The Kornilov episode—The Democratic Conference at Petrograd—The second Kerensky ministry—Joint note of the Allied Governments, October 9, 1917—The Preliminary Parliament (Council of the Republic)—Kerensky’s press interview on Russia’s part in the war

[148] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/501

[149] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/507

[150] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/515

[151] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/517

[152] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/519

[153] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/520

[154] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/523

[155] The Consul at Odessa ( Ray) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/525

[156] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/527

[158] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Russia ( Francis)

File No. 861.00/533a

[159] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/531

[160] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/551

[161] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/557

[162] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/559

[163] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Russia ( Francis)

File No. 861.00/547

[164] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/562

[165] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/564

[166] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/565

[167] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/568

[169] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/567

[170] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/572

[171] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/571

[172] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/570

[173] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/575

[174] The Military Attaché in Russia ( Judson) to the War College Staff

File No. 861.00/618

[175] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Russia ( Francis)

File No. 861.00/574a

[176] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/577

[177] The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 861.00/578