File No. 033.3211/27a.

The Third Assistant Secretary of State to the Honorable Elihu Root.


Secretaries of State, War and Navy leave Washington on Mayflower Monday June ninth at four p.m. to meet Doctor Lauro Müller, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Brazil, who comes as Ambassador of Brazil on Special Mission to return your visit to South America as Secretary of State. The Secretary of State desires you to join the receiving party on the Mayflower. We are just in receipt of cable message as to exact time of arrival of Doctor Müller and hasten to extend invitation.

Dudley Field Malone.

Note.—On June 10 a reception committee aboard the Mayflower, Sylph, and Dolphin met the Ambassador and suite at Hampton Roads: The Ambassador of Brazil, Sr. da Gama, and members of the Embassy; the Secretary of the President, Mr. Tumulty; the Secretary and the Third Assistant Secretary of State; representatives of the Departments of War and Navy; Senator Root; the Director General of the Pan American Union; and others. The Mina Geraes was escorted by the war ships Florida, Arkansas, Beale, Perkins and others to Fortress Monroe, with appropriate honors.

On June 11 the Ambassador and suite, transferred to the Mayflower, were accompanied by the committee to their hotel in Washington, escorted by the 15th United States Cavalry. Calls by members of the Cabinet. Formal reception by the President. A call upon the Secretary of State. Drive about the city. Dinner at the Brazilian Embassy. Reception at the White House.

June 12.—Luncheon at the Pan American Union. A banquet at the residence of the Secretary of State.

The ensuing days were filled with functions both formal and informal, and visits to places of interest. In the Senate Chamber, Doctor Müller left his card on the desk of Senator Root, on the 12th; on the 13th he called upon the Vice President at the Capitol, and was entertained at dinner by the Secretary of War. On the 14th Doctor Müller laid upon the tomb of Washington a wreath inscribed “The homage of Brazil to George Washington.”1

  1. In 1876 the Emperor of Brazil, Dom Pedro II, planted the tree that spreads above the tomb.