Chapter II. The Provisional Government: Premiership of Prince Lvov
- Relations with the Councils (Soviets) of Workmen’s and Soldiers’
Deputies—Efforts to check military and economic demoralization—The
questions of constitutional reorganization, land reform, and
peace—Messages from the American Government and the American Federation
of Labor (Documents 15–32)
- Reorganization of the Government—Demonstration against the note of May
3, 1917, to the Allied and American Governments—Resignation of Milyukov and Guchkov—The coalition ministry—Opinions
of American consuls on the situation (Documents 33–50)
- Reception of President Wilson’s
message of May 22, 1917, on the objects of the United States in the
war—The Kronstadt
revolt—All-Russian congresses of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Deputies, of
Peasants, of Cossacks—Opening of the Russian offensive in Galicia (Documents 51–75)