No. |
From and to whom. |
Date. |
Subject. |
Page. |
290 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Calhoun. |
1912. Oct. 4 |
Claims of American citizens against China. Asks what action has been
taken by the commission to dispose of the claims of foreigners against
China. |
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox. |
Oct.29 |
Loan negotiations. Incloses text of the “imperial Chinese Ministry of
Finance £400,000 Bond of May 24, 1911;” minutes of an interview between
the American bankers’ representative and the Minister of Finance
regarding the £400,000 advance on the Currency-reform loan; a request of
the Minister for extension of time for repayment of said advance; the
bankers’ reply granting an extension to Apr. 14, 1913; acknowledgment by
the Minister. |
671 |
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox. |
Nov.12 |
Political affairs. The situation seems to be improving, but nothing
constructive is undertaken. More money is the imperative present
need. |
Loan negotiations. Editor’s introductory note. |
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Dec. 30 |
Same subject. States reasons for halt of the negotiations. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Dec. 31 |
Claims of American citizens against China. The Chinese Government
admits the liability for damages caused to foreigners by the
revolution. |
Mr. Laughlin to Mr. Knox. (telegram). |
1913 Jan. 7 |
Loan negotiations. Transmits memorandum from British Foreign Office
proposing internationalization of the loan. States relationship between
the British, French, and Russian bankers. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Laughlin (telegram). |
Jan. 9 |
Same subject. Replies to Mr. Laughlin’s Jan. 7. The department
reserves its opinion until the powers directly interested have expressed
themselves. |
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox (telegram) |
Jan. 21 |
Same subject. The President of China announces that his Government
must look elsewhere for the urgently needed funds if the six groups will
not act. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Jan. 23 |
Same subject. Reports that negotiations are broken off. Suggests that
if this ends the consortium, the United States immediately recognize the
Chinese Government. British and German bankers purpose making advances
to China independently. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Calhoun (telegram). |
Jan 24 |
Same subject. The proposed British and German advance will not
threaten the consortium; the advance would be open to participation by
the other groups. |
Mr. Herrick to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Jan. 26 |
Same subject. Requests instruction regarding representations as to
internationalization, to which the French Government objects. |
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Jan. 27 |
Same subject. All the groups have joined in a letter to the Chinese
Government regarding advances. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Calhoun (telegram). |
Jan. 27 |
Same subject. Replies to Mr. Calhoun’s Jan. 27, instructs him to join
in any definite agreement the maiority may decide on. |
725 |
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox. |
do |
Indemnity payments. Detailed statement of the inter-group dispute
regarding relation of indemnity payments to the loan
negotiations. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Herrick (telegram). |
Jan. 28 |
Loan negotiations. Replies to Mr. Herrick’s Jan. 26; instructs him to
join his colleagues in asking the French Government to agree to
internationalization. |
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Jan. 28 |
Same subject. Replies to department’s Jan. 27; states position of
French Minister. |
[Page XXII]
Mr. Herrick to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
1913. Jan. 30 |
Same subject. Reports reasons of French Government for its
position. |
2203 |
Mr. Laughlin to Mr. Knox. |
Jan. 31 |
Same subject. Incloses British memorandum desiring the opinion of this
Government as to agreeing to proposed conditions to govern future
industrial loans. |
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 4 |
Same subject. Reports the personnel of the Chinese appointments of
advisory officers for the loan, and positions of the various Ministers
in regard to nationality of advisers Requests instruction. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Calhoun (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Approves the Minister’s position as to advisers, and
instructs to postpone this matter if it will delay the advance of
funds. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Cullom. |
Feb. 4 |
Political Affairs. Incloses a memorandum on the recognition of the
Republican Government of China. |
Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox. |
Feb. 5 |
Loan negotiations. States the British position regarding advisers and
request the American opinion thereon. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryce. |
Feb. 5 |
Same subject. Reply to the foregoing. |
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox (telegram.) |
Feb. 9 |
Same subject. Reports further as to the status of the negotiations,
which remain unchanged. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Herrick (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to learn the French position as to
advisers. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Calhoun (telegram). |
Feb. 10 |
Same subject. Replies to Mr. Calhoun’s Feb. 9; advises him of
correspondence with British Government; instructs him to refer to
Department’s Jan. 27 and to use his discretion. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Herrick (identic telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to communicate to French Government the
accompanying aide mémoire suggesting a compromise solution of the
question of advisers. Instruction to repeat this telegram to other
embassies concerned. |
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Requests instruction in regard to advisers, in view of
fresh suggestions by other ministers. |
Mr. Herrick to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports French attitude as to advisers. |
Mr. Leishman to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 11 |
Same subject. Reports German attitude as to advisers. |
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports further interviews with other ministers. |
Mr. Leishman to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 12 |
Same subject. Replies to Department’s Feb. 10; the German Government
prefers to accept the original Chinese proposal; discusses the political
situation, and gives his own views. |
Mr. Laughlin to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Replies to Department’s Feb. 10 The British Government
inclined to agree with Department’s suggestion as to advisers. |
Mr. Leishman to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Replies to Department’s Feb. 10. The German Government
agrees to Department’s suggestion. |
273 |
Mr. Herrick to Mr. Knox. |
Feb. 14 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Feb. 10 and incloses aide memoire
from French Foreign Office proposing six advisers. |
Mr. Guild to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Replies to Department’s Feb. 10, giving Russia’s answer
to Department’s proposal. Requests instruction as to the six-advisers
proposal. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Guild (telegram). |
Feb. 17 |
Same subject. Instruction not to raise the question referred to in his
Feb. 15. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Leishman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instructs him to inform the German Government that
having found no support for its proposal, this Government will approve
the one already accepted by the other powers, which the Chinese are
willing to accept. |
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Advises assent to the proposal of the other powers.
Requests instructions. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Calhoun (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instructs him to assent to the proposal of the
majority. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Confalonieri. |
Feb. 18 |
Same subject. Memorandum relating to proposed appointment of an
Italian adviser. |
Mr. Bakhméteff to Mr. Knox. |
Feb. 19 |
Same subject. Two memoranda relating to advisers, requesting the
opinion of this Government and insisting on the inclusion of a Russian
representative. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Calhoun (telegram). |
Feb. 20 |
Same subject. The American group is contemplating withdrawal from the
negotiations unless the contract is signed without further delay. |
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 21 |
Same subject. Reports there is no hope of an early signature to the
agreement; the negotiations are controlled by European politics. |
[Page XXIII]
Mr. Knox to Mr. Laughlin (telegram). |
1913. Feb. 23 |
Same subject. Request to ascertain the views of the British Foreign
Office. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Leishman (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Requests him to ascertain the views of the German
Foreign Office. |
Mr. Laughlin to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 24 |
Same subject. The British Foreign Office regard the signature of the
agreement as likely to be indefinitely postponed. |
Mr. Leishman to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 25 |
Same subject. The German Foreign Office takes a pessimistic view of
the situation. |
Mr. Straight to Mr. Knox. |
do |
Same subject. Currency loan. Incloses a letter from the American
group’s London agents accompanying a memorandum of a meeting of
representatives of the four groups with Dr. Vissering on Jan. 11,
1913. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Hilles. |
do |
Political Affairs, Letter setting forth the views of the Department on
the recognition of the Republic of China. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bakhméteff. |
Feb. 26 |
Loan negotiations. Aide mémoire in reply to the two memoranda of Feb.
19, reserving opinion for the present. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Williams. |
Feb. 27 |
Same subject. Instruction to maintain the Department’s frequently
announced position and to make such suggestions as occur to him. |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 28 |
Same subject. The British Minister believes that his Government will
not wait much longer but will cooperate with such groups as desire to
participate. Asks instructions as to whether to agree to German
proposals. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Williams (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to agree to appointment of German
adviser. |
Mr. Chang Yin Tang to Mr. Bryan. |
Mar. 4 |
Political affairs. Transmits a congratulatory message from the
President of the Republic of China to the President. |
Mr. Straight to Mr. Bryan. |
Mar. 5 |
Loan negotiations. Request of the American group of bankers to be
informed of the wishes of this Government in regard to the future
conduct of the loan negotiations. |
Mr. Herrick to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 8 |
Same subject. States his belief that the loan should be concluded
forthwith or the six-power group leaving China to borrow where she
will. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Chang Yin Tang. |
do |
Political affairs. Transmits the reply of the President to President
Yuan Shih Kai. |
772 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan. |
Mar. 11 |
Same subject. Report on current political situation. |
778 |
Same to same. |
Mar. 17 |
Loan negotiations. Incloses a letter dated Mar. 11 from the Minister
of Finance informing this Government that the Chinese Government
deplores the futility of the loan negotiations, so long drawn out,
states the dilemma of China, and declares that its Government can not
any longer be held responsible in regard to the consortium. |
780 |
Same to Same. |
Mar. 18 |
Political affairs. Continuation of report of Mar. 11. |
782 |
Same to Same. |
do |
Same subject. Observations on recognition of the Republic by the
United States. |
Mr. Adee to certain American diplomatic officers (telegram). |
Mar. 19 |
Loan negotiations. The Acting Secretary of State transmits to Paris,
London, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Tokyo and Peking, the statement of the
President issued to the press on Mar. 18, to the effect that: “The
conditions of the loan seem to us to touch very nearly the
administrative independence of China itself, and this administration
does not feel that it ought, even by implication, to be a party to those
conditions. … The responsibility on the part of our Government implied
in the encouragement of a loan thus secured and administered is plain
enough and is obnoxious to the principles upon which the Government of
our people rests.” |
Mr .Straight to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Incloses notice sent by the American group to its Peking
representatives notifying them of the group’s intention to withdraw from
the four-group and the six-group agreements; also calls attention to the
need for adjusting the terms of repayment of advances already
made. |
Mr. Chinda to Mr. Bryan. |
Mar. 24 |
Same subject. The Japanese Ambassador refers to the President’s
statement to the press of the policy of this Government and asks for a
further exposition of it for his own information, including the question
of recognition of the Republic. |
792 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan. |
Mar. 25 |
Same subject. Refers to the President’s statement of policy in the
telegram of Mar. 19; “on the whole the Chinese are greatly pleased by
the action of the American Government.” |
[Page XXIV]
Mr. Adee to Mr. Wilson. |
Mar. 25 |
Same subject. The Chinese Minister called formally to express the
thanks of the people of China for the just and magnanimous attitude of
the President. |
Mr. Lou Tseng Tsiang to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Expresses China’s desire for recognition of the
Republic by the United States. |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Tumulty. |
Mar. 27 |
Same subject. Incloses for the President a memorandum of a
conversation with the Secretary of the Brazilian Embassy in relation to
the recognition of the Republic. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. William (telegram). |
Mar. 28 |
Same subject. Instruction to say to Mr. Lou that this Government is
carefully considering the question of recognizing the Republic. |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan. (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Recommends immediate recognition of the Republic. |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Memorandum on recognition of the Republic of
China. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. straight. |
do |
Loan negotiations. Reply to his Mar. 19. The President thinks it would
be unfair to demand of China immediate payment of the advances made and
suggests the propriety of assenting to China’s request for six months’
extension. |
Mr. Straight to Mr. Bryan. |
Mar. 31 |
Same subject. Refers to the Department’s Mar. 28; the American group,
in deference to the President’s wishes, is willing to assent to six
months’ extension but does not feel to act independently of their former
colleagues; calls the department’s attention certain features of the
extension terms. |
Same to Same. |
Mar. 31 |
Same subject. Student loans. Refers to his letter of Mar. 19, and adds
a request that the department consider the matter of repayment of the
two student loans. |
Mr. Bryce to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Political affairs. The British Government feels the necessity of
concerted action in regard to the question of recognizing the
Republic. |
Mr. Miller to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Memorandum by the Division of Far Eastern Affairs of the
department relating to an interview with the German Ambassador regarding
concerted action as to recognition of the Republic. |
796 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan |
Apr. 1 |
Same subject. Reports assassination of Sung Chiaojen and the political
bearings thereof. Attitude o the diplomatic corps as to disposition of
refugee at the international settlement. |
Mr. Bryan to certain ambassadors at Washington. |
do |
Loan negotiations. A formal statement to the diplomatic
representatives of the powers concerned in the six-power consortium of
the action taken by this Government in pursuance of its publicly
announced policy in regard to Chinese loans; incloses copy of that
announcement and quotes the instructions of the American group of
bankers to their Peking representatives. |
Mr. Straight to Mr. Bryan. |
Apr. 2 |
Same subject. Incloses correspondence with the American group’s
representatives. |
Mr. Bryan to the Diplomatic Corps. |
do |
Political affairs. Circular aide mémoire announcing the intention of
the President to recognize the Government of China on Apr. 8, on the
meeting o the Constituent Assembly, and inviting the cooperation of the
powers |
Same subject. Editor’s note on recognition of the Republic by Brazil,
Mexico, Peru, and Cuba. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Straight. |
Apr. 3 |
Same subject. Student loans. Acknowledges his Mar. 31; the department
will give the matter due consideration. |
Viscount Chinda to Mr Bryan. |
Apr. 4 |
Political affairs. The Japanese Government gives its reasons for not
cooperating in recognizing the republic at present. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Williams (telegram). |
Apr. 6 |
Same subject. Instructions regarding recognition of the
Republic. |
Same subject. Editor’s note on attitudes of Great Britain, Denmark,
Austria-Hungary, Italy, and France in regard to recognition of the
Republic. |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 10 |
Same subject. Quotes the Declaration to the World of the National
Assembly of China. |
Same subject. Editor’s note on the attitude of the Netherlands toward
recognition of the Republic. |
807 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan |
Apr. 11 |
Same subject. Reports on the opening of the National Assembly. |
Same subject. Editor’s note on the attitude of Spain toward
recognition of the Republic. |
Mr. Dumba to Mr. Bryan. |
Same subject. Aide mémoire transmitting the purport of a circular
telegram of the Japanese Government regarding recognition of the
Republic, and requesting the opinion of this Government thereon. |
[Page XXV]
Mr. Straight to Mr. Bryan |
1913. Apr. 12 |
Loan negotiations. Currency loan. Incloses request of. the Chinese
Minister relative to sale of bonds; reply stating the position of the
American group in respect to the currency loan in view of its withdrawal
from Chinese loans in general; the group will not request an extension
of the option but will consider a request for extension of payment on
advance. |
Same to same. |
Apr. 15 |
Same subject. Currency loan. States terms proposed by the four groups
for extension of repayment of £400.000 advance. |
814 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Knox. |
Apr. 17 |
Claims of American citizens against China. Incloses report of the
claims commission. |
Message of the President. |
Apr. 21 |
Opium conference. Transmits to Congress a report from the Secretary of
State regarding the status of the International Opium Convention and
requesting the appropriation of $20,000 for the expenses of
participation in the Second International Opium Conference in
July. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson. |
Same subject. The report mentioned above. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Dumba. |
Apr. 26 |
Political affairs. Reply to the Austro-Hungarian aide mémoire
(undated). |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 27 |
Loan negotiations. The quintuple group signed on this day a loan for
reorganization purposes. Certain Senators claim the Assembly’s approval
is necessary and threaten to boycott the banks. |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 2 |
Same subject, Reports delivery to President Yuan of the President’s
message of recognition of the Government of China. |
Mr. Yuan Shih Kai to Mr. Wilson. |
do |
Same subject. Message of thanks for recognition of the
Republic. |
841 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan. |
May 6 |
Same subject. Reports the ceremonies attending the delivery to
President Yuan of the message of recognition by the United States of
the. Republic of China. |
845 |
Same to same. |
do |
Loan negotiations. Supplements his telegram of Apr. 27 with a
description of the quintuple groups’ loan. |
Same to same (telegram). |
May 9 |
Political affairs. Transmits messages of appreciation of the
recognition of the Republic. |
Mr. Chang Yin Tang to Mr. Bryan. |
May 12 |
Same subject. Transmits a vote oi thanks of each House of the National
Assembly for the recognition oi the Republic. |
850 |
Same to same. |
May 13 |
Same subject. Incloses notes from the foreign office and his replies
thereto relating to resolutions oi the National Assembly thanking the
United States for recognition of the Republic. |
858 |
Same to same. |
May 16 |
same subject. Reports on the insurrectionary activities of Dr. Sun Yat
Sen et al., and incloses Dr. Sun’s manifesto. |
Mr. Straight to Mr. Bryan |
June 5 |
Same subject. Student loan. Refers to his letter of Mar. 31 and
incloses letter from Intern’l Banking Corp regarding relation of
indemnity payments and reorganization loan to the student loans. |
Same to same. |
June 6 |
Same subject. Currency loan. Incloses correspondence relating to
repayment of advances from proceeds of the reorganization loan. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Williams (telegram) |
June 11 |
Claims of American citizens against China. Approves the report of the
Claims Commission and instructs him to proceed with the classification
of American claims. |
929 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan. |
July 11 |
Loan negotiations. Requests instructions as to the attitude to be
taken by the legation toward financial transactions between American
capitalists and the Chinese Government. Gives a long account of various
loans and projected loans and states the legation’s problems in
connection with some oi them. |
Same to same (telegram). |
July 19 |
Political affairs. Shanghai has declared independence. |
Mr. Fowler to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
July 20 |
Same subject. Fukien has declared independence. |
Mr. Cheshire to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Kwang Tung has declared independence. |
936 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan. |
July 22 |
Same subject. Transmits a memorandum of the Wai Chiao Pu regarding the
disturbances in the South. |
Same to same (telegram). |
July 24 |
Same subject. Reports attitude of the diplomatic corps toward China’s
request for permit to search 1 foreign vessels, and kindred
matters. |
[Page XXVI]
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan. |
1913. July 26 |
Same subject. Reports attitude of diplomatic and consular corps toward
harboring of insurrectionary refugees and kindred matters. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. William (telegram). |
July 28 |
Same subject. Mr: Williams’s views as to noninterference
approved. |
947 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan. |
July 29 |
Same subject. Report on the political and military situation. |
Same to same. |
Aug. 8 |
Same subject. Reports the success of the Government in dealing with
the insurrection. |
Message of the President. |
Aug. 9 |
Opium conference. Transmits to Congress a communication dated Aug. 7,
1913, from the Secretary of State accompanied by a report dated July 31,
1913, from the American delegates to the Second International Opium
Conference. This report briefly reviews the anti-opium movement from
1906, outlines the progress made after the signing of the Opium
Convention on Jan. 23, 1912, gives the reasons for calling the second
conference, and presents at length the proceedings of the conference,
showing that thirty-six powers have signed the convention, nine
signatures still lacking. Appended to the report are reprints of three
articles from the American Journal of International Law on the history
of the antiopium movement. |
Same subject. Editor’s note on the signing of the Opium Convention by
various Governments. |
970 |
Same to same. |
Aug. 13 |
Claims of American citizens against China. Incloses copy of a
memorandum to the Foreign Office transmitting a tentative list of
American claims. |
983 |
Same to same. |
Aug. 22 |
Political affairs. Reports further successes of the Government in
suppressing the insurrection. |
984 |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. Observations on the insurrection |
1 |
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Bryan |
Aug. 25 |
Same subject. Reports asylum given in Japan to Chinese political
refugees, Dr. Sun, et al. |
Mr. Fiedler to Mr. Heintz Leman. |
Aug. 27 |
Loan negotiations. Student loan. Informs the Department that the
American group has been fully reimbursed by China for the two student
loans (Chinghna College). |
Same subject. Student loans. Editor’s notes on the Carnegie
loan. |
Same subject. Editor’s note on miscellaneous loans. |
Mr. Loudon to Mr. Bryan. |
Aug. 31 |
Claims of American citizens against China. Asks whether the United
States has reached a decision concerning a claim for the repayment of
the cost of military measures taken by the United States during the
rebellion in China. |
389 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Williams. |
Sept. 11 |
Loan negotiations. Replies to Mr. Williams’s July 11, and gives him
general instructions on the subject. |
1606 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan. |
Sept. 12 |
Political affairs. Report on the political situation; demands of Japan
for killing of Japanese subjects. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Bryan. |
Sept. 18 |
Claims of American citizens against China. Where governments send
their military forces to foreign countries in case of domestic
disturbances it is not customary to make the expense a charge against
the foreign country. |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Williams (telegram). |
Sept. 18 |
Same subject. The United States will not present a claim for the
expenses incurred for the maintenance of troops in China during the
rebellion. |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Schmolck. |
Sep. 20 |
Same subject and tenor. |
1024 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan. |
Sept. 25 |
Loan negotiations. Submits his observations on the financial and
political conditions in China. |
1035 |
Same to same |
Oct. 3 |
Claims of American citizens against China. Reports that he has
detailed Mr. Peck as the American representative on the claims
commission. |
Mr. Chang Kang Jen to Mr. Bryan. |
Oct. 6 |
Political affairs. Announces the election of Yuan Shih Kai as
President of the Republic of China. |
Same to same |
Oct. 8 |
Same subject. Announces the election of General Li Yuen Hung as Vice
President of the Republic of China. |
1042 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Incloses note from Foreign Office announcing recognition
of the Republic by various powers. |
Mr. Stovall to Mr. Bryan. (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Announces recognition of the Republic by the Swiss
Government. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Yuan (telegram). |
Oct. 9 |
Same subject. Congratulates the President of China on his
inauguration. |
1043 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Transmits note announcing election of Li Yuan Hung as
Vice President of China. |
Oct. 10 |
Inaugural address of the President. Yuan Shih K’ai. |
[Page XXVII]
255 |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Chang. |
1913. Oct. 10 |
Political affairs. Acknowledges his Oct. 6 and incloses copy of the
President’s telegram of congratulation to President Yuan. |
1044 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Reports formal call of the Minister for Foreign Affairs
to thank this Government for the promptness of its recognition of the
Republic. |
1046 |
Same to same |
Oct. 11 |
Same subject. Transmits announcement by the Foreign Office of
recognition of the Republic by Norway and Switzerland. |
Mr. Yuan to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
Oct. 13 |
Same subject. Expression of gratitude for the President’s message of
congratulation. |
1052 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Report On the inauguration Of President Yuan and
incloses papers relating thereto. |
1067 |
Same to same. |
Oct. 21 |
Loan negotiations. Reports an interview with t he Minister of Finance
on the financial straits of China; incloses tabulated statement of the
investments of the various powers in China. |
1080 |
Same to same. |
Oct. 24 |
Political affairs. Incloses note from the Minister of the Navy
expressing appreciation of exchange of salutes of American with Chinese
warships. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Nov. 2 |
Same subject. Reports serious disorders in Hunan. |
2001 |
Same to same |
Nov. 3 |
Claims of American citizens against China. Incloses a copy of his note
to the Foreign Office protesting against the rule that no claims,
received after Dec. 31, 1913, would be considered and copy of the
Foreign Office, answer waiving this rule. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Nov. 5 |
Political affairs. President Yuan has dissolved the Nationalist party
and expelled all Nationalists from the Assembly, thus preventing a
quorum and the adoption of a constitution. |
9 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch. |
Dec. 3 |
Claims of American citizens against China. Designates Consul Williams
as the American delegate on the claims commission. |
16 |
Mr. Van Dyke to Mr. Bryan |
Dec. 10 |
Opium conference. Reports deposit with the Government of The
Netherlands of the instrument of ratification by the United States of
the opium convention. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Dec. 12 |
Political affairs. Russia will withdraw all troops; comments
thereon. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Dec. 16 |
Same subject. Nearly all the Ministers and the Chinese regard
withdrawal of troops as premature. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
Dec. 17 |
Same subject. This Government does not intend to withdraw or reduce
the American Expeditionary Force in China. |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Dec. 19 |
Claims of American citizens against China. As the Chinese Government
desires to pay each claim as soon as allowed, requests authority to
present each American claim immediately upon its approval. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). |
Dec. 20 |
Same subject. Authorizes him to present each American claim as soon as
approved by the Department. |
51 |
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan |
Dec. 23 |
Political affairs. Transmits memorandum on the political
situation. |
No. |
From and to whom. |
Date. |
Subject. |
Page. |
683 |
Mr. Jackson to Mr. Knox. |
1911 Mar. 16 |
Concession for the construction of a bridge across the entrance to the
port of Habana. By executive decree 180 of Mar. 10, 1911, the President
of Cuba granted a concession to build a bridge across the entrance to
the port of Habana; the concession includes a grant of land. |
Mr Wilson to Mr. Stimson |
Mar. 24 |
Same subject. The Secretary of War is notified of the Habana bridge
concession. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Jackson. |
do |
Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 683, which has been copied to the
Secretary of War. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
1912. Mar. 5 |
Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. In view of information to renew
the application for a concession to British capitalists, the minister is
instructed to request postponement of action to allow full
investigation. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Mar. 6 |
Same subject. The President of Cuba promises to obtain postponement
until the next Congress convenes. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
May 14 |
Same subject. The project is now under consideration in Congress. Asks
instructions. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
May 14 |
Same subject. The Department can not approve the project as it now
understands it. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
May 22 |
Same subject. Instruction to inform the Cuban Government that as the
project is now framed the department feels that it is probably an undue
strain on the Treasury. |
273 |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. |
May 25 |
Same subject. Incloses responses from the President and the Secretary
of State of Cuba to his informal note based on department’s May
22. |
Mr. Innes to Mr. Knox. |
May 31 |
Same subject. States the British Government’s objections to the
concession approved by the Cuban House of Representatives to the North
Coast Railway Company. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
June 4 |
Same subject. The Cuban Senate has approved the concession to the
North Coast Co. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré. (telegram). |
June 8 |
Same subject. Transmits the purport of Mr. Innes’ letter of May 31, to
the effect that the North Coast Company’s project is a swindling scheme
directed against the Cuban Central’s vested interests. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
June 9 |
Same subject. Explains the relative merits of the claims to a
concession made by the North Coast Railway Co. and the Cuban Central
Railway Co. |
1529 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Innes. |
June 14 |
Same subject. Reply to Mr. Innes’ May 31; quotes the telegram from Mr.
Beaupré dated June 9. |
502 |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. |
Nov. 15 |
Concession for construction of a bridge across the entrance to the
port of Habana. A letter from the Havana Coal Co. protests against the
concession as calculated to do great harm to its property. The minister
has requested the Cuban Government to defer action until the
department’s wishes can be ascertained. |
Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox. |
Nov. 27 |
Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. Incloses data relating to the
contention of the Cuban Central Ry. Co. and requests their consideration
and such action as the department may find just. |
Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox. |
Nov 30 |
Same subject, Incloses data to add to those submitted by Mr. Bryce on
Nov. 27. |
Mr. Innes to Mr. Clark. |
Dec. 2 |
Same subject. Incloses data to be added to those submitted by Mr.
Bryce and Lord Percey on Nov. 27 and Nov. 30. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré. |
Dec. 4 |
Same subject. Informs him of the arguments submitted by the British
Embassy on Nov. 27 and 30 Dec. 2, and instructs him to address the Cuban
Government in regard thereto. |
530 |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. |
Dec. 5 |
Same subject. Incloses copy of his note to the Cuban Government in
pursuance of the department’s instruction of Dec. 4. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryce. |
Dec. 9 |
Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of the British Embassy’s notes of
Nov. 27, Nov. 30, and Dec. 2. Their substance has been transmitted to
the American Minister, with instruction to investigate. |
177 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Beaupré. |
Dec. 13 |
Concession for construction of a bridge across the entrance to the
port of Habana. Acknowledges his 502 and instructs him to make further
investigation as to the land grant. |
560 |
J Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. |
Dec. 19 |
Cuban amnesty bill. Incloses copy of a bill passed by the House of
Representatives, with summary. |
[Page XXX]
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
1913. Jan 6 |
Same subject. Instruction to present certain objections to the bill as
passed. |
585 |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox |
Jan. 9 |
Same subject. Reports execution of the instruction of Jan. 6. |
587 |
Same to same |
Jan. 10 |
Concession for construction of a bridge across the en trance to the
port of Habana. Refers to the legation’s 502 and incloses a note from
the foreign office showing that the Havana Coal Co.’s objections were
taken into consideration when formulating the decree of Dec. 12, 1912,
which embodied modifications in the bridge plans. |
185 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré. |
Jan. 11 |
Zapata swamp concession. Instruction to say to the Cuban Government
that in view of amendments suggested by the concessionaire curing the
defects of the concession as viewed by the department, this Government
withdraws its objection to the concession, but without thereby endorsing
the project as a commercial enterprise. |
321 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Rodgers |
do |
Same subject. Acknowledges the consul general’s No. 674 of Nov. 20,
1912, and No. 675 of Nov. 23, 1912, and informs him of the instruction
to the minister of Jan. 11, 1913. |
186 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré |
do |
Naval station at Guantanamo. Calls attention to a slight error of
description in the agreement with Cuba for enlargement of the
station. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Jan. 15 |
Concession for construction of a bridge across the entrance to the
port of Habana. Acknowledges the legation’s 587 and instructs him to
inform the Cuban Government that the war and Navy Departments point out
that even the amended bridge plans threaten seriously to congest
traffic, and to make possible a military peril of moment to both
Governments. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Jan. 16 |
Same subject. The instruction of Jan. 15 has been executed. Suggests
that the land grant in the concession is prejudicial to the use of the
military reservation for quartering troops. |
Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox. |
Jan. 20 |
Caibanén-Nuevitas railway project. The British minister at Habana has
been instructed to support the petition of the Cuban Central Co. to
cancel” the concession to the North Coast Co. and grant it to
themselves. Requests the influence of this Government in support of.
this action. |
602 |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. |
Jan. 21 |
Naval station at Guantanamo. The error of description in the agreement
has been corrected; incloses corrected copy. |
605 |
Same to same |
Jan. 23 |
Same subject. Reports probable success of opposition in the Cuban
Senate to ratification of the agreement. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Jan. 25 |
Concession for construction of a bridge across the entrance to the
port of Habana. Quotes the reply of the foreign office, saying that as
the concession was made by an act of Congress, the President cannot
suspend its effect, but he will defer its execution for a reasonable
period to permit investigation by this Government. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
Jan. 28 |
Same subject. Instruction to reply to the Cuban note saying that this
Government’s investigation will soon be concluded as to the alleged
inability of the Cuban President to suspend, the effect of the act
making the concession, it would seem that the Zapata Swamp matter
affords a precedent for acting as desired by this Government. |
610 |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. |
Jan. 29 |
Same subject. Acknowledges department’s instruction of Jan. 28 and
incloses a note that he has addressed to the foreign office embodying
that instruction. Discusses the bearing of the Zapata Swamp matter on
the present case. |
612 |
Same to same |
do |
Proposed arbitration of insurrectionary claims of France, Germany and
Great Britain. The President of Cuba has requested authority of Congress
for arbitration. |
620 |
Same to same. |
Feb. 6 |
Concession for construction of a bridge across the entrance to the
port of Habana. Refers to his 610 and discusses the Cuban law bearing on
the subject. |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Newspaper attack on the American Legation. The newspaper “Cuba”
charges Mr. Beaupré and Mr. Gibson with blackmail and graft, in
scurrilous and libelous articles in the issue of Feb. 5. The minister
recommends that he be authorized to request Cuban Government to bring
suit for criminal libel. |
[Page XXXI]
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
1913. Feb. 6 |
Same subject. Reports another libelous article in the same newspaper
on Feb. 6. |
619 |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. Incloses copies of the libelous articles and reiterates
his recommendation. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Feb. 7 |
Same subject. Reports another libelous article m the same newspaper on
Feb. 7, and other matters pertaining to the editor, Soto, who is
declared by “Cuba” to be immune from prosecution, as a
Congressman. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to request at once of the Cuban Government
immediate, active and adequate prosecution of those guilty of the
scurrilous and libelous statements against the personnel of the
Legation. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Feb. 8 |
Concession for construction of a bridge across the entrance to the
port of Habana. Summarizes the report received from the War Department,
which sets forth reasons why the bridge would be injurious to the
interests of both Governments. Instructs him to communicate the
objections to the Cuban Government. |
193 |
Same to same. |
do |
Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. Informs him of the British request
of Jan. 20, and instructs him to point out to the Cuban Government that
the seemingly well-defined attitude of Great Britain appears to require
the most serious attention of the Cuban Government to the matter. |
1749 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryce. |
do |
Same subject. Informs him of the instruction given the American
minister in pursuance of the British Ambassador’s letter of Jan.
20. |
621 |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. |
Feb. 10 |
Newspaper attack on the American Legation. Refers to his dispatch 619
and gives detailed report of the matter. Incloses copy of note sent to
the foreign office in pursuance of the instruction of Feb. 7. |
195 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré. |
Feb. 13 |
Concsesion for construction of a bridge across the entrance to the
port of Habana. Refers to department’s Feb. 8 and observes that while
the department is not now disposed to argue upon the question whether or
not the project is now legally binding on the Cuban Government, the
department finds it proper to instruct the minister to call the Cuban
Government’s attention to the apparent advantages of the plan of harbor
improvement projected by the Government Board in 1907. Further instructs
to leave the Cuban Government in doubt as to the unalterable character
of the department’s opinion that the project is inadmissibly detrimental
to the vital interests of both Governments. Discusses the Zapata
matter. |
196 |
Same to same |
Feb. 14 |
Same subject. Acknowledges the Legation’s 620 and in reply refers to
department’s Feb. 13. |
626 |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. |
Feb. 17 |
Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. Gives a resume of the whole matter
of the Caibarien-Nuevitas concession. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
Feb. 18 |
Same subject. Instructs the minister to suspend action till further
instructed, in view of a request for a hearing made by the North Coast
Company. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Newspaper attack on the American Legation. Reports delay of Cuban
Government in instituting proceedings. Recommends formulation of the
department’s views for presentation to the Cuban Government. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Feb. 20 |
Same subject. The scurrilous press is growing bolder in the belief
they have nothing to fear from this Government. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Quotes aide memoire of Feb. 20 directed by the
department to the Cuban Legation, insisting on immediate and adequate
action against the libelous newspaper. |
627 |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. |
do |
Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. Refers to department’s Feb. 8 and
reports that in view of the British minister’s request to the Cuban
Government the department’s Feb. 8 would not meet the present
situation. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryce. |
Feb. 25 |
Same subject. Refers to department’s note of Feb. 8 and of its
subsequent decision to postpone action and hear the argument of the
North Coast Company, which has caused the department to conclude that
this Government can not give preference to either company as against the
other. |
[Page XXXII]
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
1913. Feb. 26 |
Same subject. Refers to department’s Feb. 18 After hearing the North
Coast Company’s statement the department finds that the controversy is
not such as to require this Government to give preference to either
company as against the other Instructs the minister to disregard the
instruction of Feb. 8 and inform the foreign office of the latex
attitude of this Government. |
637 |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox |
Feb. 2 |
Concession for construction of a bridge across the entrance to the
port of Habana. Encloses copy o: the note sent to the foreign office in
pursuance oi department’s instruction 195. Reports an interview with the
Concessionaire Waddell. |
49 |
Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox. |
Feb. 27 |
Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. Requests reconsideration of the
department’s decision. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryce. |
Mar. 3 |
Same subject. In view of the British request the minister will be
instructed to take up the subject with the British Legation at Habana
with the aim of reaching some common understanding. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré |
do |
Same subject. Instruction m accord with the reply to the British
ambassador, of even date. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Mar. 4 |
Cuban amnesty bill. Reports final form of the bill. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Corrects above report. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
Mar. 5 |
Same subject. Instruction to say to the President of Cuba that this
Government hopes the bill will be restricted to political
offenses. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 6 |
Same subject. Reports execution of instruction of Mar. 5, but the
President of Cuba is determined to sign the bill. |
9 |
Mr. Rivero to Mr. Bryan. |
Mar. 7 |
Same subject. Explains that the bill comprises no offenses against
international law and does not affect the status of those that may be
found guilty of attacks on members of the legation of the United
States. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to say to the Cuban Government that this
Government is firmly convinced that the President of Cuba will upon
further study decide to veto the bill; reasons given. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The President of Cuba has signed the bill with full
knowledge of the department’s objections. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
Mar. 8 |
Same subject, instruction to express the serious concern of this
Government, which holds the Cuban Government fully responsible for any
resulting injuries to American citizens in violation of their
rights. |
Mr. Rivero to Mr. Bryan. |
Mar. 10 |
Same subject. Inquires what are the objections of this Government to
the bill; incloses copy. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Romero. |
Mar. 12 |
Same subject. Replies to the minister’s Mar. 10, giving reasons for
objection to the bill. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
Mar. 12 |
Same subject. Informs the American minister of the reply of the
department to the Cuban minister. |
210 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Beaupré |
Mar. 13 |
Concession for construction of a bridge across the entrance to the
port of Habana. Acknowledges the legation’s 637 and instructs to keep
the department informed. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 14 |
Newspaper attack on the American Legation. The delay of the Cuban
Government continues. Reiterates his recommendation of vigorous measures
by the department. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Mar. 14 |
Cuban amnesty bill. The President of Cuba has returned the bill to
Congress for amendment so as to cover only political offenses. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Mar. 15 |
Same subject. The House amended the bill and passed it. It now
comprises only political and electoral crimes; speeches attacking the
attitude of this Government were made during the debate. |
653 |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Caiberien-Nuevitas railway project. Reviews his conferences with the
British minister and states the points of difference of opinion between
them. |
654 |
Same to same. |
do |
Proposed arbitration of insurrectionary claims of France, Germany, and
Great Britain. Bills embodying the President’s recommendation of
arbitration have been introduced in both houses. Descriptions. |
655 |
Same to same. |
Mar. 18 |
Same subject. Gives text of the House bill, now before the
Senate. |
656 |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan. |
1913 Mar. 18 |
Newspaper attack on the American Legation. Incloses a letter from an
attorney, A. W. Kent, expressing his doubt of the possibility of
punishing those responsible for the libelous articles. The minister
suggests insisting on arrest and indictment during the recess of
Congress, as provided in the constitution. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
do |
Cuban amnesty bill, instruction not to press objections any
further. |
657 |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan |
do> |
Same subject. Elaborates his telegram of Mar. 15. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Mar. 20 |
Same subject. The Senate has rejected the House bill. |
727 |
Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Zapata swamp concession, Informs him of the transfer of the concession
to an American corporation that will at once proceed to make surveys and
begin reclamation work. |
664 |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan |
Mar. 22 |
Same subject. Incloses copy of a presidential decree reviving the
decree of June 18, 1912, by which the concession had been granted, but
with stipulated interpretation thereof in accordance with the
suggestions of the department. |
662 |
Same to same |
do |
Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. Submits his opinion that the
renewed contention of the British minister offers no fresh argument and
is taken up with legal technicalities. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Mar. 27 |
Cuban amnesty bill. Congress has adjourned. New Congress to convene on
Apr. 6. |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Proposed arbitration of insurrectionary claims of France, Germany, and
Great Britain. The Senate has approved the House bill quoted in the
minister’s Mar. 18. |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Naval station at Guantanamo. Congress adjourned without acting on the
Guantanamo matter. Will convene again Apr. 6. |
Same subject. Note relative to expiration of Guantanamo treaty, by
limitation, on June 27, 1913. |
Mr Bryce to Mr. Knox. |
Mar. 31 |
Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. Forwards a copy of the British
minister’s report (referred to by Mr. Beaupré in his Mar. 22) for the
department’s consideration. |
215 |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Beaupré. |
Apr. 4 |
Zapata swamp concession acknowledges his No. 664 of Mar. 22, and
incloses copy of a letter to the concessionaire making it clear that
this Government does not indorse the project as a commercial
enterprise. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 1 |
Cuban amnesty bill. The House has passed a new bill. Its provisions
are given. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Inquires difference between the new bill and the one
before the last Congress. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The bill differs from the old one only as stated in the
minister’s last telegram. |
223 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Beaupré. |
May 8 |
Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. It appears from Mr. Beaupré’s Mar.
22, and from Mr. Bryce’s Mar. 31 that the contentions urged by the
British Government are of a legal nature, which this Government does not
feel called on to discuss with the Cuban Government. |
Same to same (telegram). |
May 14 |
Inauguration of President Menocal. The minister is informed of the
personnel of the special mission appointed to attend the inaugural
ceremonies. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
May 15 |
Same subject. Instructs him that the legation staff is attached to the
special mission. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Mr. Gibson will meet the special mission at Key
West. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
May 17 |
Proposed arbitration of insurrectionary claims of France, Germany, and
Great Britain. Instructs to say that this Government cordially approves
the measures pending in the Cuban Congress designed to create boards for
arbitration of claims of European citizens against Cuba. |
19 |
Mr. de la Vega to Mr. Moore |
May 20 |
Inauguration of President Menocal. Notification of the inauguration of
President Menocal and Vice President Varona. |
Mr. Bell to Mr. Bryan. |
May 23 |
Same subject. The secretary of the special mission reports the order
of inaugural ceremonies; addresses by the special mission to the
retiring and the incoming Presidents and their replies; greetings of the
President of the United States and other formalities. |
[Page XXXIV]
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Bryce. |
1913. May 24 |
Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. It appears from the British
ambassador’s Mar. 31 and the American minister’s Mar. 22 that the
British contentions are of a legal nature, which this Government does
not feel called on to discuss with Cuba. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Daniels. |
May 27 |
Participation of a Cuban delegation in the dedication of the National
Maine Monument in New York City. Informs him of steps taken to receive
the Cuban delegation. |
Cuban Legation to the Department. |
May 28 |
Same subject. Memorandum of personnel of the Cuban delegation, date of
its arrival, etc. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 31 |
Proposed arbitration of insurrectionary claims of France, Germany, and
Great Britain. The Senate has passed the bill authorizing the President
to conclude an agreement to arbitrate prima facie French, German, and
British claims. |
Mr. Torriente to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
June 3 |
Participation of a Cuban delegation in the dedication of the National
Maine Monument in New York City. Expresses the gratitude of the Cuban
Government for the cordial reception of the delegation. |
22 |
Mr. de la Vega to Mr. Bryan |
June 3 |
Inauguration of President Menocal. Transmits President Menocal’s
autograph letter of May 20 to the President, announcing his
inauguration. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
June 5 |
Proposed arbitration of insurrectionary claims of France, Germany, and
Great Britain. Instruction to say to the President of Cuba that the
department’s May 17 connotes no insistence on immediate action. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
June 6 |
Same subject. The President of Cuba is pleased with the department’s
attitude as expressed in its June 5. The Cuban secretary of state has
addressed the French minister in terms in harmony with the department’s
views, promising to state his Government’s views in full at an early
date. |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Bryan. |
(Not dated.) |
Same subject. A long memorandum setting forth Cuba’s position on the
subject |
231 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Beaupré. |
June 11 |
Concession for construction of a bridge across the entrance to the
port of Habana. Instructs that the Department has not made any claim
under the Platt Amendment; states the Department’s attitude and
instructs to reiterate this Government’s objections in case the bridge
project should come up again. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
June 16 |
Newspaper attack on the American Legation. The editor, Soto,
responsible for the libelous articles, has made public retraction of his
charges. The Minister requests that he be instructed not to press the
matter further. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). |
June 19 |
Same subject. In view of the Minister’s telegram of June 16, he is
instructed not to press the matter further at present. |
238 |
Same to same |
do |
Participation of a Cuban delegation in the dedication of the National
Maine Monument in New York City. Incloses the Department’s reply to Mr.
Torriente’s letter, with instruction to deliver it. |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
June 23 |
Concession for construction of a bridge across the entrance to the
port of Habana. The President of Cuba will soon recommend to Congress
the repeal of the law granting the concession. |
239 |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Beaupré |
do |
Inauguration of President Menocal. Incloses the President’s autograph
letter of June 18 acknowledging that of President Menocal of May 20,
transmitted on June 3. |
719 |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan |
June 27 |
Newspaper attack on the American Legation. Incloses copy of “Cuba”
printing retraction of its charges. |
722 |
Mr. Gibson to Mr. Bryan. |
June 30 |
Participation of a Cuban delegation in the dedication of the National
Maine Monument in New York City. Acknowledges the Department’s 238 and
reports delivery of the inclosure. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Romero. |
July 12 |
Proposed arbitration of insurrectionary claims of France, Germany, and
Great Britain. Reply to the undated memorandum of the Cuban
Minister. |
Mr. Sanguily to the European ministers. |
Aug. 18 |
Same subject. A long note setting forth the position of the Cuban
Government. |
Mr. Gonzales to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Nov. 19 |
Cuban amnesty bill. A compromise measure has been reported by a joint
committee. Provisions given. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Gonzales (telegram). |
Nov. 21 |
Same subject. Instruction to reiterate this Government’s objections,
as the bill appears to have the same scope as the preceding one. |
[Page XXXV]
43 |
Mr. Gonzales to Mr. Bryan. |
1913. Nov. 25 |
Same subject. Incloses text of pending bill, which will probably not
be enacted. |
21 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Gonzales. |
Dec. 1 |
Concession for construction of a bridge across the entrance to the
port of Habana. Instructs him to withdraw this Government’s objection to
the project, in views of the changes that have been made in the bridge
plans. |
25 |
Same to same |
Dec. 8 |
Newspaper attack on the American Legation. Transmits correspondence
with the American Legation at Madrid showing the Spanish law relating to
immunity of Congressmen. Instructs to invite the Cuban Government’s
attention thereto when occasion offers. |
Mr. Gonzales to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Dec. 18 |
Cuban amnesty bill. The President of Cuba has vetoed the bill. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Dec. 20 |
Same subject. Gives the President’s reasons for his veto |
52 |
Same to same |
Dec. 22 |
Concession for construction of a bridge across the entrance to the
port of Habana. In reply to the Legation’s note embodying the
instruction of Dec. 1, the Cuban Government says that it will
nevertheless allow the annulment of the concession to stand. |
No. |
From and to whom. |
Date. |
Subject. |
Page. |
Mr. Russell to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
1912. Sept. 27 |
Financial affairs. The Dominican Government has applied to the
National Bank of Santo Domingo for a loan, subject to approval by the
United States. |
Mr. Oliver to Mr. Knox |
Dec. 11 |
Same subject. Informs him of report from the Deputy Receiver General
of Dominican customs of the terms of a bill introduced in the Dominican
Congress authorizing a loan of $1,500,000. |
Mr. Russell to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Dec. 16 |
Same subject. Reports enactment of the loan bill, and views of the
Dominican President as to the limitations of approval by the United
States. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Russell (telegram). |
Dec. 18 |
Same subject. Instruction to inform the Dominican President of this
Government’s approval in principle of making the loan and its
authorization of preliminary advances not exceeding $300,000, etc. This
Government can not, however, approve the contract until it has examined
it in full, nor approve advances to a government it has not recognized.
Instructs to send details of the contract. |
Mr. Russell to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Dominican Government inquires whether or not the
public works bonds could be used as security. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Russell (telegram). |
Dec. 24 |
Same subject. Legal objections prevent diversion of public works funds
to the contemplated loan. This loan can probably be effected with local
bankers. |
Mr. Russell to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Dec. 28 |
Same subject. Local bankers not interested in proposed loan at the
required rate of interest. The Royal Bank of Canada makes a proposal.
Suggestions by the minister as to certain stipulations. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Russell (telegram). |
Dec. 31 |
Same subject. The Department hopes to cable soon a form of contract
now in preparation. |
Gen. McIntyre to Mr. Knox. |
1913. Jan. 4 |
Same subject. Approves form of contract between the Dominican Republic
and the National City Bank of New York; text given. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Russell (telegram). |
Jan. 7 |
Same subject. Transmits contract form approved by Gen. Mclntyre. By
transmitting it the Department does not indicate that it should be given
preference. Instruction so to inform the Dominican Government. |
Mr. Russell to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Jan. 15 |
Political affairs. The Dominican President, Archbishop Nouel,
expresses himself as despondent over the probability of his success in
attempting to secure good government unless the United States take an
active part in controlling elections, and requests the minister to
obtain from the department a statement for publication in regard to the
necessity for such a step if the disorders of the past tend to recur, as
now seems likely. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Russell (telegram). |
Jan. 22 |
Same subject. Makes statement requested by the Dominican President.
Instructs the minister in connection therewith. |
[Page XXXVI]
Mr. Russell to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
1913. Jan. 22 |
Financial affairs. The National City Bank’s proposal has been accepted
on the same terms as transmitted by the Department Jan. 7, except 97£
instead of96i. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Jan. 24 |
Political affairs. Quotes response of the Dominican President to the
statement made by the Department |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Russell (telegram). |
Jan. 30 |
Financial affairs. The National Bank of Santo Domingo offers
objections to the National City Bank of New York contract, which will be
studied and settled as soon as possible. |
Mr. Peynado to Mr. Knox. |
Jan. 31 |
Arbitration of the boundary dispute with Haiti. Incloses draft
protocol proposing to Haiti contractually to accept the provisional line
adopted Sept. 24, 1912, by the United States, pending arbitral decision.
The minister asserts, however, that such provisional acceptance does not
imply renunciation of claims previously |
Mr. Jarvis to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 7 |
Financial affairs. The chairman of the National Bank of Santo Domingo
sets forth the objections of the bank to the proposed contract with the
National City Bank of New York. |
Mr. Oliver to Mr. Knox |
Feb. 10 |
Arbitration of the boundary dispute with Haiti. Informs him of the War
Department’s opinion concerning the boundary line, based on the Moya
map. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Peynado. |
Feb. 11 |
Same subject. Acknowledges his Jan. 31, 1913. |
Mr. Russell to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
The American minister as an arbitrator of a French claim. The minister
requests permission to act as one of three arbitrators of a claim for
damages preferred against the Dominican Government by a French
citizen |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Jarvis (telegram). |
Feb. 12 |
Financial affairs. Reply to the foregoing. This Government finds no
ground justifying it in interfering in the matter of awarding the
contract, as both proposals seem within the legal requirements. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Russell (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instructions regarding details of information required
by the Department. |
Mr. Russell to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 13 |
Same subject. Transmits text of proposed contract clauses that do not
appear in the form sent by the department. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Russell (telegram). |
Feb. 14 |
The American minister as an arbitrator of a French claim. The
department permits him so to act, if he is disposed to do so without
compensation. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Feb. 18 |
Financial affairs. Urges haste in approval of loan contract. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Russell (telegram). |
Feb. 19 |
Same subject. Instruction that department consents to certain
advances; informs him of reply of department to National Bank of Santo
Domingo. Inquires as to meaning of legation’s Feb. 13. Instructs to
cable text of preamble. |
Mr. Russell to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 21 |
Same subject. The Dominican Government has ratified the contract with
the National City Bank of New York. Transmits text of preamble. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Feb. 23 |
Same subject. The loan contract was signed Feb. 22 and awaits the
minister’s endorsement. Asks for instructions. |
Same to same |
Feb. 24 |
Same subject. Same purport as the preceding |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Russell (telegram). |
Feb. 26 |
Same subject. Refers to the minister’s Feb. 23 and suggests an
alteration in the contract. Refers to his Feb. 21 and Feb. 24, and
instructs the minister as to the procedure and wording to be followed in
approving the contract. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Feb. 27 |
Same subject. Quotes certain modifications to be made in the loan
notes. Instructs to proceed as instructed Feb. 26, after modifications
have been made. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Peynardo |
do |
Arbitration of boundary dispute with Haiti. Informs him of the War
Department’s opinion in regard to the boundary line. |
Mr. Russell to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 28 |
Political affairs. Reports convening of Congress and presentation of
the President’s message. |
Mr. Curtis to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 6 |
Financial affairs. Reports exchange of notes in relation to the loan
contract on Mar. 1. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Garrison. |
Mar. 10 |
Same subject. Informs the Secretary of War of the conclusion of the
loan contract and requests that the receiver general of Dominican
customs be notified. |
Mr. Curtis to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 14 |
Political affairs President Nouel will resign at an early date.
Requests the presence of at least 1 gunboat. |
Mr. Russell to Mr. Bryan |
1913. Mar. 15 |
Message of President Nouel to Congress. Transmits the message of
Provisional President Nouel to the Congress. Feb. 27. 1913. |
Mr. Curtis to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 19 |
Political affairs. A second gunboat is desirable at an early date in
view of possible revolution upon the resignation of the
President. |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Curtis (telegram). |
Mar. 20 |
Same subject. Instruction to deliver to the Dominican President the
message, quoted, from the President, urging him not to resign. |
Mr. Curtis to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 24 |
Same subject. Reports delivery of the President’s message to the
Dominican President. The Dominican Government urges the presence of a
large American war ship. |
Archbishop Nouel to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
Mar. 24 |
Same subject. Acknowledges with thanks the President’s communication,
but ill health demands the Dominican President’s resignation. |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Curtis (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Algonquin will proceed to
Dominican waters to. establish radio communication with the Wheeling.
Mr. Curtis to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 26 |
Same subject. Algonquin has established radio
communication with the Wheeling. The consul at
Puerto Plata has been requested to inform the commander of the Algonquin in case telegraph line across the
island is cut. |
513 |
Mr. Ménos to Mr. Doyle |
Mar. 28 |
Arbitration of boundary dispute with Haiti. Incloses draft protocol
addressed Mar. 28, 1913, to the Dominican plenipotentiary. |
Mr. Curtis to Mr. Bryan (telegram) |
Mar. 31 |
Political affairs. President Nouel resigned today. |
Mr. Hathaway to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 1 |
Same subject. Reports evidence of revolutionary preparations. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Apr. 6 |
Same subject. General Bordas was chosen Dominican President by the
Senate at first reading. Apr. 5. |
Mr. Curtis to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 7 |
Same subject. Report revolutionary acts |
Same to same (telegram) |
Apr. 9 |
Same subject. Bordas chosen by Senate on second reading. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Apr. 11 |
Same subject. Bordas chosen by Senate at third reading. Rejected by
House. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Apr. 12 |
Same subject. Bordas chosen by House on second and third
readings. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Apr. 14 |
Same subject. President Bordas inaugurated today |
Mr. Peynado to Mr. Bryan |
June 6 |
Same subject. Encloses autograph letter of President Bordas to the
President, announcing his inauguration. |
Mr. Cernuda to Mr. Bryan. |
July 1 |
Arbitration of boundary dispute with Haiti. Sends him copies of a map
recently published by order of the Dominican Government showing the
provisional boundary line adopted by the United States Sept. 24.
1912. |
147 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Curtis |
July 8 |
Political affairs. Encloses letter from the President to President
Bordas acknowledging his autograph letter. |
Mr. Curtis to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Sept. 2 |
Same subject. Governor Céspedes at Puerto Plata has organized a
separate government with himself as president. Government troops are
marching against him |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hathaway (telegram). |
Sept. 4 |
Same subject. Instruction to cooperate with Commander Long of the Des Moines to protect life and property during
Puerto Plata revolution. |
Mr. Esteva to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Governor Céspedes has issued a manifesto declaring
Puerto Plata severed from the central Government. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Curtis (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to communicate to revolutionists the
profound displeasure of the United States. |
Mr. Esteva to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Sept. 6 |
Same subject. Dominican gunboats are shelling Puerto Plata. |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Hathaway (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Seminole may call at Puerto Plata, having sailed
before announcement of the closure of that port. Instruction regard
thereto. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Sullivan. |
Sept. 9 |
Same subject. Instructions to the new American minister. |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Hathaway (telegram). |
Sept. 10 |
Same subject. Instruction in regard to Puerto Plata conditions. |
Mr. Esteva to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Sept. 12 |
same subject. department’s instruction to Mr. Hathaway has been
complied with. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Holaday (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to the consul at Santiago de Cuba to deliver
to Mr. Sullivan certain quoted instructions in regard to the Puerto
Plata revolutionists. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
1913. Sept. 16 |
Same subject. Reports his measures while at Monte Cristi. |
Mr. Esteva to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports engagements at Navarrete and Las Lagunas. |
Mr. Peynado to Mr. Bryan. |
Sept. 18 |
Same subject. Notifies him of the closure of the ports of Puerto
Plata, Samaná, and Sanchez on Sept. 4. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Sept. 19 |
Same subject. The minister and Commander Long have conferred with the
revolutionists and induced them to abandon resort to violence on the
promise of no reprisals; Cespedes to remain governor; an honest ballot
and free election. |
Mr. Peynado to Mr. Bryan. |
Sept 20 |
Same subject. Explanation in regard to the blockade involving the
Seminole. |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. Same purport. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Sept. 22 |
Same subject. The Dominican Government consents to parley with
revolutionists on the bases reported in the minister’s Sept. 19. Remarks
regarding the blockade. |
(Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Requests authority to insist on opening of all ports on
account of closure’s effect on customs receipts. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Sullivan (telegram). |
Sept. 25 |
Same subject. The department believes the blockade should be
preserved; reasons given. Objects to the feature of agreement with
revolutionists retaining Cespedes as governor. Advises change of
military commanders at certain points; instructs to insist on no
reprisals, and full guaranties to revolutionists. |
81 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Peynado |
Sept. 26 |
Same subject. This Government will respect the blockade of Puerto
Plata, Sanchez, and Samaná, and will assist in preserving it. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Sept. 27 |
Same subject. Revolutionists accede to agreement amended to supplant
Governor Cespedes. |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Sullivan (telegram). |
Sept. 30 |
Same subject. The department suggests a written agreement with the
revolutionists, witnessed by representative of this Government. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Oct. 2 |
Same subject. Reports delivery to both contending parties of the basis
suggested for an agreement. Inquiries whether or not the agreement may
be regarded as a treaty. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Sullivan (telegram). |
1 Oct. 4 |
Same subject. The agreement should not be construed as a treaty.
Further instructions. Approval of course taken by the minister. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Oct. 6 |
Same subject. The revolutionists yield, and will rely on the American
promise to insist on free elections. Gives further details. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Sullivan (telegram). |
Oct. 8 |
Same subject. The department assumes immediate delivery of arms by the
revolutionists. Requests full statement of terms of agreement. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Oct. 10 |
Same subject. The revolutionists repudiate the agreement negotiated by
their fully empowered representatives. The minister requests instruction
to take the most drastic measures. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Oct. 10, 7 p.m. |
Same subject. Gives terms of the agreement. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Sullivan (telegram). |
Oct. 13 |
Same subject. Instructs to insist on resort to constitutional methods
and to let the revolutionists know that this Government will exert its
full power against them. |
Mr. Peynado to Mr. Bryan |
Oct. 15 |
Same subject. The blockade and closure of the ports of Samaná and
Sánchez has been ended. |
Mr. Hathaway to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Oct. 16 |
Same subject. The revolutionists have accepted and signed the peace
agreement. |
Mr. Peynado to Mr. Bryan. |
Oct. 25 |
Same subject. The blockade and closure of the port of Puertoplata has
been ended. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Nov. 13 |
Same subject. The situation has become tense because of the
approaching elections. Suggests retention of the vessels. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Sullivan (telegram). |
Nov. 21 |
Same subject. Instruction to cable his views as to method of procedure
in regard to the elections. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Nov. 22 |
Same subject. Gives his suggestions as to method of procedure of this
Government in regard to the elections. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Sullivan (telegram). |
Nov. 24 7 p.m. |
Same subject. Instruction to submit to the Dominican Government the
department’s suggestions in relation to conduct of elections; text
given. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Nov. 24, 8 p.m. |
Same subject. The Nashville will return to
Dominican waters about Dec. 10, in time for elections. |
J Same to same (telegram) |
Nov. 28 |
Same subject. Inquires the Minister’s views in regard to certain
details of this Government’s plan for observing the elections. i |
[Page XXXIX]
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
1913. Nov.30 |
Same subject. Reply to the foregoing. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Sullivan (telegram). |
Dec. 2 |
Same subject. The Minister’s suggestion of non-interfering observation
of elections is approved. Three representatives of the department for
this purpose will be sent from Washington. Further preparations
described. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Dec. 2, noon. |
Same subject. The Dominican Government has arrested certain leaders of
the opposition. The Minister urges immediate sending of additional
vessel. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Dec. 2, 10 p.m. |
Same subject. Reports armed conflict between the authorities and the
opposition. Recommends warning that the revenues will be shut off if
coercive measures are. used to carry the election. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Dec. 3 |
1 Same subject. Department’s Dec. 2, has had a good effect. Requests
about 30 agents to observe the elections in the several
precincts. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Dec. 4 |
Same subject. Reports an orderly opposition mass meeting without
Government interference. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Sullivan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Further instructions m regard to method of procedure in
observing the elections. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Dec. 5 |
Same subject. Reports decision of the Dominican Government arrived at
after a cabinet meeting; gives attitude of the Government toward the
department’s plan of observation of elections; it will not officially
recognize the American observes. |
Mr. Bryan to Messrs. Gibson, Sterling and Stabler. |
Dec. 6 |
Same subject. Instruction to proceed to Santo Domingo and place
themselves under the direction of the minister. |
Mr. Peynado to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Informs the department of his Government’s objection to
the presence of American observers. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Dec. 7 |
Same subject. The Dominican Government’s attempt to create popular
hostility to the American observers has failed. Requests permission to
publish certain of the department’s telegrams. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Sullivan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to inform President Bordas of the unofficial
character of the observers and the reasons of this Government for
sending them. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Peynado |
Dec. 8 |
Same subject. Reply to his Dec. 6. |
Mr. Peynado to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Reiterates his statement of Dec. 6 and adds further
reasons for resenting the attitude of this Government. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Peynado |
Dec. 9 |
Same subject. Reply to the foregoing. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject The Dominican Government raises no objection to the
presence of the American observers though not in favor of it. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Sullivan (telegram). |
Dec. 10 |
Same subject. Instructs him to take charge of the department’s
representatives who will observe the elections. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Dec. 13 |
Same subject. The agents have departed for their posts; the three
delegates of the department will remain at Santo Domingo. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Dec 15 |
Same subject. The agents before their departure, and the delegates,
were courteously received by the President. The first day’s polling
apparently peaceful. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Dec. 16 |
Same subject. Government coercive action has resulted at Santo Domingo
in friction and refusal of opposition to vote. Elsewhere returns
indicate orderly elections. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Dec. 17 |
Same subject. To cure friction caused by Government’s arrest at Santo
Domingo of opposition leaders, the Minister has prevailed on President
Bordas to take certain steps to prevent disorder and secure full popular
expression at the polls. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Sullivan (telegram). |
Dec. 18 |
Same subject. Instruction to urge Dominican Government to avoid
criticism by calling special elections in all disaffected
precincts. |
Mr. Sullivan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. In harmony with the Minister’s request, President Bordas
will call a special session of Congress Jan. 4, 1914, to consider
election contests. Recommends immediate consideration of the Dominican
financial situation. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Dec. 19 |
Same subject. The department’s delegates sail to-day. |
Messrs. Gibson, Sterling and Stabler to Mr. Bryan. |
Dec. 20 |
Same subject. Report of their action as observers of the elections,
and of Dominican conditions. |
[Page XL]
40 |
Mr Sullivan to Mr. Bryan |
1913. Dec. 23 |
Same subject. Report on elections, including report of the chief of
the 29 agents. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Dec. 28 |
Same subject. Federico Velásquez arrested as participant in a plot to
overthrow the Government. The Minister has asked that he be tried. The
country is tranquil, but financial affairs are in bad condition. |
No. |
From and to whom. |
Date. |
Subject. |
Page. |
Mr. Adams to Mr. Knox. |
1911. Sept. 12 |
Colorado River protective works. States that work is to be resumed and
asks that renewal of permit be obtained from the Mexican
Government. |
551 |
Mr. H. Wilson to Mr. H. L. Wilson. |
Sept. 19 |
Same subject. Instructs to request that the Mexican Government issue
appropriate orders to its officials so that the work may be
resumed. |
427 |
Mexican Embassy to Department of State. |
Oct. 3 |
Chamizal controversy. Requests this Government to prevent the Pearson
firm from establishing industrial plants in the Chamizal zone, in order
to maintain the status quo. |
1004 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox. |
Oct. 9 |
Colorado River. Incloses copy of a note from the Mexican Foreign
Office stating that application for a permit to resume work should be
made by the Colorado River Land Co. to the Department of Fomento. |
510 |
Mr. Crespo to Mr. Knox |
Oct. 12 |
Chamizal controversy. Acknowledges Department’s Oct. 6, 1911. |
Department of State to Mexican Embassy. |
Oct. 18 |
Same subject. Replies to the Embassy’s Oct. 3 and asks in what respect
the occupancy of a lot in the Chamizal zone by the Pearson firm is held
to violate the status quo; draws attention to certain previous
correspondence and to article 8 of the arbitration convention. |
Mr. Thompson to Mr. Fisher (telegram). |
Nov. 24 |
Colorado River. Reports that the Minister of Fomento has issued orders
to permit resumption of the work. |
671 |
Mr. H. Wilson to Mr. H. L. Wilson. |
Dec. 11 |
Chamizal controversy. Incloses the Mexican Embassy’s Oct. 12 and
Department’s Oct. 18; instructs him to make such oral and informal
representations as may appear appropriate. |
Mr. Keblinger to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Dec. 14 |
Same subject. Explains the legal circumstances making proper the
Pearson firm’s occupancy of land in the Chamizal zone. |
Mr. Crespo to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Dec. 15 |
Same subject. Requests the Department’s good offices to prevent the
eviction of certain occupants of the Chamizal zone in violation of the
status quo. |
Department of State to Mexican Embassy. |
Dec. 16 |
Same subject. Emphasizes the importance of expediting the arrival at
an understanding between the two Governments regarding the Chamizal
case. |
777 |
Mr. Crespo to Mr. Knox |
do |
Same subject. Urges the necessity of restoring to possession the
Mexicans evicted from the Chamizal zone in violation of the status
quo. |
[Page LV]
Mr Keblinger to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
1911. Dec. 18 |
Same subject. Refers to his own telegram of Dec. 14; declares there
were no forcible evictions and no violation of the status quo. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Keblinger (telegram). |
Dec. 20. |
Same subject. Instruction to communicate to the Mexican Commissioner,
Puga, his Dec. 14 and 18. |
90 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Crespo. |
Dec. 22 |
Same subject. Refers to his Oct. 3 and Dec. 15, and Department’s Oct.
18; explains at length the relation to the status quo of the alleged
evictions and the occupancy by the Pearson firm. The acts complained of
violate no phase of the status quo. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
1912. Jan. 26 |
Colorado River. Instructs to make representations to the Mexican
Government to the end that a bill may be introduced into Congress
relieving the Colorado River Land Co. of import duties for material,
food, clothing, etc., used in connection with the levee works. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Jan. 30 |
Same subject. The Secretary of Fomento has given assurances that a
bill for the remission of duties on material used on the levee works
will be introduced into Congress when it reassembles. |
959 |
Mr. Crespo to Mr. Knox. |
Jan. 30 |
Chamizal controversy. Acknowledges that the department’s No. 90 of
Dec. 22 explains satisfactorily the matters complained of in the
Embassy’s Oct. 3 and Dec. 15. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Keblinger. |
Feb. 7 |
Same subject. Incloses the Mexican Embassy’s Jan. 30. |
Mr. Fisher to Mr. Knox. |
Feb. 10 |
Colorado River. Suggests that negotiations be opened with the
Government of Mexico for the creation of an international commission to
investigate and report as to the proper method of utilizing the waters
of the lower Colorado River. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Fisher. |
Feb. 19 |
Same subject. Discusses Mr. Fisher’s letter of the 10th inst., and
requests further information. |
1122 |
Mr. Crespo to Mr. Knox. |
Mar. 9 |
Chamizal controversy. Refers to the Department’s Dec. 16, 1911, and
gives his Government’s reasons for considering the Chamizal case to have
been finally decided by the arbitral tribunal; it will however, listen
to any proposal of the United States provided that neither the validity
of the arbitral award nor the possibility of determining scientifically
the site of the river bed in 1864. |
1309 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox. |
Mar. 12 |
Same subject Refers to Department’s No. 671 of Dec. 11, 1911. The
President of Mexico understands that the conclusions of the
International Boundary Commission were partially unsatisfactory to both
countries, but that if they should be reconsidered other boundary
questions should be included in the discussion. |
Mr. Fisher to Mr. Knox. |
Mar. 18 |
Colorado River. Gives further details m regard to the proposed
Colorado River Commission. |
775 |
Mr. H. Wilson to Mr. H. L. Wilson. |
Mar. 21 |
Same subject. Incloses copies of correspondence with the Secretary of
the Interior concerning negotiations for the creation of an
international commission to consider the equitable distribution of the
waters of the Colorado River and instructs to take up the matter with
the Government of Mexico. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Mar. 26 |
Chamizal controversy. Refers to his No. 1309 of Mar. 12; instructs to
express to the President of Mexico the Department’s gratification at the
disposition of Mexico to reach a practical solution of the Chamizal
question, and to state the Department’s understanding of the Mexican
attitude and its hope for an early resumption of negotiations at
Washington. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Crespo. |
Mar. 30 |
Same subject. Refers to the Embassy’s Mar. 9, which the Department
understands to mean that the two Governments will seek a solution upon a
basis of mutual advantage, without prejudice to the position of either
government in respect to the two matters mentioned by the Embassy. Urges
prompt resumption of negotiations. |
783 |
Mr. H. Wilson to Mr. H. L Wilson. |
do |
Same subject. Refers to No. 1309 of Mar. 12, and Department’s Mar. 26;
incloses copy of the Mexican Ambassador’s note of Mar. 9. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Apr. 1 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Mar. 26, and reports that Mr.
Calero will go to Washington with full instructions and immediately take
up the Chamizal discussion. |
[Page LVI]
1379 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox. |
1912. Apr. 27 |
Colorado River. Transmits copy of a note from the Foreign Office,
which suggests that the International Water Boundary Commission be
enlarged for the purpose of making the investigation concerning the
distribution of the waters of the Colorado River. |
1475 |
Mr. De la Cueva to Mr. Wilson. |
May 9 |
Chamizal controversy. Informs the Department that Mr. Calero, the new
ambassador, holds the instructions and powers enabling him to take
charge of the negotiations relative to final settlement of the Chamizal
case. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
May 22 |
Colorado River. Department is informed that new concession has been
requested of the Mexican Government concerning the Imperial canal system
located in Mexico; urges necessity that this matter remain in statu quo
until the whole question is settled. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
May 23 |
Same subject. The Minister for Foreign Affairs approves letting
Colorado River question remain m statu quo. |
Same to same (telegram). |
June 5 |
Same subject The Minister of Fomento states that no requests for new
concessions relating to the Imperial canal system have been
received. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Calero. |
June 6 |
Chamizal controversy. Refers to Mr. De la Cueva’s note of May 9, of
which due note has been taken. |
June 14 |
Colorado River. Message of the President concerning further
appropriations and works on the Colorado River. |
884 |
Mr. H. Wilson to Mr. H. L Wilson. |
July 1 |
Chamizal controversy. Incloses copy of tentative bases for a
convention for settlement of the Chamizal case and other related
questions; the original was handed to the Second Secretary of the
Mexican Embassy on June 28. |
974 |
Same to same |
Sept. 10 |
Colorado River. Incloses draft of a convention providing for the
creation of a commission to study the bases of distribution of the
waters of the Colorado River. |
1690 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox. |
Sept. 26 |
Same subject. Department’s No. 974 has been communicated to the
Mexican Government and that Government will .give the subject early
attention. |
1780 |
Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Knox |
Nov. 20 |
Same subject. Incloses copy of note from the Foreign Office
transmitting the counter draft of the Government of Mexico of the
convention for the creation of a Colorado River Commission. |
Mr. Knox to the American consular officers in Mex. |
Nov. 25. |
Protection of American life and property in Mexico. Instruction to
submit a comprehensive report of all cases of violation of the rights of
Americans in Mexico from October, 1910, including murders, hardships,
annoyances, and loss of property, and a general statement of the living
conditions imposed on and the nature of Mexican measures for the
protection of Americans. To this are appended minutes directions
covering these points. |
1834 |
Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Knox. |
Dec. 30 |
Revolutionary claims. Incloses note from Mexican Foreign Office to the
British Minister distinguishing between the merits of claims arising out
of the revolution of 1910 and subsequent ones |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
1913. Jan. 7 |
Same subject. Refers to the Embassy’s Dec. 28, 1912. The Department
objects to presenting claims en masse at the present time preferring
individual treatment of claims cases pending a general settlement at
some future time. Comments on the attitude of the Mexican Minister for
Foreign Relations. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Reports a critical situation. |
1845 |
Same to same (telegram). |
Jan. 8 |
Revolutionary claims. Observations on the claims 924 policy of the
Department, in which the Ambassador believes he finds
inconsistencies. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Jan. 9 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Jan. 7. Repeats his adherences to
the policy of treating claims en masse instead of individually. Replies
to Department’s comments on the Minister for Foreign Affairs. |
1166 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson |
do |
Same subject. Supplements instruction of Jan, 7, Incloses memoranda of
two interviews with Mr. Lascurain, Mexican Minister for Foreign Affairs,
at Washington, containing statements of policy as presented to him, with
his comments. |
[Page LVII]
1168 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson. |
1913 Jan. 10 |
Revolutionary claims. Refers to Mr. Schuvler’s No. 1834 of Dec. 30,
1912. Instruction to learn the meaning of the British Minister’s
distinction between the revolution of 1910 and the present disturbances
in relation to claims; and to report his own understanding of this
point. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Jan. 11 |
Political affairs. Francisco Villa, former Federal leader, is at El
Paso. |
Mr. Canada to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Jan. 14 |
Same subject. Reports information that the Government plans sham
uprising at Vera Cruz to afford opportunity to kill Felix Diaz et al.
Asks instructions. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The dangerous situation at Acapulco indicates needs for
war vessels. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. U. S. S. Denver will proceed at
once to Acapulco. Instruction so to inform the Government. |
1170 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson. |
Jan. 14 |
Chamizal controversy. Refers to department’s July 1, No. 884; states
the substance of a conference between the Secretary of State and the
Mexican minister for foreign affairs, Mr. Lascurain, regarding the bases
for settlement of the Chamizal case, at which Mr. Lascurain promised
that no further delays would be permitted. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Jan. 16 |
Political affairs. Refers to Mr. Canada’s telegram of Jan. 14.
Instructs to point out to the Government the evil effect of such rumors
and to inform department as to advisability of a war vessel at Vera’
Cruz. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Jan. 17 |
Same subject. Will act soon on the instruction of Jan. 16, and has
instructed Mr. Canada to inform the department as to war vessel at Vera
Cruz. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox. |
Jan. 18 |
Protection of American life and property in Mexico. Submits a draft
note to the Mexican Government in compliance with the instruction of
Jan. 11, 1 p.m. Explains its relation to the note of Sept. 15,
1912. |
1194 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson. |
Jan. 25 |
Revolutionary claims. Refers to his No. 1845 of Jan. 8; explains at
length the department’s policy as to claims. |
The Mexican Embassy to the Department of State. |
Jan. 27 |
Chamizal controversy. Memorandum of fundamental ideas out of which to
evolve the bases for the settlement of the Chamizal Question. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Jan. 30 |
Same subject. States that he is informed by the Mexican Government
that the Chamizal matter will be taken up through the Mexican Embassy
and can be disregarded at Mexico City. |
Same to same |
do |
Revolutionary claims. Reports interview with the minister for foreign
affairs on claims; mentions the minister’s statements about the
Tlahualilo, Colorado River. Alamo, and Chamizal cases. |
Mr. Hilles to Mr. Knox. |
do |
Political affairs. Incloses telegram from the Government of Texas to
the President requesting that steps be taken to prevent firing into El
Paso in case of battle at Juarez. |
Editor’s note |
Tlahualilo case. Review of the controversy between this and the
British Governments, cooperating, and Mexico, over the claims of the
Tlahualilo Company against Mexico; the review covers the period from the
organization of the company in 1885 to the end of 1912. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Jan. 30 |
Same subject, Mexico will refuse arbitration, but expects to arrange
an amicable settlement with the company. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Colquitt (telegram). |
Jan. 31 |
Political affairs. Replies to the inclosure in the foregoing. The War
Department has been requested to renew to the general in command at El
Paso instructions to notify both the contending Mexican forces at Juarez
that there must be no firing that would result in passage of bullets
across the boundary. The War Department has sent the instructions and
the Mexican Government has also been notified. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox. |
Feb. 4 |
Same subject. Description of the desperate conditions prevailing in
Mexico. |
Same to same |
do |
Revolutionary claims. The Ambassador doubts the sincerity of the
Mexican Government regarding the wrongs complained of in this
Government’s note of Sept, 15, 1912. |
[Page LVIII]
1888 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox. |
1913. Feb. 5 |
Same subject. Refers to department’s No. 1168 of Jan. 10; incloses
correspondence with the British minister regarding the distinction, in
relation to claims, between the revolution of 1910, and subsequent
disturbances. |
1215 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson. |
Feb. 8 |
Colorado River. Incloses amended draft convention, with full comment
thereon. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 9 |
Political affairs. The revolt against the Government has begun.
Détails. Government has begun. Details. |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Felix Diaz has asked the Ambassador to urge President
Madero to resign. The Diplomatic Corps demand of Madero and of Diaz
adequate protection for foreigners. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Meyer. |
Feb. 10 |
Same subject. Requests the Secretary of the Navy to dispatch a
battleship to Vera Cruz and one to Tampico; to send some vessel to
Mazatlan and retain at Acapulco the one now there. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Requests specific statement of his opinion as to the
obligations of this Government at this juncture. Approves his course as
reported Feb. 9. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. General Huerta, wnose loyalty is questioned, is in
charge of the palace. The President and cabinet have fled, whereabouts
unknown. Most local authorities have revolted to Diaz. The Ambassador
and colleagues are organizing a foreign guard to protect foreign lives
and property. Urges sending war vessels and making border
defense. |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Replies to department’s Feb. 10. War vessels should be
sent to both coasts with marines; activity should be displayed on the
boundary. Can not indicate what measures to take as to Mexico City, so
far inland. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Quotes statement given to the press. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 11 |
Same subject. Public opinion is with Diaz. Every precaution taken for
safety of the American colony. |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The firing seems in violation of the rules of civilized
warfare. The consulate general has become uninhabitable. |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Felix Diaz informally notifies the Ambassador that he
will expect immediate recognition by the United States if successful in
battle to-day. |
Mr. Knox to certain consular officers (telegram ). |
do |
Same subject. Quotes statement given to the press. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Canada (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Quotes statement given to the press. Instruction to be
prepared to maintain communication with Mexico City. The U. S. S.
Virginia will arrive Vera Cruz about Feb. 15. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson. |
do |
Same subject. Information as to war vessels. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Requests firm, drastic instructions, even of a menacing
character, in the belief that, thus armed, he might cause a cessation of
hostilities. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. MacVeagh (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Requests instruction to customs officials withhold
shipments of arms or munitions of war to Mexico, whether already
excepted by the President or not, until further notice. |
Mr. Colquitt to Mr. Taft (telegram). |
Feb. 12 |
Same subject. The Governor of Texas urges immediate
intervention. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Colquitt (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to the foregoing |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Describes his efforts to care for Americans and others
seeking embassy’s protection. Requests instructions. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Replies to the ambassador’s Feb. 11, 6 p.m. To instruct
the embassy as requested might precipitate intervention, which should
not be considered except as a last resort, being at present dangerous to
Americans in Mexico. Other observations. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Relates a call on the President at which he protested
against the conditions of the fighting and a subsequent interview with
Diaz to the same effect. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to the Ambassador’s Feb. 11, noon; authorizes
drawing $10,000 for protection of Americans Other instructions. |
[Page LIX]
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
1913. Feb. 12 |
Protection of American life and property in Mexico. Requests
instructions in view of the difficulty of caring for the large number of
American refugees at the embassy. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson. |
do |
Same subject. Instruction m reply to the embassy’s Feb. 12, regarding
refugees. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the united States. The
Ambassador has protested against firing endangering the American colony,
and instructed consuls to extend protection to German subjects. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
Feb. 13 |
Same subject. Instruction, in reply to his Feb. 12, to give protection
to all foreigners and not confine it to those of one nationality. So
instruct consuls. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 14 |
Political affairs. Requests instructions as to what authority he may
exercise over ships and marines. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Relates an interview with Mr. Lascurain at which he
suggested an armistice and convocation of the Senate. |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Diaz renews request for recognition of his belligerency
by the United States. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction in regard to course to pursue in case of
firing dangerous to Americans, with suggestion for him and other
Americans to withdraw out of range. Where danger to foreigners including
diplomatic representatives is incidental to warfare and escape by
withdrawal is possible, convenience and dignity can not always be
interposed to affect the fighting. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports preparations for a consultation with his
British, German, French, and Spanish colleagues. |
Same to same (telegram). |
Feb. 15 |
Same subject. He has declined the Government’s offer of a residence at
Tacubaya for the embassy: its removal would be a calamity to the entire
American colony. Removal of Americans to a safer place impossible, as
there is none. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The dispatch of vessels to Mexican waters is solely for
observation purposes and indicates no change of policy. It is therefore
inadvisable to instruct the embassy as it requests in its Feb.
14. |
260 |
Mr. de la Cueva to Mr. Knox. |
do |
Same subject. Transcribes a telegram from his Government informing him
that it denied the right of the diplomatic corps to interfere in Mexican
affairs, and instructing him to urge prevention of landing of U. S.
marines. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Representing the unanimous opinion of the British,
German, Spanish, and American missions, the Spanish minister went to the
Palace and requested Preident Madero to resign, which the President
resented and rejected. The minister was followed by 30 Senators on the
same mission, who were not permitted to interview the President.
Information about firing in relation to safety of Americans. |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. A rumor is being published purporting to be a statement
of the President to the effect that the United States would intervene
only after wanton slaughter of Americans. This is being used by Madero
as an argument against his resigning. |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Relates an interview with the President and General
Huerta, at which the Ambassador made six requests regarding firing,
feeding the poor, and an armistice; these were agreed to, Other
information. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Transcribes a telegram from President Madero to the
President regarding protection of Americans and requesting that no
marines be landed; also a note from the Mexican Embassy relating to the
American ambassador’s share in the request for President Madero’s
resignation, and in regard to landing marines. Instruction to supply
exact information as to this request. |
Same to same |
do |
Protection of American life and property in Mexico. The Embassy’s
Jan.18, transmitting the draft note to Mexico, has been referred to the
President. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 16 |
Political affairs. An armistice is in force. Information as to
suppressive measures. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. President Madero has telegraphed the governors of all
the Mexican States announcing military intervention. |
[Page LX]
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
1913. Feb. 16 |
Same subject. Many Mexicans,some of them Deputies in Congress, request
protection at the embassy. |
Mr. Taft to Mr. Madero (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to his telegram received Feb 14. President Madero
is evidently misinformed .This Government desires nothing but the peace
and prosperity of Mexico, but must meantime provide for the protection
of American citizens. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 17 |
Same subject. Reply to department’s Feb. 15. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to use his own discretion in dealing with
the whole matter of keeping Mexican official and unofficial opinion in a
salutary equilibrium between a dangerous and exaggerated apprehension
and a proper degree of wholesome fear. |
4 |
same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to state, publicly and officially, that the
policy of the United States remains unchanged, that no American forces
have been landed in Mexico, that President Madero’s statement about
intervention is entirely misleading, as he has been informed, and that
no action has been taken except that stated in telegrams of Feb 10 and
Feb. 11, 4 p.m. The action taken in relation to Cuban disturbances is on
exactly the same principle, i. e. a measure of national precaution.
Instruction to forward this telegram to the consul general. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to the Mexican embassy’s note, of Feb. 15, and
Mr. Lascurain’s regrets concerning it. “In other words, the President
[Madero] knew that this note was based on falsehood.” |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Huerta notifies the ambassador of fully matured plans to
remove Madero from power. |
2 |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reviews correspondence with the foreign office, which
should enable the department to understand the unreliable character of
the diplomatic representations of the Mexican Government. |
3 |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports compliance with the instructions of Feb. 17, 2
a.m. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Macveagh (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Requests witholding shipments of arms to points in
Mexico, until further notice. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. von Meyer |
do |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Informs him
that this Government has replied to various inquiries from foreign
missions that after having cared for American interests it will extend
protection to other nationals as far as possible. Requests transmission
of this information to commanders of vessels in Mexican waters with
appropriate instructions. |
Mr. von Meyer to Mr. Knox. |
Feb. 18 |
Same subject. Instructions in substance as requested in department’s
Feb. 17 were cabled to the commanders on Feb. 15. |
12 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Congratulates him on his excellent work reported in
his Feb. 15, 11 p.m. |
11 |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Congratulates him on his success in arranging an
armistice, etc. |
15 |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Authorizes him to deny report referred to in embassy’s
Feb. 15, 10 p.m., governed by department’s Feb. 17, 2. a.m. |
10 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. President Madero has been arrested by Blanquette with
apparent approval of Huerta. |
11 |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Huerta sends official notification of arrest of the
President and his cabinet. Measures taken by the diplomatic corps and by
the ambassador personally. |
12 |
Same to same (telegram) |
Do |
Same subject. Reports success in causing Huerta and Diaz to cooperate,
with the understanding that Huerta shall be Provisional President and
Diaz name the cabinet. |
General Huerta to Mr. Taft (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Notification that he has overthrown the
Government. |
Feb. 19 |
Same subject. Proclamation by Governor Carranza of the independence of
the state of Coahuila. |
14 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Do |
Same subject. Summarizes the agreement between Huerta and Diaz and
comments thereon. Requests instructions in regard to claims. |
16 |
Same to same (telegram). |
Do |
Same subject. The procedure will be for the minister for foreign
affairs to resign the executive power (which constitutionally devolves
upon him) to General Huerta, who will be declared Provisional President
and will announce his cabinet (names given). Reports conversation with
General Huerta. |
[Page LXI]
18 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
1913. Feb. 20 |
Same subject. Reports installation of Huerta as Provisional President.
General Diaz will transfer his forces to the Huerta Government. The
ambassador, accompanied by the German minister, unofficially requested
that the utmost precaution be taken to protect the lives of Madero and
Pino Suárez. Requests instructions in the premises. Recommends retention
in Mexican waters of the warships there. |
20 |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Requests instructions as to recognition of Huerta’s
Government. |
21 |
Same to same (telegram). |
Feb. 20 |
Same subject. Gives text of resignation of President Madern and Viee
President Pino Snárez. |
23 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to inform Huerta, informally and
unofficially, that the President has received his telegram of Feb. 18.
Formulates a statement as to the treatment of Madero, which may be made
to General Huerta. |
Mr. Holland to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 21 |
Same subject. Governor Carranza of Coahuila announces conformity to
the new administration. |
21 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The President is glad to believe I that there is no
prospect of injury to the deposed President and Vice President and their
families. |
23 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The ambassador assembled the diplomatic corps to discuss
recognition of the new Government in view of an invitation to meet the
President. It was agreed that recognition was imperative. The ambassador
will act with his colleagues, and has instructed all consuls to do their
best to bring about a general acceptance of the Provisional
Government. |
172 |
Mr. Holland to Mr. Knox. |
do |
Same subject. Reports Carranza’s change from opposition to the Huerta
Government to acceptance of it. |
25 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction as to the attitude of the United States as
to recognition of Huerta’s Government, and statement of matters to be
presented to it and satisfactorily replied to before recognition can be
expected. |
1228 |
Same to same. |
do |
Tlahualilo case. Refers to his Jan. 30, and instructs him to interview
the minister for foreign affairs and refer to Mr. Lascurain’s
conversation at Washington with the Secretary of State and his promise
on that occasion to present definite bases for a settlement with the
company if arbitration is abandoned. |
26 |
Mr. H. Wilson to Mr. H. L. Wilson (telegram). |
Feb. 22 |
Political affairs. Defines the term “damages” as used in department’s
Feb. 21, 11 p.m. |
25 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to the two foregoing. Expects an interview with De
la Barra resulting in something satisfactory. Desires
instructions. |
28 |
Mr. H. Wilson to Mr. H. L. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to explain wherever necessary that the
movement of 5,000 troops from Fort Omaha to Galveston is only a matter
of routine and indicates no change of policy. Quotes a statement by the
President in this connection given to the press. |
29 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
Feb. 23 |
Same subject. Refers to his No. 25, Feb. 22, 6 p.m. In giving further
instructions the department will attach great importance to the
embassy’s recommendations after the interview with De la Barra. |
27 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram.) |
do |
Same subject. Madero and Pino Suárez murdered. Report of the
occurrence as stated to the ambassador by Mr. De la Barra, and to the
public by Huerta. |
28 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Military honors will be done to the remains of Madero
and Pino Suárez. |
29 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Requests the department to accept as from the embassy
the statement given the Associated Press by the ambassador regarding the
killing of the President and Vice President—the Government’s
version. |
30 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Suggests sending the commanders of the vessels at Vera
Cruz, with sailors and the marines. |
31 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Reports text of an instruction to all consular officers,
to urge general submission to the new Government. |
Mr. De la Barra to Mexican Embassy (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Huerta Government’s version of the killing of Madero and
Pino Suárez as given to the Mexican Embassy to be handed unofficially to
the department, and received Apr. 21, 1913. |
[Page LXII]
Mr. Stimson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
1913. Feb. 23 |
Same subject. Quotes request of certain Mexicans from Salazar’s camp
to pass over American soil en route to Mexico City. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Stimson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to the foregoing, with reasons for requesting that
the desired permission be granted. |
Mr. Nagel to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 24 |
Same subject. Refers to the foregoing and quotes order to the
competent authority to permit passage over American soil of the Mexican
petitioners. |
33 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Huerta Government refuses to accept the adhesion of
Governor Carranza of Coahuila. |
31 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his Feb. 20, 6 p.m. The vessels now in Mexican
waters will remain. |
33 |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his Feb. 23, 5 p.m. When conditions indicate
the suitability of formal recognition of those in de facto authority as
a provisional government, the department will be ready to consider the
suggestion of a visit of ceremony by the naval commanders, but is not in
favor of even then sending also marines and sailors. |
Mr. Bowman to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The killing of Madero has embittered the State of
Sonora, which will not submit to the Provisional Government. |
654 |
Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Knox |
do |
Same subject. The governor of Coahuila has not signified that he will
recognize the Provisional Government. |
Mr. Hanna to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Rebel armies are active in Coahuila, Sonora and San Luis
Potosi. |
35 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Believes peace to be near; urges publicity for friendly
attitude of the Provisional Government toward the United States. The
Ambassador is disposed to accept the official version of the killing of
Madero and to consider it a closed incident. |
36 |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to department’s Feb. 21, 11 a.m.; reports
compliance therewith and response thereto. |
1227 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson. |
do |
Same subject. Refers to the embassy’s Feb. 16, 9 p.m. and informs him
of this Government’s policy as to temporary refuge sought by
foreigners. |
38 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 25 |
Same subject. The Associated Press announces that the British
Government will not recognize the Provisional Government until after
elections for permanent President. This has produced a disagreeable
impression, and to avoid the like by a similar utterance by the United
States, the Ambassador suggests either the maintenance of silence or the
publication of an expression which he formulates. |
36 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to the foregoing. Instructions. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Requests explanation of department’s Feb. 25, 1
p.m. |
Mr. Stimson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Transmits telegrams between the War Department and
commanding officer at San Antonio relative to orders not to permit
troops to cross the boundary. |
Mr. Salazar to Mr. Knox |
do |
Same subject. Requests recognition of the provisional government of
Vásquez Gómez. |
Mr. De la Barra to Mexican Embassy. |
do |
Revolutionary claims. Memorandum of his interview with the American
ambassador regarding claims. |
46 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 26 |
Political affairs. Reviews Mexican conditions and the Mexican attitude
toward the United States. Desires an expression of the department on the
course of the embassy. |
Mr. Carranza to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Expresses his certainty that this Government will not
recognize the Huerta government. |
Mr. Stimson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 27 |
Same subject. Transmits telegram relative to Carranza’s
operations. |
Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Describes conditions at Ciudad Profirio Diaz under
Carranza |
51 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his Feb. 22, 6 p.m. and Feb. 24, 8 p.m. Mr. de
la Barra believes everything can be arranged to Embassy’s
satisfaction |
52 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Sums up the conditions throughout Mexico. |
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Rebel forces gathering in eastern Sonora. |
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. A peace commission will meet at Nuevo Laredo Personnel
given. |
[Page LXIII]
Mr. Knox to certain consuls (telegram). |
1913. Feb. 27 |
Same subject. Informs the Consuls at Ciudar Juarez, Ciudad Porfirio
Diaz, and Nuevo Laredo o orders to permit entry into the United States
of peace delegates to the conference at San Antonio. |
Mr. Knox to certain Cabinet officers (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Informs the Secretaries of War Justice, the Treasury,
and Commerce and Labor o the action indicated in the foregoing. |
The Department of State to the Mexican Embassy |
do |
Same subject, same purport as the foregoing. |
46 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Transmits a telegram from the Mexican Foreign Office to
the Mexican Embassy handed to the Department Feb. 27, which is a mere
generality. The Department expects specific and binding commitments in
answer to the instruction No. 29 of Feb. 23, 11 p.m. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Feb. 28 |
Same subject. Refers to his No. 46 of Feb. 27. De la Barra’s telegram
was meant to be no more than an expression of good will. |
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Revolution has broken out at Cananea. Troops
wanted. |
Mr. Bowman to Mr. Knox. |
do |
Same subject. Ex-Governor Maytorena of Sonora has fled, probably to
the United States. Situation serious. |
Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. A majority of the people of Sonora are against the
Provisional Government. |
58 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Replies to his Feb. 26, 4 p.m. Recommends
caution. |
59 |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. States the attitude of American public opinion as to the
killing of Madero and Pino Suárez. Counsels caution, instructs as to the
attitude to be maintained toward the Huerta administration. |
58 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports request of Mr. de la Barra for withdrawal of
American ships from Mexican waters and moderation of activity on the
border. Gives substance of his response that he would resign if he could
not carry out his instructions. |
Mr. Pesqueria to the President (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Provisional Governor of Sonora, as a member of the
National Congress, protests against recognition of the Huerta
administration. President Madero did not resign, the alleged resignation
being a forgery obtained without a quorum and by armed coercion. The
assassination of the constitutional rulers brings a serious
responsibility on those now seeking recognition. |
Mr. Cable to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Labor
transcribes a telegram sent to the competent authority in response to
the Department’s request concerning the peace delegates. |
58 |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Chamizal controversy. The Mexican Government proposes cession by the
United States of San Elizario and Beaver Islands in exchange for
cession |
58 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Revolutionary claims. Memorandum of interview with the Minister for
Foreign Affairs, touching the Chamizal, Colorado River, and Tlahualilo
cases, and the general subject of claims. |
64 |
Same to same (telegram). |
Mar. 1 |
Same subject. Supplements his No. 58 of Feb. 28; refers to the
Chamizal, Colorado River, and Tlahualilo cases: the Douglas, El Paso,
and Alamo claims, and the control matter of American claims. |
64 |
Same to same |
do |
Chamizal controversy. The Mexican Government’s position as to the
Chamizal case now depends on replies to be had from the Department of
State. |
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Peace commission held a harmonious session at Nuevo
Laredo and has left for San Antonio. Personnel given. |
59 |
Mr. wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his Feb. 28, midnight, and reports Mr. de la
Barra’s attitude toward the British Minister in relation to
nonrecognition of the Provisional Government. |
60 |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Carranza has submitted unconditionally: other
information. |
522 |
Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Knox |
do |
Same subject. Reports efforts to reconcile different factions. |
69 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Mar. 2 |
Same subject. Carranza, though formally submitted, is in arms between
San Luis Potosi and Monterey. |
[Page LXIV]
Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
1913. Mar. 2 |
Same subject. Colonel Carranza at Ciudad Porfirio Diaz demands large
sums from merchants to support his army, threatening not to be
responsible for depredations otherwise; the merchants have decided to
resist; danger from this situation may result to foreigners, who have
appealed to the Consul. Instructions desired. Foreigners are no
permitted to cross to the United States. |
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports accessions to the rebels and defections from the
Federals in the Ciudad Juarez district. |
Mr. Hanna to Mr. Knox (telegram ) |
do |
Same subject. The State of Coahuila is in revolt. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Ellsworth (telegram). |
Mar. 3 |
Same subject. Replies to his Mar. 2 and instruct to insist on
protection of Americans, to use hi good offices in behalf of other
foreigners, and protest informally and unofficially against forbid ding
foreigners to leave. |
74 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports handing to the Minister for Foreign Affairs in
behalf of the Diplomatic Corp a memorandum stating that the Diplomatic
Corp has entered into communication with the Provisional Government
without in any way committing themselves as to formal recognition, which
is left to the respective Governments; explains this action. |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Quotes telegram describing firing across the border near
Douglas, resulting in a return fire by United States troops and six
Mexican casualties. Instructs to say to the Mexican Government that the
return fire was justified, as it was a repelling of foreign invasion.
Quotes instructions to the commanding officer to return fire when
necessary, but not to cross the boundary. Instructs to notify the
Mexican Government to take adequate steps to control the situation at
Cananea and elsewhere. |
Mr. Stimson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Quotes telegram from commanding officer at Douglas,
quoting his instructions to return fire if necessary, but not to allow
United States troops to cross the border. |
69 |
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Chamizal controversy. Refers to his No. 58 of Feb 28 and No. 64 of
Mar. 1, Chamizal case; instructs concerning modifications proposed by
the Department as to bases of settlement; rejects the proposal of ceding
the islands. |
Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Bryan |
Mar. 4 |
Political affairs. Governor Carranza has submitted for transmission to
the Department a proposition demanding the resignation of the
Provisional Government and suggesting Lascurain for President. There is
no hope of Carranza submitting to the Provisional Government. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. General Felix Díaz called to congratulate the new
American administration. |
73 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Reports
instructing Consul at Ciudad Porfirio Diaz to protect Spanish subjects
where consistent and necessary, in compliance with Spanish Minister’s
request. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson. |
Mar. 5 |
Same subject. In connection with the Embassy’s No. 73 of Mar. 4,
quotes an instruction to the Consul at Ciudad Porfirio Diaz regarding
the protection of foreigners. |
Mr. Bowman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Reports that the Congress of Sonora repudiates the
Provisional Government; Hermosillo is being fortified. |
77 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The State of Coahuila is the center of the most
formidable resistance to the Provisional Government, and is the only
State refusing submission. Other news of the revolution.
Characterization of Carranza’s political standing. |
78 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to thank General Díaz for his
congratulations. |
81 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports interruption of the American mails though
European mails arrive. Urges forcible representations. |
Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 6 |
Same subject. Reports suggesting to the embassy that it would be good
policy for the Provisional Government to withdraw its troops from
Sonora, whereupon the State troops could restore order, after which the
State would send a commission to Mexico City to discuss
recognition. |
[Page LXV]
80 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
1913. Mar. 6 |
Same subject. Approves his Mar. 3, 7 p.m. |
Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports that the Embassy has urged Governor Carranza to
come to terms with the Provisional Government; the governor indignantly
refused and announced armed resistance. His strength should not be
underestimated. The consulate is denied communication with the
Embassy. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Ellsworth (telegram). |
Mar. 7 |
Same subject. Instruction to protest vigorously against denial to
consulate of communication with the embassy. |
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Peace conference on American soil has failed to be held;
self-appointed commissioners now on the way to Mexico City. |
Mr. Maitorena to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Constitutional Governor of Sonora informs the
Department of the successful state of the revolution and requests the
United States not to recognize Huerta’s Government until the public
shall have expressed themselves. |
Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports continued refusal to permit communication with
Saltillo. |
91 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (Telegram). |
Mar. 8 |
Same subject. Reports dissatisfaction of the Provisional Government
with the attitude of the United States as to recognition. Information as
to British attitude, and inquiries by diplomats at Mexico City. |
89 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Quotes Mr. de la Barra’s telegram of congratulations,
and instructs to express, informally and unofficially, his
thanks. |
91 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Instruction, m view of Mr. Hostetter’s telegram of Mar.
6, informally and unofficially to advise all inquiring officials that
the United States is deeply interested in the restoration of order and
to suggest mutual concessions; instruction to exercise all proper
influence to bring about cooperation. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hostetter (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Quotes the foregoing |
92 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Revolutionary claims. Reports an interview with the minister for
foreign affairs concerning Tlalmalilo, Chamizal, Alamo, Douglas, and El
Paso matters; says as to general claims that Mexico is willing to follow
the precedents adopted by the United States in paying claims not falling
within the rules of international law but settled for amicable and
humanitarian considerations. |
96 |
Same to same (telegram) |
Mar. 9 |
Political affairs. Refers to department’s Mar. 6, which instruction is
precisely in line with his own policy. |
Mr. McReynolds to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 10 |
Same subject. Quotes telegram from the marshal at San Antonio relating
to the expected peace conference there, which was not held, and invites
suggestions as to further suspensions of service of process. |
Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Reports Carranza’s military operations. |
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Anti-Government forces constantly increasing; the
struggle will apparently prove to be a real war. |
98 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 11 |
Same subject. Reports retreat of Carranza to Monclova arid his
probable early defeat, reducing the revolution to Sonora and Lower
California. Counsels department as to attitude of certain consuls.
Reports the rest of Mexico at peace. |
97 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to the Embassy’s No. 96 of Mar. 9 and instructs
in regard to extent to which to inform the Provisional Government of
reports from American consuls. |
175 |
Mr. Holland to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Confirms telegraphic instructions and reports; states
conditions at Saltillo during occupation of Governor Carranza in
opposition to the Provisional Government. |
98 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Revolutionary claims. Refers to Embassy’s No. 92 of Mar. 8, as to
general claims. Instructs him that the department asks nothing less than
an unequivocal commitment of Mexico to the effect that all American
claims growing out of disturbances in Mexico shall be submitted to and
be adjudicated by an international commission. |
[Page LXVI]
102 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
1913. Mar. 12 |
Same subject. Reports that the Mexican Government expects soon to make
a definite statement as to the Chamizal case, and that on showing the
minister for foreign affairs the Department’s No. 98 of Mar. 11, he said
the arrangement there mentioned would be contrary to Mexican law. |
1901 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Political affairs. A long despatch giving a history of the political
disturbances leading to Madero’s overthrow and murder; comments on the
legal status of the Provisional Government and the merits of recognition
of it by the United States; the American colony; progress of restoration
of peace; characterizations of Felix Diaz and Huerta; forecast. |
Editor’s note |
Prohibition of shipment of arms, etc., into Mexico from the United
States; various violations of neutrality. Review of this subject as to
1912. |
105 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
do |
Chamizal controversy. Mexico agrees to the American proposal of bases
for settlement of the Chamizal case. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Bowman (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Transmits Governor Maytorena’s telegram of Mar. 7.
Instructs him to say orally to Maytorena that this Government considers
it wise to remove misunderstandings by conferences when possible and by
mutual concessions. Consuls may exercise proper influence to reconcile
State and Central administrations. |
Mr. Garrison to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Secretary of War transmits telegram showing
Carranza’s forces increasing daily and no prospect of Carranza
acquiescing in Federal offer to hold a peace conference. |
105 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Revolutionary claims. Reports that Mexico agrees to American proposal
as to Chamizal case; Tlalmalilo case progressing satisfactorily;
specific cases of damages growing out of the revolution would have
direct offer; that American demands as to general claims were acceded to
inform. The Ambassador will continue to insist on an international
commission. |
109 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
Mar. 14 |
Same subject. Requests text of Mexican commitments. |
Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Many believe Governor Carranza’s goal is the
Presidency; his success insecuring volunteers is unquestionable. |
1906 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his own No. 1901 of Mar. 12. Transmits a
personal, unofficial note which he has addressed to General Huerta,
calling his attention to the Embassy’s note of Sept. 15, 1912. |
284 |
Mr. De la Cueva to Mr. Bryan. |
Mar. 15 |
Same subject. Makes representations as to the legitimacy of the Huerta
Government. |
524 |
Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Reports events ending in the secession of the State of
Sonora. |
525 |
Same to same |
Mar. 17 |
Same subject. Same tenor. |
117 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Transmits statement given by the Mexican Government to
the press concerning an interview between General Huerta and the
American Ambassador. |
118 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 18 |
TIahualilo case. Transmits text of note from the Mexican Foreign
Office relative to the questions pending between Mexico and the United
States and professing a desire to settle them all satisfactorial;
references to the Chamizal. Colorado River, Tlalmalilo, border claims,
and general claims cases. |
118 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Revolutionary claims. Gives text of a note from the Foreign Office
touching on the Chamizal, Colorado River, Tlahualilo, Douglas, El Paso,
and Alamo cases; referring to “general claims growing out of the civil
struggle” it says that they will be divided into three classes;
description of these classes and promise of early settlement.
Instruction requested. |
122 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Supplements his No. 118 of Mar. 18, 2 p.m. |
118 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Chamizal controversy. Transmits text of note from Foreign Office
stating that the Mexican Government will give preferred and prompt
attention to questions pending between it and the United States, and the
Chamizal settlement will be the main object of its Ambassador’s mission
at Washington. Instructions desired. |
[Page LXVII]
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
1913. Mar. 20 |
Political affairs. The Provisional Government requests the withdrawal
from Mexican waters of as many American war vessels as possible, since
Mexican law does not permit foreign ships of war to remain over thirty
days. The Ambassador has replied that as the United States does not
recognize the Provisional Government as a de jure government, the
Provisional Government’s representations are inopportune and its
attitude should be expectant and receptive. |
Mr. Adee to the President. |
Mar. 24 |
Same subject. Explains at length the procedure followed under the
Proclamation of Mar. 14, 1912; recites objections to impartial
enforcements; requests views. |
132 |
Same to same |
do |
Political affairs. Full amnesty has been granted by Congress for the
revolutionary period up to the establishment of the Provisional
Government. Lack of recognition is preventing securing of loan. |
Mr. Pesqueirato Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Quotes his telegram of Mar. 6 informing the Department
of the refusal of Sonora to recognize Huerta and offering assurances of
the safety of American interests. Signed as Governor ad interim. |
The President to Mr. Adee. |
Mar. 25 |
Prohibition of shipment of arms, etc. Refers to Mr. Adee’s letter of
Mar. 24; approves action of the Department; expresses appreciation of
careful consideration of the matter; asks that classes of shipments be
separated so that each permit will contain articles falling under only
one of the five classes. |
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 26 |
Political affairs. Reports Constitutionalist victory at
Cananea. |
Mr. Lorillard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Argentina will probably not recognize the Government of
Mexico until after the United States has done so. |
138 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 27 |
Same subject. The Foreign Office suggests that the United States
formally request permission for its war vessels to remain in Mexican
waters. |
144 |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Chamizal controversy. States the Department’s understanding of the
assurances contained in Mr. Wilson’s No. 105 of Mar. 13 and No. 118 of
Mar. 18, and the Mexican Embassy’s memorandum of Jan. 27, in connection
with the Department’s modifications contained in its telegram of Mar. 3.
Instruction to state this understanding in a note to the Foreign
Office. |
141 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). |
Mar. 28 |
Same subject. To his note in compliance with Department’s Mar. 27 the
Foreign Office replies with certain stipulations. |
226 |
Mr. Bowman to Mr. Wilson |
do |
Political affairs. Reports good order in Sonora, the State Government
merely desiring repudiation of Huerta and not intending to secede from
the Republic. Recruits continue to join the State forces. Other
information. |
Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Mar. 30 |
Same subject. Carranza has declared himself Provisional
President. |
145 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Desires instructions as to joining his colleagues in a
meeting to consider recognition. |
145 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Revolutionary claims. Requests instructions as to attendance at a
Diplomatic Corps meeting to consider recognition and general
claims. |
148 |
Same to same (telegram) |
Mar. 31 |
Same subject. The Diplomatic Corps is unanimously for an international
claims commission. |
150 |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. There is perfect accord between General Diaz and
the Provisional President. |
85 |
Mr. Bryce to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. The British Government is recognizing Huerta as
President ad interim of the Republic of Mexico. |
158 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson. (telegram). |
Apr. 1 |
Same subject. Replies to his No. 145 of Mar. 30, 1 p.m. The Ambassador
may call or attend a meeting of the Diplomatic Corps if he maintains a
noncommittal attitude. |
Mr. Oliver to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Military information. Carranza’s operations around
Monclova. |
158 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Revolutionary claims. Refers to his No. 145 of Mar. 30. Instructs in
regard to claims commission. |
1914 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Incloses memorandum of interview with General Huerta on
Mar. 27, at which the claims commission was discussed. The President
promised favorable consideration of the proposed international
commission. |
Mr. Bryan to certain consular officers. |
1913. Apr. 2 |
Prohibition of shipment of arms. Sets forth the policy followed by the
Department in granting exceptions to the Proclamation of Mar. 14,
1912. |
1916 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Message of the Provisional President. Transmits message read to the
Congress Apr. 1 by General Huerta. |
1917 |
Same to same |
do |
Political affairs. Transmits copies of correspondence with the Foreign
Office regarding retention of American war vessels in Mexican
waters. |
Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 3 |
Same subject. Reports prospective establishment by Carranza of general
headquarters of the Constitutionalists at Ciudad Porfirio Díaz.
Constitutionalists preparing for a meeting there. |
163 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 4 |
Same subject. Reports strengthening of Federal control with a few
exceptions. |
159 |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports having remonstrated against intended execution
of General Angeles. |
171 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
Apr. 5 |
Same subject. Refers to the foregoing and assumes that the Ambassador
has acted solely on his own initiative and only on humanitarian grounds
without the semblance of formal or official representation. |
Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Constitutional Chief Carranza has put up on the
customhouse a sign reading “Palace of the Government.” A majority of the
people in the district are Carrancistas. |
Mr. Colquitt to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Prohibition of shipment of arms. Quotes a report to the adjutant
general of Texas showing smuggling of arms into Mexico from Eagle Pass.
The Governor of Texas informs the Secretary that since the War
Department had stated that enforcement of the neutrality laws was not
the business of Texas, he had directed the State authorities to cease
their efforts, in order to prevent conflict between State and Federal
authority. |
112 |
Mr. Johnson to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Political affairs. Explains his action in sheltering at the consulate
General Estrada, a Federal officer. |
Mr. de la Cueva to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Requests permission for a peace commission to hold
conferences at El Paso. |
169 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 8 |
Revolutionary claims. Refers to department’s No. 158 of Apr. 1. The
other foreign representatives indorse the policy of the United States as
to settlement of claims. The foreign office, however, still urges its
plan outlined in Mr. Wilson’s Mar. 18, 2 p.m. |
414 |
Mr. de la Cueva to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Prohibition of shipment of arms, etc. Requests that explosives
exported to Mexico be reported to the Mexican Government in order that
it may state whether or not there is objection thereto. |
173 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Urges moral support of Provisional
Government. |
Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Bryan (telegram) |
Apr. 10 |
Same subject. Chile will largely conform to the action of the United
States in regard to recognition of the Provisional Government. |
176 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 12 |
Same subject. Spain has recognized the Provisional Government. |
181 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his Mar. 20 from Vera Cruz. The foreign office
requests a statement as to the stay of American war vessels beyond the
constitutional limit of time. |
Mr. Fierros to the President (telegram). |
Apr. 14 |
Prohibition of shipment of arms, etc. In behalf of 238
Constitutionalists he requests that exportation of arms for Huerta
forces be stopped and that the belligerent rights of the Constitutional
army, be recognized if the President believes that the Constitutionalist
Party is sincerely fighting for liberty |
183 |
Same to same (telegram). |
Apr. 15 |
Political affairs. Suggests that aid be given the Provisional
Government in securing a loan. |
1924 |
Same to same. |
do |
Same subject Supplements his No. 1917 of Apr. 2 with further
correspondence. |
192 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
Apr. 17 |
Same subject. Replies to his Apr. 12, 2 p.m. Gives movements of war
vessels and instructs to request usual formalities. |
Mr. Hamm to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 18 |
Same subject. Requests instructions for guidance of Americans in
Durango in their relations with the contending factions. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hamm (telegram). |
Apr. 19 |
Same subject. Reply to the foregoing. Instructions for guidance of
Americans in accordance with international law. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson |
do |
Same subject. Replies to his No. 1917 of Apr. 2. |
[Page LXIX]
438 |
The Mexican Embassy to the Department of State. |
1913. Apr. 19 |
Same subject. Discusses the attitude of this Government toward that of
Mexico, whose legality it justifies. |
Mr. Carranza to the President. |
Apr. 21 |
Same subject. This is file No. 812.00/7298 and was not to be found
when this slip was written. |
Mr. Bryan to all American consuls in Mexico (telegram). |
Apr. 23 |
Protection of American life and property in Mexico. Refers to
Department’s Nov. 25, 1912; instructs to bring up to date the reports
there referred to. |
52 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Johnson. |
Apr. 24 |
Political affairs. Replies to his No. 112 of Apr. 7. Instructs him as
to this Government’s’ policy in regard to affording protection at
consulates. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Garrison. |
Apr. 25 |
Same subject. Transmits request of Mexican Embassy to permit General
Ojeda et al. to return to Mexico, to be disposed of by the War
Department. |
213 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Apr. 26 |
Same subject. Will forward memorandum to the foreign office on the
stay of American vessels in Mexican waters. |
450 |
Mr. de la Cueva to Mr. Bryan. |
Apr. 29 |
Same subject. General Ojeda et al. having been detained anew, the
Mexican Embassy requests permission for them to depart for
Mexico. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Tlahualilo case. The agreement between Mexico and the Tlahualilo
Company may be considered as perfected, the contract of agreement having
been signed. |
279 |
Mr. Moore to Mr. de la Cueva. |
Apr. 30 |
Prohibition of shipment of arms, etc. Refers to his No. 414 of Apr. 8.
This Government can not accede to his request. The enforcement of the
Joint Resolution and Proclamation thereof of Mar. 14, 1912, is a
domestic matter, not contingent on the opinion of the Mexican
Government. No exportation, however, is permitted when use thereof to
promote domestic disorder in Mexico is probable |
218 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 1 |
Political affairs. Constitutional elections are to be held on Oct.
26. |
455 |
Mr. de Terreros to Mr. Bryan. |
May 2 |
Same subject. Transmits telegram from the foreign office stating that
elections will be held Oct. 26, and that all political factions have
united on a reconstructive program. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Wilson. (telegram). |
do |
Colorado River. Asks whether the foreign office has accepted the
changes proposed to its counterdraft of the Colorado River Commission
convention. |
220 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan. |
May 3 |
Same subject. Replies to department’s inquiry of May 2. The Minister
of Fomento is in practical agreement with the Department’s counterdraft
of the amended convention. |
Same subject. Editor’s note: The Ambassador on May 8 reported that
General Huerta refused to consider the Colorado River question until
formal recognition of his administration by the United States. No
further action appears to have been taken during 1913. |
Mr. Moore to certain consuls (telegram). |
May 3 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Informs the
consuls at Nogales, Cananea, Hermosillo and Guaymas of violence to
Chinese subjects in Sonora and instructs them to use their informal good
offices where possible and permitted in behalf of Chinese resident in
Mexico. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. de Terreros |
May 7 |
Political affairs. Acknowledges this May 2. |
212 |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Replies to his Apr. 25, 7 p.m. This Government does not
require permission, even under the Mexican Constitution, for retaining
its vessels of war in Mexican waters. |
225 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 8 |
Same subject. General Huerta advocates recognition of the Provisional
Government in a statement to the ambassador. |
225 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Revolutionary claims. President Huerta informs the ambassador that in
view of the delay of recognition of his government by the United States,
Mexico does not feel like concluding the claims matters until the matter
of recognition was settled. |
225 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Chamizal controversy. President Huerta has in effect refused further
to consider the Chamizal question until such time as the United States
recognizes his administration. |
227 |
Same to same |
May 10 |
Political affairs. Supplements the foregoing; the Provisional
Government will hereafter confine to routine matters its relations with
the ambassa who comments on his resultant status. |
[Page LXX]
230 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
1913. May 11 |
Same subject. Supplements the foregoing; Mr. de la Barra confirms the
ambassador’s statement that the Mexican Government could not detract
from the powers of a regularly appointed and duly accredited diplomatic
officer except by handing him passports, which is not contemplated in
the present case. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Colquitt. |
May 13 |
Prohibition of shipment of arms, etc. Replies to the Governor’s Apr.
7. Smuggling of arms in a small way may be going on but probably not to
an alarming extent. |
293 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. de la Cueva. |
May 14 |
Political affaris. Replies to his Apr. 7. |
1955 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan. |
May 15 |
Same subject. Reviews the political, military, and economic situation
in Mexico. |
238 |
Same to same (telegram) |
May 17 |
Political affairs. Gives a list of the government’s that have
recognized the Provisional Government and of those expected soon to do
so. |
239 |
Same to same (telegram) |
May 18 |
Same subject. Summarizes a statement by the Associated Press
purporting to be an official announcement of the Department of State
that official recognition of the Provisional Government is to be
made. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
May 19 |
Same subject. Instructs him to deny the truth of the foregoing. No
statement whatever has been made in regard to recognition. |
Mr. Colquitt to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Shipment of arms. Refers to Mr. Moore’s letter of May 13. Believing
that the Federal Government is right in assuming that the State of Texas
has no jurisdiction over enforcement of the neutrality laws he has
instructed the State officers accordingly. |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. Quotes telegram from I. L. Pérez, constitutionalist
agent at Naco, Ariz., stating cases, of exportation of arms for Huerta
Government and requesting that they be stopped. He has advised the
writer that enforcement of the neutrality laws devolves solely on the
Federal Government. |
1956 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan |
May 20 |
Tlahualilo case. Transmits translation of the text of the contract
between the Mexican minister of Fomento and the representatives of the
Flahualilo Company whereby the controversy is closed. |
245 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 21 |
Political affairs. Belgium and Guatemala have formally recognized the
Provisional Government. |
252 |
Same to same |
May 25 |
Political affairs. Norway has formally recognized the Provisional
Government. |
Mr. Morgan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
May 31 |
Political affairs. Brazil would be glad to have an expression of this
Government’s opinion in regard to advisability of recognizing the
government of Mexico. Brazil desires to know if the Government of the
United States would be incommoded if Argentina, Brazil and Chile should
recognize the Government of Mexico before the United States found it
convenient to do so. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Morgan. (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Replies to the foregoing. This Government is not ready
to consider recognizing the Provisional Government and hopes the
countries mentioned will withhold action until the course of the United
States is determined. |
265 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
June 1 |
Same subject. Russia has recognized the Provisional Government. |
Mr. Morgan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
June 2 |
Same subject. Brazil will withold recognition until the course of the
United States has been determined. |
266 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Mexican loan of 200,000,000 pesos has been
concluded. Speyer Bros. share in it. |
268 |
Same to same (telegram) |
June 3 |
Same subject. The Chinese chargé d’affaires requests this Government’s
protection for Chinese citizens in disturbed districts when in distress
or danger. Instructions desired. |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Reports
request of Chinese chargé d’affaires for American” protection to his
nationals when in distress or danger. |
Same to same |
June 4 |
Protection of American life and property in Mexico. Requests reports
of outlying American settlements, to be supplementary to the reports in
pursuance of the instructions of Nov. 25, 1912. |
[Page LXXI]
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
1913. June 6 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Refers to
foregoing and instructs him to render when necessary such informal good
offices as possible and permitted. |
240 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Political affairs. Replies to the foregoing. Instructions to consuls
may be issued when necessary to render such informal good offices as may
be possible and as the local authorities may Permit. |
280 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
June 9 |
Same subject. Urgently reiterates the advisability of recognizing the
Provisional Government, with reasons therefor, and requests that this
communication be brought to the direct attention of the President and
that the ambassador be informed of the President’s policy on this
question in order that the embassy may fully reflect it |
281 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Chamizal controversy. A note of June 9 from the foreign office states
that the failure of the United States to recognize the ambassador of the
Huerta Government and the unusual relations of the two Governments
require treatment of the Chamizal question from a new point of view. The
date on or before which the arbitral award must be executed is June 15,
1913, a point called to the department’s attention. Mexico reserves ail
of its rights to the part of the Chamizal tract covered by the award and
failure to execute the award on the date fixed must not be argued as
detrimental to Mexico. |
244 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
June 13 |
Chamizal controversy. Refers to his June 9 and instructs him to say
that this Government takes note of Mexico’s reservation of rights, will
hereafter take up the negotiations at the point of interruption, and
endeavor to reach a mutually satisfactory conclusion along the general
lines already marked out and agreed upon. |
286 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Instructions of department’s No. 244 of June 13 have
been complied with. |
296 |
Same to same (telegram) |
June 19 |
Political affairs. General Diaz declares that his relations with
Huerta are excellent; that the compact between them made at the embassy
on Feb. 18 he now considered dissolved by the act of Congress setting
Oct. 26 for presidential elections. Díaz greatly regretted this
Government’s failure to recognize the Provisional Government. |
1337 |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Wilson |
June 21 |
Revolutionary claims. Refers to his No. 1888 of Feb. 5. Instructs him
to inform the British minister and the Mexican Government that his
statements quoted therein were made on his own responsibility. |
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
June 23 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Reports a
case in which he made representations to the Mexican authorities in
behalf of Chinese subjects. Requests that the matter be reported to the
Chinese Legation in order to secure further action at Nosales and
Cananea. |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Bryan |
June 26 |
Shipment of arms. The confidential agent of the Constitutionalist
Government states that if the Huerta government were not supplied with
munitions of war from the United States, it is doubtful that it could
have sustained itself in power for more than a brief period. A like
privilege, moreover, is denied to the constitutionalists although they
have forces and attributes justifying the United States Government in
considering the protest hereby made to the protraction of the war due to
the policy of the United States. |
288 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Simpich. |
July 3 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Refers to his
No. 244 of June 19 (not printed) in which he reports a request of
Chinese near Cananea who desire to cross into the United States for
protection. Instructs him as to procedure in facilitating the entry of
Chinese into the United States for temporary refuse. |
1998 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan |
July 7 |
Revolutionary claims. Refers to department’s No. 1337 of June 21,
without further instructions he feels unable to proceed with the claims
matters. |
315 |
Same to same (telegram) |
July 8 |
Political affairs. De la Barra has resigned the position of minister
for foreign affairs. Instructions desired as to what attitude to assume
toward the new minister. |
[Page LXXII]
310 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
1913. July 9 |
Same subject. Urgently requests that this Government take drastic
action to protect American citizens and their property and to end the
barbarous warfare now being waged; suggests two ways: (1) Official
recognition of the Provisional Government coupled with a demand for
guaranties; (2) closing of the embassy as a protest against existing
conditions. Requests that this telegram be brought to the President’s
attention. |
277 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson (telegram.) |
July 10 |
Same subject. Replies to his July 8, 7 p.m. Instructs him to continue
making his representations as in the recent past. This does not raise
the question of recognition. |
Mr. Roosevelt to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. The Acting
Secretary of the Navy forwards to the Department of State a telegram
showing protection of Chinese at Guaymas by the United States war
vessels there. |
318 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
July 11 |
Political affairs. Replies to the foregoing and refers to his own July
8, 7 p.m. Requests further instructions specifically relating to
attendance at an official reception. |
319 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his July 9, 5 p.m., and supplements it with
further information, and further urgent suggestion to follow one of the
two courses it points out. |
16 |
Mr. Laughlin to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The recognition of Huerta’s Government by the British
Government is provisional and will terminate in October at the election
date, whereupon it will come up de novo. Sir Edward Grey says that
recognition by other European Governments is similarly provisional, and
hopes’ the United States will add its strength in a like manner.
Requests instruction. |
321 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
July 12 |
Same subject. Counsels aggressive attitude in view of anti-American
demonstrations. |
2007 |
Same to same |
July 15 |
Same subject. Incloses note sent July 12 to the foreign office in
regard to the anti-American demonstrations. |
333 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
July 17 |
Same subject. The Ambassador sails this day for the United States in
pursuance of the department’s instructions. Mr. O’Shaughnessy has taken
charge of the embassy. |
337 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Same subject. General Felix Diaz has accepted a special ambassadorship
to Japan. Other information. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Edwards, (telegram). |
do |
Protection of foreigners m Mexico by the United States. The Red Cross
having been appealed to by the Chinese Legation for assistance for
Chinese at Pearson, Chihuahua, the consul is instructed to report what
the necessities are. |
295 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. O’Shaughnessy (telegram). |
July 18 |
Political affairs. Any anti-American demonstrations at this time could
not but be viewed with serious misgivings. The authorities should
appreciate this fact, as well as the grave responsibility that would
attend connivance at or indifference to anti-American agitation. |
340 |
Mr. O’Shanghnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. General Felix Diaz assures him his journey to Japan has
no political significance. The police have orders to arrest anyone using
disrespectful language toward the United States at the demonstration
planned for the arrival of the Japanese minister. |
293 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. O’Shaughnessy (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to department’s No. 277, July 10, 5 p.m. and the
embassy’s No. 318, July 11, noon. Instructions regarding attendance at
the official reception. |
344 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
July 19 |
Same subject. The Japanese Chargé d’Affaires formally states that his
Government would regret anti-American demonstrations at the welcome to
be given the Japanese minister. Mr. O’Shaughnessy has shown the foreign
office the inadvisability of countenancing such agitation. |
354 |
Same to same (telegram). |
July 22 |
Same subject. He did not attend the demonstration in honor of the
Japanese minister, which was really a demonstration against the United
States. |
2015 |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Incloses the foreign office’s reply to his note of July
12, copy of which was inclosed in his 2007 of July 15. |
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Constitutionalists under Pancho Villa and Toribio Ortega
are preparing to attack Juarez. |
2017 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan. |
1913. July 26 |
Same subject. Incloses a communication signed by Emiliano Zapata and
other leaders of the Morelos revolution. It is a message from “The
Revolutionary Junta of the South and Center of the Republic” directed to
the United States Government, expressing gratitude for this Government’s
refusal to recognize Huerta. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. O’Shaughnessy (telegram). |
Aug. 4 |
Same subject. Quotes statement made public in regard to acceptance of
the resignation of Ambassador Wilson, and sending to Mexico of
Ex-Governor John Lind, of Minnesota, as the President’s personal
representative. “When the President is ready to communicate with the
Mexican authorities as to restoration of peace he will make public his
views.” |
387 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Aug. 5 |
Same subject. Refers to department’s Aug. 4. Requests instructions to
deny the report that Mr. Lind will insist on Huerta’s resignation, which
if published would thwart the mission and be dangerous to both Mr. Lind
and other Americans. |
333 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. O’Shaughnessy (telegram). |
Aug. 6 |
Same subject. Replies to his Aug. 5. Governor Lind’s mission is one of
peace; the Mexican Government should not give weight to sensational
newspaper misrepresentations. |
397 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Department’s Aug. 6 was in substance given to the
foreign office. Both the President and the minister were pleased with
it. |
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Refers to
department’s July 17, and suggests financial aid in bringing the Chinese
from Pearson to El Paso. |
2033 |
Same to same |
Aug. 7. |
Political affairs. Incloses a note of Aug. 6 from the foreign office
saying that if Mr. Lind. “does not properly establish his official
character or if he is not the bearer of the recognition of this
Government by yours his sojourn in this Republic will not be
pleasing.” |
Mr. Bryan to certain diplomatic officers (telegram). |
Aug. 8 |
Same subject. “The statement of the Mexican foreign office was based
on newspaper misrepresentations for which this Government is not
responsible. In sending Governor Lind as advisor to the embassy the
President is entirely within his rights, and this department will not
assume that his going will be regarded as unfriendly when the character
of his mission is understood.” |
Mr. Bryan to the principal consular officers in Mexico
(telegram). |
do |
Protection of American life and property in Mexico. Refers to
department’s Nov. 25, 1912; instructs to bring the reports, there
referred to, down to Aug. 20; and to revise the reports made in response
to department’s June 4, 1913. |
Mr. Bryan to certain consular officers in Mexico, (telegram). |
Aug. 9 |
Same subject. Instruction to forward immediately the report called for
on Apr. 23. |
Mr. Bryan to the principal American consular officers in
Mexico. |
Aug. 16 |
Same subject. Confirms his Aug. 8 and gives further instructions for
revision of reports. |
Mr. Maytorena to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Aug. 20 |
Political affairs. Denounces Huerta. If the United States will waive
embargo on arms and ammunition the Mexican people will soon end the war.
As governor of Sonora he makes the foregoing suggestion and adds that
all rebels recognize the governor of Coahuila, Carranza, as their
supreme chief. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson (telegram). |
Aug. 25 |
Revolutionary claims. Asks status of claims of foreign governments
against Mexico. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. O’Shaughnessy (telegram). |
Aug. 27 |
Political affairs. Transmits the full text of the President’s message
to Congress delivered Aug. 27, embodying the President’s instructions to
Mr. Lind, and accompanied by the reply of the foreign office to Mr.
Lind’s presentation of the proposals of this Government, together with
the department’s instructions to American consuls in Mexico. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Shanklin. |
do |
Same subject. Instructs the consul general to repeat to all consulates
(except certain ones otherwise instructed) in Mexico the portion of the
President’s message (quoting it) which announces the policy he will
pursue. |
[Page LXXIV]
1 |
Mr. Bryan to the American consular officers in Mexico
(telegram). |
1913. Aug. 27 |
Protection of American life and property in Mexico Transmits the
President’s notice to Americans and warning to Mexican authorities, with
Instruction to make them known. The notice urges Americans to leave
Mexico at once and assures them of this Government’s aid in doing so.
The warning holds all Mexican civil and military official strictly
responsible for any harm done by them o their agents to Americans or
their property. |
Mr. Bryan to certain diplomatic officers of the United States
(telegram) |
Aug. 28 |
Political affairs. Transmits the President’s message except the
previously sent instructions to Mr. Lind. Instructs to express to the
foreign office the President’s appreciation of the friendly attitude o
the Government to which each of them is accredited toward the
representations of this Gov eminent to .that of Mexico. |
Mr. Scholle to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Aug. 29 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Aug. 28, p.m. Spain limits its
response to “an ardent wish that the understanding between the Republic
may be of a character most favorable to the general interest of the two
countries.” |
Mr. C. S. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Aug. 30 |
Same subject. Department’s Aug. 28, 2 p.m. has been transmitted to the
foreign office. Transmit response of the Russian Government to the
embassy’s communication on Mexican affairs Russia, having recognized
Huerta as Provisional President, can not advise him to renounce his
candidacy; nor can she formally support the proposed good offices of the
United States, since no request therefor has been made by Mexico. |
471 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Sept. 1 |
Revolutionary claims. Answers Department’s Aug. 25. |
327 |
Mr. Heimke to Mr. Bryan. |
Sept. 2 |
Political affairs. Refers to Department’s Aug. 28, 2 p.m. Incloses
note from foreign office of Salvador expressing its moral support of the
attitude of this Government as to Mexico. |
1002 |
Mr. Williams to Mr. Bryan |
Sept. 10 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Incloses an
expression of thanks of the Chinese Government for protection given
Chinese subjects in Mexico by the United States. |
492 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Sept. 15 |
Political affairs. Transmits the most salient passages of the
presidential message to be delivered on Sept. 16. Comments
thereon. |
497 |
Same to same (telegram). |
Sept. 17 |
Same subject. General Felix Diaz has been ordered to return to Mexico.
Reports of anti-American feeling much exaggerated. |
2060 |
Same to same |
do |
Message of the Provisional President. Transmits message read to the
Congress Sept. 16, by General Huerta. |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Chang. |
Sept. 19 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. The consul at
Durango having reported cases of suffering among Chinese there, the
Department offers to instruct the consul as the Chinese Legation may
desire. |
472 |
Mr. Grevstad to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Political affairs. Reports the President of Uruguay heartily in
sympathy with the President’s sentiments pan-American policy as
expressed in his message to Congress of Aug. 27, 1913. Incloses
expression of similar nature from a Montevideo newspaper. |
2072 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan. |
Sept. 22 |
Same subject. Transmits two notes from the foreign office to Mr. Lind
dated Aug. 26 and Sept. 16. |
Mr. Chang to Mr. Bryan |
Sept. 23 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Refers to
Department’s Sept. 19 and requests that the consul at Durango be
instructed to render necessary aid to destitute Chinese and charge the
outlay to the Chinese Legation. |
2081 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Revolutionary claims. Report of a meeting of certain foreign
representatives with Sub-Secretary of State Pereyra. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. W. B. Wilson. |
do |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Informs the
Secretary of Labor of a request for transportation of Chinese refugees
through United States territory en route to Ciudad Juarez; requests
cooperation. |
538 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. Confirms capture of Torreon by the Carranza forces.
Requests sending of more war vessels. |
542 |
Same to same (telegram) |
Oct. 10 |
Same subject. Transmits text of a resolution of the Mexican Chamber of
Deputies relating to the disappearance of Senator Belisario
Dominguez. |
[Page LXXV]
542 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
1913. Oct. 11 |
Same subject. Senator Dominguez delivered an anti-Huerta speech in the
Senate on Sept. 23. He has disappeared and rumor reports him dead. The
Chamber of Deputies on Oct. 10 passed resolutions of inquiry as to his
disappearance. On Oct. 11, the Chamber refusing to reconsider the
resolutions, 110 deputies were arrested and sent to the penitentiary,
and Congress was dissolved. General Huerta says the elections will take
place. |
545 |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. The minister for foreign affairs today informed the
diplomatic corps that while his Government knew the dissolving of the
Chamber of Deputies to be unconstitutional it was nevertheless
necessary; that elections would be held and the new chamber would
assemble Nov. 15. Mr. O’Shaughnessy and the Spanish minister were given
assurances of the safety of the 84 imprisoned deputies at the
penitentiary. “Huerta may now be considered an absolute military
dictator.” |
546 |
Same to same |
do |
Same subject. The Huerta administration has no financial plans at
present, according to Huerta’s secretary. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Chang |
do |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Reports to
the Chinese Legation that the Department of Labor superintended the
transportation of the Chinese refugees through United States territory
to Ciudad Juarez. |
547 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Oct. 12 |
Political affairs. In view of what has already occurred he fears for
the safety of the imprisoned deputies, the wives and mothers of about 25
of whom have implored him to use his good offices in their behalf.
Instructions requested. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. O’Shaughnessy (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instructs immediately to see the minister of foreign
affairs and have him state to Huerta that any violence done to
legislators would shock the civilized world and this neighboring
Government could not be indifferent to execution of officials. |
548 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Huerta says no violence will be done legislators but
they must be tried for sedition and treason. |
491 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. O’Shaughnessy (telegram). |
Oct. 13 |
Same subject. Instructs him textually to deliver at once to the
foreign office the message that the President is shocked by Huerta’s
course in dissolving Congress and imprisoning deputies, which he finds
impossible to regard otherwise than as an act of bad” faith toward the
United States. It is not only a violation of constitutional guaranties
but it destroys all possibility of fair elections. Elections under
present conditions could not be regarded as expressing the will of the
people and the President would not be justified in accepting their
result or in recognizing a president so chosen. |
549 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Huerta by decree assumes legislative functions;
judiciary allowed to stand if not in conflict with executive. Text of
decree. The exemption of deputies from arrest has been set aside by
decree. Text of decree. |
553 |
Same to same (telegram) |
Oct. 14 |
Same subject. Summary of decree setting aside the electoral
law. |
2093 |
Same to same. |
do |
Same subject. Incloses clipping from Mexican Herald of Oct. 11
relating to the dissolution of Congress. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. O’Shaughnessy (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Repeats to certain diplomatic officers the telegrams of
Oct. 12, midnight, and Oct. 13, noon, to the Embassy at Mexico City,
with instruction to communicate them to the foreign office and report
any comment made thereon. |
Mr. Phillips to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of’ foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Chinese at
Guaymas desire protection against commercial discrimination and ask the
Consul’s protection. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Phillips (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his Oct. 14, and instructs him to urge
appropriate authorities to give the Chinese every reasonable
protection. |
1447 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. O’Shaughnessy. |
Oct. 15 |
Revolutionary claims. Acknowledges his No. 2081 of Oct. 1. |
Mr. Price to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Oct. 16 j |
Political affairs. The President of Panama cordially indorses the
attitude of the United States as expressed in Department’s Oct. 14, 7
p.m. |
[Page LXXVI]
331 |
Mr. Hinckley to Mr. Bryan. |
1913. Oct. 17 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Oct. 14, 7 p.m. The Government of
Salvador approves the Mexican policy of the United States. |
Mr. Gerard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Oct. 14, 7 p.m. Germany favors
recognition of Huerta by the United States. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Oct. 14, 7 p.m. Russia will urge
Mexico to accept the advice of the United States in a conciliatory
spirit. |
Same to same (telegram) |
Oct. 18 |
Same subject Same purport as the foregoing. |
8 |
Mr. Price to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject Same purport as his telegram of Oct. 16. |
4 |
Mr. Schmedeman to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Oct. 14, 7 p.m. The attitude of
Norway is in keeping with her settled course in lending the United
States her moral support in our dealings with Mexico. |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s Oct. 14, 7 p.m. The President of
Guatemala believes Huerta to be unbalanced; Guatemala is in sympathy
with the action of the United States. |
564 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Reports
request of German minister to urge this Government to protect 40
Germans-detained by Villa at Torre on. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. O’Shaughnessy (telegram). |
Oct. 19 |
Same subject. Refers to his Oct. 18. The Consular Agent at Torreon has
been instructed to inform rebel authorities that all foreigners should
be permitted to depart unmolested. |
2099 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan. |
Oct. 20 |
Same subject. Transmits letters from the Spanish Minister relating to
anti-Spanish violence by Carrancistas including murder of nine
Spaniards. |
571 |
Same to same (telegram) |
do |
Political affairs. Text of executive order by Huerta raising the
tariff 50 per cent. |
2100 |
Same to same. |
do |
Same subject. Transmits lull text of the speech of Senator Belisario
Dominguez, urging the Senate to depose Huerta, delivered Sept. 23, a few
days before his disappearance. |
78 |
Mr. Page to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Oct. 21 |
Same subject. The British Government will wait till the elections of
Oct. 26 before deciding on recognition. The Ambassador reports the
substance of his explanation to Sir Edward Grey of the policy of this
Government. Sir Edward’s comment. |
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Same subject Replies to Department’s Oct. 14, 7 p.m. Argentina’s
Acting President refrains from comment, but expresses sympathy in the
difficult situation. |
255 |
Mr. Morgan to Mr. Bryan. |
Oct. 22 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Oct. 14, 7 p.m. Brazil intends to
act in full accord with the United States. |
Mr. Harvey to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to department’s Oct. 14, 7 p.m. Chile coincides
with Brazil’s attitude. |
Mr. Marburg to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s Oct. 14, 7 p.m. Belgium is
prevented by traditional policy from comment thereon. |
Mr. Page to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s Oct. 14, 7 p.m. Italy is
endeavoring to ascertain the attitude of other European powers. |
576 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Oct. 23 |
Same subject. Reports reception of the Diplomatic Corps by Huerta and
substance of Huerta’s statement concluding with a request that the
several Governments be informed that he would not be a presidential
candidate Same statement later made informally to Mr.
O’Shaughnessy. |
17 |
Mr. Penfield to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Oct. 14, 7 p.m. Austria-Hungary
is not inclined to probe too deeply into the methods by which Latin
American chief executives attain office and will probably recognize
whoever in Mexico establishes himself in power. |
Mr. Bryan to certain diplomatic officers (telegram). |
Oct. 24 |
Same subject. Instructs the Embassies at Vienna, Paris, Berlin,
London, Rome, St. Petersburg and Madrid to say to the Foreign Office
that this Government will soon make certain representations as to Mexico
and meantime it is requested that no action be taken toward recognizing
a Government there. |
84 |
Mr. Page to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Oct. 24, 6 p.m. Asks whether the
Department would favor authorizing him to request the British Government
as an act of friendship, to refrain from recognizing any one claiming to
be elected President of Mexico at the elections of Oct. 26 until this
Government has had a reasonable time to consider its course. |
Mr. Herrick to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
1913. Oct. 25 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Oct. 24, 6 p.m. French Foreign
Office reticent. Indications point to a concert of European Powers on
the question. |
582 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. General Diaz remains at Vera Cruz, probably as a
campaign ruse. Mr. O’Shaughnessy has in his possession an alleged
private instruction from Huerta to the Governor of Puebla regarding the
procedure at the elections. Reports widespread belief that only armed
intervention by the United States can save Mexico. |
584 |
Same to same (telegram). |
Oct. 26 |
Same subject. The elections occurred without violence; public
apathetic; vote very small. Huerta will remain in power until he and the
new Congress decide on a date for elections. He hopes the opposition of
the United States will rally Mexicans around him. |
Mr. Gerard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Oct. 24, 6 p.m. Germany will wait
as requested. |
587 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Oct. 27 |
Same subject. Believes the document referred to in the foregoing is
authentic, and at any rate it is an expression of Huerta’s ideas and may
be taken as a basis for action. |
Mr. Page to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s Oct. 24, 6 p.m. The British
Government will await the President’s further announcement before taking
action. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Page (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The Ambassador’s Oct.24, 8 p.m. is sufficiently covered
for the present by his Oct. 27, 2 p.m. |
Mr. C. S. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s Oct. 24, 6 p.m. Russia will take
no step until after consultation and agreement with other powers.
Remarks by the Minister for Foreign Affairs. |
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Bryan, (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reply to Department’s Oct. 24, 6 p.m. Japan would like
to receive a statement of the position of the United States. |
94 |
Mr. Page to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Oct. 28 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Oct. 24, 6 p.m. Records a
conversation with Sir Edward Grey, who said he was glad to await the
President’s communication therein promised. |
21 |
Mr. Penfield to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Oct. 24, 6 p.m. Austria-Hungary
will probably follow the lead of other European powers. Comparison made
between the United States and Mexico and Austria-Hungary and
Serbia. |
2113 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his telegrams 582 and 587 and incloses the
document referred to. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Daniels. |
do |
Same subject. Advises the Secretary of the Navy that in receiving
General Felix Diaz on board the U. S. S. Wheeling at Vera Cruz, it
should be understood that he can be offered only temporary refuge and
must not use the ship as a base for political activity. |
Mr. Hanna to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Oct. 28 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Requests that
Chinese Legation be informed of distress of Chinese at Monterey to whom
the Consul General is supplying food. |
589 |
Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Revolutionary claims. Incloses documents handed to him by General
Carranza showing the policy of the Constitutionalists in regard to
foreigners and their property seized or purchased. |
Mr. Page to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Oct. 29 |
Political affairs. Reply to Department’s Oct. 24, 6 p.m. Italy will
cooperate as far as possible with the United States. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. von Meyer. |
Oct. 31 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Refers to
protection offered French citizens at Santa Rosalia. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hanna |
Nov. 3 |
Same subject. Instructs him to give necessary assistance to Chinese
mentioned in his Oct. 28, keeping account thereof for charge to Chinese
Legation. |
Mr. Herrick to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Nov. 4 |
Political affairs. Ex-President Porfirio Díaz denies interview as to
his alleged intention to return to Mexico; says he advised Huerta to
subordinate self to country. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hostetter (telegram). |
Nov. 5 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Quotes Mr.
O’Shaughnessy’s No. 2099 of Oct. 20 and instructs to say to Carranza
that he is expected to order adequate punishment of authors of the
outrages mentioned and prevent repetition of violence to
foreigners. |
Mr. Escudero to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
1913. Nov. 6 |
Political affairs. Notification of appointment o R. V. Pesqueira as
Confidential Agent of the Constitutionalist Government at
Washington. |
Mr. Bryan to certain diplomatic officers of the United States
(telegram) |
Nov. 7 |
Same subject. Instructs each of them to say to the Government to which
he is accredited that while the President can not yet announce in detail
his Mexican policy, it is his immediate duty, he feels to require
Huerta’s retirement from the Mexican Government; the United States must
now employ the necessary means to secure that result This Government
will not regard as binding upon the Mexican people anything done by
Huerta since his assumption of dictatorial powers nor anything that may
be done by the fraudulent Legislature, which he is about to convoke. The
President hopes that the Government to which the diplomatic officer
receiving this instruction is accredited will see fit to use its
influence to impress upon Huerta the wisdom of retiring in the interests
of peace and constitutional government. |
Mr. Nelson Page to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Nov. 8 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Oct. 24, 6 p.m. Italy purposes
exchanging views with the United States before adopting a line of action
regarding Mexico, but the United States should bear in mind the fact
that Italy recognized Huerta on July 16 as temporary president. |
Same to same (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Nov. 7, 10 p.m. Declines to make
public expression of sympathy with the United States policy. |
Mr. W. H. Page to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Nov. 7, 10 p.m., and reports
interview with Sir Edward Grey. |
Mr. Gerard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Nov. 7, 10 p.m. Reports evasive
answer of German Government. |
Mr. Morgan to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Nov. 9 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Nov. 7, 10 p.m. Brazil will
instruct as the United States requests. |
Mr. Schmedeman to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Nov. 10 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Nov. 7, 10 p.m. Norway will
instruct to impress upon Huerta the wisdom of retiring. |
611 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Requests instructions in view of assembling of Congress
on the 15th, usually attended by the Diplomatic Corps. |
1462 |
Mr. Moore to Mr. O’Shaughnessy. |
do |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Refers to his
2099 of Oct. 20 and instructs him to say to the Spanish Minister that
instructions have been issued to seek protection of Spanish subjects in
Mexico, and punishment of the outrages mentioned. |
422 |
Mr. Harvey to Mr. Bryan. |
Nov. 11 |
Political affairs. Refers to Department’s Nov. 7, 10 p.m. Chile,
Argentina, and Brazil will endorse and sustain the position of the
United States toward Huerta. |
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Nov. 7, 10 p.m., which was
communicated to the Japanese Government. Japan is supplying Mexico with
arms. |
Mr. H. R. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Nov. 7, 10 p.m. Guatemala will
act in harmony with the United States. |
Mr. Page to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Nov. 7, 10 p.m. The British
Government will not take the initiative in regard to Huerta but if
Huerta shows expectation of British support he will be told that he can
have it. |
104 |
Same to same (telegram) |
Nov. 13 |
Same subject. Confirms his telegram of Nov. 11 |
Mr. Price to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Nov. 7, 10 p.m. Panama
sympathizes with the efforts of the United States in regard to
Huerta. |
337 |
Mr. Hinckley to Mr. Bryan. |
Nov. 14 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Nov. 7, 10 p.m. Salvador will use
its influence to impress upon Huerta the wisdom of retiring. |
Mr. Willard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Nov. 18 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Nov. 7, 10 p.m. Spain is still
considering the matter. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. O’Shaughnessy. |
Nov. 20 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Acknowledges
his transmission of the French minister’s thanks for this Government’s
aid to French citizens at El Boleo. |
280 |
Mr. Wright to Mr. Bryan |
Nov. 21 |
Political affairs. Transmits editorials from two Rio de Janeiro papers
endorsing the policy of the United States towards Huerta. |
[Page LXXIX]
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
1913. Nov. 23 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Chihuahua
will probably fall into rebel hands without battle. |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Nov. 26 |
Same subject. Transmits request of Japanese minister for this
Government’s protection of Japanese at Pacific coast points. |
69 |
Mexican Embassy to Department of State. |
do |
Prohibition of shipment of arms, etc. Memorandum transmitting
allegations of breaches of the neutrality laws by United States officers
at Naco, Ariz. |
Mr. Gerard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Nov. 27 |
Political affairs. The Ambassador believes Germany may be persuaded to
withdraw its recognition of Huerta. |
Mr. Hale to Mr. Bryan |
Nov. 28 |
Same subject. Refers to Department’s Nov. 7, 10 p.m. The Government of
Costa Rica has not yet replied to his letter in regard thereto. |
Mr. Osborne to Mr. Edwards (telegram). |
Nov. 29 |
Protection of foreigners. Refers to his Nov. 23 and instructs him to
show to Villa the importance of protecting all foreigners in the
territory under his control. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. O’Shaughnessy (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his Nov. 26 and instructs him to say to the
Japanese minister that United States war vessels will protect foreigners
at ports where located. |
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Nov. 30 |
Political affairs. Francisco Villa’s Constitutionalist forces defeat
Federals and take Chihuahua, garrisoned until occupation by 200 Federals
in whose behalf the. Consul will us his good offices. |
10 |
Mr. Schmedeman to Mr. Bryan. |
Dec. 1 |
Political affairs. Refers to Department’s Oct. 24, 6 p.m. The minister
believes Norway will continue to give the United States the same moral
support as in the past. |
Mr. Bryan to certain diplomatic officers (telegram). |
Dec. 2 |
Same subject. Transmits extracts from the President’s annual message
relating to Mexico. (“We shall not, I believe, be obliged to alter our
policy of watchful waiting.”) |
661 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. The British Admiral, Craddock, was formally received by
Huerta. |
Same to same. |
Dec. 3 |
Prohibition of shipment of arms, etc. Memorandum transmitting
allegations of breaches of the neutrality laws by United States officers
at El Paso, Tex. |
218 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Riaño. |
Dec. 6 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Informs him
of instructions sent to Chihuahua to protect spaniards in that
district. |
39 |
Mr. Price to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Political affairs. Refers to department’s Nov. 7, 10 p.m. Panama
believes the United States is right in its Mexican policy. |
670 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Dec. 8 |
Same subject. The newspapers report that the Italian minister will
soon arrive to take up his official duties, which is even more
regrettable than the reception of the British admiral. Comments on the
situation. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers. |
Dec. 9 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Instruction
to go to Chihuahua, see Villa, I and urge on him the proper respect for
foreign interests. |
675 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Dec. 10 |
Political affairs. Transmits text of congressional session of Dec. 9;
the Grand Committee submits a bill nullifying the elections of Oct. 26;
convokes the people to extraordinary elections in July, 1914, and
continues Huerta as “Constitutional President ad interim.” |
2138 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan. |
do |
Revolutionary claims. The French and Russian Governments have refused
to. accept the Mexican proposal of July 22 for settlement of
revolutionary claims. |
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Dec. 11 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Recommends
request to Red Cross for financial aid for Spaniards about to leave
Mexico for El Paso. |
Mr. Willard to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Dec. 12 |
Same subject. Quotes requests of Spanish minister for foreign affairs
for protection of Spanish subjects in Mexico. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Letcher (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to represent to Villa the necessity for
proper treatment of Spaniards in Mexico. |
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Moore |
do |
Same subject. Informs him of imminent danger of Spaniards in Chihuahua
and requests action by this Government in their behalf. |
[Page LXXX]
Same to same. |
1913. Dec. 12 |
Same subject. Confirms the foregoing and repeats the request. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Riaño |
Dec. 13 |
Same subject. Refers to his two letters of Dec. 12; the department
will spare no effort to secure protection of his countrymen. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Willard (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Refers to his Dec. 12. Department is sending a special
consular agent to see Villa and reinforce efforts of consul at Chihuahua
in behalf of the Spaniards. |
Mr. Garrison to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Quotes General Scott concerning condition of Spanish
refugees. |
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Bryan |
do |
Same subject. Transmits thanks of Spanish Government for measures
taken by the United States in behalf of Spaniards in Chihuahua, and
suggests issuing similar instructions to other consuls in disturbed
territory. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction, to proceed to Chihuahua, see Villa and
reinforce the instructions to Consul Letcher relating to Spanish
refugees. |
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Moore |
Dec. 14 |
Same subject. Expresses the thanks of the Spanish Government for the
aid given the Spanish refugees from Chihuahua at El Paso by this
Government, the Red Cross and the El Paso people. Requests further
protection for Spanish interests in Chihuahua. |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Dec. 15 |
Same subject. Transmits the thanks of the Spanish minister to the
various authorities at El Paso for aid to Spanish refugees. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to use his good offices with Villa in behalf
of Spaniards reported to be in danger from rebel authorities. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Letcher (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to do everything possible to protect all
foreign interests and report particularly as to Spaniards. |
685 |
Mr. O’Shaughnessy to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Political affairs. The Mexican Congress adjourns until Apr. 14, 1914,
having given Huerta extraordinary powers as to finances, army and
police. |
Same to same. |
do |
Prohibition of shipment of arms, etc. Memorandum transmitting
allegations of breaches of the neutrality laws by United States officers
at Del Rio and Brownsville. Tex. |
Mr. Greystad to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Dec. 16 |
Political affairs. Refers to department’s Nov. 7, 10 p.m. Uruguay will
not accord Huerta further recognition if reports show he has established
a dictatorship. |
262 |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Chang |
do |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Chinese at
Mazatlan have stored $500,000 worth of merchandise near American
consulate and have asked the Consul’s advice as to their personal
safety. He has advised them to concentrate at the place of storage. The
department so informs the Chinese Legation. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Letcher (telegram). |
Dec. 17 |
Same subject. Same purport as his Dec. 15. |
222 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Riaño |
Dec. 18 |
Same subject. Refers to his Dec. 13, and informs him that the desired
instructions have been issued. (See next entry.) |
51 |
Mr. Bryan to certain consular officers. |
do |
Same subject. Instruction to extend all possible proper protection to
the lives and properties of Spanish subjects in their districts and to
all other foreign subjects there. |
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
do |
Same subject. Reports his efforts in behalf of Spaniards, which were
entirely futile. Gives Villa’s reasons for his conduct toward
Spaniards. |
217 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Garrett. |
Dec. 19 |
Prohibition of shipment of arms, etc. Incloses a memorandum from the
Mexican embassy dated Dec. 16, alleging action of the United States
authorities at Laredo, Tex., prejudicial to the Mexican Federal army.
Instructs to investigate and to inform the local authorities. |
199 |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Ellsworth |
Dec. 20 |
Same subject. Incloses copy of Mexican Embassy’s memorandum of Dec. 3
(ante) and instructs to bring to the attention of the local
authorities. |
Mr. Moore to the consular officers in Mexico. |
Dec. 26 |
Protection of American life and property in Mexico. Instruction to
continue up to Jan. 1, 1914, the reports called for in the first
paragraph of the instruction of Aug. 8. |
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Bryan (telegram). |
Dec. 26 |
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States. Reports
interview with Villa. |
[Page LXXXI]
Mr. Moore to Mr. Car others (telegram). |
1913. Dec. 27 |
Same subject. Instructions as to representations to be made to
Villa. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. W. B. Wilson. |
Dec. 29 |
Same subject. In relation to refuge of Japanese in the United States
if forced out of Mexico, refers him to precedent in the instructions as
to Chinese in 1912. |
Mr. Moore to Mr. Chinda |
do |
Same subject. Informs him of instructions to the consul at Chihuahua
in regard to Japanese, and of conference with the Department of Labor as
to temporary refuse of Japanese in the United States. |
Mr. Car others to Mr. Bryan. |
Dec. 31 |
Same subject. Report of interview with Villa |