Relations of the United States with Colombia 1
1. Continued from For. Rel. 1911, p. 88.
[231] The Minister of Colombia to the Secretary of State.
Legation of Colombia,
Washington, November 25, 1911.
Washington, November 25, 1911.
File No. 711.21/64.
[232] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Bogotá, February 5, 1913.
Bogotá, February 5, 1913.
File No. 71.1.21/139.
[233] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Bogotá, February 28, 1913.
Bogotá, February 28, 1913.
File No. 711.2.1/149.
[234] Message from the President to Congress, transmitting a report by the Secretary of State on the subject of relations between the United States and the Republic of Colombia.
[March 1,
H. R. Doc. No. 1444. 62d Cong., 3d sess.
[235] The Minister of Colombia to the Secretary of State.
Legation of Colombia,
Washington, February 28, 1913.
Washington, February 28, 1913.
File No. 711.21/142.
[236] The Secretary of State to the Minister of Colombia.
Department of State,
Washington, April 15, 1913.
Washington, April 15, 1913.
File No. 711.21/142.
[237] The Minister of Colombia to the Secretary of State.
Legation of Colombia,
Washington, May 3, 1913.
Washington, May 3, 1913.
File No. 711.21/169.
[238] The Secretary of State to the Minister of Colombia.
Department of State,
Washington, July 18, 1913.
Washington, July 18, 1913.
File No. 711.21/169.
[239] Message of President Don Carlos E. Restrepo to the Colombian Congress, July 20, 1913.
July 20, 1913
File No. 821.032/4.
[240] Memorial of the Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Colombian Congress, July 20, 1913
July 20, 1913
File No. 721.000/4 (p. 21); 721.000/5 (pp. 238, 244, 248 and 253).
[241] The Secretary of State to the American Minister.
Department of State,
Washington, September 29, 1913.
Washington, September 29, 1913.
File No. 711.21/191.
[243] The American Minister to Bogota to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Bogotá, October 22, 1913, 7 p.m.
Bogotá, October 22, 1913, 7 p.m.
File No. 711.21/199.
[244] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Bogotá, October 23, 1913.
Bogotá, October 23, 1913.
File No. 711.21/201.
[245] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Bogotá, October 25, 1913.
Bogotá, October 25, 1913.
File No. 711.21/203.
[246] The Secretary of State to the American Chargé d’Affaires.
Department of State,
Washington, November 29, 1913—10 a.m.
Washington, November 29, 1913—10 a.m.
File No. 711.21/205.
[247] The American Chargé d’Affaires to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Bogota, December 1, 1913.
Bogota, December 1, 1913.
File No. 821.6363/25.
[248] The Secretary of State to the American Chargê d’Affairs.
Department of State,
Washington, December 19, 1913—6 p.m.
Washington, December 19, 1913—6 p.m.
File No. 711.21/199.