- Accession of King Constantine to the throne of Greece 551
- Address of the President, annual ix–xvi
- Agreements. See Treaties.
- Aigrettes, egret plumes, etc., prohibition of importation of 12
- Aliens:
- American citizens in—
- Argentina: presentation of a statue of Washington to Argentina by American citizens 15–20
- Cuba: scurrilous and libelous attacks on diplomatic officers of the United States 405–414
- Ecuador: discrimination against American bidders on contract for public works 505
- Haiti: rights of Syrian-born citizens of the United States 575–589
- Honduras: dispossessed lessee; attitude of the United States toward his proposal of arbitration 606
- Panama—
- Portugal—
- Russia: House resolution of December 13, 1911, relating to Jewish citizens of the United States in Russia 638
- See also Protection of American life and property in foreign countries.
- American Colonization Society 686
- American Conference, Third International: treaties signed at Rio de Janeiro, 1906 1349, 1352
- American—
- consular jurisdiction 1310–1339
- corporation: question of nationality of a steamship company 1310–1339
- diplomatic officers—
- attack on, by Cuban press 405–414
- as arbitrator of a French claim against the Dominican Republic 470
- good offices in behalf of—
- Chinese in Panama 1105–1139
- foreigners in Mexico. See Mexico: protection by the United States, etc.
- in charge of Chinese interests in Panama. 1107, 1115, 1120, 1123, et seq.
- flag 1017–1019, 1313–1323
- jurisdiction over seamen serving under the American flag 1317
- property, requisition of, for military purposes by the Turkish Government 1339–1345
- vessel legally flying the American flag: status of her captain, a Greek subject, in respect to American consular jurisdiction 1310–1339
- vessel: question of nationality of American-owned foreign 1313–1315, 1317, 1310–1339
- Amnesty:
- Arbitration:
- by country1—
- Chile and Peru 1164–1239
- Colombia and the United States 316
- Cuba and France, Germany and Great Britain 341–353
- Dominican Republic and France 470
- Dominican Republic and Haiti 467
- Ecuador and Peru 1147–1163
- Ecuador and the United States 473–504
- France and Cuba 341–353
- France and Dominican Republic 470
- Germany and Cuba 341–353
- Great Britain and Cuba 341–353
- Great Britain and Mexico 1001–1006, 993–1010
- Great Britain and the United States 547, 548
- Haiti and Dominican Republic 467–469
- Honduras and United States 606
- Mexico and the United States 955–977
- Peru and Chile 1164–1239
- Peru and Ecuador 1147–1163
- United States and Colombia 316
- United States and Ecuador 473–504
- United States and Great Britain 540, 547, 548
- United States and Honduras 606
- United States and Mexico 955–977, 993–1010
- by subject—
- boundary disputes between—
- claims—
- Colombia and the United States 316
- Cuba and France, Germany and Great Britain 341–353
- Dominican Republic and France 470
- Ecuador and the United States 473–504
- Mexico and Great Britain 1001–1006
- Mexico and the United States 1001–1006
- international convention pertaining to pecuniary claims; text 1349–1352
- contract—
- conventions IX
- exhaustion of local remedy prior to diplomatic action 606
- Hague convention, article 38 1160–1163
- indemnity: Colombia and the United States 316
- mediation 1166–1167
- Panama Canal 540, 547, 548
- peace plan of the President 8
- questions of honor and vital interests 286
- sovereignty—
- separate processes for general liability under international law and specific claims 348
- treaties, arbitration of meaning of 286
- treaties, negotiation by the United States of arbitration treaties IX
- by country1—
- Archipelago-American Line: sinking of the steamer Texas 1310–1339
- Argentina:
- Armistice, necessary conditions of 825–826
- Arms:
- commercial sale of arms not prohibited by United States neutrality statutes nor by international law 868, 872–877
- definition of “arms and munitions of war” 872
- exportation to Mexico from the United States, prohibition of 867–883
- neutrality of the United States in relation to exportation of arms to Mexico 867 et seq.
- Arrangements. See Treaties.
- Arrest:
- Assassination of—
- Assault on American citizens in Panama 1069–1081
- Assistance and salvage at sea 1355–1362
- Asylum:
- Austria-Hungary: naturalization convention of 1871 violated by the arrest and imprisonment in Austria-Hungary of naturalized American citizens on the charge of evasion of military service 21
- Belligerency: recognition by the United States of belligerency of the Constitutionalist party in Mexico requested 878
- Bolivia: intervention in the Tacna-Arica dispute between Chile and Peru 1164, 1198–1200, 1204
- Boundary disputes between—
- Bridge across the entrance to the port of Habana, concession for construction of 369
- British North Borneo: extradition arrangement 549
- Belgium: maritime law convention signed at Brussels September 23, 1910; text 1355–1363
- Brazil:
- citizenship convention signed at Rio de Janeiro August 13, 1906; text 1352–1355
- extradition treaty of 1897 and protocols of 1898 and 1903 between the United States and Brazil terminated by Brazil 25
- mediation, jointly with the United States and Argentina, between—
- message of the President, Marshal Hermes R. da Fonseca, to the Congress 24
- pecuniary claims convention signed at Rio de Janeiro, August 13, 1906; text1349–1352
- proposal by Brazil of a special agreement with the United States regulating the prosecution of counterfeiters when not subject to extradition 37
- valorization of coffee 39
- visit of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Lauro S. Müller, to the United States 67
- Bulgaria:
- California land laws protested against by Japan. 625
- Canal:
- Panama. See Panama Canal.
- proposed Nicaraguan 1021
- Central America:
- Central American Federation 1028–1031
- Certificates of inspection of nursery stock 1
- Chamizal controversy 957–977
- Chile:
- China:
- claims of American citizens against China 204
- inaugural address of President Yuan Shin K’ai 82
- inaugural ceremonies 112
- indemnity payments 202
- loan negotiations—
- Opium Conference, Second International; report of the American delegates; ratification by the United States of the opium convention 215–283
- political affairs organization of the National Assembly; recognition of the Republic of China by the United States and other powers; inauguration of President Yuan Shih K’ai; uprising in southern provinces suppressed; expulsion by presidential decree of Nationalist members of the Assembly; formation by the President of a Political Council 87
- protection by the United States of Chinese subjects and interests in—
- Chinese. See Panama: status and protection in foreign countries of American citizens of Chinese race.
- Circulars:
- declaration of policy with regard to Latin America 7
- expatriation of naturalized citizens 3
- importation of aigrettes, egret plumes, etc., prohibition of 12
- nursery stock, certificates of inspection of 1
- Panama-Pacific International Exposition at San Francisco in 1915, invitation to the 13
- peace plan of the President 8
- plant quarantine act 2
- rifle-shooting tournament, international 1
- Root, speech of Senator Elihu, repudiating sentiments attributed to him in relation to Latin America 4
- Citizenship:
- act of March 2, 1907; section 5 cited 1293, 1296, 1297
- convention, text of international, establishing the status of naturalized citizens who again take up their residence in the country of their origin 1352–1355
- dual citizenship 1293
- expatriation of naturalized citizens 3
- Japanese interests in lands in California citizenship in relation to 625
- See also American citizens; Nationality; Naturalization; Panama: status and protection in foreign countries, etc.; Portugal; Treaties: by subject.
- Claims against:
- China 204
- Cuba: “insurrectionary claims of France, Germany, and Great Britain arising prior to 1898 341
- Dominican Republic 470
- Ecuador: Guayaquil & Quito Railway Co. v. Ecuador 473
- Honduras 606
- Liberia: formation of a claims commission; claims of German merchants 665
- Nicaragua: Mixed commission for the settlement of all claims; reference 1040, 1048, 1059
- United States 316
- Mexico 923 et seq., 1001–1006
- Claims, arbitration of pecuniary; text of international convention sighed at Rio de Janeiro, August 13, 1906, extending the duration of the treaty signed at Mexico January 30, 1902 1349–1352
- Coffee:
- Colombia:
- Comity, extradition and deportation from Costa Rica to the United States as an act of 330
- Commerce:
- Concessions:
- Conferences, International:
- Congresses, international. See International Congresses held in the United States.
- Constitution of the United States, fourteenth amendment: interpretation of 1290–1303
- Constitutionalist Government of Mexico. See Mexico “Carranza” and “Constitutionalist Party.”
- Consular certification of values of exports 1068
- Consular jurisdiction, American 1310–1339
- Consular Regulations, paragraphs 200, 341, 347, and 629: citations 1314
- Conventions. See Treaties.
- Costa Rica:
- Counterfeiters, prosecution of, when not subject to extradition; proposal by Brazil of a special agreement with the United States 37
- Cuba:
- amnesty bill 354
- bridge across the entrance to the port of Habana, concession for construction of 369
- Caibarien-Nuevitas railway project 381
- claims, insurrectionary, arising prior to 1898; proposal of France, Germany, and Great Britain to arbitrate 341
- immunity of Congressmen from prosecution for crime 405
- inauguration of President Menocal; participation of a special mission representing the President of the United States 333
- Maine Monument; participation of a Cuban delegation in the dedication in New York 414
- naval station at Guantanamo 353
- scurrilous and libelous newspaper attacks on the American Minister and the Secretary of Legation at Habana 405
- Zapata Swamp concession 365
- Dawson Agreements 1059
- Death of—
- Declaration of the policy of the United States with regard to Latin America 7
- Declaration permitting consuls to take note of declarations of values of exports from Panama 1068
- Deportation:
- Discriminatory legislation against particular classes of aliens 625–653
- “Dollar diplomacy” 1042
- Dominican Republic:
- American Minister as arbitrator of a French claim 470
- arbitration of the boundary dispute between the Dominican Republic and Haiti; good offices of the United States 467–470
- elections, observation by United States officials of conduct of 425–426, 433–434, 436
- financial affairs; conclusion of a loan contract between the Dominican Republic and the National City Bank of New York, with the approval of the United States 456–467
- message of President Nouel to the Congress 417
- political affairs: resignation of President Nouel; election and inauguration of President Bordas; revolution; measures in regard thereto taken by the United States; observation of elections by United States officials 418–456
- Donovan trust fund 686
- Dual citizenship 1293
- Ecuador:
- boundary dispute with Peru 1147
- claims of the Guayaquil & Quito Railway Co. against Ecuador; arbitration proceedings 473
- recognition of President Plaza by the United States 471
- revolution at Esmeraldas; attitude of the United States 472
- sanitation of Guayaquil; discrimination against American bidders; award of contract to a London company 505
- slavery of Indians in the Province of Oriente 521
- Expatriation of naturalized American citizens, presumption of 3, 1352
- Exportation of arms. See Arms.
- Exports, consular certification of values of 1068
- Extradition:
- Brazil—
- Costa Rica: extradition and deportation from Costa Rica to the United States as an act of comity 330
- Great Britain: arrangement effected by exchange of notes between the United States and Great Britain for extradition between the Philippine Islands or Guam and British North Borneo; signed September 1/23, 1913 549
- Extraterritoriality:
- Bulgaria: rights and most-favored-nation treatment of the United States 76
- Italy: rights of the United States in Libya, relinquishment of 608
- Turkey—
- arrest, place of: captain of wrecked American ship arrested while struggling in the water, held by Turkey not to be within
- American jurisdiction 1310–1339
- consular jurisdiction of the United States: (1) by virtue of extraterritorial rights; (2) regardless thereof 1318
- protection by the flag held not to extend outside of a wrecked American vessel 1313–1315, 1310–1339
- protection by the United States of the Greek captain of an American ship 1310–1339
- vessels: regularly documented American vessels distinguished from those which, having been bought by American citizens, have acquired the right to carry the American flag in countries where extraterritoriality exists 1314
- See also Most-favored-nation treatment.
- Fishery rights: territorial waters, extent of, in relation to fishery rights. 1029
- Flag:
- Fonseea, Gulf of; legal history of, in relation to proposed treaty grants to the United States 1028
- France:
- arbitration agreement between the United States and France extending the duration of the convention of February 10, 1908. 528
- claims against Cuba 341
- protection by the United States of French citizens in Mexico 914
- reestablishinent of relations between France and Venezuela; text of protocol relating thereto; good offices of the United States 529
- Germany:
- Good offices of the United States. See United States; good offices.
- Great Britain:
- claims against—
- cooperation with the United States on Sierra Leone frontier of Liberia 681
- extradition arrangement effected by exchange of notes between the United States and Great Britain providing for extradition between the Philippine Islands or Guam and British North Borneo; signed September 1/23, 1913 549
- joint investigation by the United States and Great Britain of slavery in Peru 1240–1289
- Panama Canal tolls; exemption of vessels in the coastwise trade of the United States from payment of tolls; objections thereto of the British Government 540
- Radiotelegraph convention signed at London July 5, 1912; text 1375–3413
- Tlahualilo controversy with Mexico, joint action with the United States in regard to the 993
- Greece:
- Guam: extradition to or from British North Borneo; arrangement between the United States and Great Britain 549
- Guantanamo, naval station at 353
- Guatemala:
- Guayaquil, sanitation of 505
- Hague, The: Palace of Peace, dedication of 1017
- Hague conventions: pacific settlement of international disputes, signed October 18, 1907; reference 349, 1160–1163
- Hague Tribunal 1153–1163
- Haiti:
- Honduras:
- Immigration of Japanese laborers a Question irrelevant to that of the treatment of Japanese resident in the United States 653
- Immunity from prosecution for crime 405
- Importation of aigrettes, etc., prohibited 12
- Importation: valorization of coffee 39
- Inauguration of the Presidents of—
- Indemnity payments by:
- Industrial property convention 1363–1374
- Insurrectionary claims against Cuba 341–353
- International American Conference, Third: treaties signed at Rio de Janeiro, 1906 1349, 1352
- International conferences on—
- International congresses held in the United States:
- International rifle-shooting tournament. 1
- International law:
- acts in their nature dangerous to other nations, a nation must refrain from 1029
- alien ownership of land 625–653 passim.
- arbitration of pecuniary claims: text of international convention of 1906 1349–1352
- armistice, necessary conditions of 825–826
- arrest, place of, in relation to extraterritorial rights 1313–1315, 1310–1339
- asylum: 789, 796, 855, 1141–1147
- bays, distinction between “territorial” and “historic” 1028
- citizen, a corporation as a 649
- citizenship—
- expatriation of naturalized citizens 3
- status of naturalized citizens who again take up their residence in the country of their origin; text of international convention 1352
- See also Japan; Portugal; American citizens; Treaties: by subject.
- claims, arbitration of pecuniary: text of international convention of 1906 1349–1352
- consular jurisdiction in relation to extraterritorial rights. 1310–1339
- damages: compensation by the national government for damages by a local authority to subjects of a foreign government. 641
- constitutional character of the Huerta administration in Mexico 772, 826–827
- consular jurisdiction 1310–1333
- corporation. See Citizen.
- criminal offense: right of a Turkish court to try an American citizen for crime not admitted by the United States 1314
- de facto relations with a de facto government distinguished from formal recognition 748, 753
- descent of real property to an alien disqualified from taking 646
- diplomatic representative, status of; power of an unrecognized administration to define the extent of its relations with a properly accredited and accepted representative 800–801
- discriminatory legislation against particular classes of aliens 625–653
- estoppel by treaty agreements 642, 643
- execution of political prisoners 837–838
- exportation of arms: causes for exceptions to prohibition of, 872–877; prohibition a domestic matter 878
- extraterritoriality, bearing of, on status of foreign members of
the crew of an American ship 1310–1339, 1314
- See also Extraterritoriality.
- flag, protection afforded by a national. See Extraterritoriality: Turkey.
- intervention to oppose negotiation of a treaty by a contiguous country affecting their joint interests 1022, 1027
- joint sovereignty. See Sovereignty.
- judicial process of a foreign court for service in the United States 75
- jurisdiction, consular, in relation to extraterritorial rights.1310–1339
- maritime law: international convention for the unification of rules pertaining to assistance and salvage at sea 1355–1362
- most-favored-nation treatment guaranteed by treaty in relation to adverse treatment by local laws 638, 641
- municipal laws not relevant to demands for performance of international obligations 347, 625–653 passim
- nationality—
- naturalization—
- a question of national concern alone 635
- See also Citizenship.
- neutrality statutes of the United States in relation to provisions of international law 868
- neutrality: participation of foreign residents in defense of attacked locality forbidden 793–794
- option in treaty form 1023–1024
- plebiscite, nature of 1201
- property: protection of industrial property; international
convention. 1363–1374
- See also Japan: protest against the land laws of California.
- protection by a national flag. See Extraterritoriality: Turkey.
- radiotelegraph convention 1375–1413
- redress:
- reference of a foreign claimant to a provincial or state authority not acquiesced in by the claimant’s government. 640
- representation by diplomatic and consular officers of the interests of third governments 1123
- requisition for military purposes of foreign property: 1339–1345
- responsibility of a state for the acts of local authorities 649, 625–653 passim
- rights do not require, for their preservation, the continued existence of the power by which they were acquired 637, 640, 645
- seaman, nationality of, follows the nationality of his ship 1313–1315
- sovereignty:
- shipment of arms: distinction between prohibition of export of arms for promotion of political disturbance and mere commercial sale of arms 867
- status of American naturalized citizens in various countries. See Status
- temporary refuge. 737, 789, 796,
- See also Asylum,
- territorial waters. See Bays.
- transfer of property to aliens, vested rights not impaired by laws forbidding 646
- treaty, option in the form of a 1023–1024
- treaty rights do not require, for their preservation, the continued existence of the power by which they were acquired 637, 640, 645
- war vessels in waters of a government recognized as a de facto but not a de jure government by the government sending them 781–783
- International rifle-shooting tournament 1
- International Union for the Protection of Industrial Property: treaty signed at Washington, 1911 1363
- Intervention—
- of Costa Rica between Nicaragua and the United States in relation to canal treaty negotiations 1022
- of Salvador; same as above 1027
- of Colombia; same as above 1031
- See also Mexico: policy of the United States.
- Invitation to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition 13
- Isle of Pines, sovereignty over 354
- Italy:
- payment by the United States to Italy of an indemnity for the lynching of Angelo Albano, an Italian subject 613
- sovereignty of Italy over Libya; attitude of the United States as to recognition thereof; relinquishment of extraterritorial rights 608
- treaty between the United States and Italy amending article 3 of the treaty of commerce and navigation of February 26, 1871; text 611
- Japan:
- Jewish citizens of the United States in Russia; text of House resolution of 1911–638
- Judicial process of a foreign court for service in the United States 75
- Jurisdiction: extraterritorial jurisdiction of the United States denied by Turkey 1310–1339
- King George I of Greece, assassination of 551
- King Constantine of Greece, accession of 551
- Land laws of California:
- Latin America:
- Libel of American diplomatic officers 405
- Liberia:
- claims of German merchants against Liberia; formation of a claims commission; good offices of the United States 665
- good offices of the United States in composing difficulties with the German Government 655, 665
- message of President Howard to the Legislature 654
- transfer of the Donovan trust fund to the Liberian Government by the American Colonization Society 686
- uprisings of natives on the Sierra Leone frontier 681
- Libya, sovereignty of Italy over 608
- List of papers in this volume, by country, in chronological order, with subjects noted xvii
- Loans:
- Maine monument dedication, participation of a Cuban delegation in 414
- Maritime law:
- Mediation between—
- Messages of the President of the United States to the
- annual address IX–XVI, 864–865
- Special messages—
- Colombia: March 1, 1913, transmitting a report by the Secretary of State on the relations between the United States and Colombia 296–308
- Colorado River: June 14, 1912, transmitting a letter of the Secretary of the Interior submitting an appeal for further appropriations and works 987–990
- Mexico: August 27, 1913, submitting a statement of the facts concerning relations with Mexico, embodying the President’s instructions to Mr. Lind and transcribing the reply of the Mexican Foreign Office to proposals made through Mr. Lind 820–827, 828
- opium—
- April 21, 1913, transmitting to the Congress a communication from the Secretary of State urging an appropriation for the delegation to the Second International Opium Conference 215
- August 9, 1913, transmitting to the Congress a communication from the Secretary of State accompanied by a report from the American delegates to the Second International Opium Conference 220
- Peru: February 7, 1913, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State concerning slavery in Peru 1240–1249
- Messages of the Presidents of—
- Mexico:
- amnesty granted by Mexican Congress for period prior to Huerta régime 782
- Angeles, Gen.: action of American ambassador in behalf of 788
- Carranza, Venustiano, Governor of Coahuila:
- submits unconditionally to Huerta 726, 727, 750, 751, 763
- revolts against Huerta 721,727,735,752,763
- demands Huerta’s resignation 755, 756, 767
- armed conflict with Huerta begins 734, 763
- customhouse opened by Carranza 742
- proclaims sovereignty of the State of Coahuila 721,763
- telegram to the President of the United States 742
- characterization by the American ambassador, 757, 774
- resents American ambassador’s recommendation of surrender to Huerta 758,767
- proclaims himself provisional President of Mexico 784, 787
- establishes general headquarters of Constitutionalist party at Ciudad Porfirio Diaz 787, 788
- enters Torreon 835
- de facto government, Carranza claims his to be a 954
- See also Constitutionalist party.
- Chamizal controversy 957–977
- claims against Mexico—
- attitude of Huerta toward foreign claims in general 923
- Carranza’s decrees as to claims and rights of foreigners 954–956
- contrast between claims arising from the revolution of 1910 and subsequent disturbances; attitude of Great Britain 923, 932, 936–940, 948–950
- international claims commission insisted on by the Diplomatic Corps 946–954, 956
- claims against Mexico made by—
- Great Britain—
- United States—
- attitude of Huerta toward American claims 926–942, 944–950
- representations made by the United States September 15, 1912; request for acceptance in principle by Huerta of the demands thereby made 778
- other representations made to Huerta 728–729, 924–940, 944–950
- settlement required by the United States before recognition of Huerta government 728–729, 737, 760, 773, 778, 790
- See also Chamizal controversy; Colorado River; Tlahualilo Co.
- Colorado River, construction and maintenance of protective work on the, and negotiations with the Government of Mexico concerning the equitable distribution of the waters of that river 977–993
- confiscation of estates of contributors to the revolution against Huerta 782
- Congress—
- anti-Huerta speech of Senator Belisario Domínguez, September 23, 1913 844
- resolution of Chamber of Deputies, October 10, 1913, concerning disappearance of Senator Dominguez. 836
- Chamber of Deputies dissolved by Huerta October 10, 1913 840
- new Congress elected October 26 850
- bill introduced December 9, 1913, nullifying elections of October 26, 1913, calling elections for July, 1914, and continuing Huerta as “constitutional ad interim President” to November 30, 1916 866
- adjourned December 15, 1913, until April 14, 1914 866
- See also Permanent Commission.
- Constitutionalist party—
- establishment of general headquarters at Ciudad Porfirio Diaz by provisional President Carranza 787, 788
- appointment of Roberto V. Pesqueira as confidential agent at Washington 856
- protests against exportation from the United States of arms for Huertistas 878
- requests United States to recognize its belligerency 878, 880–881
- customs duties, waiver of, as to the importation into Mexico from the United States of materials for works and workers on the Colorado River 979–981
- de facto government:
- De la Barra, Francisco: resignation from Ministry for Foreign Affairs 808
- Díaz, Felix—
- rumored plan to murder in prison 693
- escapes from prison and leads troops against Madero 700
- requests of the United States recognition of his belligerency 703,708
- agreement with Huerta as to a provisional government 720–721, 722, 784, 808
- surrenders his forces to the Huerta government 724
- message to the President of the United States 756, 757
- relations with Huerta 798,808
- appointed ambassador on special mission to Japan 812
- recalled 831
- attitude after recall 850
- refuge on United States war vessel 854–855
- Diaz, Ex-President Porfirio 855
- Dominguez, Senator Belisario—
- elections—
- exportation of arms and munitions of war into Mexico from the
United States; prohibition thereof and exceptions to the prohibition
- See also policy of the United States.
- firing across the international boundary 695, 754, 820–827
- Huerta, Victoriano—
- February, 1913; deserts Madero 701, 718
- February 18—
- February 19—
- February 20; his administration begins 724
- February 22; explains the murder of Madero and Pino Suárez 731
- February 24; sends troops against Carranza 734
- March 17: states his attitude toward the United States 781, 823, 832, 849
- March 20; objects to presence of American war vessels 781–783
- April 1; message to Congress 691
- May 1; approves, jointly with Felix Diaz, holding constitutional elections on October 26 798
- May 8; refuses to consider American claims until recognized by the United States 948
- August 16—
- September 16; message to Congress 691
- October 10—
- October 11—
- October 20; tariffs increased 844
- October 23; statement to Diplomatic Corps as to his dictatorship 848–849
- October 25; army increased 850
- October 26; his measures as to the elections 850, 851, 853–854, 866
- December 2; reference to him in the President’s address to Congress X
- December 9—
- confirmed in office by Congress until November 30, 1916, with extraordinary powers 866
- legality of his government, arguments as to 772, 826–827, 832–835, 848
- recognition of his government:
- attitude of—
- United States. See Policy of the United States: recognition of Huerta:
- other countries:
- Argentina 783, 805, 847
- Austria-Hungary 753, 849, 853
- Belgium 805, 848
- Brazil 753, 805–806, 847, 858, 862–863
- Chile 753, 790, 805, 847, 859
- China 804
- Costa Rica 863
- France 850
- Germany 753, 804, 842, 851, 858, 863
- Great Britain 736,738,750,753,760, 784–785, 811, 846–847, 849–850, 851, 852, 857, 860–861, 865
- Guatemala 805,844,859
- Italy 804,848,855,856–857,865
- Japan 811,813,852,859
- Norway 753, 805, 843, 858, 864
- Panama 841, 843, 861, 865
- Portugal 804
- Russia 806,829, 842–843, 851
- Salvador 829, 842, 861
- Spain 753, 790, 829, 862
- Uruguay 831,866–867
- See also revolution against Huerta; and policy of the United States.
- intervention of the United States. See Policy of the United States: intervention.
- Lind, John: sent to Mexico as the personal representative of the President 818–820, 832
- Lascurain, Minister for Foreign Affairs: succession to the presidency 723, 772, 826
- loan secured by Huerta administration 806
- Madero, Francisco I.—
- February 9, 1913; revolution against his government begun 699
- February 14; requests the United States not to disembark troops713, 715
- February 15; his resignation requested by the Diplomatic Corps and the Mexican Senate711, 712
- February 18; arrested by Blanquette with approval of Huerta 720
- February 19; resignation of the presidency 723, 725, 778–779, 826
- February 22; murdered 731–732, 736, 749, 763, 770, 772
- Maytorena, José M., governor of Sonora: flight to the United States 746
- messages of de facto Provisional President Huerta to the Congress 691
- military interregnum 720
- neutrality of the United States. (See prohibition of shipment of arms, etc.) See also policy of the United States.
- Obregón, Col.: refuses American recruits for Sonora State troops 784
- Permanent commission: represents legislative powers after adjournment of Congress on December 15, 1913 866
- Pesqueira, Ignacio L.: provisional governor of Sonora: communication to the United States Government 782
- Pesqueira, Roberto V.: appointed confidential agent of the Constitutionalist government at Washington 856
- Pino Suárez, José María, vice president: his arrest, resignation, and murder 722, 723, 725, 731–732, 736, 749, 763, 770, 772, 778–779, 826
- policy of the United States—
- agreement between Huerta and Diaz for a provisional government, secured by the American ambassador. 720–721, 722 (footnote), 808
- anti-American demonstrations 810–816
- appointment of the Hon. John Lind as personal representative of the President in Mexico 818–820
- armistice necessary to satisfactory settlement of the revolution 822
- asylum, See temporary refuge.
- claims, representations in relation to 778, 790, 728–729
- See also claims of American citizens, etc; Chamizal controversy; Tlahualilo Co.
- crossing of United States troops into Mexico forbidden 739
- departure of American Ambassador Wilson; embassy in charge of Secretary O’Shaughnessy 812
- elections—
- exportation of arms from the United States into Mexico—
- firing across the international border 695, 754
- good offices of the United States, rejection by Huerta of 823–827, 832–835
- imprisonment of deputies, representations of the United States 837–838, 841
- intercession in behalf of—
- intervention of the United States; various references 702, 705, 706, 710, 712, 714–715, 717–720, 790, 802, 803, 820–827, 846, 850, 886–893
- message of the President of the United States to Congress reviewing relations with Mexico, embodying instructions to Mr. Lind and transcribing reply of Mexican Foreign Office to proposals made through Mr. Lind 820–827
- neutrality of the United States—
- notification to the ‘United States of inauguration of Huerta 779
- participation of American citizens in defense of Durango forbidden 793–794
- permission to Mexican leaders of the revolution to pass over United States territory 733–734, 744–745, 749, 750, 762, 789, 801
- protection of American citizens—
- protection of American interests 695, 700, 702–704, 706–720, 724, 728–729, 730, 748, 780, 809, 810, 815, 820–827, 864, 884–896
- protection of foreign interests by American embassy 715–720, 737, 748, 752, 864
- Chinese 806–807
- See also Protection by the United States of Spanish, French, German, Chinese, and Japanese subjects in Mexico 896 et seq.
- recognition of Huerta—
- conditions necessary to recognition 728–729, 730, 735, 736–737, 738, 743, 745–749, 800, 809
- instructions to American diplomatic and consular officers 728–729, 731, 735, 738, 745, 747, 758, 760, 761, 763, 767, 785, 804–805, 809, 813, 820–828, 838, 840–841, 858
- measures taken by the American Ambassador 726–727, 741, 747, 753, 758, 760, 763–768, 827
- instructions of the Ambassador to consular officers 732, 751, 764, 767, 768, 779, 780
- requests for recognition made to the Department of State by the American Ambassador 725, 742, 773, 784, 790, 791, 799, 803–804, 807, 808–809, 810
- opinion of the Department of State as to the de facto character of the Huerta régime 733, 735, 738, 748, 809
- representations of the United States to foreign governments 849, 856
- protests of Huerta administration against refusal of the United States to admit its legality 794–795, 808, 810, 835
- protests of R. V. Pesqueira against recognition 749, 782
- request of Felix Díaz for recognition of Huerta 808
- status of American Ambassador in view of refusal of recognition 800–801, 810
- Zapatista note approving refusal to recognize 817
- reconciliation of factions, efforts of the United States toward 761, 764, 777, 779, 820–827
- relations of the American Ambassador with Diaz and Huerta
768–770, 784, 810, 827
- See also recognition of Huerta.
- relations of the American Ambassador with Diaz and Huerta
768–770, 784, 810, 827
- See also recognition of Huerta.
- relation of the United States with Mexico distinguished from the relations of other powers therewith 821
- resignation of Ambassador Wilson 817
- retirement of Huerta, measures taken by the United States to secure the 849, 856, 864–865
- temporary refuge granted to—
- policy of the United States in general 737
- war vessels of the United States in Mexican waters—
- political affairs: assassination of President Madero and Vice President Pino Suárez; seizure of the executive power by Gen. Huerta cooperating with Gen. Felix Díaz; dictatorship of Huerta; imprisonment of opposition deputies and nullification of presidential elections; suppression of Díaz; uprising of Constitutionalists under Venustiano Carranza; measures taken by the United States on the border and in Mexican waters; measures taken by the Diplomatic Corps to protect the lives of foreigners 692–867
- prohibition of shipment of arms and munitions of war
into Mexico from the United States, and exceptions thereto 867–884
- See also policy of the United States.
- protection of American life and property in Mexico
- See also policy of the United States.
- protection by the United States of Spanish, French, German, Chinese, and Japanese subjects in Mexico 896–923
- recognition of Huerta—
- by the United States. See Policy of the United States.
- by other governments. See Huerta.
- revolution against Huerta—
- interventionist movement reported to be organized on American soil 802
- peace commission on American soil 744, 750, 759, 762, 789, 801
- resignation of Minister for Foreign Affairs de la Barra 808
- revolts of the States of—
- Campeche 759
- Chiapas 759
- Chihuahua: Emilio Vásquez Gómez forms a provisional government under his presidency 739, 752
- Coahuila. See Carranza.
- Durango 759, 777, 788
- Guerrero 763, 774
- Lower California 774
- Morelos 759, 788
- Nuevo Leon 756, 788
- San Luis Potosi 736
- Sinaloa 744, 788
- Yucatán 759
- Sonora 735, 736, 746–747, 751, 756, 757, 774, 779, 782, 783, 788
- revolution against Madero. See Madero.
- secession movement reported. 802–803
- Tlahualilo Company, settlement, through joint representations by Great Britain and the United States, of the controversy with Mexico concerning the 993–1010
- Vásquez Gómez, Emilio: forms a provisional government under his presidency 739, 752
- Villa, Francisco 693, 816, 864, 899, 914
- violations of neutrality; prohibition of shipment of arms and
munitions of war into Mexico from the United States, and exceptions
thereto 867–884
- See also Policy of the United States.
- Zapatistas—
- Military requisitions of American property by the Turkish Government 1339–1345
- Military service: exemption. 1290–1303
- Minister of the United States: as arbitrator of a French claim against the Dominican Republic 470
- Monroe Doctrine:
- Montenegro:
- Morocco: responsibility of the Moroccan Government for the safety of foreigners traveling or sojourning in the Empire 1011
- Morphine, See Opium.
- Most-favored-nation treatment:
- Müller, Dr. Lauro S., Minister for Foreign Affairs of Brazil; visit to the United States 67
- Munitions of war:
- Nationality:
- consular jurisdiction over Greek captain of American ship 1310–1339
- See also Citizenship; Naturalization.
- Naturalization:
- abrogation of the right of Syrians to trade in Haiti; rights of Syrian-born American citizens 575
- convention, international, establishing the status of naturalized citizens who again take up their residence in the country of their origin 1352–1355
- conventions between—
- United States and Austria-Hungary: violation of convention of 1871 21.
- United States and Japan: relation of the treaty of commerce and navigation of 1911 to the land laws of California as to naturalization of Japanese 635, 644
- United States and Portugal: interpretation of the convention of 1908 1296, 1297, 1290–1303
- See also Citizenship; Nationality.
- Naval station at:
- Navigation: port regulations: arrest in Turkey of captain of an American ship for violation of regulations during war 1310–1339
- Netherlands:
- Neutrality:
- exportation of arms and munitions of war. See Arms.
- laws of the United States in relation to international law 868.
- protection of American citizens in Mexico. See Mexico: policy of the United States.
- smuggling of arms into Mexico 877, 879
- See also Asylum; Mexico: policy of the United States; Mexico: temporary refuge.
- Nicaragua:
- canal: proposed interoceanic canal treaty between the United States and Nicaragua, and protests of Salvador and Costa Rica in relation thereto 1021–1034
- claims: mixed commission for the settlement of; reference. 1040, 1048–1059
- Dawson agreements of 1910; reference 1059
- denial of Colombia’s claim to sovereignty over Great Corn and Little Corn Islands 1032–1033
- financial affairs—
- message of President Diaz to the Congress 1020
- North Borneo. See Great Britain.
- Norway: attitude toward the Huerta regime in Mexico 753, 805, 843, 858, 864
- Nursery stock, certificates of inspection of 1
- Opium Conference, Second International; report of the American delegates; ratification of the opium convention by the United States 215–283
- Ottoman Government. See Turkey.
- Palace of Peace at The Hague 1017
- Panama:
- American citizens, assault on 1069–1081
- American citizens of Chinese race, status and protection of 1104–1105
- canal. See Panama Canal.
- declaration effected by exchange of notes between the United States and Panama permitting consuls to take note, in person or by authorized representatives, of declarations of values of exports made by shippers before customs officers; text 1068–1069
- financial measures; attitude of the United States 1094–1104
- health of the Isthmus in relation to sanitation of Guayaquil 517
- protection of Chinese interests in Panama; good offices of the United States 1105–1139
- railroads—
- relations with Colombia and the United States 284–329
- railroad concession in Panama objected to by the United States for strategic reasons relating to the canal 1081–1094
- relation of Colombia to the canal 284–329 passim
- tolls—
- See also Panama: railroad concession and railroad legislation; Treaties: by subject (canal).
- Panama Canal Zone: relation to sanitation of Guayaquil 517
- Panama Pacific International Exposition at San Francisco in 1915 13
- Payment by the United States to Italy of an indemnity 613
- Peace plan of the President 8
- Peru:
- arrest, imprisonment, and deportation of ex-President Leguía; offer of asylum at the American legation and courtesies extended to him by the United States at Panama and New York; recognition by the Peruvian Government of the right of a political refugee to seek and be accorded asylum at the legation of a foreign country 1141–1147
- boundary dispute between Peru and Ecuador 1141, 1147–1164
- message of the President 1140
- Putumayo Indian slavery—
- Tacna-Arica dispute between Peru and Chile; various proposals for
the mediation of the United States, Argentina, and Brazil; refusal
of Chile to assent to the offer of the United States to protect
Peruvian interests in Chile 1164–1239
- history of the dispute, 1866–1909 1164–1171
- bases of settlement proposed by Chile, November 1, 1909 1172–1174
- bases proposed by Peru, 1909 1174–1175
- proposal by Brazil of mediation of United States, Brazil, and Argentina 1179
- severance of diplomatic relations between Peru and Chile 1178
- refusal of Chile to assent to protection of Peruvian interests by the United States 1178
- acceptance by the United States of Brazil’s proposal of mediation 1182, 1185, 1197
- mediation declined by Chile 1185
- bases of settlement proposed by Chile, 1910 1181, 1192
- bases of settlement proposed by Peru, 1910 1187, 1191
- mediation of Argentina and the United States discussed 1198, 1203
- intervention of Bolivia 1198–1200, 1204
- review of negotiations of 1909–1910 1200–1203
- Argentina’s attitude 1204
- attitude of the United States 1204
- Peru’s acceptance of Chile’s proposal 1204–1205
- Peru’s acceptance of Chile’s suggestion of Great Britain as adviser 1205–1208
- Chile provides for representation of Tacna-Arica in Chilean Congress, 1215
- Peru requests mediation of the United States, Brazil, and Argentina 1215–1221
- resumption of negotiations between Chile and Peru, and renewal of request for mediation 1222–1239
- Philippine Islands: extradition to or from British North Borneo; arrangement between the United States and Great Britain 549
- Plant quarantine act 2
- Plebiscite:
- Policy of the United States in relation to—
- Central America 1024
- Mexico. See Mexico: policy of the United States.
- South America 1165–1168
- See also Monroe Doctrine.
- Political affairs. See entries under the several countries.
- Political refugee granted asylum at American legation 1141
- Portugal: American citizenship of Portugese-born children of native or naturalized American fathers; dual citizenship of American-born children of Portuguese parents, and their exemption from Portuguese military service under certain conditions; interpretations of the naturalization treaty of 1908 between the United States and Portugal, the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution and section 1993 of the Revised Salutes 1290–1303
- Presentation of a statue of Washington to Argentina by American citizens 15–20
- President of the United States:
- Presidents of—
- Brazil: message of President Marshal Hermes R. da Fonseca to the Congress 24
- China: inaugural address of President Yuan Shin K’ai 82
- inauguration 112
- Colombia: message of President Carlos E. Restrepo to the Congress; extracts pertaining to relations with the United States 317
- Cuba: inauguration of President Mario G. Menocal 333
- Dominican Republic—
- Nouel, Archbishop Adolfo A.: message to Congress 417
- Bordas Valdes, José: election 422
- recognition by the United States 424
- Ecuador: message of President Plaza to the Congress 471
- recognition by the United States 471
- Haiti—
- Honduras—
- Liberia: message of President Daniel E. Howard to the Legislature 654
- Mexico—
- Nicaragua: message of President Diaz to the Congress 1029
- Panama: special message of President Porras to the Assembly in relation to railroad legislation 1098
- Peru—
- Salvador—
- Presumption of expatriation 3, 1352
- Prohibition of—
- Property:
- protection of industrial property: international convention 1363–1374
- See also Protection of American life and property.
- requisition of American property for military purposes by the Turkish Government 1339–1345
- ship: classification for the purposes of international
jurisdiction and protection 1323, 1310–1339
- See also International law; Japan.
- protection of industrial property: international convention 1363–1374
- Proposal by Brazil of an agreement with the United States relating to counterfeiters 37
- Proposal of France, Germany, and Great Britain to arbitrate insurrectionary claims against Cuba 341
- Proposal of an interoceanic canal treaty between the United States and Nicaragua 1021
- Proposal of railroad concessions in Panama 1081, 1094
- Prosecution for crime, immunity of Cuban Congressmen from 405
- Protection of American life and property in foreign countries:
- Protection by the United States of life and property of foreigners in—
- Protection of industrial property: international convention of 1911 1363–1374
- Protégé of a foreign government, treatment of, by Turkey 1331–1332
- Protest of Japan against the land laws of California 625
- Protest of Salvador and Costa Rica against Nicaragua canal treaty 1021
- Protest of the United States against Turkey:
- Quarantine act as to plants 2
- Radiotelegraph convention 1375–1413
- Railroads:
- Recognition by the United States of new governments in—
- Recognition of sovereignty of Italy over Libya; attitude of the United States 608
- Recovery:
- Red Cross: Chinese in Mexico, protection of 919
- Reestablishment of relations between France and Venezuela 529
- Refrigeration, Third International Congress of 1348
- Refugee, political: grant of asylum at American legation 1141–1147
- See also Asylum; Temporary refuge.
- Relinquishment by the United States of extraterritorial rights in Libya 608
- Revised Statutes of the United States: interpretation of—
- Revolutions:
- Rifle-shooting tournament, international 1
- Rights:
- of citizens of the United States. See American citizens; International law; Protection of American life and property.
- treaty rights continue after abrogation of the treaty 637, 640, 645
- Root, Senator Elihu: speech repudiating sentiments attributed to him in relation to Latin America 4
- Roumania: war with Bulgaria. See Bulgaria.
- Salvador:
- Salvage at sea 1355–1362
- Sanitation of Guayaquil: report of the American Sanitary Commission 505
- School Hygiene, Fourth International Congress on 1348
- Second International Opium Conference 215
- Secretary of American Legation:
- Serbia: war with Turkey. See Turkey.
- Sherman Antitrust Act, section 6 50
- Ship: classification, as property, for the purposes of international jurisdiction and protection 1323, 1310–1339
- Sierra Leone, uprisings of natives on the Liberian frontier of 681
- Sinking of the Texas 1310
- Slavery of Indians in—
- Smuggling of arms into Mexico 877, 879
- South America, policy of the United States in 1165–1168
- Sovereignty:
- Colombia: Great Corn and Little Corn Islands 1032–1033
- Cuba: Isle of Pines 354
- Ecuador: dispute with Peru 1160–1163
- Italy, attitude of the United States as to the sovereignty of, over Libya 608
- Mexico: attitude of the United States 821
- Nicaragua: Great Corn and Little Corn Islands 1032–1033
- Peru: dispute with Ecuador 1147–1163
- United States: Isle of Pines 354
- joint sovereignty over waters of “historic” bays 1028
- necessity to sovereignty of incorporation in a country of the contiguous territory whose condition affects its safety and prosperity 1198–1199
- Spain: protection by the United States of Spanish subjects in Mexico 896 900 et seq.
- Speech of Senator Elihu Root in the Senate 4
- State and Federal authorities, cooperation of, on Mexican border 877, 880
- Statue of Washington presented to Argentina 15
- Status of American citizens of—
- Status of American citizens: presumption of expatriation3, 1352
- Status of Greek citizen, captain of American-owned ship, in Turkey 1310
- Subsidies, shipping 540
- Syrian-born citizens of the United States, rights of, in Haiti 575
- Tacna-Arica dispute between Peru and Chile 1164–1240
- Telegraph. See Radiotelegraph convention 1375–1413
- Temporary refuge. See Mexico: policy of the United States; Peru: arrest of ex-President Leguía
- Territorial waters:
- Texas, sinking of the steamer 1310–1339
- Texas Rangers: activities on the Mexican border 877, 880
- The Hague. See Hague.
- Third International American Conference: treaties signed at Rio de Janeiro, 1906 1349, 1352
- Third International Conference on Maritime Law: treaty signed at Brussels, 1910 1355
- Tlahualilo Company: settlement of its controversy with Mexico 993–1010
- Transfer of Donovan Trust Fund to Liberia 686
- Treaties, arbitration of the meaning of 286
- Treaties:1 by country2
- Austria-Hungary and the United States: violation by Austria-Hungary of the naturalization convention of 1871 21
- Bolivia and Chile: treaty of 1866; reference 1165
- Bolivia and Peru: treaty of 1873; reference 1165
- Brazil and the United States: proposal of Brazil of a special agreement concerning counterfeiters 37
- Brazil and the United States: termination by Brazil of the extradition treaty of 1897 and protocols of 1898 and 1903 25
- Bulgaria and Turkey: treaty of peace signed at London May 30,
1913; notice thereof 1309
- protocol, pertaining to above treaty, signed at Constantinople September 29, 1913; notice thereof 1309
- Chile and Bolivia; treaty of 1866; reference 1165
- Chile and Peru: treaty of Ancon, 1884: text of article 3 1168
- Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru: boundary treaty of 1894; reference 1158
- Colombia and Panama: canal treaty of 1909 cited 284
- Colombia and the United States—
- draft of treaty submitted by Colombia relating to adjustment of relations with the United States 324
- draft of treaty submitted by the United States relating to adjustment of relations with Colombia 328
- treaty of 1846; references 284
- text of article 35 314
- canal treaty (Hay-Herran, 1903); cited 284
- reference 542
- canal treaty of 1909 cited 284
- Costa Rica and Nicaragua: boundary treaty; reference 1022
- Ecuador and Peru—
- Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia: boundary treaty of 1894; reference 1158
- France and the United States: arbitration agreement extending the duration of the convention of February 10, 1908; text 528
- France and Venezuela: protocol for reestablishment of relations; text 537
- Great Britain and the United States—
- boundary treaty of 1846; reference 1030
- Clayton-Bulwer treaty (1850); reference 540, 543
- extradition arrangement relating to British North Borneo, Guam, and the Philippine Islands; text 549
- Hay-Pauncefote treaty (1901); reference 540, 541
- arbitration treaty of 1908; article 1 cited 548
- arbitration treaty (unratified) of August 3, 1911; reference 547
- Greece and Turkey:
- Italy and the United States: treaty of February 25, 1913, amending article 3 of the treaty of commerce and navigation of February 26, 1871; text 611
- Japan and the United States—
- Mexico and the United States: treaty of commerce and navigation of 1831; reference; 638, 646
- Montenegro and Turkey: notice of signing of peace treaty at London on May 30, 1913 1309
- Nicaragua and Costa Rica: boundary treaty of 1858; reference 1022
- Nicaragua and the United States—
- Panama and Colombia: canal treaty of 1909 cited 285
- Panama and the United States—
- Peru and Bolivia: treaty of 1873; reference 1165
- Peru and Chile: treaty of Ancon, 1884; text of article 3 1168
- Peru and Ecuador—
- Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia: boundary treaty of 1894; reference 1158
- Portugal and the United States: naturalization treaty of 1908; interpretation of 1290–1303
- Russia and the United States: treaty of commerce and navigation of 1832; reference 638, 649
- Serbia and Turkey: notice of signing of peace at London, May 30, 1913 1309
- Turkey and Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece: notice of signing of peace at London, May 30, 1913 1309
- United States and Austria-Hungary: violation by Austria-Hungary of naturalization treaty of 1871 21
- United States and Brazil—
- United States and Colombia—
- draft of treaty submitted by Colombia relating to adjustment of relations with the United States 324
- draft of treaty submitted by the United States relating to adjustment of relations with Colombia 328.
- treaty of 1846; references 284
- text of article 35 314
- canal treaty of 1903 cited, 284 et seq., passim; reference 542
- canal treaty of 1909 cited 284
- United States and France: arbitration agreement extending the duration of the Convention of February 10, 1908; text 528
- United States and Great Britain—
- boundary treaty of 1846; reference 1030
- Clayton-Bulwer treaty (1850); reference 540, 543
- extradition arrangement relating to British North Borneo, Guam, and the Philippine Islands; text 549
- Hay-Pauncefote treaty (1901); reference 540, 541, 542
- arbitration treaty of 1908; article 1, cited 548
- arbitration treaty (unratified) of August 3, 1911; reference 547
- United States and Italy: treaty of February 25, 1913, amending article 3 of the treaty of commerce and navigation of February 26, 1871; text 611
- United States and Japan—
- United States and Mexico: treaty of 1831; reference 638, 646
- United States and Nicaragua—
- United States and Panama—
- United States and Portugal: naturalization treaty of 1908; interpretation 1290–1303
- United States and Russia: treaty of 1832; reference 638
- United States and Uruguay: arbitration convention of January 9, 1909; text 1346–1347
- Uruguay and the United States: arbitration convention of January 9, 1909; text 1346–1347
- Venezuela and France: protocol for reestablishment of relations; text 537
- Treaties: by subject—
- arbitration—
- boundary—
- Bolivia and Chile; treaty of 1866; reference 1165
- Chile and Peru; treaty of Ancon, 1884; text of article 3 1168
- Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru: treaty of 1894; reference 1158
- Costa Rica and Nicaragua: treaty of 1858; reference 1022 et seq.
- Ecuador and Peru—
- United States and Great Britain: treaty of 1846; reference 1030
- canal, Nicaragua—
- canal, Panama—
- citizenship. See Naturalization.
- commerce and navigation—
- consular: a declaration effected by exchange of notes between the United States and Panama permitting consular certificates of values of exports; text 1068
- counterfeiters: proposal by Brazil or a special agreement with the United States 37
- extradition—
- loans United States and Nicaragua; treaty of 1911; reference 1040, 1047
- naturalization—
- peace—
- Bolivia and Chile, 1866 1165
- Bolivia and Peru, 1873 1165
- Chile and Peru, 1884 1168
- Turkey and Greece, 1913 1309
- Turkey and Serbia, 1913 1309
- Turkey and Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece; notice of signing, at London, of treaty of May 30, 1913 1309
- Turkey and Bulgaria: notice of signing of protocol pertaining to the above treaty, at Constantinople, September 29, 1913 1309
- Turkey and Greece: notice of signing of protocol pertaining to above treaty, at Athens, November 14, 1913 1309
- relations—
- Treaties, international: by subject—
- arbitration of pecuniary claims: treaty signed at Rio de Janeiro
August 13, 1906, extending the duration of the treaty signed at
Mexico January 30, 1902; reference 1005
- text 1349
- assistance and salvage at sea. See Maritime law.
- citizenship: convention establishing the status of naturalized citizens who again take up their residence in the country of their origin; signed at Rio de Janeiro August 13, 1906; text 1352
- claims. See Arbitration.
- industrial property: convention and final protocol for the protection of industrial property, replacing the Paris convention and final protocol of March 20, 1883, the protocol of Madrid of April 15, 1891, and the additional act signed at Brussels on December 14, 1900; signed at Washington, June 2, 1911; proclaimed April 29, 1913; text 1363–1374
- maritime law: convention for the unification of certain rules of law with respect to assistance and salvage at sea; signed at Brussels September 23, 1910; proclaimed February 13, 1913; text 1355–1362
- naturalization. See Citizenship.
- opium, morphine, and cocaine: ratification by the United States of the convention of January 23, 1912 215
- pecuniary claims. See Arbitration.
- property, protection of industrial. See Industrial property.
- radiotelegraph convention; final protocol; service regulations and supplements thereto; signed at London, July 5, 1912; proclaimed February 20, 1913; texts 1375–1413
- salvage at sea. See Maritime law
- telegraph. See Radiotelegraph,
- wireless telegraph. See Radiotelegraph.
- arbitration of pecuniary claims: treaty signed at Rio de Janeiro
August 13, 1906, extending the duration of the treaty signed at
Mexico January 30, 1902; reference 1005
- Treaty rights acquired under a treaty continue after abrogation of the treaty; citations of announcement of the principle 637, 640, 645
- Turkey:
- protest of the United States against requisitions of American property by the Turkish Government for military purposes 1339–1345
- sinking of the steamer Texas of the Archipelago-American Line in Turkish waters by Turkish batteries or mines; protest of the United States against refusal of Turkish Government to surrender the captain thereof to American consular jurisdiction 1310–1339
- war between Turkey and Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece; treaty of peace signed at London, May 30, 1913; treaty of peace between Turkey and Bulgaria signed at Constantinople, September 29, 1913; and between Turkey and Greece, at Athens, November 14, 1913 1309–1310
- United States:
- American citizens. See American citizens; Protection to American life and property.
- arbitration—
- asylum. See Asylum.
- Colorado River negotiations with Mexico 977
- consular officer: See Consular certification; Consular jurisdiction.
- conventions. See Treaties: by country; Treaties, international: by subject.
- cooperation with State government in relation to Mexico 877, 880
- good offices—
- Chile 1164, 1240
- China 806–807, 896, 1105–1139
- Dominican Republic 418, 456, 467
- Ecuador 505, 521, 1147
- France 529, 896
- Germany 896
- Guatemala 557
- Japan, 896
- Liberia 655, 665, 686
- Mexico, good offices rejected 823–827, 832–835, 837–838
- Nicaragua 1034–1067
- Peru 1141, 1147, 1164, 1240
- Spain 896
- Venezuela 529
- indemnity paid to Italy 613
- industrial property convention signed at Washington June 2, 1911; text 1363–1374
- international congresses held in the United States 1348
- international treaties. See Treaties, international: by subject.
- intervention. See Mexico: intervention of the United States.
- Latin America, attitude toward 4, 7, 1024, 1042
- See also entries under Latin American countries.
- mediation (q. v.).
- minister as arbitrator 470
- Monroe doctrine (q. v.).
- neutrality (q. v.).
- opium conference: ratification by the United States of the opium convention 283, 215–283
- Panama Canal (q. v.).
- peace plan of the President 8
- ratification of the international opium convention 283
- recognition by the United States of foreign governments (q. v.).
- relations with foreign countries. See, in general, the entries under the several countries. See also Address of the President; Declaration of policy, etc.; Peace plan of the President; Treaties.
- Revised Statutes (q. v.).
- secretary of legation placed in charge of foreign interests 1105
- treaties. See Treaties: by country; Treaties, international: by subject.
- Uprisings of natives on Sierra Leone frontier of Liberia 681
- Uruguay: arbitration convention between the United States and Uruguay, signed January 9, 1909; proclaimed November 15, 1913; text 1346–1347
- Valorization defined in relation to the coffee market 40
- Valorization of coffee 39
- Venezuela: reestablishment of relations between Venezuela and France; good offices of the United States 529–539
- Visit of the Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Müller, to the United States 67
- Wars between—
- Washington conventions of 1907 1027
- Washington statue presented to Argentina 15
- “Watchful waiting” X, 820–823, 864
- Wilson, Henry Lane: resignation as ambassador to Mexico 817
- Wireless telegraph. See Radiotelegraph convention 1375–1413
- Zapata Swamp concession in Cuba 365
- See also Arbitration: by subject.↩
- Including agreements, arrangements, declarations, and understandings.↩
- See also “Treaties; by subject” and “Treaties, international; by subject.”↩