File No. 861.00/533
The Russian Ambassador ( Bakhmeteff) to the Secretary of State
[A copy of the following telegram was left by the Ambassador at the Department of State on September 18, 1917:]
The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs ( Tereshchenko) to the Ambassador at Washington
Petrograd, September 13, 1917.
The action of General Kornilov is definitely liquidated; bloodshed has been avoided, the troops sent by Kornilov to Petrograd having refused to advance against the Provisional Government and having declared their loyalty to the latter. Kornilov has consented to surrender to General Alexeev, who has left for the general headquarters. The generals who participated in the uprising will be brought to justice. It seems evident that an important part in these happenings is due to misunderstanding and confusion provoked by the participating of various unfortunate intermediaries between the army headquarters and the Government; special culpability lies on the advisers who surrounded General Kornilov. At the present moment complete quiet has ensued and order has been restored except certain movements among the Cossacks, headed by General Kaledin on the Don, which do not promise to be of any consequence. The new Government has been organized as follows: Kerensky, remaining Minister-President, is appointed Commander in Chief, such a nomination being necessary to appease democratic element and soldiers. The military operations will be practically conducted by General Alexeev, who is appointed Chief of Staff. A series of new nominations in the army are being made, which show the decision of the Government to reestablish order in the army. General Verkhovski is appointed Minister of War and Admiral Verderevski, Minister of Navy. In the rest of the Cabinet changes will be made. The following have definitely left the Cabinet: Chernov, several of Cadet Ministers and Nekrasov. Kishkin and representatives of the industrials will enter the Cabinet. I tendered my resignation simultaneously with the other Ministers; the question of my remaining in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not yet decided. The new Government has to face the task of preventing agitation, disorder and conflicts in the army, which could arise as a result of the distrust towards the commanders. In view of that most energetic measures will be adopted; at the same time the declaration of state of war in Petrograd and Moscow is involving the application of all regulations reestablishing order in the rear of the army. At the present moment, as a result of the Kornilov movement, the influence of the Bolsheviki has increased. They are now demanding the release of the persons arrested on the 18th of July. Nevertheless the position of the Government, after the victory, is strengthened; that enables to apprehend the possibility of opposing most energetically the activities of the Bolsheviki. In general one must consider that the sad events of the last days having been brought to a prompt solution, they did not weaken Russia in the fight against the external foe and have simultaneously manifested unity of desire and general striving to concentrate all forces in that fight so as not to be distracted from that main task by interior struggles and discord; whatever attempts from any side should be made in the future to disrupt the political course adopted by the Government, one can expect that such attempts will meet with united opposition throughout the country. The Government on its part will strenuously follow the path of prosecuting the war at any cost and will carry out with renewed energy the task of reconstructing the army.