Financial affairs: conclusion of a loan contract with American bankers; good offices of the United States1

1. Continued from For. Rel. 1912, pp. 10711105. A résumé of Nicaragua’s financial affairs from the signing of the convention of June 6, 1911, will he found, post, in the memorandum of May 22, 1913; a statement of Nicaragua’s assets and liabilities, prepared July 15, 1913, follows; and the inclosure with the bankers letter of November 24 shows the condition of the gold reserve at that time.

Note.—On November 4, 1912, Nicaragua entered into an agreement with the New York banking firms of Brown Brothers and Company and J. & W. Seligman & Company whereby the bankers released to Nicaragua $100,000 out of customs moneys received by them as per previous contracts; and set aside $400,000 received by them at the settlement with the Ethelburga Syndicate, to be paid to Nicaragua in such installments as might be agreed on2. This agreement was subject to the approval of the Nicaraguan Assembly before it could go into effect the Assembly’s approval had not been given at the time of the beginning of the following correspondence. The correspondence after November 4, 1912 shows nothing but routine affairs up to the following telegram of January 31, 1913.

[1324] The Acting Secretary of State to the American Minister.

File No. 817.51/522a.

[1325] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

File No. 817.51/523.

[1326] The Secretary of State to the American Minister.

File No. 817.51/523.

[1327] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

File No. 817.51/524.

[1328] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

File No. 817.51/525.

[1329] The Secretary of State to the American Minister.

File No. 817.51/525.

[1330] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

File No. 817.51/530.

[1331] The Secretary of State to the American Minister.

File No. 817.51/530.

[1332] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

File No. 817.51/532.

[1333] The Secretary of State to the American Minister.

File No. 817.51/532.

[1334] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

File No. 817.51/534.

[1335] The Secretary of State to the American Minister.

File No. 817.51/534.

[1336] [Untitled]

File No. 817.51/535.

[1337] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

File No. 817.51/542.

[1339] The American Chargé d’Affaires to the Secretary of State.

File No. 817.51/544.

[1340] The Legation of Nicaragua to the Department of State.

Flie No. 817.51/549.

[1342] The Secretary of State to the American Minister.

File No. 817.51/571a.

[1343] The Secretary of State to Brown Brothers and Company.

File No. 817.51/571b.

[1347] The Acting Secretary of State to the American Minister.

File No. 817.51/571d.

[1348] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

File No. 817.51/573.

[1349] The Secretary of State to Brown Brothers & Company and Seligman & Co.

File No. 817.51/573a.

[1352] The Secretary of State to the Minister of Finance of Nicaragua.

File No. 817.51/599b.

[1353] The Secretary of State to Brown Bros. & Co. and Seligman & Co.

File No. 817.51/599a.