worked out with General Weeks, Deputy Military Governor of the British Zone, an agreement that a French Area of Occupation in the City of Berlin will be formed from the existing areas allocated to the United Kingdom and the United States Forces of Occupation. It would seem appropriate now to inform Ambassador Winant that agreement with the British and French on this point seems likely and to request that he agree in the European Advisory Commission with the British, the Russians and the French that the matter may be referred to the Control Council for Germany for settlement, with the understanding that the French Zone will be created out of the areas presently assigned to the United States and United Kingdom Forces.

General Clay expects to confer with General Weeks and General Koeltz on this matter on Thursday1 and to work out a definitive scheme, subject to final ratification by the Joint Chiefs of Staff if that turns out to be necessary.

John J McCloy
  1. July 19.